def parse_javascript_url(url: QUrl) -> str:
    """Get JavaScript source from the given URL.

    See https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/URL_schemes#javascript:_URLs
    and https://github.com/whatwg/url/issues/385
    if url.scheme() != 'javascript':
        raise Error("Expected a javascript:... URL")
    if url.authority():
        raise Error("URL contains unexpected components: {}".format(

    code = url.path(QUrl.FullyDecoded)
    if url.hasQuery():
        code += '?' + url.query(QUrl.FullyDecoded)
    if url.hasFragment():
        code += '#' + url.fragment(QUrl.FullyDecoded)

    if not code:
        raise Error("Resulted in empty JavaScript code")

    return code
class CoverArtImage:

    # Indicate if types are provided by the source, ie. CAA or certain file
    # formats may have types associated with cover art, but some other sources
    # don't provide such information
    support_types = False
    # `is_front` has to be explicitly set, it is used to handle CAA is_front
    # indicator
    is_front = None
    sourceprefix = "URL"

    def __init__(self, url=None, types=None, comment='', data=None):
        if types is None:
            self.types = []
            self.types = types
        if url is not None:
            self.url = None
        self.comment = comment
        self.datahash = None
        # thumbnail is used to link to another CoverArtImage, ie. for PDFs
        self.thumbnail = None
        self.can_be_saved_to_tags = True
        self.can_be_saved_to_disk = True
        self.can_be_saved_to_metadata = True
        if data is not None:

    def parse_url(self, url):
        self.url = QUrl(url)
        self.host = string_(self.url.host())
        self.port = self.url.port(80)
        self.path = string_(self.url.path(QUrl.FullyEncoded))
        if self.url.hasQuery():
            self.path += '?' + string_(self.url.query(QUrl.FullyEncoded))

    def source(self):
        if self.url is not None:
            return "%s: %s" % (self.sourceprefix, self.url.toString())
            return "%s" % self.sourceprefix

    def is_front_image(self):
        """Indicates if image is considered as a 'front' image.
        It depends on few things:
            - if `is_front` was set, it is used over anything else
            - if `types` was set, search for 'front' in it
            - if `support_types` is False, default to True for any image
            - if `support_types` is True, default to False for any image
        if not self.can_be_saved_to_metadata:
            # ignore thumbnails
            return False
        if self.is_front is not None:
            return self.is_front
        if 'front' in self.types:
            return True
        return (self.support_types is False)

    def imageinfo_as_string(self):
        if self.datahash is None:
            return ""
        return "w=%d h=%d mime=%s ext=%s datalen=%d file=%s" % (self.width,

    def __repr__(self):
        p = []
        if self.url is not None:
            p.append("url=%r" % self.url.toString())
        if self.types:
            p.append("types=%r" % self.types)
        if self.is_front is not None:
            p.append("is_front=%r" % self.is_front)
        if self.comment:
            p.append("comment=%r" % self.comment)
        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(p))

    def __str__(self):
        p = ['Image']
        if self.url is not None:
            p.append("from %s" % self.url.toString())
        if self.types:
            p.append("of type %s" % ','.join(self.types))
        if self.comment:
            p.append("and comment '%s'" % self.comment)
        return ' '.join(p)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if self and other:
            if self.types and other.types:
                return (self.datahash, self.types) == (other.datahash, other.types)
                return self.datahash == other.datahash
        elif not self and not other:
            return True
            return False

    def __hash__(self):
        if self.datahash is None:
            return 0
        return hash(self.datahash.hash())

    def set_data(self, data):
        """Store image data in a file, if data already exists in such file
           it will be re-used and no file write occurs
        if self.datahash:
            self.datahash = None

            (self.width, self.height, self.mimetype, self.extension,
             self.datalength) = imageinfo.identify(data)
        except imageinfo.IdentificationError as e:
            raise CoverArtImageIdentificationError(e)

            self.datahash = DataHash(data, suffix=self.extension)
        except (OSError, IOError) as e:
            raise CoverArtImageIOError(e)

    def maintype(self):
        """Returns one type only, even for images having more than one type set.
        This is mostly used when saving cover art to tags because most formats
        don't support multiple types for one image.
        Images coming from CAA can have multiple types (ie. 'front, booklet').
        if self.is_front_image() or not self.types or 'front' in self.types:
            return 'front'
        # TODO: do something better than randomly using the first in the list
        return self.types[0]

    def _make_image_filename(self, filename, dirname, metadata):
        filename = ScriptParser().eval(filename, metadata)
        if config.setting["ascii_filenames"]:
            if isinstance(filename, str):
                filename = unaccent(filename)
            filename = replace_non_ascii(filename)
        if not filename:
            filename = "cover"
        if not os.path.isabs(filename):
            filename = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
        # replace incompatible characters
        if config.setting["windows_compatibility"] or sys.platform == "win32":
            filename = replace_win32_incompat(filename)
        # remove null characters
        if isinstance(filename, bytes):
            filename = filename.replace(b"\x00", "")
        return encode_filename(filename)

    def save(self, dirname, metadata, counters):
        """Saves this image.

        :dirname: The name of the directory that contains the audio file
        :metadata: A metadata object
        :counters: A dictionary mapping filenames to the amount of how many
                    images with that filename were already saved in `dirname`.
        if not self.can_be_saved_to_disk:
        if (config.setting["caa_image_type_as_filename"] and
            not self.is_front_image()):
            filename = self.maintype
            log.debug("Make cover filename from types: %r -> %r",
                      self.types, filename)
            filename = config.setting["cover_image_filename"]
            log.debug("Using default cover image filename %r", filename)
        filename = self._make_image_filename(filename, dirname, metadata)

        overwrite = config.setting["save_images_overwrite"]
        ext = encode_filename(self.extension)
        image_filename = self._next_filename(filename, counters)
        while os.path.exists(image_filename + ext) and not overwrite:
            if not self._is_write_needed(image_filename + ext):
            image_filename = self._next_filename(filename, counters)
            new_filename = image_filename + ext
            # Even if overwrite is enabled we don't need to write the same
            # image multiple times
            if not self._is_write_needed(new_filename):
            log.debug("Saving cover image to %r", new_filename)
                new_dirname = os.path.dirname(new_filename)
                if not os.path.isdir(new_dirname):
                shutil.copyfile(self.tempfile_filename, new_filename)
            except (OSError, IOError) as e:
                raise CoverArtImageIOError(e)

    def _next_filename(self, filename, counters):
        if counters[filename]:
            new_filename = b"%b (%d)" % (filename, counters[filename])
            new_filename = filename
        counters[filename] += 1
        return new_filename

    def _is_write_needed(self, filename):
        if (os.path.exists(filename)
                and os.path.getsize(filename) == self.datalength):
            log.debug("Identical file size, not saving %r", filename)
            return False
        return True

    def data(self):
        """Reads the data from the temporary file created for this image.
        May raise CoverArtImageIOError
            return self.datahash.data
        except (OSError, IOError) as e:
            raise CoverArtImageIOError(e)

    def tempfile_filename(self):
        return self.datahash.filename

    def types_as_string(self, translate=True, separator=', '):
        if self.types:
            types = self.types
        elif self.is_front_image():
            types = ['front']
            types = ['-']
        if translate:
            types = [translate_caa_type(type) for type in types]
        return separator.join(types)
class CoverArtImage:

    # Indicate if types are provided by the source, ie. CAA or certain file
    # formats may have types associated with cover art, but some other sources
    # don't provide such information
    support_types = False
    # Indicates that the source supports multiple types per image.
    support_multi_types = False
    # `is_front` has to be explicitly set, it is used to handle CAA is_front
    # indicator
    is_front = None
    sourceprefix = "URL"

    def __init__(self,
        if types is None:
            self.types = []
            self.types = types
        if url is not None:
            self.url = None
        self.comment = comment
        self.datahash = None
        # thumbnail is used to link to another CoverArtImage, ie. for PDFs
        self.thumbnail = None
        self.can_be_saved_to_tags = True
        self.can_be_saved_to_disk = True
        self.can_be_saved_to_metadata = True
        if support_types is not None:
            self.support_types = support_types
        if support_multi_types is not None:
            self.support_multi_types = support_multi_types
        if data is not None:

    def parse_url(self, url):
        self.url = QUrl(url)
        self.host = self.url.host()
        self.port = self.url.port(443 if self.url.scheme() == 'https' else 80)
        self.path = self.url.path(QUrl.FullyEncoded)
        if self.url.hasQuery():
            self.path += '?' + self.url.query(QUrl.FullyEncoded)

    def source(self):
        if self.url is not None:
            return "%s: %s" % (self.sourceprefix, self.url.toString())
            return "%s" % self.sourceprefix

    def is_front_image(self):
        """Indicates if image is considered as a 'front' image.
        It depends on few things:
            - if `is_front` was set, it is used over anything else
            - if `types` was set, search for 'front' in it
            - if `support_types` is False, default to True for any image
            - if `support_types` is True, default to False for any image
        if not self.can_be_saved_to_metadata:
            # ignore thumbnails
            return False
        if self.is_front is not None:
            return self.is_front
        if 'front' in self.types:
            return True
        return (self.support_types is False)

    def imageinfo_as_string(self):
        if self.datahash is None:
            return ""
        return "w=%d h=%d mime=%s ext=%s datalen=%d file=%s" % (
            self.width, self.height, self.mimetype, self.extension,
            self.datalength, self.tempfile_filename)

    def __repr__(self):
        p = []
        if self.url is not None:
            p.append("url=%r" % self.url.toString())
        if self.types:
            p.append("types=%r" % self.types)
        p.append('support_types=%r' % self.support_types)
        p.append('support_multi_types=%r' % self.support_types)
        if self.is_front is not None:
            p.append("is_front=%r" % self.is_front)
        if self.comment:
            p.append("comment=%r" % self.comment)
        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(p))

    def __str__(self):
        p = ['Image']
        if self.url is not None:
            p.append("from %s" % self.url.toString())
        if self.types:
            p.append("of type %s" % ','.join(self.types))
        if self.comment:
            p.append("and comment '%s'" % self.comment)
        return ' '.join(p)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if self and other:
            if self.support_types and other.support_types:
                if self.support_multi_types and other.support_multi_types:
                    return (self.datahash, self.types) == (other.datahash,
                    return (self.datahash, self.maintype) == (other.datahash,
                return self.datahash == other.datahash
        elif not self and not other:
            return True
            return False

    def __hash__(self):
        if self.datahash is None:
            return 0
        return hash(self.datahash.hash())

    def set_data(self, data):
        """Store image data in a file, if data already exists in such file
           it will be re-used and no file write occurs
        if self.datahash:
            self.datahash = None

            (self.width, self.height, self.mimetype, self.extension,
             self.datalength) = imageinfo.identify(data)
        except imageinfo.IdentificationError as e:
            raise CoverArtImageIdentificationError(e)

            self.datahash = DataHash(data, suffix=self.extension)
        except (OSError, IOError) as e:
            raise CoverArtImageIOError(e)

    def maintype(self):
        """Returns one type only, even for images having more than one type set.
        This is mostly used when saving cover art to tags because most formats
        don't support multiple types for one image.
        Images coming from CAA can have multiple types (ie. 'front, booklet').
        if self.is_front_image() or not self.types or 'front' in self.types:
            return 'front'
        # TODO: do something better than randomly using the first in the list
        return self.types[0]

    def _make_image_filename(self, filename, dirname, _metadata):
        metadata = Metadata()
        metadata["coverart_maintype"] = self.maintype
        metadata["coverart_comment"] = self.comment
        if self.is_front:
            metadata.add_unique("coverart_types", "front")
        for cover_type in self.types:
            metadata.add_unique("coverart_types", cover_type)
        filename = script_to_filename(filename, metadata)
        if not filename:
            filename = "cover"
        if not os.path.isabs(filename):
            filename = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
        return encode_filename(filename)

    def save(self, dirname, metadata, counters):
        """Saves this image.

        :dirname: The name of the directory that contains the audio file
        :metadata: A metadata object
        :counters: A dictionary mapping filenames to the amount of how many
                    images with that filename were already saved in `dirname`.
        if not self.can_be_saved_to_disk:
        if (config.setting["caa_image_type_as_filename"]
                and not self.is_front_image()):
            filename = self.maintype
            log.debug("Make cover filename from types: %r -> %r", self.types,
            filename = config.setting["cover_image_filename"]
            log.debug("Using default cover image filename %r", filename)
        filename = self._make_image_filename(filename, dirname, metadata)

        overwrite = config.setting["save_images_overwrite"]
        ext = encode_filename(self.extension)
        image_filename = self._next_filename(filename, counters)
        while os.path.exists(image_filename + ext) and not overwrite:
            if not self._is_write_needed(image_filename + ext):
            image_filename = self._next_filename(filename, counters)
            new_filename = image_filename + ext
            # Even if overwrite is enabled we don't need to write the same
            # image multiple times
            if not self._is_write_needed(new_filename):
            log.debug("Saving cover image to %r", new_filename)
                new_dirname = os.path.dirname(new_filename)
                if not os.path.isdir(new_dirname):
                shutil.copyfile(self.tempfile_filename, new_filename)
            except (OSError, IOError) as e:
                raise CoverArtImageIOError(e)

    def _next_filename(self, filename, counters):
        if counters[filename]:
            new_filename = "%s (%d)" % (decode_filename(filename),
            new_filename = filename
        counters[filename] += 1
        return encode_filename(new_filename)

    def _is_write_needed(self, filename):
        if (os.path.exists(filename)
                and os.path.getsize(filename) == self.datalength):
            log.debug("Identical file size, not saving %r", filename)
            return False
        return True

    def data(self):
        """Reads the data from the temporary file created for this image.
        May raise CoverArtImageIOError
            return self.datahash.data
        except (OSError, IOError) as e:
            raise CoverArtImageIOError(e)

    def tempfile_filename(self):
        return self.datahash.filename

    def normalized_types(self):
        if self.types:
            types = sorted(set(self.types))
        elif self.is_front_image():
            types = ['front']
            types = ['-']
        return types

    def types_as_string(self, translate=True, separator=', '):
        types = self.normalized_types()
        if translate:
            types = [translate_caa_type(type) for type in types]
        return separator.join(types)