def setData(self, data): self.series.clear() for i, j in zip(data, self.brushes): barset = QBarSet("test") barset.append(i) barset.setBrush(j) barset.setPen(self.pen) self.series.append(barset)
def createBar(self): min_num, max_num = 0, 100 linked_bag_list = [] try: df = self.linked['Beam Diff'].dropna() linked_bag_list = df.values.tolist() min_num = int(min(linked_bag_list)) if min_num > 0: # check if greater than 0, set to 0 min_num = 0 max_num = int(max(linked_bag_list)) except AttributeError: self.statusbar.showMessage('Data not ready') count = [0] * (max_num + 1) # choose the largest num as length of count for num in linked_bag_list: count[int(num)] += 1 # update every number's count max_count = max(count) setBar = QBarSet('Beam Difference Occurrence') setBar.append(count) brush = QBrush(QColor(0x57B1FD)) pen = QPen(QColor(0x57B1FD)) pen.setWidth(2) setBar.setPen(pen) setBar.setBrush(brush) series = QBarSeries() series.append(setBar) chart = QChart() chart.setTheme(QChart.ChartThemeBlueIcy) font = QFont() font.setPixelSize(18) chart.setTitleFont(font) chart.setTitle('Linked Bins Histogram') chart.addSeries(series) chart.setAnimationOptions(QChart.SeriesAnimations) axisX = QValueAxis() axisX.setTitleText("Attenuation Window") axisX.setRange(min_num, max_num+20) chart.setAxisX(axisX, series) axisY = QValueAxis() axisY.setTitleText("Frequency") axisY.setRange(0, max_count+20) chart.setAxisY(axisY, series) chart.legend().hide() chartView = QChartView(chart) chartView.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) return chartView
def beforeDelay(self): print("in before delay bar") min_num, max_num = 0, 100 max_count = 0 total_stopped_time = [] try: total_stopped_time = max_num = max(total_stopped_time) except AttributeError: self.statusbar.showMessage('Data not ready') count = total_stopped_time count = [0] * (int(max_num) + 1 ) # choose the largest num as length of count for num in total_stopped_time: count[int(num)] += 1 # update every number's count max_count = max(count) print(len(total_stopped_time), max_count) setBar = QBarSet('stop time') setBar.append(count) brush = QBrush(QColor(0x57B1FD)) pen = QPen(QColor(0x57B1FD)) pen.setWidth(2) setBar.setPen(pen) setBar.setBrush(brush) series = QBarSeries() series.append(setBar) chart = QChart() font = QFont() font.setPixelSize(18) chart.setTitleFont(font) chart.setTitle('Stop time Histogram (before)') chart.addSeries(series) chart.setAnimationOptions(QChart.SeriesAnimations) axisX = QValueAxis() axisX.setRange(min_num, max_num + 20) chart.setAxisX(axisX, series) axisY = QValueAxis() axisY.setRange(0, max_count + 20) chart.setAxisY(axisY, series) chart.legend().setVisible(True) chart.legend().setAlignment(Qt.AlignBottom) chartView = QChartView(chart) chartView.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) # MainWindow.setCentralWidget(chartView) return chartView
def afterDelay(self): # print("in after delay bar") min_num, max_num = 0, 100 max_count = 0 total_stopped_after_delay = [] count = [0] * (int(max_num) + 1) # choose the largest num as length of count try: total_stopped_after_delay = max_num = max(total_stopped_after_delay) count = [0] * (int(max_num) + 1) # choose the largest num as length of count for num in total_stopped_after_delay: count[int(num)] += 1 # update every number's count max_count = max(count) except (AttributeError, ValueError): self.statusbar.showMessage('Data not ready') setBar = QBarSet('Stop Time Occurrence') setBar.append(count) brush = QBrush(QColor(0xA6E22E)) # Green pen = QPen(QColor(0xA6E22E)) # Green pen.setWidth(2) setBar.setPen(pen) setBar.setBrush(brush) series = QBarSeries() series.append(setBar) chart = QChart() font = QFont() font.setPixelSize(18) chart.setTitleFont(font) chart.setTitle('Stop time Occurrence (after)') chart.addSeries(series) chart.setAnimationOptions(QChart.SeriesAnimations) axisX = QValueAxis() axisX.setRange(min_num, max_num+20) chart.setAxisX(axisX, series) axisY = QValueAxis() axisY.setRange(0, max_count+20) chart.setAxisY(axisY, series) chart.legend().setVisible(True) chart.legend().setAlignment(Qt.AlignBottom) chartView = QChartView(chart) chartView.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) # MainWindow.setCentralWidget(chartView) return chartView
def beforeDelayDistribution(self): min_num, max_num = 0, 100 max_count = 0 total_stopped_time = [] count = [0] try: total_stopped_time = max_num = len(total_stopped_time) # change from max() to len() 2/12 11:11 count = total_stopped_time max_count = max(count) except (AttributeError, ValueError): self.statusbar.showMessage('Data not ready') setBar = QBarSet('stop time') setBar.append(count) brush = QBrush(QColor(0x57B1FD)) pen = QPen(QColor(0x57B1FD)) pen.setWidth(2) setBar.setPen(pen) setBar.setBrush(brush) series = QBarSeries() series.append(setBar) chart = QChart() font = QFont() font.setPixelSize(18) chart.setTitleFont(font) chart.setTitle('Stop time Distribution (before)') chart.addSeries(series) chart.setAnimationOptions(QChart.SeriesAnimations) axisX = QValueAxis() axisX.setRange(min_num, max_num) chart.setAxisX(axisX, series) axisY = QValueAxis() axisY.setRange(0, max_count+20) chart.setAxisY(axisY, series) chart.legend().setVisible(True) chart.legend().setAlignment(Qt.AlignBottom) chartView = QChartView(chart) chartView.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) # MainWindow.setCentralWidget(chartView) return chartView
def createUnlinkedBar(self): max_count = 0 unlinked_bag_list = [] try: df = self.unlinked['Beam Diff'].dropna() unlinked_bag_list = df.values.tolist() except AttributeError: self.statusbar.showMessage('Data not ready') count = [0] * 4 for num in unlinked_bag_list: if -1000 <= num and num <= -51: count[0] += 1 elif -50 <= num and num <= -1: count[1] += 1 elif 151 <= num and num <= 200: count[2] += 1 elif 201 <= num: count[3] += 1 # print(count) max_count = max(count) setBar = QBarSet('Beam Difference Occurrence') setBar.append(count) series = QBarSeries() series.append(setBar) brush = QBrush(QColor(0xfdb157)) pen = QPen(QColor(0xfdb157)) pen.setWidth(2) setBar.setPen(pen) setBar.setBrush(brush) chart = QChart() font = QFont() font.setPixelSize(18) chart.setTitleFont(font) chart.setTitle('Unlinked Bags Summary') chart.addSeries(series) chart.setAnimationOptions(QChart.SeriesAnimations) labels = ['Not useful(-50 to -1000)', 'Pushed by operator(-1 to -50)', 'Slipping on belt(151 to 200)', 'Not useful 201+'] axisX = QBarCategoryAxis() axisX.append(labels) # chart.setAxisX(axisX, series) chart.addAxis(axisX, Qt.AlignBottom) # chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyle.WrodWrap series.attachAxis(axisX) axisY = QValueAxis() axisY.setRange(0, max_count+1) # chart.setAxisY(axisY, series) chart.addAxis(axisY, Qt.AlignLeft) series.attachAxis(axisY) chart.legend().setVisible(True) chart.legend().setAlignment(Qt.AlignBottom) chartView = QChartView(chart) chartView.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) # MainWindow.setCentralWidget(chartView) return chartView
def createBar(self): print("in create bar") min_num, max_num = 0, 100 max_count = 0 linked_bag_list = [] try: df = self.linked['Beam Diff'].dropna() # df = self.dp.linked['Beam Diff'].dropna() # print(df) linked_bag_list = df.values.tolist() min_num = int(min(linked_bag_list)) # print(min_num) if min_num > 0: # check if greater than 0, set to 0 min_num = 0 max_num = int(max(linked_bag_list)) # print(max_count) except AttributeError: self.statusbar.showMessage('Data not ready') count = linked_bag_list count = [0] * (max_num + 1 ) # choose the largest num as length of count for num in linked_bag_list: count[int(num)] += 1 # update every number's count max_count = max(count) setBar = QBarSet('Beam Difference') setBar.append(count) brush = QBrush(QColor(0x57B1FD)) pen = QPen(QColor(0x57B1FD)) pen.setWidth(2) setBar.setPen(pen) setBar.setBrush(brush) series = QBarSeries() series.append(setBar) chart = QChart() font = QFont() font.setPixelSize(18) chart.setTitleFont(font) chart.setTitle('Linked Bags Histogram') chart.addSeries(series) chart.setAnimationOptions(QChart.SeriesAnimations) axisX = QValueAxis() axisX.setRange(min_num, max_num + 20) chart.setAxisX(axisX, series) axisY = QValueAxis() axisY.setRange(0, max_count + 20) chart.setAxisY(axisY, series) chart.legend().setVisible(True) chart.legend().setAlignment(Qt.AlignBottom) chartView = QChartView(chart) chartView.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) # MainWindow.setCentralWidget(chartView) return chartView