if x > xeff: return None xsmear = gRandom.Gaus(-2.5, 0.2) # bias and smear return xt + xsmear # ============================================================================== # Example Unfolding # ============================================================================== print "==================================== TRAIN ====================================" response = RooUnfoldResponse(40, -10.0, 10.0) # Train with a Breit-Wigner, mean 0.3 and width 2.5. for i in xrange(100000): xt = gRandom.BreitWigner(0.3, 2.5) x = smear(xt) if x != None: response.Fill(x, xt) else: response.Miss(xt) print "==================================== TEST =====================================" hTrue = TH1D("true", "Test Truth", 40, -10.0, 10.0) hMeas = TH1D("meas", "Test Measured", 40, -10.0, 10.0) # Test with a Gaussian, mean 0 and width 2. for i in xrange(10000): xt = gRandom.Gaus(0.0, 2.0) x = smear(xt) hTrue.Fill(xt) if x != None: hMeas.Fill(x)
def main(optunf="Bayes"): optunfs = ["Bayes", "SVD", "TUnfold", "Invert", "Reverse"] if not optunf in optunfs: txt = "Unfolding option " + optunf + " not recognised" raise ValueError(txt) global hReco, hMeas, hTrue print "==================================== TRAIN ====================================" # Create response matrix object for 40 measured and 20 # unfolded bins: response = RooUnfoldResponse(40, -10.0, 10.0, 20, -10.0, 10.0) # Train with a Breit-Wigner, mean 0.3 and width 2.5. for i in xrange(100000): # xt= gRandom.BreitWigner( 0.3, 2.5 ) xt = gRandom.Gaus(0.0, 5.0) x = smear(xt) if x != None: response.Fill(x, xt) else: response.Miss(xt) print "==================================== TEST =====================================" hTrue = TH1D("true", "Test Truth", 20, -10.0, 10.0) hMeas = TH1D("meas", "Test Measured", 40, -10.0, 10.0) # Test with a Gaussian, mean 0 and width 2. for i in xrange(10000): # xt= gRandom.Gaus( 0.0, 2.0 ) xt = gRandom.BreitWigner(0.3, 2.5) x = smear(xt) hTrue.Fill(xt) if x != None: hMeas.Fill(x) print "==================================== UNFOLD ===================================" print "Unfolding method:", optunf if "Bayes" in optunf: # Bayes unfoldung with 4 iterations # unfold= RooUnfoldBayes( response, hMeas, 4 ) unfold = RooUnfoldBayes(response, hMeas, 10, False, True) elif "SVD" in optunf: # SVD unfoding with free regularisation # unfold= RooUnfoldSvd( response, hMeas, 20 ) unfold = RooUnfoldSvd(response, hMeas) elif "TUnfold" in optunf: # TUnfold with fixed regularisation tau=0.002 # unfold= RooUnfoldTUnfold( response, hMeas ) unfold = RooUnfoldTUnfold(response, hMeas, 0.002) elif "Invert" in optunf: unfold = RooUnfoldInvert(response, hMeas) elif "Reverse" in optunf: unfold = RooUnfoldBayes(response, hMeas, 1) hReco = unfold.Hreco() # unfold.PrintTable( cout, hTrue ) unfold.PrintTable(cout, hTrue, 2) hReco.Draw() hMeas.Draw("SAME") hTrue.SetLineColor(8) hTrue.Draw("SAME") return