def test_prime_factorization(self):
     values = Arithmetic.prime_factorization(1)
     msg = 'Prime factorization for 1'
     exp = np.array([])
     self.assertListEqual(list(exp), list(values), msg)
     values = Arithmetic.prime_factorization(3)
     msg = 'Prime factorization for 3'
     exp = np.array([3])
     self.assertListEqual(list(exp), list(values), msg)
     values = Arithmetic.prime_factorization(6)
     msg = 'Prime factorization for 3'
     exp = np.array([2, 3])
     self.assertListEqual(list(exp), list(values), msg)
     values = Arithmetic.prime_factorization(10)
     msg = 'Prime factorization for 3'
     exp = np.array([2, 5])
     self.assertListEqual(list(exp), list(values), msg)
     values = Arithmetic.prime_factorization(15)
     msg = 'Prime factorization for 3'
     exp = np.array([3, 5])
     self.assertListEqual(list(exp), list(values), msg)
 def find_solution(self):
     This method contains the guts of finding the solution.
     The timer starts just prior to calling this method
     and stops just after returning the solution's value.
     #  What number to we want to include up to.
     up_to = 20
     # Initialize the prime factors for the solution
     factors = np.array([])
     # Starting at 1 and going up to the up_to limit,
     # Calculate the prime factorization for each item
     # If the facotrs have already been accounted for, we're
     # all set.
     #  Ex:  from 2 to 7 the factors array would include
     #       [ 2, 2, 3, 5, 7 ]
     #       The prime factorization for 8 is 2 * 2 * 2.
     #       The factors array already has 2's but not three
     #       of them so add one more.
     #       [ 2, 2, 2, 3, 5, 7 ]
     for item in range(2, up_to + 1):
         # Get the prime factorization for "item"
         primes = Arithmetic.prime_factorization(item)
         for factor in primes:
             # if the factor is not present or there are not enough 
             # of them append another one on
             if sum(factors == factor) < sum(primes == factor):
                 factors = np.append(factors, factor)
     # Final answer is the product of the accumulated primes
 def find_solution(self):
     This method contains the guts of finding the solution.
     The timer starts just prior to calling this method
     and stops just after returning the solution's value.
     value = 600851475143
     factors = Arithmetic.prime_factorization(value)
     if not == value:
         print 'ERROR'
     return "%d" % factors[-1]