def helpEvent(self, event, view, option, index): if event is not None and view is not None and event.type() == QEvent.ToolTip: try: db = index.model().db except AttributeError: return False try: book_id = except (ValueError, IndexError, KeyError): return False db = db.new_api device_connected = self.parent().gui.device_connected on_device = device_connected is not None and db.field_for('ondevice', book_id) p = prepare_string_for_xml title = db.field_for('title', book_id) authors = db.field_for('authors', book_id) if title and authors: title = '<b>%s</b>' % ('<br>'.join(wrap(p(title), 120))) authors = '<br>'.join(wrap(p(' & '.join(authors)), 120)) tt = '%s<br><br>%s' % (title, authors) series = db.field_for('series', book_id) if series: use_roman_numbers=config['use_roman_numerals_for_series_number'] val = _('Book %(sidx)s of <span class="series_name">%(series)s</span>')%dict( sidx=fmt_sidx(db.field_for('series_index', book_id), use_roman=use_roman_numbers), series=p(series)) tt += '<br><br>' + val if on_device: val = _('This book is on the device in %s') % on_device tt += '<br><br>' + val QToolTip.showText(event.globalPos(), tt, view) return True return False
def maybeTip(self, helpEvent): """ Determines if this tooltip should be displayed. The tooltip will be displayed at <cusorPos> if an object is highlighted and the mouse hasn't moved for some period of time, called the "wake up delay" period, which is a user pref (not yet implemented in the Preferences dialog) currently set to 1 second. <cursorPos> is the current cursor position in the GLPane's local coordinates. maybeTip() is called by GLPane.timerEvent() whenever the cursor is not moving to determine if the tooltip should be displayed. For more details about this member, see Qt documentation on QToolTip.maybeTip(). """ # <motionlessCursorDuration> is the amount of time the cursor (mouse) has been motionless. motionlessCursorDuration = time.time( ) - self.glpane.cursorMotionlessStartTime # Don't display the tooltip yet if <motionlessCursorDuration> hasn't exceeded the "wake up delay". # The wake up delay is currently set to 1 second in Mark 060818. if motionlessCursorDuration < env.prefs[ dynamicToolTipWakeUpDelay_prefs_key]: self.toolTipShown = False return selobj = self.glpane.selobj # If an object is not currently highlighted, don't display a tooltip. if not selobj: return # If the highlighted object is a singlet, # don't display a tooltip for it. if isinstance(selobj, Atom) and (selobj.element is Singlet): return if self.toolTipShown: # The tooltip is already displayed, so return. # Do not allow tip() to be called again or it will "flash". return tipText = self.getToolTipText() if not tipText: tipText = "" # This makes sure that dynamic tip is not displayed when # the highlightable object is 'unknown' to the dynamic tip class. # (From QToolTip.showText doc: "If text is empty the tool tip is hidden.") QToolTip.showText( helpEvent.globalPos(), tipText) #@@@ ninad061107 works fine but need code review self.toolTipShown = True
def maybeTip(self, helpEvent): """ Determines if this tooltip should be displayed. The tooltip will be displayed at <cusorPos> if an object is highlighted and the mouse hasn't moved for some period of time, called the "wake up delay" period, which is a user pref (not yet implemented in the Preferences dialog) currently set to 1 second. <cursorPos> is the current cursor position in the GLPane's local coordinates. maybeTip() is called by GLPane.timerEvent() whenever the cursor is not moving to determine if the tooltip should be displayed. For more details about this member, see Qt documentation on QToolTip.maybeTip(). """ # <motionlessCursorDuration> is the amount of time the cursor (mouse) has been motionless. motionlessCursorDuration = time.time() - self.glpane.cursorMotionlessStartTime # Don't display the tooltip yet if <motionlessCursorDuration> hasn't exceeded the "wake up delay". # The wake up delay is currently set to 1 second in Mark 060818. if motionlessCursorDuration < env.prefs[dynamicToolTipWakeUpDelay_prefs_key]: self.toolTipShown = False return selobj = self.glpane.selobj # If an object is not currently highlighted, don't display a tooltip. if not selobj: return # If the highlighted object is a singlet, # don't display a tooltip for it. if isinstance(selobj, Atom) and (selobj.element is Singlet): return if self.toolTipShown: # The tooltip is already displayed, so return. # Do not allow tip() to be called again or it will "flash". return tipText = self.getToolTipText() if not tipText: tipText = "" # This makes sure that dynamic tip is not displayed when # the highlightable object is 'unknown' to the dynamic tip class. # (From QToolTip.showText doc: "If text is empty the tool tip is hidden.") QToolTip.showText(helpEvent.globalPos(), tipText) #@@@ ninad061107 works fine but need code review self.toolTipShown = True
def helpEvent(self, event, view, option, index): if event is not None and view is not None and event.type() == QEvent.ToolTip: try: db = index.model().db except AttributeError: return False try: book_id = except (ValueError, IndexError, KeyError): return False title = db.new_api.field_for('title', book_id) authors = db.new_api.field_for('authors', book_id) if title and authors: title = '<b>%s</b>' % ('\n'.join(wrap(title, 100))) authors = '\n'.join(wrap(' & '.join(authors), 100)) QToolTip.showText(event.globalPos(), '%s<br><br>%s' % (title, authors), view) return True return False
def show_tooltip(self, ev): c = self.cursorForPosition(ev.pos()) fmt = self.syntax_format_for_cursor(c) if fmt is not None: tt = unicode(fmt.toolTip()) if tt: QToolTip.setFont(self.tooltip_font) QToolTip.setPalette(self.tooltip_palette) QToolTip.showText(ev.globalPos(), textwrap.fill(tt)) QToolTip.hideText() ev.ignore()
def languageChange(self): opts = self.desc.option_attrs self.setCaption( QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, opts.caption)) # was "Nanotube" self.heading_label.setText( QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, opts.title)) # was "Nanotube" self.sponsor_btn.setText(QString.null) self.done_btn.setText(QString.null) QToolTip.add( self.done_btn, QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Done")) self.abort_btn.setText(QString.null) QToolTip.add( self.abort_btn, QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Cancel")) self.preview_btn.setText(QString.null) QToolTip.add( self.preview_btn, QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Preview")) self.whatsthis_btn.setText(QString.null) QToolTip.add( self.whatsthis_btn, QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "What's This Help")) ### move these up: ## if 0: ## self.parameters_grpbox.setTitle(QString.null) ## self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setText(QString.null) ## self.parameters_grpbox_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Nanotube Parameters")) ## if 0: ## self.members_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Members :")) ## self.length_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Length :")) ## self.chirality_n_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Chirality (n) :")) ## self.members_combox.clear() ## self.members_combox.insertItem(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "C - C")) ## self.members_combox.insertItem(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "B - N")) ## self.length_linedit.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "20.0 A")) ## self.chirality_N_spinbox.setSuffix(QString.null) self.cancel_btn.setText( QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Cancel")) self.ok_btn.setText( QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "OK")) return
def languageChange(self): opts = self.desc.option_attrs self.setCaption(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, opts.caption)) # was "Nanotube" self.heading_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, opts.title)) # was "Nanotube" self.sponsor_btn.setText(QString.null) self.done_btn.setText(QString.null) QToolTip.add(self.done_btn,QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Done")) self.abort_btn.setText(QString.null) QToolTip.add(self.abort_btn,QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Cancel")) self.preview_btn.setText(QString.null) QToolTip.add(self.preview_btn,QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Preview")) self.whatsthis_btn.setText(QString.null) QToolTip.add(self.whatsthis_btn,QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "What's This Help")) ### move these up: ## if 0: ## self.parameters_grpbox.setTitle(QString.null) ## self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setText(QString.null) ## self.parameters_grpbox_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Nanotube Parameters")) ## if 0: ## self.members_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Members :")) ## self.length_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Length :")) ## self.chirality_n_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Chirality (n) :")) ## self.members_combox.clear() ## self.members_combox.insertItem(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "C - C")) ## self.members_combox.insertItem(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "B - N")) ## self.length_linedit.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "20.0 A")) ## self.chirality_N_spinbox.setSuffix(QString.null) self.cancel_btn.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Cancel")) self.ok_btn.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "OK")) return
def collapse_menu_hovered(self, action): tip = action.toolTip() if tip == '*': tip = '' QToolTip.showText(QCursor.pos(), tip)
def __init__(self, parent=None, desc=None, name=None, modal=0, fl=0, env=None, type="QDialog"): if env is None: import foundation.env as env # this is a little weird... probably it'll be ok, and logically it seems correct. self.desc = desc self.typ = type if type == "QDialog": QDialog.__init__(self, parent, name, modal, fl) elif type == "QTextEdit": QTextEdit.__init__(self, parent, name) elif type == "QFrame": QFrame.__init__(self, parent, name) else: print "don't know about type == %r" % (type, ) self.image1 = QPixmap() self.image1.loadFromData(image1_data, "PNG") # should be: title_icon #### self.image3 = QPixmap() self.image3.loadFromData(image3_data, "PNG") self.image4 = QPixmap() self.image4.loadFromData(image4_data, "PNG") self.image5 = QPixmap() self.image5.loadFromData(image5_data, "PNG") self.image6 = QPixmap() self.image6.loadFromData(image6_data, "PNG") self.image7 = QPixmap() self.image7.loadFromData(image7_data, "PNG") self.image0 = QPixmap(image0_data) # should be: border_icon #### self.image2 = QPixmap(image2_data) # should be: sponsor_pixmap #### try: ####@@@@ title_icon_name = self.desc.options.get('title_icon') border_icon_name = self.desc.options.get('border_icon') if title_icon_name: self.image1 = imagename_to_pixmap( title_icon_name) ###@@@ pass icon_path ###@@@ import imagename_to_pixmap or use env function # or let that func itself be an arg, or have an env arg for it ###e rename it icon_name_to_pixmap, or find_icon? (the latter only if it's ok if it returns an iconset) ###e use iconset instead? if border_icon_name: self.image0 = imagename_to_pixmap(border_icon_name) except: print_compact_traceback( "bug in icon-setting code, using fallback icons: ") pass if not name: self.setName("parameter_dialog_or_frame") ### ###k guess this will need: if type == 'QDialog' self.setIcon(self.image0) # should be: border_icon #### nanotube_dialogLayout = QVBoxLayout(self, 0, 0, "nanotube_dialogLayout") self.heading_frame = QFrame(self, "heading_frame") self.heading_frame.setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(122, 122, 122)) self.heading_frame.setFrameShape(QFrame.NoFrame) self.heading_frame.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Plain) heading_frameLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.heading_frame, 0, 3, "heading_frameLayout") self.heading_pixmap = QLabel(self.heading_frame, "heading_pixmap") self.heading_pixmap.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed, 0, 0, self.heading_pixmap.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth())) self.heading_pixmap.setPixmap( self.image1) # should be: title_icon #### self.heading_pixmap.setScaledContents(1) heading_frameLayout.addWidget(self.heading_pixmap) self.heading_label = QLabel(self.heading_frame, "heading_label") self.heading_label.setPaletteForegroundColor(QColor(255, 255, 255)) heading_label_font = QFont(self.heading_label.font()) heading_label_font.setPointSize(12) heading_label_font.setBold(1) self.heading_label.setFont(heading_label_font) heading_frameLayout.addWidget(self.heading_label) nanotube_dialogLayout.addWidget(self.heading_frame) self.body_frame = QFrame(self, "body_frame") self.body_frame.setFrameShape(QFrame.StyledPanel) self.body_frame.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Raised) body_frameLayout = QVBoxLayout(self.body_frame, 3, 3, "body_frameLayout") self.sponsor_frame = QFrame(self.body_frame, "sponsor_frame") self.sponsor_frame.setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(255, 255, 255)) self.sponsor_frame.setFrameShape(QFrame.StyledPanel) self.sponsor_frame.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Raised) sponsor_frameLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.sponsor_frame, 0, 0, "sponsor_frameLayout") self.sponsor_btn = QPushButton(self.sponsor_frame, "sponsor_btn") self.sponsor_btn.setAutoDefault(0) #bruce 060703 bugfix self.sponsor_btn.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred, 0, 0, self.sponsor_btn.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth())) self.sponsor_btn.setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(255, 255, 255)) self.sponsor_btn.setPixmap( self.image2 ) # should be: sponsor_pixmap #### [also we'll need to support >1 sponsor] self.sponsor_btn.setFlat(1) sponsor_frameLayout.addWidget(self.sponsor_btn) body_frameLayout.addWidget(self.sponsor_frame) layout59 = QHBoxLayout(None, 0, 6, "layout59") left_spacer = QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout59.addItem(left_spacer) self.done_btn = QToolButton(self.body_frame, "done_btn") self.done_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image3)) layout59.addWidget(self.done_btn) self.abort_btn = QToolButton(self.body_frame, "abort_btn") self.abort_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image4)) layout59.addWidget(self.abort_btn) self.preview_btn = QToolButton(self.body_frame, "preview_btn") self.preview_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image5)) layout59.addWidget(self.preview_btn) self.whatsthis_btn = QToolButton(self.body_frame, "whatsthis_btn") self.whatsthis_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image6)) layout59.addWidget(self.whatsthis_btn) right_spacer = QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout59.addItem(right_spacer) body_frameLayout.addLayout(layout59) self.groups = [] self.param_getters = { } # map from param name to get-function (which gets current value out of its widget or controller) for group_desc in'group'): # == start parameters_grpbox ### this will differ for Windows style header_refs = [ ] # keep python refcounted refs to all objects we make (at least the ones pyuic stored in self attrs) self.parameters_grpbox = QGroupBox(self.body_frame, "parameters_grpbox") self.parameters_grpbox.setFrameShape(QGroupBox.StyledPanel) self.parameters_grpbox.setFrameShadow(QGroupBox.Sunken) self.parameters_grpbox.setMargin(0) self.parameters_grpbox.setColumnLayout(0, Qt.Vertical) self.parameters_grpbox.layout().setSpacing(1) self.parameters_grpbox.layout().setMargin(4) parameters_grpboxLayout = QVBoxLayout( self.parameters_grpbox.layout()) parameters_grpboxLayout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) layout20 = QHBoxLayout(None, 0, 6, "layout20") self.nt_parameters_grpbtn = QPushButton(self.parameters_grpbox, "nt_parameters_grpbtn") self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Fixed, 0, 0, self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) ) self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setMaximumSize(QSize(16, 16)) self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setAutoDefault(0) self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setIcon(QIcon( self.image7)) ### not always right, but doesn't matter self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setFlat(1) layout20.addWidget(self.nt_parameters_grpbtn) self.parameters_grpbox_label = QLabel(self.parameters_grpbox, "parameters_grpbox_label") self.parameters_grpbox_label.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Minimum, 0, 0, self.parameters_grpbox_label.sizePolicy(). hasHeightForWidth())) self.parameters_grpbox_label.setAlignment(QLabel.AlignVCenter) layout20.addWidget(self.parameters_grpbox_label) gbx_spacer1 = QSpacerItem(67, 16, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout20.addItem(gbx_spacer1) parameters_grpboxLayout.addLayout(layout20) nt_parameters_body_layout = QGridLayout( None, 1, 1, 0, 6, "nt_parameters_body_layout" ) ### what is 6 -- is it related to number of items??? # is it 6 in all the ones we got, but that could be a designer error so i better look it up sometime. # == start its kids # will use from above: self.parameters_grpbox, nt_parameters_body_layout nextrow = 0 # which row of the QGridLayout to start filling next (loop variable) hidethese = [ ] # set of objects to hide or show, when this group is closed or opened for param in'parameter'): # param (a group subobj desc) is always a parameter, but we already plan to extend this beyond that, # so we redundantly test for this here. getter = None paramname = None # set these for use by uniform code at the end (e.g. for tooltips) editfield = None label = None if param.isa('parameter'): label = QLabel(self.parameters_grpbox, "members_label") label.setAlignment(QLabel.AlignVCenter | QLabel.AlignRight) nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget(label, nextrow, 0) hidethese.append(label) thisrow = nextrow nextrow += 1 #e following should be known in a place that knows the input language, not here paramname = param.options.get('name') or ( param.args and param.args[0]) or "?" paramlabel = param.options.get( 'label' ) or paramname ##e wrong, label "" or none ought to be possible # QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "xyz") label.setText( QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, paramlabel)) if param.isa('parameter', widget='combobox', type=('str', None)): self.members_combox = QComboBox( 0, self.parameters_grpbox, "members_combox") ###k what's 0? editfield = self.members_combox #### it probably needs a handler class, and then that could do this setup self.members_combox.clear() default = param.options.get( 'default', None) # None is not equal to any string thewidgetkid = 'widget' )[-1] # kluge; need to think what the desc method for this should be for item in'item'): itemval = item.args[0] itemtext = itemval self.members_combox.insertItem( QtGui.QApplication.translate( self.__class__.__name__, itemtext)) #k __tr ok?? if itemval == default: #k or itemtext? pass ##k i find no setItem in our py code, so not sure yet what to do for this. nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget( self.members_combox, thisrow, 1) hidethese.append(self.members_combox) getter = (lambda combobox=self.members_combox: str( combobox.currentText())) ##e due to __tr or non-str values, it might be better to use currentIndex and look it up in a table # (though whether __tr is good here might depend on what it's used for) elif param.isa('parameter', widget=('lineedit', None), type=('str', None)): # this covers explicit str|lineedit, and 3 default cases str, lineedit, neither. # (i.e. if you say parameter and nothing else, it's str lineedit by default.) self.length_linedit = QLineEdit(self.parameters_grpbox, "length_linedit") editfield = self.length_linedit nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget( self.length_linedit, thisrow, 1) hidethese.append(self.length_linedit) default = str(param.options.get('default', "")) self.length_linedit.setText( QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, default)) # __tr ok? getter = (lambda lineedit=self.length_linedit: str( lineedit.text())) elif param.isa('parameter', widget=('lineedit', None), type='float'): self.length_linedit = QLineEdit(self.parameters_grpbox, "length_linedit") editfield = self.length_linedit nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget( self.length_linedit, thisrow, 1) hidethese.append(self.length_linedit) controller = FloatLineeditController_Qt( self, param, self.length_linedit) header_refs.append(controller) getter = controller.get_value elif param.isa('parameter', widget = ('spinbox', None), type = 'int') or \ param.isa('parameter', widget = ('spinbox'), type = None): self.chirality_N_spinbox = QSpinBox( self.parameters_grpbox, "chirality_N_spinbox" ) # was chirality_m_spinbox, now chirality_N_spinbox editfield = self.chirality_N_spinbox ### seems like Qt defaults for min and max are 0,100 -- way too small a range! if param.options.has_key('min') or 1: self.chirality_N_spinbox.setMinimum( param.options.get('min', -999999999)) # was 0 if param.options.has_key('max') or 1: self.chirality_N_spinbox.setMaximum( param.options.get( 'max', +999999999)) # wasn't in egcode, but needed self.chirality_N_spinbox.setValue( param.options.get('default', 0)) # was 5 ##e note: i suspect this default 0 should come from something that knows this desc grammar. suffix = param.options.get('suffix', '') if suffix: self.chirality_N_spinbox.setSuffix( QtGui.QApplication.translate( self.__class__.__name__, suffix)) else: self.chirality_N_spinbox.setSuffix( QString.null) # probably not needed nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget( self.chirality_N_spinbox, thisrow, 1) hidethese.append(self.chirality_N_spinbox) getter = self.chirality_N_spinbox.value # note: it also has .text, which includes suffix else: print "didn't match:", param ###e improve this # things done the same way for all kinds of param-editing widgets if 1: #bruce 060703 moved this down here, as bugfix # set tooltip (same one for editfield and label) tooltip = param.options.get('tooltip', '') ###e do it for more kinds of params; share the code somehow; do it in controller, or setup-aid? ###k QToolTip appropriateness; tooltip option might be entirely untested if tooltip and label: QToolTip.add( label, QtGui.QApplication.translate( self.__class__.__name__, tooltip)) if tooltip and editfield: QToolTip.add( editfield, QtGui.QApplication.translate( self.__class__.__name__, tooltip) ) ##k ok?? review once not all params have same-row labels. if getter and paramname and paramname != '?': self.param_getters[paramname] = getter ### also bind these params to actions... continue # next param header_refs.extend([ self.parameters_grpbox, self.nt_parameters_grpbtn, self.parameters_grpbox_label ]) # now create the logic/control object for the group group = CollapsibleGroupController_Qt(self, group_desc, header_refs, hidethese, self.nt_parameters_grpbtn) ### maybe ask env for the class to use for this? self.groups.append( group ) ### needed?? only for scanning the params, AFAIK -- oh, and to maintain a python refcount. # from languageChange: if 1: # i don't know if these are needed: self.parameters_grpbox.setTitle(QString.null) self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setText(QString.null) self.parameters_grpbox_label.setText( QtGui.QApplication.translate( self.__class__.__name__, group_desc.args[0])) # was "Nanotube Parameters" ##e note that it's questionable in the syntax design for this property of a group (overall group label) # to be in that position (desc arg 0). # == end its kids parameters_grpboxLayout.addLayout(nt_parameters_body_layout) body_frameLayout.addWidget(self.parameters_grpbox) # == end parameters groupbox continue # next group nanotube_dialogLayout.addWidget(self.body_frame) spacer14 = QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding) nanotube_dialogLayout.addItem(spacer14) layout42 = QHBoxLayout(None, 4, 6, "layout42") btm_spacer = QSpacerItem(59, 20, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout42.addItem(btm_spacer) self.cancel_btn = QPushButton(self, "cancel_btn") self.cancel_btn.setAutoDefault(0) #bruce 060703 bugfix layout42.addWidget(self.cancel_btn) self.ok_btn = QPushButton(self, "ok_btn") self.ok_btn.setAutoDefault(0) #bruce 060703 bugfix layout42.addWidget(self.ok_btn) nanotube_dialogLayout.addLayout(layout42) self.languageChange() self.resize( QSize(246, 618).expandedTo(self.minimumSizeHint()) ) ### this size will need to be adjusted (guess -- it's only place overall size is set) qt4todo('self.clearWState(Qt.WState_Polished)') ## self.connect(self.nt_parameters_grpbtn,SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.toggle_nt_parameters_grpbtn) #### # new: for button, methodname in ( (self.sponsor_btn, 'do_sponsor_btn'), #e generalize to more than one sponsor button (self.done_btn, 'do_done_btn'), (self.abort_btn, 'do_abort_btn'), (self.preview_btn, 'do_preview_btn'), (self.whatsthis_btn, 'do_whatsthis_btn'), (self.cancel_btn, 'do_cancel_btn'), (self.ok_btn, 'do_ok_btn')): if hasattr(self, methodname): self.connect(button, SIGNAL("clicked()"), getattr(self, methodname)) return
def __init__(self, parent = None, desc = None, name = None, modal = 0, fl = 0, env = None, type = "QDialog"): if env is None: import foundation.env as env # this is a little weird... probably it'll be ok, and logically it seems correct. self.desc = desc self.typ = type if type == "QDialog": QDialog.__init__(self,parent,name,modal,fl) elif type == "QTextEdit": QTextEdit.__init__(self, parent, name) elif type == "QFrame": QFrame.__init__(self,parent,name) else: print "don't know about type == %r" % (type,) self.image1 = QPixmap() self.image1.loadFromData(image1_data,"PNG") # should be: title_icon #### self.image3 = QPixmap() self.image3.loadFromData(image3_data,"PNG") self.image4 = QPixmap() self.image4.loadFromData(image4_data,"PNG") self.image5 = QPixmap() self.image5.loadFromData(image5_data,"PNG") self.image6 = QPixmap() self.image6.loadFromData(image6_data,"PNG") self.image7 = QPixmap() self.image7.loadFromData(image7_data,"PNG") self.image0 = QPixmap(image0_data) # should be: border_icon #### self.image2 = QPixmap(image2_data) # should be: sponsor_pixmap #### try: ####@@@@ title_icon_name = self.desc.options.get('title_icon') border_icon_name = self.desc.options.get('border_icon') if title_icon_name: self.image1 = imagename_to_pixmap(title_icon_name) ###@@@ pass icon_path ###@@@ import imagename_to_pixmap or use env function # or let that func itself be an arg, or have an env arg for it ###e rename it icon_name_to_pixmap, or find_icon? (the latter only if it's ok if it returns an iconset) ###e use iconset instead? if border_icon_name: self.image0 = imagename_to_pixmap(border_icon_name) except: print_compact_traceback("bug in icon-setting code, using fallback icons: ") pass if not name: self.setName("parameter_dialog_or_frame") ### ###k guess this will need: if type == 'QDialog' self.setIcon(self.image0) # should be: border_icon #### nanotube_dialogLayout = QVBoxLayout(self,0,0,"nanotube_dialogLayout") self.heading_frame = QFrame(self,"heading_frame") self.heading_frame.setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(122,122,122)) self.heading_frame.setFrameShape(QFrame.NoFrame) self.heading_frame.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Plain) heading_frameLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.heading_frame,0,3,"heading_frameLayout") self.heading_pixmap = QLabel(self.heading_frame,"heading_pixmap") self.heading_pixmap.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed,QSizePolicy.Fixed,0,0,self.heading_pixmap.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth())) self.heading_pixmap.setPixmap(self.image1) # should be: title_icon #### self.heading_pixmap.setScaledContents(1) heading_frameLayout.addWidget(self.heading_pixmap) self.heading_label = QLabel(self.heading_frame,"heading_label") self.heading_label.setPaletteForegroundColor(QColor(255,255,255)) heading_label_font = QFont(self.heading_label.font()) heading_label_font.setPointSize(12) heading_label_font.setBold(1) self.heading_label.setFont(heading_label_font) heading_frameLayout.addWidget(self.heading_label) nanotube_dialogLayout.addWidget(self.heading_frame) self.body_frame = QFrame(self,"body_frame") self.body_frame.setFrameShape(QFrame.StyledPanel) self.body_frame.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Raised) body_frameLayout = QVBoxLayout(self.body_frame,3,3,"body_frameLayout") self.sponsor_frame = QFrame(self.body_frame,"sponsor_frame") self.sponsor_frame.setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(255,255,255)) self.sponsor_frame.setFrameShape(QFrame.StyledPanel) self.sponsor_frame.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Raised) sponsor_frameLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.sponsor_frame,0,0,"sponsor_frameLayout") self.sponsor_btn = QPushButton(self.sponsor_frame,"sponsor_btn") self.sponsor_btn.setAutoDefault(0) #bruce 060703 bugfix self.sponsor_btn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred,QSizePolicy.Preferred,0,0,self.sponsor_btn.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth())) self.sponsor_btn.setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(255,255,255)) self.sponsor_btn.setPixmap(self.image2) # should be: sponsor_pixmap #### [also we'll need to support >1 sponsor] self.sponsor_btn.setFlat(1) sponsor_frameLayout.addWidget(self.sponsor_btn) body_frameLayout.addWidget(self.sponsor_frame) layout59 = QHBoxLayout(None,0,6,"layout59") left_spacer = QSpacerItem(20,20,QSizePolicy.Expanding,QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout59.addItem(left_spacer) self.done_btn = QToolButton(self.body_frame,"done_btn") self.done_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image3)) layout59.addWidget(self.done_btn) self.abort_btn = QToolButton(self.body_frame,"abort_btn") self.abort_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image4)) layout59.addWidget(self.abort_btn) self.preview_btn = QToolButton(self.body_frame,"preview_btn") self.preview_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image5)) layout59.addWidget(self.preview_btn) self.whatsthis_btn = QToolButton(self.body_frame,"whatsthis_btn") self.whatsthis_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image6)) layout59.addWidget(self.whatsthis_btn) right_spacer = QSpacerItem(20,20,QSizePolicy.Expanding,QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout59.addItem(right_spacer) body_frameLayout.addLayout(layout59) self.groups = [] self.param_getters = {} # map from param name to get-function (which gets current value out of its widget or controller) for group_desc in'group'): # == start parameters_grpbox ### this will differ for Windows style header_refs = [] # keep python refcounted refs to all objects we make (at least the ones pyuic stored in self attrs) self.parameters_grpbox = QGroupBox(self.body_frame,"parameters_grpbox") self.parameters_grpbox.setFrameShape(QGroupBox.StyledPanel) self.parameters_grpbox.setFrameShadow(QGroupBox.Sunken) self.parameters_grpbox.setMargin(0) self.parameters_grpbox.setColumnLayout(0,Qt.Vertical) self.parameters_grpbox.layout().setSpacing(1) self.parameters_grpbox.layout().setMargin(4) parameters_grpboxLayout = QVBoxLayout(self.parameters_grpbox.layout()) parameters_grpboxLayout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) layout20 = QHBoxLayout(None,0,6,"layout20") self.nt_parameters_grpbtn = QPushButton(self.parameters_grpbox,"nt_parameters_grpbtn") self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum,QSizePolicy.Fixed,0,0,self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth())) self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setMaximumSize(QSize(16,16)) self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setAutoDefault(0) self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image7)) ### not always right, but doesn't matter self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setFlat(1) layout20.addWidget(self.nt_parameters_grpbtn) self.parameters_grpbox_label = QLabel(self.parameters_grpbox,"parameters_grpbox_label") self.parameters_grpbox_label.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred,QSizePolicy.Minimum,0,0,self.parameters_grpbox_label.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth())) self.parameters_grpbox_label.setAlignment(QLabel.AlignVCenter) layout20.addWidget(self.parameters_grpbox_label) gbx_spacer1 = QSpacerItem(67,16,QSizePolicy.Expanding,QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout20.addItem(gbx_spacer1) parameters_grpboxLayout.addLayout(layout20) nt_parameters_body_layout = QGridLayout(None,1,1,0,6,"nt_parameters_body_layout") ### what is 6 -- is it related to number of items??? # is it 6 in all the ones we got, but that could be a designer error so i better look it up sometime. # == start its kids # will use from above: self.parameters_grpbox, nt_parameters_body_layout nextrow = 0 # which row of the QGridLayout to start filling next (loop variable) hidethese = [] # set of objects to hide or show, when this group is closed or opened for param in'parameter'): # param (a group subobj desc) is always a parameter, but we already plan to extend this beyond that, # so we redundantly test for this here. getter = None paramname = None # set these for use by uniform code at the end (e.g. for tooltips) editfield = None label = None if param.isa('parameter'): label = QLabel(self.parameters_grpbox,"members_label") label.setAlignment(QLabel.AlignVCenter | QLabel.AlignRight) nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget(label,nextrow,0) hidethese.append(label) thisrow = nextrow nextrow += 1 #e following should be known in a place that knows the input language, not here paramname = param.options.get('name') or (param.args and param.args[0]) or "?" paramlabel = param.options.get('label') or paramname ##e wrong, label "" or none ought to be possible # QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "xyz") label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, paramlabel)) if param.isa('parameter', widget = 'combobox', type = ('str',None)): self.members_combox = QComboBox(0,self.parameters_grpbox,"members_combox") ###k what's 0? editfield = self.members_combox #### it probably needs a handler class, and then that could do this setup self.members_combox.clear() default = param.options.get('default', None) # None is not equal to any string thewidgetkid ='widget')[-1] # kluge; need to think what the desc method for this should be for item in'item'): itemval = item.args[0] itemtext = itemval self.members_combox.insertItem(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, itemtext)) #k __tr ok?? if itemval == default: #k or itemtext? pass ##k i find no setItem in our py code, so not sure yet what to do for this. nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget(self.members_combox,thisrow,1) hidethese.append(self.members_combox) getter = (lambda combobox = self.members_combox: str(combobox.currentText())) ##e due to __tr or non-str values, it might be better to use currentIndex and look it up in a table # (though whether __tr is good here might depend on what it's used for) elif param.isa('parameter', widget = ('lineedit', None), type = ('str',None)): # this covers explicit str|lineedit, and 3 default cases str, lineedit, neither. # (i.e. if you say parameter and nothing else, it's str lineedit by default.) self.length_linedit = QLineEdit(self.parameters_grpbox,"length_linedit") editfield = self.length_linedit nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget(self.length_linedit,thisrow,1) hidethese.append(self.length_linedit) default = str(param.options.get('default', "")) self.length_linedit.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, default)) # __tr ok? getter = (lambda lineedit = self.length_linedit: str(lineedit.text())) elif param.isa('parameter', widget = ('lineedit', None), type = 'float'): self.length_linedit = QLineEdit(self.parameters_grpbox,"length_linedit") editfield = self.length_linedit nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget(self.length_linedit,thisrow,1) hidethese.append(self.length_linedit) controller = FloatLineeditController_Qt(self, param, self.length_linedit) header_refs.append(controller) getter = controller.get_value elif param.isa('parameter', widget = ('spinbox', None), type = 'int') or \ param.isa('parameter', widget = ('spinbox'), type = None): self.chirality_N_spinbox = QSpinBox(self.parameters_grpbox,"chirality_N_spinbox") # was chirality_m_spinbox, now chirality_N_spinbox editfield = self.chirality_N_spinbox ### seems like Qt defaults for min and max are 0,100 -- way too small a range! if param.options.has_key('min') or 1: self.chirality_N_spinbox.setMinimum(param.options.get('min', -999999999)) # was 0 if param.options.has_key('max') or 1: self.chirality_N_spinbox.setMaximum(param.options.get('max', +999999999)) # wasn't in egcode, but needed self.chirality_N_spinbox.setValue(param.options.get('default', 0)) # was 5 ##e note: i suspect this default 0 should come from something that knows this desc grammar. suffix = param.options.get('suffix', '') if suffix: self.chirality_N_spinbox.setSuffix(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, suffix)) else: self.chirality_N_spinbox.setSuffix(QString.null) # probably not needed nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget(self.chirality_N_spinbox,thisrow,1) hidethese.append(self.chirality_N_spinbox) getter = self.chirality_N_spinbox.value # note: it also has .text, which includes suffix else: print "didn't match:",param ###e improve this # things done the same way for all kinds of param-editing widgets if 1: #bruce 060703 moved this down here, as bugfix # set tooltip (same one for editfield and label) tooltip = param.options.get('tooltip', '') ###e do it for more kinds of params; share the code somehow; do it in controller, or setup-aid? ###k QToolTip appropriateness; tooltip option might be entirely untested if tooltip and label: QToolTip.add(label, QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, tooltip)) if tooltip and editfield: QToolTip.add(editfield, QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, tooltip)) ##k ok?? review once not all params have same-row labels. if getter and paramname and paramname != '?': self.param_getters[paramname] = getter ### also bind these params to actions... continue # next param header_refs.extend( [self.parameters_grpbox, self.nt_parameters_grpbtn, self.parameters_grpbox_label] ) # now create the logic/control object for the group group = CollapsibleGroupController_Qt(self, group_desc, header_refs, hidethese, self.nt_parameters_grpbtn) ### maybe ask env for the class to use for this? self.groups.append(group) ### needed?? only for scanning the params, AFAIK -- oh, and to maintain a python refcount. # from languageChange: if 1: # i don't know if these are needed: self.parameters_grpbox.setTitle(QString.null) self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setText(QString.null) self.parameters_grpbox_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, group_desc.args[0])) # was "Nanotube Parameters" ##e note that it's questionable in the syntax design for this property of a group (overall group label) # to be in that position (desc arg 0). # == end its kids parameters_grpboxLayout.addLayout(nt_parameters_body_layout) body_frameLayout.addWidget(self.parameters_grpbox) # == end parameters groupbox continue # next group nanotube_dialogLayout.addWidget(self.body_frame) spacer14 = QSpacerItem(20,20,QSizePolicy.Minimum,QSizePolicy.Expanding) nanotube_dialogLayout.addItem(spacer14) layout42 = QHBoxLayout(None,4,6,"layout42") btm_spacer = QSpacerItem(59,20,QSizePolicy.Expanding,QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout42.addItem(btm_spacer) self.cancel_btn = QPushButton(self,"cancel_btn") self.cancel_btn.setAutoDefault(0) #bruce 060703 bugfix layout42.addWidget(self.cancel_btn) self.ok_btn = QPushButton(self,"ok_btn") self.ok_btn.setAutoDefault(0) #bruce 060703 bugfix layout42.addWidget(self.ok_btn) nanotube_dialogLayout.addLayout(layout42) self.languageChange() self.resize(QSize(246,618).expandedTo(self.minimumSizeHint())) ### this size will need to be adjusted (guess -- it's only place overall size is set) qt4todo('self.clearWState(Qt.WState_Polished)') ## self.connect(self.nt_parameters_grpbtn,SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.toggle_nt_parameters_grpbtn) #### # new: for button, methodname in ((self.sponsor_btn, 'do_sponsor_btn'), #e generalize to more than one sponsor button (self.done_btn, 'do_done_btn'), (self.abort_btn, 'do_abort_btn'), (self.preview_btn, 'do_preview_btn'), (self.whatsthis_btn, 'do_whatsthis_btn'), (self.cancel_btn, 'do_cancel_btn'), (self.ok_btn, 'do_ok_btn')): if hasattr(self, methodname): self.connect(button, SIGNAL("clicked()"), getattr(self, methodname)) return
def maybeTip(self, helpEvent): """ Determines if this tooltip should be displayed. The tooltip will be displayed at helpEvent.globalPos() if an object is highlighted and the mouse hasn't moved for some period of time, called the "wake up delay" period, which is a user pref (not yet implemented in the Preferences dialog) currently set to 1 second. maybeTip() is called by GLPane.timerEvent() whenever the cursor is not moving to determine if the tooltip should be displayed. @param helpEvent: a QHelpEvent constructed by the caller @type helpEvent: QHelpEvent """ # docstring used to also say: ## For more details about this member, see Qt documentation on QToolTip.maybeTip(). # but this is unclear to me (since this class does not inherit from # QToolTip), so I removed it. [bruce 081208] debug = debug_pref("GLPane: graphics debug tooltip?", Choice_boolean_False, prefs_key = True ) glpane = self.glpane selobj = glpane.selobj if debug: # russ 080715: Graphics debug tooltip. # bruce 081208/081211: revised, moved out of _getToolTipText, # made debug_pref. # note: we don't use glpane.MousePos since it's not reliable -- # only some graphicsModes store it, and only in mouse press events. # Note: double buffering applies only to the color buffer, # not the stencil or depth buffers, which have only one copy. # The setting of GL_READ_BUFFER should have no effect on # glReadPixelsf from those buffers. # [bruce 081211 comment, based on Russ report of OpenGL doc] pos = helpEvent.pos() wX = pos.x() wY = glpane.height - pos.y() #review: off by 1?? wZ = glReadPixelsf(wX, wY, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT)[0][0] stencil = glReadPixelsi(wX, wY, 1, 1, GL_STENCIL_INDEX)[0][0] savebuff = glGetInteger(GL_READ_BUFFER) whichbuff = {GL_FRONT:"front", GL_BACK:"back"}.get(savebuff, "unknown") redraw_counter = env.redraw_counter # Pixel data is sign-wrapped, in spite of specifying unsigned_byte. def us(b): if b < 0: return 256 + b else: return b def pixvals(buff): glReadBuffer(buff) gl_format, gl_type = GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE rgba = glReadPixels( wX, wY, 1, 1, gl_format, gl_type )[0][0] return ( "rgba %u, %u, %u, %u" % (us(rgba[0]), us(rgba[1]), us(rgba[2]), us(rgba[3])) ) def redifnot(v1, v2, text): if v1 != v2: return redmsg(text) else: return text front_pixvals = pixvals(GL_FRONT) back_pixvals = pixvals(GL_BACK) glReadBuffer(savebuff) # restore the saved value tipText = ( "env.redraw = %d; selobj = %s<br>" % (redraw_counter, quote_html(str(selobj)),) + # note: sometimes selobj is an instance of _UNKNOWN_SELOBJ_class... relates to testmode bug from renderText # (confirmed that renderText zaps stencil and that that alone causes no bug in other graphicsmodes) # TODO: I suspect this can be printed even during rendering... need to print glpane variables # which indicate whether we're doing rendering now, e.g. current_glselect, drawing_phase; # also modkeys (sp?), glselect_wanted "mouse position (xy): %d, %d<br>" % (wX, wY,) + "depth %f, stencil %d<br>" % (wZ, stencil) + redifnot(whichbuff, "back", "current read buffer: %s<br>" % whichbuff ) + redifnot(glpane.glselect_wanted, 0, "glselect_wanted: %s<br>" % (glpane.glselect_wanted,) ) + redifnot(glpane.current_glselect, False, "current_glselect: %s<br>" % (glpane.current_glselect,) ) + redifnot(glpane.drawing_phase, "?", "drawing_phase: %s<br>" % (glpane.drawing_phase,) ) + "front: " + front_pixvals + "<br>" + redifnot(back_pixvals, front_pixvals, "back: " + back_pixvals ) ) global _last_tipText if tipText != _last_tipText: print print tipText _last_tipText = tipText pass # use tipText below else: # <motionlessCursorDuration> is the amount of time the cursor (mouse) has been motionless. motionlessCursorDuration = time.time() - glpane.cursorMotionlessStartTime # Don't display the tooltip yet if <motionlessCursorDuration> hasn't exceeded the "wake up delay". # The wake up delay is currently set to 1 second in Mark 060818. if motionlessCursorDuration < env.prefs[dynamicToolTipWakeUpDelay_prefs_key]: self.toolTipShown = False return # If an object is not currently highlighted, don't display a tooltip. if not selobj: return # If the highlighted object is a singlet, # don't display a tooltip for it. if isinstance(selobj, Atom) and (selobj.element is Singlet): return if self.toolTipShown: # The tooltip is already displayed, so return. # Do not allow tip() to be called again or it will "flash". return tipText = self._getToolTipText() pass # show the tipText if not tipText: tipText = "" # This makes sure that dynamic tip is not displayed when # the highlightable object is 'unknown' to the dynamic tip class. # (From QToolTip.showText doc: "If text is empty the tool tip is hidden.") showpos = helpEvent.globalPos() if debug: # show it a little lower to avoid the cursor obscuring the tooltip. # (might be useful even when not debugging, depending on the cursor) # [bruce 081208] showpos = showpos + QPoint(0, 10) QToolTip.showText(showpos, tipText) #@@@ ninad061107 works fine but need code review self.toolTipShown = True
def showEmotionTips(self,index): if index.isValid(): QToolTip.showText(QCursor.pos(), "Hello", None)
def show_tooltip(self, arg): widget, pos = arg QToolTip.showText(pos, self.get_tooltip())