def test3a(): '''To test the event reconstruction''' data1 = array('f', [0] * (16384 * 20)) inRoot = 'data/fpgaLin/Feb27a_data_40.root' fout1 = TFile(inRoot, 'read') tree1 = fout1.Get('tree1') tree1.SetBranchAddress('adc', data1) i = 81 tree1.GetEntry(i) ### here comes the constructor sp1 = SignalProcessor() sp1.nAdcCh = 20 sp1.IO_adcData = data1 sp1.fltParam.clear() for x in [30, 100, 300, -1]: sp1.fltParam.push_back(x) thre = [0.001] * sp1.nAdcCh thre[19] = 0.02 sp1.ch_thre.clear() for x in thre: sp1.ch_thre.push_back(x) sp1.reco() Unit = 0.2 h3 = TH3F('h3', 'h3;x [cm];y [cm];t [ps]', 9, -1.8, 1.8, 9, -1.8, 1.8, 100, -1. * Unit * sp1.CF_uSize, Unit * sp1.CF_dSize) # for e in sp1.IO_evts: for e in sp1.get_events(): print e.trigID, len(e.sigs) h3.Reset() showEvent(e, h3, h2) h3.Draw('BOX2Z') waitRootCmdX() # for j in range(sp1.nAdcCh): print j, e.sigs[j].im # d = [e.sigs[j].Q for j in range(sp1.nAdcCh)] # print d # showA(d) e1 = sp1.IO_evts[0] print dir(e1) print dir(e1.sigs[0]) print '****', e1.sigs[0].im showEvents(sp1.IO_evts)
def display_test(inRoot='data/fpgaLin/Feb27a_data_40.root', ievt=0): '''To test the event reconstruction''' gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gROOT.ProcessLine('.L Pal.C') gStyle.SetPalette(55) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.15) # from ROOT import Pal2 # Pal2() data1 = array('f', [0] * (16384 * 20)) fout1 = TFile(inRoot, 'read') tree1 = fout1.Get('tree1') tree1.SetBranchAddress('adc', data1) ### here comes the constructor sp1 = SignalProcessor() sp1.nAdcCh = 20 sp1.IO_adcData = data1 sp1.CF_chan_en.clear() for i in range(20): sp1.CF_chan_en.push_back(1) sp1.fltParam.clear() for x in [30, 100, 300, -1]: sp1.fltParam.push_back(x) thre = [0.001] * sp1.nAdcCh thre[19] = 0.02 sp1.ch_thre.clear() for x in thre: sp1.ch_thre.push_back(x) Unit = 0.2 h3 = TH3F('h3', 'h3;x [cm];y [cm];t [ps]', 9, -1.8, 1.8, 9, -1.8, 1.8, 100, -1. * Unit * sp1.CF_uSize, Unit * sp1.CF_dSize) h2 = TH2F('h2', 'h2;t [ps];Channel;Q', (sp1.CF_uSize + sp1.CF_dSize), -1. * Unit * sp1.CF_uSize, Unit * sp1.CF_dSize, 20, 0, 20) cx = TCanvas('cx', 'cx', 1500, 700) cx.Divide(2, 1) # for i in range(tree1.GetEntries()): while ievt >= 0: tree1.GetEntry(ievt) sp1.reco() for e in sp1.IO_evts: print e.trigID, len(e.sigs) h3.Reset() h2.Reset() showEvent(e, h3, h2) # h3.Draw('BOX2') # h3.Draw() # h3.SetMarkerStyle(20) # h3.SetMarkerSize(1) h3.Draw('COLZ') t = h2.GetBinContent(h2.GetMaximumBin()) * 1.06 h2.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.05 * t, t * 0.95) h2.Draw('colz') # h2.Draw('axis same') # gPad.Update() # a = raw_input("x:") waitRootCmdX(cx) ievt += 1
def test3(): '''To test the event reconstruction''' gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gROOT.ProcessLine('.L Pal.C') gStyle.SetPalette(55) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.15) # from ROOT import Pal2 # Pal2() data1 = array('f', [0] * (16384 * 20)) # inRoot = 'data/fpgaLin/Feb27a_data_40.root' inRoot = 'data/fpgaLin/Mar08D1a/Mar08D1a_data_70.root' fout1 = TFile(inRoot, 'read') tree1 = fout1.Get('tree1') tree1.SetBranchAddress('adc', data1) ### here comes the constructor sp1 = SignalProcessor() # sp1.nAdcCh=20 sp1.IO_adcData = data1 apply_config(sp1, 'Hydrogen') # sp1.fltParam.clear() # for x in [30, 100, 300, -1]: sp1.fltParam.push_back(x) # thre = [0.001]*sp1.nAdcCh # thre[19] = 0.02 # # sp1.ch_thre.clear() # for x in thre: sp1.ch_thre.push_back(x) Unit = 0.2 h3 = TH3F('h3', 'h3;x [cm];y [cm];t [ps]', 9, -1.8, 1.8, 9, -1.8, 1.8, 100, -1. * Unit * sp1.CF_uSize, Unit * sp1.CF_dSize) h2 = TH2F('h2', 'h2;t [ps];Channel;Q', (sp1.CF_uSize + sp1.CF_dSize), -1. * Unit * sp1.CF_uSize, Unit * sp1.CF_dSize, 20, 0, 20) cx = TCanvas('cx', 'cx', 1500, 700) cx.Divide(2, 1) for i in range(tree1.GetEntries()): tree1.GetEntry(i) sp1.reco() for ich in range(sp1.nAdcCh): for s in sp1.signals[ich]: print ich, ':', s.idx,, s.Q, s.w0, s.w1, s.w2 for e in sp1.IO_evts: print e.trigID, len(e.sigs) h3.Reset() h2.Reset() showEvent(e, h3, h2) h3.Draw('BOX2') t = h2.GetBinContent(h2.GetMaximumBin()) * 1.06 h2.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.05 * t, t * 0.95) h2.Draw('colz') # h2.Draw('axis same') waitRootCmdX()