class mainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, mode): super(mainWindow, self).__init__() self.setGeometry(0, 0, 500, 500) self.openGLWidget = QOpenGLWidget(self) self.openGLWidget.setGeometry(0, 0, 500, 500) if mode == 'unsafe': self.shader = _shader(self, self.openGLWidget) self.shader.resize(500, 500) #self.cube1 = cube((0, 0, 0)) #self.cube2 = cube((1, 0, 0)) #self.cube3 = cube((0, 0, 1)) #self.shader.addShapes(self.cube1, self.cube2, self.cube3) #self.shader.navigate(vVal = -45) #self.shader.update() else: with shaderManager(self, self.openGLWidget) as shader: self.shader = shader self.shader.resize(500, 500)
class mainWindow(QMainWindow): #Main class. shapes = [ ] #place all instaces of shapes in this list in order to have them rendered. dataPoints = [] zoomLevel = -5 rotateDegreeV = -90 rotateDegreeH = 0 marchActive = False limit = 0.5 meshPoints = [] step = 0 pairs = [(0, 1), (0, 3), (0, 4), (2, 1), (2, 3), (2, 6), (7, 3), (7, 4), (7, 6), (5, 1), (5, 4), (5, 6)] def __init__(self): super(mainWindow, self).__init__() self.currentStep = 0 self.width = 700 #Variables used for the setting of the size of everything self.height = 600 self.setGeometry(0, 0, self.width + 50, self.height + 25) #Set the window size self.initData() self.shapes.append(cube((0, 0, 0))) self.shapes.append(cube((0, -1, 0))) for i in range(12): locA = locByVal(self.pairs[i][0]) locB = locByVal(self.pairs[i][1]) loc = (float(avg( (locA[0], locB[0]))), float(avg( (locA[1], locB[1]))), float(avg((locA[2], locB[2])))) shape = cube(loc, 0.05, False, True, (1, 0, 0)) self.meshPoints.append(shape) self.shapes.append(shape) #print(loc) def setupUI(self): self.openGLWidget = QOpenGLWidget(self) #Create the GLWidget self.openGLWidget.setGeometry(0, 0, self.width, self.height) self.openGLWidget.initializeGL() self.openGLWidget.resizeGL( self.width, self.height ) #Resize GL's knowledge of the window to match the physical size? self.openGLWidget.paintGL = self.paintGL #override the default function with my own? self.marchButton = QPushButton(self) self.marchButton.setGeometry(350, self.height, 60, 25) self.marchButton.setText('Step 0') self.marchButton.clicked.connect(self.cycle) self.readout = QLabel(self) self.readout.setGeometry(240, self.height, 110, 25) self.readout.setText("[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]") self.indicators = [] for i in range(8): indicator = QWidget(self) indicator.setGeometry(i * 30, self.height, 25, 25) indicator.setStyleSheet("background-color: blue;") self.indicators.append(indicator) def initData(self): for i in range(8): loc = locByVal(i) col = (0, 0.5, 0.5) shape = cube(location=loc, drawWires=False, drawFaces=True, color=col) dp = dataPoint(location=loc, value=0.5, shape=shape) self.dataPoints.append(dp) self.shapes.append(dp.shape) def paintGL(self): glLoadIdentity() gluPerspective(45, self.width / self.height, 0.1, 110.0) #set perspective? glTranslatef( 0, 0, self.zoomLevel) #I used -10 instead of -2 in the PyGame version. glRotatef(self.rotateDegreeV, 1, 0, 0) #I used 2 instead of 1 in the PyGame version. glRotatef(self.rotateDegreeH, 0, 0, 1) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) if len(self.shapes) != 0: glBegin(GL_LINES) for s in self.shapes: glColor3fv(s.color) if s.render and s.drawWires: for e in s.edges: for v in e: glVertex3fv(s.vertices[v]) glEnd() glBegin(GL_QUADS) for s in self.shapes: glColor3fv(s.color) if s.render and s.drawFaces: for f in s.facets: for v in f: glVertex3fv(s.vertices[v]) glEnd() def keyPressEvent( self, event ): #This is the keypress detector. I use this to determine input to edit grids. try: key = event.key() #print(key) if key == 87: self.nav(rotV=5) elif key == 65: self.nav(rotH=5) elif key == 83: self.nav(rotV=-5) elif key == 68: self.nav(rotH=-5) elif key == 67: self.nav(zoomVal=1) elif key == 88: self.nav(zoomVal=-1) elif key == 82: self.cycle('up') elif key == 70: self.cycle('down') except: pass def nav(self, zoomVal=0, rotV=0, rotH=0): self.zoomLevel += zoomVal self.rotateDegreeV += rotV self.rotateDegreeH += rotH self.openGLWidget.update() def filter(self, value): self.limit = rnd((value / 49.5) - 1, -2) for d in self.dataPoints: if d.value < self.limit: d.shape.hide() else: self.limitDisplay.setText(str(self.limit)) self.openGLWidget.update() def getDP(self, coord): x, y, z = coord #print(self.dataPoints) #print('requested coordinates: {}'.format(coord)) for dp in self.dataPoints: #print('dataPoint.location: {}'.format(dp.location)) if dp.location == (x, y, z): return dp return False def cycle(self, dir='up'): #housekeeping if dir == 'up': if self.step == 255: self.step = 0 else: self.step += 1 elif dir == 'down': if self.step == 0: self.step = 255 else: self.step -= 1 #set the points self.marchButton.setText("Step " + str(self.step)) binDat = intToBin(self.step) self.readout.setText(str(binDat)) for dp in self.dataPoints: dp.shape.recolor((0, 0.5, 0.5)) for indi in self.indicators: indi.setStyleSheet("background-color: blue;") for i in range(8): rawDat = binDat[7 - i] dat = (rawDat - 0.5) * 2 #0 --> -1 1 --> 1 self.dataPoints[i].set(dat) self.dataPoints[i].shape.recolor((0, rawDat, 1 - rawDat)) if dat == 1: self.indicators[7 - i].setStyleSheet("background-color: green;") #show/hide the meshPoints for i in range(12): pointA = self.dataPoints[self.pairs[i][0]] pointB = self.dataPoints[self.pairs[i][1]] if pointA.value != pointB.value: self.meshPoints[i].show() else: self.meshPoints[i].hide() self.openGLWidget.update()
class mainWindow(QMainWindow): #Main class. shapes = [ ] #place all instances of shapes in this list in order to have them rendered. dataPoints = [] zoomLevel = -10 rotateDegreeV = -90 rotateDegreeH = 0 marchActive = False limit = -1.0 meshPoints = [] animationActive = False anLoops = 0 printConfigs = False dataFieldSize = (3, 3, 3) def keyPressEvent(self, event): #This is the keypress detector. try: key = event.key() except: key = -1 #print(key) if key == 87: self.nav(vVal=5) elif key == 65: self.nav(hVal=5) elif key == 83: self.nav(vVal=-5) elif key == 68: self.nav(hVal=-5) elif key == 67: self.nav(zVal=1) elif key == 88: self.nav(zVal=-1) elif key == 77: self.marchStep() elif key == 16777216: exit() elif key == 16777235: self.filter(0.1) elif key == 16777237: self.filter(-0.1) def __init__(self, mode): super(mainWindow, self).__init__() self.opMode = mode self.currentStep = 0 if self.opMode == 'show': self.sizeX = self.screen().size().width( ) #Variables used for the setting of the size of everything self.sizeY = self.screen().size().height() elif self.opMode == 'config': self.sizeX = 500 self.sizeY = 500 self.setGeometry(0, 0, self.sizeX + 50, self.sizeY) #Set the window size self.initData(self.dataFieldSize) self.setupUI() if self.opMode == 'show': self.animateStep() def setupUI(self): self.openGLWidget = QOpenGLWidget(self) #Create the GLWidget self.openGLWidget.setGeometry(0, 0, self.sizeX, self.sizeY) self.openGLWidget.initializeGL() self.openGLWidget.resizeGL( self.sizeX, self.sizeY ) #Resize GL's knowledge of the window to match the physical size? self.openGLWidget.paintGL = self.paintGL #override the default function with my own? if self.opMode != 'show': self.filterSlider = QSlider(Qt.Vertical, self) self.filterSlider.setGeometry(self.sizeX + 10, int(self.sizeY / 2) - 100, 30, 200) self.filterSlider.valueChanged[int].connect(self.barFilter) self.limitDisplay = QLabel(self) self.limitDisplay.setGeometry(self.sizeX, int(self.sizeY / 2) - 130, 50, 30) self.limitDisplay.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.limitDisplay.setText('-1') self.marchButton = QPushButton(self) self.marchButton.setGeometry(self.sizeX, int(self.sizeY / 2) - 160, 50, 30) self.marchButton.setText('March!') self.marchButton.clicked.connect(self.marchStep) def initData(self, fieldSize): sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ = fieldSize marchSizeX = sizeX - 1 marchSizeY = sizeY - 1 marchSizeZ = sizeZ - 1 xOff = -(sizeX / 2) + 0.5 yOff = -(sizeY / 2) + 0.5 zOff = -(sizeZ / 2) + 0.5 xMarchOff = -(marchSizeX / 2) + 0.5 yMarchOff = -(marchSizeY / 2) + 0.5 zMarchOff = -(marchSizeZ / 2) + 0.5 self.marchPoints = [] for z in range(marchSizeZ): for y in range(marchSizeY): for x in range(marchSizeX): self.marchPoints.append( (x + xMarchOff, y + yMarchOff, z + zMarchOff)) for z in range(sizeZ): for y in range(sizeY): for x in range(sizeX): val = generate(x + xOff, y + yOff, z + zOff) dpColor = (0, (val + 1) / 2, (val + 1) / -2 + 1) dpShape = cube((x + xOff, y + yOff, z + zOff), drawWires=False, drawFaces=True, color=dpColor) dp = dataPoint((x + xOff, y + yOff, z + zOff), val, dpShape) self.dataPoints.append(dp) self.shapes.append(dpShape) def marchStep(self): #print(self.currentStep) if not self.marchActive: #initialize marchAddr = len(self.shapes) self.marchingCube = cube(size=1) self.shapes.append(self.marchingCube) self.marchActive = True self.currentStep = 0 self.mainMesh = mesh() self.shapes.append(self.mainMesh) if self.currentStep == len(self.marchPoints): #1 step after last self.marchingCube.hide() self.currentStep += 1 for mp in self.meshPoints: mp.shape.hide() self.meshPoints = [] self.openGLWidget.update() return if self.currentStep == len(self.marchPoints) + 1: #2 steps after last #print('meshPoints: {}'.format(self.meshPoints)) for mp in self.meshPoints: #print(mp.shape) self.shapes.remove(mp.shape) self.meshPoints.clear() self.shapes.remove(self.mainMesh) self.meshes = [] self.currentStep = -1 self.openGLWidget.update() return if self.currentStep == -1: #1 step before first self.marchingCube.hide() self.currentStep += 1 #print('self.meshPoints: {}\nself.meshes: {}\nself.shapes: {}'.format(self.meshPoints, self.meshes, self.shapes)) self.openGLWidget.update() self.mainMesh = mesh() self.shapes.append(self.mainMesh) return p = self.marchPoints[self.currentStep] x, y, z = p self.marchingCube.move((x, y, z)) points = [] for i in range(8): #print(self.marchingCube.vertices[i]) point = self.getDataPointByLocation(self.marchingCube.vertices[i]) points.append(point) #place meshpoints and highlight the active ones. MPs = [] for pair in self.marchingCube.wires: pointA = points[pair[0]] pointB = points[pair[1]] #print('pointA.value: {} pointB.value: {} limit: {}'.formatpointA.value, pointB.value, self.limit) xA, yA, zA = pointA.location xB, yB, zB = pointB.location valA = (pointA.value + 1) / 2 valB = (pointB.value + 1) / 2 xC = float(avg([xA, xB])) yC = float(avg([yA, yB])) zC = float(avg([zA, zB])) mp = meshPoint(), yC, zC) mp.setShape( cube(size=0.05, drawWires=False, drawFaces=True, color=(1, 0, 0))) mp.shape.move((xC, yC, zC)) self.shapes.append(mp.shape) self.meshPoints.append(mp) MPs.append(mp) if (pointA.value < self.limit and pointB.value > self.limit) or ( pointA.value > self.limit and pointB.value < self.limit): mp.setActive(True) else: mp.setActive(False) activeConfig = 0 for i in range(8): if points[i].value > self.limit: activeConfig += int(2**i) oldConfig = activeConfig if activeConfig > 127: activeConfig = 255 - activeConfig if self.printConfigs: print('Old configuration number: {}\nConfiguration number: {}'. format(oldConfig, activeConfig)) config = table[activeConfig] if self.printConfigs: print('Configuration: {}\nnumber of points: {}'.format( config, len(MPs))) for data in config: a, b, c = data locA = MPs[a].location locB = MPs[b].location locC = MPs[c].location self.mainMesh.addFacet((locA, locB, locC)) self.currentStep += 1 self.openGLWidget.update() def nav(self, hVal=0, vVal=0, zVal=0): self.zoomLevel += zVal self.rotateDegreeH += hVal self.rotateDegreeV += vVal self.openGLWidget.update() def barFilter(self, value): self.limit = rnd((value / 49.5) - 1, -2) for d in self.dataPoints: if d.value < self.limit: d.shape.hide() else: self.limitDisplay.setText(str(self.limit)) self.openGLWidget.update() def filter(self, value): self.limit += value self.limit = float(rnd(self.limit, -2)) for d in self.dataPoints: if d.value < self.limit: d.shape.hide() else: if self.opMode != 'show': self.limitDisplay.setText(str(self.limit)) #print(self.limit) self.openGLWidget.update() def paintGL(self): #This function uses shape objects, such as cube() or mesh(). Shape objects require the following: #a list named 'vertices' - This list is a list of points, from which edges and faces are drawn. #a list named 'wires' - This list is a list of tuples which refer to vertices, dictating where to draw wires. #a list named 'facets' - This list is a list of tuples which refer to vertices, ditating where to draw facets. #a bool named 'render' - This bool is used to dictate whether or not to draw the shape. #a bool named 'drawWires' - This bool is used to dictate whether wires should be drawn. #a bool named 'drawFaces' - This bool is used to dictate whether facets should be drawn. glLoadIdentity() gluPerspective(45, self.sizeX / self.sizeY, 0.1, 110.0) #set perspective? glTranslatef( 0, 0, self.zoomLevel) #I used -10 instead of -2 in the PyGame version. glRotatef(self.rotateDegreeV, 1, 0, 0) #I used 2 instead of 1 in the PyGame version. glRotatef(self.rotateDegreeH, 0, 0, 1) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) if len(self.shapes) != 0: glBegin(GL_LINES) for s in self.shapes: glColor3fv(s.color) if s.render and s.drawWires: for w in s.wires: for v in w: glVertex3fv(s.vertices[v]) glEnd() glBegin(GL_QUADS) for s in self.shapes: glColor3fv(s.color) if s.render and s.drawFaces: for f in s.facets: for v in f: glVertex3fv(s.vertices[v]) glEnd() def getDataPointByLocation(self, coord): x, y, z = coord #print(self.dataPoints) #print('requested coordinates: {}'.format(coord)) for dp in self.dataPoints: #print('dataPoint.location: {}'.format(dp.location)) if dp.location == (x, y, z): return dp return False def animateStep(self): if not self.animationActive: self.animationTimer = QTimer() self.animationTimer.start(1000) self.animationTimer.timeout.connect(self.animateStep) self.nav(hVal=-15, vVal=20, zVal=-2) self.animationActive = True self.limit = 0 self.filter(0) if self.currentStep == -1: #print('current shapes: {}'.format(len(self.shapes))) numMarchingCubes = 0 numMainMeshes = 0 cycles = 0 removedShapes = 0 keptShapes = 0 # for s in self.shapes: # if s == self.marchingCube: # numMarchingCubes += 1 # if s == self.mainMesh: # numMainMeshes += 1 # if s != self.marchingCube and s != self.mainMesh: # removedShapes += 1 # self.shapes.remove(s) # else: # keptShapes += 1 # cycles += 1 # print('cycled through {} shapes\nremoved {} shapes\n kept {} shapes\nremaining shapes: {}\nnumber of marchingCubes: {}\nnumber of mainMeshes: {}'.format(cycles, removedShapes, keptShapes, len(self.shapes), numMarchingCubes, numMainMeshes)) self.shapes = [self.marchingCube] print("\n\nself.shapes: {}\nself.meshPoints: {}".format( self.shapes, self.meshPoints)) self.dataPoints = [] self.initData(self.dataFieldSize) self.filter(0) self.anLoops += 1 # if self.anLoops == 2: # self.animationTimer.stop() # exit() self.marchStep() self.nav(hVal=2)
class mainWindow(QMainWindow): #Main class. shapes = [] #place all instaces of shapes in this list in order to have them rendered. dataPoints = [] zoomLevel = -10 rotateDegreeV = -90 rotateDegreeH = 0 marchActive = False limit = -1 meshPoints = [] meshSectors = [] def keyPressEvent(self, event): #This is the keypress detector. try: key = event.key() except: key = -1 #print(key) if key == 87: self.rotateV(5) elif key == 65: self.rotateH(5) elif key == 83: self.rotateV(-5) elif key == 68: self.rotateH(-5) elif key == 67: self.zoom(1) elif key == 88: self.zoom(-1) elif key == 77: self.marchStep() def __init__(self): super(mainWindow, self).__init__() self.currentStep = 0 self.width = 700 #Variables used for the setting of the size of everything self.height = 600 self.setGeometry(0, 0, self.width + 50, self.height) #Set the window size self.initData(4, 4, 4) def setupUI(self): self.openGLWidget = QOpenGLWidget(self) #Create the GLWidget self.openGLWidget.setGeometry(0, 0, self.width, self.height) self.openGLWidget.initializeGL() self.openGLWidget.resizeGL(self.width, self.height) #Resize GL's knowledge of the window to match the physical size? self.openGLWidget.paintGL = self.paintGL #override the default function with my own? self.filterSlider = QSlider(Qt.Vertical, self) self.filterSlider.setGeometry(self.width + 10, int(self.height / 2) - 100, 30, 200) self.filterSlider.valueChanged[int].connect(self.filter) self.limitDisplay = QLabel(self) self.limitDisplay.setGeometry(self.width, int(self.height / 2) - 130, 50, 30) self.limitDisplay.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.limitDisplay.setText('-1') self.marchButton = QPushButton(self) self.marchButton.setGeometry(self.width, int(self.height / 2) - 160, 50, 30) self.marchButton.setText('March!') self.marchButton.clicked.connect(self.marchStep) def initData(self, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ): marchSizeX = sizeX - 1 marchSizeY = sizeY - 1 marchSizeZ = sizeZ - 1 xOff = -(sizeX / 2) + 0.5 yOff = -(sizeY / 2) + 0.5 zOff = -(sizeZ / 2) + 0.5 xMarchOff = -(marchSizeX / 2) + 0.5 yMarchOff = -(marchSizeY / 2) + 0.5 zMarchOff = -(marchSizeZ / 2) + 0.5 self.marchPoints = [] for z in range(marchSizeZ): for y in range(marchSizeY): for x in range(marchSizeX): self.marchPoints.append((x + xMarchOff, y + yMarchOff ,z + zMarchOff)) for z in range(sizeZ): for y in range(sizeY): for x in range(sizeX): val = self.generate(x + xOff, y + yOff, z + zOff) dpColor = (0, (val + 1) / 2, (val + 1) / -2 + 1) dpShape = cube((x + xOff, y + yOff, z + zOff), drawWires = False, drawFaces = True, color = dpColor) dp = dataPoint((x + xOff, y + yOff, z + zOff), val, dpShape) self.dataPoints.append(dp) self.shapes.append(dpShape) def paintGL(self): #This function uses shape objects, such as cube() or meshSector(). Shape objects require the following: #a list named 'vertices' - This list is a list of points, from which edges and faces are drawn. #a list named 'wires' - This list is a list of tuples which refer to vertices, dictating where to draw wires. #a list named 'facets' - This list is a list of tuples which refer to vertices, ditating where to draw facets. #a bool named 'render' - This bool is used to dictate whether or not to draw the shape. #a bool named 'drawWires' - This bool is used to dictate whether wires should be drawn. #a bool named 'drawFaces' - This bool is used to dictate whether facets should be drawn. glLoadIdentity() gluPerspective(45, self.width / self.height, 0.1, 110.0) #set perspective? glTranslatef(0, 0, self.zoomLevel) #I used -10 instead of -2 in the PyGame version. glRotatef(self.rotateDegreeV, 1, 0, 0) #I used 2 instead of 1 in the PyGame version. glRotatef(self.rotateDegreeH, 0, 0, 1) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) if len(self.shapes) != 0: glBegin(GL_LINES) for s in self.shapes: glColor3fv(s.color) if s.render and s.drawWires: for w in s.wires: for v in w: glVertex3fv(s.vertices[v]) glEnd() glBegin(GL_QUADS) for s in self.shapes: glColor3fv(s.color) if s.render and s.drawFaces: for f in s.facets: for v in f: glVertex3fv(s.vertices[v]) glEnd() def marchStep(self): print(self.currentStep) if not self.marchActive: #initialize marchAddr = len(self.shapes) self.marchingCube = cube(size = 1) self.shapes.append(self.marchingCube) self.marchActive = True self.currentStep = 0 if self.currentStep == len(self.marchPoints): #1 step after last self.marchingCube.hide() self.currentStep += 1 for mp in self.meshPoints: mp.shape.hide() self.meshPoints = [] self.openGLWidget.update() return if self.currentStep == len(self.marchPoints) + 1: #2 steps after last #print('meshPoints: {}'.format(self.meshPoints)) for mp in self.meshPoints: #print(mp.shape) self.shapes.remove(mp.shape) self.meshPoints.clear() for shape in self.shapes: if shape in self.meshSectors: self.shapes.remove(shape) self.meshSectors = [] self.currentStep = -1 self.openGLWidget.update() return if self.currentStep == -1: #1 step before first self.marchingCube.hide() self.currentStep += 1 print('self.meshPoints: {}\nself.meshSectors: {}\nself.shapes: {}'.format(self.meshPoints, self.meshSectors, self.shapes)) self.openGLWidget.update() return p = self.marchPoints[self.currentStep] x, y, z = p self.marchingCube.move((x, y, z)) points = [] for i in range(8): #print(self.marchingCube.vertices[i]) point = self.getDataPointByLocation(self.marchingCube.vertices[i]) points.append(point) #place meshpoints and highlight the active ones. MPs = [] for pair in self.marchingCube.wires: pointA = points[pair[0]] pointB = points[pair[1]] #print('pointA.value: {} pointB.value: {} limit: {}'.formatpointA.value, pointB.value, self.limit) xA, yA, zA = pointA.location xB, yB, zB = pointB.location valA = (pointA.value + 1) / 2 valB = (pointB.value + 1) / 2 xC = float(avg([xA, xB])) yC = float(avg([yA, yB])) zC = float(avg([zA, zB])) mp = meshPoint(), yC, zC) mp.setShape(cube(size = 0.05, drawWires = False, drawFaces = True, color = (1, 0, 0))) mp.shape.move((xC, yC, zC)) self.shapes.append(mp.shape) self.meshPoints.append(mp) MPs.append(mp) if (pointA.value < self.limit and pointB.value > self.limit) or (pointA.value > self.limit and pointB.value < self.limit): mp.setActive(True) else: mp.setActive(False) activeConfig = 0 sector = meshSector() self.meshSectors.append(sector) self.shapes.append(sector) for i in range(8): if points[i].value > self.limit: activeConfig += int(2 ** i) print('Configuration number: {}'.format(activeConfig)) if activeConfig > 127: activeConfig = 255 - activeConfig print('Configuration number: {}'.format(activeConfig)) config = table[activeConfig] print('Configuration: {}'.format(config)) print('number of points: {}'.format(len(MPs))) for data in config: a, b, c = data locA = MPs[a].location locB = MPs[b].location locC = MPs[c].location sector.addFacet((locA, locB, locC)) print('stepping') self.currentStep += 1 self.rotateH(0) def zoom(self, value): self.zoomLevel += value self.openGLWidget.update() def rotateV(self, value): self.rotateDegreeV += value self.openGLWidget.update() def rotateH(self, value): self.rotateDegreeH += value self.openGLWidget.update() def filter(self, value): self.limit = rnd((value / 49.5) -1, -2) for d in self.dataPoints: if d.value < self.limit: d.shape.hide() else: self.limitDisplay.setText(str(self.limit)) self.openGLWidget.update() def getDataPointByLocation(self, coord): x, y, z = coord #print(self.dataPoints) #print('requested coordinates: {}'.format(coord)) for dp in self.dataPoints: #print('dataPoint.location: {}'.format(dp.location)) if dp.location == (x, y, z): return dp return False def generate2(self, xIn, yIn, zIn): if xIn == 0 and yIn == 0 and zIn == 0: return 0.5 return -0.5 def generate(self, xIn, yIn, zIn): #Function which produces semi-random values based on the supplied coordinates. i = -int(xIn * yIn * (10 + zIn)) j = int(xIn * yIn * (10 + zIn)) if i < j: mixer = random.randint(i, j + 1) else: mixer = random.randint(j, i + 1) a = avg([sin(cos(xIn)), tan(tan(yIn)), cos(tan(zIn))]) out = mixer * a while out > 10: out -= 5 while out < -10: out += 5 return float(out / 10)