 def saveState(self, fn=None, clobber=False):
   Save the state of the fitting object.
   This method collects the parameter values, the applied restrictions,
   and the information whether parameters are free or frozen and saves
   them to the specified file (if given) using pickle.
   The saved state can be restored using
   the `restoreState` method.
   .. note:: Unfortunately, "relations" cannot be saved.
   fn : string, optional
       The filename to which the state shall be written.
       If None, the output will not be written to a file.
   clobber : boolean, optional
       If True, existing files will be overwritten (default is False).
   Saved data : dict
       The dictionary containing the data saved to the file.
     dat = {}
     dat["parameters"] = self.parameters()
     dat["restrictions"] = self.getRestrictions()
     dat["frozenParameters"] = self.frozenParameters()
     if isinstance(fn, six.string_types):
         if os.path.isfile(fn) and (not clobber):
             raise(PE.PyANameClash("The file '"+fn+"' exists.", where="saveState", \
                                   solution="Change filename or set clobber to True."))
         pickle.dump(dat, open(fn, 'wb'))
     return dat
    def addPassband(self, name, wvl, trans, snc=False):
        Add a new passband to the inventory.

        name : string
            The name of the passband.
        wvl : array
            Wavelength in A.
        trans : array
            Transmission of the passband.
        snc : boolean, optional
            A `Skip Name Check` flag. If False (default), an
            exception is raised if the passband name is already
            present in the inventory of passbands. Otherwise
            the old passband is replaced by the new specification.
        if not snc:
            if name in self.bands:
                raise (PE.PyANameClash(
                    "A passband with name '" + str(name) +
                    "' is already present.",
                        "Change the name.",
                        "Use `snc=True` to ignore and overwrite old passband."
        self.bands[name] = np.vstack((wvl, trans)).transpose()
 def __add__(self, right):
   This member allows to combine the properties of two Param class \
   instances. All parameter properties will be copied into the new \
   Parameter class instance, which is returned by this function.
   .. caution:: All parameter names must be unique!
     paLeft = self.parameters()
     paRight = right.parameters()
     # Check whether parameters have unique names
     for p in paLeft:
         if p in paRight:
             raise (PE.PyANameClash(
                 "At least two parameters share the same name.",
     # List of new names
     nlist = list(paLeft.keys())
     # Create new parameter objects
     result = Params(nlist)
     # Combine properties
     result.paramNum = self.paramNum.copy()
     pn = len(result.paramNum)
     for i in smo.range(len(right.paramNum)):
         result.paramNum[pn + i] = right.paramNum[i]
     result.isFree = self.isFree.copy()
     result.isRestricted = self.isRestricted.copy()
     result.restrictions = self.restrictions.copy()
     result.relations = self.relations.copy()
     result.conditionalRestrictions = self.conditionalRestrictions.copy()
     return result
 def load(self, fn, constClobber=False):
   Load constants file.
   fn : string
       The file name.
   constClobber : boolean, optional
       If True, existing constants will be overwritten.
     config = _ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
     for s in config.sections():
         nc = None
             nc = {}
             nc["symbol"] = config.get(s, "symbol")
             nc["descr"] = config.get(s, "descr")
             nc["valueSI"] = config.get(s, "valueSI")
             nc["errSI"] = config.get(s, "errSI")
             nc["units"] = {}
             for u in _systems:
                 nc["units"][u] = config.get(s, "unit" + u)
             nc["source"] = config.get(s, "source")
         except _ConfigParser.NoOptionError as e:
             _PE.warn(_PE.PyAValError("The definition of the constant defined in section '" + s + "' of file '" + \
                                      fn + "' is incomplete. Ignoring this constant. Caught the error:\n" + \
             nc = None
         if nc is not None:
             if (nc["symbol"] in self.inventory) and (not constClobber):
                 raise(_PE.PyANameClash("A constant with the symbol '" + nc["symbol"] + "' is already defined.", \
                                        solution=["Choose another symbol.", "Set the `constClobber` flag to True to overwrite existing definitions of constants."]))
             self.inventory[nc["symbol"]] = nc
def turnIntoRebin(CO):
    Turn a "normal" fitting object into rebinning fitting object.

    This function accepts a class object representing a model and
    returns another class object extended by the rebinning functionality.

    CO : A class object
        The class object describing the model to use

    Rebinned model : Fitting object
        Another class object extended by the rebinning functionality.

    # Check for evaluate
    if not hasattr(CO, "evaluate"):
        raise(PE.PyANotImplemented("The class object has no evaluate method. Is it really a model?",
    # Check for other properties and methods
    for p in ["setRebinArray_Ndt", "rebinTimes", "rebinIdent"]:
        if hasattr(CO, p):
            PE.warn(PE.PyANameClash("Class object already has attribute: `" + p + "`. Potentially harmful..",
                                    solution="Check class object, maybe rename attribute", where="turnIntoRebin"))

    class _ModelRebin(CO):
        Base class providing rebinning functionality.

        The model is evaluated at more points than actually needed.
        Several points are than averaged to obtain a "binned" model,
        which can, for example, account for finite integration times
        in observations.

        rebinTimes : array
            Defined the abscissa values at which
            to evaluate the model to be rebinned afterwards.
        rebinIdent : dict
            A dictionary associating bin number (in the unbinned
            model) with a list holding the bins in `rebinTimes`,
            which are to be averaged to obtain the binned model.

        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            CO.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
            self.rebinTimes = None
            self.rebinIdent = None

        def setRebinArray_Ndt(self, time, N, dt):
            Defines the overbinning parameters (`rebinTimes`, `rebinIdent`).

            It is assumed that the time points given in the `time`
            array refer to the center of the time bins and every bin has
            length `dt`. The bins are then subdivided into `N` subintervals;
            the center of each such subinterval becomes
            a point in the overbinned time axis (`rebinTimes`).

            time : array
                The time axis of the "observed" (not overbinned)
                transit light-curve.
            N : int
                The number of point into which to subdivide each time
                bin of length `dt`.
            dt : float
                The length of each time bin (on the original not
                oversampled time axis).

            self.rebinTimes = numpy.zeros(time.size * N)
            self.rebinIdent = {}
            for i in smo.range(time.size):
                self.rebinTimes[i * N:(i + 1) * N] = \
                    (time[i] - dt / 2.0) + (numpy.arange(N) * dt) / \
                    float(N) + dt / float(N) / 2.0
                self.rebinIdent[i] = list(range(i * N, (i + 1) * N))

        def evaluate(self, x):
            Calculate the model.

            x : array
                The abscissa values.

            model : array,
                The binned model.

            This function calculates the model at those time points
            specified by the `rebinTimes` property and saves the result in the
            class property `unbinnedModel`. Then it bins
            according to the definitions in `rebinIdent` and save the resulting model
            in the `binnedModel` property.
            if (self.rebinTimes is None) or (self.rebinIdent is None):
                raise(PE.PyAValError("Rebinning parameters (properties rebinTimes and/or rebinIdent) not appropriately defined.",
                                     solution=["Use setRebinArray_Ndt method.", "Define the properties by accessing them directly."]))
            # Calculate the model using current parameters at the time points
            # defined in the `rebinTimes` array
            self.unbinnedModel = CO.evaluate(self, self.rebinTimes)
            # Build up rebinned model
            self.binnedModel = numpy.zeros(x.size)
            for i in smo.range(x.size):
                self.binnedModel[i] = numpy.mean(
            # Return the resulting model
            return self.binnedModel

    return _ModelRebin