def get(self, instance, aslist=False, **kwargs):
     """Return the value of the version as a list of integers. Example: [1,10]
     Except (and this is important!) if there is no value or our value is 'latest', then
     return an empty list: []
     The OOBTree, probably through Python cmp(), sorts all tuples after all lists. So
     if we make the versions as lists and the "no version" as a tuple, we will get no-version
     entries as "high" values instead of low. Only tuples, apparently, order above tuples.
     This is not guaranteed to be stable, and we absolutely must have a test for at least this! TODO!
     val = StringField.get(self, instance, **kwargs)
     if not val or val == 'latest':  # 'latest' and '' sort to end...
         return tuple()  # ...tricksy. See docstring.
             return [int(x) for x in val.split('.')]
         except ValueError:  # probably a mistake. TODO: should we just let this float?
             return val  #                           not doing so, we could get bad comparisons...
 def get(self, instance, aslist=False, **kwargs):
     """Return the value of the version as a list of integers. Example: [1,10]
     Except (and this is important!) if there is no value or our value is 'latest', then
     return an empty list: []
     The OOBTree, probably through Python cmp(), sorts all tuples after all lists. So
     if we make the versions as lists and the "no version" as a tuple, we will get no-version
     entries as "high" values instead of low. Only tuples, apparently, order above tuples.
     This is not guaranteed to be stable, and we absolutely must have a test for at least this! TODO!
     val = StringField.get(self, instance, **kwargs)
     if not val or val == 'latest': # 'latest' and '' sort to end...
         return tuple()  # ...tricksy. See docstring.
             return [int(x) for x in val.split('.')]
         except ValueError:  # probably a mistake. TODO: should we just let this float?
             return val      #                           not doing so, we could get bad comparisons...
 def getRaw(self, instance, aslist=False, **kwargs):
     """Return the value of the version as a string. Example: '1.10'
     return StringField.get(self, instance, **kwargs)
 def getRaw(self, instance, aslist=False, **kwargs):
     """Return the value of the version as a string. Example: '1.10'
     return StringField.get(self, instance, **kwargs)