class QtMenuBar(QtToolkitObject, ProxyMenuBar):
    """ A Qt implementation of an Enaml ProxyMenuBar.

    #: A reference to the widget created by the proxy.
    widget = Typed(QMenuBar)

    # Initialization API
    def create_widget(self):
        """ Create the underlying menu bar widget.

        # Qt behaves better when creating the menu bar without a parent.
        self.widget = QMenuBar()

    def init_layout(self):
        """ Initialize the layout for the menu bar.

        super(QtMenuBar, self).init_layout()
        widget = self.widget
        for child in self.children():
            if isinstance(child, QtMenu):

    def destroy(self):
        """ A reimplemented destructor.

        Qt takes ownership of the menubar, so the destructor does not
        attempt to unparent the menubar. The child_removed handler on
        the main window will reset the menu bar.

        del self.declaration

    # Child Events
    def find_next_action(self, child):
        """ Get the QAction instance which follows the child.

        child : QtMenu
            The child menu of interest.

        result : QAction or None
            The QAction which comes immediately after the actions of the
            given child, or None if no actions follow the child.

        found = False
        for dchild in self.children():
            if found:
                if isinstance(dchild, QtMenu):
                    return dchild.widget.menuAction()
                found = dchild is child

    def child_added(self, child):
        """ Handle the child added event for a QtMenuBar.

        super(QtMenuBar, self).child_added(child)
        if isinstance(child, QtMenu):
            before = self.find_next_action(child)
            self.widget.insertMenu(before, child.widget)

    def child_removed(self, child):
        """ Handle the child removed event for a QtMenuBar.

        super(QtMenuBar, self).child_removed(child)
        if isinstance(child, QtMenu):