def setup_fit(self, y): ''' takes a data shape and returns a fit-primed object ''' outputdir = None # nope roifit = 0 # nope roiwidth = y.shape[1] #need this to pretend its an image b = McaAdvancedFitBatch.McaAdvancedFitBatch( self.get_conf_path(), [y], outputdir, roifit, roiwidth, fitfiles=0) # prime the beauty b.pleaseBreak = 1 b.processList() b.pleaseBreak = 0 return b
def setup_fit(self,y): ''' takes a data shape and returns a fit-primed object ''' outputdir=None # nope roifit=0# nope roiwidth=y.shape[1] #need this to pretend its an image b = McaAdvancedFitBatch.McaAdvancedFitBatch(self.get_conf_path(), [y], outputdir, roifit, roiwidth, fitfiles=0, nosave=True, quiet=True) # prime the beauty b.pleaseBreak = 1 # temporary measure to stop the next line printing arrays to screen. b.processList() b.pleaseBreak = 0 return b
def testFitHdf5Stack(self): import tempfile from PyMca5.PyMcaIO import specfilewrapper as specfile from PyMca5.PyMcaIO import ConfigDict from PyMca5.PyMcaIO import HDF5Stack1D from PyMca5.PyMcaPhysics.xrf import McaAdvancedFitBatch spe = os.path.join(self.dataDir, "Steel.spe") cfg = os.path.join(self.dataDir, "Steel.cfg") sf = specfile.Specfile(spe) self.assertTrue(len(sf) == 1, "File %s cannot be read" % spe) self.assertTrue(sf[0].nbmca() == 1, "Spe file should contain MCA data") y = counts = sf[0].mca(1) x = channels = numpy.arange(y.size).astype(numpy.float) sf = None configuration = ConfigDict.ConfigDict() calibration = configuration["detector"]["zero"], \ configuration["detector"]["gain"], 0.0 initialTime = configuration["concentrations"]["time"] # create the data nRows = 5 nColumns = 10 nTimes = 3 data = numpy.zeros((nRows, nColumns, counts.size), dtype=numpy.float) live_time = numpy.zeros((nRows * nColumns), dtype=numpy.float) mcaIndex = 0 for i in range(nRows): for j in range(nColumns): data[i, j] = counts live_time[i * nColumns + j] = initialTime * \ (1 + mcaIndex % nTimes) mcaIndex += 1 self._h5File = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "Steel.h5") # write the stack to an HDF5 file if os.path.exists(self._h5File): os.remove(self._h5File) h5 = h5py.File(self._h5File, "w") h5["/entry/instrument/detector/calibration"] = calibration h5["/entry/instrument/detector/channels"] = channels h5["/entry/instrument/detector/data"] = data h5["/entry/instrument/detector/live_time"] = live_time # add nexus conventions h5["/entry"].attrs["NX_class"] = u"NXentry" h5["/entry/instrument"].attrs["NX_class"] = u"NXinstrument" h5["/entry/instrument/detector/"].attrs["NX_class"] = u"NXdetector" h5["/entry/instrument/detector/data"].attrs["interpretation"] = \ u"spectrum" # case with softlink h5["/entry/measurement/mca_soft/data"] = \ h5py.SoftLink("/entry/instrument/detector/data") # case with info h5["/entry/measurement/mca_with_info/data"] = \ h5["/entry/instrument/detector/data"] h5["/entry/measurement/mca_with_info/info"] = \ h5["/entry/instrument/detector"] h5.flush() h5.close() h5 = None # check that the data can be read as a stack as # single top level dataset (issue #226) external = self._h5File + "external.h5" if os.path.exists(external): os.remove(external) h5 = h5py.File(external, "w") h5["/data_at_top"] = h5py.ExternalLink( self._h5File, "/entry/measurement/mca_soft/data") h5.flush() h5.close() h5 = None stack = HDF5Stack1D.HDF5Stack1D([external], {"y": "/data_at_top"}) # check that the data can be read as a stack through a external link external = self._h5File + "external.h5" if os.path.exists(external): os.remove(external) h5 = h5py.File(external, "w") h5["/data_at_top"] = h5py.ExternalLink( self._h5File, "/entry/measurement/mca_soft/data") h5["/entry/data"] = h5py.ExternalLink( self._h5File, "/entry/measurement/mca_soft/data") h5.flush() h5.close() h5 = None fileList = [external] for selection in [ { "y": "/data_at_top" }, # dataset at top level { "y": "/data" }, # GOOD: selection inside /entry { "y": "/entry/data" } ]: # WRONG: complete path stack = HDF5Stack1D.HDF5Stack1D(fileList, selection) info = for key in ["McaCalib", "McaLiveTime"]: self.assertTrue( key in info, "Key <%s> not present but it should be there") readCalib = info["McaCalib"] readLiveTime = info["McaLiveTime"] self.assertTrue(abs(readCalib[0] - calibration[0]) < 1.0e-10, "Calibration zero. Expected %f got %f" % \ (calibration[0], readCalib[0])) self.assertTrue(abs(readCalib[1] - calibration[1]) < 1.0e-10, "Calibration gain. Expected %f got %f" % \ (calibration[1], readCalib[0])) self.assertTrue(abs(readCalib[2] - calibration[2]) < 1.0e-10, "Calibration 2nd order. Expected %f got %f" % \ (calibration[2], readCalib[2])) self.assertTrue(live_time.size == readLiveTime.size, "Incorrect size of live time data") self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(live_time, readLiveTime), "Incorrect live time read") self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(stack.x, channels), "Incorrect channels read") self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(, data), "Incorrect data read") # check that the data can be read as a stack fileList = [self._h5File] for selection in [{ "y": "/measurement/mca_with_info/data" }, { "y": "/measurement/mca_soft/data" }, { "y": "/instrument/detector/data" }]: stack = HDF5Stack1D.HDF5Stack1D(fileList, selection) info = for key in ["McaCalib", "McaLiveTime"]: self.assertTrue( key in info, "Key <%s> not present but it should be there") readCalib = info["McaCalib"] readLiveTime = info["McaLiveTime"] self.assertTrue(abs(readCalib[0] - calibration[0]) < 1.0e-10, "Calibration zero. Expected %f got %f" % \ (calibration[0], readCalib[0])) self.assertTrue(abs(readCalib[1] - calibration[1]) < 1.0e-10, "Calibration gain. Expected %f got %f" % \ (calibration[1], readCalib[0])) self.assertTrue(abs(readCalib[2] - calibration[2]) < 1.0e-10, "Calibration 2nd order. Expected %f got %f" % \ (calibration[2], readCalib[2])) self.assertTrue(live_time.size == readLiveTime.size, "Incorrect size of live time data") self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(live_time, readLiveTime), "Incorrect live time read") self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(stack.x, channels), "Incorrect channels read") self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(, data), "Incorrect data read") # perform the batch fit self._outputDir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "SteelTestDir") if not os.path.exists(self._outputDir): os.mkdir(self._outputDir) cfgFile = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "SteelNew.cfg") if os.path.exists(cfgFile): try: os.remove(cfgFile) except: print("Cannot remove file %s" % cfgFile) # we need to make sure we use fundamental parameters and # the time read from the file configuration["concentrations"]["usematrix"] = 0 configuration["concentrations"]["useautotime"] = 1 if not os.path.exists(cfgFile): configuration.write(cfgFile) os.chmod(cfgFile, 0o777) batch = McaAdvancedFitBatch.McaAdvancedFitBatch( cfgFile, filelist=[self._h5File], outputdir=self._outputDir, concentrations=True, selection=selection, quiet=True) batch.processList() # recover the results imageFile = os.path.join(self._outputDir, "IMAGES", "Steel.dat") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(imageFile), "Batch fit result file <%s> not present" % imageFile) sf = specfile.Specfile(imageFile) labels = sf[0].alllabels() scanData = sf[0].data() sf = None self.assertTrue( scanData.shape[-1] == (nRows * nColumns), "Expected %d values got %d" % (nRows * nColumns, scanData.shape[-1])) referenceResult = {} for point in range(scanData.shape[-1]): for label in labels: idx = labels.index(label) if label in ["Point", "row", "column"]: continue elif point == 0: referenceResult[label] = scanData[idx, point] elif label.endswith("-mass-fraction"): #print("label = ", label) #print("reference = ", referenceResult[label]) #print("current = ", scanData[idx, point]) reference = referenceResult[label] current = scanData[idx, point] #print("ratio = ", current / reference) #print("time ratio = ", readLiveTime[point] / readLiveTime[0]) if point % nTimes: if abs(reference) > 1.0e-10: self.assertTrue( reference != current, "Incorrect concentration for point %d" % point) corrected = current * \ (readLiveTime[point] / readLiveTime[0]) if abs(reference) > 1.0e-10: delta = \ 100 * abs((reference - corrected) / reference) self.assertTrue( delta < 0.01, "Incorrect concentration(t) for point %d" % point) else: self.assertTrue( abs(reference - corrected) < 1.0e-5, "Incorrect concentration(t) for point %d" % point) else: self.assertTrue( reference == current, "Incorrect concentration for point %d" % point) elif label not in ["Point", "row", "column"]: reference = referenceResult[label] current = scanData[idx, point] self.assertTrue(reference == current, "Incorrect value for point %d" % point) # Batch fitting went well # Test the fast XRF from PyMca5.PyMcaPhysics.xrf import FastXRFLinearFit ffit = FastXRFLinearFit.FastXRFLinearFit() configuration["concentrations"]["usematrix"] = 0 configuration["concentrations"]["useautotime"] = 1 configuration['fit']['stripalgorithm'] = 1 outputDict = ffit.fitMultipleSpectra(y=stack, weight=0, configuration=configuration, concentrations=True, refit=0) names = outputDict["names"] parameters = outputDict["parameters"] uncertainties = outputDict["uncertainties"] concentrations = outputDict["concentrations"] cCounter = 0 for i in range(len(names)): name = names[i] if name.startswith("C(") and name.endswith(")"): # it is a concentrations parameter # verify that concentrations took into account the time reference = concentrations[cCounter][0, 0] cTime = configuration['concentrations']['time'] values = concentrations[cCounter][:] values.shape = -1 for point in range(live_time.size): current = values[point] if DEBUG: print(name, point, reference, current, point % nTimes) if (point % nTimes) and (abs(reference) > 1.0e-10): self.assertTrue( reference != current, "Incorrect concentration for point %d" % point) corrected = current * live_time[point] / cTime if abs(reference) > 1.0e-10: delta = 100 * abs((reference - corrected) / reference) self.assertTrue( delta < 0.01, "Incorrect concentration(t) for point %d" % point) else: self.assertTrue( abs(reference - corrected) < 1.0e-5, "Incorrect concentration(t) for point %d" % point) cCounter += 1 else: if DEBUG: print(name, parameters[i][0, 0]) delta = (parameters[i] - parameters[i][0, 0]) self.assertTrue(delta.max() == 0, "Different fit value for parameter %s delta %f" % \ (name, delta.max())) self.assertTrue(delta.min() == 0, "Different fit value for parameter %s delta %f" % \ (name, delta.min())) delta = (uncertainties[i] - uncertainties[i][0, 0]) self.assertTrue(delta.max() == 0, "Different sigma value for parameter %s delta %f" % \ (name, delta.max())) self.assertTrue(delta.min() == 0, "Different sigma value for parameter %s delta %f" % \ (name, delta.min())) outputDict = ffit.fitMultipleSpectra(y=stack, weight=0, configuration=configuration, concentrations=True, refit=1) names = outputDict["names"] parameters = outputDict["parameters"] uncertainties = outputDict["uncertainties"] concentrations = outputDict["concentrations"] cCounter = 0 for i in range(len(names)): name = names[i] if name.startswith("C(") and name.endswith(")"): # it is a concentrations parameter # verify that concentrations took into account the time reference = concentrations[cCounter][0, 0] cTime = configuration['concentrations']['time'] values = concentrations[cCounter][:] values.shape = -1 for point in range(live_time.size): current = values[point] if DEBUG: print(name, point, reference, current, point % nTimes) if (point % nTimes) and (abs(reference) > 1.0e-10): self.assertTrue( reference != current, "Incorrect concentration for point %d" % point) corrected = current * live_time[point] / cTime if abs(reference) > 1.0e-10: delta = 100 * abs((reference - corrected) / reference) self.assertTrue( delta < 0.01, "Incorrect concentration(t) for point %d" % point) else: self.assertTrue( abs(reference - corrected) < 1.0e-5, "Incorrect concentration(t) for point %d" % point) cCounter += 1 else: if DEBUG: print(name, parameters[i][0, 0]) delta = (parameters[i] - parameters[i][0, 0]) self.assertTrue(delta.max() == 0, "Different fit value for parameter %s delta %f" % \ (name, delta.max())) self.assertTrue(delta.min() == 0, "Different fit value for parameter %s delta %f" % \ (name, delta.min())) delta = (uncertainties[i] - uncertainties[i][0, 0]) self.assertTrue(delta.max() == 0, "Different sigma value for parameter %s delta %f" % \ (name, delta.max())) self.assertTrue(delta.min() == 0, "Different sigma value for parameter %s delta %f" % \ (name, delta.min()))
def testFitHdf5Stack(self): import tempfile from PyMca5.PyMcaIO import specfilewrapper as specfile from PyMca5.PyMcaIO import ConfigDict from PyMca5.PyMcaIO import HDF5Stack1D from PyMca5.PyMcaPhysics.xrf import McaAdvancedFitBatch from PyMca5.PyMcaPhysics.xrf import LegacyMcaAdvancedFitBatch spe = os.path.join(self.dataDir, "Steel.spe") cfg = os.path.join(self.dataDir, "Steel.cfg") sf = specfile.Specfile(spe) self.assertTrue(len(sf) == 1, "File %s cannot be read" % spe) self.assertTrue(sf[0].nbmca() == 1, "Spe file should contain MCA data") y = counts = sf[0].mca(1) x = channels = numpy.arange(y.size).astype(numpy.float) sf = None configuration = ConfigDict.ConfigDict() calibration = configuration["detector"]["zero"], \ configuration["detector"]["gain"], 0.0 initialTime = configuration["concentrations"]["time"] # create the data nRows = 5 nColumns = 10 nTimes = 3 data = numpy.zeros((nRows, nColumns, counts.size), dtype=numpy.float) live_time = numpy.zeros((nRows * nColumns), dtype=numpy.float) mcaIndex = 0 for i in range(nRows): for j in range(nColumns): data[i, j] = counts live_time[i * nColumns + j] = initialTime * \ (1 + mcaIndex % nTimes) mcaIndex += 1 self._h5File = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "Steel.h5") # write the stack to an HDF5 file if os.path.exists(self._h5File): os.remove(self._h5File) h5 = h5py.File(self._h5File, "w") h5["/entry/instrument/detector/calibration"] = calibration h5["/entry/instrument/detector/channels"] = channels h5["/entry/instrument/detector/data"] = data h5["/entry/instrument/detector/live_time"] = live_time # add nexus conventions h5["/entry"].attrs["NX_class"] = u"NXentry" h5["/entry/instrument"].attrs["NX_class"] = u"NXinstrument" h5["/entry/instrument/detector/"].attrs["NX_class"] = u"NXdetector" h5["/entry/instrument/detector/data"].attrs["interpretation"] = \ u"spectrum" # case with softlink h5["/entry/measurement/mca_soft/data"] = \ h5py.SoftLink("/entry/instrument/detector/data") # case with info h5["/entry/measurement/mca_with_info/data"] = \ h5["/entry/instrument/detector/data"] h5["/entry/measurement/mca_with_info/info"] = \ h5["/entry/instrument/detector"] h5.flush() h5.close() h5 = None # check that the data can be read as a stack as # single top level dataset (issue #226) external = self._h5File + "external.h5" if os.path.exists(external): os.remove(external) h5 = h5py.File(external, "w") h5["/data_at_top"] = h5py.ExternalLink( self._h5File, "/entry/measurement/mca_soft/data") h5.flush() h5.close() h5 = None stack = HDF5Stack1D.HDF5Stack1D([external], {"y": "/data_at_top"}) # check that the data can be read as a stack through a external link external = self._h5File + "external.h5" if os.path.exists(external): os.remove(external) h5 = h5py.File(external, "w") h5["/data_at_top"] = h5py.ExternalLink( self._h5File, "/entry/measurement/mca_soft/data") h5["/entry/data"] = h5py.ExternalLink( self._h5File, "/entry/measurement/mca_soft/data") h5.flush() h5.close() h5 = None fileList = [external] for selection in [ { "y": "/data_at_top" }, # dataset at top level { "y": "/data" }, # GOOD: selection inside /entry { "y": "/entry/data" } ]: # WRONG: complete path stack = HDF5Stack1D.HDF5Stack1D(fileList, selection) info = for key in ["McaCalib", "McaLiveTime"]: self.assertTrue( key in info, "Key <%s> not present but it should be there") readCalib = info["McaCalib"] readLiveTime = info["McaLiveTime"] self.assertTrue(abs(readCalib[0] - calibration[0]) < 1.0e-10, "Calibration zero. Expected %f got %f" % \ (calibration[0], readCalib[0])) self.assertTrue(abs(readCalib[1] - calibration[1]) < 1.0e-10, "Calibration gain. Expected %f got %f" % \ (calibration[1], readCalib[0])) self.assertTrue(abs(readCalib[2] - calibration[2]) < 1.0e-10, "Calibration 2nd order. Expected %f got %f" % \ (calibration[2], readCalib[2])) self.assertTrue(live_time.size == readLiveTime.size, "Incorrect size of live time data") self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(live_time, readLiveTime), "Incorrect live time read") self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(stack.x, channels), "Incorrect channels read") self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(, data), "Incorrect data read") # check that the data can be read as a stack fileList = [self._h5File] for selection in [{ "y": "/measurement/mca_with_info/data" }, { "y": "/measurement/mca_soft/data" }, { "y": "/instrument/detector/data" }]: stack = HDF5Stack1D.HDF5Stack1D(fileList, selection) info = for key in ["McaCalib", "McaLiveTime"]: self.assertTrue( key in info, "Key <%s> not present but it should be there") readCalib = info["McaCalib"] readLiveTime = info["McaLiveTime"] self.assertTrue(abs(readCalib[0] - calibration[0]) < 1.0e-10, "Calibration zero. Expected %f got %f" % \ (calibration[0], readCalib[0])) self.assertTrue(abs(readCalib[1] - calibration[1]) < 1.0e-10, "Calibration gain. Expected %f got %f" % \ (calibration[1], readCalib[0])) self.assertTrue(abs(readCalib[2] - calibration[2]) < 1.0e-10, "Calibration 2nd order. Expected %f got %f" % \ (calibration[2], readCalib[2])) self.assertTrue(live_time.size == readLiveTime.size, "Incorrect size of live time data") self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(live_time, readLiveTime), "Incorrect live time read") self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(stack.x, channels), "Incorrect channels read") self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(, data), "Incorrect data read") # TODO: this is done in PyMcaBatchTest on multiple input formats # so not needed here return # perform the batch fit self._outputDir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "SteelTestDir") if not os.path.exists(self._outputDir): os.mkdir(self._outputDir) cfgFile = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "SteelNew.cfg") if os.path.exists(cfgFile): try: os.remove(cfgFile) except: print("Cannot remove file %s" % cfgFile) # we need to make sure we use fundamental parameters and # the time read from the file configuration["concentrations"]["usematrix"] = 0 configuration["concentrations"]["useautotime"] = 1 if not os.path.exists(cfgFile): configuration.write(cfgFile) os.chmod(cfgFile, 0o777) # Test batch fitting (legacy) batch = LegacyMcaAdvancedFitBatch.McaAdvancedFitBatch( cfgFile, filelist=[self._h5File], outputdir=self._outputDir, concentrations=True, selection=selection, quiet=True) batch.processList() imageFile = os.path.join(self._outputDir, "IMAGES", "Steel.dat") self._verifyBatchFitResult(imageFile, nRows, nColumns, live_time, nTimes, legacy=True) # Test batch fitting batch = McaAdvancedFitBatch.McaAdvancedFitBatch( cfgFile, filelist=[self._h5File], outputdir=self._outputDir, concentrations=True, selection=selection, quiet=True) batch.outbuffer.extensions = ['.dat'] batch.processList() imageFile = batch.outbuffer.filename('.dat') self._verifyBatchFitResult(imageFile, nRows, nColumns, live_time, nTimes) # Batch fitting went well # Test the fast XRF configuration["concentrations"]["usematrix"] = 0 configuration["concentrations"]["useautotime"] = 1 configuration['fit']['stripalgorithm'] = 1 self._verifyFastFit(stack, configuration, live_time, nTimes)
def PerformBatchFitOld( filelist, outdir, outname, cfg, energy, mlines=None, quant=None, fast=False, addhigh=0, ): """Fit XRF spectra in batch with one primary beam energy. Least-square fitting. If you intend a linear fit, modify the configuration: - Get current energy calibration with "Load From Fit" - Enable: Perform a Linear Fit - Disable: Stripping - Strip iterations = 0 Fast linear least squares: - Use SNIP instead of STRIP Args: filelist(list(str)): spectra to fit outdir(str): directory for results outname(str): output radix cfg(str or ConfigDict): configuration file to use energy(num): primary beam energy mlines(Optional(dict)): elements (keys) which M line group must be replaced by some M subgroups (values) fast(Optional(bool)): fast fitting (linear) quant(Optional(dict)): addhigh(Optional(int)) Returns: files(list(str)): files produced by pymca labels(list(str)): corresponding HDF5 labels """ outdir = localfs.Path(outdir).mkdir() if instance.isstring(cfg): cfg = ConfigDict.ConfigDict(filelist=cfg) with outdir.temp(name=outname + ".cfg", force=True) as cfgfile: AdaptPyMcaConfig( cfg, energy, mlines=mlines, quant=quant, fast=fast, addhigh=addhigh ) cfg.write(cfgfile.path) buncertainties = False bconcentrations = bool(quant) if fast: # Prepare fit fastFit = FastXRFLinearFit.FastXRFLinearFit() fastFit.setFitConfiguration(cfg) dataStack = EDFStack.EDFStack(filelist, dtype=np.float32) # Fit result = fastFit.fitMultipleSpectra( y=dataStack, refit=1, concentrations=bconcentrations ) # Save result and keep filenames + labels names = result["names"] if bconcentrations: names = names[: -len(result["concentrations"])] parse = re.compile("^(?P<Z>.+)[_ -](?P<line>.+)$") def filename(x): return outdir["{}_{}.edf".format(outname, x)].path labels = [] files = [] j = 0 for i, name in enumerate(names): m = parse.match(name) if not m: continue m = m.groupdict() Z, line = m["Z"], m["line"] # Peak area label = "{}_{}".format(Z, line) f = filename(label) edf.saveedf( f, result["parameters"][i], {"Title": label}, overwrite=True ) labels.append(label) files.append(f) # Error on peak area if buncertainties: label = "s{}_{}".format(Z, line) f = filename(label) edf.saveedf( f, result["uncertainties"][i], {"Title": label}, overwrite=True ) labels.append(label) files.append(f) # Mass fraction if bconcentrations and Z.lower() != "scatter": label = "w{}_{}".format(Z, line) f = filename(label) edf.saveedf( f, result["concentrations"][j], {"Title": label}, overwrite=True ) labels.append(label) files.append(f) j += 1 else: b = McaAdvancedFitBatch.McaAdvancedFitBatch( cfgfile.path, filelist=filelist, outputdir=outdir.path, fitfiles=0, concentrations=bconcentrations, ) b.processList() filemask = os.path.join(outdir.path, "IMAGES", "*.dat") def basename(x): return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] nbase = len(basename(glob.glob(filemask)[0])) + 1 filemask = os.path.join(outdir.path, "IMAGES", "*.edf") labels = [] files = [] for name in sorted(glob.glob(filemask)): label = basename(name)[nbase:] if label.endswith("mass_fraction"): label = "w" + label[:-14] if label == "chisq": label = "calc_chisq" labels.append(label) files.append(name) return files, labels
def PerformBatchFitNew( filelist, outdir, outname, cfg, energy, mlines=None, quant=None, fast=False, addhigh=0, ): """Fit XRF spectra in batch with one primary beam energy. Least-square fitting. If you intend a linear fit, modify the configuration: - Get current energy calibration with "Load From Fit" - Enable: Perform a Linear Fit - Disable: Stripping - Strip iterations = 0 Fast linear least squares: - Use SNIP instead of STRIP Args: filelist(list(str)): spectra to fit outdir(str): directory for results outname(str): output radix cfg(str or ConfigDict): configuration file to use energy(num): primary beam energy mlines(Optional(dict)): elements (keys) which M line group must be replaced by some M subgroups (values) fast(Optional(bool)): fast fitting (linear) quant(Optional(dict)): addhigh(Optional(int)) Returns: files(list(str)): files produced by pymca labels(list(str)): corresponding HDF5 labels """ # Adapt cfg in memory if instance.isstring(cfg): cfg = ConfigDict.ConfigDict(filelist=cfg) AdaptPyMcaConfig( cfg, energy, mlines=mlines, quant=quant, fast=fast, addhigh=addhigh ) buncertainties = False bconcentrations = bool(quant) # Save cfg in temporary file outdir = localfs.Path(outdir).mkdir() with outdir.temp(name=outname + ".cfg", force=True) as cfgfile: cfg.write(cfgfile.path) kwargs = { "outputDir": outdir.path, "fileEntry": outname, "h5": False, "edf": True, "multipage": False, "saveFOM": True, } outbuffer = OutputBuffer(**kwargs) if fast: batch = FastXRFLinearFit.FastXRFLinearFit() stack = FastXRFLinearFit.prepareDataStack(filelist) kwargs = { "y": stack, "configuration": cfg, "concentrations": bconcentrations, "refit": 1, "weight": None, # None -> from cfg file "outbuffer": outbuffer, } else: kwargs = { "filelist": filelist, "concentrations": bconcentrations, "fitfiles": 0, "fitconcfile": 0, "outbuffer": outbuffer, } batch = McaAdvancedFitBatch.McaAdvancedFitBatch(cfgfile.path, **kwargs) with outbuffer.saveContext(): if fast: batch.fitMultipleSpectra(**kwargs) else: batch.processList() # List of files and labels files, labels = [], [] groups = ["parameters", "massfractions"] if buncertainties: groups.append("uncertainties") for group in groups: for label in outbuffer.labels(group, labeltype="filename"): filename = outbuffer.filename(".edf", suffix="_" + label) labels.append(label) files.append(filename) if "chisq" in outbuffer: labels.append("calc_chisq") files.append(outbuffer.filename(".edf", suffix="_chisq")) return files, labels
def PerformBatchFitHDF5( filelist, cfg, outuri, energy=None, mlines=None, quant=None, fast=False, addhigh=0, **kw ): """Fit XRF spectra in batch with one primary beam energy. Least-square fitting. If you intend a linear fit, modify the configuration: - Get current energy calibration with "Load From Fit" - Enable: Perform a Linear Fit - Disable: Stripping - Strip iterations = 0 Fast linear least squares: - Use SNIP instead of STRIP Args: filelist(list(str)): spectra to fit cfg(str or ConfigDict): configuration file to use outuri(h5fs.Path): directory for results energy(num): primary beam energy mlines(Optional(dict)): elements (keys) which M line group must be replaced by some M subgroups (values) fast(Optional(bool)): fast fitting (linear) quant(Optional(dict)): addhigh(Optional(int)): """ if instance.isstring(cfg): cfg = ConfigDict.ConfigDict(filelist=cfg) AdaptPyMcaConfig( cfg, energy, mlines=mlines, quant=quant, fast=fast, addhigh=addhigh ) # outputDir/outputRoot.h5::/fileEntry/fileProcess kw["h5"] = True kw["edf"] = False kw["outputDir"] = outuri.device.parent.path kw["outputRoot"] = os.path.splitext([0] kw["fileEntry"] = outuri.parent.path kw["fileProcess"] = outbuffer = OutputBuffer(**kw) if fast: batch = FastXRFLinearFit.FastXRFLinearFit() stack = FastXRFLinearFit.prepareDataStack(filelist) kwargs = { "y": stack, "configuration": cfg, "concentrations": bool(quant), "refit": 1, "outbuffer": outbuffer, } with outbuffer.saveContext(): batch.fitMultipleSpectra(**kwargs) else: split_results = list(zip(*(filename.split("::") for filename in filelist))) if len(split_results) == 1: selection = None else: filelist, path_in_file = split_results if len(set(path_in_file)) != 1: raise ValueError(path_in_file, "HDF5 group must be the same for all") filelist = list(filelist) selection = {"y": path_in_file[0]} kwargs = { "filelist": filelist, "selection": selection, "concentrations": bool(quant), "fitfiles": 0, "fitconcfile": 0, "outbuffer": outbuffer, } with tempPyMcaConfigFile(cfg) as cfgfilename: batch = McaAdvancedFitBatch.McaAdvancedFitBatch(cfgfilename, **kwargs) with outbuffer.saveContext(): batch.processList()