def moon_get_moon_phase(date):
    from PyAstronomy import pyasl
    import numpy as np

    # Convert calendar date to JD
    # using the datetime package
    jd = date
    jd = pyasl.jdcnv(jd)
    mp = pyasl.moonphase(jd)

    return mp[0]
def moon_get_moon_phase_range(start_date, end_date):
    from PyAstronomy import pyasl
    import numpy as np
    from datetime import datetime

    # Convert calendar date to JD
    # using the datetime package
    jd = start_date
    jd = pyasl.jdcnv(jd)
    no_of_days = (end_date - start_date).days
    jd = np.arange(jd, jd + no_of_days + 1, 1)
    mp = pyasl.moonphase(jd)

    return mp
def lunar(date, o_slon, o_slat, s_slon, band):

    #Here we go...
    import math
    import datetime
    from PyAstronomy import pyasl

    #Determine Lunar Phase
    #pyasl wants it in days.....
    day_date = date / (3600 * 24)
    #date in Julian Date days past epoch
    mp = pyasl.moonphase(day_date)
    #test value from USGS presentation
    #    mp = 7. * math.pi / (180)

    #Lunar model constants
    c1 = 0.00034115
    c2 = -0.0013425
    c3 = 0.00095906
    c4 = 0.00066229
    p1 = 4.06054 * math.pi / 180
    p2 = 12.8802 * math.pi / 180
    p3 = -30.5858 * math.pi / 180
    p4 = 16.7492 * math.pi / 180

    #Read off wave-length-specific coefficients from LIMCOEFF data table
    slines = []
    with open('LIMCOEFF.txt', 'r') as f:
        slines = f.readlines()
    for i in range(len(slines)):
        slines[i] = slines[i].split()

    # print slines[5]
    #Which wavelength row
    i = band

    #Spectral Coefficients, sorry I used lines
    wl = float(slines[i][0])  #Wavelength (nm)
    a0 = float(slines[i][1])  # 1, Constant
    a1 = float(slines[i][2])  # g, Phase 1 (rad^-1)
    a2 = float(slines[i][3])  # g2, Phase 2 (rad^-2)
    a3 = float(slines[i][4])  # g3, Phase 3 (rad^-3)
    b1 = float(slines[i][5])  # Phi, SunLon 1 (rad^-1)
    b2 = float(slines[i][6])  # Phi3, SunLon 3 (rad^-3)
    b3 = float(slines[i][7])  # Phi5, SunLon 5 (rad^-5)
    d1 = float(slines[i][8])  # e^(-g/p1), Exponent 1
    d2 = float(slines[i][9])  # e^(-g/p2), Exponent 2
    d3 = float(slines[i][10])  # cos[(g-p3)/p4], Exponent 3

    #Absolute phase angle
    g = mp
    #Selenographic latitude of sub-observer point, degs to rads
    theta = o_slat * math.pi / (180)
    #Selenographic longitude of sub-observer point, degs to rads
    phi = o_slon * math.pi / (180)
    #Selenographic longitude of the Sun, degs to rads
    PHI = s_slon * math.pi / (180)

    def diskequiv(C1, C2, C3, C4, P1, P2, P3, P4, WL, A0, A1, A2, A3, B1, B2,
                  B3, D1, D2, D3, G, THETA, PHi, SUNPHI):

        asum = A0 + A1 * G + A2 * (G**2) + A3 * (G**3)
        bsum = B1 * SUNPHI + B2 * (SUNPHI**3) + B3 * (SUNPHI**5)
        csum = (C1 * THETA + C2 * PHi + C3 * SUNPHI * THETA +
                C4 * SUNPHI * PHi)
        dsum = (D1 * math.exp(-G / P1) + D2 * math.exp(-G / P2) +
                D3 * math.cos((G - P3) / P4))

        return float(asum + bsum + csum + dsum)

    Ak = diskequiv(c1, c2, c3, c4, p1, p2, p3, p4, wl, a0, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2,
                   b3, d1, d2, d3, g, theta, phi, PHI)

    print('Wavelength: ', wl, '\nReflectance: ', math.exp(Ak))
    return [wl, math.exp(Ak)]
def compute_moon_phase(date):

    julian_date = date.jd

    return pyasl.moonphase(julian_date)