def main(): gROOT.SetBatch(1) parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--nepoch', type=int, default=10, help='number of epochs to run the training for') parser.add_argument('--TrainingFile', default="", help='path to training') #parser.add_argument('--initepoch', type=int, default=1,help='starting epoch when using an existing training') parser.add_argument( '--infile', default= "/user/smoortga/Analysis/2017/ttcc_Analysis/CMSSW_8_0_25/src/ttcc/matching/FullTrainingSampleWithFlippedAndWeights/TTTo2L2Nu_TuneCP5_PSweights_13TeV-powheg-pythia8.root", help='path to the training file') parser.add_argument('--tag', default=time.strftime("%a%d%b%Y_%Hh%Mm%Ss"), help='name of output directory') parser.add_argument('--skipEvery', type=int, default=1, help='ignore one entry every') parser.add_argument('--verbose', type=int, default=1, help='verbosity of training') args = parser.parse_args() from keras import backend as K #K.set_session( = 4, inter_op_parallelism_threads = 4))) nb_classes = 3 print "******** READING INPUT FILES ************" f_ = TFile(args.infile) correct_tree = f_.Get("tree_correct") flipped_tree = f_.Get("tree_flipped") wrong_tree = f_.Get("tree_wrong") # branchnames = [i.GetName() for i in correct_tree.GetListOfBranches()] # branchnames = sorted(branchnames) # for i in branchnames: # print '"'+i+'",' # sys.exit(1) variables = [ # "CSVv2_addlead", # "CSVv2_addsublead", # "CSVv2_antitopb", # "CSVv2_topb", "DeepCSVBDiscr_addlead", "DeepCSVBDiscr_addsublead", "DeepCSVBDiscr_antitopb", "DeepCSVBDiscr_topb", "DeepCSVCvsB_addlead", "DeepCSVCvsB_addsublead", "DeepCSVCvsB_antitopb", "DeepCSVCvsB_topb", "DeepCSVCvsL_addlead", "DeepCSVCvsL_addsublead", "DeepCSVCvsL_antitopb", "DeepCSVCvsL_topb", "DeltaR_adds", "DeltaR_antitopb_lepneg", "DeltaR_topb_leppos", "Eta_addlead", "Eta_addsublead", "Eta_antitopb", "Eta_topb", # "Phi_addlead", # "Phi_addsublead", # "Phi_antitopb", # "Phi_topb", "minv_adds", "minv_antitopb_lepneg", "minv_topb_leppos", "pT_addlead", "pT_addsublead", "pT_antitopb", "pT_topb" ] if not os.path.isdir(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag): os.mkdir(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag) pickle.dump(variables, open(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/variables.pkl", 'wb')) X_sig = rootnp.tree2array(correct_tree, variables, step=args.skipEvery) X_sig = rootnp.rec2array(X_sig) w_sig = rootnp.tree2array(correct_tree, "weight", step=args.skipEvery) wbtag_sig = rootnp.tree2array(correct_tree, "btag_weight", step=args.skipEvery) X_flip = rootnp.tree2array(flipped_tree, variables, step=args.skipEvery) X_flip = rootnp.rec2array(X_flip) w_flip = rootnp.tree2array(flipped_tree, "weight", step=args.skipEvery) wbtag_flip = rootnp.tree2array(flipped_tree, "btag_weight", step=args.skipEvery) X_bkg = rootnp.tree2array(wrong_tree, variables, step=args.skipEvery) X_bkg = rootnp.rec2array(X_bkg) w_bkg = rootnp.tree2array(wrong_tree, "weight", step=args.skipEvery) wbtag_bkg = rootnp.tree2array(wrong_tree, "btag_weight", step=args.skipEvery) max_len = min(len(X_sig), len(X_bkg), len(X_flip)) X_sig = X_sig[0:max_len] X_flip = X_flip[0:max_len] X_bkg = X_bkg[0:max_len] w_sig = w_sig[0:max_len] w_flip = w_flip[0:max_len] w_bkg = w_bkg[0:max_len] wbtag_sig = wbtag_sig[0:max_len] wbtag_flip = wbtag_flip[0:max_len] wbtag_bkg = wbtag_bkg[0:max_len] X = np.concatenate((X_sig, X_flip, X_bkg)) #X = [i for i in X_tmp if not np.isnan(X_tmp).any()] w = np.concatenate((w_sig, w_flip, w_bkg)) wbtag = np.concatenate((wbtag_sig, wbtag_flip, wbtag_bkg)) wtotal = np.asarray([i * j for i, j in zip(w, wbtag)]) y = np.concatenate( (np.ones(len(X_sig)), np.full(len(X_flip), 2), np.zeros(len(X_bkg)))) # correct = 1, flipped = 2, wrong = 0 Y = np_utils.to_categorical(y.astype(int), nb_classes) print "******** SCALING INPUTS ************" scaler = StandardScaler() if not os.path.isdir(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag): os.mkdir(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag) print "storing output in %s" % (os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag) pickle.dump(scaler, open(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/scaler.pkl", 'wb')) X = scaler.transform(X) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, Y_train, Y_test, w_train, w_test, wbtag_train, wbtag_test, wtotal_train, wtotal_test = train_test_split( X, y, Y, w, wbtag, wtotal, test_size=0.2) print "%i training correct events, %i training flipped events and %i training background events" % ( len(X_train[y_train == 1]), len( X_train[y_train == 2]), len(X_train[y_train == 0])) print "******** BUILDING/TRAINING MODEL ************" if args.TrainingFile == "": model = make_model(X_train.shape[1:], nb_classes, nb_epoch=args.nepoch) print model.summary() if args.nepoch > 0: batch_size = 128 if not os.path.isdir(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag): os.mkdir(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag) first_phase_nepoch = int(args.nepoch / 2.) second_phase_nepoch = args.nepoch - first_phase_nepoch train_history_phase1 = X_train, Y_train, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=first_phase_nepoch, validation_data=(X_test, Y_test), callbacks=[ ModelCheckpoint(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/model_checkpoint_save.hdf5") ], shuffle=True, verbose=args.verbose, sample_weight=wbtag_train) pickle.dump( train_history_phase1.history, open(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/loss_and_acc_phase1.pkl", 'wb')) train_history_phase2 = X_train, Y_train, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=second_phase_nepoch, validation_data=(X_test, Y_test), callbacks=[ ModelCheckpoint(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/model_checkpoint_save.hdf5") ], shuffle=True, verbose=args.verbose, sample_weight=wtotal_train) pickle.dump( train_history_phase2.history, open(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/loss_and_acc_phase2.pkl", 'wb')) #pickle.dump(train_history.history,open(os.getcwd() + "/"+args.tag+"/loss_and_acc.pkl",'wb')) drawTrainingCurve( os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/loss_and_acc_phase1.pkl", os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/training_curve_phase1.pdf") drawTrainingCurve( os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/loss_and_acc_phase2.pkl", os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/training_curve_phase2.pdf") else: model = load_model(args.TrainingFile) print model.summary() if args.nepoch > 0: batch_size = 128 if not os.path.isdir(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag): os.mkdir(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag) train_history_contd2 = X_train, Y_train, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=args.nepoch, validation_data=(X_test, Y_test), callbacks=[ ModelCheckpoint(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/model_checkpoint_save.hdf5") ], shuffle=True, verbose=args.verbose, sample_weight=wtotal_train) pickle.dump( train_history_contd2.history, open(os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/loss_and_acc_contd2.pkl", 'wb')) drawTrainingCurve( os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/loss_and_acc_contd2.pkl", os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/training_curve_contd2.pdf") # print X_test[0], X_test[0].shape, type(X_test[0]) # print X_test, X_test.shape, type(X_test) # sys.exit(1) # Validation discr_buffer = model.predict(X_test) discr_bkg = discr_buffer[:, 0] discr_sig1 = discr_buffer[:, 1] discr_sig2 = discr_buffer[:, 2] discr = [ max(i / (i + k), j / (j + k)) for i, j, k in zip(discr_sig1, discr_sig2, discr_bkg) ] correct_discr = [i for idx, i in enumerate(discr) if y_test[idx] == 1] flipped_discr = [i for idx, i in enumerate(discr) if y_test[idx] == 2] wrong_discr = [i for idx, i in enumerate(discr) if y_test[idx] == 0] discr_buffer_train = model.predict(X_train) discr_train_bkg = discr_buffer_train[:, 0] discr_train_sig1 = discr_buffer_train[:, 1] discr_train_sig2 = discr_buffer_train[:, 2] discr_train = [ max(i / (i + k), j / (j + k)) for i, j, k in zip(discr_train_sig1, discr_train_sig2, discr_train_bkg) ] correct_discr_train = [ i for idx, i in enumerate(discr_train) if y_train[idx] == 1 ] flipped_discr_train = [ i for idx, i in enumerate(discr_train) if y_train[idx] == 2 ] wrong_discr_train = [ i for idx, i in enumerate(discr_train) if y_train[idx] == 0 ] fpr, tpr, thres = roc_curve( np.concatenate((np.ones(len(correct_discr) + len(flipped_discr)), np.zeros(len(wrong_discr)))), np.concatenate((correct_discr, flipped_discr, wrong_discr))) AUC = 1 - roc_auc_score( np.concatenate((np.ones(len(correct_discr) + len(flipped_discr)), np.zeros(len(wrong_discr)))), np.concatenate((correct_discr, flipped_discr, wrong_discr))) makeROC(fpr, tpr, thres, AUC, os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/ROC_curve.pdf", "correct or flipped", "wrong") makeDiscr( { "correct train": correct_discr_train, "flipped train": flipped_discr_train, "wrong train": wrong_discr_train }, { "correct test": correct_discr, "flipped test": flipped_discr, "wrong test": wrong_discr }, os.getcwd() + "/" + args.tag + "/Discriminator.pdf", "top-matching NN output")
from ROOT import ROOT, gROOT, gStyle, gRandom, TSystemDirectory from ROOT import TFile, TChain, TTree, TCut, TH1F, TH2F, THStack, TGraph from ROOT import TStyle, TCanvas, TPad from ROOT import TLegend, TLatex, TText, TLine import optparse usage = "usage: %prog [options]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("-b", "--bash", action="store_true", default=False, dest="bash") #parser.add_option("-v", "--variable", action="store", type="string", dest="variable", default="") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.bash: gROOT.SetBatch(True) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) NTUPLEDIR = "/nfs/dust/cms/user/lbenato/RecoStudies_ntuples_v5/" PLOTDIR = "/afs/" samples = { 'ZH_MS-40_ctauS-0': { 'file': 'ZH_HToSSTobbbb_ZToLL_MH-125_MS-40_ctauS-0_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-powheg-pythia8', 'leg_name': 'm_{#pi} = 40 GeV, c#tau = 0 mm', 'type': 'reconstruction', }, 'ZH_MS-40_ctauS-0p05': { 'file': 'ZH_HToSSTobbbb_ZToLL_MH-125_MS-40_ctauS-0p05_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-powheg-pythia8',
dest='year', default='2016') parser.add_option("-c", "--category", action="store", type="string", dest="category", default="") parser.add_option("-b", "--btagging", action="store", type="string", dest="btagging", default="loose") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() gROOT.SetBatch(True) #suppress immediate graphic output ########## SETTINGS ########## BTAGGING = options.btagging CARDDIR = "datacards/MANtag_study/" + BTAGGING + "/" YEAR = options.year ISMC = True PLOTDIR = "plots/MANtag_study/datacards/" LUMI = {'2016': 35920., '2017': 41530., '2018': 59740., 'run2': 137190.} if YEAR not in ['2016', '2017', '2018', 'run2']: print "unknown year:", YEAR sys.exit() if BTAGGING not in ['tight', 'medium', 'loose', 'semimedium']: print "unknown btagging requirement:", BTAGGING
# ##-- Data / MC Analysis # python --DataMC --dataFolder Data --mcFolder Backgrounds --signalFolder Signal --VarBatch mass --CutsType Loose --Lumi 41.5 --Tags HHWWggTag_0 --verbose --noQCD --testFeatures ######################################################################################################################################################################################################### ##-- Import python modules from python.Options import * from python.NtupleAnalysisTools import * from ROOT import gPad, TAxis, TTree, TChain, TLine, TGraph, TMultiGraph, TFile, TCanvas, gROOT, TH2F, TH1F, kPink, kGreen, kCyan, TLegend, kRed, kOrange, kBlack, TLegend, gStyle, TObjArray, kBlue, TGraphErrors from array import array import os ##-- Define flags and variables based on user input args = GetOptions() if __name__ == '__main__': gROOT.SetBatch(1) # Do not output upon draw statement if (args.Efficiency): ol = '/eos/user/a/atishelm/www/HHWWgg/NtupleAnalysis/cutFlow/' elif (args.DataMC): if (args.testFeatures): ol = '/eos/user/a/atishelm/www/HHWWgg/NtupleAnalysis/DataMC_testFeatures/' else: ol = '/eos/user/a/atishelm/www/HHWWgg/NtupleAnalysis/DataMC_v7/' nTupleDirec = '/afs/' if (args.Efficiency): print "Performing cut flow efficiency analysis" if (args.ratio): nMassPoints = len(args.massPoints.split(',')) ratio_x_vals = [] for i in range(5):
# python -r <region> -p <POI> -o <plotOpen> -d<dir> -n<NORM> -c<category> -s<SPLIT> # python -r 2lss -p Bin2l -n 1 -b 1 -c SubCat2l -s inclusive # 9 March 2019 Binghuan Li # *** # import sys, os, subprocess import optparse import distutils.util import math import ROOT from ROOT import TCanvas, TColor, TGaxis, TH1F, TPad, TString, TFile, TH1, THStack, gROOT, TStyle, TAttFill, TLegend, TGraphAsymmErrors from ROOT import kBlack, kBlue, kRed, kCyan, kViolet, kGreen, kOrange, kGray, kPink, kTRUE from ROOT import gROOT gROOT.SetBatch(kTRUE) usage = 'usage: %prog [options]' parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option('-r', '--region', dest='region', help='region to plot: 2lss or ttWctrl', default='2lss', type='string') parser.add_option('-p', '--parameter', dest='POI', help='parameter of interest', default='Bin2l', type='string')
def studysignificance(part_label, pt_min, pt_max, sig_set, bkg_set, names, target_var, suffix, plot_dir): gROOT.SetBatch(True) gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2000;") common_dict, pt_specific_dict = getOptimizationParameters( part_label, pt_min, pt_max) plot_FONLL(common_dict, part_label, suffix, plot_dir) sig_before_sel = calc_sig_Dmeson(common_dict, pt_specific_dict, pt_min, pt_max) mass = common_dict['mass'] sigma = pt_specific_dict['sigma'] sig_region = [mass - 3 * sigma, mass + 3 * sigma] mass_min, mass_max = getmasscut(part_label) mass_cuts = [mass_min, mass_max] fig_eff = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) plt.xlabel('Probability', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Efficiency', fontsize=20) plt.title("Efficiency Signal", fontsize=20) fig_signif = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) plt.xlabel('Probability', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Significance (A.U.)', fontsize=20) plt.title("Significance vs probability ", fontsize=20) num_steps = 101 for name in names: mask_sig = sig_set[target_var].values == 1 eff_array, x_axis = calc_efficiency(sig_set[mask_sig], name, num_steps) plt.figure(fig_eff.number) plt.plot(x_axis, eff_array, alpha=0.3, label='%s' % name, linewidth=4.0) sig_array = [eff * sig_before_sel for eff in eff_array] mask_bkg = bkg_set['cand_type_ML'].values == 0 bkg_array, x_axis_bkg = calc_bkg(bkg_set[mask_bkg], name, num_steps, mass_cuts, common_dict['mass_fit_lim'], pt_specific_dict['bin_width'], sig_region) signif_array = calc_signif(sig_array, bkg_array) plt.figure(fig_signif.number) plt.plot(x_axis, signif_array, alpha=0.3, label='%s' % name, linewidth=4.0) plt.figure(fig_eff.number) plt.legend(loc="lower left", prop={'size': 18}) plt.savefig(plot_dir + '/Efficiency%sSignal.png' % suffix) plt.figure(fig_signif.number) plt.legend(loc="lower left", prop={'size': 18}) plt.savefig(plot_dir + '/Significance%s.png' % suffix) return
def main(): """ Main function """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Arguments to pass") parser.add_argument( "configfile_name", metavar="text", default="config_Dplus_pp5TeV.yml", help="input yaml config file", ) parser.add_argument("--batch", action="store_true", default=False, help="suppress video output") args = parser.parse_args() if args.batch: gROOT.SetBatch(True) # load info from config file with open(args.configfile_name, "r") as yml_configfile: cfg = yaml.safe_load(yml_configfile) frac_method = cfg["fraction"] histos, norm = load_inputs(cfg) # consistency check of bins ptlims = {} for histo in ["rawyields", "acceffp", "acceffnp"]: ptlims[histo] = get_hist_binlimits(histos[histo]) if (histo != "rawyields" and not np.equal(ptlims[histo], ptlims["rawyields"]).all()): print("\033[91mERROR: histo binning not consistent. Exit\033[0m") sys.exit(10) # compute cross section axistit_cross = "d#sigma/d#it{p}_{T} (pb GeV^{-1} #it{c})" axistit_cross_times_br = "d#sigma/d#it{p}_{T} #times BR (pb GeV^{-1} #it{c})" axistit_pt = "#it{p}_{T} (GeV/#it{c})" axistit_fprompt = "#if{f}_{prompt}" gfraction = TGraphAsymmErrors(0) gfraction.SetNameTitle("gfraction", f";{axistit_pt};{axistit_fprompt}") hptspectrum = TH1F( "hptspectrum", f";{axistit_pt};{axistit_cross}", len(ptlims["rawyields"]) - 1, ptlims["rawyields"], ) hptspectrum_wo_br = TH1F( "hptspectrum_wo_br", f";{axistit_pt};{axistit_cross_times_br}", len(ptlims["rawyields"]) - 1, ptlims["rawyields"], ) for i_pt, (ptmin, ptmax) in enumerate( zip(ptlims["rawyields"][:-1], ptlims["rawyields"][1:])): pt_cent = (ptmax + ptmin) / 2 pt_delta = ptmax - ptmin rawy = histos["rawyields"].GetBinContent(i_pt + 1) rawy_unc = histos["rawyields"].GetBinError(i_pt + 1) eff_times_acc_prompt = histos["acceffp"].GetBinContent(i_pt + 1) eff_times_acc_nonprompt = histos["acceffnp"].GetBinContent(i_pt + 1) ptmin_fonll = ( histos["FONLL"]["nonprompt"]["central"].GetXaxis().FindBin(ptmin * 1.0001)) ptmax_fonll = ( histos["FONLL"]["nonprompt"]["central"].GetXaxis().FindBin(ptmax * 0.9999)) crosssec_nonprompt_fonll = [ histos["FONLL"]["nonprompt"][pred].Integral( ptmin_fonll, ptmax_fonll, "width") / (ptmax - ptmin) for pred in histos["FONLL"]["nonprompt"] ] # compute prompt fraction if frac_method == "Nb": frac = compute_fraction_nb( # BR already included in FONLL prediction rawy, eff_times_acc_prompt, eff_times_acc_nonprompt, crosssec_nonprompt_fonll, pt_delta, 1.0, 1.0, norm["events"], norm["sigmaMB"], ) elif frac_method == "fc": crosssec_prompt_fonll = [ histos["FONLL"]["prompt"][pred].Integral( ptmin_fonll, ptmax_fonll, "width") / (ptmax - ptmin) for pred in histos["FONLL"]["prompt"] ] frac = compute_fraction_fc( eff_times_acc_prompt, eff_times_acc_nonprompt, crosssec_prompt_fonll, crosssec_nonprompt_fonll, ) # compute cross section times BR crosssec, crosssec_unc = compute_crosssection( rawy, rawy_unc, frac[0], eff_times_acc_prompt, ptmax - ptmin, 1.0, norm["sigmaMB"], norm["events"], 1.0, frac_method, ) hptspectrum.SetBinContent(i_pt + 1, crosssec / norm["BR"]) hptspectrum.SetBinError(i_pt + 1, crosssec_unc / norm["BR"]) hptspectrum_wo_br.SetBinContent(i_pt + 1, crosssec) hptspectrum_wo_br.SetBinError(i_pt + 1, crosssec_unc) gfraction.SetPoint(i_pt, pt_cent, frac[0]) gfraction.SetPointError(i_pt, pt_delta / 2, pt_delta / 2, frac[0] - frac[1], frac[2] - frac[0]) # create plots style_hist = StyleObject1D() style_hist.markercolor = kAzure + 4 style_hist.markerstyle = kFullCircle style_hist.markersize = 1 style_hist.linecolor = kAzure + 4 style_hist.linewidth = 2 style_hist.draw_options = "P" fig_crosssec = ROOTFigure(1, 1, column_margin=(0.14, 0.035), row_margin=(0.1, 0.035), size=(600, 800)) fig_crosssec.axes(label_size=0.025, title_size=0.030) fig_crosssec.axes("x", title=axistit_pt, title_offset=1.5) fig_crosssec.axes("y", title=axistit_cross_times_br, title_offset=1.8) fig_crosssec.define_plot(0, 0, y_log=True) fig_crosssec.add_object(hptspectrum_wo_br, style=style_hist) fig_crosssec.create() output_dir = cfg["output"]["directory"] if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) os.path.join(output_dir, f'{cfg["output"]["filename"]}.pdf')) # save output file output_file = TFile( os.path.join(output_dir, f'{cfg["output"]["filename"]}.root'), "recreate") hptspectrum.Write() hptspectrum_wo_br.Write() gfraction.Write() for hist in histos: if isinstance(histos[hist], TH1): histos[hist].Write() else: for flav in histos[hist]: for pred in histos[hist][flav]: histos[hist][flav][pred].Write() output_file.Close()
from drawLambda import * from variables import variable from selections_SSLep import * from sampleslist import * import color as col gROOT.Macro('functions.C') import optparse usage = "usage: %prog [options]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("-b", "--bash", action="store_true", default=False, dest="runBash") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.runBash: gROOT.SetBatch(True) ########## SETTINGS ########## stats=False if not stats: gStyle.SetOptStat(0) else: gStyle.SetOptStat(1111) LUMI = 35800. #140000 #35800. # in pb-1 RATIO = 4 # 0: No ratio plot; !=0: ratio between the top and bottom pads #NTUPLEDIR = '/Users/shoh/Projects/CMS/PhD/Analysis/SSL/signal-dev/' NTUPLEDIR = '/Users/shoh/Projects/CMS/PhD/Analysis/SSL/dataset-v19-VH/' back = ["WJetsToLNu_HT"] #back = [] signals = ['Wp', 'Wm'] #, 'WHWWp', 'WHWWm']
def do_entire_analysis(data_config: dict, data_param: dict, data_param_overwrite: dict, # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-statements, too-many-branches data_model: dict, run_param: dict, clean: bool): # Disable any graphical stuff. No TCanvases opened and shown by default gROOT.SetBatch(True) logger = get_logger()"Do analysis chain") # If we are here we are interested in the very first key in the parameters database case = list(data_param.keys())[0] # Update database accordingly if needed update_config(data_param, data_config, data_param_overwrite) dodownloadalice = data_config["download"]["alice"]["activate"] doconversionmc = data_config["conversion"]["mc"]["activate"] doconversiondata = data_config["conversion"]["data"]["activate"] domergingmc = data_config["merging"]["mc"]["activate"] domergingdata = data_config["merging"]["data"]["activate"] doskimmingmc = data_config["skimming"]["mc"]["activate"] doskimmingdata = data_config["skimming"]["data"]["activate"] domergingperiodsmc = data_config["mergingperiods"]["mc"]["activate"] domergingperiodsdata = data_config["mergingperiods"]["data"]["activate"] doml = data_config["ml_study"]["activate"] docorrelation = data_config["ml_study"]['docorrelation'] dotraining = data_config["ml_study"]['dotraining'] dotesting = data_config["ml_study"]['dotesting'] doapplytodatamc = data_config["ml_study"]['doapplytodatamc'] docrossvalidation = data_config["ml_study"]['docrossvalidation'] dolearningcurve = data_config["ml_study"]['dolearningcurve'] doroc = data_config["ml_study"]['doroc'] doroctraintest = data_config["ml_study"]['doroctraintest'] doboundary = data_config["ml_study"]['doboundary'] doimportance = data_config["ml_study"]['doimportance'] dogridsearch = data_config["ml_study"]['dogridsearch'] dobayesianopt = data_config["ml_study"]['dobayesianopt'] doefficiencyml = data_config["ml_study"]['doefficiency'] dosignifopt = data_config["ml_study"]['dosignifopt'] doscancuts = data_config["ml_study"]["doscancuts"] doplotdistr = data_config["ml_study"]["doplotdistr"] doapplydata = data_config["mlapplication"]["data"]["doapply"] doapplymc = data_config["mlapplication"]["mc"]["doapply"] domergeapplydata = data_config["mlapplication"]["data"]["domergeapply"] domergeapplymc = data_config["mlapplication"]["mc"]["domergeapply"] docontinueapplydata = data_config["mlapplication"]["data"]["docontinueafterstop"] docontinueapplymc = data_config["mlapplication"]["mc"]["docontinueafterstop"] dohistomassmc = data_config["analysis"]["mc"]["histomass"] dohistomassdata = data_config["analysis"]["data"]["histomass"] doefficiency = data_config["analysis"]["mc"]["efficiency"] doresponse = data_config["analysis"]["mc"]["response"] dofeeddown = data_config["analysis"]["mc"]["feeddown"] dounfolding = data_config["analysis"]["mc"]["dounfolding"] dojetsystematics = data_config["analysis"]["data"]["dojetsystematics"] dofit = data_config["analysis"]["dofit"] doeff = data_config["analysis"]["doeff"] docross = data_config["analysis"]["docross"] doplotsval = data_config["analysis"]["doplotsval"] doplots = data_config["analysis"]["doplots"] dosyst = data_config["analysis"]["dosyst"] dosystprob = data_config["systematics"]["cutvar"]["activate"] do_syst_prob_mass = data_config["systematics"]["cutvar"]["probvariationmass"] do_syst_prob_eff = data_config["systematics"]["cutvar"]["probvariationeff"] do_syst_prob_fit = data_config["systematics"]["cutvar"]["probvariationfit"] do_syst_prob_cross = data_config["systematics"]["cutvar"]["probvariationcross"] dosystptshape = data_config["systematics"]["mcptshape"]["activate"] doanaperperiod = data_config["analysis"]["doperperiod"] typean = data_config["analysis"]["type"] dojetstudies = data_config["analysis"]["dojetstudies"] dirpklmc = data_param[case]["multi"]["mc"]["pkl"] dirpklevtcounter_allmc = data_param[case]["multi"]["mc"]["pkl_evtcounter_all"] dirpklskmc = data_param[case]["multi"]["mc"]["pkl_skimmed"] dirpklmlmc = data_param[case]["multi"]["mc"]["pkl_skimmed_merge_for_ml"] dirpklmltotmc = data_param[case]["multi"]["mc"]["pkl_skimmed_merge_for_ml_all"] dirpkldata = data_param[case]["multi"]["data"]["pkl"] dirpklevtcounter_alldata = data_param[case]["multi"]["data"]["pkl_evtcounter_all"] dirpklskdata = data_param[case]["multi"]["data"]["pkl_skimmed"] dirpklmldata = data_param[case]["multi"]["data"]["pkl_skimmed_merge_for_ml"] dirpklmltotdata = data_param[case]["multi"]["data"]["pkl_skimmed_merge_for_ml_all"] dirpklskdecmc = data_param[case]["mlapplication"]["mc"]["pkl_skimmed_dec"] dirpklskdec_mergedmc = data_param[case]["mlapplication"]["mc"]["pkl_skimmed_decmerged"] dirpklskdecdata = data_param[case]["mlapplication"]["data"]["pkl_skimmed_dec"] dirpklskdec_mergeddata = data_param[case]["mlapplication"]["data"]["pkl_skimmed_decmerged"] dirresultsdata = data_param[case]["analysis"][typean]["data"]["results"] dirresultsmc = data_param[case]["analysis"][typean]["mc"]["results"] dirresultsdatatot = data_param[case]["analysis"][typean]["data"]["resultsallp"] dirresultsmctot = data_param[case]["analysis"][typean]["mc"]["resultsallp"] binminarray = data_param[case]["ml"]["binmin"] binmaxarray = data_param[case]["ml"]["binmax"] raahp = data_param[case]["ml"]["opt"]["raahp"] mltype = data_param[case]["ml"]["mltype"] training_vars = data_param[case]["variables"]["var_training"] mlout = data_param[case]["ml"]["mlout"] mlplot = data_param[case]["ml"]["mlplot"] proc_type = data_param[case]["analysis"][typean]["proc_type"] #creating folder if not present counter = 0 if doconversionmc is True: counter = counter + checkdirlist(dirpklmc) if doconversiondata is True: counter = counter + checkdirlist(dirpkldata) if doskimmingmc is True: checkdirlist(dirpklskmc) counter = counter + checkdir(dirpklevtcounter_allmc) if doskimmingdata is True: counter = counter + checkdirlist(dirpklskdata) counter = counter + checkdir(dirpklevtcounter_alldata) if domergingmc is True: counter = counter + checkdirlist(dirpklmlmc) if domergingdata is True: counter = counter + checkdirlist(dirpklmldata) if domergingperiodsmc is True: counter = counter + checkdir(dirpklmltotmc) if domergingperiodsdata is True: counter = counter + checkdir(dirpklmltotdata) if doml is True: counter = counter + checkdir(mlout) counter = counter + checkdir(mlplot) if docontinueapplymc is False: if doapplymc is True: counter = counter + checkdirlist(dirpklskdecmc) if domergeapplymc is True: counter = counter + checkdirlist(dirpklskdec_mergedmc) if docontinueapplydata is False: if doapplydata is True: counter = counter + checkdirlist(dirpklskdecdata) if domergeapplydata is True: counter = counter + checkdirlist(dirpklskdec_mergeddata) if dohistomassmc is True: counter = counter + checkdirlist(dirresultsmc) counter = counter + checkdir(dirresultsmctot) if dohistomassdata is True: counter = counter + checkdirlist(dirresultsdata) counter = counter + checkdir(dirresultsdatatot) if counter < 0: sys.exit() # check and create directories if doconversionmc is True: checkmakedirlist(dirpklmc) if doconversiondata is True: checkmakedirlist(dirpkldata) if doskimmingmc is True: checkmakedirlist(dirpklskmc) checkmakedir(dirpklevtcounter_allmc) if doskimmingdata is True: checkmakedirlist(dirpklskdata) checkmakedir(dirpklevtcounter_alldata) if domergingmc is True: checkmakedirlist(dirpklmlmc) if domergingdata is True: checkmakedirlist(dirpklmldata) if domergingperiodsmc is True: checkmakedir(dirpklmltotmc) if domergingperiodsdata is True: checkmakedir(dirpklmltotdata) if doml is True: checkmakedir(mlout) checkmakedir(mlplot) if docontinueapplymc is False: if doapplymc is True: checkmakedirlist(dirpklskdecmc) if domergeapplymc is True: checkmakedirlist(dirpklskdec_mergedmc) if docontinueapplydata is False: if doapplydata is True: checkmakedirlist(dirpklskdecdata) if domergeapplydata is True: checkmakedirlist(dirpklskdec_mergeddata) if dohistomassmc is True: checkmakedirlist(dirresultsmc) checkmakedir(dirresultsmctot) if dohistomassdata is True: checkmakedirlist(dirresultsdata) checkmakedir(dirresultsdatatot) proc_class = Processer ana_class = Analyzer syst_class = Systematics if proc_type == "Dhadrons": print("Using new feature for Dhadrons") proc_class = ProcesserDhadrons ana_class = AnalyzerDhadrons if proc_type == "Dhadrons_mult": print("Using new feature for Dhadrons_mult") proc_class = ProcesserDhadrons_mult ana_class = AnalyzerDhadrons_mult if proc_type == "Dhadrons_jet": print("Using new feature for Dhadrons_jet") proc_class = ProcesserDhadrons_jet ana_class = AnalyzerJet mymultiprocessmc = MultiProcesser(case, proc_class, data_param[case], typean, run_param, "mc") mymultiprocessdata = MultiProcesser(case, proc_class, data_param[case], typean, run_param,\ "data") ana_mgr = AnalyzerManager(ana_class, data_param[case], case, typean, doanaperperiod) # Has to be done always period-by-period syst_mgr = AnalyzerManager(syst_class, data_param[case], case, typean, True, run_param) #perform the analysis flow if dodownloadalice == 1:"../cplusutilities/") if doconversionmc == 1: mymultiprocessmc.multi_unpack_allperiods() if doconversiondata == 1: mymultiprocessdata.multi_unpack_allperiods() if doskimmingmc == 1: mymultiprocessmc.multi_skim_allperiods() if doskimmingdata == 1: mymultiprocessdata.multi_skim_allperiods() if domergingmc == 1: mymultiprocessmc.multi_mergeml_allperiods() if domergingdata == 1: mymultiprocessdata.multi_mergeml_allperiods() if domergingperiodsmc == 1: mymultiprocessmc.multi_mergeml_allinone() if domergingperiodsdata == 1: mymultiprocessdata.multi_mergeml_allinone() if doml is True: index = 0 for binmin, binmax in zip(binminarray, binmaxarray): myopt = Optimiser(data_param[case], case, typean, data_model[mltype], binmin, binmax, raahp[index], training_vars[index]) if docorrelation is True: myopt.do_corr() if dotraining is True: myopt.do_train() if dotesting is True: myopt.do_test() if doapplytodatamc is True: myopt.do_apply() if docrossvalidation is True: myopt.do_crossval() if dolearningcurve is True: myopt.do_learningcurve() if doroc is True: myopt.do_roc() if doroctraintest is True: myopt.do_roc_train_test() if doplotdistr is True: myopt.do_plot_model_pred() if doimportance is True: myopt.do_importance() if dogridsearch is True: myopt.do_grid() if dobayesianopt is True: myopt.do_bayesian_opt() if doboundary is True: myopt.do_boundary() if doefficiencyml is True: myopt.do_efficiency() if dosignifopt is True: myopt.do_significance() if doscancuts is True: myopt.do_scancuts() index = index + 1 if doapplydata is True: mymultiprocessdata.multi_apply_allperiods() if doapplymc is True: mymultiprocessmc.multi_apply_allperiods() if domergeapplydata is True: mymultiprocessdata.multi_mergeapply_allperiods() if domergeapplymc is True: mymultiprocessmc.multi_mergeapply_allperiods() if dohistomassmc is True: mymultiprocessmc.multi_histomass() if dohistomassdata is True: # After-burner in case of a mult analysis to obtain "correctionsweight.root" # for merged-period data # pylint: disable=fixme # FIXME Can only be run here because result directories are constructed when histomass # is run. If this step was independent, histomass would always complain that the # result directory already exists. mymultiprocessdata.multi_histomass() if doefficiency is True: mymultiprocessmc.multi_efficiency() if doresponse is True: mymultiprocessmc.multi_response() # Collect all desired analysis steps analyze_steps = [] if dofit is True: analyze_steps.append("fit") if dosyst is True: analyze_steps.append("yield_syst") if doeff is True: analyze_steps.append("efficiency") if dojetstudies is True: if dofit is False: analyze_steps.append("fit") if doeff is False: analyze_steps.append("efficiency") analyze_steps.append("side_band_sub") if dofeeddown is True: analyze_steps.append("feeddown") if dounfolding is True: analyze_steps.append("unfolding") analyze_steps.append("unfolding_closure") if dojetsystematics is True: analyze_steps.append("jetsystematics") if docross is True: analyze_steps.append("makenormyields") if doplots is True: analyze_steps.append("plotternormyields") if doplotsval is True: analyze_steps.append("plottervalidation") # Now do the analysis ana_mgr.analyze(*analyze_steps) ml_syst_steps = [] if dosystprob is True: if do_syst_prob_mass: ml_syst_steps.append("ml_cutvar_mass") if do_syst_prob_eff: ml_syst_steps.append("ml_cutvar_eff") if do_syst_prob_fit: ml_syst_steps.append("ml_cutvar_fit") if do_syst_prob_cross: ml_syst_steps.append("ml_cutvar_cross") if dosystptshape is True: ml_syst_steps.append("mcptshape") syst_mgr.analyze(*ml_syst_steps) # Delete per-period results. if clean: print("Cleaning") if doanaperperiod: print("Per-period analysis enabled. Skipping.") else: if not delete_dirlist(dirresultsmc + dirresultsdata): print("Error: Failed to complete cleaning.") print("Done")
#!/usr/bin/env python import math, os, sys from DisappTrks.BackgroundEstimation.bkgdEstimate import LeptonBkgdEstimate from DisappTrks.BackgroundEstimation.fakeEstimateTest import FakeTrackBkgdEstimate from DisappTrks.StandardAnalysis.plotUtilities import * from DisappTrks.StandardAnalysis.IntegratedLuminosity_cff import * from ROOT import gROOT, TCanvas, TFile, TGraphErrors gROOT.SetBatch () # I am Groot. dirs = getUser() canvas = TCanvas("c1", "c1",800,800) setCanvasStyle(canvas) background = "all" if len (sys.argv) > 1: background = sys.argv[1] background = background.upper () # '' will gives you Dataset_2016.root for the whole year #runPeriods = ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H'] runPeriods = ['BC', 'DEFGH', ''] nEstFake = [] nEstElectron = [] nEstMuon = [] nEstTau = [] nEstFakeVsNHits = {} nEstFakeVsNHitsZtoMuMu = {}
def main(): gROOT.SetBatch(True) suffix = argv[1] histos = ["BB", "BE"] labels = [ "dimuon_2016", "dielectron_2016", "dimuon_2017", "dielectron_2017", "dimuon_2018", "dielectron_2018" ] #~ channels = ["cito2mu","cito2e"] suffixesMu = ["nominal", "scaledown", "smeared", "muonid"] suffixesEle = ["nominal", "scaledown", "scaleup", "pileup", "piledown"] css = ["inc", "cspos", "csneg"] #~ suffixes = ["smeared"] lambdas = [10, 16, 22, 28, 34, 40, 46] interferences = ["Con", "Des"] # ~ hels = ["LL","LR","RR"] # ~ interferences = ["Con"] hels = ["LL", "LR", "RL", "RR"] #~ massBins = [1200,1400,1600,1800,2000,2200,2400,2600,2800,3000,3200,3400] massBins = [ 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2200, 2400, 2600, 2800, 3000, 3200, 3400 ] signalYields = {} #~ names = ["default","resolution","scale","ID"] for label in labels: print(label) # ~ if "dimuon" in label: # ~ suffixes = suffixesMu # ~ else: # ~ suffixes = suffixesEle # ~ for suffix in suffixes: if "dimuon" in label and not suffix in suffixesMu: continue if "dielectron" in label and not suffix in suffixesEle: continue for cs in css: for histo in histos: for hel in hels: for interference in interferences: model = interference + hel if "dimuon" in label: name = "CIto2mu" else: name = "CIto2e" print name if "2016" in label: fitFile = TFile( "%s_%s_%s_%s_parametrization_fixdes_fixinf_limitp0_limitp1_limitp2_2016.root" % (name, suffix, histo.lower(), cs), "READ") elif "2018" in label: fitFile = TFile( "%s_%s_%s_%s_parametrization_fixdes_fixinf_limitp0_limitp1_limitp2_2018.root" % (name, suffix, histo.lower(), cs), "READ") else: fitFile = TFile( "%s_%s_%s_%s_parametrization_fixdes_fixinf_limitp0_limitp1_limitp2.root" % (name, suffix, histo.lower(), cs), "READ") for l in lambdas: if "dimuon" in label: name = "CITo2Mu_Lam%dTeV%s" % (l, model) else: name = "CITo2E_Lam%dTeV%s" % (l, model) if not cs == "inc": name += "_%s" % cs signalYields["%s_%s_%s" % (name, label, histo)] = {} for index, massBin in enumerate(massBins): function = fitFile.Get("fn_m%d_%s" % (massBin, model)) fitR = fitFile.Get("fitR_m%d_%s" % (massBin, model)) pars = fitR.GetParams() errs = fitR.Errors() function.SetParameter(0, pars[0]) function.SetParameter(1, pars[1]) function.SetParameter(2, pars[2]) function.SetParError(0, errs[0]) function.SetParError(1, errs[1]) function.SetParError(2, errs[2]) functionUnc = fitFile.Get("fn_unc_m%d_%s" % (massBin, model)) uncert = ((functionUnc.Eval(l) / function.Eval(l))**2 + (functionUnc.Eval(100000) / function.Eval(100000)))**0.5 signalYields["%s_%s_%s" % (name, label, histo)][str(massBin)] = [ (function.Eval(l) - function.Eval(100000)), uncert ] if "dimuon" in label: name = "CITo2Mu_Lam%dTeV%s" % (l, hel) nameCon = "CITo2Mu_Lam%dTeV%s" % (l, "Con" + hel) nameDes = "CITo2Mu_Lam%dTeV%s" % (l, "Des" + hel) else: name = "CITo2E_Lam%dTeV%s" % (l, hel) nameCon = "CITo2E_Lam%dTeV%s" % (l, "Con" + hel) nameDes = "CITo2E_Lam%dTeV%s" % (l, "Des" + hel) signalYields["%s_%s_%s" % (name, label, histo)] = {} for index, massBin in enumerate(massBins): signalYields["%s_%s_%s" % (name, label, histo)][str( massBin)] = [ (signalYields["%s_%s_%s" % (nameCon, label, histo)][str(massBin)][0] + signalYields["%s_%s_%s" % (nameDes, label, histo)][str(massBin)][0]) / 2, ((signalYields["%s_%s_%s" % (nameCon, label, histo)][str(massBin)][1]**2 + signalYields["%s_%s_%s" % (nameDes, label, histo)][str( massBin)][1]**2))**0.5 ] if "dimuon" in label: fileName = "CIsignalYieldsSingleBin" else: fileName = "CIsignalYieldsSingleBinEle" if suffix == "nominal": otherSuffix = "default" elif suffix == "scaledown": otherSuffix = "scaleDown" elif suffix == "scaleup": otherSuffix = "scaleUp" elif suffix == "smeared": otherSuffix = "resolution" elif suffix == "muonid": otherSuffix = "ID" elif suffix == "pileup": otherSuffix = "pileup" elif suffix == "piledown": otherSuffix = "piledown" else: print(suffix) outFilePkl = open("%s_%s.pkl" % (fileName, otherSuffix), "wb") pickle.dump(signalYields, outFilePkl, protocol=2) outFilePkl.close()
def makeMultiPlot(self): from ROOT import gROOT, gStyle, TFile, TTree, gDirectory from ROOT import TGraphErrors, TCanvas, TLegend, TH2D, TLatex, TPave from operator import itemgetter rangey=(self.args.miny, self.args.maxy) rangex=(self.args.minx, self.args.maxx) ## Build caselist caselist = [] for filename in self.filelist: caselist.append(path.dirname(filename).split('/')[-1]) gROOT.SetBatch() gStyle.SetOptStat(0) oname = self.args.outputName if oname.endswith('.pdf') or oname.endswith('.png'): oname = oname[:-4] if len(oname)==0: ## default oname = 'plot_' + reduce(lambda x,y:x+'_'+y, caselist) canv = TCanvas(oname, "Plot", 0, 0, 1024, 768) if not self.args.nologx: canv.SetLogx() if self.args.logy: canv.SetLogy() canv.SetGridx() canv.SetGridy() ## Cosmetics # canv.DrawFrame(rangex[0], rangey[0], rangex[1], rangey[1]) axes = TH2D('axes', 'A', 100, rangex[0], rangex[1], 100, rangey[0], rangey[1]) title = args.title if len(args.title) else 'Throughput vs. Fragment Size' titleX = args.titleX if len(args.titleX) else 'Fragment Size (bytes)' titleY = args.titleY if len(args.titleY) else 'Av. Throughput per RU (MB/s)' axes.GetYaxis().SetTitle(titleY) axes.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) axes.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) axes.SetTitle(title) axes.GetXaxis().SetTitle(titleX) axes.GetXaxis().SetMoreLogLabels() axes.GetXaxis().SetNoExponent() axes.Draw() tl = TLatex() tl.SetTextFont(42) tl.SetNDC(1) if len(self.args.tag) > 0: width = 0.12+0.020*len(self.args.tag) if width > 0.9: width=0.899 pave = TPave(0.12, 0.80, width, 0.899, 0, 'NDC') pave.SetFillStyle(1001) pave.SetFillColor(0) pave.Draw() if len(self.args.subtag) > 0: width2 = 0.12+0.015*len(self.args.subtag) if width2 > 0.9: width2=0.899 pave2 = TPave(0.12, 0.75, width2, 0.899, 0, 'NDC') pave2.SetFillStyle(1001) pave2.SetFillColor(0) pave2.Draw() if len(self.args.tag) > 0: tl.SetTextSize(0.05) tl.DrawLatex(0.14, 0.83, self.args.tag) if len(self.args.subtag) > 0: tl.SetTextSize(0.035) tl.DrawLatex(0.145, 0.77, self.args.subtag) graphs = [] configs = set() for filename,case in zip(self.filelist,caselist): try: graphs.append(self.getGraph(filename)) config, builder, protocol, rms = extractConfig(filename) nstreams, nrus, nbus, strperfrl = getConfig(config) if strperfrl == 0: nrus = 1 ## ignore number of RUs if MSIO configs.add(nrus) else: configs.add(nstreams//nrus) ## care only about Nstreams per RU except AttributeError: print "#### Couldn't get graph for ", case, "in file", filename return if not self.args.hideDate: datepave = drawDate(self.filelist[0]) datepave.Draw() # if self.args.daq1: # daq1_graph = getDAQ1Graph() configs = sorted(configs) nlegentries = len(self.filelist) # nlegentries = len(caselist) if not self.args.daq1 else len(caselist) + 1 legendpos = (0.44, 0.13, 0.899, 0.20+nlegentries*0.05) maxentrylength = 0.04 if self.args.legend: maxentrylength = max(len(x) for x in self.args.legends) legxlength = min(max(maxentrylength*0.013, 0.18),0.6) if strperfrl == 0: legendpos = (0.13, 0.73, 0.13+legxlength, 0.73-nlegentries*0.045) # if self.args.legendPos == 'TL': # legendpos = (0.12, 0.82-nlegentries*0.05, 0.579, 0.898) # # legendpos = (0.12, 0.71-nlegentries*0.05, 0.579, 0.78) leg = TLegend(legendpos[0], legendpos[1], legendpos[2], legendpos[3]) leg.SetFillStyle(1001) leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetTextFont(42) leg.SetTextSize(0.033) leg.SetBorderSize(0) colors = [1,2,3,4,51,95,65,39,32] markers = [20,21,22,23,34,33,29,24,25,26] if (len(self.args.legends) > 0 and len(self.args.legends) != len(self.filelist)): print "Legends doesn't match with filelist, falling back to default" for n,graph in enumerate(graphs): graph.SetLineColor(colors[n]) graph.SetMarkerColor(colors[n]) graph.SetMarkerStyle(markers[n]) ## Custom legends if (len(self.args.legends) == len(self.filelist) and len(self.args.legends)>0): leg.AddEntry(graph, self.args.legends[n], 'P') else: ## Default leg.AddEntry(graph, caselist[n], 'P') # if self.args.daq1: # leg.AddEntry(daq1_graph, 'DAQ1 (2011)', 'P') graph.Draw("PL") # if self.args.daq1: # daq1_graph.Draw("PL") if not self.args.noRateLine: for n,streams_per_ru in enumerate(configs): func = getRateGraph(streams_per_ru, frag=True, rate=self.args.rate, xmax=rangex[1]) func.SetLineColor(colors[n]) func.SetLineWidth(1) func.DrawCopy("same") if not strperfrl == 0: leg.AddEntry(func, '%.0f kHz (%d streams)'% (self.args.rate, streams_per_ru), 'l') else: leg.AddEntry(func, '%.0f kHz'% (self.args.rate), 'l') leg.Draw() for graph in graphs: graph.Draw("PL") canv.Print(oname + '.pdf') canv.Print(oname + '.png')
cls = method.im_class return _unpickle_method, (func_name, obj, cls) def _unpickle_method(func_name, obj, cls): for cls in cls.mro(): try: func = cls.__dict__[func_name] except KeyError: pass else: break return func.__get__(obj, cls) pickle(MethodType, _pickle_method, _unpickle_method) gr.SetBatch(True) # NEEDS TO BE SET FOR MULTIPROCESSING OF plot.Draw() Cut = namedtuple('Cut', ['name', 'cut']) # int_lumi = 41000.0 # pb #### FIXME int_lumi = 41000.0 * (30564478/19122658) # [pb]; adapt to the amount of events done for the nonprompt analysis #int_lumi = 80000.0 # pb #### FIXME ## RICCARDO # cuts.append(Cut('ttjetsloose', 'nbj>1')) # cuts.append(Cut('zmmloose' , 'l1_pt>5 & l2_pt>5 & l1_q!=l2_q & l1_id_t & l2_id_t & l1_reliso05<0.2 & l2_reliso05<0.2 & abs(l1_dz)<0.2 & abs(l2_dz)<0.2 & abs(l1_dxy)<0.045 & abs(l2_dxy)<0.045 & nbj==0 & pass_e_veto & pass_m_veto')) # cuts.append(Cut('zmmhighpt', 'l1_pt>15 & l2_pt>15 & l1_q!=l2_q & l1_id_t & l2_id_t & l1_reliso05<0.2 & l2_reliso05<0.2 & abs(l1_dz)<0.2 & abs(l2_dz)<0.2 & abs(l1_dxy)<0.045 & abs(l2_dxy)<0.045 & nbj==0 & pass_e_veto & pass_m_veto')) # cuts.append(Cut('zmm' , 'l1_pt>10 & l2_pt>10 & l1_q!=l2_q & !l0_eid_mva_iso_loose & l0_reliso05>0.15 & l1_id_t & l2_id_t & l1_reliso05<0.2 & l2_reliso05<0.2 & abs(l1_dz)<0.2 & abs(l2_dz)<0.2 & abs(l1_dxy)<0.045 & abs(l2_dxy)<0.045 & nbj==0 & pass_e_veto & pass_m_veto')) # cuts.append(Cut('inclusive' , 'l0_pt>30 & l1_pt>4 & l2_pt>4 & l1_q != l2_q & l0_eid_mva_iso_loose & l0_reliso05<0.15')) # cuts.append(Cut('inclusive' , 'l0_pt>30 & l1_pt>4 & l2_pt>4 & l1_q != l2_q & l0_eid_mva_iso_loose & l0_reliso05<0.15 & l1_id_m & l2_id_m & l1_reliso05<0.2 & l2_reliso05<0.2'))
def main(yamlFile): print("") gStyle.SetOptStat(0) globalCfg = readYamlFile(yamlFile) # print(globalCfg) for cfgIterator in globalCfg: cfg = globalCfg[cfgIterator] print('\n[INFO]\tProcess plot: %s' % (cfgIterator)) if ("silentMode" in cfg): gROOT.SetBatch(cfg['silentMode']) cfg.pop('silentMode') #******************************************************************************** # create objects to draw #******************************************************************************** classHelper = helperClass() hists, funcs = classHelper.getProcessedHists(cfg) leg = classHelper.getLegend(hists, cfg) canvas = classHelper.getCanvas(cfg) labels = classHelper.getTextLabels(hists, cfg) labels += classHelper.getLatexLabels(hists, cfg) funcs += classHelper.getTF1s(cfg) print("# of labels to be drawn: %d" % (len(labels))) #******************************************************************************** # Draw Everything #******************************************************************************** if ("drawOption" not in cfg): cfg['drawOption'] = "" if (("sameDrawOption" not in cfg) and ("drawOption" in cfg)): cfg['sameDrawOption'] = cfg['drawOption'] hists[0].Draw(cfg['drawOption']) for i in range(1, len(hists)): hists[i].Draw(cfg['sameDrawOption'] + "same") cfg.pop('drawOption') cfg.pop('sameDrawOption') if leg: leg.Draw("same") for iLabel in labels: iLabel.Draw("same") for iFunc in funcs: iFunc.Draw("same") #******************************************************************************** # Save plots #******************************************************************************** print("") if not os.path.exists("pictures/"): os.makedirs("pictures/") outHistName = cfgIterator if ("histNamePrefix" in cfg): outHistName = cfg['histNamePrefix'] + outHistName cfg.pop('histNamePrefix') if ("savePictDir" in cfg): pythonFileDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) outHistName = cfg['savePictDir'] + '/' + outHistName if not os.path.exists("pictures/" + cfg['savePictDir']): os.makedirs("pictures/" + cfg['savePictDir']) cfg.pop('savePictDir') canvas.SaveAs("pictures/" + outHistName + ".png") canvas.SaveAs("pictures/" + outHistName + ".pdf") # canvas.SaveAs("pictures/"+outHistName+".eps") # canvas.SaveAs("pictures/"+outHistName+".C") #******************************************************************************** # Check for typos in yaml files #******************************************************************************** if (len(cfg) != 0): print("\nNot used attributes:") print(cfg) print("") raise notUsedAttribute( "there are not used attributes in the yml file. See above!")
default='.', type=str, help='directory to save the plot') parser.add_argument('--cut-height', dest='hcut', default=0, type=float, help='cut on the minimum peak height') args = parser.parse_args() if args.stype not in signal_types: print('signal type must be in {}'.format(list(signal_types))) exit(-1) # batch mode gROOT.SetBatch(args.batch) # recover paths for attr in ['root_file', 'json_file', 'snap', 'out_dir']: setattr(args, attr, os.path.join(owd, getattr(args, attr))) os.makedirs(args.out_dir, exist_ok=True) # root dataframe rdf = ROOT.RDataFrame('EvTree', args.root_file) # read json json_data = dict() if os.path.exists(args.json_file): with open(args.json_file, 'r') as f: json_data.update(json.load(f))
#!/usr/bin/env python import math, os, sys from DisappTrks.BackgroundEstimation.bkgdEstimate import LeptonBkgdEstimate from DisappTrks.BackgroundEstimation.fakeEstimateTest import FakeTrackBkgdEstimate from DisappTrks.StandardAnalysis.plotUtilities import * from DisappTrks.StandardAnalysis.IntegratedLuminosity_cff import * from ROOT import gROOT, TCanvas, TFile, TGraphErrors gROOT.SetBatch() # I too am Groot. dirs = getUser() canvas = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 800) setCanvasStyle(canvas) background = "all" if len(sys.argv) > 1: background = sys.argv[1] background = background.upper() runPeriods = ['D'] nEstFake = [] nEstElectron = [] nEstMuon = [] nEstTau = [] nEstFakeVsNHits = {} nEstFakeVsNHitsZtoMuMu = {} stdout = sys.stdout
def main(): #gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gROOT.SetBatch(True) gStyle.SetPalette(kTemperatureMap) fIn=TFile.Open(FLAGS.noPUFile) data=fIn.Get('data') #Calibrate everything! calibration = Calibration(FLAGS.mingenen, FLAGS.mingeneta, FLAGS.maxgeneta, FLAGS.plotLabel, FLAGS.samples, FLAGS.mask, FLAGS.outpath) calibration.L0L1Calibration(FLAGS.noPUFile) with open('calib_'+FLAGS.samples+"_"+str(FLAGS.mask)+'_nopu.pck','w') as cachefile: pickle.dump(calibration.calib, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) histos=OrderedDict() etabins = 12 etacuts = FLAGS.etacuts hn = ['res_complete_before{}', 'res_complete_after{}', 'res_incomplete_before_left{}', 'res_incomplete_after_left{}', 'res_incomplete_before_right{}', 'res_incomplete_after_right{}', 'en{}_per_layer_signal', 'en{}_per_layer_bckg1', 'en{}_per_layer_bckg2', 'en{}_per_layer_bckg3', 'noise{}_per_layer_signal', 'noise{}_per_layer_bckg1', 'noise{}_per_layer_bckg2', 'noise{}_per_layer_bckg3'] for ireg in range(1,NREG+1): bins = Carray('d', np.arange(-1.05, .8, 0.01)) strings = ';#Delta E/E_{gen};PDF' for ih in range(6): histos[hn[ih].format(ireg)] = TH1F(hn[ih].format(ireg), strings, len(bins)-1, bins) bins = Carray('d', np.arange(0.5,29,1.)) strings = ';Layer;E_{reco} / E_{gen}' for ih in range(6,14): histos[hn[ih].format(ireg)] = TProfile(hn[ih].format(ireg), strings, len(bins)-1, bins) for h in histos: histos[h].Sumw2() histos[h].SetMarkerStyle(20) histos[h].SetDirectory(0) for i in range(0,data.GetEntriesFast()): data.GetEntry(i) genen = getattr(data,'genen') geneta = abs(getattr(data,'geneta')) genphi = getattr(data,'genphi') sc = (FLAGS.maxgeneta, FLAGS.mingeneta) singlecut = ( geneta < sc[0] if FLAGS.samples == 'inner' else geneta > sc[1] ) insidecut = ( geneta < FLAGS.etacuts[-2] if FLAGS.samples == 'inner' else geneta > FLAGS.etacuts[1] ) for ireg in range(1,NREG+1): recen = getattr(data,'en_sr{}_ROI'.format(ireg)) avgnoise = getattr(data,'noise_sr3_ROI')*A[ireg-1]/A[2] #Calibration factors. f2 is used for PU. f1, f2 = 1., 0. if 'L0' in calib: f1 /= (calib['L0'][ireg].Eval(geneta)+1.0) if 'L1' in calib: f1 /= (calib['L1'][ireg].Eval(f1*recen)+1.0) if 'L2' in calib and ireg in calib['L2']: f2 = calib['L2'][ireg].Eval(avgnoise) recen = f1*recen - f2 recen_shift = recen / .49 deltaE = recen/genen-1. deltaE_shift = recen_shift/genen-1. #differentiate complete from incomplete showers bool_sig = ( (FLAGS.samples == 'inner' and geneta < FLAGS.maxgeneta) or (FLAGS.samples == 'outer' and geneta >= FLAGS.mingeneta) ) bools_bckg = [] for ic in range(len(etacuts)-1): bools_bckg.append((FLAGS.samples=='inner' and geneta >= etacuts[ic] and geneta < etacuts[ic+1]) or (FLAGS.samples == 'outer' and geneta < etacuts[-(ic+1)] and geneta >= etacuts[-(ic+2)]) ) check_bools = int(bool_sig) for ic in range(len(etacuts)-1): check_bools += int(bools_bckg[ic]) assert check_bools == 1 ###Calculate and calibrate the energy per layer### recen_corr = 0 for il in range(1,NLAYERS+1): #if: 'signal-like': complete showers #elif: 'background-like': incomplete showers if FLAGS.apply_weights: if FLAGS.samples == 'inner': weight_limit = il > boundaries[ireg-1] else: weight_limit = il < boundaries[ireg-1] b = histos[hn[6].format(ireg)].FindBin(il) if bool_sig: v = f1*getattr(data,'en_sr{}_layer{}'.format(ireg,il)) - f2 histos[hn[6].format(ireg)].Fill(b,v/recen) if FLAGS.apply_weights: recen_corr += v v = (f1*getattr(data,'noise_sr3_layer{}'.format(il)) *A[ireg-1]/A[2] - f2) histos[hn[10].format(ireg)].Fill(b,v/recen) else: lshift = [.9, .85, .7] #layer shift for w in range(len(etacuts)-1): if bools_bckg[w]: v = f1*getattr(data,'en_sr{}_layer{}'.format(ireg,il)) - f2 histos[hn[7+w].format(ireg)].Fill(b*lshift[w],v/recen) if ( FLAGS.apply_weights and weights[ireg-1][w][il-1]!=0 and weight_limit): recen_corr += v/weights[ireg-1][w][int(round((il-1)*lshift[w],0))] #weight_graphs[ireg][il].SetBit(weight_graphs[ireg][il].klsSortedX) #weight_graphs[ireg][il].Eval(geneta, spline=0, 'S') v = (f1*getattr(data,'noise_sr3_layer{}'.format(il)) *A[ireg-1]/A[2] - f2) histos[hn[11+w].format(ireg)].Fill(b,v/recen) #end of tree loop fIn.Close() else:
def setDefault(paintformat="4.2f"): gROOT.SetBatch(True) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) tdr.setTDRStyle() gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(paintformat) gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 1001;")
def do_significance(self):"Doing significance optimization") gROOT.SetBatch(True) gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning;") #first extract the number of data events in the ml sample self.df_evt_data = pickle.load(openfile(self.f_evt_data, 'rb')) if self.p_dofullevtmerge is True: self.df_evttotsample_data = pickle.load( openfile(self.f_evttotsample_data, 'rb')) else: self.logger.warning( "The total merged event dataframe was not merged for space limits" ) self.df_evttotsample_data = pickle.load( openfile(self.f_evt_data, 'rb')) #and the total number of events self.p_nevttot = len(self.df_evttotsample_data) self.p_nevtml = len(self.df_evt_data) self.logger.debug("Number of data events used for ML: %d", self.p_nevtml) self.logger.debug("Total number of data events: %d", self.p_nevttot) #calculate acceptance correction. we use in this case all #the signal from the mc sample, without limiting to the n. signal #events used for training denacc = len(self.df_mcgen[self.df_mcgen["ismcprompt"] == 1]) numacc = len(self.df_mc[self.df_mc["ismcprompt"] == 1]) acc, acc_err = calc_eff(numacc, denacc) self.logger.debug("Acceptance: %.3e +/- %.3e", acc, acc_err) #calculation of the expected fonll signals ptmin = self.p_binmin ptmax = self.p_binmax delta_pt = ptmax - ptmin if self.is_fonll_from_root: df_fonll = TFile.Open(self.f_fonll) df_fonll_Lc = df_fonll.Get(self.p_fonllparticle + "pred_" + self.p_fonllband) prod_cross = df_fonll_Lc.Integral( ptmin * 20, ptmax * 20) * self.p_fragf * 1e-12 / delta_pt signal_yield = 2. * prod_cross * delta_pt * acc * self.p_taa \ / (self.p_sigmamb * self.p_fprompt) #now we plot the fonll expectation cFONLL = TCanvas('cFONLL', 'The FONLL expectation') df_fonll_Lc.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 16) df_fonll_Lc.Draw("") cFONLL.SaveAs("%s/FONLL_curve_%s.png" % (self.dirmlplot, self.s_suffix)) else: df_fonll = pd.read_csv(self.f_fonll) df_fonll_in_pt = df_fonll.query( '(pt >= @ptmin) and (pt < @ptmax)')[self.p_fonllband] prod_cross = df_fonll_in_pt.sum() * self.p_fragf * 1e-12 / delta_pt signal_yield = 2. * prod_cross * delta_pt * self.p_br * acc * self.p_taa \ / (self.p_sigmamb * self.p_fprompt) #now we plot the fonll expectation plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) plt.subplot(111) plt.plot(df_fonll['pt'], df_fonll[self.p_fonllband] * self.p_fragf, linewidth=4.0) plt.xlabel('P_t [GeV/c]', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Cross Section [pb/GeV]', fontsize=20) plt.title("FONLL cross section " + self.p_case, fontsize=20) plt.semilogy() plt.savefig(f'{self.dirmlplot}/FONLL_curve_{self.s_suffix}.png') self.logger.debug("Expected signal yield: %.3e", signal_yield) signal_yield = self.p_raahp * signal_yield self.logger.debug("Expected signal yield x RAA hp: %.3e", signal_yield) df_data_sideband = self.df_data.query(self.s_selbkgml) df_data_sideband = shuffle(df_data_sideband, random_state=self.rnd_shuffle) df_data_sideband = df_data_sideband.tail( round(len(df_data_sideband) * self.p_bkgfracopt)) hmass = TH1F('hmass', '', self.p_num_bins, self.p_mass_fit_lim[0], self.p_mass_fit_lim[1]) df_mc_signal = self.df_mc[self.df_mc["ismcsignal"] == 1] mass_array = df_mc_signal['inv_mass'].values for mass_value in np.nditer(mass_array): hmass.Fill(mass_value) gaus_fit = TF1("gaus_fit", "gaus", self.p_mass_fit_lim[0], self.p_mass_fit_lim[1]) gaus_fit.SetParameters(0, hmass.Integral()) gaus_fit.SetParameters(1, self.p_mass) gaus_fit.SetParameters(2, 0.02) self.logger.debug("To fit the signal a gaussian function is used") fitsucc = hmass.Fit("gaus_fit", "RQ") if int(fitsucc) != 0: self.logger.warning("Problem in signal peak fit") sigma = 0. sigma = gaus_fit.GetParameter(2) self.logger.debug("Mean of the gaussian: %.3e", gaus_fit.GetParameter(1)) self.logger.debug("Sigma of the gaussian: %.3e", sigma) sig_region = [self.p_mass - 3 * sigma, self.p_mass + 3 * sigma] fig_signif_pevt = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) plt.xlabel('Threshold', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel(r'Significance Per Event ($3 \sigma$)', fontsize=20) plt.title("Significance Per Event vs Threshold", fontsize=20) plt.xticks(fontsize=18) plt.yticks(fontsize=18) fig_signif = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) plt.xlabel('Threshold', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel(r'Significance ($3 \sigma$)', fontsize=20) plt.title("Significance vs Threshold", fontsize=20) plt.xticks(fontsize=18) plt.yticks(fontsize=18) df_sig = self.df_mltest[self.df_mltest["ismcprompt"] == 1] for name in self.p_classname: eff_array, eff_err_array, x_axis = calc_sigeff_steps( self.p_nstepsign, df_sig, name) bkg_array, bkg_err_array, _ = calc_bkg( df_data_sideband, name, self.p_nstepsign, self.p_mass_fit_lim, self.p_bkg_func, self.p_bin_width, sig_region, self.p_savefit, self.dirmlplot, [self.p_binmin, self.p_binmax]) sig_array = [eff * signal_yield for eff in eff_array] sig_err_array = [ eff_err * signal_yield for eff_err in eff_err_array ] bkg_array = [ bkg / (self.p_bkgfracopt * self.p_nevtml) for bkg in bkg_array ] bkg_err_array = [bkg_err / (self.p_bkgfracopt * self.p_nevtml) \ for bkg_err in bkg_err_array] signif_array, signif_err_array = calc_signif( sig_array, sig_err_array, bkg_array, bkg_err_array) plt.figure(fig_signif_pevt.number) plt.errorbar(x_axis, signif_array, yerr=signif_err_array, label=f'{name}', elinewidth=2.5, linewidth=5.0) signif_array_ml = [ sig * sqrt(self.p_nevtml) for sig in signif_array ] signif_err_array_ml = [ sig_err * sqrt(self.p_nevtml) for sig_err in signif_err_array ] plt.figure(fig_signif.number) plt.errorbar(x_axis, signif_array_ml, yerr=signif_err_array_ml, label=f'{name}_ML_dataset', elinewidth=2.5, linewidth=5.0) signif_array_tot = [ sig * sqrt(self.p_nevttot) for sig in signif_array ] signif_err_array_tot = [ sig_err * sqrt(self.p_nevttot) for sig_err in signif_err_array ] plt.figure(fig_signif.number) plt.errorbar(x_axis, signif_array_tot, yerr=signif_err_array_tot, label=f'{name}_Tot', elinewidth=2.5, linewidth=5.0) plt.figure(fig_signif_pevt.number) plt.legend(loc="upper left", prop={'size': 30}) plt.savefig( f'{self.dirmlplot}/Significance_PerEvent_{self.s_suffix}.png') plt.figure(fig_signif.number) plt.legend(loc="upper left", prop={'size': 30}) plt.savefig(f'{self.dirmlplot}/Significance_{self.s_suffix}.png') with open(f'{self.dirmlplot}/Significance_{self.s_suffix}.pickle', 'wb') as out: pickle.dump(fig_signif, out)
def do_significance(self): if self.step_done("significance"): return self.do_apply() self.do_test()"Doing significance optimization") gROOT.SetBatch(True) gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning;") #first extract the number of data events in the ml sample # This might need a revisit, for now just extract the numbers from the ML merged # event count (aka from a YAML since the actual events are not needed) # Before the ML count was always taken from the ML merged event df while the total # number was taken from the event counter. But the latter is basically not used # anymore for a long time cause "dofullevtmerge" is mostly "false" in the DBs #and the total number of events count_dict = parse_yaml(self.f_evt_count_ml) self.p_nevttot = count_dict["evtorig"] self.p_nevtml = count_dict["evt"] self.logger.debug("Number of data events used for ML: %d", self.p_nevtml) self.logger.debug("Total number of data events: %d", self.p_nevttot) #calculate acceptance correction. we use in this case all #the signal from the mc sample, without limiting to the n. signal #events used for training denacc = len(self.df_mcgen[self.df_mcgen["ismcprompt"] == 1]) numacc = len(self.df_mc[self.df_mc["ismcprompt"] == 1]) acc, acc_err = calc_eff(numacc, denacc) self.logger.debug("Acceptance: %.3e +/- %.3e", acc, acc_err) #calculation of the expected fonll signals delta_pt = self.p_binmax - self.p_binmin if self.is_fonll_from_root: df_fonll = TFile.Open(self.f_fonll) df_fonll_Lc = df_fonll.Get(self.p_fonllparticle + "_" + self.p_fonllband) bin_min = df_fonll_Lc.FindBin(self.p_binmin) bin_max = df_fonll_Lc.FindBin(self.p_binmax) prod_cross = df_fonll_Lc.Integral( bin_min, bin_max) * self.p_fragf * 1e-12 / delta_pt signal_yield = 2. * prod_cross * delta_pt * acc * self.p_taa * self.p_br \ / (self.p_sigmamb * self.p_fprompt) #now we plot the fonll expectation cFONLL = TCanvas('cFONLL', 'The FONLL expectation') df_fonll_Lc.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 16) df_fonll_Lc.Draw("") cFONLL.SaveAs("%s/FONLL_curve_%s.png" % (self.dirmlplot, self.s_suffix)) else: df_fonll = pd.read_csv(self.f_fonll) df_fonll_in_pt = \ df_fonll.query('(pt >= @self.p_binmin) and (pt < @self.p_binmax)')\ [self.p_fonllband] prod_cross = df_fonll_in_pt.sum() * self.p_fragf * 1e-12 / delta_pt signal_yield = 2. * prod_cross * delta_pt * self.p_br * acc * self.p_taa \ / (self.p_sigmamb * self.p_fprompt) #now we plot the fonll expectation fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) plt.subplot(111) plt.plot(df_fonll['pt'], df_fonll[self.p_fonllband] * self.p_fragf, linewidth=4.0) plt.xlabel('P_t [GeV/c]', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Cross Section [pb/GeV]', fontsize=20) plt.title("FONLL cross section " + self.p_case, fontsize=20) plt.semilogy() plt.savefig(f'{self.dirmlplot}/FONLL_curve_{self.s_suffix}.png') plt.close(fig) self.logger.debug("Expected signal yield: %.3e", signal_yield) signal_yield = self.p_raahp * signal_yield self.logger.debug("Expected signal yield x RAA hp: %.3e", signal_yield) df_data_sideband = self.df_data.query(self.s_selbkgml) df_data_sideband = shuffle(df_data_sideband, random_state=self.rnd_shuffle) df_data_sideband = df_data_sideband.tail( round(len(df_data_sideband) * self.p_bkgfracopt)) hmass = TH1F('hmass', '', self.p_num_bins, self.p_mass_fit_lim[0], self.p_mass_fit_lim[1]) df_mc_signal = self.df_mc[self.df_mc["ismcsignal"] == 1] mass_array = df_mc_signal[self.v_invmass].values for mass_value in np.nditer(mass_array): hmass.Fill(mass_value) gaus_fit = TF1("gaus_fit", "gaus", self.p_mass_fit_lim[0], self.p_mass_fit_lim[1]) gaus_fit.SetParameters(0, hmass.Integral()) gaus_fit.SetParameters(1, self.p_mass) gaus_fit.SetParameters(2, 0.02) self.logger.debug("To fit the signal a gaussian function is used") fitsucc = hmass.Fit("gaus_fit", "RQ") if int(fitsucc) != 0: self.logger.warning("Problem in signal peak fit") sigma = 0. sigma = gaus_fit.GetParameter(2) self.logger.debug("Mean of the gaussian: %.3e", gaus_fit.GetParameter(1)) self.logger.debug("Sigma of the gaussian: %.3e", sigma) sig_region = [self.p_mass - 3 * sigma, self.p_mass + 3 * sigma] fig_signif_pevt = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) plt.xlabel('Threshold', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel(r'Significance Per Event ($3 \sigma$)', fontsize=20) #plt.title("Significance Per Event vs Threshold", fontsize=20) plt.xticks(fontsize=18) plt.yticks(fontsize=18) fig_signif = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) plt.xlabel('Threshold', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel(r'Significance ($3 \sigma$)', fontsize=20) #plt.title("Significance vs Threshold", fontsize=20) plt.xticks(fontsize=18) plt.yticks(fontsize=18) df_sig = self.df_mltest[self.df_mltest["ismcprompt"] == 1] for name in self.p_classname: eff_array, eff_err_array, x_axis = calc_sigeff_steps( self.p_nstepsign, df_sig, name) bkg_array, bkg_err_array, _ = calc_bkg( df_data_sideband, name, self.p_nstepsign, self.p_mass_fit_lim, self.p_bkg_func, self.p_bin_width, sig_region, self.p_savefit, self.dirmlplot, [self.p_binmin, self.p_binmax], self.v_invmass) sig_array = [eff * signal_yield for eff in eff_array] sig_err_array = [ eff_err * signal_yield for eff_err in eff_err_array ] bkg_array = [ bkg / (self.p_bkgfracopt * self.p_nevtml) for bkg in bkg_array ] bkg_err_array = [bkg_err / (self.p_bkgfracopt * self.p_nevtml) \ for bkg_err in bkg_err_array] signif_array, signif_err_array = calc_signif( sig_array, sig_err_array, bkg_array, bkg_err_array) plt.figure(fig_signif_pevt.number) plt.errorbar(x_axis, signif_array, yerr=signif_err_array, label=f'{name}', elinewidth=2.5, linewidth=5.0) signif_array_ml = [ sig * sqrt(self.p_nevtml) for sig in signif_array ] signif_err_array_ml = [ sig_err * sqrt(self.p_nevtml) for sig_err in signif_err_array ] plt.figure(fig_signif.number) plt.errorbar(x_axis, signif_array_ml, yerr=signif_err_array_ml, label=f'{name}_ML_dataset', elinewidth=2.5, linewidth=5.0) plt.text( 0.7, 0.95, f" ${self.p_binmin} < p_\\mathrm{{T}}/(\\mathrm{{GeV}}/c) < {self.p_binmax}$", verticalalignment="center", transform=fig_signif.gca().transAxes, fontsize=30) #signif_array_tot = [sig * sqrt(self.p_nevttot) for sig in signif_array] #signif_err_array_tot = [sig_err * sqrt(self.p_nevttot) for sig_err in signif_err_array] #plt.figure(fig_signif.number) #plt.errorbar(x_axis, signif_array_tot, yerr=signif_err_array_tot, # label=f'{name}_Tot', elinewidth=2.5, linewidth=5.0) plt.figure(fig_signif_pevt.number) plt.legend(loc="upper left", prop={'size': 30}) plt.savefig( f'{self.dirmlplot}/Significance_PerEvent_{self.s_suffix}.png') plt.figure(fig_signif.number) plt.legend(loc="upper left", prop={'size': 30}) mpl.rcParams.update({"text.usetex": True}) plt.savefig(f'{self.dirmlplot}/Significance_{self.s_suffix}.png') mpl.rcParams.update({"text.usetex": False}) with open(f'{self.dirmlplot}/Significance_{self.s_suffix}.pickle', 'wb') as out: pickle.dump(fig_signif, out) plt.close(fig_signif_pevt) plt.close(fig_signif)
def checkROOT(self): # Checking if ROOT is present"Checking ROOT libraries ...") # Trying to call root-config rootdirs = commands.getstatusoutput('root-config --libdir --incdir') if rootdirs[0] > 0: logging.error('ROOT module called "root-config" is not detected.\n'\ +'Two explanations :n'\ +' - ROOT is not installed. You can download it '\ +'from\n'\ +' - ROOT binary folder must be placed in the '\ +'global environment variable $PATH') return False # Extracting ROOT library and header path root_tmp = rootdirs[1].split() self.includes.append(root_tmp[1]) self.libs.append(root_tmp[0]) os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] + \ ":" + root_tmp[0] os.environ['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.environ['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] + \ ":" + root_tmp[0] os.environ['LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.environ['LIBRARY_PATH'] + \ ":" + root_tmp[0] os.environ['CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH'] = os.environ['CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH'] + \ ":" + root_tmp[1] # Adding ROOT library path to Python path sys.path.append(root_tmp[0]) # Looking for find = False for item in self.libs: files = glob.glob(item + "/") if len(files) != 0: self.configLinux.libraries['PyROOT'] = files[0] + ":" + str( os.stat(files[0]).st_mtime) find = True break if not find: logging.error( "ROOT library called '' is not found. Please check that ROOT is properly installed." ) return False # Looking for find = False for item in self.libs: files = glob.glob(item + "/") if len(files) != 0: self.configLinux.libraries['ROOT'] = files[0] + ":" + str( os.stat(files[0]).st_mtime) find = True break if not find: logging.error( "ROOT file called '' is not found. Please check that ROOT is properly installed." ) return False # Looking for TH1F.h find = False for item in self.includes: files = glob.glob(item + "/TH1F.h") if len(files) != 0: self.configLinux.headers['ROOT'] = files[0] + ":" + str( os.stat(files[0]).st_mtime) find = True break if not find: logging.error("ROOT headers are not found. " +\ "Please check that ROOT is properly installed.") return False # Loading ROOT library"Loading ROOT libraries ...") try: from ROOT import gROOT except: logging.error("'root-config --libdir' indicates a wrong path for ROOT"\ +" libraries. Please specify the ROOT library path"\ +" into the environnement variable $PYTHONPATH") return False # Setting ROOT batch mode if not self.script: from ROOT import TApplication from ROOT import gApplication TApplication.NeedGraphicsLibs() gApplication.InitializeGraphics() gROOT.SetBatch(True) # Checking ROOT release RootVersion = str(gROOT.GetVersionInt()) if len(RootVersion) < 3: logging.error('Bad release of ROOT : '+gROOT.GetVersion()+\ '. MadAnalysis5 needs ROOT 5.27 or higher.\n Please upgrade your version of ROOT.') return False RootVersionA = int(RootVersion[0]) RootVersionB = int(RootVersion[1] + RootVersion[2]) if RootVersionA != 5 or RootVersionB < 27: logging.error('Bad release of ROOT : '+gROOT.GetVersion()+\ '. MadAnalysis5 needs ROOT 5.27 or higher.\n Please upgrade your version of ROOT.') return False self.configLinux.root_version = RootVersion return True
def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options] ARGs', description='S/B plot macro') parser.add_option('-c', '--channel', dest='channel', default='mt et tt em', action='store', help='channels to be considered for the plot. Default : mt et tt em ee mm mt_soft vhtt') parser.add_option('-p', '--period', dest='period', default='7TeV 8TeV', action='store', help='period used for the S/B plots. Default : 7TeV 8TeV') parser.add_option('-g', '--category', dest='category', default='0jet 1jet vbf', action='store', help='categories used for the S/B plots. Default : 0jet 1jet vbf') parser.add_option('-m', '--mode', dest='mode', default='Mtt', action='store', help='Plot mode. You can choose Mtt, SOB, SigMtt Default : Mtt') parser.add_option("-b", "--batch", dest='batch', action="store_true", default=True, help='Set Batch mode. Default : False') parser.add_option("-u", "--unblind", dest='unblind', action="store_true", default=False, help='Use this option when unblinding. Default : False') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if(options.batch==True): gROOT.SetBatch(True) init = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()'./config.ini') dict = {} list_all = [] for ichn in list = [] for icat in options.category.split(): for iperiod in options.period.split(): list.extend(init.get(ichn, icat+'_'+iperiod).split()) dict[ichn] = list list_all.extend(list) print print fmt % ('Total # of files', ':', len(list_all)) # categoryname = 'All_category' categoryname = '' if options.category != '0jet 1jet vbf': categoryname = options.category # Individual channel for ichn in pname = ichn + '_SM' # sobCombine(pname, dict[ichn], init.get('naming', 'caption'), init.get('naming',ichn), categoryname, 1, init.get('muvalue',ichn), options.mode) sobCombine(pname, dict[ichn], init.get('naming', 'caption'), init.get('naming',ichn), categoryname, 1, init.get('muvalue',ichn), options.mode, options.unblind) # Combine sobCombine('All_SM', list_all, init.get('naming', 'caption'), init.get('naming','all'), categoryname, 1, init.get('muvalue','all'), options.mode, options.unblind)
def main(): gROOT.SetBatch(1) SetAtlasStyle() channels = ["ejets", "mujets"] #channels = ["mujets"] variables = [ "Top1_lhood", "Top2_lhood", "SystemMass", "SystemPt", "SystemRapidity" ] #variables = ["Top1_lhood"] for j in range(len(variables)): variable = variables[j] print j, variable can = TCanvas(variable, variable, 0, 0, 800, 600) can.SetMargin(0.2, 0.05, 0.15, 0.03) label = '' regnumber = '' if variable is 'Top1_lhood': label = 'Leptonic top p^{t}_{T}' regnumber = "reg4" elif variable is 'Top2_lhood': label = 'Hadronic top p^{t}_{T}' regnumber = "reg4" elif variable is 'SystemMass': label = 't#bar{t} System mass' regnumber = "reg3" elif variable is 'SystemPt': label = 't#bar{t} System p_{T}' regnumber = "reg3" elif variable is 'SystemRapidity': label = 't#bar{t} System rapidity' regnumber = "reg4" legend = TLegend(0.6, 0.95, 0.95, 0.75, label) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) ratioPlots = [] for i in range(len(channels)): channel = channels[i] print i, channel postfix = '' labelChannel = '' if channel is 'ejets': postfix = 'el' labelChannel = 'e + jets' elif channel is 'mujets': postfix = 'mu' labelChannel = '#mu + jets' elif channel is 'combined': postfix = 'co' filename = "../data/data_Unfolded_14_02_2013/Alpgen/nominal_Tag1_" + variable + "_" + postfix + "_toy5000_svd_" + regnumber + ".root" fileDi = TFile(filename) if not fileDi.IsOpen(): print 'ERROR opening ', filename m_histo = fileDi.Get("unfolding/toys/nominal/" + postfix + "/Tag1_" + variable + "/SVD/" + regnumber + "/toy5000/H_" + postfix + "_Tag1_" + variable + "_SVD_" + regnumber + "_toy5000_Regularization") m_histo.SetName("diFactor" + variable + postfix) nbins = m_histo.GetNbinsX() - 1 diFactor = m_histo.Clone() diFactor.SetDirectory(0) diFactor.SetNdivisions(508) diFactor.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(1, nbins + 1) for bin in range(nbins): bindiFactor = m_histo.GetBinContent(bin + 1) print bin, bindiFactor diFactor.SetBinContent(bin + 2, bindiFactor) diFactor.SetTitle("") diFactor.SetMarkerColor(kBlack + i) diFactor.SetMarkerStyle(20 + i) diFactor.SetLineColor(kBlack + i) diFactor.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.005, 400) diFactor.GetYaxis().SetTitle("|d_{i}|") diFactor.GetXaxis().SetTitle("bin number") ratioPlots.append(diFactor) legend.AddEntry(diFactor, labelChannel, "p") if i > 0: diFactor.Draw('histosame') else: diFactor.Draw("histo") horizontal = TF1("line", "pol1", 0, 2800) horizontal.SetParameters(1, 0) horizontal.SetLineColor(kBlack) horizontal.SetLineStyle(2) horizontal.Draw('same') legend.Draw('same') can.SetLogy() can.SaveAs("regularizationValue_" + variable + ".eps")
def drawMultiGraph(mg, title, lt, rt, fname, ymin, ymax, ptmax, log, bl=True): #myStyle() gROOT.SetBatch(True) canvas = ROOT.TCanvas('bla', 'bla', 600, 600) canvas.SetLogy(log) canvas.SetTicks(1, 1) canvas.SetLeftMargin(0.14) canvas.SetRightMargin(0.08) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0000000) mg.Draw("AL") '''mg.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(132) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(132) mg.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.02) mg.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() mg.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) mg.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(505) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.8) mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(132) mg.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(132) mg.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.02) mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.5) mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.048) mg.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.06) mg.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.06)''' mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.035) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.035) mg.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(50., ptmax) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.75) mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.35) mg.SetMinimum(ymin) mg.SetMaximum(ymax) if log: ROOT.gPad.SetLogy() if bl: leg = canvas.BuildLegend(0.55, 0.70, 0.88, 0.88) leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.Draw() Text = ROOT.TLatex() Text.SetNDC() Text.SetTextAlign(31) Text.SetTextSize(0.04) text = '#it{' + lt + '}' Text.DrawLatex(0.90, 0.92, text) rt = re.split(",", rt) text = '#bf{#it{' + rt[0] + '}}' Text.SetTextAlign(22) Text.SetNDC(ROOT.kTRUE) Text.SetTextSize(0.04) Text.DrawLatex(0.30, 0.83, text) Text.SetTextAlign(22) text = '#bf{#it{' + rt[1] + '}}' Text.SetTextSize(0.036) Text.DrawLatex(0.30, 0.76, text) #Text.DrawLatex(0.18, 0.78, rt[1]) if len(rt) > 2: text = '#it{#bf{' + rt[2] + '}}' if 'ell' in text: text = text.replace('#', '\\') Text.SetTextSize(0.05) Text.DrawLatex(0.69, 0.27, text) if len(rt) > 3: text = '#it{#bf{' + rt[3] + '}}' if 'ell' in text: text = text.replace('#', '\\') Text.SetTextSize(0.04) Text.DrawLatex(0.71, 0.20, text) canvas.RedrawAxis() canvas.Update() canvas.GetFrame().SetBorderSize(12) canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() pdir = os.path.dirname(fname) name = os.path.basename(fname) name = title + '_' + name filename = pdir + '/' + name if not os.path.exists(pdir): os.makedirs(pdir) canvas.Print('{}.png'.format(filename), 'png') canvas.Print('{}.pdf'.format(filename), 'pdf')
def plotDataMC(mainConfig, dilepton): import gc gc.enable() from ROOT import TCanvas, TPad, TH1F, TH1I, THStack, TLegend, TMath, gROOT, TFile, TH2F import ratios from defs import Backgrounds from defs import Backgrounds2011 from defs import Signals from defs import defineMyColors from defs import myColors from defs import Region from defs import Regions from defs import Plot from corrections import triggerEffs, rSFOFTrig from setTDRStyle import setTDRStyle gROOT.SetBatch(True) from helpers import * import math ### file to normalize signal MC signalDenominatorFile = TFile( "../SignalScan/T6bbllsleptonDenominatorHisto4.root") signalDenominatorHisto = TH2F(signalDenominatorFile.Get("massScan")) if mainConfig.forPAS: hCanvas = TCanvas("hCanvas", "Distribution", 600, 800) else: hCanvas = TCanvas("hCanvas", "Distribution", 800, 800) if mainConfig.plotRatio: plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) ratioPad = ROOT.TPad("ratioPad", "ratioPad", 0, 0., 1, 0.3) setTDRStyle() plotPad.UseCurrentStyle() ratioPad.UseCurrentStyle() plotPad.Draw() ratioPad.Draw() else: plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) setTDRStyle() plotPad.UseCurrentStyle() plotPad.Draw() colors = createMyColors() eventCounts = totalNumberOfGeneratedEvents(mainConfig.dataSetPath) processes = [] for background in mainConfig.backgrounds: processes.append(Process(getattr(Backgrounds, background), eventCounts)) ### get the signal if any is to be plotted signalEventCounts = {} signals = [] signalNameLabel = "" for signal in mainConfig.signals: m_b = int(signal.split("_")[2]) m_n_2 = int(signal.split("_")[4]) signalEventCounts[signal] = signalDenominatorHisto.GetBinContent( signalDenominatorHisto.GetXaxis().FindBin(m_b), signalDenominatorHisto.GetYaxis().FindBin(m_n_2)) signals.append(Process(getattr(Signals, signal), signalEventCounts)) if signalNameLabel == "": signalNameLabel = "Signal" signalNameLabel += "_m_b_%s_m_n_%s" % (signal.split("_")[2], signal.split("_")[4]) #~ legend = TLegend(0.45, 0.6, 0.925, 0.925) legend = TLegend(0.55, 0.6, 0.925, 0.925) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetTextFont(42) #~ legend.SetNColumns(2) legendEta = TLegend(0.15, 0.75, 0.7, 0.9) legendEta.SetFillStyle(0) legendEta.SetBorderSize(0) legendEta.SetTextFont(42) latex = ROOT.TLatex() latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.SetTextAlign(31) latex.SetTextSize(0.04) latex.SetNDC(True) latexCMS = ROOT.TLatex() latexCMS.SetTextFont(61) latexCMS.SetTextSize(0.06) latexCMS.SetNDC(True) latexCMSExtra = ROOT.TLatex() latexCMSExtra.SetTextFont(52) latexCMSExtra.SetTextSize(0.045) latexCMSExtra.SetNDC(True) legendHists = [] legendHistData = ROOT.TH1F() if mainConfig.plotData: legend.AddEntry(legendHistData, "Data", "pe") legendEta.AddEntry(legendHistData, "Data", "pe") ### loop over the background processes, add them in iverse order to the legend if mainConfig.plotMC: for process in reversed(processes): temphist = ROOT.TH1F() temphist.SetFillColor(process.theColor) ### Do not add a seperate legend entry for DY to tautau if new legend scheme is used if not process.label == "DY+jets non resonant": legendHists.append(temphist.Clone) legend.AddEntry(temphist, process.label, "f") legendEta.AddEntry(temphist, process.label, "f") if mainConfig.plotRatio: temphist = ROOT.TH1F() temphist.SetFillColor(myColors["MyGreen"]) legendHists.append(temphist.Clone) #~ legend.AddEntry(temphist,"Syst. uncert.","f") temphist2 = ROOT.TH1F() temphist2.SetFillColor(myColors["DarkRed"], ) temphist2.SetFillStyle(3002) legendHists.append(temphist2.Clone) if mainConfig.plotSignal: for Signal in signals: temphist = ROOT.TH1F() temphist.SetFillColor(Signal.theColor) temphist.SetLineColor(Signal.theLineColor) legendHists.append(temphist.Clone) legend.AddEntry(temphist, Signal.label, "l") legendEta.AddEntry(temphist, Signal.label, "l") nEvents = -1 ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) intlumi = ROOT.TLatex() intlumi.SetTextAlign(12) intlumi.SetTextSize(0.03) intlumi.SetNDC(True) intlumi2 = ROOT.TLatex() intlumi2.SetTextAlign(12) intlumi2.SetTextSize(0.07) intlumi2.SetNDC(True) scalelabel = ROOT.TLatex() scalelabel.SetTextAlign(12) scalelabel.SetTextSize(0.03) scalelabel.SetNDC(True) metDiffLabel = ROOT.TLatex() metDiffLabel.SetTextAlign(12) metDiffLabel.SetTextSize(0.03) metDiffLabel.SetNDC(True) chi2Label = ROOT.TLatex() chi2Label.SetTextAlign(12) chi2Label.SetTextSize(0.03) chi2Label.SetNDC(True) hCanvas.SetLogy() treeEE = readTrees(mainConfig.dataSetPath, "EE") treeMuMu = readTrees(mainConfig.dataSetPath, "MuMu") treeEMu = readTrees(mainConfig.dataSetPath, "EMu") mainConfig.plot.addDilepton(dilepton) plotPad.SetLogy(0) logScale = mainConfig.plot.log #~ logScale = True if mainConfig.plot.variable == "met" or mainConfig.plot.variable == "type1Met" or mainConfig.plot.variable == "tcMet" or mainConfig.plot.variable == "caloMet" or mainConfig.plot.variable == "mht": logScale = True if logScale == True: plotPad.SetLogy() scaleTree1 = 1.0 scaleTree2 = 1.0 if mainConfig.plot.tree1 == "EE": tree1 = treeEE if mainConfig.useDataTrigEff: scaleTree1 = getattr(triggerEffs, mainConfig.etaRegion).effEE.val #~ scaleTree1 = getattr(triggerEffs,mainConfig.etaRegion).effEE.val**2 print "ee trigger Eff:" print scaleTree1 #~ elif mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation: #~ scaleTree1 = getattr(triggerEffs,mainConfig.etaRegion).effEE.val/getattr(triggerEffs,mainConfig.etaRegion).effEE.valMC elif mainConfig.plot.tree1 == "MuMu": tree1 = treeMuMu if mainConfig.useDataTrigEff: scaleTree1 = getattr(triggerEffs, mainConfig.etaRegion).effMM.val #~ scaleTree1 = getattr(triggerEffs,mainConfig.etaRegion).effMM.val**2 print "mumu trigger Eff:" print scaleTree1 #~ elif mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation: #~ scaleTree1 = getattr(triggerEffs,mainConfig.etaRegion).effMM.val/getattr(triggerEffs,mainConfig.etaRegion).effMM.valMC elif mainConfig.plot.tree1 == "EMu": tree1 = treeEMu if mainConfig.useDataTrigEff: scaleTree1 = getattr(triggerEffs, mainConfig.etaRegion).effEM.val print "emu trigger Eff:" print scaleTree1 #~ elif mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation: #~ scaleTree1 = getattr(triggerEffs,mainConfig.etaRegion).effEM.val/getattr(triggerEffs,mainConfig.etaRegion).effEM.valMC else: print "Unknown Dilepton combination! %s not created!" % ( mainConfig.plot.filename, ) return if mainConfig.plot.tree2 != "None": if mainConfig.plot.tree2 == "EE": tree2 = treeEE if mainConfig.useDataTrigEff: #~ scaleTree2 = mainConfig.selection.trigEffs.effEE.val scaleTree2 = mainConfig.selection.trigEffs.effEE.val**2 print "ee trigger Eff:" print scaleTree2 #~ elif mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation: #~ scaleTree2 = getattr(triggerEffs,mainConfig.etaRegion).effEE.val/getattr(triggerEffs,mainConfig.etaRegion).effEE.valMC elif mainConfig.plot.tree2 == "MuMu": tree2 = treeMuMu if mainConfig.useDataTrigEff: #~ scaleTree2 = mainConfig.selection.trigEffs.effMM.val scaleTree2 = mainConfig.selection.trigEffs.effMM.val**2 print "mumu trigger Eff:" print scaleTree2 #~ elif mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation: #~ scaleTree2 = getattr(triggerEffs,mainConfig.etaRegion).effMM.val/getattr(triggerEffs,mainConfig.etaRegion).effMM.valMC elif mainConfig.plot.tree2 == "EMu": tree2 = treeEMu if mainConfig.useDataTrigEff: scaleTree2 = mainConfig.selection.trigEffs.effEM.val print "emu trigger Eff:" print scaleTree2 #~ elif mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation: #~ scaleTree2 = getattr(triggerEffs,mainConfig.etaRegion).effEM.val/getattr(triggerEffs,mainConfig.etaRegion).effEM.valMC else: print "Unknown Dilepton combination! %s not created!" % ( mainConfig.plot.filename, ) return else: tree2 = "None" if mainConfig.normalizeToData: pickleName = mainConfig.plot.filename % ( "_normalizedToData_" + mainConfig.runRange.label + "_" + dilepton) elif mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation: pickleName = mainConfig.plot.filename % ( "_TriggerEmulation_" + mainConfig.runRange.label + "_" + dilepton) elif mainConfig.DontScaleTrig: pickleName = mainConfig.plot.filename % ( "_NoTriggerScaling_" + mainConfig.runRange.label + "_" + dilepton) elif mainConfig.useDataTrigEff: pickleName = mainConfig.plot.filename % ( "_dataTriggerEffs_" + mainConfig.runRange.label + "_" + dilepton) else: pickleName = mainConfig.plot.filename % ( "_" + mainConfig.runRange.label + "_" + dilepton) counts = {} import pickle print mainConfig.plot.cuts if mainConfig.plotData: datahist = getDataHist( mainConfig.plot, tree1, tree2, normalizeToBinWidth=mainConfig.normalizeToBinWidth) counts["Data"] = { "val": datahist.Integral(0, datahist.GetNbinsX() + 1), "err": math.sqrt(datahist.Integral(0, datahist.GetNbinsX() + 1)) } print datahist.GetEntries() if mainConfig.plotMC: #~ stack = TheStack(processes,mainConfig.runRange.lumi,mainConfig.plot,tree1,tree2,1.0,scaleTree1,scaleTree2,saveIntegrals=True,counts=counts,doTopReweighting=mainConfig.doTopReweighting,theoUncert=mainConfig.theoUncert,doPUWeights=mainConfig.doPUWeights,normalizeToBinWidth=mainConfig.normalizeToBinWidth) stack = TheStack(processes, mainConfig.runRange.lumi, mainConfig.plot, tree1, tree2, 1.0, scaleTree1, scaleTree2, saveIntegrals=True, counts=counts, doTopReweighting=mainConfig.doTopReweighting, doPUWeights=mainConfig.doPUWeights, normalizeToBinWidth=mainConfig.normalizeToBinWidth, useTriggerEmulation=mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation) ### get the number of MC events and the uncertainty errIntMC = ROOT.Double() intMC = stack.theHistogram.IntegralAndError( 0, stack.theHistogram.GetNbinsX() + 1, errIntMC) val = float(intMC) err = float(errIntMC) counts["Total Background"] = {"val": val, "err": err} ### scale the stack if MC is to be normalzed to data if mainConfig.normalizeToData: scalefac = datahist.Integral( datahist.FindBin(mainConfig.plot.firstBin), datahist.FindBin( mainConfig.plot.lastBin)) / stack.theHistogram.Integral( stack.theHistogram.FindBin(mainConfig.plot.firstBin), stack.theHistogram.FindBin(mainConfig.plot.lastBin)) drawStack = TheStack( processes, mainConfig.runRange.lumi, mainConfig.plot, tree1, tree2, 1.0, scalefac * scaleTree1, scalefac * scaleTree2, doPUWeights=mainConfig.doPUWeights, normalizeToBinWidth=mainConfig.normalizeToBinWidth, useTriggerEmulation=mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation) stackJESUp = TheStack( processes, mainConfig.runRange.lumi, mainConfig.plot, tree1, tree2, 0.955, scalefac * scaleTree1, scalefac * scaleTree2, doPUWeights=mainConfig.doPUWeights, normalizeToBinWidth=mainConfig.normalizeToBinWidth, useTriggerEmulation=mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation) stackJESDown = TheStack( processes, mainConfig.runRange.lumi, mainConfig.plot, tree1, tree2, 1.045, scalefac * scaleTree1, scalefac * scaleTree2, doPUWeights=mainConfig.doPUWeights, normalizeToBinWidth=mainConfig.normalizeToBinWidth, useTriggerEmulation=mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation) else: drawStack = stack if mainConfig.plotSyst: mainConfig.plot.cuts = mainConfig.plot.cuts.replace( "met ", "metJESUp ") mainConfig.plot.cuts = mainConfig.plot.cuts.replace( " ht", " htJESUp") mainConfig.plot.cuts = mainConfig.plot.cuts.replace( " nJets ", " nShiftedJetsJESUp ") mainConfig.plot.cuts = mainConfig.plot.cuts.replace( "(nJets ", "(nShiftedJetsJESUp ") stackJESUp = TheStack( processes, mainConfig.runRange.lumi, mainConfig.plot, tree1, tree2, 1.0, scaleTree1, scaleTree2, JESUp=True, saveIntegrals=True, counts=counts, doPUWeights=mainConfig.doPUWeights, normalizeToBinWidth=mainConfig.normalizeToBinWidth, useTriggerEmulation=mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation) mainConfig.plot.cuts = mainConfig.plot.cuts.replace( "metJESUp", "metJESDown") mainConfig.plot.cuts = mainConfig.plot.cuts.replace( "htJESUp", "htJESDown") mainConfig.plot.cuts = mainConfig.plot.cuts.replace( "nShiftedJetsJESUp", "nShiftedJetsJESDown") stackJESDown = TheStack( processes, mainConfig.runRange.lumi, mainConfig.plot, tree1, tree2, 1.0, scaleTree1, scaleTree2, JESDown=True, saveIntegrals=True, counts=counts, doPUWeights=mainConfig.doPUWeights, normalizeToBinWidth=mainConfig.normalizeToBinWidth, useTriggerEmulation=mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation) mainConfig.plot.cuts = mainConfig.plot.cuts.replace( "metJESDown", "met") mainConfig.plot.cuts = mainConfig.plot.cuts.replace( "htJESDown", "ht") mainConfig.plot.cuts = mainConfig.plot.cuts.replace( "nShiftedJetsJESDown", "nJets") mainConfig.plot.cuts = mainConfig.plot.cuts.replace( "*(", "Up*(") stackPileUpUp = TheStack( processes, mainConfig.runRange.lumi, mainConfig.plot, tree1, tree2, 1.0, scaleTree1, scaleTree2, saveIntegrals=True, PileUpUp=True, counts=counts, doPUWeights=mainConfig.doPUWeights, normalizeToBinWidth=mainConfig.normalizeToBinWidth, useTriggerEmulation=mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation) mainConfig.plot.cuts = mainConfig.plot.cuts.replace( "Up*(", "Down*(") stackPileUpDown = TheStack( processes, mainConfig.runRange.lumi, mainConfig.plot, tree1, tree2, 1.0, scaleTree1, scaleTree2, saveIntegrals=True, PileUpDown=True, counts=counts, doPUWeights=mainConfig.doPUWeights, normalizeToBinWidth=mainConfig.normalizeToBinWidth, useTriggerEmulation=mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation) mainConfig.plot.cuts = mainConfig.plot.cuts.replace( "Down*(", "*(") errIntMC = ROOT.Double() intMCPileUpUp = stackPileUpUp.theHistogram.IntegralAndError( 0, stack.theHistogram.GetNbinsX() + 1, errIntMC) errIntMC = ROOT.Double() intMCPileUpDown = stackPileUpDown.theHistogram.IntegralAndError( 0, stack.theHistogram.GetNbinsX() + 1, errIntMC) valPileUpUp = float(intMCPileUpUp) valPileUpDown = float(intMCPileUpDown) pileUpUp = abs(counts["Total Background"]["val"] - valPileUpUp) pileUpDown = abs(counts["Total Background"]["val"] - valPileUpDown) counts["Total Background"]["pileUpDown"] = pileUpDown counts["Total Background"]["pileUpUp"] = pileUpUp if mainConfig.doTopReweighting: stackReweightDown = TheStack( processes, mainConfig.runRange.lumi, mainConfig.plot, tree1, tree2, 1.0, scaleTree1, scaleTree2, TopWeightDown=True, saveIntegrals=True, counts=counts, doPUWeights=mainConfig.doPUWeights, normalizeToBinWidth=mainConfig.normalizeToBinWidth, useTriggerEmulation=mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation) stackReweightUp = TheStack( processes, mainConfig.runRange.lumi, mainConfig.plot, tree1, tree2, 1.0, scaleTree1, scaleTree2, TopWeightUp=True, saveIntegrals=True, counts=counts, doPUWeights=mainConfig.doPUWeights, normalizeToBinWidth=mainConfig.normalizeToBinWidth, useTriggerEmulation=mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation) errIntMC = ROOT.Double() intMCTopWeightUp = stackReweightUp.theHistogram.IntegralAndError( 0, stack.theHistogram.GetNbinsX() + 1, errIntMC) errIntMC = ROOT.Double() intMCTopWeightDown = stackReweightDown.theHistogram.IntegralAndError( 0, stack.theHistogram.GetNbinsX() + 1, errIntMC) valTopWeightUp = float(intMCTopWeightUp) valTopWeightDown = float(intMCTopWeightDown) topWeightUp = abs(counts["Total Background"]["val"] - valTopWeightUp) topWeightDown = abs(counts["Total Background"]["val"] - valTopWeightDown) counts["Total Background"]["topWeightDown"] = topWeightDown counts["Total Background"]["topWeightUp"] = topWeightUp errIntMC = ROOT.Double() intMCJESUp = stackJESUp.theHistogram.IntegralAndError( 0, stack.theHistogram.GetNbinsX() + 1, errIntMC) errIntMC = ROOT.Double() intMCJESDown = stackJESDown.theHistogram.IntegralAndError( 0, stack.theHistogram.GetNbinsX() + 1, errIntMC) valJESUp = float(intMCJESUp) valJESDown = float(intMCJESDown) jesUp = abs(counts["Total Background"]["val"] - valJESUp) jesDown = abs(counts["Total Background"]["val"] - valJESDown) counts["Total Background"]["jesDown"] = jesDown counts["Total Background"]["jesUp"] = jesUp xSec = abs( stack.theHistogramXsecUp.Integral( 0, stack.theHistogram.GetNbinsX() + 1) - counts["Total Background"]["val"]) counts["Total Background"]["xSec"] = xSec #~ theoUncert = abs(stack.theHistogramTheoUp.Integral(0,stack.theHistogram.GetNbinsX()+1)-counts["Total Background"]["val"]) #~ counts["Total Background"]["theo"]=theoUncert outFilePkl = open("shelves/%s.pkl" % (pickleName), "w") pickle.dump(counts, outFilePkl) outFilePkl.close() if mainConfig.plotSignal: signalhists = [] signalLabels = [] ymaxSignal = 0 for Signal in signals: signalhist = Signal.createCombinedHistogram( mainConfig.runRange.lumi, mainConfig.plot, tree1, tree2) signalhist.SetLineWidth(2) if mainConfig.stackSignal: signalhist.Add(drawStack.theHistogram) signalhist.SetMinimum(0.1) signalhists.append(signalhist) signalLabels.append(Signal.label) tmpYmaxSignal = signalhist.GetBinContent( signalhist.GetMaximumBin()) if tmpYmaxSignal > ymaxSignal: ymaxSignal = tmpYmaxSignal ### set the maximum of the y-axis yMax = 0 yMin = 0 if mainConfig.plotData: yMax = datahist.GetBinContent(datahist.GetMaximumBin()) if (mainConfig.plotMC and yMax < drawStack.theHistogram.GetBinContent( drawStack.theHistogram.GetMaximumBin())): yMax = drawStack.theHistogram.GetBinContent( drawStack.theHistogram.GetMaximumBin()) if (mainConfig.plotSignal and yMax < ymaxSignal): yMax = ymaxSignal if mainConfig.plot.yMax == 0: if logScale: yMax = yMax * 200 if datahist.GetBinContent(datahist.GetMinimumBin()) > 0: yMin = datahist.GetBinContent(datahist.GetMinimumBin()) / 5. else: yMin = 0.1 #~ yMin = 0.5 #~ yMin = 5 else: yMax = yMax * 1.5 else: yMax = plot.yMax #~ yMax = 1200 #~ yMax = 130 plotPad.DrawFrame( mainConfig.plot.firstBin, yMin, mainConfig.plot.lastBin, yMax, "; %s ; %s" % (mainConfig.plot.xaxis, mainConfig.plot.yaxis)) ### draw the stack if mainConfig.plotMC: drawStack.theStack.Draw("samehist") lineHistogram = drawStack.theHistogram lineHistogram.Draw("same l") ### Draw signal if mainConfig.plotSignal: for signalhist in signalhists: signalhist.Draw("samehist") dileptonLabel = "" if dilepton == "SF": dileptonLabel = "ee + #mu#mu" if dilepton == "OF": dileptonLabel = "e#mu" if dilepton == "EE": dileptonLabel = "ee" if dilepton == "MuMu": dileptonLabel = "#mu#mu" if mainConfig.plotData: #~ datahist.SetMinimum(0.1) datahist.Draw("samep") if mainConfig.normalizeToData: scalelabel.DrawLatex(0.6, 0.4, "Background scaled by %.2f" % (scalefac)) if mainConfig.plot.variable == "eta1" or mainConfig.plot.variable == "eta2": legendEta.SetNColumns(2) legendEta.Draw() intlumi.DrawLatex( 0.2, 0.7, "#splitline{" + mainConfig.plot.label + " " + dileptonLabel + "}{#splitline{" + mainConfig.plot.label2 + "}{" + mainConfig.plot.label3 + "}}") else: legend.Draw() intlumi.DrawLatex( 0.4, 0.55, "#splitline{%s}{%s}" % (mainConfig.plot.label2, dileptonLabel)) latex.DrawLatex(0.95, 0.96, "%s fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" % (mainConfig.runRange.printval, )) yLabelPos = 0.85 #~ yLabelPos = 0.88 cmsExtra = "" if mainConfig.personalWork: cmsExtra = "Private Work" if not mainConfig.plotData: cmsExtra = "#splitline{Private Work}{Simulation}" yLabelPos = 0.82 #~ yLabelPos = 0.85 elif not mainConfig.plotData: cmsExtra = "Simulation" elif mainConfig.preliminary: cmsExtra = "Preliminary" elif mainConfig.forTWIKI: cmsExtra = "Unpublished" if mainConfig.forPAS: latexCMS.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.955, "CMS") latexCMSExtra.DrawLatex(0.26, 0.955, "%s" % (cmsExtra)) else: latexCMS.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.89, "CMS") latexCMSExtra.DrawLatex(0.19, yLabelPos, "%s" % (cmsExtra)) if mainConfig.plotRatio: ratioGraphs = ratios.RatioGraph(datahist, drawStack.theHistogram, xMin=mainConfig.plot.firstBin, xMax=mainConfig.plot.lastBin, title="Data / MC", yMin=0.0, yMax=2, ndivisions=10, color=ROOT.kBlack, adaptiveBinning=0.25) if mainConfig.plotSyst: ratioGraphs.addErrorByHistograms("Pileup", stackPileUpUp.theHistogram, stackPileUpDown.theHistogram, color=myColors["MyGreen"]) ratioGraphs.addErrorByHistograms("JES", stackJESUp.theHistogram, stackJESDown.theHistogram, color=myColors["MyGreen"]) if mainConfig.doTopReweighting: ratioGraphs.addErrorByHistograms( "TopWeight", stackReweightUp.theHistogram, stackReweightDown.theHistogram, color=myColors["MyGreen"]) ratioGraphs.addErrorBySize("Effs", getattr(rSFOFTrig, mainConfig.etaRegion).err, color=myColors["MyGreen"], add=True) ratioGraphs.addErrorByHistograms("Xsecs", drawStack.theHistogramXsecUp, drawStack.theHistogramXsecDown, color=myColors["MyGreen"], add=True) #~ ratioGraphs.addErrorByHistograms( "Theo", drawStack.theHistogramTheoUp, drawStack.theHistogramTheoDown,color=myColors["MyGreen"],add=True) ratioGraphs.draw(ROOT.gPad, True, False, True, chi2Pos=0.8) if mainConfig.plotSignal and mainConfig.stackSignal: signalRatios = [] legendRatio = TLegend(0.175, 0.725, 0.65, 0.95) legendRatio.SetFillStyle(0) legendRatio.SetBorderSize(0) legendRatio.SetTextFont(42) backgroundHist = ROOT.TH1F() legendRatio.AddEntry(backgroundHist, "Data / background", "pe") temphist = ROOT.TH1F() temphist.SetFillColor(myColors["MyGreen"]) if mainConfig.plotSyst: legendRatio.AddEntry(temphist, "Syst. uncert.", "f") legendRatio.SetNColumns(2) for index, signalhist in enumerate(signalhists): signalRatios.append( ratios.RatioGraph(datahist, signalhist, xMin=mainConfig.plot.firstBin, xMax=mainConfig.plot.lastBin, title="Data / MC", yMin=0.0, yMax=2, ndivisions=10, color=signalhist.GetLineColor(), adaptiveBinning=0.25)) signalRatios[index].draw(ROOT.gPad, False, False, True, chi2Pos=0.7 - index * 0.1) signalhist.SetMarkerColor(signalhist.GetLineColor()) legendRatio.AddEntry( signalhist, "Data / Background + Signal (%s)" % signalLabels[index], "p") legendRatio.Draw("same") ROOT.gPad.RedrawAxis() plotPad.RedrawAxis() if mainConfig.plotRatio: ratioPad.RedrawAxis() nameModifier = mainConfig.runRange.label + "_" + dilepton if mainConfig.doTopReweighting: nameModifier += "_TopReweighted" if mainConfig.plotData == False: nameModifier += "_MCOnly" if mainConfig.plotMC == False: nameModifier += "_NoBkgMC" if mainConfig.plotSignal: nameModifier += "_" + signalNameLabel if mainConfig.stackSignal: nameModifier += "_stackedSignal" if mainConfig.normalizeToData: hCanvas.Print( "fig/DataMC/" + mainConfig.plot.filename % ("_scaled_" + nameModifier), ) elif mainConfig.useTriggerEmulation: hCanvas.Print( "fig/DataMC/" + mainConfig.plot.filename % ("_TriggerEmulation_" + nameModifier), ) elif mainConfig.DontScaleTrig: hCanvas.Print( "fig/DataMC/" + mainConfig.plot.filename % ("_NoTriggerScaling_" + nameModifier), ) else: hCanvas.Print( "fig/DataMC/" + mainConfig.plot.filename % ("_" + nameModifier), )
def main(): ## print "hello" gROOT.SetBatch(1) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat('1.1f') output = TFile('diffratio.root', 'recreate') c1 = TCanvas('c1', 'c1', 1600, 1200) h_MhpassProfile = [] h_MhfailProfile = [] h_MhdifProfile = [] h_MZppassProfile = [] h_MZpfailProfile = [] h_MZpdifProfile = [] for i in range(4): h_MhpassProfile.append( TH1F('h_MhpassProfile_' + str(i), 'h_MhpassProfile_' + str(i), 25, 100, 150)) h_MhfailProfile.append( TH1F('h_MhfailProfile_' + str(i), 'h_MhfailProfile_' + str(i), 25, 100, 150)) h_MhdifProfile.append( TH1F('h_MhdifProfile_' + str(i), 'h_MhdifProfile_' + str(i), 25, 100, 150)) h_MhpassProfile[i].Sumw2() h_MhfailProfile[i].Sumw2() h_MZppassProfile.append( TH1F('h_MZppassProfile_' + str(i), 'h_MZppassProfile_' + str(i), 20, 500, 2500)) h_MZpfailProfile.append( TH1F('h_MZpfailProfile_' + str(i), 'h_MZpfailProfile_' + str(i), 20, 500, 2500)) h_MZpdifProfile.append( TH1F('h_MZpdifProfile_' + str(i), 'h_MZpdifProfile_' + str(i), 20, 500, 2500)) h_MZppassProfile[i].Sumw2() h_MZpfailProfile[i].Sumw2() h_pass = TH2F('h_MhMZp_pass', 'h_MhMZp_pass', 25, 100, 150, 20, 500, 2500) h_pass.Sumw2() h_alphabet = TH2F('h_MhMZp_alphabet', 'h_MhMZp_alphabet', 25, 100, 150, 20, 500, 2500) h_alphabet.Sumw2() h_dif_alphabet = TH2F('h_dif_alphabet', 'h_dif_alphabet', 25, 100, 150, 20, 500, 2500) h_dif_alphabet.Sumw2() h_SB = TH2F('h_MA0hPt_SB', 'h_MA0hPt_SB', 20, 200, 1000, 25, 0, 500) ## MA0 vs hPt h_SB.Sumw2() h_bk = TH2F('h_MA0hPt_bk', 'h_MA0hPt_bk', 20, 200, 1000, 25, 0, 500) h_bk.Sumw2() h_dif = TH2F('h_dif', 'h_dif', 20, 200, 1000, 25, 0, 500) h_dif.Sumw2() h_SB_MhPt = TH2F('h_SB_MhPt', 'h_SB_MhPt', 25, 100, 150, 25, 0, 500) h_SB_MhPt.Sumw2() h_bk_MhPt = TH2F('h_bk_MhPt', 'h_bk_MhPt', 25, 100, 150, 25, 0, 500) h_bk_MhPt.Sumw2() h_dif_MhPt = TH2F('h_dif_MhPt', 'h_dif_MhPt', 25, 100, 150, 25, 0, 500) h_dif_MhPt.Sumw2() h_SB_MhMA0 = TH2F('h_SB_MhMA0', 'h_SB_MhMA0', 25, 100, 150, 20, 200, 1000) h_SB_MhMA0.Sumw2() h_bk_MhMA0 = TH2F('h_bk_MhMA0', 'h_bk_MhMA0', 25, 100, 150, 20, 200, 1000) h_bk_MhMA0.Sumw2() h_dif_MhMA0 = TH2F('h_dif_MhMA0', 'h_dif_MhMA0', 25, 100, 150, 20, 200, 1000) h_dif_MhMA0.Sumw2() h_SB_Mh = TH1F('h_SB_Mh', 'h_SB_Mh', 25, 100, 150) h_SB_Mh.Sumw2() h_bk_Mh = TH1F('h_bk_Mh', 'h_bk_Mh', 25, 100, 150) h_bk_Mh.Sumw2() h_SB_MA0 = TH1F('h_SB_MA0', 'h_SB_MA0', 40, 200, 1000) h_SB_MA0.Sumw2() h_bk_MA0 = TH1F('h_bk_MA0', 'h_bk_MA0', 40, 200, 1000) h_bk_MA0.Sumw2() h_SB_MZp = TH1F('h_SB_MZp', 'h_SB_MZp', 20, 500, 2500) h_SB_MZp.Sumw2() h_bk_MZp = TH1F('h_bk_MZp', 'h_bk_MZp', 20, 500, 2500) h_bk_MZp.Sumw2() h_SB_hPt = TH1F('h_SB_hPt', 'h_SB_hPt', 50, 0, 500) h_SB_hPt.Sumw2() h_bk_hPt = TH1F('h_bk_hPt', 'h_bk_hPt', 50, 0, 500) h_bk_hPt.Sumw2() h_dif_MA0 = TH1F('h_dif_MA0', 'h_dif_MA0', 40, 200, 1000) h_dif_MA0.Sumw2() h_dif_Mh = TH1F('h_dif_Mh', 'h_dif_Mh', 25, 100, 150) h_dif_Mh.Sumw2() h_dif_MZp = TH1F('h_dif_MZp', 'h_dif_MZp', 20, 500, 2500) h_dif_MZp.Sumw2() h_dif_hPt = TH1F('h_dif_hPt', 'h_dif_hPt', 50, 0, 500) h_dif_hPt.Sumw2() f = TFile('../data/ALLBTagCSV-Run2016_tree.root') myTree = f.tree # print myTree.GetEntries() for en in range(myTree.GetEntries()): if (not en % 10000): print en, 'of ', myTree.GetEntries() myTree.GetEntry(en) # print en, myTree.Mh, myTree.MZp #print en, myTree.isTag, myTree.isAntiTag if (en >= 1000 and len(sys.argv) >= 2): break ## skip signal np = int((myTree.MZp - 500) // 500) if (myTree.Mh > 136): nq = 3 elif (myTree.Mh < 114): nq = 0 if (myTree.isTag and myTree.Mh < 136 and myTree.Mh > 114): continue elif (myTree.isTag): h_SB.Fill(myTree.MZp, myTree.hPt) h_pass.Fill(myTree.Mh, myTree.MZp) h_SB_MhPt.Fill(myTree.Mh, myTree.hPt) h_SB_MhMA0.Fill(myTree.Mh, myTree.MA0) h_SB_MA0.Fill(myTree.MA0) h_SB_hPt.Fill(myTree.hPt) h_SB_Mh.Fill(myTree.Mh) h_SB_MZp.Fill(myTree.MZp) if (np < 4 and np >= 0): h_MhpassProfile[np].Fill(myTree.Mh) if (nq < 4 and nq >= 0): h_MZppassProfile[nq].Fill(myTree.MZp) elif (myTree.isAntiTag): weight = R_pass_fail(MhTrans(myTree.Mh), ZpTrans(myTree.MZp)) if (weight < 0): print 'error', en, weight h_bk.Fill(myTree.MZp, myTree.hPt, weight) h_alphabet.Fill(myTree.Mh, myTree.MZp, weight) h_bk_MhPt.Fill(myTree.Mh, myTree.hPt, weight) h_bk_MhMA0.Fill(myTree.Mh, myTree.MA0, weight) h_bk_MA0.Fill(myTree.MA0, weight) h_bk_Mh.Fill(myTree.Mh, weight) h_bk_MZp.Fill(myTree.MZp, weight) h_bk_hPt.Fill(myTree.hPt, weight) if (np < 4 and np >= 0): h_MhfailProfile[np].Fill(myTree.Mh, weight) if (nq < 4 and nq >= 0): h_MZpfailProfile[nq].Fill(myTree.MZp, weight) h_dif_alphabet.Divide(h_alphabet, h_pass) h_dif.Divide(h_bk, h_SB) h_dif_MA0.Divide(h_bk_MA0, h_SB_MA0) h_dif_Mh.Divide(h_bk_Mh, h_SB_Mh) h_dif_MZp.Divide(h_bk_MZp, h_SB_MZp) h_dif_hPt.Divide(h_bk_hPt, h_SB_hPt) h_dif_MhPt.Divide(h_bk_MhPt, h_SB_MhPt) h_dif_MhMA0.Divide(h_bk_MhMA0, h_SB_MhMA0) for i in range(4): h_MhdifProfile[i].Divide(h_MhpassProfile[i], h_MhfailProfile[i]) for i in range(4): h_MZpdifProfile[i].Divide(h_MZppassProfile[i], h_MZpfailProfile[i]) pdfName = 'diff.pdf' c1.Print(pdfName + '[') ## gPad.SetLogz() h_dif_alphabet.SetMaximum(5.) h_dif_alphabet.SetMinimum(0.1) h_dif_alphabet.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0.1, 10) h_dif_alphabet.Draw('colz text') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_alphabet.Draw('surf2z') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif.Draw('colz text') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif.Draw('surf2z') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_MhPt.Draw('colz text') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_MhPt.Draw('surf2z') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_MhMA0.Draw('colz text') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_MhMA0.Draw('surf2z') c1.Print(pdfName) gPad.SetLogz(0) h_dif_Mh.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_SB_MA0.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_bk_MA0.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_MA0.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_SB_MZp.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_bk_MZp.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_MZp.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_SB_hPt.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_bk_hPt.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) h_dif_hPt.Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) for i in range(4): h_MhdifProfile[i].Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) for i in range(4): h_MZpdifProfile[i].Draw('e') c1.Print(pdfName) output.Write() c1.Print(pdfName + ']') print "event", h_bk_Mh.Integral(), h_SB_Mh.Integral() print "Mh event ratio: ", h_bk_Mh.Integral() / h_SB_Mh.Integral()
def getObject(filename, key): _f = r.TFile(filename) _h = _f.Get(key) _hcopy = copy.deepcopy(_h) _f.Close() return _hcopy if __name__ == "__main__": gROOT.ProcessLine('.L ' + WORKPATH + 'include/tdrstyle.C') gROOT.SetBatch(1) print('WORKPATH: ' + WORKPATH) r.setTDRStyle() ########################### #### Parser object #### ########################### parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [opts] FilenameWithSamples', version='%prog 1.0') parser.add_option('-t', '--tag', action='store', type=str, dest='tag', default='', help='Output tag') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() ##################################### #### Construct TEfficiencies #### #####################################
def drawMultiGraph(mg, title, lt, rt, fname, ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax, log, bl=True): #myStyle() gROOT.SetBatch(True) canvas = ROOT.TCanvas('bla', 'bla', 600, 600) canvas.SetLogy(log) canvas.SetTicks(1, 1) canvas.SetLeftMargin(0.14) canvas.SetRightMargin(0.08) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0000000) mg.Draw("a3") mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.035) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.035) mg.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xmin, xmax) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.75) mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.35) mg.SetMinimum(ymin) mg.SetMaximum(ymax) if log: ROOT.gPad.SetLogy() if bl: leg = canvas.BuildLegend(0.55, 0.65, 0.88, 0.86) leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.Draw() Text = ROOT.TLatex() Text.SetNDC() Text.SetTextAlign(31) Text.SetTextSize(0.04) text = '#it{' + lt + '}' Text.DrawLatex(0.90, 0.92, text) text = '#bf{#it{' + rt + '}}' Text.SetTextAlign(22) Text.SetNDC(ROOT.kTRUE) Text.SetTextSize(0.04) Text.DrawLatex(0.35, 0.78, text) canvas.RedrawAxis() canvas.Update() canvas.GetFrame().SetBorderSize(12) canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() canvas.Print('{}.pdf'.format(fname), 'pdf') canvas.Print('{}.png'.format(fname), 'png')
import argparse import ROOT ROOT.PyConfig.IgnoreCommandLineOptions = True from ROOT import TCanvas, TPad, TH1F, TH1I, THStack, TLegend, TMath, gROOT, TGaxis import ratios from setTDRStyle import setTDRStyle gROOT.SetBatch(True) from helpers import * from defs import getPlot, Backgrounds, Backgrounds2016, Backgrounds2018, Signals, Signals2016, Signals2016ADD, Data, Data2016, Data2018, path, plotList, zScale, zScale2016, zScale2018 import math import os from copy import copy import numpy as np import root_numpy # Muon sys uncertainty (%) # as a function of mass def getMuErr(mass, chann, norm=False): lumi = 0.0 znorm = 0.0 pileup = 0.0 # we don't use pileup 0.046 dybkg = 0.0 # 0.07 #pdf = 0.01*(0.433+0.003291*mass-2.159e-6*mass**2+9.044e-10*mass**3-1.807e-13*mass**4+1.51e-17*mass**5) pdf = 0.0 # muons only next if chann: mutrig = 0.003 else: mutrig = 0.007 resolution = 0.01
def main(): # usage description usage = "Example: ./scripts/ -l logs -f qq --massrange 1200 6000 100" # input parameters parser = ArgumentParser(description='Script that plots significance for specified mass points',epilog=usage) parser.add_argument("-M", "--method", dest="method", choices=['MaxLikelihoodFit'], default='MaxLikelihoodFit', help="Method to calculate upper limits", metavar="METHOD") results_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) results_group.add_argument("-l", "--logs_path", dest="logs_path", help="Path to log files", metavar="LOGS_PATH") results_group.add_argument("-r", "--results_file", dest="results_file", help="Path to a file containing results", metavar="RESULTS_FILE") parser.add_argument("-f", "--final_state", dest="final_state", required=True, help="Final state (e.g. qq, qg, gg)", metavar="FINAL_STATE") parser.add_argument("--postfix", dest="postfix", default='', help="Postfix for the output plot name (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("--fileFormat", dest="fileFormat", default='pdf', help="Format of the output plot (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("--extraText", dest="extraText", default='Simulation Preliminary', help="Extra text on the plot (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("--lumi_sqrtS", dest="lumi_sqrtS", default='1 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)', help="Integrated luminosity and center-of-mass energy (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("--printResults", dest="printResults", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print results to the screen") mass_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) mass_group.add_argument("--mass", type=int, nargs = '*', default = 1000, help="Mass can be specified as a single value or a whitespace separated list (default: %(default)i)" ) mass_group.add_argument("--massrange", type=int, nargs = 3, help="Define a range of masses to be produced. Format: min max step", metavar = ('MIN', 'MAX', 'STEP') ) mass_group.add_argument("--masslist", help = "List containing mass information" ) args = parser.parse_args() # mass points for which resonance shapes will be produced input_masses = [] if args.massrange != None: MIN, MAX, STEP = args.massrange input_masses = range(MIN, MAX+STEP, STEP) elif args.masslist != None: # A mass list was provided print "Will create mass list according to", args.masslist masslist = __import__(args.masslist.replace(".py","")) input_masses = masslist.masses else: input_masses = args.mass # sort masses input_masses.sort() # arrays holding results masses = array('d') sig = array('d') sig_ex = array('d') sig_eyl = array('d') sig_eyh = array('d') if args.logs_path != None: logs_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),args.logs_path) for mass in input_masses: print ">> Reading results for %s resonance with m = %i GeV..."%(args.final_state, int(mass)) masses.append(mass) logName = 'signal_xs_%s_%s_m%i.log'%(args.method,args.final_state,int(mass)) log_file = open(os.path.join(logs_path,logName),'r') # read the log file for line in log_file: if"^Best fit r:", line): sig.append(float(line.split()[3])) sig_eyl.append(float(line.split()[4].split('/')[0].lstrip('-'))) sig_eyh.append(float(line.split()[4].split('/')[1].lstrip('+'))) sig_ex.append(0.) if len(masses) != len(sig): print "** WARNING: ** Fit failed for m =", int(mass), "GeV. Setting signal cross section to 0." sig.append(0.) sig_eyl.append(0.) sig_eyh.append(0.) else: print ">> Importing results..." sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(args.results_file)) results = __import__(os.path.basename(args.results_file).replace(".py","")) all_masses = np.array(results.masses) indices = [] # search for indices of input_masses for mass in input_masses: where = np.where(all_masses==mass)[0] if len(where) == 0: print "** WARNING: ** Cannot find results for m =", int(mass), "GeV in the provided results file. Skipping this mass point." indices.extend( where ) # sort indices indices.sort() for i in indices: masses.append( results.masses[i] ) sig.append( results.sig[i] ) sig_ex.append( results.sig_ex[i] ) sig_eyl.append( results.sig_eyl[i] ) sig_eyh.append( results.sig_eyh[i] ) if args.printResults: print "masses =", masses.tolist() print "sig =", sig.tolist() print "sig_ex =", sig_ex.tolist() print "sig_eyl =", sig_eyl.tolist() print "sig_eyh =", sig_eyh.tolist() # create final arrays sig_pos = array('d') sig_exl = array('d') sig_exh = array('d') # fill final arrays for i in range(0,len(masses)): sig_pos.append(sig[i] if sig[i]>0. else 0.) sig_exl.append(sig_ex[i]) sig_exh.append(sig_ex[i]) sig_eyl.append(sig_eyl[i] if sig[i]>0. else 0.) sig_eyh.append(sig_eyh[i]) # import ROOT stuff from ROOT import kTRUE, kFALSE, gROOT, gStyle, gPad, TGraphAsymmErrors, TCanvas, TLegend from ROOT import kGreen, kYellow, kWhite, kRed, kBlue gROOT.SetBatch(kTRUE); gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) gStyle.SetTitleFont(42, "XYZ") gStyle.SetTitleSize(0.06, "XYZ") gStyle.SetLabelFont(42, "XYZ") gStyle.SetLabelSize(0.05, "XYZ") gStyle.SetCanvasBorderMode(0) gStyle.SetFrameBorderMode(0) gStyle.SetCanvasColor(kWhite) gStyle.SetPadTickX(1) gStyle.SetPadTickY(1) gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.15) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.15) gROOT.ForceStyle() graph_sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(masses),masses,sig_pos,sig_exl,sig_exh,sig_eyl,sig_eyh) graph_sig.GetXaxis().SetTitle("%s resonance mass [GeV]"%(args.final_state)) graph_sig.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Signal cross section [pb]") graph_sig.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) graph_sig.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-4,2e2) graph_sig.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph_sig.SetMarkerColor(1) graph_sig.SetLineWidth(2) graph_sig.SetLineStyle(1) graph_sig.SetLineColor(1) c = TCanvas("c", "",800,800) graph_sig.Draw("AP") # draw the lumi text on the canvas CMS_lumi.extraText = args.extraText CMS_lumi.lumi_sqrtS = args.lumi_sqrtS # used with iPeriod = 0 (free form) iPos = 11 iPeriod = 0 CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(c, iPeriod, iPos) gPad.RedrawAxis() c.SetLogy() c.SetGridx() c.SetGridy() fileName = 'signal_xs_%s_%s.%s'%(args.method,args.final_state + ( ('_' + args.postfix) if args.postfix != '' else '' ), args.fileFormat.lower()) c.SaveAs(fileName) print "Plot saved to '%s'"%(fileName)