def part_a(): pz_input = ReadInput(3).data wire_segments = [] min_dist = None for wire in pz_input: x = 0 y = 0 new_segments = [] moves = wire.split(",") for move in moves: if move == "": continue new_x = x new_y = y if move[0] == "R": new_x += int(move[1:]) elif move[0] == "L": new_x -= int(move[1:]) elif move[0] == "U": new_y += int(move[1:]) elif move[0] == "D": new_y -= int(move[1:]) new_segments.append((x, y, new_x, new_y)) x = new_x y = new_y wire_segments.append(new_segments) for i in wire_segments[0]: for j in wire_segments[1]: does_intersect, dist, point = check_intersect(i, j) if does_intersect and (min_dist is None or dist < min_dist) and dist > 0: min_dist = dist return min_dist
def part_b(): pz_input = ReadInput(3).data wire_segments = [] min_dist = None for wire in pz_input: x = 0 y = 0 new_segments = [] moves = wire.split(",") for move in moves: if move == "": continue new_x = x new_y = y if move[0] == "R": new_x += int(move[1:]) elif move[0] == "L": new_x -= int(move[1:]) elif move[0] == "U": new_y += int(move[1:]) elif move[0] == "D": new_y -= int(move[1:]) new_segments.append((x, y, new_x, new_y)) x = new_x y = new_y wire_segments.append(new_segments) for i in wire_segments[0]: for j in wire_segments[1]: does_intersect, dist, point = check_intersect(i, j) if does_intersect: wire_1 = 0 wire_2 = 0 for m in wire_segments[0]: if m[0] == m[2] and m[2] == point[0] and min(m[1], m[3]) <= point[1] <= max(m[1], m[3]): wire_1 += abs(point[1] - m[1]) break elif m[1] == m[3] and m[3] == point[1] and min(m[0], m[2]) <= point[0] <= max(m[0], m[2]): wire_1 += abs(point[0] - m[0]) break else: wire_1 += abs(m[2] - m[0]) + abs(m[3] - m[1]) for n in wire_segments[1]: if n[0] == n[2] and n[2] == point[0] and min(n[1], n[3]) <= point[1] <= max(n[1], n[3]): wire_2 += abs(point[1] - n[1]) break elif n[1] == n[3] and n[3] == point[1] and min(n[0], n[2]) <= point[0] <= max(n[0], n[2]): wire_2 += abs(point[0] - n[0]) break else: wire_2 += abs(n[2] - n[0]) + abs(n[3] - n[1]) if min_dist is None or wire_1 + wire_2 < min_dist: min_dist = wire_1 + wire_2 return min_dist
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput import math from collections import defaultdict pz_input = ReadInput(14).data # pz_input = ["157 ORE => 5 NZVS", "165 ORE => 6 DCFZ", "44 XJWVT, 5 KHKGT, 1 QDVJ, 29 NZVS, 9 GPVTF, 48 HKGWZ => 1 FUEL", "12 HKGWZ, 1 GPVTF, 8 PSHF => 9 QDVJ", "179 ORE => 7 PSHF", "177 ORE => 5 HKGWZ", "7 DCFZ, 7 PSHF => 2 XJWVT", "165 ORE => 2 GPVTF", "3 DCFZ, 7 NZVS, 5 HKGWZ, 10 PSHF => 8 KHKGT"] # pz_input = ["2 VPVL, 7 FWMGM, 2 CXFTF, 11 MNCFX => 1 STKFG", "17 NVRVD, 3 JNWZP => 8 VPVL", "53 STKFG, 6 MNCFX, 46 VJHF, 81 HVMC, 68 CXFTF, 25 GNMV => 1 FUEL", "22 VJHF, 37 MNCFX => 5 FWMGM", "139 ORE => 4 NVRVD", "144 ORE => 7 JNWZP", "5 MNCFX, 7 RFSQX, 2 FWMGM, 2 VPVL, 19 CXFTF => 3 HVMC", "5 VJHF, 7 MNCFX, 9 VPVL, 37 CXFTF => 6 GNMV", "145 ORE => 6 MNCFX", "1 NVRVD => 8 CXFTF", "1 VJHF, 6 MNCFX => 4 RFSQX", "176 ORE => 6 VJHF"] # pz_input = ["171 ORE => 8 CNZTR", "7 ZLQW, 3 BMBT, 9 XCVML, 26 XMNCP, 1 WPTQ, 2 MZWV, 1 RJRHP => 4 PLWSL", "114 ORE => 4 BHXH", "14 VRPVC => 6 BMBT", "6 BHXH, 18 KTJDG, 12 WPTQ, 7 PLWSL, 31 FHTLT, 37 ZDVW => 1 FUEL", "6 WPTQ, 2 BMBT, 8 ZLQW, 18 KTJDG, 1 XMNCP, 6 MZWV, 1 RJRHP => 6 FHTLT", "15 XDBXC, 2 LTCX, 1 VRPVC => 6 ZLQW", "13 WPTQ, 10 LTCX, 3 RJRHP, 14 XMNCP, 2 MZWV, 1 ZLQW => 1 ZDVW", "5 BMBT => 4 WPTQ", "189 ORE => 9 KTJDG", "1 MZWV, 17 XDBXC, 3 XCVML => 2 XMNCP", "12 VRPVC, 27 CNZTR => 2 XDBXC", "15 KTJDG, 12 BHXH => 5 XCVML", "3 BHXH, 2 VRPVC => 7 MZWV", "121 ORE => 7 VRPVC", "7 XCVML => 6 RJRHP", "5 BHXH, 4 VRPVC => 5 LTCX"] # pz_input = ["9 ORE => 2 A", "8 ORE => 3 B", "7 ORE => 5 C", "3 A, 4 B => 1 AB", "5 B, 7 C => 1 BC", "4 C, 1 A => 1 CA", "2 AB, 3 BC, 4 CA => 1 FUEL"] reactions = {} for reaction in pz_input: if reaction == "": continue sides = reaction.split(" => ") ingredients = sides[0].split(", ") quantities = [] for i in ingredients: stuff = i.split(" ") quantities.append((int(stuff[0]), stuff[1])) outputs = sides[1].split(" ") reactions[outputs[1]] = [int(outputs[0]), quantities] def find_ore_cost(num_fuel): required = defaultdict(lambda: 0) extra = defaultdict(lambda: 0) required["FUEL"] = num_fuel # 1877913 finished = False while not finished: finished = True
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput import time import numpy as np from collections import defaultdict import collections pz_input = np.array([np.array(list(x)) for x in ReadInput(18).data]) # pz_input = np.array([list(x) for x in ["#########", "#[email protected]#", "#########"]]) # pz_input = np.array([list(x) for x in ["########################", "#[email protected].#", "######################.#", "#d.....................#", "########################"]]) # pz_input = np.array([list(x) for x in ["########################", "#...............b.C.D.f#", "#.######################", "#[email protected]#", "########################"]]) # pz_input = np.array([list(x) for x in ["#################", "#i.G..c...e..H.p#", "########.########", "#j.A..b...f..D.o#", "########@########", "#k.E..a...g..B.n#", "########.########", "#l.F..d...h..C.m#", "#################"]]) # pz_input = np.array([list(x) for x in ["########################", "", "###d#e#f################", "###A#B#C################", "###g#h#i################", "########################"]]) # pz_input = np.array([list(x) for x in ["#################################################################################", "#.......#...#...#...........#.....#...#.#.....#m......#.......#.....#........u..#", "#####.#.#.#.#.#.###.#######.###.#.#.#.#.#.###.###.#####.#.###.###.#.###########.#", "#.....#...#...#.....#.#.....#...#...#...#.#....e#.......#...#.....#.....#.......#", "#.###################.#.#####.#########.#.#####.###########.###########.#.#######", "#.#...#...#...........#.#.....#.......#.#.....#.....#.....#...#.......#.#.#.....#", "#.#S#.###.#.#####.#####.#.###.#.###.###.#####.#####.#.###.###.#.#.#####.#.#.###.#", "#.#.#...#.#...#.#.......#.#.#.#.#...#...#.D.#.#...#...#.#.#...#.#.#.....#j..#...#", "#.#.###.#.###.#.#########.#.#.###.###.###.#.#.#.#.#####.#.#.###.###.#########.###", "#.#...#.#...#...#.#.........#...#.#...#.#.#...#.#.....#...#...#...#.#.#.....#...#", "#.###.#.###.###.#.#.#########.#.#.#.###.#.#####.#####.#.#####.###.#.#.#.#.#.###.#", "#...#.#c..#.....#.......#...#.#.#.#.#...#...#.....#.#.#.#.....#...#.#...#.#...#.#", "#.###.###.#.#############.#.###.#.#.#.#.###.#####.#.#.#.#.#####.###.#.###.###.#.#", "#.#...#.#.#.........#.....#...#.#.....#.#.#...#.#...#.#...#...#.....#.#...#...K.#", "#.#.###.#.#########.#.#######.#.#########.###.#.###.#.#####.#.#.#######.#########", "#.......#.#.......#h..#.....#.#.........#...#.#.....#.......#...#.....#.#...#...#", "#.#######.#O#####.#######.#.#.#.#######.###.#.#.#######.#######.#.###F#.#.#.#.#.#", "#.#....y..#...#...#.....#.#.#.#.#.#.....#...#.#.#.....#.#.....#...#.#.#...#.#.#.#", "###.#####.###.#.###.###.#.###.#.#.#.###.#.#.#.###.###.#.#.###.#####.#.#.###.#.#.#", "#...#.....#.#.#...#.#.Z.#...#.#.#.#.#...#.#.#.....#.#.#.#.#.#...#.....#...#...#.#", "#.###.#####.#.###A#.#.###.#.#.#.#.#.#####.#########.#.#.#.#.###.#.#########.###.#", "#.#.#.#.....#.#.#...#.#...#...#...#.....#.#.........#.#.#.#.#...#.#.......#.#...#", "#.#.#.#####.#.#.#######.#########.#####.#.#.#####.#.#.#.#.#.#####.#.###.#.###.#.#", "#.#.#...#...#.#...#.....#.....#.......#.#.#.#.#...#.#.#.#.#.....#.#.#...#.....#.#", "#.#.###.#.#.#.###.#.#######.#.#####.###.#.#.#.#.#####.#.#.#.#.###.###.#########X#", "#.#...#...#.#...#.#...#.....#.....#.#...#.....#.#...#.#.#.#.#...#...#.....#.....#", "#.#W#.#####.###N#.###.#.#.#######.###.#.#######.#.#.#.###.#.###.###.#####.###.###", "#i#.#.....#.#.#.#...#.#.#.#.....#.....#.#..r..#...#.#...#.#.#.....#.#...#...#.#.#", "#.#######.#.#.#.#.###.###.#.###########.#.###.#.###.###.#.###.#####.#.#.###.#.#.#", "#.......#...#.#.#...#...#.#.............#.#.#.#.#.#...#...#...#.....#.#.....#.#.#", "#.#####.#.###.#.#.#.###.#.#.#############.#.#.#.#.###.#####.###.#####.#######.#.#", "#.#.#...#.....#.#.#...#..t#...#.#.......#.#.#.#...#.....#.....#...#...#.....#.#.#", "#.#.#.#######.#.#.###.#######.#.#.#.#####.#.#.#.###.###.#####.###.###.#.###.#.#.#", "#...#.#...#...#.#...#.....#.#.#...#.....#.#.#.#.#...#.........#.#...#...T.#.#...#", "###.#.#.#.#.###.###.#.###.#.#.#########.#.#.#.###.###########.#.###.#####.#.###.#", "#...#...#.#.#...#...#...#...#.......#...#.#.#...#.#.....#...#...#...#...#.#...#.#", "#.#######.###.###.#####.###########.#.###.#.###.#.#.###.#.#.###.#.###.#.#####.###", "#.#...#v#...#.#.#.....#.........#...#...#.#.......#...#..l#...#.#.....#.....#.P.#", "#.#.#.#.###.#.#.#####.#########.#.#####.#.###########.#######.#############.###.#", "#...#.....#...#...............#.............................#....b..............#", "#######################################.@.#######################################", "#...#.#.........#.....#...........#...........#...#.....#.......#...#.....Q.#...#", "#.#.#.#.#####.###.#.#.#.#####.###.#.###.#.###.#.#.#.###.#.#####.#.#.#.#.###.###.#", "#.#.#.#.#...#.....#.#.#.#.#...#...#...#.#.#.....#.#...#...#.....#.#.#.#...#.#...#", "#.#.#.#.#.#.#######.###.#.#.#####.###.#.#.#######.###.#####.#####.#.#.###.#.#.#.#", "#.#...#.#.#.....#.#.#.B...#.....#.#...#.#.....#.....#.#...#.......#.#.#...#...#.#", "#.#####.#.#####.#.#.#.#######.#.###.###.#.###.###.###.#.#####.#####.#.#.#######.#", "#.#...#q#..f#.....#...#.....#.#...#.#...#.#.#...#.#.....#...#.#...#...#.#.....#.#", "#.#.#.#.#.#.#######.###.###.###.#.#.#.###.#.###.###.#####.#.#.###.#####.#.###.#.#", "#...#.#.#.#...#...#p..#.#.#...#.#...#...#.....#...#.#.....#.#.....#...#...#...#.#", "#####.#.#####.#.#.###.#.#.###.#########.#####.###.#.#.#####.#####.###.#####.###.#", "#.....#.......#.#.#...#.#...#.#.......#.#...#.#.#...#.#...#.....#.....#.#...#.#.#", "#.###########.#.#.#####.###.#L#.#####R#.#.#.#.#.#####.#.#.#####.#####.#.#.###.#.#", "#...........#.#.#.......#...#...#...#...#.#.#.....#...#.#.....#...#...#.#...#...#", "#######.###.#.#.#########.#.#####.#.#######.#####.#.#######.#.###.#.###.###.###.#", "#.......#...#.#.#.........#.......#.....#...#.....#.#.....#.#...#.#...#...#...#.#", "#.#######.###.#.#.###.#################.#.###.#####.#.#.#.###.###.###.###.###.#.#", "#.#.........#.#.#...#.............#.....#.........#.#.#.#.....#...#.#.......#.#.#", "#.###.#######.#.###########.#####.#.###############.###.#####.#.###.#.#####.#.###", "#...#.#.......#.#.........#.#...#.#.#...#.......#...#...#.#...#.#.....#...#.#...#", "#.#G###.#######.#.#######.#.###.#.###.#.#.#####.#.###.###.#.###.#######.#.#####.#", "#.#...#....x#.#.#.#z#.....#.....#.....#.#.....#...#...#...#.#...#.......#.#...#.#", "#.###.#####.#.#.#.#.#########.#########.#####.#######.#.###.#####.#######.#.#.#.#", "#k#.#.....#...#...#.#.....#...#.......#.#...#.#.......#.#...#.....#.#...#...#.#.#", "#.#.#####.###.#####.#.###.#.###.#####.#.#.#.#.#.#.#####.#.###.#####.#.#.#####.#H#", "#.#.....#...#.....#.#...#.#.#...#...#...#.#...#.#.#.....#.#...#...#...#...#.#.#.#", "#.#.###.###.#####.#.###.#.#.#.###.#.###.#.#######.#.###.#.#.###.#.#.###.#Y#.#.#.#", "#...#...#.#...#...#.....#..o#.#.#.#.....#.#.......#.#...#...#...#...#...#...#..g#", "#####.###.#.###.#######.#####.#.#.#######.#####.###.###.#############.#####.###.#", "#...#.#...#.....#.....#.....#.#.#...#...#.......#.....#...#...........#.#...#...#", "#.#.#.###.#######.###.#######.#.###.#.###########.###.###.#.###########.#.###.###", "#.#.#.#.....#.#.....#.#.......#...#.#...#...#...#...#.#...#.......#...#.I.#.#...#", "#.#.#.#.###.#.#.###.#.#.#######.#.#.###.#.###.#.#.###.#.#########.###.#.###.###.#", "#.#.#.#.#...#s....#.#.#.......#a#.#.....#.#...#.#.#...#.....#.....#...#.....#.#.#", "#.###M#U###.#####.#.#.###.###.###.#####.#.#.###.#.#.#.#####.#.#####.#V#####.#.#.#", "#.....#...#...#...#.#...#...#.#...#....n#.#...#d..#.#.#.J.#...#.....#...#..w#.#.#", "#.#######.###.#####.###.#####.#.###.#####.###.#####.#.#.#.###.#####.#####.###.#.#", "#.......#.#.#...#...#.#.....#.#...#.#...#...#.#.#...#.#.#.#...#...#...........#.#", "#######.#.#.###E#.###.#####.#.#.#.#.###.#.###.#.#.#####.#.#####.#.#############.#", "#.........#.......#.........C.#.#.......#.......#.......#.......#...............#", "################################################################################"]]) # np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=85, linewidth=100000) # print("\n".join([row.tostring().decode("utf-8") for row in pz_input]).replace(".", " ")) def find_best_path(pf): for key in pf.get_remaining_keys(): new_child = pf.copy() made_it = new_child.path_to(key) if made_it: find_best_path(new_child) def get_dist_to(curr, finish): return abs(curr[0] - finish[0]) + abs(curr[1] - finish[1]) def dist_between(start, finish, map):
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput pz_input = ReadInput(7).data def part_a(): rules = {} for rule in pz_input: if rule == "": continue pieces = rule.split(" -> ") logic = pieces[0].split(" ") if len(logic) == 1: rules[pieces[1]] = [logic[0]] elif len(logic) == 2: rules[pieces[1]] = [logic[1], "NOT"] elif len(logic) == 3: rules[pieces[1]] = [logic[0], logic[1], logic[2]] else: raise ValueError("Invalid Length:", logic) while True: for k in rules: v = rules[k] if len(v) == 1: if isinstance(v[0], str) and v[0].isnumeric(): rules[k] = [int(v[0])] elif isinstance(v[0], str) and len( rules[v[0]]) == 1 and isinstance(rules[v[0]][0], int): rules[k] = [rules[v[0]][0]] elif len(v) == 2: if len(rules[v[0]]) == 1 and isinstance(rules[v[0]][0],
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput from collections import defaultdict pz_input = ReadInput(13).data def part_a(): modifiers = defaultdict(lambda: {}) for case in pz_input: if case == "": continue pieces = case.split(" ") modifiers[pieces[0]][pieces[10][:-1]] = int(pieces[3]) * (1 if pieces[2] == "gain" else -1) permutations = [] current_perm = ["Alice"] while len(current_perm) < len(modifiers): for person in modifiers: if person not in current_perm: new_perm = current_perm.copy() new_perm.append(person) permutations.append(new_perm) current_perm = permutations.pop(0) change = [] for perm in permutations: val = 0 for i in range(len(perm)): val += modifiers[perm[i]][perm[(i + 1) % len(modifiers)]] val += modifiers[perm[i]][perm[(i - 1) % len(modifiers)]] change.append(val) return max(change)
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput from collections import defaultdict pz_input = ReadInput(9).data[0].split(",") class Intcode: logic = [] def __init__(self, logic): self.logic = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for i in range(len(logic)): self.logic[i] = int(logic[i]) self.working_copy = self.logic.copy() self.i = 0 self.relative_base = 0 def reset(self): self.working_copy = self.logic.copy() self.i = 0 def get_value(self, logic, mode, i): if mode == 0: return logic[logic[i]] elif mode == 1: return logic[i] elif mode == 2: return logic[self.relative_base + logic[i]] def run(self, input): a_input = self.working_copy
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput import networkx as nx pz_input = ReadInput(20).data def is_letter(char): return ord(char) in range(ord("A"), ord("Z")) def part_a(): graph = nx.Graph() portals = {} for row in range(len(pz_input)): if pz_input[row] == "": continue for col in range(len(pz_input[row])): if pz_input[row][col] == "." and (row, col) not in graph: graph.add_node((row, col)) elif is_letter(pz_input[row][col]): # Check down if is_letter( pz_input[row + 1][col]) and pz_input[row + 2][col] == ".": if (row + 2, col) not in graph: graph.add_node((row + 2, col)) portal = pz_input[row][col] + pz_input[row + 1][col] if portal in portals: graph.add_edge((row, col), portals[portal]) del portals[portal] else:
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np pz_input = [int(x) for x in ReadInput(17).data[0].split(",")] class Intcode: logic = [] def __init__(self, logic): self.logic = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for i in range(len(logic)): self.logic[i] = int(logic[i]) self.working_copy = self.logic.copy() self.i = 0 self.relative_base = 0 self.input_idx = 0 def reset(self): self.working_copy = self.logic.copy() self.i = 0 def get_value(self, logic, mode, i): if mode == 0: return logic[logic[i]] elif mode == 1: return logic[i] elif mode == 2: return logic[self.relative_base + logic[i]]
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput pz_input = ReadInput(2).data[0].split(",") # Part 1 # pz_input[1] = 12 # pz_input[2] = 2 # for i in range(0, len(pz_input), 4): # command = int(pz_input[i]) # if command == 99: # break # loc_1 = int(pz_input[i + 1]) # loc_2 = int(pz_input[i + 2]) # loc_3 = int(pz_input[i + 3]) # pz_input[loc_3] = (int(pz_input[loc_1]) + int(pz_input[loc_2])) if command == 1 else (int(pz_input[loc_1]) * int(pz_input[loc_2])) # print(pz_input) # Part 2 for n in range(0, 100): for v in range(0, 100): cp_input = pz_input.copy() cp_input[1] = n cp_input[2] = v for i in range(0, len(cp_input), 4): command = int(cp_input[i]) if command == 99: break loc_1 = int(cp_input[i + 1]) loc_2 = int(cp_input[i + 2]) loc_3 = int(cp_input[i + 3])
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput import numpy as np pz_input = ReadInput(12).data class Moon: def __init__(self, x, y, z): self.location = np.array([x, y, z]) self.initial_location = np.array([x, y, z]) self.velocity = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.initial_velocity = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.diffs = np.array([0, 0, 0]) def compare_with(self, moon): self.diffs += (moon.location > self.location).astype(int) self.diffs -= (moon.location < self.location).astype(int) def apply_diffs(self): self.velocity += self.diffs self.diffs = np.array([0, 0, 0]) def move(self): self.location += self.velocity return np.array( np.logical_and(self.location == self.initial_location, self.velocity == self.initial_velocity)) def calculate_energy(self): return np.absolute(self.location).sum() * np.absolute( self.velocity).sum()
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput import numpy as np pz_input = ReadInput(6).data def part_a(): grid = np.ones((1000, 1000)) grid *= -1 for instruction in pz_input: bits = instruction.split(" ") if bits[0] == "turn": corner_1 = bits[2].split(",") corner_2 = bits[4].split(",") grid[int(corner_1[0]):int(corner_2[0]) + 1, int(corner_1[1]):int(corner_2[1]) + 1] = 1 if bits[1] == "on" else -1 elif bits[0] == "toggle": corner_1 = bits[1].split(",") corner_2 = bits[3].split(",") grid[int(corner_1[0]):int(corner_2[0]) + 1, int(corner_1[1]):int(corner_2[1]) + 1] *= -1 grid += 1 return np.count_nonzero(grid) def part_b(): grid = np.zeros((1000, 1000)) for instruction in pz_input:
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput from collections import defaultdict pz_input = ReadInput(9).data def part_a(): routes = defaultdict(lambda: {}) for route in pz_input: if route == "": continue pieces = route.split(" = ") dist = int(pieces[1]) destinations = pieces[0].split(" to ") routes[destinations[0]][destinations[1]] = dist routes[destinations[1]][destinations[0]] = dist paths = [([key], 0) for key in routes.keys()] finished_paths = [] while len(paths) > 0: current_path = paths.pop() path = current_path[0] dist = current_path[1] for key in routes[path[-1]]: if key not in path: new_path = path.copy() new_path.append(key) new_dist = dist + routes[path[-1]][key] if len(new_path) == len(routes): finished_paths.append((new_path, new_dist)) else: paths.append((new_path, new_dist))
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput pz_input = ReadInput(3).data[0] def part_a(): visited = [(0, 0)] x = 0 y = 0 for move in pz_input: if move == "^": y += 1 elif move == "v": y -= 1 elif move == ">": x += 1 elif move == "<": x -= 1 else: raise IndexError(move) if (x, y) not in visited: visited.append((x, y)) return len(visited) def part_b(): visited = [(0, 0)] loc = [0, 0, 0, 0] santa = True for move in pz_input: if move == "^":
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput pz_input = ReadInput(1).data[0] def part_a(): floor = 0 for char in pz_input: if char == ")": floor -= 1 elif char == "(": floor += 1 return floor def part_b(): floor = 0 for i in range(len(pz_input)): if pz_input[i] == ")": floor -= 1 elif pz_input[i] == "(": floor += 1 if floor == -1: return i + 1 return floor if __name__ == "__main__": print("Part A", part_a()) print("Part B", part_b())
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput pz_input = ReadInput(5).data def part_a(): nice = 0 for kid in pz_input: vowels = len([letter for letter in kid if letter in ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]]) double = False for i in range(len(kid)-1): if kid[i] == kid[i+1]: double = True break forbidden = False for i in range(len(kid)-1): if kid[i:i+2] in ["ab", "cd", "pq", "xy"]: forbidden = True break if vowels >= 3 and double and not forbidden: nice += 1 return nice def part_b(): nice = 0 for kid in pz_input: repeat = False for i in range(len(kid)-2): if kid[i:i+2] in kid[i+2:]: repeat = True
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput pz_input = ReadInput(8).data def part_a(): code_total = 0 for line in pz_input: i = 0 while i < len(line): if line[i] == "\"": code_total += 1 i += 1 elif line[i] == "\\": if line[i + 1] == "x": code_total += 3 i += 4 else: code_total += 1 i += 2 else: i += 1 return code_total def part_b(): # pz_input = ["\"\"", "\"abc\"", "\"aaa\\\"aaa\"", "\"\\x27\""] total = 0 for line in pz_input: if line == "": continue
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput import re pz_input = [x for x in ReadInput(19).data if len(x) > 0] def try_replace(string, conversions): conversions.sort(key=lambda c: len(c[0]), reverse=True) for conv in conversions: all_matches = [(x.start(0), x.end(0)) for x in re.finditer(conv[0], string)] if len(all_matches) == 0: continue for match in all_matches: new_molecule = string[:match[0]] + conv[1] + string[match[1]:] if new_molecule == "e": return 0 else: result = try_replace(new_molecule, conversions) if result >= 0: return result + 1 return -1 def part_a(): conversions = [x.split(" => ") for x in pz_input[:-1]] molecule = pz_input[-1] results = [] for conv in conversions: all_matches = [(x.start(0), x.end(0)) for x in re.finditer(conv[0], molecule)]
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput import networkx as nx pz_input = ReadInput(22).data def deal_new(stack): stack.reverse() return stack def cut_n(stack, n): first = stack[n:] second = stack[:n] return first + second def increment_n(stack, n): new_stack = [0] * len(stack) for i in range(len(stack)): new_stack[(i*n) % len(stack)] = stack[i] return new_stack def part_a(): stack = [x for x in range(10007)] for line in pz_input: if line == "": continue pieces = line.split(" ") if pieces[0] == "cut":
from PuzzleInput import ReadInput pz_input = [int(x) for x in ReadInput(17).data[:-2]] def part_a(): init_combo = [] for i in range(len(pz_input)): init_combo.append([i]) for i in range(1, len(pz_input)): curr_combos = [x for x in init_combo if len(x) == i] print("Creating size %s (%s to expand)" % (i + 1, len(curr_combos))) for combo in curr_combos: for j in range(len(pz_input)): if j not in combo: new_combo = combo.copy() new_combo.append(j) new_combo.sort() values = [pz_input[x] for x in new_combo] if new_combo not in init_combo and sum(values) <= 150: init_combo.append(new_combo) valid_total = 0 for combo in init_combo: total = 0 for x in combo: total += pz_input[x] if total == 150: valid_total += 1 return valid_total