def Create_Add_Trans_Layout(self): layout = [ [T("New Transaction", font=("Helvetica", 18))], [T("NOTE:", font=("Helvetica", 20)), T( "All fields are required to be filled.")], [T("Particulars:"), Multiline("Enter details of transaction", autoscroll=True, key="Particulars")], [T("Transaction type:"), Combo(["Select", "Credit", "Debit"], "Select", readonly=True, key="new_type")], [T("Amount:"), Input(enable_events=True, key="amount")], [T("Date Of Transaction:"), Input("YYYY-MM-DD or use the button on the right", key="date"), CalendarButton("Select Date", target="date", format="%Y-%m-%d")], [Submit()] ] return layout
def showLongInfo(prompt: str, text: str) -> None: win: Window = Window(alpha_channel=0.8, finalize=True, debugger_enabled=False, resizable=True, text_justification="center", title=prompt.strip(), no_titlebar=True, keep_on_top=True, disable_close=True, disable_minimize=True, grab_anywhere=True, auto_size_text=True, layout=[ [Text(text=prompt.strip(), expand_x=True, expand_y=True, auto_size_text=True)], [Multiline( default_text=text, disabled=True, expand_x=True, expand_y=True, autoscroll=True, auto_refresh=True, auto_size_text=True, focus=True, size=(64, 16) )], [Button(button_text="Copy", expand_x=True, expand_y=True, size=(8, 1)), Button(button_text="Close", expand_x=True, expand_y=True, size=(8, 1))], [Text(text="Made By: TonicBoomerKewl", expand_x=True, expand_y=True, auto_size_text=True)] ]) focus(win) res = win.close() if res[0] == "Copy": copy(prompt=prompt.strip(), text=text)
def __init__(self, title: str = 'Test', size=(120, 30), **kwargs): super().__init__(title=title) self.kwargs = kwargs self.size = size self.output = Multiline('', key='output', size=self.size, disabled=True, autoscroll=True)
[Frame('Categories:', [[Radio('Websites', 'radio1', default=True, key='-WEBSITES-', size=(10, 1)), Radio('Software', 'radio1', key='-SOFTWARE-', size=(10, 1))]],)], # Information frame [Frame('Information:', [[Column([[Text('Account:')], [Input(key='-ACCOUNT-IN-', size=(19, 1))], [Text('User Id:')], [Input(key='-USERID-IN-', size=(19, 1)), Button('Copy', key='-USERID-')], [Text('Password:'******'-PW-IN-', size=(19, 1)), Button('Copy', key='-PASS-')], [Text('Location:')], [Input(key='-LOC-IN-', size=(19, 1)), Button('Copy', key='-LOC')], [Text('Notes:')], [Multiline(key='-NOTES-', size=(25, 5))], ], size=(235, 350), pad=(0, 0))]])], ], pad=(0, 0)) col3 = Column([[Frame('Actions:', [[Column([[Button('Save'), Button( 'Clear'), Button('Delete'), ]], size=(450, 45), pad=(0, 0))]])]], pad=(0, 0)) layout = [[col1, col2], [col3]] window = Window('Passwords', layout) while True: event, values = print(event, values) if event is None: break
def get_tag_rows(self, editable: bool = True) -> tuple[Layout, EleBinds]: rows = [] ele_binds = {} nums = defaultdict(count) common_binds = { '<Button-1>': ':::row_clicked', '<Shift-Button-1>': ':::tag_clicked' } for trunc_id, tag_id, tag_name, disp_name, val in self.track.iter_tag_id_name_values( ): if disp_name == 'Album Cover': continue # self.log.debug(f'Making tag row for {tag_id=} {tag_name=} {disp_name=} {val=}') if n := next(nums[tag_id]): tag_id = f'{tag_id}--{n}' key_ele = Text(disp_name, key=self.key_for('tag', tag_id, WRITE_ONLY_KEY), tooltip=tag_id) sel_box = Checkbox('', key=self.key_for('del', tag_id), visible=editable, enable_events=True) tooltip = f'Toggle all {tag_id} tags with Shift+Click' val_key = self.key_for('val', tag_id) if disp_name == 'Lyrics': val_ele = Multiline(val, size=(45, 4), key=val_key, disabled=True, tooltip='Pop out with ctrl + click') rows.append([key_ele, sel_box, val_ele]) ele_binds[val_key] = { '<Control-Button-1>': ':::pop_out', **common_binds } elif disp_name == 'Rating': try: rating = stars_from_256(int(val), 10) except (ValueError, TypeError): val_ele = value_ele(val, val_key, True, no_add=True, list_width=45, tooltip=tooltip) rows.append([key_ele, sel_box, val_ele]) else: row = [ key_ele, sel_box, Rating(rating, key=val_key, show_value=True, disabled=True, tooltip=tooltip, pad=(0, 0)), ] rows.append(row) ele_binds[val_key] = common_binds.copy() else: val_ele = value_ele(val, val_key, True, no_add=True, list_width=45, tooltip=tooltip) rows.append([key_ele, sel_box, val_ele]) ele_binds[val_key] = common_binds.copy()
[ Input(key="-USERID-IN-", size=(19, 1)), Button("Copy", key="-USERID-"), ], [Text("Password:"******"-PW-IN-", size=(19, 1)), Button("Copy", key="-PASS-"), ], [Text("Location:")], [ Input(key="-LOC-IN-", size=(19, 1)), Button("Copy", key="-LOC"), ], [Text("Notes:")], [Multiline(key="-NOTES-", size=(25, 5))], ], size=(235, 350), pad=(0, 0), ), ]], ) ], ], pad=(0, 0), ) col3 = Column( [[ Frame( "Actions:",
Text('Authority/Subversion', size=(20, 1)), Input('0', key='authority_result', size=(35, 1)), Input('0', key='authority_avg', size=(35, 1)) ], [ Text('Purity/Degradation', size=(20, 1)), Input('0', key='purity_result', size=(35, 1)), Input('0', key='purity_avg', size=(35, 1)) ], [ Text('Non-moral', size=(20, 1)), Input('0', key='non-moral_result', size=(35, 1)) ]] tab1_layout = [ [Text('Enter text to annotate:')], [Multiline('', size=(88, 20), key='inputtext')], [Button('Analyze text')], [ Text( '''The output in the first column is the estimated probability of the text being relevant to either a vice or virtue of the corresponding moral trait. Since the system is trained on tweets, try not to analyze a long text! The second column is the average rating for the words, based on human ratings of the Moral Foundation Dictionary words. The range goes from 1 to 9: 1: words closely associated to harm, cheating, betrayal, subversion, degradation 9: words closely associated to care, fairness, loyalty, authority, sanctity''') ], [Column(output_values)] ] #the second tab is for analyzing one or more files tab2_layout = [ [ Text(
theme('DarkGrey9') lua_file = [Text("LUA file\t\t"), In(size=(25, 1), key="LUA"), FileBrowse()] autocad_file = [ Text("Autocad file\t"), In(size=(25, 1), key="AUTOCAD"), FileBrowse() ] box_name = [ Text("Box name\t"), In(size=(25, 1), key="BOX", default_text='IX1-2') ] output_path = [ Text("Output folder\t"), In(size=(25, 1), key="PATH"), FolderBrowse() ] output_name = [Text("Output file name\t"), In(size=(25, 1), key="NAME")] ok_button = [Button("Compare", enable_events=True, key="COMPARE")] line_split = VSeperator() left_column = [ lua_file, autocad_file, box_name, output_path, output_name, ok_button ] box_title = [Text("Logs:")] log_box = [Multiline(size=(35, 10), key="LOGBOX")] right_column = [box_title, log_box] layout = [[Column(left_column), line_split, Column(right_column)]] window = Window("LUA autocad comparator", layout)