class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.title = "Image Viewer" self.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.lastY = 0 self.image = QImage(2080, 1, QImage.Format.Format_Grayscale8) self.label = QLabel(self) self.resize (2080, 500) def updateImage(self, x, y, c): if not self.lastY == y: self.image = self.image.copy(0, 0, 2080, y+1) self.lastY = y self.image.setPixelColor(x,y,QColor(c,c,c)) def refreshImage(self): pixmap = QPixmap.fromImage(self.image) self.label.setPixmap(pixmap) self.setCentralWidget(self.label) def saveImage(self): name = time.strftime("%Y %m %d-%H %M %S")'NOAA ' + str(name) + '.png')
def test_sanity(tmp_path): # Segfault test app = QApplication([]) ex = Example() assert app # Silence warning assert ex # Silence warning for mode in ("1", "RGB", "RGBA", "L", "P"): # to QPixmap im = hopper(mode) data = ImageQt.toqpixmap(im) assert isinstance(data, QPixmap) assert not data.isNull() # Test saving the file tempfile = str(tmp_path / f"temp_{mode}.png") # Render the image qimage = ImageQt.ImageQt(im) data = QPixmap.fromImage(qimage) qt_format = QImage.Format if ImageQt.qt_version == "6" else QImage qimage = QImage(128, 128, qt_format.Format_ARGB32) painter = QPainter(qimage) image_label = QLabel() image_label.setPixmap(data) image_label.render(painter, QPoint(0, 0), QRegion(0, 0, 128, 128)) painter.end() rendered_tempfile = str(tmp_path / f"temp_rendered_{mode}.png") assert_image_equal_tofile(im.convert("RGBA"), rendered_tempfile) # from QPixmap roundtrip(hopper(mode)) app.quit() app = None
class imageLabel(QLabel): """Subclass of QLabel for displaying image""" def __init__(self, parent, image=None): super().__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.image = QImage() #self.image = "images/parrot.png" #self.original_image = self.image.copy self.original_image = self.image self.rubber_band = QRubberBand(QRubberBand.Shape.Rectangle, self) # setBackgroundRole() will create a bg for the image #self.setBackgroundRole(QPalette.Base) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Policy.Ignored, QSizePolicy.Policy.Ignored) self.setScaledContents(True) # Load image self.setPixmap(QPixmap().fromImage(self.image)) self.setAlignment(Qt.Alignment.AlignCenter) def openImage(self): """Load a new image into the """ image_file, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Open Image", "", "PNG Files (*.png);;JPG Files (*.jpeg *.jpg );;Bitmap Files (*.bmp);;\ GIF Files (*.gif)") if image_file: # Reset values when opening an image self.parent.zoom_factor = 1 #self.parent.scroll_area.setVisible(True) self.parent.print_act.setEnabled(True) self.parent.updateActions() # Reset all sliders self.parent.brightness_slider.setValue(0) # Get image format image_format = self.image.format() self.image = QImage(image_file) self.original_image = self.image.copy() #pixmap = QPixmap(image_file) self.setPixmap(QPixmap().fromImage(self.image)) #image_size = self.image_label.sizeHint() self.resize(self.pixmap().size()) #self.scroll_area.setMinimumSize(image_size) #self.image_label.setPixmap(pixmap.scaled(self.image_label.size(), # Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) elif image_file == "": # User selected Cancel pass else: QMessageBox.information(self, "Error", "Unable to open image.", QMessageBox.Ok) def saveImage(self): """Save the image displayed in the label.""" #TODO: Add different functionality for the way in which the user can save their image. if self.image.isNull() == False: image_file, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Save Image", "", "PNG Files (*.png);;JPG Files (*.jpeg *.jpg );;Bitmap Files (*.bmp);;\ GIF Files (*.gif)") if image_file and self.image.isNull() == False: else: QMessageBox.information(self, "Error", "Unable to save image.", QMessageBox.Ok) else: QMessageBox.information(self, "Empty Image", "There is no image to save.", QMessageBox.Ok) def clearImage(self): """ """ #TODO: If image is not null ask to save image first. pass def revertToOriginal(self): """Revert the image back to original image.""" #TODO: Display message dialohg to confirm actions self.image = self.original_image self.setPixmap(QPixmap().fromImage(self.image)) self.repaint() #self.parent.zoom_factor = 1 def resizeImage(self): """Resize image.""" #TODO: Resize image by specified size if self.image.isNull() == False: resize = QTransform().scale(0.5, 0.5) pixmap = QPixmap(self.image) resized_image = pixmap.transformed(resize, mode=Qt.SmoothTransformation) #rotated = pixmap.trueMatrix(transform90, pixmap.width, pixmap.height) #self.image_label.setPixmap(rotated) #self.image_label.setPixmap(rotated.scaled(self.image_label.size(), # Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) self.image = QImage(resized_image) self.setPixmap(resized_image) #self.image = QPixmap(rotated) self.setScaledContents(True) self.repaint() # repaint the child widget else: # No image to rotate pass def cropImage(self): """Crop selected portions in the image.""" if self.image.isNull() == False: rect = QRect(10, 20, 400, 200) original_image = self.image cropped = original_image.copy(rect) self.image = QImage(cropped) self.setPixmap(QPixmap().fromImage(cropped)) def rotateImage90(self, direction): """Rotate image 90º clockwise or counterclockwise.""" if self.image.isNull() == False: if direction == "cw": transform90 = QTransform().rotate(90) elif direction == "ccw": transform90 = QTransform().rotate(-90) pixmap = QPixmap(self.image) #TODO: Try flipping the height/width when flipping the image rotated = pixmap.transformed(transform90, mode=Qt.SmoothTransformation) self.resize(self.image.height(), self.image.width()) #rotated = pixmap.trueMatrix(transform90, pixmap.width, pixmap.height) #self.image_label.setPixmap(rotated.scaled(self.image_label.size(), # Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) self.image = QImage(rotated) #self.setPixmap(rotated) self.setPixmap( rotated.scaled(self.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) self.repaint() # repaint the child widget else: # No image to rotate pass def flipImage(self, axis): """ Mirror the image across the horizontal axis. """ if self.image.isNull() == False: if axis == "horizontal": flip_h = QTransform().scale(-1, 1) pixmap = QPixmap(self.image) flipped = pixmap.transformed(flip_h) elif axis == "vertical": flip_v = QTransform().scale(1, -1) pixmap = QPixmap(self.image) flipped = pixmap.transformed(flip_v) #self.image_label.setPixmap(flipped) #self.image_label.setPixmap(flipped.scaled(self.image_label.size(), # Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) self.image = QImage(flipped) self.setPixmap(flipped) #self.image = QPixmap(flipped) self.repaint() else: # No image to flip pass def convertToGray(self): """Convert image to grayscale.""" if self.image.isNull() == False: converted_img = self.image.convertToFormat( QImage.Format_Grayscale16) #self.image = converted_img self.image = QImage(converted_img) self.setPixmap(QPixmap().fromImage(converted_img)) self.repaint() def convertToRGB(self): """Convert image to RGB format.""" if self.image.isNull() == False: converted_img = self.image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_RGB32) #self.image = converted_img self.image = QImage(converted_img) self.setPixmap(QPixmap().fromImage(converted_img)) self.repaint() def convertToSepia(self): """Convert image to sepia filter.""" #TODO: Sepia #704214 rgb(112, 66, 20) #TODO: optimize speed that the image converts, or add to thread if self.image.isNull() == False: for row_pixel in range(self.image.width()): for col_pixel in range(self.image.height()): current_val = QColor(self.image.pixel( row_pixel, col_pixel)) # Calculate r, g, b values for current pixel red = green = blue = new_red = int(0.393 * red + 0.769 * green + 0.189 * blue) new_green = int(0.349 * red + 0.686 * green + 0.168 * blue) new_blue = int(0.272 * red + 0.534 * green + 0.131 * blue) # Set the new RGB values for the current pixel if new_red > 255: red = 255 else: red = new_red if new_green > 255: green = 255 else: green = new_green if new_blue > 255: blue = 255 else: blue = new_blue new_value = qRgb(red, green, blue) self.image.setPixel(row_pixel, col_pixel, new_value) self.setPixmap(QPixmap().fromImage(self.image)) self.repaint() def changeBrighteness(self, value): #TODO: Reset the value of brightness, remember the original values # as going back to 0, i.e. keep track of original image's values #TODO: modify values based on original image if (value < -255 | value > 255): return self.image for row_pixel in range(self.image.width()): for col_pixel in range(self.image.height()): current_val = QColor(self.image.pixel(row_pixel, col_pixel)) red = green = blue = new_red = red + value new_green = green + value new_blue = blue + value # Set the new RGB values for the current pixel if new_red > 255: red = 255 elif new_red < 0: red = 0 else: red = new_red if new_green > 255: green = 255 elif new_green < 0: green = 0 else: green = new_green if new_blue > 255: blue = 255 elif new_blue < 0: blue = 0 else: blue = new_blue new_value = qRgb(red, green, blue) self.image.setPixel(row_pixel, col_pixel, new_value) self.setPixmap(QPixmap().fromImage(self.image)) def changeContrast(self, contrast): """Change the contrast of the pixels in the image. Contrast is the difference between max and min pixel intensity.""" for row_pixel in range(self.image.width()): for col_pixel in range(self.image.height()): # Calculate a contrast correction factor factor = float(259 * (contrast + 255) / (255 * (259 - contrast))) current_val = QColor(self.image.pixel(row_pixel, col_pixel)) red = green = blue = new_red = factor * (red - 128) + 128 new_green = factor * (green - 128) + 128 new_blue = factor * (blue - 128) + 128 new_value = qRgb(new_red, new_green, new_blue) self.image.setPixel(row_pixel, col_pixel, new_value) self.setPixmap(QPixmap().fromImage(self.image)) def changeHue(self): for row_pixel in range(self.image.width()): for col_pixel in range(self.image.height()): current_val = QColor(self.image.pixel(row_pixel, col_pixel)) hue = current_val.hue() current_val.setHsv(hue, current_val.saturation(), current_val.value(), current_val.alpha()) self.image.setPixelColor(row_pixel, col_pixel, current_val) self.setPixmap(QPixmap().fromImage(self.image)) def mousePressEvent(self, event): """Handle mouse press event.""" self.origin = event.pos() if not (self.rubber_band): self.rubber_band = QRubberBand(QRubberBand.Rectangle, self) self.rubber_band.setGeometry(QRect(self.origin, QSize())) #print(self.rubber_band.height()) print(self.rubber_band.x()) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): """Handle mouse move event.""" self.rubber_band.setGeometry( QRect(self.origin, event.pos()).normalized()) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): """Handle when the mouse is released.""" self.rubber_band.hide()