def processArguments(arguments): parser = QCommandLineParser() parser.addHelpOption() parser.addVersionOption() delayOption = QCommandLineOption(["d", "delay"], "Take a screenshot after NUM seconds", "NUM") fullscreenOption = QCommandLineOption(["f", "fullscreen"], "Take a screenshot of the whole screen") topWindowOption = QCommandLineOption(["w", "top-window"], "Take a screenshot of the most top window") savePathOption = QCommandLineOption(["s", "save-path"], "Specify a path to save the screenshot", "PATH") startFromDesktopOption = QCommandLineOption(["i", "icon"], "Indicate that this program's started by clicking desktop file.") parser.addOption(delayOption) parser.addOption(fullscreenOption) parser.addOption(topWindowOption) parser.addOption(savePathOption) parser.addOption(startFromDesktopOption) parser.process(arguments) delay = int(parser.value(delayOption) or 0) fullscreen = bool(parser.isSet(fullscreenOption) or False) topWindow = bool(parser.isSet(topWindowOption) or False) savePath = str(parser.value(savePathOption) or "") startFromDesktop = bool(parser.isSet(startFromDesktopOption) or False) return {"delay": delay, "fullscreen": fullscreen, "topWindow": topWindow, "savePath": savePath, "startFromDesktop": startFromDesktop}
class CliParser: def __init__(self, app): self.log = logs.logger.add_module("CliParser") QApplication.setApplicationName("fotobox") QApplication.setApplicationVersion("1.0") self.parser = QCommandLineParser() self.parser.setApplicationDescription("Fotobox") self.parser.addHelpOption() self.parser.addVersionOption() self.cursorOption = QCommandLineOption(["m", "mouse-cursor"], "Maus anzeigen") self.parser.addOption(self.cursorOption) self.configOption = QCommandLineOption(["c", "config"], "Systemkonfiguration setzen") self.parser.addOption(self.configOption) self.loggingOption = QCommandLineOption(["log"], "Logging aktivieren", "level", "INFO") self.parser.addOption(self.loggingOption) self.parser.process(app) def is_mouse_cursor(self): return self.parser.isSet(self.cursorOption) def is_config_mode(self): return self.parser.isSet(self.configOption) def log_level(self): return self.parser.value(self.loggingOption).lower()
def runmain(): import sys app = QApplication(sys.argv) cmdParser = QCommandLineParser() cmdParser.setApplicationDescription( 'Room file merger utility script for Basement Renovator. Takes a config file and feeds it to the cli roommerger script' ) cmdParser.addHelpOption() cmdParser.addPositionalArgument( 'configFile', '''json config file to grab configuration from; sets current working directory to its directory. Format: { files: [ { outputFile: path to file to output, paths: [ path to file/folder to replace, ... ], skipSTB: optional, true to skip generating the stb, noRecomputeIds: optional, true to skip recompute room ids, startingId: starting room id to recompute from }... ] } ''') fileEditedOpt = QCommandLineOption( 'fileEdited', 'optional file to limit which rooms get merged from the config', 'file') cmdParser.addOption(fileEditedOpt) cmdParser.process(app) configArg = cmdParser.positionalArguments()[0] configPath = Path(configArg).absolute().resolve() if not configArg or not configPath.is_file(): print('Invalid config path!') return fileEditedArg = cmdParser.value(fileEditedOpt) fileEditedPath = None if fileEditedArg: fileEditedPath = Path(fileEditedArg).absolute().resolve() if not fileEditedPath.is_file(): print('Invalid edited file path!') return scriptPath = Path(__file__ + '/../').absolute().resolve() with open(configPath) as configFile: config = json.load(configFile) mergeRooms(config['files'], str(scriptPath), configPath.parent, fileEdited=fileEditedPath) print('Success! Merged all.')
def process_args(app): args = {} parser = QCommandLineParser() parser.setApplicationDescription( ('PyMemorise is a tool to help memorise tables of data.' + ' It was built as an exam revision aid.')) parser.addHelpOption() parser.addVersionOption() dbOption = QCommandLineOption( ["database-file", "d"], "path to database, will be created if does not exist", "db", str(Path.home().joinpath(".pymem.db"))) parser.addOption(dbOption) parser.process(app) args["database"] = parser.value(dbOption) if parser.positionalArguments(): print(parser.positionalArguments()) parser.showHelp() return args
def processArguments(arguments): parser = QCommandLineParser() parser.addHelpOption() parser.addVersionOption() delayOption = QCommandLineOption(["d", "delay"], "Take a screenshot after NUM seconds", "NUM") fullscreenOption = QCommandLineOption( ["f", "fullscreen"], "Take a screenshot of the whole screen") topWindowOption = QCommandLineOption( ["w", "top-window"], "Take a screenshot of the most top window") savePathOption = QCommandLineOption( ["s", "save-path"], "Specify a path to save the screenshot", "PATH") startFromDesktopOption = QCommandLineOption( ["i", "icon"], "Indicate that this program's started by clicking desktop file.") noNotificationOption = QCommandLineOption(["n", "no-notification"], "Don't send notifications.") parser.addOption(delayOption) parser.addOption(fullscreenOption) parser.addOption(topWindowOption) parser.addOption(savePathOption) parser.addOption(noNotificationOption) parser.addOption(startFromDesktopOption) parser.process(arguments) delay = int(parser.value(delayOption) or 0) fullscreen = bool(parser.isSet(fullscreenOption) or False) topWindow = bool(parser.isSet(topWindowOption) or False) savePath = str(parser.value(savePathOption) or "") startFromDesktop = bool(parser.isSet(startFromDesktopOption) or False) noNotification = bool(parser.isSet(noNotificationOption) or False) return { "delay": delay, "fullscreen": fullscreen, "topWindow": topWindow, "savePath": savePath, "startFromDesktop": startFromDesktop, "noNotification": noNotification }
def main(use_resources=False): parser = QCommandLineParser() geometryOpt = QCommandLineOption('geometry', 'Main window geometry', 'geometry') parser.addOption(geometryOpt) parser.process(sys.argv) if parser.isSet('geometry'): try: geometry = tuple( int(val) for val in parser.value('geometry').split('x')) if len(geometry) != 4: raise if any(val < 1 for val in geometry): raise except: print( 'The --geometry argument value must have a format such as 1x1x640x320 (x, y, width, height).' ) exit(0) else: geometry = None app = QApplication(sys.argv) app.setApplicationName('pyrMExplorer') app.setOrganizationName('rMTools') if use_resources: icon_path = resource_path('icon.ico') else: icon_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'icon.ico') app.setWindowIcon(QIcon(icon_path)) mainWindow = RmExplorerWindow() if geometry: mainWindow.setGeometry(*geometry) sys.exit(app.exec_())
fullscreenOption = QCommandLineOption(["f", "fullscreen"], "Take a screenshot of the whole screen") topWindowOption = QCommandLineOption(["w", "top-window"], "Take a screenshot of the most top window") savePathOption = QCommandLineOption(["s", "save-path"], "Specify a path to save the screenshot", "PATH") startFromDesktopOption = QCommandLineOption(["i", "icon"], "Indicate that this program's started by clicking desktop file.") parser.addOption(delayOption) parser.addOption(fullscreenOption) parser.addOption(topWindowOption) parser.addOption(savePathOption) parser.addOption(startFromDesktopOption) parser.process(app) delayValue = int(parser.value(delayOption) or 0) fullscreenValue = bool(parser.isSet(fullscreenOption) or False) topWindowValue = bool(parser.isSet(topWindowOption) or False) savePathValue = str(parser.value(savePathOption) or "") startFromDesktopValue = bool(parser.isSet(startFromDesktopOption) or False) if is_service_exist(): notificationsInterface.notify("Deepin Screenshot", _("Deepin Screenshot has been started!")) else: QTimer.singleShot(max(0, delayValue * 1000), main) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def runmain(): import sys app = QApplication(sys.argv) cmdParser = QCommandLineParser() cmdParser.setApplicationDescription( 'Room file merger utility script for Basement Renovator. Takes a set of file paths' ) cmdParser.addHelpOption() cmdParser.addPositionalArgument('file', 'xml files to merge') outputFileOpt = QCommandLineOption('output', 'output filename, must be xml', 'file') cmdParser.addOption(outputFileOpt) stbOpt = QCommandLineOption( 'stb', 'whether to save an stb version of the file next to it') cmdParser.addOption(stbOpt) noRecompIdsOpt = QCommandLineOption( 'noRecomputeIds', 'turn off recomputing room ids; useful for special room merging') cmdParser.addOption(noRecompIdsOpt) idOpt = QCommandLineOption( 'startingId', 'optional starting id to use when recomputing room ids', 'id') cmdParser.addOption(idOpt) skipOpt = QCommandLineOption( 'roommerge', 'placeholder argument used to prevent recursive execution') cmdParser.addOption(skipOpt) cmdParser.process(app) if cmdParser.isSet(skipOpt): print('Recursive execution from save hook, skipping') return paths = cmdParser.positionalArguments() if not paths: print('Must specify at least one file to merge!') return outputFileArg = cmdParser.value(outputFileOpt) outputFilePath = Path(outputFileArg).absolute().resolve() if not outputFileArg or outputFilePath.suffix != '.xml': print('Must specify xml output file!') return lastModified = None if outputFilePath.exists(): lastModified = outputFilePath.stat().st_mtime idArg = cmdParser.value(idOpt) noRecompIdsArg = cmdParser.isSet(noRecompIdsOpt) stbArg = cmdParser.isSet(stbOpt) mergeRoomFile = None i = -1 while (i + 1) < len(paths): i += 1 file = paths[i] path = Path(file) if path.is_dir(): files = list(filter(lambda f: f.suffix == '.xml', path.iterdir())) print('Adding xml files to queue from: ', path) del paths[i] i -= 1 paths.extend(files) paths = list(filter(lambda f: Path(f).exists(), paths)) if lastModified: anyModified = next( (file for file in paths if file.stat().st_mtime > lastModified), None) is not None if not anyModified: print('----') print( 'Skipping since no xmls in folder have been modified since last update' ) return for file in paths: print('----') print('Path:', file) path = Path(file) print('Merging file...') if path.suffix != '.xml': print('Must be xml! Skipping!') continue roomFile = cvt.xmlToCommon(path) if not mergeRoomFile: mergeRoomFile = roomFile else: mergeRoomFile.rooms.extend(roomFile.rooms) print('----') if not mergeRoomFile: print('No rooms files to merge') return if not noRecompIdsArg: recomputeRoomIDs(mergeRoomFile.rooms, idArg and int(idArg)) cvt.commonToXML(outputFilePath, mergeRoomFile.rooms, file=mergeRoomFile) if stbArg: cvt.commonToSTBAB(outputFileArg.replace('.xml', '.stb'), mergeRoomFile.rooms) settings = QSettings(__file__ + '/../../settings.ini', QSettings.IniFormat) saveHooks = settings.value('HooksSave') if saveHooks: fullPath = str(outputFilePath) for hook in saveHooks: hook = Path(hook).absolute().resolve() try:[str(hook), fullPath, '--save', '--roommerge'], cwd=hook.parent, timeout=60) except Exception as e: print('Save hook failed! Reason:', e) print('Success! Merged to', outputFileArg)
class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.edl, = '', '' self.parse_cmdline() self.init_logger() self.init_cutter() self.setWindowTitle('%s' % qApp.applicationName()) self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.statusBar().showMessage('Ready') statuslogo = QLabel(pixmap=QPixmap(':/images/vidcutter-emboss.png'), objectName='logowidget') self.statusBar().addPermanentWidget(statuslogo) self.statusBar().setStyleSheet('border:none;') self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.setMinimumSize(900, 640) try: if len( self.cutter.loadMedia( if len(self.edl): self.cutter.openEDL(edlfile=self.edl) except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError) as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, 'Error loading file', sys.exc_info()[0]) logging.exception('Error loading file') qApp.restoreOverrideCursor() self.cutter.startNew() if not self.cutter.ffmpeg_check(): self.close() sys.exit(1) def init_logger(self) -> None: try: log_path = QStandardPaths.writableLocation( QStandardPaths.AppConfigLocation).lower() except AttributeError: if sys.platform == 'win32': log_path = os.path.join(QDir.homePath(), 'AppData', 'Local', qApp.applicationName().lower()) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': log_path = os.path.join(QDir.homePath(), 'Library', 'Preferences', qApp.applicationName()).lower() else: log_path = os.path.join(QDir.homePath(), '.config', qApp.applicationName()).lower() os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True) handlers = [ logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(os.path.join( log_path, '%s.log' % qApp.applicationName().lower()), maxBytes=1000000, backupCount=1) ] if os.getenv('DEBUG', False): handlers.append(logging.StreamHandler()) logging.basicConfig( handlers=handlers, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', level=logging.INFO) logging.captureWarnings(capture=True) sys.excepthook = self.log_uncaught_exceptions @staticmethod def log_uncaught_exceptions(cls, exc, tb) -> None: logging.critical(''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb))) logging.critical('{0}: {1}'.format(cls, exc)) def parse_cmdline(self) -> None: self.parser = QCommandLineParser() self.parser.setApplicationDescription( 'The simply FAST & ACCURATE video cutter & joiner') self.parser.addPositionalArgument('video', 'Preloads the video file in app.', '[video]') self.edl_option = QCommandLineOption( 'edl', 'Preloads clip index from a previously saved EDL file.\n' + 'NOTE: You must also set the video argument for this to work.', 'edl file') self.debug_option = QCommandLineOption( ['d', 'debug'], 'Output all info, warnings and errors to the console. ' + 'This will basically output what is being logged to file to the ' + 'console stdout. Mainly useful for debugging problems with your ' + 'system video and/or audio stack and codec configuration.') self.parser.addOption(self.edl_option) self.parser.addOption(self.debug_option) self.parser.addVersionOption() self.parser.addHelpOption() self.parser.process(qApp) self.args = self.parser.positionalArguments() if self.parser.value('edl').strip() and not os.path.exists( self.parser.value('edl')): print('\n ERROR: EDL file not found.\n', file=sys.stderr) self.close() sys.exit(1) if self.parser.value('edl').strip() and len(self.args) == 0: print('\n ERROR: Video file argument is missing.\n', file=sys.stderr) self.close() sys.exit(1) if self.parser.value('edl').strip(): self.edl = self.parser.value('edl') if self.parser.isSet(self.debug_option): os.environ['DEBUG'] = '1' if len(self.args) > 0 and not os.path.exists(self.args[0]): print('\n ERROR: Video file not found.\n', file=sys.stderr) self.close() sys.exit(1) if len(self.args) > 0: = self.args[0] def init_cutter(self) -> None: self.cutter = VideoCutter(self) qApp.setWindowIcon(self.cutter.appIcon) self.setCentralWidget(self.cutter) @staticmethod def get_bitness() -> int: from struct import calcsize return calcsize('P') * 8 def restart(self) -> None: self.cutter.deleteLater() self.init_cutter() @staticmethod def get_path(path: str = None, override: bool = False) -> str: if override: if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): return os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, path) return os.path.join(QFileInfo(__file__).absolutePath(), path) return ':%s' % path @staticmethod def load_stylesheet(qssfile: str) -> None: if QFileInfo(qssfile).exists(): qss = QFile(qssfile) | QFile.Text) qApp.setStyleSheet(QTextStream(qss).readAll()) @staticmethod def get_version(filename: str = '') -> str: with open(MainWindow.get_path(filename, override=True), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as initfile: for line in initfile.readlines(): m = re.match('__version__ *= *[\'](.*)[\']', line) if m: return def contextMenuEvent(self, event: QContextMenuEvent) -> None: if event.reason() == QContextMenuEvent.Mouse: self.cutter.appMenu.exec_(event.globalPos()) event.accept() super(MainWindow, self).contextMenuEvent(event) def mousePressEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent): if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.cutter.cliplist.clearSelection() def dragEnterEvent(self, event: QDragEnterEvent) -> None: if event.mimeData().hasUrls(): event.accept() def dropEvent(self, event: QDropEvent) -> None: filename = event.mimeData().urls()[0].toLocalFile() self.cutter.loadMedia(filename) event.accept() def closeEvent(self, event: QCloseEvent) -> None: if hasattr(self, 'cutter'): if hasattr(self.cutter, 'mediaPlayer'): self.cutter.mediaPlayer.terminate() qApp.quit()
["of", "overlay-frame"], "frame in the overlay animation to use, defaults to 0", "of", "0", ) cmdParser.addOption(overlayFrameOpt) noScaleOpt = QCommandLineOption("noscale", "turns off scaling in anm2") cmdParser.addOption(noScaleOpt) cmdParser.process(app) args = cmdParser.positionalArguments() fileArg = args[0] frameArg = int(cmdParser.value(frameOpt)) animArg = cmdParser.value(animOpt) overlayArg = cmdParser.value(overlayOpt) overlayFrameArg = int(cmdParser.value(overlayFrameOpt)) noScaleArg = cmdParser.isSet(noScaleOpt) settings = QSettings("../settings.ini", QSettings.IniFormat) resources = settings.value("ResourceFolder", "") print("Resource Path:", resources) createIcon( fileArg, animArg, frameArg, overlayArg, overlayFrameArg, noScaleArg, resources )
class PyCirkuitParser(QObject): def _initStrings(self): self._appDescriptionStr = _translate( "CommandLine", "\n" "{productName} is a front-end for Circuit Macros by Dwight Aplevich,\n" "which are a set of macros for drawing high-quality line diagrams\n" "to be included in TeX, LaTeX, web or similar documents.", "Commandline application description. Don't translate '{productName}'." ) self._batchOptionStr = _translate( "CommandLine", "Activates batch (unattended) mode, and convert files specified by <path> to {formatID} format. Several output formats can be used together.", "Commandline option description. Don't translate the '{formatID}' variable." ) self._dpiOptionStr = _translate( "CommandLine", "Sets the resolution of output raster images (png, jpg), in dots per inch. Value <N> is mandatory. If option is not set, default is {defaultDPI}dpi (defined in 'settings' dialog).", "Commandline argument description. Don't translate the '{defaultDPI}' variable." ) self._qualityOptionStr = _translate( "CommandLine", "Sets the quality of output raster lossy images (jpg), in percent. Value <Q> is mandatory. If option is not set, default is {defaultQuality}% (defined in 'settings' dialog).", "Commandline option description. Don't translate the '{defaultQuality}' variable." ) self._overwriteOptionStr = _translate( "CommandLine", "Overwrite by default the converted files if they are present. If not set, user will be asked at runtime.", "Commandline option description.") self._followLinksOptionStr = _translate( "CommandLine", "Follow symbolic links.\n" "- If not set, destination file will be saved into the same directory where the source file is, whether it's a real file or a symbolic link.\n" "- If set, destination file will be saved into the directory where the real source file is located.", "Commandline option description.") self._destDirOptionStr = _translate( "CommandLine", "Save all converted files into the same destination directory <D> (value is mandatory).", "Commandline option description. Don't translate '<D>'.") self._recurseOptionStr = _translate( "CommandLine", "Using this option the pattern '**' will match any files and zero or more subdirs, so '**/*.ckt' will match all files with 'ckt' extension in the current directory and all its subdirectories.", "Commandline option description.") self._pathDescriptionStr = _translate( "CommandLine", "Path to source drawing file(s) to process. Wildcards accepted.\n" "- If no <path> is given, the GUI is opened.\n" "- If <path> points to only one file and no batch conversion options are present, this file is opened into the GUI for editing.\n" "- If <path>s point to more than one valid file and a combination of output formats options are present, these source files are processed sequentially in batch (unattended) mode and converted into the requested formats.\n" "- Specifying more than one file to process with no output format options present is not allowed.", "Commandline argument description. If you translate <path>, translate the name and path syntax accordingly." ) self._seeHelpStr = _translate( "CommandLine", 'Try "{appName} --help" to get more information.', "Command-line error message. Don't translate '{appName}'.") def __init__(self, args): super().__init__() self.args = args settings = QSettings() self.imageParam = { Option.DPI: settings.value("Export/exportDPI", 150, type=int), Option.QUAL: settings.value("Export/exportQuality", 80, type=int), } self.cli_mode = False self.requestedRecursive = False self.overwrite = Overwrite.UNSET self.dstDir = "" self._initStrings() self.parser = QCommandLineParser() #self.parser.setSingleDashWordOptionMode(QCommandLineself.parser.ParseAsLongOptions) self.parser.setApplicationDescription( self._appDescriptionStr.format(productName=__productname__)) # Adding the '-h, --help' option self.parser.addHelpOption() # Adding the '-v --version' option self.parser.addVersionOption() # Allowing positional arguments (the file/files to open or process) self.parser.addPositionalArgument( _translate( "CommandLine", "path", "Commandline argument name. If you translate this name, translate it accordingly into the path description and path syntax." ), self._pathDescriptionStr, _translate( "CommandLine", "[<path> [ <path2>...]]", "Commandline argument syntax. If you translate <path>, translate the name and path description accordingly." )) # Adding command line options self.options = { Option.TIKZ: QCommandLineOption( ["t", "tikz"], self._batchOptionStr.format(formatID='TIkZ'), ), Option.PDF: QCommandLineOption( ["f", "pdf"], self._batchOptionStr.format(formatID='PDF'), ), Option.PNG: QCommandLineOption( ["p", "png"], self._batchOptionStr.format(formatID='PNG'), ), Option.JPEG: QCommandLineOption( ["j", "jpeg"], self._batchOptionStr.format(formatID='JPEG'), ), Option.SVG: QCommandLineOption( ["s", "svg"], self._batchOptionStr.format(formatID='SVG'), ), Option.DPI: QCommandLineOption( ["dpi"], self._dpiOptionStr.format( defaultDPI=self.imageParam[Option.DPI]), "N", ), Option.QUAL: QCommandLineOption( ["quality"], self._qualityOptionStr.format( defaultQuality=self.imageParam[Option.QUAL]), "Q", ), Option.DEST: QCommandLineOption( ["destination"], self._destDirOptionStr, "D", ), Option.LINK: QCommandLineOption( ["links"], self._followLinksOptionStr, ), Option.OVER: QCommandLineOption( ["overwrite"], self._overwriteOptionStr, ), Option.REC: QCommandLineOption( ["r"], self._recurseOptionStr, ), } # Adding the options in the list for option in self.options.values(): self.parser.addOption(option) def _checkFiles(self): # Test for some path passed as parameters, or none paths = self.parser.positionalArguments() # User gave some filespec to process? pathPresent = (len(paths) > 0) # User may have entered more than one path, and these can contain wildcards # We have to expand them into files prior to process self.requestedFilesToProcess = list() for pathSpec in paths: for f in glob.iglob(pathSpec, recursive=self.requestedRecursive): if isfile(realpath(f)): f = realpath(f) if self.followSymlinks else abspath(f) self.requestedFilesToProcess.append(f) NumFiles = len(self.requestedFilesToProcess) if (NumFiles == 0) and pathPresent: print( QCoreApplication.applicationName() + ": " + _translate("CommandLine", "The given path does not match any existing file.", "Commandline error message")) print( self._seeHelpStr.format( appName=QCoreApplication.applicationName())) sys.exit(-1) return NumFiles def _checkFileOptions(self): self.followSymlinks = self.parser.isSet(self.options[Option.LINK]) self.overwrite = Overwrite.ALL if self.parser.isSet( self.options[Option.OVER]) else Overwrite.UNSET if self.parser.isSet(self.options[Option.DEST]): self.dstDir = abspath( self.parser.value((self.options[Option.DEST]))) if not isdir(self.dstDir): print(QCoreApplication.applicationName() + ": " + _translate( "CommandLine", "The given path does not match any existing file.", "Commandline error message")) print( self._seeHelpStr.format( appName=QCoreApplication.applicationName())) sys.exit(-1) else: self.dstDir = "" def _checkFormats(self): # Test for requested output formats. If any, cli_mode is set. validOutputFormats = { Option.TIKZ, Option.PNG, Option.PDF, Option.JPEG, Option.SVG } self.requestedOutputFormats = set() for outputFormat in validOutputFormats: if self.parser.isSet(self.options[outputFormat]): self.cli_mode = True self.requestedOutputFormats.add(outputFormat) NumFormats = len(self.requestedOutputFormats) return NumFormats def _checkRecursive(self): self.requestedRecursive = self.parser.isSet(self.options[Option.REC]) def _checkRasterOptions(self): # Set the "dpi" and "quality" parameters to the values provided by user, if any # process the "dpi" option if self.parser.isSet(self.options[Option.DPI]): try: self.imageParam[Option.DPI] = int( self.parser.value(self.options[Option.DPI])) if self.imageParam[Option.DPI] not in range(25, 3001): raise Exception() except: print(QCoreApplication.applicationName() + ": " + _translate( "CommandLine", "The --dpi parameter must be an integer between 25 and 3000.", "Error message")) print( self._seeHelpStr.format( appName=QCoreApplication.applicationName())) sys.exit(-1) # Process the "quality" option if self.parser.isSet(self.options[Option.QUAL]): try: self.imageParam[Option.QUAL] = int( self.parser.value(self.options[Option.QUAL])) if self.imageParam[Option.QUAL] not in range(0, 101): raise Exception() except: print(QCoreApplication.applicationName() + ": " + _translate( "CommandLine", "The --quality parameter must be an integer between 0 and 100.", "Error message")) print( self._seeHelpStr.format( appName=QCoreApplication.applicationName())) sys.exit(-1) def parseCmdLine(self): self.parser.process(self.args) ##### FETCH OPTIONS AND ARGUMENTS # Test if "recursive" flag is set self._checkRecursive() # Check if user set some image raster parameters self._checkRasterOptions() # Test how many output formats were requested. self._checkFormats() # Test for various file options self._checkFileOptions() # Find files to process NumFiles = self._checkFiles() ##### Process CLI mode if self.cli_mode: # Is an error to call pycirkuit with a batch option and no filenames if (NumFiles == 0): print(QCoreApplication.applicationName() + ": " + _translate( "CommandLine", "Batch processing requested with no files.", "Commandline error message")) print( self._seeHelpStr.format( appName=QCoreApplication.applicationName())) sys.exit(-1) # Instantiate a processor object for this CLI session try: processor = PyCirkuitProcessor() for fileName in self.requestedFilesToProcess: processed = False print( _translate( "CommandLine", "Processing file:", "Command line message. Will be followed by an absolute file path" ), fileName) while not processed: processor.beginProcessing(fileName) for format in self.requestedOutputFormats: try: processor.requestResult( format, dstDir=self.dstDir, overwrite=self.overwrite, dpi=self.imageParam[Option.DPI], quality=self.imageParam[Option.QUAL]) except PyCktToolExecutionError as err: answer = self._askOnError(err) if answer == Decision.ABORT: # Terminate program sys.exit(-1) elif answer == Decision.SKIP: # Consider file processed and jump to the next one processed = True continue elif answer == Decision.OPEN: # Open a IGU try: run(["pycirkuit", fileName], shell=False, check=False) # Breaking here puts us out of the "for" loop and source is re-read in "beginProcesing" break except: processed = True else: processed = True print("") except PyCirkuitError as err: print("\npycirkuit:", err) sys.exit(-1) print( _translate( "CommandLine", "Files processed: {N}.", "Command line message. {N} will be an integer, don't translate it." ).format(N=NumFiles)) sys.exit(0) ##### Process GUI mode. Perform some final checks and exit. if NumFiles == 0: return None elif NumFiles == 1: return abspath(self.requestedFilesToProcess[0]) else: print(QCoreApplication.applicationName() + ": " + _translate( "CommandLine", "More than one file to process with no batch option given.", "Commandline error message")) print( self._seeHelpStr.format( appName=QCoreApplication.applicationName())) sys.exit(-1) def _askOnError(self, err): # Test if we have GUI or not, and ask accordingly print("\npycirkuit:", err) question = _translate( "CommandLine-UserInput2", "Please choose what to do: [a]bort processing, [s]kip file, [o]pen in GUI for editing: ", "WARNING!! Critical translation. You should translate this message to your language, enclosing into brackets one single DIFFERENT character for each option, and translate accordingly the characters in the next message." ) answerAbort = _translate( "CommandLine-UserInput2", "a", "WARNING!! Critical translation. This char must match one of those of the message 'Please choose what to do:'" ) answerSkip = _translate( "CommandLine-UserInput2", "s", "WARNING!! Critical translation. This char must match one of those of the message 'Please choose what to do:'" ) answerOpen = _translate( "CommandLine-UserInput2", "o", "WARNING!! Critical translation. This char must match one of those of the message 'Please choose what to do:'" ) if pycirkuit.__haveGUI__: question = _translate( "CommandLine-UserInput2", "Please choose what to do: [a]bort processing, [s]kip file, [o]pen in GUI for editing: ", "WARNING!! Critical translation. You should translate this message to your language, enclosing into brackets one single DIFFERENT character for each option, and translate accordingly the characters in the next message." ) answers = { answerAbort: Decision.ABORT, answerSkip: Decision.SKIP, answerOpen: Decision.OPEN } else: question = _translate( "CommandLine-UserInput2", "Please choose what to do: [a]bort processing, [s]kip file: ", "WARNING!! Critical translation. You should translate this message to your language, enclosing into brackets one single DIFFERENT character for each option, and translate accordingly the characters in the next message." ) answers = { answerAbort: Decision.ABORT, answerSkip: Decision.SKIP, } # Ask for user decision, loop until answered while True: answer = input(question) if answer.lower() in answers: return answers[answer]