def besttransformation_weighted(set1, set2, weights=[1.0]):
    """This finds the besttransformation rotation matrix with predetermined
    weights.  The weights are used to give some coordinates more influence than

    assert len(set1) == len(set2)
    length = len(set1)
    assert length > 0
    if len(weights) == len(set1):
        diagonal = numpy.diag(weights)
        diagonal = numpy.diag(numpy.ones(len(set1)))
    mean1 = numpy.sum(set1, axis=0) / float(length)
    mean2 = numpy.sum(set2, axis=0) / float(length)
    dev1 = set1 - mean1
    dev2 = set2 - mean2
    A = numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(dev2), numpy.dot(diagonal, dev1))
    V, diagS, Wt = numpy.linalg.svd(A)
    I = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(3))
    d = numpy.linalg.det(numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(Wt), numpy.transpose(V)))
    if numpy.isclose(d, -1.0):
        I[2, 2] = d
    U = numpy.dot(numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(Wt), I), numpy.transpose(V))
    new1 = numpy.dot(dev1, U)
    new2 = dev2
    rmsd = RMSD(new1, new2)
    sse = sumsquarederror(new1, new2)
    rotation_matrix = U
    return rotation_matrix, new1, mean1, rmsd, sse
def besttransformation_weighted(set1, set2, weights=[1.0]):
    """This finds the besttransformation rotation matrix with predetermined
    weights.  The weights are used to give some coordinates more influence than

    assert len(set1) == len(set2)
    length = len(set1)
    assert length > 0
    if len(weights) == len(set1):
        diagonal = numpy.diag(weights)
        diagonal = numpy.diag(numpy.ones(len(set1)))
    mean1 = numpy.sum(set1, axis=0) / float(length)
    mean2 = numpy.sum(set2, axis=0) / float(length)
    dev1 = set1 - mean1
    dev2 = set2 - mean2
    A = numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(dev2), numpy.dot(diagonal, dev1))
    V, diagS, Wt = numpy.linalg.svd(A)
    I = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(3))
    d = numpy.linalg.det(numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(Wt), numpy.transpose(V)))
    if numpy.isclose(d, -1.0):
        I[2, 2] = d
    U = numpy.dot(numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(Wt), I), numpy.transpose(V))
    new1 = numpy.dot(dev1, U)
    new2 = dev2
    rmsd = RMSD(new1, new2)
    sse = sumsquarederror(new1, new2)
    rotation_matrix = U
    return rotation_matrix, new1, mean1, rmsd, sse
def besttransformation(set1, set2):
    """This finds the 3x3 rotation matrix which optimally superimposes
    the nx3 matrix of points in set1 onto the nx3 matrix of points set2.
    One reference is this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabsch_algorithm
    Another is a python implementation that goes with pymol, see

    The arguments should be lists or numpy arrays of the form exampled below:
    set1=[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4,5,2], [9,2,4], ....,[3,1,6]]
    sel2=[[4.0, 4.1, 5.0], [2,3,1], [3,1,4], ....,[1, 7, 7]]

    :set1: A list or a numpy array of (n, 3) coordinates.
    :set2: A list or a numpy array of (n, 3) coordinates.
    :returns: The transformation matrix, the new coordinates for the two
    set of coordinates, respectively.

    # Check to make sure same number of (x,y,z) coordinates both sets.
    # If condition is not true this program stops.
    assert len(set1) == len(set2), 'Lengths must match'
    length = len(set1)
    assert length > 0, 'Must not give empty matrices'

    # Translation Step is beginning.
    # These add all x_{ij}'s, y_{ij}'s, z_{ij}'s for each element in
    # setj j=1,2
    # i=1,2,3,..length
    # /float(length) divides by length
    # This creates a [mean x_j, mean y_j, mean z_j] for both sets of
    # coordinates setj j=1, or 2, or the centroid of both sets.
    mean1 = numpy.sum(set1, axis=0) / float(length)
    mean2 = numpy.sum(set2, axis=0) / float(length)

    # Next,
    # Subtract x_{ij} by the mean of x_j's. Here i=1,2,..length.
    # Same for y, and z.
    dev1 = set1 - mean1
    dev2 = set2 - mean2
    # Thus, both sets are translated, so that their centroid coincides with
    # the origin of the coordinate system.
    # Translation Step is now completed.

    # Begin Step to Compute the 3X3 Covariance Matrix, A.
    A = numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(dev2), dev1)
    # Covariance Matrix, A, is now calculated

    # Begin of the Computation of the optimal rotation matrix using
    # Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
    V, diagS, Wt = numpy.linalg.svd(A)
    # V and Wt are 3x3 orthonormal bases, diagS is the diagonal elements of
    # a 3x3 diagonal matrix, S, in regular SVD.  In SVD, recall that the
    # Covariance matrix, A, is A=V*S*transpose(W) (matrix multiplication).

    # The next step is to decide whether we need to correct our rotation
    # matrix to ensure a right-handed coordinate system
    # we just need to check for reflections and then produce
    # the rotation.  V and Wt are orthonormal, so their det's
    # are +/-1.
    I = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(3))
    d = numpy.linalg.det(numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(Wt), numpy.transpose(V)))
    if numpy.isclose(d, -1.0):
        I[2, 2] = d

    # End of the Computation of the optimal rotation matrix

    #The transformation matrix, U, is now V*Wt
    U = numpy.dot(numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(Wt), I), numpy.transpose(V))

    # rotate and translate the molecule
    #sel2 = numpy.dot((set2 - Mean2), U)
    new1 = numpy.dot(dev1, U)
    new2 = dev2
    rmsd = RMSD(new1, new2)
    sse = sumsquarederror(new1, new2)

    #Return the transformation matrix, the new coordinates for the two
    #set of coordinates, respectively.
    return U, new1, mean1, rmsd, sse, mean2
def besttransformation(set1, set2):
    """This finds the 3x3 rotation matrix which optimally superimposes
    the nx3 matrix of points in set1 onto the nx3 matrix of points set2.
    One reference is this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabsch_algorithm
    Another is a python implementation that goes with pymol, see

    The arguments should be lists or numpy arrays of the form exampled below:
    set1=[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4,5,2], [9,2,4], ....,[3,1,6]]
    sel2=[[4.0, 4.1, 5.0], [2,3,1], [3,1,4], ....,[1, 7, 7]]

    :set1: A list or a numpy array of (n, 3) coordinates.
    :set2: A list or a numpy array of (n, 3) coordinates.
    :returns: The transformation matrix, the new coordinates for the two
    set of coordinates, respectively.

    # Check to make sure same number of (x,y,z) coordinates both sets.
    #If condition is not true this program stops.
    assert len(set1) == len(set2)
    length = len(set1)
    assert length > 0

    # Translation Step is beginning.
    # These add all x_{ij}'s, y_{ij}'s, z_{ij}'s for each element in
    # setj j=1,2
    # i=1,2,3,..length
    # /float(length) divides by length
    # This creates a [mean x_j, mean y_j, mean z_j] for both sets of
    # coordinates setj j=1, or 2, or the centroid of both sets.
    mean1 = numpy.sum(set1, axis=0) / float(length)
    mean2 = numpy.sum(set2, axis=0) / float(length)

    # Next,
    # Subtract x_{ij} by the mean of x_j's. Here i=1,2,..length.
    # Same for y, and z.
    dev1 = set1 - mean1
    dev2 = set2 - mean2
    #  Thus, both sets are translated, so that their centroid coincides with
    # the origin of the coordinate system.
    # Translation Step is now completed.

    # Begin Step to Compute the 3X3 Covariance Matrix, A.
    A = numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(dev2), dev1)
    # Covariance Matrix, A, is now calculated

    # Begin of the Computation of the optimal rotation matrix using
    # Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
    V, diagS, Wt = numpy.linalg.svd(A)
    # V and Wt are 3x3 orthonormal bases, diagS is the diagonal elements of
    # a 3x3 diagonal matrix, S, in regular SVD.  In SVD, recall that the
    # Covariance matrix, A, is A=V*S*transpose(W) (matrix multiplication).

    # The next step is to decide whether we need to correct our rotation
    # matrix to ensure a right-handed coordinate system
    # we just need to check for reflections and then produce
    # the rotation.  V and Wt are orthonormal, so their det's
    # are +/-1.
    I = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(3))
    d = numpy.linalg.det(numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(Wt), numpy.transpose(V)))
    if numpy.isclose(d, -1.0):
        I[2, 2] = d

    # End of the Computation of the optimal rotation matrix

    #The transformation matrix, U, is now V*Wt
    U = numpy.dot(numpy.dot(numpy.transpose(Wt), I), numpy.transpose(V))

    # rotate and translate the molecule
    #sel2 = numpy.dot((set2 - Mean2), U)
    new1 = numpy.dot(dev1, U)
    new2 = dev2
    rmsd = RMSD(new1, new2)
    sse = sumsquarederror(new1, new2)
    #Return the transformation matrix, the new coordinates for the two
    #set of coordinates, respectively.
    return U, new1, mean1, rmsd, sse