文件: Elements.py 项目: slel/Pynac
class CavityAnalytic(PynacElement):
    A Pynac representation of a resonant EM cavity (i.e., the ``CAVMC`` model used by Dynac
    to do analytic calculations).

    Before the simulation is run, any changes made to elements using this class have to
    be put back into the ``lattice`` attribute of ``Pynac`` using the ``dynacRepresentation``
    def __init__(self, phase, fieldReduction, cavID=0, xesln=0, isec=0):
        self.cavID = Param(val = cavID, unit = None)
        self.xesln = Param(val = xesln, unit = 'cm')
        self.phase = Param(val = phase, unit = 'deg')
        self.fieldReduction = Param(val = fieldReduction, unit = 'percent')
        self.isec = Param(val = isec, unit = None)

    def from_dynacRepr(cls, pynacRepr):
        Construct a ``CavityAnalytic`` instance from the Pynac lattice element
        cavID = int(pynacRepr[1][0][0])
        xesln = float(pynacRepr[1][1][0])
        phase = float(pynacRepr[1][1][1])
        fieldReduction = float(pynacRepr[1][1][2])
        isec = int(pynacRepr[1][1][3])
        return cls(phase, fieldReduction, cavID, xesln, isec)

    def adjustPhase(self, adjustment):
        Adjust the accelerating phase of the cavity by the value of ``adjustment``.
        The adjustment is additive, so a value of ``scalingFactor = 0.0`` will result
        in no change of the phase.
        self.phase = self.phase._replace(val = self.phase.val + adjustment)

    def scaleField(self, scalingFactor):
        Adjust the accelerating field of the cavity by the value of ``scalingFactor``.
        The adjustment is multiplicative, so a value of ``scalingFactor = 1.0`` will result
        in no change of the field.
        oldField = self.fieldReduction.val
        newField = 100.0 * (scalingFactor * (1.0 + oldField/100.0) - 1.0)
        self.fieldReduction = self.fieldReduction._replace(val = newField)

    def dynacRepresentation(self):
        Return the Dynac representation of this cavity instance.
        return ['CAVMC', [
            [self.xesln.val, self.phase.val, self.fieldReduction.val, self.isec.val, 1],

    def __repr__(self):
        s = 'CavityAnalytic:'
        s += ' | phase = ' + self.phase.__repr__()
        s += ' | fieldReduction = ' + self.fieldReduction.__repr__()
        return s
文件: Elements.py 项目: slel/Pynac
class Steerer(PynacElement):
    def __init__(self, field_strength, plane):
        self.field_strength = Param(
        self.plane = Param(

    def from_dynacRepr(cls, pynacRepr):
        Construct a ``Steerer`` instance from the Pynac lattice element
        f = float(pynacRepr[1][0][0])
        p = 'HV'[int(pynacRepr[1][0][1])]
        return cls(f, p)

    def dynacRepresentation(self):
        Return the Dynac representation of this steerer instance.
        if self.plane.val == 'H':
            p = 0
        elif self.plane.val == 'V':
            p = 1
        return ['STEER', [[self.field_strength.val], [p]]]

    def scaleField(self, scalingFactor):
        Adjust the field of the magnet by the value of ``scalingFactor``.  The adjustment
        is multiplicative, so a value of ``scalingFactor = 1.0`` will result in no change
        of the field.
        self.field_strength = self.field_strength._replace(
            val=self.field_strength.val * scalingFactor

    def setField(self, new_value):
        Adjust the field of the magnet by the value of ``scalingFactor``.  The adjustment
        is multiplicative, so a value of ``scalingFactor = 1.0`` will result in no change
        of the field.
        self.field_strength = self.field_strength._replace(

    def __repr__(self):
        s = 'STEER:'
        s += ' | f = ' + self.field_strength.__repr__()
        s += ' | plane = ' + self.plane.__repr__()
        return s
文件: Elements.py 项目: slel/Pynac
class Quad(PynacElement):
    A Pynac representation of a quadrupole magnet.

    Before the simulation is run, any changes made to elements using this class have to
    be put back into the ``lattice`` attribute of `Pynac` using the ``dynacRepresentation``
    def __init__(self, L, B, aperRadius):
        self.L = Param(val = L, unit = 'cm')
        self.B = Param(val = B, unit = 'kG')
        self.aperRadius = Param(val = aperRadius, unit = 'cm')

    def from_dynacRepr(cls, pynacRepr):
        Construct a ``Quad`` instance from the Pynac lattice element
        L = float(pynacRepr[1][0][0])
        B = float(pynacRepr[1][0][1])
        aperRadius = float(pynacRepr[1][0][2])
        return cls(L, B, aperRadius)

    def scaleField(self, scalingFactor):
        Adjust the field of the magnet by the value of ``scalingFactor``.  The adjustment
        is multiplicative, so a value of ``scalingFactor = 1.0`` will result in no change
        of the field.
        self.B = self.B._replace(val=self.B.val * scalingFactor)

    def setField(self, new_value):
        Adjust the field of the magnet by the value of ``scalingFactor``.  The adjustment
        is multiplicative, so a value of ``scalingFactor = 1.0`` will result in no change
        of the field.
        self.B = self.B._replace(val=new_value)

    def dynacRepresentation(self):
        Return the Pynac representation of this quadrupole instance.
        return ['QUADRUPO', [[self.L.val, self.B.val, self.aperRadius.val]]]

    def __repr__(self):
        s = 'QUAD:'
        s += ' | L = ' + self.L.__repr__()
        s += ' | B = ' + self.B.__repr__()
        s += ' | aperRadius = ' + self.aperRadius.__repr__()
        return s