def initPlotwindow(self,y,samplingrate): self.samplingrate = samplingrate; # set axis titles self.setAxisTitle(Qwt.QwtPlot.xBottom, 't/sec -->') self.setAxisTitle(Qwt.QwtPlot.yLeft, 'U/Volt -->') # insert a few curves self.cData = Qwt.QwtPlotCurve('y = voltage') self.cData.setPen(Qt.QPen( self.cData.attach(self) # make a Numeric array for the horizontal data self.x = np.arange(0.0, 500, 1) self.x = self.x / samplingrate; # sneaky way of creating an array of just zeroes self.y = self.x * 0 + y # initialize the data self.cData.setData(self.x,self.y) # insert a horizontal marker at y = 0 mY = Qwt.QwtPlotMarker() mY.setLineStyle(Qwt.QwtPlotMarker.HLine) mY.setYValue(0.0) mY.attach(self) # replot self.replot()
def __init__(self, *args): super(DataPlot, self).__init__(*args) self.setCanvasBackground(Qt.white) self.insertLegend(Qwt.QwtLegend(), Qwt.QwtPlot.BottomLegend) self.curves = {} self.pauseFlag = False self.dataOffsetX = 0 self.canvasOffsetX = 0 self.canvasOffsetY = 0 self.lastCanvasX = 0 self.lastCanvasY = 0 self.pressedCanvasY = 0 self.redrawOnEachUpdate = False self.redrawOnFullUpdate = True self.redrawTimerInterval = None self.redrawManually = False self.oscilloscopeNextDataPosition = 0 self.oscilloscopeMode = False self.lastClickCoordinates = None markerAxisY = Qwt.QwtPlotMarker() markerAxisY.setLabelAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop) markerAxisY.setLineStyle(Qwt.QwtPlotMarker.HLine) markerAxisY.setYValue(0.0) markerAxisY.attach(self) #self.setAxisTitle(Qwt.QwtPlot.xBottom, "Time") #self.setAxisTitle(Qwt.QwtPlot.yLeft, "Value") self.picker = Qwt.QwtPlotPicker( Qwt.QwtPlot.xBottom, Qwt.QwtPlot.yLeft, Qwt.QwtPicker.PolygonSelection, Qwt.QwtPlotPicker.PolygonRubberBand, Qwt.QwtPicker.AlwaysOn, self.canvas() ) self.picker.setRubberBandPen(QPen(self.colors[-1])) self.picker.setTrackerPen(QPen(self.colors[-1])) # Initialize data self.timeAxis = arange(self.dataNumValuesPloted) self.canvasDisplayHeight = 1000 self.canvasDisplayWidth = self.canvas().width() self.dataOffsetX = self.dataNumValuesSaved - len(self.timeAxis) self.redraw() self.moveCanvas(0, 0) self.canvas().setMouseTracking(True) self.canvas().installEventFilter(self) # init and start redraw timer self.timerRedraw = QTimer(self) self.timerRedraw.timeout.connect(self.redraw) if self.redrawTimerInterval: self.timerRedraw.start(self.redrawTimerInterval)
def testIPlot(): if 'np' not in dir(): import PyQt4.Qwt5.anynumpy as np x = np.arange(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 0.01) p = IPlot(Axis(Bottom, "linear x-axis"), Axis(Left, "linear y-axis"), Axis(Right, Log, "logarithmic y-axis"), Curve(x, np.cos(x), Pen(Magenta, 2), "cos(x)"), Curve(x, np.exp(x), Pen(Red), "exp(x)", Right), "PyQwt using Qt-%s and Qwt-%s"% (QT_VERSION_STR, QWT_VERSION_STR), ) x = x[0:-1:10] p.plot( Curve(x, np.cos(x-np.pi/4), Symbol(Circle, Yellow), "circle"), Curve(x, np.cos(x+np.pi/4), Pen(Blue), Symbol(Square, Cyan), "square"), ) return p
def update_plot(self, new_t, new_vals): if self.first_update: self.first_update = False self.n = 0 self.tmin = new_t self.tmax = self.tmin + self.window self.t = np.arange(self.tmin, self.tmax, 0.1) for var in[var] = np.zeros(len(self.t)) self.widget.setAxisScale(Qwt.QwtPlot.xBottom, self.tmin, self.tmax) self.t[self.n] = new_t for var, val in new_vals.iteritems():[var][self.n] = val self.curves[var].setData(self.t[:self.n],[var][:self.n]) #self.curves[var].setData(self.t,[var]) if self.tmax - self.t[self.n] < self.jump_threshold: self.tmin += self.jump self.tmax += self.jump self.widget.setAxisScale(Qwt.QwtPlot.xBottom, self.tmin, self.tmax) # drop old data the will not be displayed. # find the index of the largest value in self.t that is less than tmin. cut_index = len(np.nonzero(self.t[:self.n] < self.tmin)[0]) debug("tmin=%f tmax=%f cut=%d n=%d -> %d array_lenth=%d" % ( self.tmin, self.tmax, cut_index, self.n, self.n - cut_index, len(self.t))) self.t = self.t[cut_index:] for var in[var] =[var][cut_index:] self.n -= cut_index assert(self.t[self.n] == new_t) self.n += 1 if self.n >= len(self.t): debug("Extending arrays by %d samples" % (self.extra_samples)) self.t = np.concatenate((self.t, np.zeros(self.extra_samples))) for var in[var] = np.concatenate(([var], np.zeros(self.extra_samples))) #self.widget.setAxisScale(Qwt.QwtPlot.xBottom, t[-1]-10, t[-1]) self.widget.replot()
def setDamp(self, d): self.damping = d # Numerical Python: f, g, a and p are NumPy arrays! f = np.exp(np.log(10.0) * np.arange(-2, 2.02, 0.04)) g = 1.0 / (1.0 - f * f + 2j * self.damping * f) a = 20.0 * np.log10(abs(g)) p = 180 * np.arctan2(g.imag, g.real) / np.pi # for show3dB i3 = np.argmax(np.where(np.less(a, -3.0), a, -100.0)) f3 = f[i3] - (a[i3] + 3.0) * (f[i3] - f[i3 - 1]) / (a[i3] - a[i3 - 1]) # for showPeak imax = np.argmax(a) self.showPeak(f[imax], a[imax]) self.show3dB(f3) self.showData(f, a, p) self.replot()
def setDamp(self, d): self.damping = d # Numerical Python: f, g, a and p are NumPy arrays! f = np.exp(np.log(10.0)*np.arange(-2, 2.02, 0.04)) g = 1.0/(1.0-f*f+2j*self.damping*f) a = 20.0*np.log10(abs(g)) p = 180*np.arctan2(g.imag, g.real)/np.pi # for show3dB i3 = np.argmax(np.where(np.less(a, -3.0), a, -100.0)) f3 = f[i3] - (a[i3]+3.0)*(f[i3]-f[i3-1])/(a[i3]-a[i3-1]) # for showPeak imax = np.argmax(a) self.showPeak(f[imax], a[imax]) self.show3dB(f3) self.showData(f, a, p) self.replot()
def testIPlot(): if 'np' not in dir(): import PyQt4.Qwt5.anynumpy as np x = np.arange(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 0.01) p = IPlot( Axis(Bottom, "linear x-axis"), Axis(Left, "linear y-axis"), Axis(Right, Log, "logarithmic y-axis"), Curve(x, np.cos(x), Pen(Magenta, 2), "cos(x)"), Curve(x, np.exp(x), Pen(Red), "exp(x)", Right), "PyQwt using Qt-%s and Qwt-%s" % (QT_VERSION_STR, QWT_VERSION_STR), ) x = x[0:-1:10] p.plot( Curve(x, np.cos(x - np.pi / 4), Symbol(Circle, Yellow), "circle"), Curve(x, np.cos(x + np.pi / 4), Pen(Blue), Symbol(Square, Cyan), "square"), ) return p
def _createPlotFrame(self, parent, plotName, xLabel, yLabel, curveNameColorPairs): """ This function creates a curve with curveName of colour "color", x axis with xLabel and yAxis with yLabel """ if hasattr(self, plotName): return getattr(self, plotName) frame = QtGui.QFrame(parent) frame.setFrameStyle(QtGui.QFrame.Panel | QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) plot = Qwt.QwtPlot( frame) setattr(self, plotName, plot) plot.insertLegend(Qwt.QwtLegend(), Qwt.QwtPlot.RightLegend) plot.setAxisTitle(Qwt.QwtPlot.xBottom, xLabel) plot.setAxisTitle(Qwt.QwtPlot.yLeft, yLabel) x = numpy.arange(0.0, 6.28, 0.1) y = [numpy.sin(x),numpy.cos(x)] plot.replot() layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(frame) layout.addWidget(plot) frame.setLayout(layout) return frame
def rescaleAxisX(self, deltaX): newLen = len(self.timeAxis) + deltaX newLen = max(10, min(newLen, self.dataNumValuesSaved)) self.timeAxis = arange(newLen) self.dataOffsetX = max(0, min(self.dataOffsetX, self.dataNumValuesSaved - len(self.timeAxis))) self.rescale()