def _create_theme_menu(self): theme_menu = QMenu(self) theme_menu.setTitle('Buttons Theme') theme_menu.setTearOffEnabled(True) theme_menu.setWindowTitle(TAG) theme_actions = QActionGroup(self) theme_actions.setExclusive(True) # create ordered theme list custom_order_theme = sorted(THEMES.iterkeys()) custom_order_theme.remove('Maya Theme') custom_order_theme.insert(0, 'Maya Theme') default_item = True for theme in custom_order_theme: current_theme_action = QAction(theme, theme_actions) current_theme_action.setCheckable(True) current_theme_action.setChecked( MTTSettings.value('theme', 'Maya Theme') == theme) current_theme_action.triggered.connect(self.on_change_theme) theme_menu.addAction(current_theme_action) if default_item: theme_menu.addSeparator() default_item = False return theme_menu
def javaLoadCommand(self, cmdName): qDebug("javaLoadCommand(%s)" % qPrintable(cmdName)) #NOTE: Every QScriptProgram must have a unique function name to call. If every function was called main(), then # the QScriptEngine would only call the last script evaluated (which happens to be main() in another script). # Thus, adding the cmdName before main(), becomes line_main(), circle_main(), etc... # Do not change self code unless you really know what you are doing. I mean it. #FIXME/PORT# appDir = QApplication.instance().applicationDirPath() ##qApp.applicationDirPath() appDir = gAppDir ##file = QFile(appDir + "/commands/" + cmdName + "/" + cmdName + ".js") ##script = str(file.readAll()) #FIXME/PORT# ##file.close() with open(appDir + "/commands/" + cmdName + "/" + cmdName + ".js") as f: script = done = False findNextIndex = True findFunc = "function" funcName = "" funcList = [] # QStringList index = 0 funcNameIndex = 0 while not done: if findNextIndex: index = script.find(findFunc, index) if index == -1: done = True else: index += len(findFunc) funcNameIndex = index findNextIndex = False else: ch = script[index] if ch == '(': funcName = script[funcNameIndex:index].strip() funcList.append(funcName) funcName = "" findNextIndex = True else: index += 1 validBeforeChars = ( # QList<QChar> '\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r', ' ', ';', '(', ')', '{', '}', 'not ', '=', '+', '-', '/', '*', '%', '<', '>', '&', '|', '?', ':', '^', '~') validAfterChars = ('\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r', ' ', '(') # QList<QChar> for functionName in funcList: findFunc = functionName funcName = cmdName + "_" + functionName found = 0 done = False index = 0 findNextIndex = True while not done: if findNextIndex: index = script.find(findFunc, index) if index == -1: done = True else: findNextIndex = False else: charBefore = script[index - 1] if charBefore in validBeforeChars: i = 0 while True: charAfter = script[index + i + len(findFunc)] # QChar if charAfter == '(': found += 1 ##script.replace(index, len(findFunc), funcName) #TODO/FIXME/PORT# inmprove this script = script[:index] + funcName + script[index+len(findFunc):] ##script.replace(findFunc, funcName) i += 1 if charAfter not in validAfterChars: break index += len(findFunc) findNextIndex = True qDebug("%s found: %d" % (qPrintable(findFunc), found)) #TODO: low priority caveat: If a function name is within a string, is still replaced. script.replace("global = {};", "var " + cmdName + "_global = {};") script.replace("global.", cmdName + "_global.") self.engine.evaluate(script) #TODO/PORT/FIXME# settings = QSettings(appDir + "/commands/" + cmdName + "/" + cmdName + ".ini", QSettings.IniFormat) menuName = str(settings.value("Menu/Name", "Lost & Found")) # .toString() menuPos = int(settings.value("Menu/Position", 0)) # .toInt() toolbarName = str(settings.value("ToolBar/Name", "Lost & Found")) # .toString() toolbarPos = int(settings.value("ToolBar/Position", 0)) # .toInt() toolTip = str(settings.value("Tips/ToolTip", "")) # .toString() statusTip = str(settings.value("Tips/StatusTip", "")) # .toString() aliases = settings.value("Prompt/Alias") or [] # .toStringList() ACTION = self.createAction(cmdName, toolTip, statusTip, True) if toolbarName.upper() != "NONE": # If the toolbar doesn't exist, it. if toolbarName not in self.toolbarHash: tb = QToolBar(toolbarName, self) tb.setObjectName("toolbar" + toolbarName) tb.topLevelChanged.connect(self.floatingChangedToolBar) self.addToolBar(Qt.LeftToolBarArea, tb) self.addToolBarBreak(Qt.LeftToolBarArea) self.toolbarHash[toolbarName] = tb # TODO: order actions position in toolbar based on .ini setting self.toolbarHash[toolbarName].addAction(ACTION) if menuName.upper() != "NONE": # If the menu doesn't exist, it. if menuName not in self.menuHash: menu = QMenu(menuName, self) menu.setTearOffEnabled(True) self.menuBar().addMenu(menu) self.menuHash[menuName] = menu # TODO: order actions position in menu based on .ini setting self.menuHash[menuName].addAction(ACTION) for alias in aliases: self.prompt.addCommand(alias, cmdName)