def _fetchResult(token, taskId):
    Fetch the result files from the taskId

    params = {"token": token, "taskId": taskId}

    ret = invokeBackend("task/getTaskInfo", params)

    result = ret["result"]

    originUrl = result["originUrl"]
    # originSize = result["originSize"]
        originFile, downSize = _downloadToFile(originUrl, f"./Output/{taskId}.origin.json")
    except Exception:
        # TODO split the disk write error
        raise Error.NetworkError(traceback.format_exc())
    if outputInfo:
        print(f"Download result success {originFile} size = {downSize}")

    measureUrl = result["measureUrl"]
    # measureSize = result["measureSize"]
        measureFile, downSize = _downloadToFile(measureUrl, f"./Output/{taskId}.measure.json")
    except Exception:
        # TODO split the disk write error
        raise Error.NetworkError(traceback.format_exc())
    if outputInfo:
        print(f"Download result success {measureFile} size = {downSize}")
    # pprint(result)

    return originFile, measureFile
def invokeBackend(target, params):
    Invoke the Backend Functions

        ret = requests.post(
            f"{quantumHubAddr}/{target}", json=params).json()
    except Exception:
        raise Error.NetworkError(traceback.format_exc())

    if ret["error"] > 0:
        errCode = ret["error"]
        errMsg = ret["message"]
        if errCode == 401:
            raise Error.TokenError(errMsg)
            raise Error.LogicError(errMsg)

    return ret["data"]
    def _compress(self, circuitOut, circuitIn, QRegs):
        Compress the circuit.
        Contract all one-qubit gates into two-qubit gates, and output a circuit with only two-qubit gates.

        :param circuitOut: Output circuit.
        :param circuitIn: Input circuit.
        :param circuitMap: A 'note' of circuitlines, classify the circuitlines by qRegs. A dict with lists as values.
                            In the list, different circuitlines are stored according to the sequence,
                                    and they are marked with different types.
                            str: 'Start' or 'End' mark.
                            int: the index of a one-qubit gate
                            dict: marking a two-qubit gate
                            list: inrelavent operations, and will output directly into circuitOut.
        :param circuitIn_copy: A list constructed by copying circuitlines from circuitIn.
                When a one-qubit gate is contracted into another gate, its position in circuitIn_copy will be None.
                The other position will be a CustomizedGate.
        QRegs = list(QRegs)
        n = len(QRegs)
        circuitMap = dict(zip(QRegs, n*[['Start']]))

        for num, circuitLine in enumerate(circuitIn):  # separate operations in circuitIn and note them in circuitMap
            if circuitLine.HasField('rotationGate') or circuitLine.HasField('fixedGate'):
                if len(circuitLine.qRegs) == 2:
                    qregs = circuitLine.qRegs
                    for i in range(2):
                        twobit_gate = {}
                        twobit_gate['num'] = num
                        twobit_gate['up_or_down'] = i
                        list_tmp = list(circuitMap[qregs[i]])
                        circuitMap[qregs[i]] = list_tmp

                elif len(circuitLine.qRegs) == 1:
                    qregs = circuitLine.qRegs[0]
                    list_tmp = list(circuitMap[qregs])
                    circuitMap[qregs] = list_tmp

            elif circuitLine.HasField('measure'):
                qregs = circuitLine.qRegs
                for qreg in qregs:
                    list_tmp = list(circuitMap[qreg])
                    circuitMap[qreg] = list_tmp

            elif circuitLine.HasField('barrier'):
                raise Error.ParamError('unsupported operation at compress')

        for key, value in circuitMap.items():

        circuitIn_copy = []  # Storage of circuitLines. Copy from circuitIn, revise and then output.
        for circuitLine in circuitIn:

        for key, value in circuitMap.items():  # separate operations in circuitMap and deal with them
            for tag_num, tag in enumerate(value):
                if type(tag) is int:  # This is a one-qubit gate. Check the next one. If str occurs, check backward.
                    tag_next = value[tag_num+1]
                    if type(tag_next) is int:  # The next one is a one-qubit gate.
                        floating = gate_from_circuitLine(circuitIn_copy[tag])
                        parking = gate_from_circuitLine(circuitIn_copy[tag_next])
                        new_gate_matrix = _contract1_1(matrix_floating=floating, matrix_parking=parking)
                        new_circuitline = CustomizedGate(new_gate_matrix)._toPB(*circuitIn[tag_next].qRegs)
                        circuitIn_copy[tag_next] = new_circuitline
                        circuitIn_copy[tag] = None
                        circuitMap[key][tag_num] = None
                    elif type(tag_next) is dict:  # The next one is a two-qubit gate.
                        floating = gate_from_circuitLine(
                            circuitIn_copy[tag])  # Floating describes a gate to be absorbed.
                        parking = gate_from_circuitLine(
                            circuitIn_copy[tag_next['num']])  # Parking describes a gate that will stay there.
                        new_gate_matrix = _contract1_2(matrix_floating=floating, matrix_parking=parking,
                                                       left_or_right=0, up_or_down=tag_next['up_or_down'])
                        new_circuitline = CustomizedGate(new_gate_matrix)._toPB(*circuitIn_copy[tag_next['num']].qRegs)
                        circuitIn_copy[tag_next['num']] = new_circuitline
                        circuitIn_copy[tag] = None
                        circuitMap[key][tag_num] = None
                    elif type(tag_next) is str or type(tag_next) is list:  # Blocked. Check backward.
                        tag_bef_num = tag_num - 1
                        while tag_bef_num >= 0:  # Check backward as checking forward, until the very beginning
                                                 # if not interrupted. ('Start', when tag_bef_num==0).
                            tag_bef = value[tag_bef_num]
                            if tag_bef is None:  # No gate here
                            elif type(tag_bef) is dict:
                                floating = gate_from_circuitLine(circuitIn_copy[tag])
                                parking = gate_from_circuitLine(circuitIn_copy[tag_bef['num']])
                                new_gate_matrix = _contract1_2(matrix_floating=floating, matrix_parking=parking,
                                                               left_or_right=1, up_or_down=tag_bef['up_or_down'])
                                new_circuitline = CustomizedGate(new_gate_matrix)._toPB(*circuitIn_copy[tag_bef['num']].qRegs)
                                circuitIn_copy[tag_bef['num']] = new_circuitline
                                circuitIn_copy[tag] = None
                                circuitMap[key][tag_num] = None
                            elif type(tag_bef) is str or list:
                                raise Error.NetworkError('Wrong compression of gate')
                            tag_bef_num -= 1
                        raise Error.NetworkError('Wrong construction of circuitMap')
                elif type(tag) is dict or str or list:
                    raise Error.NetworkError('Wrong construction of circuitMap')

        for circuitLine in circuitIn_copy:  # get the compressed gates and other circuitLines
            if circuitLine is not None:
        return circuitOut