def paintEvent(self, theEvent): """Custom implementation of the label painter that rotates the label 90 degrees. """ pObj = QStylePainter(self) oObj = QStyleOptionTab() for i in range(self.count()): self.initStyleOption(oObj, i) pObj.drawControl(QStyle.CE_TabBarTabShape, oObj) oSize = oObj.rect.size() oSize.transpose() oRect = QRect(QPoint(), oSize) oRect.moveCenter( oObj.rect = oRect oCenter = self.tabRect(i).center() pObj.translate(oCenter) pObj.rotate(90) pObj.translate(-oCenter) pObj.drawControl(QStyle.CE_TabBarTabLabel, oObj) pObj.restore() return
def paintEvent(self, _): option = QStyleOptionButton() self.initStyleOption(option) painter = QStylePainter(self) if self._rotateAnimationStarted: option.text = "" painter.drawControl(QStyle.CE_PushButton, option) if not self._rotateAnimationStarted: return font = self.font() font.setPointSize(self.fontSize) font.setFamily("FontAwesome") painter.setFont(font) # 变换坐标为正中间 painter.translate(self.rect().center()) # 旋转90度 painter.rotate(self._rotateAnimation.currentValue() * 30) fm = self.fontMetrics() # 在变换坐标后的正中间画文字 w = fm.width(self.LoadingText) h = fm.height() painter.drawText(QRectF(0 - w * 2, 0 - h, w * 2 * 2, h * 2), Qt.AlignCenter, self.LoadingText) painter.restore()
def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QStylePainter(self) opt = QStyleOptionTab() for i in range(self.count()): self.initStyleOption(opt, i) painter.drawControl(QStyle.CE_TabBarTabShape, opt) s = opt.rect.size() s.transpose() r = QRect(QPoint(), s) r.moveCenter( opt.rect = r c = self.tabRect(i).center() painter.translate(c) painter.rotate(270) painter.translate(-c) painter.drawControl(QStyle.CE_TabBarTabLabel, opt) painter.restore()
def paintEvent(self, event): option = QStyleOption() option.initFrom(self) contents_rect =, option, self) or self.contentsRect() # the SE_FrameContents rect is Null unless the stylesheet defines decorations if self.graphStyle == self.BarStyle: graph_width = self.__dict__['graph_width'] = int(ceil(float(contents_rect.width()) / self.horizontalPixelsPerUnit)) else: graph_width = self.__dict__['graph_width'] = int(ceil(float(contents_rect.width() - 1) / self.horizontalPixelsPerUnit) + 1) max_value = self.__dict__['max_value'] = max(chain([0], *(islice(reversed(, graph_width) for graph in self.graphs if graph.enabled))) if self.graphHeight == self.AutomaticHeight or self.graphHeight < 0: graph_height = self.__dict__['graph_height'] = max(self.scaler.get_height(max_value), self.minHeight) else: graph_height = self.__dict__['graph_height'] = max(self.graphHeight, self.minHeight) if self.graphStyle == self.BarStyle: height_scaling = float(contents_rect.height()) / graph_height else: height_scaling = float(contents_rect.height() - self.lineThickness) / graph_height painter = QStylePainter(self) painter.drawPrimitive(QStyle.PE_Widget, option) painter.setClipRect(contents_rect) painter.translate(contents_rect.x() + contents_rect.width() - 1, contents_rect.y() + contents_rect.height() - 1) painter.scale(-1, -1) painter.setRenderHint(QStylePainter.Antialiasing, self.graphStyle != self.BarStyle) for graph in (graph for graph in self.graphs if graph.enabled and if self.boundary is not None and 0 < self.boundary < graph_height: boundary_width = min(5.0/height_scaling, self.boundary-0, graph_height-self.boundary) pen_color = QLinearGradient(0, (self.boundary - boundary_width) * height_scaling, 0, (self.boundary + boundary_width) * height_scaling) pen_color.setColorAt(0, graph.color) pen_color.setColorAt(1, graph.over_boundary_color) brush_color = QLinearGradient(0, (self.boundary - boundary_width) * height_scaling, 0, (self.boundary + boundary_width) * height_scaling) brush_color.setColorAt(0, self.color_with_alpha(graph.color, self.fillTransparency)) brush_color.setColorAt(1, self.color_with_alpha(graph.over_boundary_color, self.fillTransparency)) else: pen_color = graph.color brush_color = self.color_with_alpha(graph.color, self.fillTransparency) dataset = islice(reversed(, graph_width) if self.graphStyle == self.BarStyle: lines = [QLineF(x*self.horizontalPixelsPerUnit, 0, x*self.horizontalPixelsPerUnit, y*height_scaling) for x, y in enumerate(dataset)] painter.setPen(QPen(pen_color, self.lineThickness)) painter.drawLines(lines) else: painter.translate(0, +self.lineThickness/2 - 1) if self.smoothEnvelope and self.smoothFactor > 0: min_value = 0 max_value = graph_height * height_scaling cx_offset = self.horizontalPixelsPerUnit / 3.0 smoothness = self.smoothFactor last_values = deque(3*[next(dataset) * height_scaling], maxlen=3) # last 3 values: 0 last, 1 previous, 2 previous previous envelope = QPainterPath() envelope.moveTo(0, last_values[0]) for x, y in enumerate(dataset, 1): x = x * self.horizontalPixelsPerUnit y = y * height_scaling * (1 - smoothness) + last_values[0] * smoothness last_values.appendleft(y) c1x = x - cx_offset * 2 c2x = x - cx_offset c1y = limit((1 + smoothness) * last_values[1] - smoothness * last_values[2], min_value, max_value) # same gradient as previous previous value to previous value c2y = limit((1 - smoothness) * last_values[0] + smoothness * last_values[1], min_value, max_value) # same gradient as previous value to last value envelope.cubicTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y) else: envelope = QPainterPath() envelope.addPolygon(QPolygonF([QPointF(x*self.horizontalPixelsPerUnit, y*height_scaling) for x, y in enumerate(dataset)])) if self.fillEnvelope or graph.fill_envelope: first_element = envelope.elementAt(0) last_element = envelope.elementAt(envelope.elementCount() - 1) fill_path = QPainterPath() fill_path.moveTo(last_element.x, last_element.y) fill_path.lineTo(last_element.x + 1, last_element.y) fill_path.lineTo(last_element.x + 1, -self.lineThickness) fill_path.lineTo(-self.lineThickness, -self.lineThickness) fill_path.lineTo(-self.lineThickness, first_element.y) fill_path.connectPath(envelope) painter.fillPath(fill_path, brush_color) painter.strokePath(envelope, QPen(pen_color, self.lineThickness, join=Qt.RoundJoin)) painter.translate(0, -self.lineThickness/2 + 1) if self.boundary is not None and self.boundaryColor: painter.setRenderHint(QStylePainter.Antialiasing, False) painter.setPen(QPen(self.boundaryColor, 1.0)) painter.drawLine(0, self.boundary*height_scaling, contents_rect.width(), self.boundary*height_scaling) painter.restore() # queue the 'updated' signal to be emitted after returning to the main loop QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self, 'updated', Qt.QueuedConnection)
def paintEvent(self, event): if not self.customStyle: return QGroupBox.paintEvent(self, event) p = QStylePainter(self) opt = QStyleOptionGroupBox() self.initStyleOption(opt) style = groupBox = opt # // Draw frame textRect = style.subControlRect(style.CC_GroupBox, opt, style.SC_GroupBoxLabel) checkBoxRect = style.subControlRect(style.CC_GroupBox, opt, style.SC_GroupBoxCheckBox) titleRect = style.subControlRect(style.CC_GroupBox, opt, style.SC_GroupBoxFrame) # r.setBottom(style.subControlRect(style.CC_GroupBox, opt, style.SC_GroupBoxContents).top()) titleRect.setHeight(textRect.height()) titleRect.moveTop( p.setBrush(QBrush(QColor( p.setPen(Qt.NoPen) p.drawRoundedRect(titleRect, 10, 10) p.restore() if groupBox.subControls & QStyle.SC_GroupBoxFrame: frame = QStyleOptionFrame() # frame.operator=(groupBox) frame.state = groupBox.state frame.features = groupBox.features frame.lineWidth = groupBox.lineWidth frame.midLineWidth = groupBox.midLineWidth frame.rect = style.subControlRect(style.CC_GroupBox, opt, style.SC_GroupBoxFrame) region = QRegion(groupBox.rect) if groupBox.text: ltr = groupBox.direction == Qt.LeftToRight finalRect = QRect() if groupBox.subControls & QStyle.SC_GroupBoxCheckBox: finalRect = checkBoxRect.united(textRect) finalRect.adjust(-4 if ltr else 0, 0, 0 if ltr else 4, 0) else: finalRect = textRect region -= QRegion(finalRect) p.setClipRegion(region) style.drawPrimitive(style.PE_FrameGroupBox, frame, p) p.restore() # // Draw title if groupBox.subControls & QStyle.SC_GroupBoxLabel and groupBox.text: # textColor = QColor(groupBox.textColor) # if textColor.isValid(): # p.setPen(textColor) # alignment = int(groupBox.textAlignment) # if not style.styleHint(QStyle.SH_UnderlineShortcut, opt): # alignment |= Qt.TextHideMnemonic # style.drawItemText(p, textRect, Qt.TextShowMnemonic | Qt.AlignHCenter | alignment, # groupBox.palette, groupBox.state & style.State_Enabled, groupBox.text, # QPalette.NoRole if textColor.isValid() else QPalette.WindowText) topt = QTextOption(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter) f = QFont() f.setBold(True) p.setFont(f) p.setPen(Qt.darkBlue) p.drawText(QRectF(titleRect), groupBox.text.replace("&", ""), topt) p.restore() if groupBox.state & style.State_HasFocus: fropt = QStyleOptionFocusRect() # fropt.operator=(groupBox) fropt.state = groupBox.state fropt.rect = textRect style.drawPrimitive(style.PE_FrameFocusRect, fropt, p)
def paintEvent(self, event): option = QStyleOption() option.initFrom(self) contents_rect = QStyle.SE_FrameContents, option, self ) or self.contentsRect( ) # the SE_FrameContents rect is Null unless the stylesheet defines decorations if self.graphStyle == self.BarStyle: graph_width = self.__dict__['graph_width'] = int( ceil( float(contents_rect.width()) / self.horizontalPixelsPerUnit)) else: graph_width = self.__dict__['graph_width'] = int( ceil( float(contents_rect.width() - 1) / self.horizontalPixelsPerUnit) + 1) max_value = self.__dict__['max_value'] = max( chain([0], *(islice(reversed(, graph_width) for graph in self.graphs if graph.enabled))) if self.graphHeight == self.AutomaticHeight or self.graphHeight < 0: graph_height = self.__dict__['graph_height'] = max( self.scaler.get_height(max_value), self.minHeight) else: graph_height = self.__dict__['graph_height'] = max( self.graphHeight, self.minHeight) if self.graphStyle == self.BarStyle: height_scaling = float(contents_rect.height()) / graph_height else: height_scaling = float(contents_rect.height() - self.lineThickness) / graph_height painter = QStylePainter(self) painter.drawPrimitive(QStyle.PE_Widget, option) painter.setClipRect(contents_rect) painter.translate(contents_rect.x() + contents_rect.width() - 1, contents_rect.y() + contents_rect.height() - 1) painter.scale(-1, -1) painter.setRenderHint(QStylePainter.Antialiasing, self.graphStyle != self.BarStyle) for graph in (graph for graph in self.graphs if graph.enabled and if self.boundary is not None and 0 < self.boundary < graph_height: boundary_width = min(5.0 / height_scaling, self.boundary - 0, graph_height - self.boundary) pen_color = QLinearGradient( 0, (self.boundary - boundary_width) * height_scaling, 0, (self.boundary + boundary_width) * height_scaling) pen_color.setColorAt(0, graph.color) pen_color.setColorAt(1, graph.over_boundary_color) brush_color = QLinearGradient( 0, (self.boundary - boundary_width) * height_scaling, 0, (self.boundary + boundary_width) * height_scaling) brush_color.setColorAt( 0, self.color_with_alpha(graph.color, self.fillTransparency)) brush_color.setColorAt( 1, self.color_with_alpha(graph.over_boundary_color, self.fillTransparency)) else: pen_color = graph.color brush_color = self.color_with_alpha(graph.color, self.fillTransparency) dataset = islice(reversed(, graph_width) if self.graphStyle == self.BarStyle: lines = [ QLineF(x * self.horizontalPixelsPerUnit, 0, x * self.horizontalPixelsPerUnit, y * height_scaling) for x, y in enumerate(dataset) ] painter.setPen(QPen(pen_color, self.lineThickness)) painter.drawLines(lines) else: painter.translate(0, +self.lineThickness / 2 - 1) if self.smoothEnvelope and self.smoothFactor > 0: min_value = 0 max_value = graph_height * height_scaling cx_offset = self.horizontalPixelsPerUnit / 3.0 smoothness = self.smoothFactor last_values = deque( 3 * [next(dataset) * height_scaling], maxlen=3 ) # last 3 values: 0 last, 1 previous, 2 previous previous envelope = QPainterPath() envelope.moveTo(0, last_values[0]) for x, y in enumerate(dataset, 1): x = x * self.horizontalPixelsPerUnit y = y * height_scaling * ( 1 - smoothness) + last_values[0] * smoothness last_values.appendleft(y) c1x = x - cx_offset * 2 c2x = x - cx_offset c1y = limit( (1 + smoothness) * last_values[1] - smoothness * last_values[2], min_value, max_value ) # same gradient as previous previous value to previous value c2y = limit( (1 - smoothness) * last_values[0] + smoothness * last_values[1], min_value, max_value ) # same gradient as previous value to last value envelope.cubicTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y) else: envelope = QPainterPath() envelope.addPolygon( QPolygonF([ QPointF(x * self.horizontalPixelsPerUnit, y * height_scaling) for x, y in enumerate(dataset) ])) if self.fillEnvelope or graph.fill_envelope: first_element = envelope.elementAt(0) last_element = envelope.elementAt(envelope.elementCount() - 1) fill_path = QPainterPath() fill_path.moveTo(last_element.x, last_element.y) fill_path.lineTo(last_element.x + 1, last_element.y) fill_path.lineTo(last_element.x + 1, -self.lineThickness) fill_path.lineTo(-self.lineThickness, -self.lineThickness) fill_path.lineTo(-self.lineThickness, first_element.y) fill_path.connectPath(envelope) painter.fillPath(fill_path, brush_color) painter.strokePath( envelope, QPen(pen_color, self.lineThickness, join=Qt.RoundJoin)) painter.translate(0, -self.lineThickness / 2 + 1) if self.boundary is not None and self.boundaryColor: painter.setRenderHint(QStylePainter.Antialiasing, False) painter.setPen(QPen(self.boundaryColor, 1.0)) painter.drawLine(0, self.boundary * height_scaling, contents_rect.width(), self.boundary * height_scaling) painter.restore() # queue the 'updated' signal to be emitted after returning to the main loop QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self, 'updated', Qt.QueuedConnection)