def host_ipaddr(interface=None): if sys.platform == "win32": return HostUtil.get_inst().gethostbyname() cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig" if interface: cmd = '%s %s' % (cmd, interface) fd = os.popen(cmd) this_host = None interfaces = {} name = None for line in fd.readlines(): match = re.match("(\S+)", line) if match: name = match ="inet addr:(\S+)", line) if match: addr = if name: interfaces[name] = addr if interfaces.has_key(interface): this_host = interfaces[interface] else: for name, addr in interfaces.items(): if re.match("ppp", name): this_host = addr break elif re.match("eth", name): this_host = addr fd.close() return this_host or HostUtil.get_inst().gethostbyname()
def host_ipaddr(interface = None): if sys.platform == "win32": return HostUtil.get_inst().gethostbyname() cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig" if interface: cmd = '%s %s' % (cmd, interface) fd = os.popen(cmd) this_host = None interfaces = {} name = None for line in fd.readlines(): match = re.match("(\S+)", line) if match: name = match ="inet addr:(\S+)", line) if match: addr = if name: interfaces[name] = addr if interfaces.has_key(interface): this_host = interfaces[interface] else: for name, addr in interfaces.items(): if re.match("ppp", name): this_host = addr break elif re.match("eth", name): this_host = addr fd.close() return this_host or HostUtil.get_inst().gethostbyname()
def getHostname(ip=None): try: if ip: hn,alias, ips = HostUtil.get_inst().gethostbyaddr(ip) return hn else: return HostUtil.get_inst().gethostname() except socket.error: return None
def __init__(self, port, host='', threaded=_has_threading,prtcol='PYRO'): self._ssl_server = 0 self.connections = [] # connection threads self.initTLS=lambda tls: None # default do-nothing func if host: HostUtil.get_inst().gethostbyname(host) # validate hostname try: if prtcol=='PYROSSL': try: from M2Crypto import SSL except ImportError: raise ProtocolError('SSL not available') try: self.ctx = SSL.Context('sslv23') if Pyro.config.PYROSSL_KEY: keyfile = os.path.join(Pyro.config.PYROSSL_CERTDIR, Pyro.config.PYROSSL_KEY) else: keyfile = None self.ctx.load_cert(os.path.join(Pyro.config.PYROSSL_CERTDIR, Pyro.config.PYROSSL_CERT), keyfile) self.ctx.load_client_ca(os.path.join(Pyro.config.PYROSSL_CERTDIR, Pyro.config.PYROSSL_CA_CERT)) self.ctx.load_verify_info(os.path.join(Pyro.config.PYROSSL_CERTDIR, Pyro.config.PYROSSL_CA_CERT)) self.ctx.set_verify(SSL.verify_peer | SSL.verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert,10) self.ctx.set_allow_unknown_ca(1) self._ssl_server = 1 Log.msg('TCPServer','SSL Context initialized') except: Log.warn('TCPServer','SSL Context could not be initialized !!!') self.setNewConnectionValidator(BasicSSLValidator()) else: self.setNewConnectionValidator(DefaultConnValidator()) # create server socket for new connections self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) set_reuse_addr(self.sock) set_sock_no_inherit(self.sock) self.sock.bind((host,port)) self.sock.listen(Pyro.config.PYRO_TCP_LISTEN_BACKLOG) if self._ssl_server: self.sock = SSL.Connection(self.ctx,self.sock) # wrap server socket as SSL socket # rest of members self.threaded = threaded self.mustShutdown=0 # global shutdown self.localStorage=LocalStorage() # TLS for systems that don't have threads return except socket.error,msg: raise ProtocolError(msg)
def _setNSData(self): """ Updates the display of current Name Server information. """ try: ns_name, t, ns_ip = HostUtil.get_inst().gethostbyaddr(self.nsHost) ns_ip = ns_ip[0] except: ns_name, ns_ip = self.nsHost, '' self.txtCtrlNSHost.SetValue('%s' % ns_name) self.txtCtrlNSPort.SetValue('%s' % self.nsPort) self.SetTitle('Pyro Name Server ( %s - %s )' % (ns_name, ns_ip))
def find_nameserver(hostname = None, portnum = None): if hostname and hostname.find('://') > 0: URI = Pyro.core.PyroURI(hostname) ns = Pyro.naming.NameServerProxy(URI) else: try: if verbose: print 'Searching for Naming Service on %s:%d...' % \ (hostname or 'BROADCAST', portnum or Pyro.config.PYRO_NS_BC_PORT) locator = Pyro.naming.NameServerLocator() ns = locator.getNS(host = hostname, port = portnum) except (Pyro.core.PyroError, socket.error), x: localhost = HostUtil.get_inst().gethostbyname('localhost') if verbose: print "Error:", x print """ Naming Service not found with broadcast. Trying local host""", localhost, '...', ns = locator.getNS(host = localhost, port = portnum)
def find_nameserver(hostname=None, portnum=None): if hostname and hostname.find('://') > 0: URI = Pyro.core.PyroURI(hostname) ns = Pyro.naming.NameServerProxy(URI) else: try: if verbose: print 'Searching for Naming Service on %s:%d...' % \ (hostname or 'BROADCAST', portnum or Pyro.config.PYRO_NS_BC_PORT) locator = Pyro.naming.NameServerLocator() ns = locator.getNS(host=hostname, port=portnum) except (Pyro.core.PyroError, socket.error), x: localhost = HostUtil.get_inst().gethostbyname('localhost') if verbose: print "Error:", x print """ Naming Service not found with broadcast. Trying local host""", localhost, '...', ns = locator.getNS(host=localhost, port=portnum)
def getIPAddress(host=None): try: return HostUtil.get_inst().gethostbyname(host or getHostname()) except socket.error: return None