def PlacefulWorkflowChain(ob, tool):
    """Monkey-patched by CMFPlacefulWorkflow to look for placeful workflow configurations.

    Goal: find a workflow chain in a policy

    1. ask the object if it contains a policy
    2. if it does, ask him for a chain
    3. if there's no chain for the type the we loop on the parent
    4. if the parent is the portal object or None we stop and ask
    if isinstance(ob, basestring):
        # We are not in an object, then we can only get default from
        # portal_workflow
        return ToolWorkflowChain(ob, tool)

    elif hasattr(aq_base(ob), 'getPortalTypeName'):
        portal_type = ob.getPortalTypeName()
        portal_type = None

    if portal_type is None or ob is None:
        return ()

    # Inspired by implementation in CPSWorkflowTool.py of CPSCore 3.9.0
    # Workflow needs to be determined by true containment not context
    # so we loop over the actual containers
    chain = None
    wfpolicyconfig = None
    current_ob = aq_inner(ob)
    # start_here is used to check 'In policy': We check it only in the
    # first folder
    start_here = True
    portal = aq_base(getToolByName(tool, 'portal_url').getPortalObject())
    while chain is None and current_ob is not None:
        if base_hasattr(current_ob, WorkflowPolicyConfig_id):
            wfpolicyconfig = getattr(current_ob, WorkflowPolicyConfig_id)
            chain = wfpolicyconfig.getPlacefulChainFor(portal_type,
            if chain is not None:
                return chain

        elif aq_base(current_ob) is portal:
        start_here = False
        current_ob = aq_inner(aq_parent(current_ob))

    # fallback on the default mechanism
    return ToolWorkflowChain(ob, tool)
def SamplePrepTransitionEventHandler(instance, event):
    """Sample preparation is considered complete when the sampleprep workflow
    reaches a state which has no exit transitions.

    If the stateis state's ID is the same as any AnalysisRequest primary
    workflow ID, then the AnalysisRequest will be sent directly to that state.

    If the final state's ID is not found in the AR workflow, the AR will be
    transitioned to 'sample_received'.
    if not event.transition:
        # creation doesn't have a 'transition'

    if not event.new_state.getTransitions():
        # Is this the final (No exit transitions) state?
        workflow = ploneapi.portal.get_tool("portal_workflow")
        primary_wf_name = list(ToolWorkflowChain(instance, workflow))[0]
        primary_wf = workflow.getWorkflowById(primary_wf_name)
        primary_wf_states = primary_wf.states.keys()
        if event.new_state.id in primary_wf_states:
            # final state name matches review_state in primary workflow:
            dst_state = event.new_state.id
            # fallback state:
            dst_state = 'sample_received'
        changeWorkflowState(instance, primary_wf_name, dst_state)
def SamplePrepWorkflowChain(ob, wftool):
    """Responsible for inserting the optional sampling preparation workflow
    into the workflow chain for objects with ISamplePrepWorkflow

    This is only done if the object is in 'sample_prep' state in the
    primary workflow (review_state).
    # use catalog to retrieve review_state: getInfoFor causes recursion loop
    chain = list(ToolWorkflowChain(ob, wftool))
    bc = ploneapi.portal.get_tool('bika_catalog')
    proxies = bc(UID=ob.UID())
    if not proxies or proxies[0].review_state != 'sample_prep':
        return chain
    sampleprep_workflow = ob.getPreparationWorkflow()
    if sampleprep_workflow:
    return tuple(chain)
def SamplePrepWorkflowChain(ob, wftool):
    """Responsible for inserting the optional sampling preparation workflow
    into the workflow chain for objects with ISamplePrepWorkflow

    This is only done if the object is in 'sample_prep' state in the
    primary workflow (review_state).
    # use catalog to retrieve review_state: getInfoFor causes recursion loop
    chain = list(ToolWorkflowChain(ob, wftool))
        bc = getToolByName(ob, 'bika_catalog')
    except AttributeError:
            "Error getting 'bika_catalog' using 'getToolByName' with '{0}'"
            " as context.".format(ob))
        return chain
    proxies = bc(UID=ob.UID())
    if not proxies or proxies[0].review_state != 'sample_prep':
        return chain
    sampleprep_workflow = ob.getPreparationWorkflow()
    if sampleprep_workflow:
    return tuple(chain)