    def setUp(self, plugin_module):
        """Subclasses should call this in their setUp() methods.

        The plugin_module arg is the plugin module being tested. This
        is used to set the plugin_dir config variable.
        # freeze time
        self.timestamp = TIMESTAMP
        self.frozen_time = self.freeze_pyblosxom_time(self.timestamp)
        self.timestamp_asc = time.ctime(self.timestamp)
        gmtime = time.gmtime(self.timestamp)
        self.timestamp_date = time.strftime('%a %d %b %Y', gmtime)
        self.timestamp_w3c = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', gmtime)

        # set up config, including datadir and plugin_dirs
        self.datadir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='pyblosxom_test_datadir')

        plugin_file = os.path.dirname(plugin_module.__file__)
        self.config_base = {
            'datadir': self.datadir,
            'plugin_dirs': [plugin_file],
            'base_url': 'http://bl.og/',
        self.config = self.config_base

        # set up environment vars and http request
        self.environ = {'PATH_INFO': '/', 'REMOTE_ADDR': ''}
        self.form_data = ''
        self.request = pyblosxom.Request(self.config, self.environ, {})
        self.http = self.request.get_http()

        # set up entries and data dict
        self.entry_name = 'test_entry'
        entry_properties = {'absolute_path': '.', 'fn': self.entry_name}
        self.entry = entries.base.generate_entry(self.request,
                                                 entry_properties, {}, gmtime)
        self.entry_list = [self.entry]
        self.data = {
            'entry_list': self.entry_list,
            'bl_type': 'file',
        self.request._data = self.data

        # set up renderer and templates
        self.renderer = Renderer(self.request)
        templates = ('content_type', 'head', 'story', 'foot', 'date_head',
        self.renderer.flavour = dict([(t, t) for t in templates])

        # populate args dict
        self.args = {
            'request': self.request,
            'renderer': self.renderer,
            'entry': self.entry,
            'template': 'template starts:',

        # this stores the callbacks that have been injected. it maps
        # callback names to the injected methods to call. any
        # callbacks that haven't been injected are passed through to
        # pyblosxom's callback chain.
        # use inject_callback() to inject a callback.
        self.injected_callbacks = {}
        orig_run_callback = tools.run_callback

        def intercept_callback(name, args, **kwargs):
            if name in self.injected_callbacks:
                return self.injected_callbacks[name]()
                return orig_run_callback(name, args, **kwargs)

        tools.run_callback = intercept_callback