    def _receive_response(self, task, response):
        Called by the delegate when a response has been received.

        This call is expected only on background threads, and thus may not do
        anything that is not Python-thread-safe. This means that, for example,
        it is safe to grab things from the _tasks dictionary, but it is not
        safe to make other method calls on this object unless they explicitly
        state that they are safe in background threads.
        queue, request = self._tasks[task]

        resp = Response()
        resp.status_code = getKey(response, 'statusCode')
        resp.reason = ''

        # TODO: Why do I have to do this?
        raw_headers = getKey(response, 'allHeaderFields')
        resp.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(raw_headers)
        resp.encoding = get_encoding_from_headers(resp.headers)

        # TODO: This needs to point to an object that we can use to provide
        # the various raw things that requests needs.
        resp.raw = None

        if isinstance(request.url, bytes):
            resp.url = request.url.decode('utf-8')
            resp.url = request.url

        resp.request = request
        resp.connection = self

        # Put this response on the queue.
    def changeTextFont_(self, sender):
        "The user changed the current font selection, so update the default font"

        # Get font name and size from user defaults
        defaults = NSUserDefaultsController.sharedUserDefaultsController().values()
        fontName = getKey(defaults, 'FontName')
        fontSize = getKey(defaults, 'FontSize')

        # Create font from name and size; initialize font panel
        font = NSFont.fontWithName_size_(fontName, fontSize)
        if font is None:
            font = NSFont.systemFontOfSize_(NSFont.systemFontSize())
        NSFontManager.sharedFontManager().setSelectedFont_isMultiple_(font, False)

        # Set window as firstResponder so we get changeFont: messages
    def changeTextFont_(self, sender):
        "The user changed the current font selection, so update the default font"

        # Get font name and size from user defaults
        defaults = NSUserDefaultsController.sharedUserDefaultsController(
        fontName = getKey(defaults, "FontName")
        fontSize = getKey(defaults, "FontSize")

        # Create font from name and size; initialize font panel
        font = NSFont.fontWithName_size_(fontName, fontSize)
        if font is None:
            font = NSFont.systemFontOfSize_(NSFont.systemFontSize())
            font, False)

        # Set window as firstResponder so we get changeFont: messages
    def drawRect_(self, rect):
        defaults = NSUserDefaultsController.sharedUserDefaultsController().values()
        favoriteColor = NSUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData_(getKey(defaults, 'FavoriteColor'))
        fontName = getKey(defaults, 'FontName')
        fontSize = getKey(defaults, 'FontSize')
        favoriteFont = NSFont.fontWithName_size_(fontName, fontSize)
        wordOfTheDay = getKey(defaults, 'WordOfTheDay')

        # Do the actual drawing
        myBounds = self.bounds() # = (x, y), (bw, bh)
        NSDrawLightBezel(myBounds, myBounds)
        NSRectFill(NSInsetRect(myBounds, 2, 2))
        attrsDictionary = {NSFontAttributeName: favoriteFont}
        attrString = NSAttributedString.alloc().initWithString_attributes_(wordOfTheDay, attrsDictionary)
        attrSize = attrString.size() # = (bw, bh)
                (attrSize.width / -2) + (myBounds.size.width / 2),
                (attrSize.height / -2) + (myBounds.size.height / 2),