    def __init__ ( self, wbLevers, homeScale, homeChord, duration, melodyPL ) : 
        self.melodyPL = melodyPL 
        self.maxNoteIndex = len(melodyPL)
        self.printMelodyNotes ( self.melodyPL ) 
        self.desc = 'melody5' 
        self.duration  = duration
        self.homeChord = homeChord
        self.homeScale = homeScale

        self.speed = wbLevers['rhythmSpeed']

        # initialize the state attributes for the melody5 layer
        self.StateAttributes = StateAttributes.StateAttributes['melody5']
        self.numFeatures     = len( self.StateAttributes ) 
        self.features        = [ i for i in range(self.numFeatures) ]

        layerParams = None

        # initialize actions for the melody5 layer 
        self.Knobs, self.Actions, self.ReverseActions = ComplexityKnobs.setKnobs ( self.desc, wbLevers['complexity'], layerParams ) 
        self.numActions    = len(self.Actions)
        self.defaultAction = 1 #'PLAY_CHORD_TONE'

        # Create the melody5 environment
        self.env = Environment.Melody5Environment( wbLevers['tse'], wbLevers['phraseLength'], self.homeScale, self.homeChord ) 
        # Initialize the melody5 environment variables
        self.env.InitializeEnvironment ( self.homeScale ) 
        self.env.printEnvironmentVariables () 

        # Initialize the RL data Structures
        self.initializeQLearningObject ( 0 )     

        self.trainedData = collections.OrderedDict() 
    def __init__(self, wbLevers, scale, chord, duration, rhythm):

        self.desc = 'bass2'
        self.duration = duration
        self.rhythm = rhythm
        self.homeChord = chord
        self.homeScale = scale
        self.id = wbLevers['id']

        # initialize the state attributes for the bass2 layer
        self.StateAttributes = StateAttributes.StateAttributes[self.desc]
        self.numFeatures = len(self.StateAttributes)
        self.features = [i for i in range(self.numFeatures)]

        isRL = False
        if isRL:

            layerParams = None

            # initialize actions for the bass2 layer
            self.Knobs, self.Actions, self.ReverseActions = ComplexityKnobs.setKnobs(
                self.desc, wbLevers['complexity'], layerParams)
            self.numActions = len(self.Actions)
            self.defaultAction = 0  #'PLAY_HOME_NOTE'

            # Create the bass2 environment
            self.env = Environment.Bass2Environment(wbLevers['tse'],
                                                    scale, chord)
            # Initialize the bass2 environment variables
            # self.env.printEnvironmentVariables ()

            # Initialize the RL data Structures

            self.trainedData = []

            layerParams = None
            # initialize actions for the bass2 layer
            self.Knobs, self.Actions, self.ReverseActions = ComplexityKnobs.setKnobs(
                self.desc, wbLevers['complexity'], layerParams)
            self.numActions = len(self.Actions)
    def __init__(self, wbLevers, scale, chord, ids, duration):

        wbLevers['complexity'] = 'semi_complex'

        self.desc = 'melody5'
        self.duration = duration
        self.homeChord = chord[0]
        self.homeScale = scale[0]

        self.speed = wbLevers['rhythmSpeed']

        # store all chord ids with same duration
        self.chordIds = ids

        # if there is more than one chord with the same duration store them here. Will be used later to fill the actions based on the first learned chord for this duration
        self.otherChords = chord
        self.otherScales = scale

        # initialize the state attributes for the melody5 layer
        self.StateAttributes = StateAttributes.StateAttributes['melody5']
        self.numFeatures = len(self.StateAttributes)
        self.features = [i for i in range(self.numFeatures)]

        layerParams = None

        # initialize actions for the melody5 layer
        self.Knobs, self.Actions, self.ReverseActions = ComplexityKnobs.setKnobs(
            self.desc, wbLevers['complexity'], layerParams)
        self.numActions = len(self.Actions)
        self.defaultAction = 1  #'PLAY_CHORD_TONE'

        # Create the melody5 environment
        self.env = Environment.Melody5Environment(wbLevers['tse'],
        # Initialize the melody5 environment variables

        # Initialize the RL data Structures

        self.trainedData = collections.OrderedDict()

        if (prnFlag):
    def __init__(self, wbLevers, scale, chord, duration, rhythm):

        self.desc = 'bass3'
        self.duration = duration
        self.homeChord = chord
        self.rhythm = rhythm
        self.homeScale = scale
        self.id = wbLevers['id']
        self.tse = wbLevers['tse']

        # initialize the state attributes for the bass2 layer
        #self.StateAttributes = StateAttributes.StateAttributes[self.desc]
        #self.numFeatures     = len( self.StateAttributes )
        #self.features        = [ i for i in range(self.numFeatures) ]

        layerParams = None
        # initialize actions for the bass2 layer
        self.Knobs, self.Actions, self.ReverseActions = ComplexityKnobs.setKnobs(
            self.desc, wbLevers['complexity'], layerParams)
        self.numActions = len(self.Actions)

        if (0):
            for rhy in self.rhythm:
    def __init__(self, wbLevers):

        self.desc = 'bass1'
        self.tse = Constants.TSEs[wbLevers['tse']]
        self.primaryScale = wbLevers['primaryScale']
        self.id = wbLevers['id']
        self.mood = wbLevers['mood']
        self.complexity = wbLevers['complexity']

        # initialize the state attributes for the bass1 layer
        self.StateAttributes = StateAttributes.StateAttributes['bass1']
        self.numFeatures = len(self.StateAttributes)
        self.features = [i for i in range(self.numFeatures)]

        self.trueMinPenalty = 4  # ( 4 + 0 + 0 )
        self.trueMaxPenalty = -24  # ( 0 + ( -5 ) + ( -19 ) )

        self.penaltyBase = (
            self.trueMaxPenalty * -1
        ) + 1  # why 25, beacuse the adder for making all penalties positive is 25. why 25, because the maximum penalty is -24 and the min penalty = 4
        self.penaltyMin = self.penaltyBase + self.trueMinPenalty  # so min penalty after adder = 4+25 = 29
        self.penaltyMax = self.penaltyBase + self.trueMaxPenalty  # so max penalty after adder = -24 + 25 = 1

        self.trueMinPenalty = 7
        self.trueMaxPenalty = -19

        self.penaltyBase = (
            self.trueMaxPenalty * -1
        ) + 1  # why 20, beacuse the adder for making all penalties positive is 20. why 20, because the maximum penalty is -19 and the min penalty = 7
        self.penaltyMin = self.penaltyBase + self.trueMinPenalty  # so min penalty after adder = 7+20 = 27
        self.penaltyMax = self.penaltyBase + self.trueMaxPenalty  # so max penalty after adder = -19 + 20 = 1

        self.trueMinPenalty = 7
        self.trueMaxPenalty = -30

        self.penaltyBase = (self.trueMaxPenalty * -1) + 1
        self.penaltyMin = self.penaltyBase + self.trueMinPenalty
        self.penaltyMax = self.penaltyBase + self.trueMaxPenalty

        layerParams = {
            'minPenalty': self.penaltyMin,
            'maxPenalty': self.penaltyMax

        # initialize actions for the bass1 layer
        self.Knobs, self.Actions, self.ReverseActions = ComplexityKnobs.setKnobs(
            'bass1', wbLevers['complexity'], layerParams)
        self.numActions = len(self.Actions)
        self.defaultAction = 3  #'PLAY_CHORD_PROGRESSION_TONE_FOR_PRIMARY_KEY'

        # Create the bass1 environment
        self.env = Environment.Bass1Environment(wbLevers['tse'],
        # Initialize the bass1 environment variables
        #self.env.printEnvironmentVariables ()

        # Initialize the RL data Structures

        self.trainedData = []