class NodeTree(QTreeView):
    def __init__(self):
        super(NodeTree, self).__init__()

        self._model = NodeModel(self)
        self._proxy = QSortFilterProxyModel()
        self._proxy.setSortRole(Qt.UserRole)    # sort order is stored in item in Qt.UserRole

        self.sortByColumn(self.model().sourceModel().HEADER.index('Node'), Qt.AscendingOrder)
class ModelController(QObject):
    The network controller which basically manages all aspects
    revolving around a single SBML model (i.e. SBML file).
    It has references to outside Views (e.g. TreeView). Internally,
    it has a reference to the custom NetworkView.
    A Dirty state is used to handle the need for saving/rejecting changes, etc.

    It inherits from QObject for the use of Signals/Slots.

    @param filename: Filename of the SBML model that should be opened. If None, an empty model is created.
    @type filename: str

    @param views: The views of the main window that are to be associated with the model.
    @type views: L{QAbstractItemView}

    @since: 2010-04-12

    __author__ = "Moritz Wade"
    __contact__ = "*****@*****.**"
    __copyright__ = "Zuse Institute Berlin 2010"

    dirtyChanged = Signal(bool)

    def GetDirty(self):
        return self.__Dirty

    def SetDirty(self, value):
        self.__Dirty = value
        #        self.emit(SIGNAL("DirtyChanged(bool)"), value)

    def DelDirty(self):
        del self.__Dirty

    Dirty = property(
        GetDirty, SetDirty, DelDirty,
        "Defines whether this model has any unsaved changes. This is passed through to SbmlMainModel's Dirty."

    def __init__(self, filename=None, views=[], networkViewController=None):
        Sets up some instance variables. Most importantly,
        it executes the loading of a SBML file, if a filename is given.
        super(ModelController, self).__init__()

        self.filename = None  # will be set by self._loadFile
        self.sbmlModel = None
        self.treeModel = None
        self.selectionModel = None
        self.proxyModel = None  # we have the proxy model here, so that all Views can use it and the same SelectionModel still works (!)

        self.views = views
        self.networkViewController = networkViewController  # a special place for the NetworkViewController

        #        self.connect(self, SIGNAL("DirtyChanged(bool)"), self.updateUI)
        #        self.dirtyChanged.connect(self.updateUI)

        if filename is not None:

    def setViews(self, views=None, networkViewController=None):
        Can be used to re-reference the ModelController with Views (either if they
        haven't been given to the Constructor or if they have changed somehow).
        This internally calls self._connectViews to set the correct models and a
        single QSelectionModel on the views.
        if views:
            self.views = views
        if networkViewController:
            self.networkViewController = networkViewController

        if self.networkViewController:

    def _loadFile(self, filename=None):
        Loads a SBML file. It invokes the creation of a data model and 
        a networkx graph based on the SBML data.
        @param filename: Name of the SBML file
        @type filename: str
        if filename is None:

        self.filename = filename

        self.sbmlModel = SBMLMainModel(filename)
        self.treeModel = self.sbmlModel.MainTreeModel
        #        self.connect(self.sbmlModel, SIGNAL("DirtyChanged(bool)"), self.on_dirtyChanged)

        #        self.proxyModel = self.treeModel   # DEBUGGING: "disabling" the proxy approach
        self.proxyModel = QSortFilterProxyModel()
        except Exception, e:
            # try again
                "ModelController._loadFile(): Could not set source model for proxy model. Trying again. Original Error: %s"
                % e)

        self.selectionModel = QItemSelectionModel(self.proxyModel)
        #        self.selectionModel = self.proxyModel.selectionModel()

        )  # probably not needed here, there is no View after __init__
        if self.networkViewController:

        self.Dirty = False
class ModelController(QObject):
    The network controller which basically manages all aspects
    revolving around a single SBML model (i.e. SBML file).
    It has references to outside Views (e.g. TreeView). Internally,
    it has a reference to the custom NetworkView.
    A Dirty state is used to handle the need for saving/rejecting changes, etc.

    It inherits from QObject for the use of Signals/Slots.

    @param filename: Filename of the SBML model that should be opened. If None, an empty model is created.
    @type filename: str

    @param views: The views of the main window that are to be associated with the model.
    @type views: L{QAbstractItemView}

    @since: 2010-04-12

    __author__ = "Moritz Wade"
    __contact__ = "*****@*****.**"
    __copyright__ = "Zuse Institute Berlin 2010"

    dirtyChanged = Signal(bool)

    def GetDirty(self):
        return self.__Dirty

    def SetDirty(self, value):
        self.__Dirty = value

    def DelDirty(self):
        del self.__Dirty

    Dirty = property(GetDirty, SetDirty, DelDirty,
        "Defines whether this model has any unsaved changes. This is passed through to SbmlMainModel's Dirty.")

    def __init__(self, filename=None, views=[], networkViewController=None):
        Sets up some instance variables. Most importantly,
        it executes the loading of a SBML file, if a filename is given.
        super(ModelController, self).__init__()

        self.filename = None    # will be set by self._loadFile
        self.sbmlModel = None
        self.treeModel = None
        self.selectionModel = None
        self.proxyModel = None # we have the proxy model here, so that all Views can use it and the same SelectionModel still works (!)

        self.views = views
        self.networkViewController = networkViewController # a special place for the NetworkViewController

        if filename is not None:

    def setViews(self, views=None, networkViewController=None):
        Can be used to re-reference the ModelController with Views (either if they
        haven't been given to the Constructor or if they have changed somehow).
        This internally calls self._connectViews to set the correct models and a
        single QSelectionModel on the views.
        if views:
            self.views = views
        if networkViewController:
            self.networkViewController = networkViewController

        if self.networkViewController:

    def _loadFile(self, filename=None):
        Loads a SBML file. It invokes the creation of a data model and
        a networkx graph based on the SBML data.

        @param filename: Name of the SBML file
        @type filename: str
        if filename is None:

        self.filename = filename

        self.sbmlModel = SBMLMainModel(filename)
        self.treeModel = self.sbmlModel.MainTreeModel

        #        self.proxyModel = self.treeModel   # DEBUGGING: "disabling" the proxy approach
        self.proxyModel = QSortFilterProxyModel()
        except Exception, e:
            # try again
            logging.debug("ModelController._loadFile(): Could not set source model for proxy model. Trying again. Original Error: %s" % e)

        self.selectionModel = QItemSelectionModel(self.proxyModel)

        self._connectViews()    # probably not needed here, there is no View after __init__
        if self.networkViewController:

        self.Dirty = False