 def testModifyRolesForPermission(self):
     modifyRolesForPermission(self.ob, 'View', ['Manager'])
         self.ob, 'View management screens', ['Member'])
     self.assertEqual(self.ob._View_Permission, ['Manager'])
         self.ob._View_management_screens_Permission, ['Member'])
 def testModifyRolesForPermission(self):
     modifyRolesForPermission(self.ob, 'View', ['Manager'])
     modifyRolesForPermission(self.ob, 'View management screens',
     self.assertEqual(self.ob._View_Permission, ['Manager'])
 def updateRoleMappingsFor(self, ob):
     """Changes the object permissions according to the current state.
     changed = 0
     sdef = self._getWorkflowStateOf(ob)
     if sdef is None:
         return 0
     # Update the role -> permission map.
     if self.permissions:
         for p in self.permissions:
             roles = []
             if sdef.permission_roles is not None:
                 roles = sdef.permission_roles.get(p, roles)
             if modifyRolesForPermission(ob, p, roles):
                 changed = 1
     # Update the group -> role map.
     groups = self.getGroups()
     managed_roles = self.getRoles()
     if groups and managed_roles:
         for group in groups:
             roles = ()
             if sdef.group_roles is not None:
                 roles = sdef.group_roles.get(group, ())
             if modifyRolesForGroup(ob, group, roles, managed_roles):
                 changed = 1
     return changed
 def updateRoleMappingsFor(self, ob):
     """Changes the object permissions according to the current state.
     changed = 0
     sdef = self._getWorkflowStateOf(ob)
     if sdef is None:
         return 0
     # Update the role -> permission map.
     if self.permissions:
         for p in self.permissions:
             roles = []
             if sdef.permission_roles is not None:
                 roles = sdef.permission_roles.get(p, roles)
             if modifyRolesForPermission(ob, p, roles):
                 changed = 1
     # Update the group -> role map.
     groups = self.getGroups()
     managed_roles = self.getRoles()
     if groups and managed_roles:
         for group in groups:
             roles = ()
             if sdef.group_roles is not None:
                 roles = sdef.group_roles.get(group, ())
             if modifyRolesForGroup(ob, group, roles, managed_roles):
                 changed = 1
     return changed
 def setCommentType(self, data):
     field = self.getField('commentType')
     field.set(self, data)
     data = field.get(self) # After cleanup
     # Apply permissions according to type
     view_roles = None
     for atype in Comment.types:
         if data == atype.getId():
            view_roles = atype.getViewRoles()
     if view_roles is None:
     for view_perm in (permissions.AccessContentsInformation, permissions.View):
         modifyRolesForPermission(self, view_perm, view_roles )# if roles is a tuple, this means not to acquire
     # Only owner can modify this
文件: DCWorkflow.py 项目: poses/erp5
def updateRoleMappingsFor(self, ob):
    Changes the object permissions according to the current
    changed = 0
    sdef = self._getWorkflowStateOf(ob)

    tool = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
    other_workflow_list = \
       [x for x in tool.getWorkflowsFor(ob) if x.id != self.id and isinstance(x,DCWorkflowDefinition)]
    other_data_list = []
    for other_workflow in other_workflow_list:
        other_sdef = other_workflow._getWorkflowStateOf(ob)
        if other_sdef is not None and other_sdef.permission_roles is not None:
            other_data_list.append((other_workflow, other_sdef))
    # Be carefull, permissions_roles should not change
    # from list to tuple or vice-versa. (in modifyRolesForPermission,
    # list means acquire roles, tuple means do not acquire)
    if sdef is not None and self.permissions:
        for p in self.permissions:
            roles = []
            refused_roles = []
            role_type = 'list'
            other_role_type_list = []
            if sdef.permission_roles is not None:
                roles = sdef.permission_roles.get(p, roles)
                if type(roles) is type(()):
                    role_type = 'tuple'
                roles = list(roles)
            # We will check that each role is activated
            # in each DCWorkflow
            for other_workflow, other_sdef in other_data_list:
                if p in other_workflow.permissions:
                    other_roles = other_sdef.permission_roles.get(p, [])
                    if type(other_roles) is type(()):
                    for role in roles:
                        if role not in other_roles:
            for role in refused_roles:
                if role in roles:
            if role_type == 'tuple' and ((not other_role_type_list) or
                                         ('list' not in other_role_type_list)):
                #If at least, one of other workflows manage security and for all are role_type are tuple
                roles = tuple(roles)
            if modifyRolesForPermission(ob, p, roles):
                changed = 1
    return changed
def updateRoleMappingsFor(self, ob):
    Changes the object permissions according to the current
    changed = 0
    sdef = self._getWorkflowStateOf(ob)

    tool = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
    other_workflow_list = [
        x for x in tool.getWorkflowsFor(ob) if x.id != self.id and isinstance(x, DCWorkflowDefinition)
    other_data_list = []
    for other_workflow in other_workflow_list:
        other_sdef = other_workflow._getWorkflowStateOf(ob)
        if other_sdef is not None and other_sdef.permission_roles is not None:
            other_data_list.append((other_workflow, other_sdef))
    # Be carefull, permissions_roles should not change
    # from list to tuple or vice-versa. (in modifyRolesForPermission,
    # list means acquire roles, tuple means do not acquire)
    if sdef is not None and self.permissions:
        for p in self.permissions:
            roles = []
            refused_roles = []
            role_type = "list"
            other_role_type_list = []
            if sdef.permission_roles is not None:
                roles = sdef.permission_roles.get(p, roles)
                if type(roles) is type(()):
                    role_type = "tuple"
                roles = list(roles)
            # We will check that each role is activated
            # in each DCWorkflow
            for other_workflow, other_sdef in other_data_list:
                if p in other_workflow.permissions:
                    other_roles = other_sdef.permission_roles.get(p, [])
                    if type(other_roles) is type(()):
                    for role in roles:
                        if role not in other_roles:
            for role in refused_roles:
                if role in roles:
            if role_type == "tuple" and ((not other_role_type_list) or ("list" not in other_role_type_list)):
                # If at least, one of other workflows manage security and for all are role_type are tuple
                roles = tuple(roles)
            if modifyRolesForPermission(ob, p, roles):
                changed = 1
    return changed
def initialize_bise_checkout(context):
    """ A GenericSetup import handler.

    if context.readDataFile('bise.country.txt') is None:

    site = context.getSite()

    # create checkout-folder
    # assign ICountryFolder to folders in /countries

    cf = createContentInContainer(site, 'Folder', title='Checkout folder')
    logger.info("Created /checkout-folder")

    # We grant "Add portal content" permission on the checkout-folder
    perm = 'Add portal content'
    pm = set(getPermissionMapping(perm, cf, st=tuple))
    pm.update(['Contributor', 'Reviewer', 'Editor', 'Manager', 'Owner'])
    modifyRolesForPermission(cf, perm, tuple(pm))

    for name in ['countries']:
def remap_workflow(context, type_ids, chain, state_map={}):
    """Change the workflow for each type in type_ids to use the workflow
    chain given. state_map is a dictionary of old state names to
    new ones. States that are not found will be remapped to the default
    state of the new workflow.

    if chain is None:
        chain = '(Default)'

    portal_workflow = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow')

    default_chain = portal_workflow.getDefaultChain()
    chains_by_type = dict(portal_workflow.listChainOverrides())

    # Build a dictionary of type id -> chain before we made changes
    old_chains = dict([(t, chains_by_type.get(t, default_chain))
                       for t in type_ids])

    # Work out which permissions were managed by the old chain, but not
    # by the new chain. This may vary by type id.

    # Update the workflow chain in portal_workflows.

    # XXX: There is no decent API for this it seems :-(
    if chain == '(Default)':
        cbt = portal_workflow._chains_by_type
        for type_id in type_ids:
            if type_id in cbt:
                del cbt[type_id]
        portal_workflow.setChainForPortalTypes(type_ids, chain)

    # Now remap, and fix permissions

    # For each portal type, work out which workflows were controlling them
    # before, and which permissions were in that, which are not in the new
    # chain. These permissions need to be reset to 'Acquire'.

    chain_workflows = {}
    new_chain_permissions = set()
    permissions_to_reset = {}

    if chain == '(Default)':
        chain = default_chain
    for c in chain:
        if c not in chain_workflows:
            chain_workflows[c] = getattr(portal_workflow, c)
            for permission in chain_workflows[c].permissions:

    for typeid, oc in old_chains.items():
        if oc == '(Default)':
            oc = default_chain
        permissions_to_reset[typeid] = set()
        for c in oc:
            if c not in chain_workflows:
                chain_workflows[c] = getattr(portal_workflow, c)
            for permission in chain_workflows[c].permissions:
                if permission not in new_chain_permissions:

    portal_catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')

    # Then update the state of each
    remapped_count = 0
    threshold_count = 0
    for brain in portal_catalog(portal_type=type_ids):
        obj = brain.getObject()
        portal_type = brain.portal_type

        # If there are permissions to reset to acquire, do so now
        for permission in permissions_to_reset[brain.portal_type]:
            # A list makes it acquire ... if it was a tuple, it wouldn't
            modifyRolesForPermission(obj, permission, [])

        # Work out what, if any, the previous state of the object was

        if len(chain) > 0:
            old_chain = old_chains[portal_type]
            old_wf = None
            if len(old_chain) > 0:
                old_wf = chain_workflows[old_chain[0]]

            old_state = None
            if old_wf is not None:
                old_status = portal_workflow.getStatusOf(old_wf.getId(), obj)
                if old_status is not None:
                    old_state = old_status.get('review_state', None)

            # Now add a transition
            for new_wf_name in chain:
                new_wf = chain_workflows[new_wf_name]
                new_status = {
                    'action': None,
                    'actor': None,
                    'comments': 'State remapped from control panel',
                    'review_state': state_map.get(old_state,
                    'time': DateTime()
                portal_workflow.setStatusOf(new_wf_name, obj, new_status)

                # Trigger any automatic transitions, or else just make sure the role mappings are right
                auto_transition = new_wf._findAutomaticTransition(
                    obj, new_wf._getWorkflowStateOf(obj))
                if auto_transition is not None:
                    new_wf._changeStateOf(obj, auto_transition)

        obj.reindexObject(idxs=['allowedRolesAndUsers', 'review_state'])

        remapped_count += 1
        threshold_count += 1

        if threshold_count > SAVE_THRESHOLD:
            threshold_count = 0

    return remapped_count
 def hide(self, doc):
     modifyRolesForPermission(doc, 'View', ('Manager', 'Owner'))
文件: remap.py 项目: CGTIC/Plone_SP
def remap_workflow(context, type_ids, chain, state_map={}):
    """Change the workflow for each type in type_ids to use the workflow
    chain given. state_map is a dictionary of old state names to
    new ones. States that are not found will be remapped to the default
    state of the new workflow.

    if chain is None:
        chain = '(Default)'

    portal_workflow = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow')

    default_chain = portal_workflow.getDefaultChain()
    chains_by_type = dict(portal_workflow.listChainOverrides())

    # Build a dictionary of type id -> chain before we made changes
    old_chains = dict([(t, chains_by_type.get(t, default_chain)) for t in type_ids])

    # Work out which permissions were managed by the old chain, but not
    # by the new chain. This may vary by type id.

    # Update the workflow chain in portal_workflows.

    # XXX: There is no decent API for this it seems :-(
    if chain == '(Default)':
        cbt = portal_workflow._chains_by_type
        for type_id in type_ids:
            if type_id in cbt:
                del cbt[type_id]
        portal_workflow.setChainForPortalTypes(type_ids, chain)

    # Now remap, and fix permissions

    # For each portal type, work out which workflows were controlling them
    # before, and which permissions were in that, which are not in the new
    # chain. These permissions need to be reset to 'Acquire'.

    chain_workflows = {}
    new_chain_permissions = set()
    permissions_to_reset = {}

    if chain == '(Default)':
        chain = default_chain
    for c in chain:
        if c not in chain_workflows:
            chain_workflows[c] = getattr(portal_workflow, c)
            for permission in chain_workflows[c].permissions:

    for typeid, oc in old_chains.items():
        if oc == '(Default)':
            oc = default_chain
        permissions_to_reset[typeid] = set()
        for c in oc:
            if c not in chain_workflows:
                chain_workflows[c] = getattr(portal_workflow, c)
            for permission in chain_workflows[c].permissions:
                if permission not in new_chain_permissions:

    portal_catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')

    # Then update the state of each
    remapped_count = 0
    threshold_count = 0
    for brain in portal_catalog(portal_type=type_ids):
        obj = brain.getObject()
        portal_type = brain.portal_type

        # If there are permissions to reset to acquire, do so now
        for permission in permissions_to_reset[brain.portal_type]:
            # A list makes it acquire ... if it was a tuple, it wouldn't
            modifyRolesForPermission(obj, permission, [])

        # Work out what, if any, the previous state of the object was

        if len(chain) > 0:
            old_chain = old_chains[portal_type]
            old_wf = None
            if len(old_chain) > 0:
                old_wf = chain_workflows[old_chain[0]]

            old_state = None
            if old_wf is not None:
                old_status = portal_workflow.getStatusOf(old_wf.getId(), obj)
                if old_status is not None:
                    old_state = old_status.get('review_state', None)

            # Now add a transition
            for new_wf_name in chain:
                new_wf = chain_workflows[new_wf_name]
                new_status = {'action': None,
                              'actor': None,
                              'comments': 'State remapped from control panel',
                              'review_state': state_map.get(old_state, new_wf.initial_state),
                              'time': DateTime()}
                portal_workflow.setStatusOf(new_wf_name, obj, new_status)

                # Trigger any automatic transitions, or else just make sure the role mappings are right
                auto_transition = new_wf._findAutomaticTransition(obj, new_wf._getWorkflowStateOf(obj))
                if auto_transition is not None:
                    new_wf._changeStateOf(obj, auto_transition)

        obj.reindexObject(idxs=['allowedRolesAndUsers', 'review_state'])

        remapped_count += 1
        threshold_count += 1

        if threshold_count > SAVE_THRESHOLD:
            threshold_count = 0

    return remapped_count