class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle("Assignment") self.scene = QGraphicsScene() self.button = QPushButton("Draw Text Boxes") # self.image = QImage(self.size(), QImage.Format_RGB32) # self.image.fill( self.scene.addWidget(self.button) self.view = QGraphicsView(self.scene) # self.view.resize(800, 600) self.setCentralWidget(self.view) self.button.clicked.connect(self.buttonClicked) self.view.viewport().installEventFilter(self) self.drawing = False self.brushSize = 2 self.brushColor = self.lastPoint = QPoint() def mousePressEvent(self, event): # super(MainWindow, self).mousePressEvent(event) if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.drawing = True self.startPoint = event.pos() print(self.drawing) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): if (Qt.LeftButton & self.drawing): self.lastPoint = event.pos() print(self.startPoint) painter = QPainter() painter.setPen( QPen(self.brushColor, self.brushSize, Qt.SolidLine, Qt.RoundCap, Qt.RoundJoin)) painter.drawRect(QtCore.QRect(self.startPoint, self.lastPoint)) self.update() # def paintEvent(self, event): # canvasPainter = QPainter(self) # canvasPainter.drawImage(self.rect()) def buttonClicked(self): self.button.hide() def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if obj is self.view.viewport(): if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress: print('mouse press event = ', event.pos()) elif event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease: self.mouseReleaseEvent(event) print('mouse release event = ', event.pos()) return QWidget.eventFilter(self, obj, event)
class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle("Assignment") self.scene = QGraphicsScene() self.resize(800, 600) self.button = QPushButton("Draw Text Boxes") self.scene.addWidget(self.button) self.view = QGraphicsView() self.view.setScene(self.scene) self.setCentralWidget(self.view) self.button.clicked.connect(self.buttonClicked) self.view.viewport().installEventFilter(self) self.drawing = False self.lastPoint = QPoint() self.startPoint = QPoint() def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.startPoint = self.view.mapToScene(event.pos()) self.drawing = True def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): if Qt.LeftButton and self.drawing: self.lastPoint = self.view.mapToScene(event.pos()) self.update() def paintEvent(self, event): if self.drawing : self.view.le = QPlainTextEdit() width = QtCore.QRectF(self.startPoint, self.lastPoint).size().width() height = QtCore.QRectF(self.startPoint, self.lastPoint).size().height() x = self.startPoint.x() y = self.startPoint.y() if width > 1 and height > 1: self.view.le.setGeometry(x, y, width, height) self.qsizegrip = QSizeGrip(self.view.le) self.scene.addWidget(self.view.le) def buttonClicked(self): self.button.hide() def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if obj is self.view.viewport(): if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress: pass # self.mousePressEvent(event) elif event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease: self.mouseReleaseEvent(event) return QWidget.eventFilter(self, obj, event)
class AddItem(UsesQApplication): '''Tests for QGraphicsScene.add*''' qapplication = True def setUp(self): #Acquire resources super(AddItem, self).setUp() self.scene = QGraphicsScene() # While the scene does not inherits from QWidget, requires # an application to make the internals work. def tearDown(self): #Release resources del self.scene super(AddItem, self).tearDown() def testEllipse(self): #QGraphicsScene.addEllipse item = self.scene.addEllipse(100, 100, 100, 100) self.assertTrue(isinstance(item, QGraphicsEllipseItem)) def testLine(self): #QGraphicsScene.addLine item = self.scene.addLine(100, 100, 200, 200) self.assertTrue(isinstance(item, QGraphicsLineItem)) def testPath(self): #QGraphicsScene.addPath item = self.scene.addPath(QPainterPath()) self.assertTrue(isinstance(item, QGraphicsPathItem)) def testPixmap(self): #QGraphicsScene.addPixmap item = self.scene.addPixmap(QPixmap()) self.assertTrue(isinstance(item, QGraphicsPixmapItem)) def testPolygon(self): #QGraphicsScene.addPolygon points = [QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(100, 100), QPointF(0, 100)] item = self.scene.addPolygon(QPolygonF(points)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(item, QGraphicsPolygonItem)) def testRect(self): #QGraphicsScene.addRect item = self.scene.addRect(100, 100, 100, 100) self.assertTrue(isinstance(item, QGraphicsRectItem)) def testSimpleText(self): #QGraphicsScene.addSimpleText item = self.scene.addSimpleText('Monty Python 42') self.assertTrue(isinstance(item, QGraphicsSimpleTextItem)) def testText(self): #QGraphicsScene.addText item = self.scene.addText('Monty Python 42') self.assertTrue(isinstance(item, QGraphicsTextItem)) def testWidget(self): #QGraphicsScene.addWidget # XXX: printing some X11 error when using under PyQt4 item = self.scene.addWidget(QPushButton()) self.assertTrue(isinstance(item, QGraphicsProxyWidget))
class graphicsForm3DLUT(baseGraphicsForm): """ Form for 3D LUT editing. """ # node markers qpp0 = activeNode.qppR qpp1 = activeNode.qppE selectBrush = QBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255)) unselectBrush = QBrush() # default brightness defaultColorWheelBr = 0.60 @classmethod def getNewWindow(cls, cModel, targetImage=None, axeSize=500, LUTSize=LUTSIZE, layer=None, parent=None, mainForm=None): """ build a graphicsForm3DLUT object. The parameter size represents the size of the color wheel, border not included (the size of the window is adjusted). @param cModel @type cModel: @param targetImage @type targetImage: @param axeSize: size of the color wheel (default 500) @type axeSize: @param LUTSize: size of the LUT @type LUTSize: @param layer: layer of targetImage linked to graphics form @type layer: @param parent: parent widget @type parent: @param mainForm: @type mainForm: @return: graphicsForm3DLUT object @rtype: """ try: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) QApplication.processEvents() newWindow = graphicsForm3DLUT(cModel, targetImage=targetImage, axeSize=axeSize, LUTSize=LUTSize, layer=layer, parent=parent, mainForm=mainForm) newWindow.setWindowTitle( finally: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() QApplication.processEvents() return newWindow def __init__(self, cModel, targetImage=None, axeSize=500, LUTSize=LUTSIZE, layer=None, parent=None, mainForm=None): """ @param cModel: color space used by colorPicker, slider2D and colorPicker @type cModel: cmConverter object @param axeSize: size of the color wheel @type axeSize: int @param targetImage: @type targetImage: imImage @param LUTSize: @type LUTSize: int @param layer: layer of targetImage linked to graphics form @type layer : QLayer @param parent: @type parent: """ super().__init__(parent=parent) self.mainForm = mainForm # used by saveLUT() # context help tag self.helpId = "LUT3DForm" self.cModel = cModel border = 20 self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self.setMinimumSize(axeSize + 90, axeSize + 200) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(, Qt.SolidPattern)) self.currentHue, self.currentSat, self.currentPb = 0, 0, self.defaultColorWheelBr self.currentR, self.currentG, self.currentB = 0, 0, 0 self.size = axeSize # back links to image self.targetImage = weakProxy(targetImage) self.layer = weakProxy(layer) # currently selected grid node self.selected = None self.graphicsScene = QGraphicsScene() self.graphicsScene.options = None self.setScene(self.graphicsScene) # back to image layer self.graphicsScene.layer = weakProxy(layer) # init LUT freshLUT3D = LUT3D(None, size=LUTSize, alpha=True) self.graphicsScene.lut = freshLUT3D # init 2D slider QImg = hueSatPattern(axeSize, axeSize, cModel, bright=self.defaultColorWheelBr, border=border) self.graphicsScene.slider2D = colorChooser(cModel, QImg, target=self.targetImage, size=axeSize, border=border) self.graphicsScene.selectMarker = activeMarker.fromCross(parent=self.graphicsScene.slider2D) self.graphicsScene.selectMarker.setPos(axeSize / 2, axeSize / 2) # color wheel event handler def f1(p, r, g, b): h, s, br = self.cModel.rgb2cm(r, g, b) self.currentHue, self.currentSat, self.currentPb = h, s, br self.currentR, self.currentG, self.currentB = r, g, b self.bSliderUpdate() self.displayStatus() self.graphicsScene.slider2D.onMouseRelease = f1 self.graphicsScene.addItem(self.graphicsScene.slider2D) # Brightness slider self.bSliderHeight = 20 self.bSliderWidth = self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.width() px = brightnessPattern(self.bSliderWidth, self.bSliderHeight, cModel, self.currentHue, self.currentSat).rPixmap self.graphicsScene.bSlider = QGraphicsPixmapItem(px, parent=self.graphicsScene.slider2D) self.graphicsScene.bSlider.setPos(QPointF(-border, self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.height() - border)) bSliderCursor = activeMarker.fromTriangle(parent=self.graphicsScene.bSlider) bSliderCursor.setMoveRange(QRectF(0.0, bSliderCursor.size, self.graphicsScene.bSlider.pixmap().width(), 0.0)) bSliderCursor.setPos(self.graphicsScene.bSlider.pixmap().width() * self.defaultColorWheelBr, bSliderCursor.size) # cursor event handlers def f2(e, p, q): self.currentPb = p / float(self.bSliderWidth) QToolTip.showText(e.screenPos(), (str(int(self.currentPb * 100.0))), self) bSliderCursor.onMouseMove = f2 def f3(e, p, q): self.currentPb = p / float(self.bSliderWidth) self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.setPb(self.currentPb) self.graphicsScene.slider2D.setPixmap(self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.rPixmap) self.displayStatus() bSliderCursor.onMouseRelease = f3 # status bar offset = 60 self.graphicsScene.statusBar = QGraphicsTextItem() self.graphicsScene.statusBar.setPos(-20, axeSize + offset) self.graphicsScene.statusBar.setDefaultTextColor(QColor(255, 255, 255)) self.graphicsScene.statusBar.setPlainText('') self.graphicsScene.addItem(self.graphicsScene.statusBar) self.displayStatus() # self.setRenderHints(QPainter.Antialiasing | QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform) # grid self.grid = activeGrid(self.graphicsScene.lut.size, self.cModel, parent=self.graphicsScene.slider2D) self.graphicsScene.grid = self.grid # buttons pushButton1 = QbLUePushButton("Reset Grid") pushButton1.clicked.connect(self.onReset) pushButton2 = QbLUePushButton("Save LUT") pushButton2.clicked.connect(self.saveLUT) pushButton3 = QbLUePushButton("Smooth Grid") pushButton3.clicked.connect(self.onSmoothGrid) pushButton4 = QbLUePushButton('Set Mask') pushButton4.clicked.connect(self.setMask) # pushButton4 needs enabling/disabling self.pushButton4 = pushButton4 # options options1, optionNames1 = ['use image', 'use selection'], ['Use Image', 'Use Selection'] self.listWidget1 = optionsWidget(options=options1, optionNames=optionNames1, exclusive=True) """ def onSelect1(item): self.graphicsScene.options['use selection'] = item is self.listWidget1.items['use selection'] self.listWidget1.onSelect = onSelect1 """ self.listWidget1.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) # set initial selection to 'use image' self.listWidget1.checkOption(self.listWidget1.intNames[0]) options2, optionNames2 = ['add node', 'remove node'], ['Add Node', 'Remove Node'] self.listWidget2 = optionsWidget(options=options2, optionNames=optionNames2, exclusive=True) """ def onSelect2(item): self.graphicsScene.options['add node'] = item is self.listWidget2.items['add node'] self.listWidget2.onSelect = onSelect2 """ # set initial selection to add node' self.listWidget2.checkOption(self.listWidget2.intNames[0]) options3 = ['select neighbors', 'reset removed nodes', 'show histogram', 'keep alpha'] optionNames3 = ['Select Neighbors', 'Reset Removed', 'Show Histogram', 'Keep Alpha'] self.listWidget3 = optionsWidget(options=options3, optionNames=optionNames3, exclusive=False) self.listWidget3.checkOption(self.listWidget3.intNames[0]) self.listWidget3.checkOption(self.listWidget3.intNames[1]) def onSelect3(item): option = item.internalName if option == 'show histogram': self.graphicsScene.slider2D.showTargetHist = self.graphicsScene.options[option] # .isChecked() self.graphicsScene.slider2D.updatePixmap() return if option == 'keep alpha': self.enableButtons() self.layer.applyToStack() self.listWidget3.onSelect = onSelect3 # set initial selection to 'select naighbors' item = self.listWidget3.items[options3[0]] item.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) self.graphicsScene.options = UDict((self.listWidget1.options, self.listWidget2.options, self.listWidget3.options)) # layouts hlButtons = QHBoxLayout() hlButtons.addWidget(pushButton1) hlButtons.addWidget(pushButton3) hlButtons.addWidget(pushButton2) hl = QHBoxLayout() vl1 = QVBoxLayout() vl1.addWidget(self.listWidget1) vl1.addWidget(pushButton4) hl.addLayout(vl1) hl.addWidget(self.listWidget2) hl.addWidget(self.listWidget3) vl = QVBoxLayout() for l in [hlButtons, hl]: vl.addLayout(l) # Init QWidget container for adding buttons and options to graphicsScene container = QWidget() container.setObjectName("container") container.setLayout(vl) ss = """QWidget#container{background: black}\ QListWidget{background-color: black; selection-background-color: black; border: none; font-size: 7pt}\ QListWidget::item{color: white;}\ QListWidget::item::selected{background: black; border: none}""" container.setStyleSheet(ss) for wdg in [self.listWidget1, self.listWidget2, self.listWidget3]: wdg.setMinimumWidth(wdg.sizeHintForColumn(0)) wdg.setMinimumHeight(wdg.sizeHintForRow(0)*len(wdg.items)) container.setGeometry(-offset//2, axeSize + offset - 20, axeSize + offset, 20) self.graphicsScene.addWidget(container) #container.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {color: white;}\ # QPushButton:pressed, QPushButton:hover {background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #0d5ca6, stop: 1 #2198c0);}") self.setWhatsThis( """ <b>2.5D LUT Editor</b><br> HSpB layers are slower than HSV, but usually they give better results.<br> <b>Select nodes</b> with mouse clicks on the image. Selected nodes are shown as small black circles on the color wheel.<br> <b>Modify the color</b> of a node by dragging it on the wheel. Several nodes can be moved simultaneously by grouping them.<br> <b>Group nodes</b> :<br> 1 - select them with the mouse : while pressing the mouse left button, drag a rubber band around the nodes to select;<br> 2 - next, right click any one of the selected nodes and choose group from the context menu<br> <b>unselect nodes</b> :<br> 1 - check the option Remove Node;<br> 2 - ungroup;<br> 3 - on the image, click the pixels to unselect.<br> <b>Caution</b> : Selecting nodes with the mouse is enabled only when the Color Chooser is closed.<br> Click the <b> Smooth Grid</b> button to smooth color transitions between neighbor nodes.<br> Check the <br>Keep Alpha</b> option to forward the alpha channel without modifications.<br> This option must be unchecked to build a mask from the 3D LUT.<br> """ ) # end of setWhatsThis def selectGridNode(self, r, g, b): """ select the nearest grid nodes corresponding to r,g,b values. @param r: color @param g: color @param b: color """ # surrounding cube # LUTNeighborhood = [(i,j,k) for i in [r/w, (r/w)+1] for j in [g/w, (g/w)+1] for k in [b/w, (b/w)+1]] # reset previous selected marker if self.selected is not None: self.selected.setPath(self.qpp1) self.selected.setBrush(self.unselectBrush) h, s, p = self.cModel.rgb2cm(r, g, b) # , perceptual=True) # hspNeighborhood=[rgb2ccm(i * w, j * w, k * w, perceptual=True) for (i, j, k) in LUTNeighborhood if (i * w <= 255 and j * w <= 255 and k * w <= 255)] # currently selected values in adjust layer self.currentHue, self.currentSat, self.currentPb = h, s, p self.currentR, self.currentG, self.currentB = r, g, b # x, y : color wheel (cartesian origin top left corner) coordinates of the pixel corresponding to hue=h and sat=s xc, yc = self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.GetPoint(h, s) # xyNeighborhood=[self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.GetPoint(h, s) for h,s,_ in hspNeighborhood] # unitary coordinate increment between consecutive nodes step = float(self.grid.step) border = self.graphicsScene.slider2D.border # grid coordinates xcGrid, ycGrid = xc - border, yc - border # NNN = self.grid.gridNodes[int(round(ycGrid/step))][int(round(xcGrid/step))] NNN = self.grid.gridNodes[int(np.floor(ycGrid / step))][int(np.floor(xcGrid / step))] # select and mark selected node mode = self.graphicsScene.options['add node'] if self.selected is not None: self.selected.setSelected(False) self.selected = NNN self.selected.setSelected(True) self.selected.setBrush(self.selectBrush) self.selected.setPath(self.qpp0) self.selected.setVisible(mode) nodesToSelect = NNN.neighbors() if self.graphicsScene.options['select neighbors'] else [NNN] for n in nodesToSelect: n.setVisible(mode) if self.graphicsScene.options['reset removed nodes'] and not mode: if isinstance(n.parentItem(), nodeGroup): n.parentItem().removeFromGroup(n) n.setPos(n.initialPos) n.setState(n.initialPos) """ for item in n.LUTIndices: #self.scene().lut.LUT3DArray[item.ind + (3,)] = 255 # TODO added 24/11/18 i, j, k = item.ind self.scene().lut.LUT3DArray[k, j, i, 3] = 255 # TODO added 24/11/18 """ # update status self.onSelectGridNode(h, s) def displayStatus(self): s1 = ('h : %d ' % self.currentHue) + ('s : %d ' % (self.currentSat * 100)) # + ('p : %d ' % (self.currentPb * 100)) self.graphicsScene.statusBar.setPlainText(s1) # + '\n' + s3 + '\n' + s2) def bSliderUpdate(self): px = brightnessPattern(self.bSliderWidth, self.bSliderHeight, self.cModel, self.currentHue, self.currentSat).rPixmap self.graphicsScene.bSlider.setPixmap(px) def onSelectGridNode(self, h, s): self.bSliderUpdate() self.displayStatus() def onSmoothGrid(self): """ Button slot """ self.grid.smooth() self.grid.drawGrid() self.layer.applyToStack() self.layer.parentImage.onImageChanged() # if getattr(self.layer.parentImage, 'window', None) is not None: # self.layer.parentImage.window.repaint() # TODO modified 28/11/18 validate def onReset(self): """ reset grid and LUT """ # get a fresh LUT self.graphicsScene.lut = LUT3D(None, size=self.graphicsScene.lut.size, alpha=True) # explode all node groups groupList = [item for item in self.grid.childItems() if type(item) is nodeGroup] for item in groupList: item.prepareGeometryChange() self.scene().destroyItemGroup(item) # reset grid self.grid.reset() self.selected = None self.grid.drawGrid() self.layer.applyToStack() self.layer.parentImage.onImageChanged() # if getattr(self.layer.parentImage, 'window', None) is not None: # self.layer.parentImage.window.repaint() # TODO modified 28/11/18 validate def enableButtons(self): self.pushButton4.setEnabled(not self.graphicsScene.options['keep alpha']) def saveLUT(self): """ """ mainForm = self.mainForm lut = self.scene().lut lastDir = str(mainForm.settings.value('paths/dlg3DLUTdir', '.')) dlg = QFileDialog(mainForm, "Save Color LUT", lastDir) dlg.setNameFilter('*.cube') dlg.setDefaultSuffix('cube') try: if dlg.exec_(): filenames = dlg.selectedFiles() newDir = mainForm.settings.setValue('paths/dlg3DLUTdir', newDir) lut.writeToTextFile(filenames[0]) dlgInfo('3D LUT written') except IOError as e: dlgWarn(str(e)) def setMask(self): """ Build the layer mask from the image alpha channel. The Image alpha channel is recorded in the red channel of the mask. """ layer = self.graphicsScene.layer currentImg = layer.getCurrentImage() imgBuf = QImageBuffer(currentImg) # resize the alpha channel imgmask = cv2.resize(imgBuf[:, :, 3], (layer.width(), layer.height())) mask = QImageBuffer(layer.mask) mask[:, :, 2] = imgmask layer.applyToStack() layer.parentImage.onImageChanged() def writeToStream(self, outStream): layer = self.layer outStream.writeQString(layer.actionName) outStream.writeQString( outStream.writeInt32(self.graphicsScene.LUTSize) outStream.writeInt32(self.graphicsScene.lut.step) byteData = self.graphicsScene.lut.LUT3DArray.tostring() outStream.writeInt32(len(byteData)) outStream.writeRawData(byteData) return outStream def readFromStream(self, inStream): actionName = inStream.readQString() name = inStream.readQString() size = inStream.readInt32() self.graphicsScene.LUTsize = size self.graphicsScene.lut.step = inStream.readInt32() l = inStream.readInt32() byteData = inStream.readRawData(l) self.graphicsScene.lut.LUT3DArray = np.fromstring(byteData, dtype=int).reshape((size, size, size, 3)) return inStream
class TMSTester(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, width, height): super(TMSTester, self).__init__(None) self.setStyleSheet("background: transparent") self.canvasSize = QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(width, height)) self.view = QGraphicsView() self.view.setTransformationAnchor(QGraphicsView.AnchorUnderMouse) self.view.setDragMode(QGraphicsView.ScrollHandDrag) self.scene = QGraphicsScene(0, 0, width, height, self.view) self.view.setScene(self.scene) self.centreCoordinate = QPointF(-32.2138204, 115.0387413) self.zoom = 3 self.mapLayer = TMSLayer('CRUSE:World_Bathymetric_Heightmap', self.canvasSize, self.centreCoordinate, 3) self.mapLayerHandle = self.scene.addWidget(self.mapLayer) self.setCentralWidget(self.view) self.mapLayer.setFocus() def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): tcX = self.mapLayer.requiredTiles['left'] tcY = self.mapLayer.requiredTiles['top'] offsetX = self.mapLayer.canvasSize.width() / 2 - ( self.mapLayer.centrePoint.x() - tcX) * TILE_DIMENSION offsetY = self.mapLayer.canvasSize.height() / 2 + ( self.mapLayer.centrePoint.y() - (tcY + 1)) * TILE_DIMENSION xTile = tcX + ((event.pos().x() - offsetX) / 256) yTile = (tcY + 1) - ((event.pos().y() - offsetY) / 256) self.mapLayer.centreCoordinate = self.mapLayer.tileToGeographic( xTile, yTile, self.mapLayer.tileZoomIndex) print('{}'.format(self.mapLayer.centreCoordinate)) def mousePressEvent(self, event): tcX = self.mapLayer.requiredTiles['left'] tcY = self.mapLayer.requiredTiles['top'] offsetX = self.mapLayer.canvasSize.width() / 2 - ( self.mapLayer.centrePoint.x() - tcX) * TILE_DIMENSION offsetY = self.mapLayer.canvasSize.height() / 2 + ( self.mapLayer.centrePoint.y() - (tcY + 1)) * TILE_DIMENSION xTile = tcX + ((event.pos().x() - offsetX) / 256) yTile = (tcY + 1) - ((event.pos().y() - offsetY) / 256) centreCoordinate = self.mapLayer.tileToGeographic( xTile, yTile, self.mapLayer.tileZoomIndex) self.mapLayer.updateCentre(centreCoordinate) def wheelEvent(self, event): ''' Only used for zooming. ''' self.view.setTransformationAnchor(QGraphicsView.AnchorUnderMouse) self.view.viewport().installEventFilter(self) if > 0: self.zoom *= 1 + ( / 120) * 0.1 scale = 1 + (self.zoom % self.mapLayer.tileZoomIndex) else: self.zoom *= (1 + ( / 120) * 0.1) scale = 1 / (1 + (self.zoom % self.mapLayer.tileZoomIndex)) rasterZoom = self.mapLayer.tileZoomIndex + 2**( floor(log(self.zoom, 2)) + 0) - 1 if scale <= 2: self.view.scale(scale, scale) else: self.view.scale(1 / scale, 1 / scale) self.mapLayer.updateZoom(rasterZoom) print('zoom:{} scale:{} raster:{}'.format(self.zoom, scale, rasterZoom)) def eventFilter(self, qobject, event): if (event.type() == QEvent.Wheel): return True else: return False def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.key() == Qt.Key_Left: self.centreCoordinate = QPointF( self.mapLayer.centreCoordinate.x(), self.mapLayer.centreCoordinate.y() - self.mapLayer.tileZoomIndex) self.mapLayer.updateCentre(self.centreCoordinate) if event.key() == Qt.Key_Right: self.centreCoordinate = QPointF( self.mapLayer.centreCoordinate.x(), self.mapLayer.centreCoordinate.y() + self.mapLayer.tileZoomIndex) self.mapLayer.updateCentre(self.centreCoordinate) if event.key() == Qt.Key_Up: self.centreCoordinate = QPointF( self.mapLayer.centreCoordinate.x() + self.mapLayer.tileZoomIndex, self.mapLayer.centreCoordinate.y()) self.mapLayer.updateCentre(self.centreCoordinate) if event.key() == Qt.Key_Down: self.centreCoordinate = QPointF( self.mapLayer.centreCoordinate.x() - self.mapLayer.tileZoomIndex, self.mapLayer.centreCoordinate.y()) self.mapLayer.updateCentre(self.centreCoordinate) if event.key() == Qt.Key_Z: self.zoom *= 1.3 self.mapLayer.updateZoom(self.zoom) if event.key() == Qt.Key_X: self.zoom /= 1.3 self.mapLayer.updateZoom(self.zoom) if event.key() == Qt.Key_P: self.centreCoordinate = QPointF(-32.2138204, 115.0387413) self.mapLayer.updateCentre(self.centreCoordinate) if event.key() == Qt.Key_A: self.centreCoordinate = QPointF(-35.09138204, 138.07387413) self.mapLayer.updateCentre(self.centreCoordinate) if event.key() == Qt.Key_M: self.centreCoordinate = QPointF(0, 0) self.mapLayer.updateCentre(self.centreCoordinate) self.mapLayer.updateCanvasSize(self.canvasSize)