def vote(user_token: bytes): users = memcache.get("voting.users") if user_token not in users: users.add(user_token) memcache.set("voting.users", users) memcache.incr("voting.count") if memcache.get("voting.count") >= memcache.get("voting.required"): pub("vote_passed") memcache.set("voting.count", 0) memcache.set("voting.users", set({}))
def user_authenticated(user_token: str, username: str, privilege_level: int, ttl: int) -> None: """ » Subscribed to user_authenticated Populates the cache with info about the user. :param user_token: The user token of the user who just authenticated themselves :param username: The username token of the user who just authenticated themselves :param privilege_level: The privilege level of the user who just authenticated themselves :param ttl: The ttl of the record :return: None """ # print(username, "authenticated.") # TODO: log event active_users = memcache.get("user_cache.active_users") active_users[user_token] = { 'last_seen': time.time(), 'username': username, 'privilege_level': privilege_level, 'ttl': ttl } old_sessions = [] for token, record in active_users.items(): if record['username'] == username and token != user_token: old_sessions.append(token) for token in old_sessions: del active_users[token] memcache.set("user_cache.active_users", active_users)
def get(key: str) -> Any: """ Gets a value from the config by it's key. :param key: The key of the value :return: The value or None """ return memcache.get("config").get(key)
def track_from_upload(name, **kwargs) -> Optional[Track]: plugin_description = memcache.get("upload.plugins").get(name) if plugin_description is None: return Response.INVALID_PLUGIN plugin = __load_plugin(name, plugin_description["path"]) track_record = plugin.handle(**kwargs) # type: TrackRecord if track_record.backend is None or track_record.mrl is None: return Response.PLUGIN_ERROR if tracks.exists(track_record.title, track_record.artist, track_record.album): __cleanup(track_record.mrl) return Response.TRACK_EXISTS track = None with persistance(): track = tracks.get_or_create(track_record.title, track_record.artist, track_record.album) track.backend = track_record.backend track.mrl = track_record.mrl # TODO: tag info db_session.add(track) return track
def whois(user_token: str) -> str: """ :param user_token: A user token :return: The username of the user with the given token """ record = memcache.get("user_cache.active_users").get(user_token) if record is None: return "" return record['username']
def authorize(user_token: str, required_privilege: int) -> bool: """ Used to check whether a user is permitted to perform a certain action. :param user_token: The user token of the user who wants to perform the action :param required_privilege: The required privilege level to perform the action :return: Whether the user is permitted to perform the action """ if required_privilege < 1: return True record = memcache.get("user_cache.active_users").get(user_token) if record is None: return False if time.time() - record['last_seen'] > record['ttl']: active_users = memcache.get("user_cache.active_users") del active_users[user_token] memcache.set("user_cache.active_users", active_users) return False return record['privilege_level'] >= required_privilege
def sub(topic: str, subscriber: Callable) -> None: """ Subscribes a listener method to a certain topic. :param topic: The topic ti subscribe to :param subscriber: The subscriber method :return: None """ topics = memcache.get("pubsub.topics") if topics.get(topic) is not None: topics[topic].append(subscriber) else: topics[topic] = [subscriber] memcache.set("pubsub.topics", topics)
def activity(user_token: str) -> None: """ » Subscribed to user_activity Refreshes the last_seen attribute of the user with the given user_token. Also invalidates the user's session if the ttl has expired. :param user_token: The user token of the active user :return: None """ active_users = memcache.get("user_cache.active_users") record = active_users.get(user_token) if record is None: return if time.time() - record['last_seen'] > record['ttl']: del active_users[user_token] memcache.set("user_cache.active_users", active_users) return active_users[user_token]['last_seen'] = time.time() memcache.set("user_cache.active_users", active_users)
def pub(topic: str, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Publishes data to a certain topic. When data is published, all subscribed methods will be called and the published data is handed over. Make sure that all subscribers can handle the published data in their method definition. Use keyword args when published data is heterogeneous. :param topic: The topic to publish to :param args: All non positional args :param kwargs: All keyword args :return: None """ subscribers = memcache.get("pubsub.topics").get(topic) if subscribers is not None: for s in subscribers: try: s(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # TODO: log error print("Pubsub: Data on {} could not be published to {}, because {}".format(topic, s, e))
def exists(user_token: str) -> bool: """ :param user_token: A user token :return: Whether the user token exists in the cache """ return memcache.get("user_cache.active_users").get(user_token) is not None
def get_plugins(): return memcache.get("upload.plugins")
def get_plugin_description(name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: return memcache.get("upload.plugins").get(name)
from import init_config from import init_storage from Pynitus.model.db.database import db_session, init_db from Pynitus.player.contributor_queue import init_contributor_queue from Pynitus.player.player import init_player from Pynitus.player.queue import init_queue from import init_voting from Pynitus.upload import init_upload app = Flask(__name__) if app.debug: CORS(app) with app.app_context(): if memcache.get("pynitus.initialized") is None: init_config() init_pubsub() init_db() init_user_cache() init_player() init_queue() init_contributor_queue() init_voting() init_storage() init_upload() memcache.set("pynitus.initialized", True) @app.teardown_appcontext def shutdown_session(exception=None):