def init_translations(app):
    Loads translations for a given input app. If a scaling factor is defined for testing, we use
    our own subclass of QTranslator.
    global application, translator, locale  # if we don't keep a reference on these, it stops working. pyqt bug?
    application = app
    translator = QTranslator() if trans_scale == 100 else VortaTranslator()

    # Use LANG var if set, else let Qt detect it.
    env_lang = os.environ.get('LANG', False)
    if env_lang:
        locale = QLocale(env_lang)
        locale = QLocale()

    qm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'qm'))
    ui_langs = locale.uiLanguages()
    succeeded = translator.load(
        locale, 'vorta', prefix='.',
        directory=qm_path)  # e.g. vorta/i18n/qm/vorta.de_DE.qm
    if succeeded:
    logger.debug('Loading translation %s for %r.' %
                 ('succeeded' if succeeded else 'failed', ui_langs))
def init_translations(app):
    global application, translator, locale  # if we don't keep a reference on these, it stops working. pyqt bug?
    application = app
    translator = VortaTranslator()
    locale = QLocale(os.environ.get('LANG', None))
    qm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'qm'))
    ui_langs = locale.uiLanguages()
    succeeded = translator.load(
        locale, 'vorta', prefix='.',
        directory=qm_path)  # e.g. vorta/i18n/qm/vorta.de_DE.qm
    if succeeded:
    logger.debug('Loading translation %s for %r.' %
                 ('succeeded' if succeeded else 'failed', ui_langs))
def get_translator(language=None):
    system_locale = QLocale.system()
    # Remapping the language from uiLanguages is a workaround for an annoying bug in Qt,
    # which makes QTranslator use the system language (e.g. the language the OS was installed in),
    # instead of the user-display language the user installed later.
    locale = QLocale(language) if language is not None else QLocale(
    tribler_gui.logger.info("Available Tribler translations %s",
    tribler_gui.logger.info("System language: %s, Tribler language: %s",
                            system_locale.uiLanguages(), locale.uiLanguages())
    translator = QTranslator()
    filename = ""
    translator.load(locale, filename, directory=TRANSLATIONS_DIR)
    return translator
class Config:

    CNF_STR = 0
    CNF_INT = 1
    CNF_BOOL = 2
    CNF_S_LST = 3
    CNF_I_LST = 4

    LANG_NW = 1
    LANG_PROJ = 2

    def __init__(self):

        # Set Application Variables
        self.appName = "novelWriter"
        self.appHandle = self.appName.lower()

        # Config Error Handling
        self.hasError = False  # True if the config class encountered an error
        self.errData = []  # List of error messages

        # Set Paths
        self.cmdOpen = None  # Path from command line for project to be opened on launch
        self.confPath = None  # Folder where the config is saved
        self.confFile = None  # The config file name
        self.dataPath = None  # Folder where app data is stored
        self.lastPath = None  # The last user-selected folder (browse dialogs)
        self.appPath = None  # The full path to the novelwriter package folder
        self.appRoot = None  # The full path to the novelwriter root folder
        self.appIcon = None  # The full path to the novelwriter icon file
        self.assetPath = None  # The full path to the nw/assets folder
        self.themeRoot = None  # The full path to the nw/assets/themes folder
        self.dictPath = None  # The full path to the nw/assets/dict folder
        self.iconPath = None  # The full path to the nw/assets/icons folder
        self.helpPath = None  # The full path to the novelwriter .qhc help file

        # Runtime Settings and Variables
        self.confChanged = False  # True whenever the config has chenged, false after save
        self.hasHelp = False  # True if the Qt help files are present in the assets folder

        ## General
        self.guiTheme = "default"
        self.guiSyntax = "default_light"
        self.guiIcons = "typicons_colour_light"
        self.guiDark = False  # Load icons for dark backgrounds, if available
        self.guiFont = ""  # Defaults to system default font
        self.guiFontSize = 11  # Is overridden if system default is loaded
        self.guiScale = 1.0  # Set automatically by Theme class
        self.lastNotes = "0x0"  # The latest release notes that have been shown

        ## Localisation
        self.qLocal = QLocale.system()
        self.guiLang = self.qLocal.name()
        self.qtLangPath = QLibraryInfo.location(QLibraryInfo.TranslationsPath)
        self.nwLangPath = None
        self.qtTrans = {}

        ## Sizes
        self.winGeometry = [1200, 650]
        self.prefGeometry = [700, 615]
        self.treeColWidth = [200, 50, 30]
        self.novelColWidth = [200, 50]
        self.projColWidth = [200, 60, 140]
        self.mainPanePos = [300, 800]
        self.docPanePos = [400, 400]
        self.viewPanePos = [500, 150]
        self.outlnPanePos = [500, 150]
        self.isFullScreen = False

        ## Features
        self.hideVScroll = False  # Hide vertical scroll bars on main widgets
        self.hideHScroll = False  # Hide horizontal scroll bars on main widgets

        ## Project
        self.autoSaveProj = 60  # Interval for auto-saving project in seconds
        self.autoSaveDoc = 30  # Interval for auto-saving document in seconds

        ## Text Editor
        self.textFont = None  # Editor font
        self.textSize = 12  # Editor font size
        self.textFixedW = True  # Keep editor text fixed width
        self.textWidth = 600  # Editor text width
        self.textMargin = 40  # Editor/viewer text margin
        self.tabWidth = 40  # Editor tabulator width

        self.focusWidth = 800  # Focus Mode text width
        self.hideFocusFooter = False  # Hide document footer in Focus Mode
        self.showFullPath = True  # Show full document path in editor header
        self.autoSelect = True  # Auto-select word when applying format with no selection

        self.doJustify = False  # Justify text
        self.showTabsNSpaces = False  # Show tabs and spaces in edior
        self.showLineEndings = False  # Show line endings in editor

        self.doReplace = True  # Enable auto-replace as you type
        self.doReplaceSQuote = True  # Smart single quotes
        self.doReplaceDQuote = True  # Smart double quotes
        self.doReplaceDash = True  # Replace multiple hyphens with dashes
        self.doReplaceDots = True  # Replace three dots with ellipsis

        self.scrollPastEnd = True  # Allow scrolling past end of document
        self.autoScroll = False  # Typewriter-like scrolling
        self.autoScrollPos = 30  # Start point for typewriter-like scrolling

        self.wordCountTimer = 5.0  # Interval for word count update in seconds
        self.bigDocLimit = 800  # Size threshold for heavy editor features in kilobytes

        self.highlightQuotes = True  # Highlight text in quotes
        self.allowOpenSQuote = False  # Allow open-ended single quotes
        self.allowOpenDQuote = True  # Allow open-ended double quotes
        self.highlightEmph = True  # Add colour to text emphasis

        self.stopWhenIdle = True  # Stop the status bar clock when the user is idle
        self.userIdleTime = 300  # Time of inactivity to consider user idle

        ## User-Selected Symbols
        self.fmtApostrophe = nwUnicode.U_RSQUO
        self.fmtSingleQuotes = [nwUnicode.U_LSQUO, nwUnicode.U_RSQUO]
        self.fmtDoubleQuotes = [nwUnicode.U_LDQUO, nwUnicode.U_RDQUO]
        self.fmtPadBefore = ""
        self.fmtPadAfter = ""
        self.fmtPadThin = False

        ## Spell Checking
        self.spellTool = None
        self.spellLanguage = None

        ## Search Bar Switches
        self.searchCase = False
        self.searchWord = False
        self.searchRegEx = False
        self.searchLoop = False
        self.searchNextFile = False
        self.searchMatchCap = False

        ## Backup
        self.backupPath = ""
        self.backupOnClose = False
        self.askBeforeBackup = True

        ## State
        self.showRefPanel = True
        self.viewComments = True
        self.viewSynopsis = True

        # Check Qt5 Versions
        verQt = splitVersionNumber(QT_VERSION_STR)
        self.verQtString = QT_VERSION_STR
        self.verQtMajor = verQt[0]
        self.verQtMinor = verQt[1]
        self.verQtPatch = verQt[2]
        self.verQtValue = verQt[3]

        verQt = splitVersionNumber(PYQT_VERSION_STR)
        self.verPyQtString = PYQT_VERSION_STR
        self.verPyQtMajor = verQt[0]
        self.verPyQtMinor = verQt[1]
        self.verPyQtPatch = verQt[2]
        self.verPyQtValue = verQt[3]

        # Check Python Version
        self.verPyString = sys.version.split()[0]
        self.verPyMajor = sys.version_info[0]
        self.verPyMinor = sys.version_info[1]
        self.verPyPatch = sys.version_info[2]
        self.verPyHexVal = sys.hexversion

        # Check OS Type
        self.osType = sys.platform
        self.osLinux = False
        self.osWindows = False
        self.osDarwin = False
        self.osUnknown = False
        if self.osType.startswith("linux"):
            self.osLinux = True
        elif self.osType.startswith("darwin"):
            self.osDarwin = True
        elif self.osType.startswith("win32"):
            self.osWindows = True
        elif self.osType.startswith("cygwin"):
            self.osWindows = True
            self.osUnknown = True

        # Other System Info
        self.hostName = "Unknown"
        self.kernelVer = "Unknown"

        # Packages
        self.hasEnchant = False  # The pyenchant package
        self.hasAssistant = False  # The Qt Assistant executable

        # Recent Cache
        self.recentProj = {}


    #  Methods

    def pxInt(self, theSize):
        """Used to scale fixed gui sizes by the screen scale factor.
        This function returns an int, which is always rounded down.
        return int(theSize * self.guiScale)

    def rpxInt(self, theSize):
        """Used to un-scale fixed gui sizes by the screen scale factor.
        This function returns an int, which is always rounded down.
        return int(theSize / self.guiScale)

    #  Config Actions

    def initConfig(self, confPath=None, dataPath=None):
        """Initialise the config class. The manual setting of confPath
        and dataPath is mainly intended for the test suite.
        logger.debug("Initialising Config ...")
        if confPath is None:
            confRoot = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(
            self.confPath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(confRoot),
            logger.info("Setting config from alternative path: %s" % confPath)
            self.confPath = confPath

        if dataPath is None:
            if self.verQtValue >= 50400:
                dataRoot = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(
                dataRoot = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(
            self.dataPath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(dataRoot),
            logger.info("Setting data path from alternative path: %s" %
            self.dataPath = dataPath

        logger.verbose("Config path: %s" % self.confPath)
        logger.verbose("Data path: %s" % self.dataPath)

        self.confFile = self.appHandle + ".conf"
        self.lastPath = os.path.expanduser("~")
        self.appPath = getattr(sys, "_MEIPASS",
        self.appRoot = os.path.abspath(
            os.path.join(self.appPath, os.path.pardir))

        if os.path.isfile(self.appRoot):
            # novelWriter is packaged as a single file, so the app and
            # root paths are the same, and equal to the folder that
            # contains the single executable.
            self.appRoot = os.path.dirname(self.appRoot)
            self.appPath = self.appRoot

        # Assets
        self.assetPath = os.path.join(self.appPath, "assets")
        self.themeRoot = os.path.join(self.assetPath, "themes")
        self.dictPath = os.path.join(self.assetPath, "dict")
        self.iconPath = os.path.join(self.assetPath, "icons")
        self.appIcon = os.path.join(self.iconPath, "novelwriter.svg")

        # Internationalisation
        self.nwLangPath = os.path.join(self.appRoot, "i18n")

        logger.verbose("App path: %s" % self.appPath)
        logger.verbose("Last path: %s" % self.lastPath)

        # If config folder does not exist, create it.
        # This assumes that the os config folder itself exists.
        if not os.path.isdir(self.confPath):
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error("Could not create folder: %s" % self.confPath)
                self.hasError = True
                self.errData.append("Could not create folder: %s" %
                self.confPath = None

        # Check if config file exists
        if self.confPath is not None:
            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.confPath, self.confFile)):
                # If it exists, load it
                # If it does not exist, save a copy of the default values

        # If data folder does not exist, make it.
        # This assumes that the os data folder itself exists.
        if self.dataPath is not None:
            if not os.path.isdir(self.dataPath):
                except Exception as e:
                    logger.error("Could not create folder: %s" % self.dataPath)
                    self.hasError = True
                    self.errData.append("Could not create folder: %s" %
                    self.dataPath = None

        # Host and Kernel
        if self.verQtValue >= 50600:
            self.hostName = QSysInfo.machineHostName()
            self.kernelVer = QSysInfo.kernelVersion()

        # Load recent projects cache

        # Check the availability of optional packages

        if self.spellTool is None:
            self.spellTool = nwConst.SP_INTERNAL
        if self.spellLanguage is None:
            self.spellLanguage = "en"

        # Check if local help files exist
        self.helpPath = os.path.join(self.assetPath, "help", "novelWriter.qhc")
        self.hasHelp = os.path.isfile(self.helpPath)
        self.hasHelp &= os.path.isfile(
            os.path.join(self.assetPath, "help", "novelWriter.qch"))

        logger.debug("Config initialisation complete")

        return True

    def initLocalisation(self, nwApp):
        """Initialise the localisation of the GUI.
        self.qLocal = QLocale(self.guiLang)
        self.qtTrans = {}

        langList = [
            (self.qtLangPath, "qtbase"),  # Qt 5.x
            (self.nwLangPath, "qtbase"),  # Alternative Qt 5.x
            (self.nwLangPath, "nw"),  # novelWriter
        for lngPath, lngBase in langList:
            for lngCode in self.qLocal.uiLanguages():
                qTrans = QTranslator()
                lngFile = "%s_%s" % (lngBase, lngCode.replace("-", "_"))
                if lngFile not in self.qtTrans:
                    if qTrans.load(lngFile, lngPath):
                        logger.debug("Loaded: %s" % qTrans.filePath())
                        self.qtTrans[lngFile] = qTrans


    def listLanguages(self, lngSet):
        """List localisation files in the i18n folder. The default GUI
        language 'en_GB' is British English.
        if lngSet == self.LANG_NW:
            fPre = "nw_"
            fExt = ".qm"
            langList = {"en_GB": QLocale("en_GB").nativeLanguageName().title()}
        elif lngSet == self.LANG_PROJ:
            fPre = "project_"
            fExt = ".json"
            langList = {"en": "English"}
            return []

        for qmFile in os.listdir(self.nwLangPath):
            if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.nwLangPath, qmFile)):
            if not qmFile.startswith(fPre) or not qmFile.endswith(fExt):
            qmLang = qmFile[len(fPre):-len(fExt)]
            qmName = QLocale(qmLang).nativeLanguageName().title()
            if qmLang and qmName and qmLang != "en":
                langList[qmLang] = qmName

        return sorted(langList.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])

    def loadConfig(self):
        """Load preferences from file and replace default settings.
        logger.debug("Loading config file")
        if self.confPath is None:
            return False

        cnfParse = configparser.ConfigParser()
        cnfPath = os.path.join(self.confPath, self.confFile)
            with open(cnfPath, mode="r", encoding="utf8") as inFile:
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Could not load config file")
            self.hasError = True
            self.errData.append("Could not load config file")
            return False

        ## Main
        cnfSec = "Main"
        self.guiTheme = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "theme",
                                        self.CNF_STR, self.guiTheme)
        self.guiSyntax = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "syntax",
                                         self.CNF_STR, self.guiSyntax)
        self.guiIcons = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "icons",
                                        self.CNF_STR, self.guiIcons)
        self.guiDark = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "guidark",
                                       self.CNF_BOOL, self.guiDark)
        self.guiFont = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "guifont",
                                       self.CNF_STR, self.guiFont)
        self.guiFontSize = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "guifontsize",
                                           self.CNF_INT, self.guiFontSize)
        self.lastNotes = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "lastnotes",
                                         self.CNF_STR, self.lastNotes)
        self.guiLang = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "guilang",
                                       self.CNF_STR, self.guiLang)

        ## Sizes
        cnfSec = "Sizes"
        self.winGeometry = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "geometry",
                                           self.CNF_I_LST, self.winGeometry)
        self.prefGeometry = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "preferences",
                                            self.CNF_I_LST, self.prefGeometry)
        self.treeColWidth = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "treecols",
                                            self.CNF_I_LST, self.treeColWidth)
        self.novelColWidth = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "novelcols",
        self.projColWidth = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "projcols",
                                            self.CNF_I_LST, self.projColWidth)
        self.mainPanePos = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "mainpane",
                                           self.CNF_I_LST, self.mainPanePos)
        self.docPanePos = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "docpane",
                                          self.CNF_I_LST, self.docPanePos)
        self.viewPanePos = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "viewpane",
                                           self.CNF_I_LST, self.viewPanePos)
        self.outlnPanePos = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "outlinepane",
                                            self.CNF_I_LST, self.outlnPanePos)
        self.isFullScreen = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "fullscreen",
                                            self.CNF_BOOL, self.isFullScreen)
        self.hideVScroll = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "hidevscroll",
                                           self.CNF_BOOL, self.hideVScroll)
        self.hideHScroll = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "hidehscroll",
                                           self.CNF_BOOL, self.hideHScroll)

        ## Project
        cnfSec = "Project"
        self.autoSaveProj = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec,
                                            "autosaveproject", self.CNF_INT,
        self.autoSaveDoc = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "autosavedoc",
                                           self.CNF_INT, self.autoSaveDoc)

        ## Editor
        cnfSec = "Editor"
        self.textFont = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "textfont",
                                        self.CNF_STR, self.textFont)
        self.textSize = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "textsize",
                                        self.CNF_INT, self.textSize)
        self.textFixedW = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "fixedwidth",
                                          self.CNF_BOOL, self.textFixedW)
        self.textWidth = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "width",
                                         self.CNF_INT, self.textWidth)
        self.textMargin = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "margin",
                                          self.CNF_INT, self.textMargin)
        self.tabWidth = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "tabwidth",
                                        self.CNF_INT, self.tabWidth)
        self.focusWidth = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "focuswidth",
                                          self.CNF_INT, self.focusWidth)
        self.hideFocusFooter = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec,
        self.doJustify = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "justify",
                                         self.CNF_BOOL, self.doJustify)
        self.autoSelect = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "autoselect",
                                          self.CNF_BOOL, self.autoSelect)
        self.doReplace = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "autoreplace",
                                         self.CNF_BOOL, self.doReplace)
        self.doReplaceSQuote = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "repsquotes",
        self.doReplaceDQuote = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "repdquotes",
        self.doReplaceDash = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "repdash",
                                             self.CNF_BOOL, self.doReplaceDash)
        self.doReplaceDots = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "repdots",
                                             self.CNF_BOOL, self.doReplaceDots)
        self.scrollPastEnd = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "scrollpastend",
                                             self.CNF_BOOL, self.scrollPastEnd)
        self.autoScroll = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "autoscroll",
                                          self.CNF_BOOL, self.autoScroll)
        self.autoScrollPos = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "autoscrollpos",
                                             self.CNF_INT, self.autoScrollPos)
        self.fmtSingleQuotes = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec,
        self.fmtDoubleQuotes = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec,
        self.fmtPadBefore = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "fmtpadbefore",
                                            self.CNF_STR, self.fmtPadBefore)
        self.fmtPadAfter = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "fmtpadafter",
                                           self.CNF_STR, self.fmtPadAfter)
        self.fmtPadThin = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "fmtpadthin",
                                          self.CNF_BOOL, self.fmtPadThin)
        self.spellTool = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "spelltool",
                                         self.CNF_STR, self.spellTool)
        self.spellLanguage = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "spellcheck",
                                             self.CNF_STR, self.spellLanguage)
        self.showTabsNSpaces = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec,
        self.showLineEndings = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec,
        self.bigDocLimit = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "bigdoclimit",
                                           self.CNF_INT, self.bigDocLimit)
        self.showFullPath = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "showfullpath",
                                            self.CNF_BOOL, self.showFullPath)
        self.highlightQuotes = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec,
        self.allowOpenSQuote = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec,
        self.allowOpenDQuote = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec,
        self.highlightEmph = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "highlightemph",
                                             self.CNF_BOOL, self.highlightEmph)
        self.stopWhenIdle = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "stopwhenidle",
                                            self.CNF_BOOL, self.stopWhenIdle)
        self.userIdleTime = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "useridletime",
                                            self.CNF_INT, self.userIdleTime)

        ## Backup
        cnfSec = "Backup"
        self.backupPath = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "backuppath",
                                          self.CNF_STR, self.backupPath)
        self.backupOnClose = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "backuponclose",
                                             self.CNF_BOOL, self.backupOnClose)
        self.askBeforeBackup = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec,

        ## State
        cnfSec = "State"
        self.showRefPanel = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "showrefpanel",
                                            self.CNF_BOOL, self.showRefPanel)
        self.viewComments = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "viewcomments",
                                            self.CNF_BOOL, self.viewComments)
        self.viewSynopsis = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "viewsynopsis",
                                            self.CNF_BOOL, self.viewSynopsis)
        self.searchCase = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "searchcase",
                                          self.CNF_BOOL, self.searchCase)
        self.searchWord = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "searchword",
                                          self.CNF_BOOL, self.searchWord)
        self.searchRegEx = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "searchregex",
                                           self.CNF_BOOL, self.searchRegEx)
        self.searchLoop = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "searchloop",
                                          self.CNF_BOOL, self.searchLoop)
        self.searchNextFile = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec,
                                              "searchnextfile", self.CNF_BOOL,
        self.searchMatchCap = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec,
                                              "searchmatchcap", self.CNF_BOOL,

        ## Path
        cnfSec = "Path"
        self.lastPath = self._parseLine(cnfParse, cnfSec, "lastpath",
                                        self.CNF_STR, self.lastPath)

        # Check Certain Values for None
        self.spellLanguage = self._checkNone(self.spellLanguage)

        # If we're using straight quotes, disable auto-replace
        if self.fmtSingleQuotes == ["'", "'"] and self.doReplaceSQuote:
                "Using straight single quotes, so disabling auto-replace")
            self.doReplaceSQuote = False

        if self.fmtDoubleQuotes == ["\"", "\""] and self.doReplaceDQuote:
                "Using straight double quotes, so disabling auto-replace")
            self.doReplaceDQuote = False

        return True

    def saveConfig(self):
        """Save the current preferences to file.
        logger.debug("Saving config file")
        if self.confPath is None:
            return False

        cnfParse = configparser.ConfigParser()

        # Set options

        ## Main
        cnfSec = "Main"
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "timestamp", formatTimeStamp(time()))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "theme", str(self.guiTheme))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "syntax", str(self.guiSyntax))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "icons", str(self.guiIcons))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "guidark", str(self.guiDark))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "guifont", str(self.guiFont))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "guifontsize", str(self.guiFontSize))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "lastnotes", str(self.lastNotes))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "guilang", str(self.guiLang))

        ## Sizes
        cnfSec = "Sizes"
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "geometry", self._packList(self.winGeometry))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "preferences", self._packList(self.prefGeometry))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "treecols", self._packList(self.treeColWidth))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "novelcols", self._packList(self.novelColWidth))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "projcols", self._packList(self.projColWidth))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "mainpane", self._packList(self.mainPanePos))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "docpane", self._packList(self.docPanePos))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "viewpane", self._packList(self.viewPanePos))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "outlinepane", self._packList(self.outlnPanePos))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "fullscreen", str(self.isFullScreen))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "hidevscroll", str(self.hideVScroll))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "hidehscroll", str(self.hideHScroll))

        ## Project
        cnfSec = "Project"
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "autosaveproject", str(self.autoSaveProj))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "autosavedoc", str(self.autoSaveDoc))

        ## Editor
        cnfSec = "Editor"
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "textfont", str(self.textFont))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "textsize", str(self.textSize))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "fixedwidth", str(self.textFixedW))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "width", str(self.textWidth))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "margin", str(self.textMargin))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "tabwidth", str(self.tabWidth))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "focuswidth", str(self.focusWidth))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "hidefocusfooter", str(self.hideFocusFooter))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "justify", str(self.doJustify))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "autoselect", str(self.autoSelect))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "autoreplace", str(self.doReplace))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "repsquotes", str(self.doReplaceSQuote))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "repdquotes", str(self.doReplaceDQuote))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "repdash", str(self.doReplaceDash))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "repdots", str(self.doReplaceDots))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "scrollpastend", str(self.scrollPastEnd))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "autoscroll", str(self.autoScroll))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "autoscrollpos", str(self.autoScrollPos))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "fmtsinglequote",
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "fmtdoublequote",
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "fmtpadbefore", str(self.fmtPadBefore))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "fmtpadafter", str(self.fmtPadAfter))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "fmtpadthin", str(self.fmtPadThin))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "spelltool", str(self.spellTool))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "spellcheck", str(self.spellLanguage))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "showtabsnspaces", str(self.showTabsNSpaces))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "showlineendings", str(self.showLineEndings))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "bigdoclimit", str(self.bigDocLimit))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "showfullpath", str(self.showFullPath))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "highlightquotes", str(self.highlightQuotes))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "allowopensquote", str(self.allowOpenSQuote))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "allowopendquote", str(self.allowOpenDQuote))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "highlightemph", str(self.highlightEmph))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "stopwhenidle", str(self.stopWhenIdle))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "useridletime", str(self.userIdleTime))

        ## Backup
        cnfSec = "Backup"
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "backuppath", str(self.backupPath))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "backuponclose", str(self.backupOnClose))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "askbeforebackup", str(self.askBeforeBackup))

        ## State
        cnfSec = "State"
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "showrefpanel", str(self.showRefPanel))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "viewcomments", str(self.viewComments))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "viewsynopsis", str(self.viewSynopsis))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "searchcase", str(self.searchCase))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "searchword", str(self.searchWord))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "searchregex", str(self.searchRegEx))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "searchloop", str(self.searchLoop))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "searchnextfile", str(self.searchNextFile))
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "searchmatchcap", str(self.searchMatchCap))

        ## Path
        cnfSec = "Path"
        cnfParse.set(cnfSec, "lastpath", str(self.lastPath))

        # Write config file
        cnfPath = os.path.join(self.confPath, self.confFile)
            with open(cnfPath, mode="w", encoding="utf8") as outFile:
            self.confChanged = False
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Could not save config file")
            self.hasError = True
            self.errData.append("Could not save config file")
            return False

        return True

    def loadRecentCache(self):
        """Load the cache file for recent projects.
        if self.dataPath is None:
            return False

        cacheFile = os.path.join(self.dataPath, nwFiles.RECENT_FILE)
        self.recentProj = {}

        if os.path.isfile(cacheFile):
                with open(cacheFile, mode="r", encoding="utf8") as inFile:
                    theData = json.load(inFile)

                for projPath in theData.keys():
                    theEntry = theData[projPath]
                    theTitle = ""
                    lastTime = 0
                    wordCount = 0
                    if "title" in theEntry.keys():
                        theTitle = theEntry["title"]
                    if "time" in theEntry.keys():
                        lastTime = int(theEntry["time"])
                    if "words" in theEntry.keys():
                        wordCount = int(theEntry["words"])
                    self.recentProj[projPath] = {
                        "title": theTitle,
                        "time": lastTime,
                        "words": wordCount,

            except Exception as e:
                self.hasError = True
                self.errData.append("Could not load recent project cache")
                return False

        return True

    def saveRecentCache(self):
        """Save the cache dictionary of recent projects.
        if self.dataPath is None:
            return False

        cacheFile = os.path.join(self.dataPath, nwFiles.RECENT_FILE)
        cacheTemp = os.path.join(self.dataPath, nwFiles.RECENT_FILE + "~")

            with open(cacheTemp, mode="w+", encoding="utf8") as outFile:
                json.dump(self.recentProj, outFile, indent=2)
        except Exception as e:
            self.hasError = True
            self.errData.append("Could not save recent project cache")
            return False

        if os.path.isfile(cacheFile):
        os.rename(cacheTemp, cacheFile)

        return True

    def updateRecentCache(self, projPath, projTitle, wordCount, saveTime):
        """Add or update recent cache information o9n a given project.
        self.recentProj[os.path.abspath(projPath)] = {
            "title": projTitle,
            "time": int(saveTime),
            "words": int(wordCount),
        return True

    def removeFromRecentCache(self, thePath):
        """Trying to remove a path from the recent projects cache.
        if thePath in self.recentProj:
            del self.recentProj[thePath]
            logger.verbose("Removed recent: %s" % thePath)
            logger.error("Unknown recent: %s" % thePath)
            return False
        return True

    #  Setters

    def setConfPath(self, newPath):
        if newPath is None:
            return True
        if not os.path.isfile(newPath):
            logger.error("File not found, using default config path instead")
            return False
        self.confPath = os.path.dirname(newPath)
        self.confFile = os.path.basename(newPath)
        return True

    def setDataPath(self, newPath):
        if newPath is None:
            return True
        if not os.path.isdir(newPath):
            logger.error("Path not found, using default data path instead")
            return False
        self.dataPath = os.path.abspath(newPath)
        return True

    def setLastPath(self, lastPath):
        if lastPath is None or lastPath == "":
            self.lastPath = ""
            self.lastPath = os.path.dirname(lastPath)
        return True

    def setWinSize(self, newWidth, newHeight):
        newWidth = int(newWidth / self.guiScale)
        newHeight = int(newHeight / self.guiScale)
        if abs(self.winGeometry[0] - newWidth) > 5:
            self.winGeometry[0] = newWidth
            self.confChanged = True
        if abs(self.winGeometry[1] - newHeight) > 5:
            self.winGeometry[1] = newHeight
            self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setPreferencesSize(self, newWidth, newHeight):
        self.prefGeometry[0] = int(newWidth / self.guiScale)
        self.prefGeometry[1] = int(newHeight / self.guiScale)
        self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setTreeColWidths(self, colWidths):
        self.treeColWidth = [int(x / self.guiScale) for x in colWidths]
        self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setNovelColWidths(self, colWidths):
        self.novelColWidth = [int(x / self.guiScale) for x in colWidths]
        self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setProjColWidths(self, colWidths):
        self.projColWidth = [int(x / self.guiScale) for x in colWidths]
        self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setMainPanePos(self, panePos):
        self.mainPanePos = [int(x / self.guiScale) for x in panePos]
        self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setDocPanePos(self, panePos):
        self.docPanePos = [int(x / self.guiScale) for x in panePos]
        self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setViewPanePos(self, panePos):
        self.viewPanePos = [int(x / self.guiScale) for x in panePos]
        self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setOutlinePanePos(self, panePos):
        self.outlnPanePos = [int(x / self.guiScale) for x in panePos]
        self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setShowRefPanel(self, checkState):
        self.showRefPanel = checkState
        self.confChanged = True
        return self.showRefPanel

    def getErrData(self):
        errMessage = "<br>".join(self.errData)
        self.hasError = False
        self.errData = []
        return errMessage

    def setViewComments(self, viewState):
        self.viewComments = viewState
        self.confChanged = True
        return self.viewComments

    def setViewSynopsis(self, viewState):
        self.viewSynopsis = viewState
        self.confChanged = True
        return self.viewSynopsis

    #  Getters

    def getWinSize(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.winGeometry]

    def getPreferencesSize(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.prefGeometry]

    def getTreeColWidths(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.treeColWidth]

    def getNovelColWidths(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.novelColWidth]

    def getProjColWidths(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.projColWidth]

    def getMainPanePos(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.mainPanePos]

    def getDocPanePos(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.docPanePos]

    def getViewPanePos(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.viewPanePos]

    def getOutlinePanePos(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.outlnPanePos]

    def getTextWidth(self):
        return self.pxInt(self.textWidth)

    def getTextMargin(self):
        return self.pxInt(self.textMargin)

    def getTabWidth(self):
        return self.pxInt(self.tabWidth)

    def getFocusWidth(self):
        return self.pxInt(self.focusWidth)

    #  Internal Functions

    def _packList(self, inData):
        """Pack a list of items into a comma-separated string.
        return ", ".join([str(inVal) for inVal in inData])

    def _unpackList(self, inStr, listDefault, cnfType):
        """Unpack a comma-separated string of items into a list.
        inData = inStr.split(",")
        outData = listDefault.copy()
        for i in range(min(len(inData), len(listDefault))):
                if cnfType == self.CNF_S_LST:
                    outData[i] = inData[i].strip()
                elif cnfType == self.CNF_I_LST:
                    outData[i] = int(inData[i].strip())
            except Exception:
        return outData

    def _parseLine(self, cnfParse, cnfSec, cnfName, cnfType, cnfDefault):
        """Parse a line and return the correct datatype.
        if cnfParse.has_section(cnfSec):
            if cnfParse.has_option(cnfSec, cnfName):
                    if cnfType == self.CNF_STR:
                        return cnfParse.get(cnfSec, cnfName)
                    elif cnfType == self.CNF_INT:
                        return cnfParse.getint(cnfSec, cnfName)
                    elif cnfType == self.CNF_BOOL:
                        return cnfParse.getboolean(cnfSec, cnfName)
                    elif cnfType == self.CNF_I_LST:
                        return self._unpackList(cnfParse.get(cnfSec, cnfName),
                                                cnfDefault, self.CNF_I_LST)
                    elif cnfType == self.CNF_S_LST:
                        return self._unpackList(cnfParse.get(cnfSec, cnfName),
                                                cnfDefault, self.CNF_S_LST)
                except ValueError:
                    logger.error("Failed to load value from config file.")
                    return cnfDefault

        return cnfDefault

    def _checkNone(self, checkVal):
        """Return a NoneType if the value correspomds to None, otherwise
        return the value unchanged.
        if checkVal is None:
            return None
        if isinstance(checkVal, str):
            if checkVal.lower() == "none":
                return None
        return checkVal

    def _checkOptionalPackages(self):
        """Cheks if we have the optional packages used by some features.
            import enchant  # noqa: F401
            self.hasEnchant = True
            logger.debug("Checking package 'pyenchant': OK")
        except Exception:
            self.hasEnchant = False
            logger.debug("Checking package 'pyenchant': Missing")

        assistPath = shutil.which("assistant")
        self.hasAssistant = assistPath is not None
        if self.hasAssistant:
            logger.debug("Checking executable 'assistant': OK")
            logger.debug("Checking executable 'assistant': Missing")

class Config:

    LANG_NW = 1
    LANG_PROJ = 2

    def __init__(self):

        # Set Application Variables
        self.appName = "novelWriter"
        self.appHandle = self.appName.lower()

        # Config Error Handling
        self.hasError = False  # True if the config class encountered an error
        self.errData = []  # List of error messages

        # Set Paths
        self.cmdOpen = None  # Path from command line for project to be opened on launch
        self.confPath = None  # Folder where the config is saved
        self.confFile = None  # The config file name
        self.dataPath = None  # Folder where app data is stored
        self.lastPath = None  # The last user-selected folder (browse dialogs)
        self.appPath = None  # The full path to the novelwriter package folder
        self.appRoot = None  # The full path to the novelwriter root folder
        self.appIcon = None  # The full path to the novelwriter icon file
        self.assetPath = None  # The full path to the novelwriter/assets folder
        self.pdfDocs = None  # The location of the PDF manual, if it exists

        # Runtime Settings and Variables
        self.confChanged = False  # True whenever the config has chenged, false after save

        # General
        self.guiTheme = ""  # GUI theme
        self.guiSyntax = ""  # Syntax theme
        self.guiIcons = ""  # Icon theme
        self.guiFont = ""  # Defaults to system default font
        self.guiFontSize = 11  # Is overridden if system default is loaded
        self.guiScale = 1.0  # Set automatically by Theme class
        self.lastNotes = "0x0"  # The latest release notes that have been shown


        # Localisation
        self.qLocal = QLocale.system()
        self.guiLang = self.qLocal.name()
        self.qtLangPath = QLibraryInfo.location(QLibraryInfo.TranslationsPath)
        self.nwLangPath = None
        self.qtTrans = {}

        # Sizes
        self.winGeometry = [1200, 650]
        self.prefGeometry = [700, 615]
        self.projColWidth = [200, 60, 140]
        self.mainPanePos = [300, 800]
        self.docPanePos = [400, 400]
        self.viewPanePos = [500, 150]
        self.outlnPanePos = [500, 150]
        self.isFullScreen = False

        # Features
        self.hideVScroll = False  # Hide vertical scroll bars on main widgets
        self.hideHScroll = False  # Hide horizontal scroll bars on main widgets
        self.emphLabels = True  # Add emphasis to H1 and H2 item labels

        # Project
        self.autoSaveProj = 60  # Interval for auto-saving project in seconds
        self.autoSaveDoc = 30  # Interval for auto-saving document in seconds

        # Text Editor
        self.textFont = None  # Editor font
        self.textSize = 12  # Editor font size
        self.textWidth = 700  # Editor text width
        self.textMargin = 40  # Editor/viewer text margin
        self.tabWidth = 40  # Editor tabulator width

        self.focusWidth = 800  # Focus Mode text width
        self.hideFocusFooter = False  # Hide document footer in Focus Mode
        self.showFullPath = True  # Show full document path in editor header
        self.autoSelect = True  # Auto-select word when applying format with no selection

        self.doJustify = False  # Justify text
        self.showTabsNSpaces = False  # Show tabs and spaces in edior
        self.showLineEndings = False  # Show line endings in editor
        self.showMultiSpaces = True  # Highlight multiple spaces in the text

        self.doReplace = True  # Enable auto-replace as you type
        self.doReplaceSQuote = True  # Smart single quotes
        self.doReplaceDQuote = True  # Smart double quotes
        self.doReplaceDash = True  # Replace multiple hyphens with dashes
        self.doReplaceDots = True  # Replace three dots with ellipsis

        self.scrollPastEnd = 25  # Number of lines to scroll past end of document
        self.autoScroll = False  # Typewriter-like scrolling
        self.autoScrollPos = 30  # Start point for typewriter-like scrolling

        self.wordCountTimer = 5.0  # Interval for word count update in seconds
        self.bigDocLimit = 800  # Size threshold for heavy editor features in kilobytes
        self.incNotesWCount = True  # The status bar word count includes notes

        self.highlightQuotes = True  # Highlight text in quotes
        self.allowOpenSQuote = False  # Allow open-ended single quotes
        self.allowOpenDQuote = True  # Allow open-ended double quotes
        self.highlightEmph = True  # Add colour to text emphasis

        self.stopWhenIdle = True  # Stop the status bar clock when the user is idle
        self.userIdleTime = 300  # Time of inactivity to consider user idle

        # User-Selected Symbols
        self.fmtApostrophe = nwUnicode.U_RSQUO
        self.fmtSingleQuotes = [nwUnicode.U_LSQUO, nwUnicode.U_RSQUO]
        self.fmtDoubleQuotes = [nwUnicode.U_LDQUO, nwUnicode.U_RDQUO]
        self.fmtPadBefore = ""
        self.fmtPadAfter = ""
        self.fmtPadThin = False

        # Spell Checking
        self.spellLanguage = None

        # Search Bar Switches
        self.searchCase = False
        self.searchWord = False
        self.searchRegEx = False
        self.searchLoop = False
        self.searchNextFile = False
        self.searchMatchCap = False

        # Backup
        self.backupPath = ""
        self.backupOnClose = False
        self.askBeforeBackup = True

        # State
        self.showRefPanel = True  # The reference panel for the viewer is visible
        self.viewComments = True  # Comments are shown in the viewer
        self.viewSynopsis = True  # Synopsis is shown in the viewer

        # Check Qt5 Versions
        verQt = splitVersionNumber(QT_VERSION_STR)
        self.verQtString = QT_VERSION_STR
        self.verQtMajor = verQt[0]
        self.verQtMinor = verQt[1]
        self.verQtPatch = verQt[2]
        self.verQtValue = verQt[3]

        verQt = splitVersionNumber(PYQT_VERSION_STR)
        self.verPyQtString = PYQT_VERSION_STR
        self.verPyQtMajor = verQt[0]
        self.verPyQtMinor = verQt[1]
        self.verPyQtPatch = verQt[2]
        self.verPyQtValue = verQt[3]

        # Check Python Version
        self.verPyString = sys.version.split()[0]
        self.verPyMajor = sys.version_info[0]
        self.verPyMinor = sys.version_info[1]
        self.verPyPatch = sys.version_info[2]
        self.verPyHexVal = sys.hexversion

        # Check OS Type
        self.osType = sys.platform
        self.osLinux = False
        self.osWindows = False
        self.osDarwin = False
        self.osUnknown = False
        if self.osType.startswith("linux"):
            self.osLinux = True
        elif self.osType.startswith("darwin"):
            self.osDarwin = True
        elif self.osType.startswith("win32"):
            self.osWindows = True
        elif self.osType.startswith("cygwin"):
            self.osWindows = True
            self.osUnknown = True

        # Other System Info
        self.hostName = "Unknown"
        self.kernelVer = "Unknown"

        # Packages
        self.hasEnchant = False  # The pyenchant package

        # Recent Cache
        self.recentProj = {}


    #  Methods

    def pxInt(self, theSize):
        """Used to scale fixed gui sizes by the screen scale factor.
        This function returns an int, which is always rounded down.
        return int(theSize * self.guiScale)

    def rpxInt(self, theSize):
        """Used to un-scale fixed gui sizes by the screen scale factor.
        This function returns an int, which is always rounded down.
        return int(theSize / self.guiScale)

    #  Config Actions

    def initConfig(self, confPath=None, dataPath=None):
        """Initialise the config class. The manual setting of confPath
        and dataPath is mainly intended for the test suite.
        logger.debug("Initialising Config ...")
        if confPath is None:
            confRoot = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(
            self.confPath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(confRoot),
            logger.info("Setting config from alternative path: %s", confPath)
            self.confPath = confPath

        if dataPath is None:
            if self.verQtValue >= 50400:
                dataRoot = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(
                dataRoot = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(
            self.dataPath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(dataRoot),
            logger.info("Setting data path from alternative path: %s",
            self.dataPath = dataPath

        logger.verbose("Config path: %s", self.confPath)
        logger.verbose("Data path: %s", self.dataPath)

        # Check Data Path Subdirs
        dataDirs = ["syntax", "themes"]
        for dataDir in dataDirs:
            dirPath = os.path.join(self.dataPath, dataDir)
            if not os.path.isdir(dirPath):
                    logger.info("Created folder: %s", dirPath)
                except Exception:
                    logger.error("Could not create folder: %s", dirPath)

        self.confFile = self.appHandle + ".conf"
        self.lastPath = os.path.expanduser("~")
        self.appPath = getattr(sys, "_MEIPASS",
        self.appRoot = os.path.abspath(
            os.path.join(self.appPath, os.path.pardir))

        if os.path.isfile(self.appRoot):
            # novelWriter is packaged as a single file, so the app and
            # root paths are the same, and equal to the folder that
            # contains the single executable.
            self.appRoot = os.path.dirname(self.appRoot)
            self.appPath = self.appRoot

        # Assets
        self.assetPath = os.path.join(self.appPath, "assets")
        self.appIcon = os.path.join(self.assetPath, "icons", "novelwriter.svg")

        # Internationalisation
        self.nwLangPath = os.path.join(self.assetPath, "i18n")

        logger.debug("Assets: %s", self.assetPath)
        logger.verbose("App path: %s", self.appPath)
        logger.verbose("Last path: %s", self.lastPath)

        # If the config folder does not exist, create it.
        # This assumes that the os config folder itself exists.
        if not os.path.isdir(self.confPath):
            except Exception as exc:
                logger.error("Could not create folder: %s", self.confPath)
                self.hasError = True
                self.errData.append("Could not create folder: %s" %
                self.confPath = None

        # Check if config file exists
        if self.confPath is not None:
            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.confPath, self.confFile)):
                # If it exists, load it
                # If it does not exist, save a copy of the default values

        # If the data folder does not exist, create it.
        # This assumes that the os data folder itself exists.
        if self.dataPath is not None:
            if not os.path.isdir(self.dataPath):
                except Exception as exc:
                    logger.error("Could not create folder: %s", self.dataPath)
                    self.hasError = True
                    self.errData.append("Could not create folder: %s" %
                    self.dataPath = None

        # Host and Kernel
        if self.verQtValue >= 50600:
            self.hostName = QSysInfo.machineHostName()
            self.kernelVer = QSysInfo.kernelVersion()

        # Load recent projects cache

        # Check the availability of optional packages

        if self.spellLanguage is None:
            self.spellLanguage = "en"

        # Look for a PDF version of the manual
        pdfDocs = os.path.join(self.assetPath, "manual.pdf")
        if os.path.isfile(pdfDocs):
            logger.debug("Found manual: %s", pdfDocs)
            self.pdfDocs = pdfDocs

        logger.debug("Config initialisation complete")

        return True

    def initLocalisation(self, nwApp):
        """Initialise the localisation of the GUI.
        self.qLocal = QLocale(self.guiLang)
        self.qtTrans = {}

        langList = [
            (self.qtLangPath, "qtbase"),  # Qt 5.x
            (self.nwLangPath, "qtbase"),  # Alternative Qt 5.x
            (self.nwLangPath, "nw"),  # novelWriter
        for lngPath, lngBase in langList:
            for lngCode in self.qLocal.uiLanguages():
                qTrans = QTranslator()
                lngFile = "%s_%s" % (lngBase, lngCode.replace("-", "_"))
                if lngFile not in self.qtTrans:
                    if qTrans.load(lngFile, lngPath):
                        logger.debug("Loaded: %s",
                                     os.path.join(lngPath, lngFile))
                        self.qtTrans[lngFile] = qTrans


    def listLanguages(self, lngSet):
        """List localisation files in the i18n folder. The default GUI
        language 'en_GB' is British English.
        if lngSet == self.LANG_NW:
            fPre = "nw_"
            fExt = ".qm"
            langList = {"en_GB": QLocale("en_GB").nativeLanguageName().title()}
        elif lngSet == self.LANG_PROJ:
            fPre = "project_"
            fExt = ".json"
            langList = {"en_GB": QLocale("en_GB").nativeLanguageName().title()}
            return []

        for qmFile in os.listdir(self.nwLangPath):
            if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.nwLangPath, qmFile)):
            if not qmFile.startswith(fPre) or not qmFile.endswith(fExt):
            qmLang = qmFile[len(fPre):-len(fExt)]
            qmName = QLocale(qmLang).nativeLanguageName().title()
            if qmLang and qmName and qmLang != "en_GB":
                langList[qmLang] = qmName

        return sorted(langList.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])

    def loadConfig(self):
        """Load preferences from file and replace default settings.
        logger.debug("Loading config file")
        if self.confPath is None:
            return False

        theConf = NWConfigParser()
        cnfPath = os.path.join(self.confPath, self.confFile)
            with open(cnfPath, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as inFile:
        except Exception as exc:
            logger.error("Could not load config file")
            self.hasError = True
            self.errData.append("Could not load config file")
            return False

        # Main
        cnfSec = "Main"
        self.guiTheme = theConf.rdStr(cnfSec, "theme", self.guiTheme)
        self.guiSyntax = theConf.rdStr(cnfSec, "syntax", self.guiSyntax)
        self.guiIcons = theConf.rdStr(cnfSec, "icons", self.guiIcons)
        self.guiFont = theConf.rdStr(cnfSec, "guifont", self.guiFont)
        self.guiFontSize = theConf.rdInt(cnfSec, "guifontsize",
        self.lastNotes = theConf.rdStr(cnfSec, "lastnotes", self.lastNotes)
        self.guiLang = theConf.rdStr(cnfSec, "guilang", self.guiLang)
        self.hideVScroll = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "hidevscroll",
        self.hideHScroll = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "hidehscroll",

        # Sizes
        cnfSec = "Sizes"
        self.winGeometry = theConf.rdIntList(cnfSec, "geometry",
        self.prefGeometry = theConf.rdIntList(cnfSec, "preferences",
        self.projColWidth = theConf.rdIntList(cnfSec, "projcols",
        self.mainPanePos = theConf.rdIntList(cnfSec, "mainpane",
        self.docPanePos = theConf.rdIntList(cnfSec, "docpane", self.docPanePos)
        self.viewPanePos = theConf.rdIntList(cnfSec, "viewpane",
        self.outlnPanePos = theConf.rdIntList(cnfSec, "outlinepane",
        self.isFullScreen = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "fullscreen",

        # Project
        cnfSec = "Project"
        self.autoSaveProj = theConf.rdInt(cnfSec, "autosaveproject",
        self.autoSaveDoc = theConf.rdInt(cnfSec, "autosavedoc",
        self.emphLabels = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "emphlabels", self.emphLabels)

        # Editor
        cnfSec = "Editor"
        self.textFont = theConf.rdStr(cnfSec, "textfont", self.textFont)
        self.textSize = theConf.rdInt(cnfSec, "textsize", self.textSize)
        self.textWidth = theConf.rdInt(cnfSec, "width", self.textWidth)
        self.textMargin = theConf.rdInt(cnfSec, "margin", self.textMargin)
        self.tabWidth = theConf.rdInt(cnfSec, "tabwidth", self.tabWidth)
        self.focusWidth = theConf.rdInt(cnfSec, "focuswidth", self.focusWidth)
        self.hideFocusFooter = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "hidefocusfooter",
        self.doJustify = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "justify", self.doJustify)
        self.autoSelect = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "autoselect", self.autoSelect)
        self.doReplace = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "autoreplace", self.doReplace)
        self.doReplaceSQuote = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "repsquotes",
        self.doReplaceDQuote = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "repdquotes",
        self.doReplaceDash = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "repdash",
        self.doReplaceDots = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "repdots",
        self.scrollPastEnd = theConf.rdInt(cnfSec, "scrollpastend",
        self.autoScroll = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "autoscroll", self.autoScroll)
        self.autoScrollPos = theConf.rdInt(cnfSec, "autoscrollpos",
        self.fmtSingleQuotes = theConf.rdStrList(cnfSec, "fmtsinglequote",
        self.fmtDoubleQuotes = theConf.rdStrList(cnfSec, "fmtdoublequote",
        self.fmtPadBefore = theConf.rdStr(cnfSec, "fmtpadbefore",
        self.fmtPadAfter = theConf.rdStr(cnfSec, "fmtpadafter",
        self.fmtPadThin = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "fmtpadthin", self.fmtPadThin)
        self.spellLanguage = theConf.rdStr(cnfSec, "spellcheck",
        self.showTabsNSpaces = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "showtabsnspaces",
        self.showLineEndings = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "showlineendings",
        self.showMultiSpaces = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "showmultispaces",
        self.wordCountTimer = theConf.rdFlt(cnfSec, "wordcounttimer",
        self.bigDocLimit = theConf.rdInt(cnfSec, "bigdoclimit",
        self.incNotesWCount = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "incnoteswcount",
        self.showFullPath = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "showfullpath",
        self.highlightQuotes = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "highlightquotes",
        self.allowOpenSQuote = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "allowopensquote",
        self.allowOpenDQuote = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "allowopendquote",
        self.highlightEmph = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "highlightemph",
        self.stopWhenIdle = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "stopwhenidle",
        self.userIdleTime = theConf.rdInt(cnfSec, "useridletime",

        # Backup
        cnfSec = "Backup"
        self.backupPath = theConf.rdStr(cnfSec, "backuppath", self.backupPath)
        self.backupOnClose = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "backuponclose",
        self.askBeforeBackup = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "askbeforebackup",

        # State
        cnfSec = "State"
        self.showRefPanel = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "showrefpanel",
        self.viewComments = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "viewcomments",
        self.viewSynopsis = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "viewsynopsis",
        self.searchCase = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "searchcase", self.searchCase)
        self.searchWord = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "searchword", self.searchWord)
        self.searchRegEx = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "searchregex",
        self.searchLoop = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "searchloop", self.searchLoop)
        self.searchNextFile = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "searchnextfile",
        self.searchMatchCap = theConf.rdBool(cnfSec, "searchmatchcap",

        # Path
        cnfSec = "Path"
        self.lastPath = theConf.rdStr(cnfSec, "lastpath", self.lastPath)

        # Check Certain Values for None
        self.spellLanguage = self._checkNone(self.spellLanguage)

        # If we're using straight quotes, disable auto-replace
        if self.fmtSingleQuotes == ["'", "'"] and self.doReplaceSQuote:
                "Using straight single quotes, so disabling auto-replace")
            self.doReplaceSQuote = False

        if self.fmtDoubleQuotes == ['"', '"'] and self.doReplaceDQuote:
                "Using straight double quotes, so disabling auto-replace")
            self.doReplaceDQuote = False

        # Check deprecated settings
        if self.guiIcons in ("typicons_colour_dark", "typicons_grey_dark"):
            self.guiIcons = "typicons_dark"
        elif self.guiIcons in ("typicons_colour_light", "typicons_grey_light"):
            self.guiIcons = "typicons_light"

        return True

    def saveConfig(self):
        """Save the current preferences to file.
        logger.debug("Saving config file")
        if self.confPath is None:
            return False

        theConf = NWConfigParser()

        theConf["Main"] = {
            "timestamp": formatTimeStamp(time()),
            "theme": str(self.guiTheme),
            "syntax": str(self.guiSyntax),
            "icons": str(self.guiIcons),
            "guifont": str(self.guiFont),
            "guifontsize": str(self.guiFontSize),
            "lastnotes": str(self.lastNotes),
            "guilang": str(self.guiLang),
            "hidevscroll": str(self.hideVScroll),
            "hidehscroll": str(self.hideHScroll),

        theConf["Sizes"] = {
            "geometry": self._packList(self.winGeometry),
            "preferences": self._packList(self.prefGeometry),
            "projcols": self._packList(self.projColWidth),
            "mainpane": self._packList(self.mainPanePos),
            "docpane": self._packList(self.docPanePos),
            "viewpane": self._packList(self.viewPanePos),
            "outlinepane": self._packList(self.outlnPanePos),
            "fullscreen": str(self.isFullScreen),

        theConf["Project"] = {
            "autosaveproject": str(self.autoSaveProj),
            "autosavedoc": str(self.autoSaveDoc),
            "emphlabels": str(self.emphLabels),

        theConf["Editor"] = {
            "textfont": str(self.textFont),
            "textsize": str(self.textSize),
            "width": str(self.textWidth),
            "margin": str(self.textMargin),
            "tabwidth": str(self.tabWidth),
            "focuswidth": str(self.focusWidth),
            "hidefocusfooter": str(self.hideFocusFooter),
            "justify": str(self.doJustify),
            "autoselect": str(self.autoSelect),
            "autoreplace": str(self.doReplace),
            "repsquotes": str(self.doReplaceSQuote),
            "repdquotes": str(self.doReplaceDQuote),
            "repdash": str(self.doReplaceDash),
            "repdots": str(self.doReplaceDots),
            "scrollpastend": str(self.scrollPastEnd),
            "autoscroll": str(self.autoScroll),
            "autoscrollpos": str(self.autoScrollPos),
            "fmtsinglequote": self._packList(self.fmtSingleQuotes),
            "fmtdoublequote": self._packList(self.fmtDoubleQuotes),
            "fmtpadbefore": str(self.fmtPadBefore),
            "fmtpadafter": str(self.fmtPadAfter),
            "fmtpadthin": str(self.fmtPadThin),
            "spellcheck": str(self.spellLanguage),
            "showtabsnspaces": str(self.showTabsNSpaces),
            "showlineendings": str(self.showLineEndings),
            "showmultispaces": str(self.showMultiSpaces),
            "wordcounttimer": str(self.wordCountTimer),
            "bigdoclimit": str(self.bigDocLimit),
            "incnoteswcount": str(self.incNotesWCount),
            "showfullpath": str(self.showFullPath),
            "highlightquotes": str(self.highlightQuotes),
            "allowopensquote": str(self.allowOpenSQuote),
            "allowopendquote": str(self.allowOpenDQuote),
            "highlightemph": str(self.highlightEmph),
            "stopwhenidle": str(self.stopWhenIdle),
            "useridletime": str(self.userIdleTime),

        theConf["Backup"] = {
            "backuppath": str(self.backupPath),
            "backuponclose": str(self.backupOnClose),
            "askbeforebackup": str(self.askBeforeBackup),

        theConf["State"] = {
            "showrefpanel": str(self.showRefPanel),
            "viewcomments": str(self.viewComments),
            "viewsynopsis": str(self.viewSynopsis),
            "searchcase": str(self.searchCase),
            "searchword": str(self.searchWord),
            "searchregex": str(self.searchRegEx),
            "searchloop": str(self.searchLoop),
            "searchnextfile": str(self.searchNextFile),
            "searchmatchcap": str(self.searchMatchCap),

        theConf["Path"] = {
            "lastpath": str(self.lastPath),

        # Write config file
        cnfPath = os.path.join(self.confPath, self.confFile)
            with open(cnfPath, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as outFile:
            self.confChanged = False
        except Exception as exc:
            logger.error("Could not save config file")
            self.hasError = True
            self.errData.append("Could not save config file")
            return False

        return True

    def loadRecentCache(self):
        """Load the cache file for recent projects.
        if self.dataPath is None:
            return False

        self.recentProj = {}

        cacheFile = os.path.join(self.dataPath, nwFiles.RECENT_FILE)
        if not os.path.isfile(cacheFile):
            return True

            with open(cacheFile, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as inFile:
                theData = json.load(inFile)

            for projPath, theEntry in theData.items():
                self.recentProj[projPath] = {
                    "title": theEntry.get("title", ""),
                    "time": theEntry.get("time", 0),
                    "words": theEntry.get("words", 0),

        except Exception as exc:
            self.hasError = True
            self.errData.append("Could not load recent project cache")
            return False

        return True

    def saveRecentCache(self):
        """Save the cache dictionary of recent projects.
        if self.dataPath is None:
            return False

        cacheFile = os.path.join(self.dataPath, nwFiles.RECENT_FILE)
        cacheTemp = os.path.join(self.dataPath, nwFiles.RECENT_FILE + "~")

            with open(cacheTemp, mode="w+", encoding="utf-8") as outFile:
                json.dump(self.recentProj, outFile, indent=2)
        except Exception as exc:
            self.hasError = True
            self.errData.append("Could not save recent project cache")
            return False

        if os.path.isfile(cacheFile):
        os.rename(cacheTemp, cacheFile)

        return True

    def updateRecentCache(self, projPath, projTitle, wordCount, saveTime):
        """Add or update recent cache information on a given project.
        self.recentProj[os.path.abspath(projPath)] = {
            "title": projTitle,
            "time": int(saveTime),
            "words": int(wordCount),
        return True

    def removeFromRecentCache(self, thePath):
        """Trying to remove a path from the recent projects cache.
        if thePath in self.recentProj:
            del self.recentProj[thePath]
            logger.verbose("Removed recent: %s", thePath)
            logger.error("Unknown recent: %s", thePath)
            return False
        return True

    #  Setters

    def setConfPath(self, newPath):
        """Set the path and filename to the config file.
        if newPath is None:
            return True
        if not os.path.isfile(newPath):
            logger.error("File not found, using default config path instead")
            return False
        self.confPath = os.path.dirname(newPath)
        self.confFile = os.path.basename(newPath)
        return True

    def setDataPath(self, newPath):
        """Set the data path.
        if newPath is None:
            return True
        if not os.path.isdir(newPath):
            logger.error("Path not found, using default data path instead")
            return False
        self.dataPath = os.path.abspath(newPath)
        return True

    def setLastPath(self, lastPath):
        """Set the last used path (by the user).
        if lastPath is None or lastPath == "":
            self.lastPath = ""
            self.lastPath = os.path.dirname(lastPath)
        return True

    def setWinSize(self, newWidth, newHeight):
        """Set the size of the main window, but only if the change is
        larger than 5 pixels. The OS window manager will sometimes
        adjust it a bit, and we don't want the main window to shrink or
        grow each time the app is opened.
        newWidth = int(newWidth / self.guiScale)
        newHeight = int(newHeight / self.guiScale)
        if abs(self.winGeometry[0] - newWidth) > 5:
            self.winGeometry[0] = newWidth
            self.confChanged = True
        if abs(self.winGeometry[1] - newHeight) > 5:
            self.winGeometry[1] = newHeight
            self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setPreferencesSize(self, newWidth, newHeight):
        """Sat the size of the Preferences dialog window.
        self.prefGeometry[0] = int(newWidth / self.guiScale)
        self.prefGeometry[1] = int(newHeight / self.guiScale)
        self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setProjColWidths(self, colWidths):
        """Set the column widths of the Load Project dialog.
        self.projColWidth = [int(x / self.guiScale) for x in colWidths]
        self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setMainPanePos(self, panePos):
        """Set the position of the main GUI splitter.
        self.mainPanePos = [int(x / self.guiScale) for x in panePos]
        self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setDocPanePos(self, panePos):
        """Set the position of the main editor/viewer splitter.
        self.docPanePos = [int(x / self.guiScale) for x in panePos]
        self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setViewPanePos(self, panePos):
        """Set the position of the viewer meta data splitter.
        self.viewPanePos = [int(x / self.guiScale) for x in panePos]
        self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setOutlinePanePos(self, panePos):
        """Set the position of the outline details splitter.
        self.outlnPanePos = [int(x / self.guiScale) for x in panePos]
        self.confChanged = True
        return True

    def setShowRefPanel(self, checkState):
        """Set the visibility state of the reference panel.
        self.showRefPanel = checkState
        self.confChanged = True
        return self.showRefPanel

    def setViewComments(self, viewState):
        """Set the visibility state of comments in the viewer.
        self.viewComments = viewState
        self.confChanged = True
        return self.viewComments

    def setViewSynopsis(self, viewState):
        """Set the visibility state of synopsis comments in the viewer.
        self.viewSynopsis = viewState
        self.confChanged = True
        return self.viewSynopsis

    #  Default Setters

    def setDefaultGuiTheme(self):
        """Reset the GUI theme to default value.
        self.guiTheme = "default"

    def setDefaultSyntaxTheme(self):
        """Reset the syntax theme to default value.
        self.guiSyntax = "default_light"

    def setDefaultIconTheme(self):
        """Reset the icon theme to default value.
        self.guiIcons = "typicons_light"

    #  Getters

    def getWinSize(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.winGeometry]

    def getPreferencesSize(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.prefGeometry]

    def getProjColWidths(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.projColWidth]

    def getMainPanePos(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.mainPanePos]

    def getDocPanePos(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.docPanePos]

    def getViewPanePos(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.viewPanePos]

    def getOutlinePanePos(self):
        return [int(x * self.guiScale) for x in self.outlnPanePos]

    def getTextWidth(self, focusMode=False):
        if focusMode:
            return self.pxInt(max(self.focusWidth, 200))
            return self.pxInt(max(self.textWidth, 200))

    def getTextMargin(self):
        return self.pxInt(max(self.textMargin, 0))

    def getTabWidth(self):
        return self.pxInt(max(self.tabWidth, 0))

    def getErrData(self):
        """Compile and return error messages from the initialisation of
        the Config class, and clear the error buffer.
        errMessage = "<br>".join(self.errData)
        self.hasError = False
        self.errData = []
        return errMessage

    #  Internal Functions

    def _packList(self, inData):
        """Pack a list of items into a comma-separated string for saving
        to the config file.
        return ", ".join([str(inVal) for inVal in inData])

    def _checkNone(self, checkVal):
        """Return a NoneType if the value corresponds to None, otherwise
        return the value unchanged.
        if checkVal is None:
            return None
        if isinstance(checkVal, str):
            if checkVal.lower() == "none":
                return None
        return checkVal

    def _checkOptionalPackages(self):
        """Cheks if we have the optional packages used by some features.
            import enchant  # noqa: F401
        except ImportError:
            self.hasEnchant = False
            logger.debug("Checking package 'pyenchant': Missing")
            self.hasEnchant = True
            logger.debug("Checking package 'pyenchant': OK")