def model(self, ws, debug=0):

        if self.sModel not in self.items:
            if debug > 0:
                print self.legend, 'no Model section defined in the config file'
                print self.legend, 'no model will be created'

        legend = '[' + self.sModel + ']:'

        # FIXME: find a better way to load custom PDFs
        #gROOT.ProcessLine(".L dijetQstarPdf.cxx+");
        #gROOT.ProcessLine(".L Qstar_qg.cxx+");
        #gROOT.ProcessLine(".L Qstar_qg_2.cxx+");
        #gROOT.ProcessLine(".L Jacobian_mt.cxx+");

        model_items = self.items[self.sModel]

        if (debug > 0):
            print 'Loading model to the workspace', ws.GetName()

        # using RooStats::HLFactory to parse the model
        # make a temp file with a card file
        card_file_name = ''
        with open(card_file_name, 'w') as cardfile:
            for item in model_items:
                print >> cardfile, item[0], '=', item[1]

        hlfVerbosity = debug > 0
        #hlf = ROOT.RooStats.HLFactory('HLFactoryExost', card_file_name, True)
        hlf = RooStats.HLFactory('HLFactoryExost', ws, hlfVerbosity)

        self.modelAutoImportWarningExplanation(legend, debug)

        current_messaging_level = RooMsgService.instance().globalKillBelow()
        if debug <= 0:


        print legend, 'importing nonstandard class code into the workspace...'
        #ws.importClassCode('Qstar_qg', true);
        print legend, '...code import done'

        # return messaging to the original level
    def variables(self, ws, debug):
        var_items = self.items[self.sVariables]

        legend = '[' + self.sVariables + ']:'

        print legend, 'begin processing...'
        print legend, 'define variables, constants, categories, sets and lists'

        # dictionary of value lists for each item
        # this is more detailed than the original items object
        # because the multiple settings for a given item
        # are already split
        # NOTE: sets are special case and are not added here
        item_values = {}

        # using RooStats::HLFactory to parse the model
        # make a temp file with a card file
        card_file_name = ''
        with open(card_file_name, 'w') as cardfile:
            vSets = {}
            for item in var_items:
                # special case for sets
                # standard RooFactoryWSTool interface exists in newer versions
                # need to switch at some point
                # for now parsing and adding named sets by hand
                if item[1].strip()[0:3] == 'set':
                    set_arg_list = item[1].strip()
                    set_arg_list = set_arg_list[3:len(set_arg_list)]
                    set_arg_list = set_arg_list.strip(' ;()').split(',')

                    set_args = []
                    for arg in set_arg_list:

                    vSets[item[0].strip()] = set_args

                    if (debug > 2):
                        print legend, 'Set arg value is ->' + item[1] + '<-'
                        print legend, 'set args are', set_args
                    # this is a way to handle multiple settings
                    # for each item: they are separated by semicolon
                    # in the value field of the config item
                    item_values[item[0]] = self.split_values(item)

                    #print >> cardfile,  item[0], '=', item[1]
                    print >> cardfile, item[0], '=', item_values[item[0]][0]

        # add variables using HLFactory cards
        hlfVerbosity = debug > 2
        hlf = RooStats.HLFactory('HLFactoryExost', ws, hlfVerbosity)

        # process the secondary options (fix/float etc.)
        for _key in item_values:
            n_values = len(item_values[_key])
            for _index in range(0, n_values):
                self.process_value(ws, _key, item_values[_key][_index], debug)

        # now add sets by hand
        print legend, 'creating sets now...'

        # fixme experimental
        _sets = {}

        for set_args_key in vSets.keys():
            arg_list = ''

            # fixme experimental
            _sets[set_args_key] = RooArgSet(set_args_key)

            for arg in vSets[set_args_key]:
                if len(arg_list) > 0:
                    arg_list += ','
                arg_list += arg

                # fixme experimental

            #ws.defineSet(set_args_key, arg_list)
            print legend, 'set', set_args_key, 'created'

        print legend, 'done creating sets'

        return {'sets': _sets}