def drawGraph(self,g,figDir="",SetLogx=False,SetLogy=False,option='APL'): ''' output graph to file ''' title = g.GetTitle() name = g.GetName() if SetLogx: name += '_logx' if SetLogy: name += '_logy' pdf = os.path.join( figDir, name + '.pdf') xsize,ysize = 1100,850 # landscape style noPopUp = True if noPopUp : gROOT.ProcessLine("gROOT->SetBatch()") canvas = TCanvas(pdf,title,xsize,ysize) g.Draw(option) if SetLogy: canvas.SetLogy(1) if SetLogx: canvas.SetLogx(1) canvas.Draw() canvas.SetGrid(1) canvas.SetTicks(1) canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() canvas.Print(pdf,'pdf') return
def main(): # print "reade ntuple for file ", sys.arg[1] # print "read geometry from file ", sys.argv[2] # ntuple = HGCalNtuple(sys.argv[1]) # planes = GeoUtils.read_planes(sys.argv[2]) # for plane in planes: # print_geo(ntuple, plane) print "read geometry from file: ", "fullgeometry_.txt" print "reading planes" planes = GeoUtils.read_planes("fullgeometry_.txt") c = TCanvas() mg = TMultiGraph() cells = planes[0].cells for cell in cells: x = array("d", cell.coordinates.vertices[:, 0]) x.append(x[0]) y = array("d", cell.coordinates.vertices[:, 1]) y.append(y[0]) gi = TGraph(len(x), x, y) gi.SetMarkerStyle(1) mg.Add(gi, "AL") # mg.Draw("AL") mg.Draw("A") c.Draw() c.SaveAs("hex0.png")
def drawTopoGeometry(geometry, is2016): outfn = "TopoLayout%s.pdf" % ("2016" if is2016 else "2015") global box, c, h, leg gROOT.Reset() gStyle.SetOptStat(0) c = TCanvas('c', "MuCTPi to Topo Geometry", 1400, 950) c.Draw() h = TH2F("h", "Muon Topo Geometry %s" % "2016" if is2016 else "2015", 10, -2.6, 2.6, 10, -0.15, 6.4) h.SetXTitle("#eta") h.SetYTitle("#phi") h.Draw() box = TBox() box.SetFillStyle(0) box.SetLineColor(3) circle = TArc() for colorIndex, MioctID in enumerate(drawOrder): MIOCT = geometry.getMIOCT(MioctID) color = colorMap[colorIndex % len(colorMap)] box.SetLineColor(color) box.SetFillColor(color) circle.SetLineColor(color) circle.SetFillColor(color) fillStyle = 3004 for cellIdx, TopoCell in enumerate(MIOCT.Decode.TopoCells): # corner 1 c1_x = float(TopoCell["etamin"]) c1_y = float(TopoCell["phimin"]) # corner 2 c2_x = float(TopoCell["etamax"]) c2_y = float(TopoCell["phimax"]) # center rounded c_x = float(TopoCell["ieta"]) c_y = float(TopoCell["iphi"]) #print "cell %i : eta [%f - %f], phi [%f - %f]" % (cellIdx, c1_x, c2_x, c1_y, c2_y) if fillStyle == 3004: fillStyle = 3012 else: fillStyle = 3004 box.SetFillStyle(fillStyle) box.DrawBox(c1_x, c1_y, c2_x, c2_y) box.SetFillStyle(0) box.DrawBox(c1_x, c1_y, c2_x, c2_y) circle.DrawArc(c_x / 10., c_y / 10., 0.02) c.Update() c.SaveAs(outfn)
def plotnorm(h1, h2, h3, fname, particle, swap=False): leg = TLegend(0.15, 0.65, 0.50, 0.92, "", "brNDC") leg.SetFillStyle(4000) # will be transparent leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetTextFont(42) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.AddEntry(0, "MadGraph+Pythia8", "") leg.AddEntry(0, "#it{gg}#rightarrow#it{t}#bar{#it{t}} (500k events)", "") leg.AddEntry(0, "Truth level for now", "") leg.AddEntry(h1, "|SM|^{2}", "ple") leg.AddEntry(h2, "|#it{" + particle + "}|^{2} reweighted", "ple") leg.AddEntry(h3, "|#it{" + particle + "}|^{2} generated", "ple") leg.AddEntry(0, "#it{m}_{#it{" + particle + "}} = 500 GeV", "") # leg.AddEntry(0, "in |#it{m}_{#it{t#bar{t}}}-#it{m}_{#it{"+particle+"}}|<100 GeV", ""); cnv = TCanvas("cnv", "", 600, 600) cnv.Draw() cnv.SetTicks(1, 1) h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Norm.") h2.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Norm.") h3.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Norm.") if (swap): h2.DrawNormalized() h1.DrawNormalized("same") else: h1.DrawNormalized() h2.DrawNormalized("same") h3.DrawNormalized("same") leg.Draw("same") cnv.Update() cnv.RedrawAxis() cnv.SaveAs(fname)
def draw_nice_canvas(name, x=800, y=800, logx=False, logy=False, logz=True, title=None, replace=True): global nice_canvases if not replace and name in nice_canvases: c = nice_canvases[name] if title is not None: c.SetTitle(title) return c if title is None: title = name c = TCanvas(name, title, x, y) c.SetLogx(logx) c.SetLogy(logy) c.SetLogz(logz) c.SetTicky() c.SetTickx() c.SetLeftMargin(0.15) c.SetBottomMargin(0.15) c.SetRightMargin(0.05) c.SetTopMargin(0.05) c.Draw() nice_canvases[name] = c return c
def drawCodeValues(geometry, is2016): global h, c gROOT.Reset() gStyle.SetOptStat(0) c = TCanvas('c', "Topo encoding", 1400, 950) c.Draw() h = TH2F("h", "Muon Topo encoding %i" % (2016 if is2016 else 2015), 8, 0, 8, 8, 0, 8) h.SetXTitle("#eta") h.SetYTitle("#phi") h.Draw() for MioctID in drawOrder: #for MioctID in [3,4,5,6,7]: MIOCT = geometry.getMIOCT(MioctID) for tc in MIOCT.Decode.TopoCells: h.Fill(int(tc['etacode'], 16), int(tc['phicode'], 16)) h.Draw("colz") c.Update() c.SaveAs("TopoCodes%s.pdf" % "2016" if is2016 else "2015")
def draw_canvas_histo(nchannels, xmin, xmax, title, cat_names): c = TCanvas("c", "Canvas", 800, 600) c.Draw() h = TH2F("h", "", 10, xmin, xmax, nchannels, -1, nchannels - 1) h.Draw() h.SetStats(0) h.SetXTitle(title) yaxis = h.GetYaxis() yaxis.SetLabelSize(fontsize) for ibin in range(0, nchannels): yaxis.SetBinLabel(nchannels - ibin, cat_names[ibin]) t = TLatex() t.SetNDC() t.SetTextFont(42) t.SetTextSize(fontsize) t.SetTextAlign(11) t.DrawLatex( 0.40, 0.91, " " + lumi + " fb^{-1}, #sqrt{s} = 13 TeV") return c, h
def drawFit(self,h,figdir='',SetLogy=False,SetLogx=False,extraName=None): ''' draw histogram with fit parameters ''' name = h.GetName() if extraName is not None: name += '_' + extraName title = h.GetTitle() if SetLogx: name += '_logx' if SetLogy: name += '_logy' pdf = os.path.join( figdir , name + '.pdf' ) ps = os.path.join( figdir , name + '.ps' ) xsize,ysize = 1100,850 # landscape style noPopUp = True if noPopUp : gROOT.ProcessLine("gROOT->SetBatch()") canvas = TCanvas(pdf,title,xsize,ysize) gStyle.SetOptFit(1111) h.Draw() if SetLogy: canvas.SetLogy(1) if SetLogx: canvas.SetLogx(1) canvas.Draw() canvas.SetGrid(1) canvas.SetTicks(1) canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() canvas.Print(ps,'Landscape') os.system('ps2pdf ' + ps + ' ' + pdf) if os.path.exists(pdf): os.system('rm ' + ps) return
def foo(): c = TCanvas() c.Divide(2, 2, 0, 0) c.SetCanvasSize(1000, 800) leg = TLegend(.65, .90, 1, 1) leg.SetHeader("Centrality", "C") leg.SetNColumns(3) leg.SetTextSize(0.03) for i, key in enumerate(('Ro', 'Rs', 'Rl', 'RoRs'), 1): pad = # pad.SetTopMargin(0) # pad.SetBottomMargin(0) # pad.SetLeftMargin(0.17) if i == 4 or i == 3: pad.SetBottomMargin(0.18) # if i in (1, 3): pad.SetLeftMargin(0.17) # elif i == 1: # pad.SetTopMargin(0.0) if i == 3: yrange = 0.1, 9.5 elif i == 4: yrange = 0.7, 1.3 else: yrange = 0.1, 7.9 for g, graph in enumerate(kisiel_graphs[key]): graph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0.0, 1.0) if g == 0: graph.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(*yrange) graph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(.07) graph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.69) graph.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() if i == 4: graph.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(404) elif i == 3: graph.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(405) if i == 4: graph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.07) graph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.07) # graph.Set graph.Draw('AP') else: graph.Draw('SAME P') if i == 1: leg.AddEntry(graph, cent_names[g], 'P') for g, graph in enumerate(kubera_graphs[key]): graph.Draw('P') leg.Draw() c.Draw()
def draw(pattern): '''Draw all histograms with a key matching pattern in separate canvases''' for hist in hists: name = hist.GetName() if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern): can = TCanvas(name, name, cx, cy) canvases.append(can) can.Draw() hist.Draw()
def plot2d(h, nsmooth, fname, drawopt, nameX, mX, hR=0, minz=+1.e11, maxz=-1.e11, phi=-50, theta=25, dologx=False, dology=True, dologz=False): for i in range(0, nsmooth): h.Smooth() c = TCanvas("c" + h.GetName(), "c" + h.GetName(), 1000, 600) c.Draw() c.SetTopMargin(0.1) if (dologx): c.SetLogx() if (dology): c.SetLogy() if (dologz): c.SetLogz() if (minz < +1.e10): h.SetMinimum(minz) if (maxz > -1.e10): h.SetMaximum(maxz) if (hR): h.Divide(hR) h.Scale(100) h.GetZaxis().SetTitle("(SM+#it{" + nameX + "})/SM-1 [%]") h.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(-0.1) # h.GetYaxis().SetLimits(0.,10.) # ymin = 0. # ymax = 10. # nPrimitiveBins = 10 # nBins = nPrimitiveBins*int(ymax-ymin) # h.GetYaxis().Set(nBins,ymin,ymax) # h.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions((Int_t)(10.*16),kFALSE) # h.RebinY(5) h.SetTitleOffset(0.5) if (("SURF" in drawopt) or ("LEGO" in drawopt)): c.SetPhi(phi) c.SetTheta(theta) h.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.10) h.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.60) h.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.30) h.Draw(drawopt) c.Modified() c.Update() c.SaveAs(fname) c.SaveAs(fname.replace(".pdf", ".root"))
def drawAppMVAOutputPlots(region, method, isMC): MCstr = "" if isMC: MCstr = "BsMC12" Region = region[:1].upper() + region[ 1:] #capitalize first letter for retrieving file names HistName = "ApplicationOutput" + MCstr + Region + method CvsName = "canvasMVA_" + MCstr + method + region canvas = TCanvas(CvsName, CvsName) stackBDT = THStack(HistName, HistName) histos = [] appFiles = [] canvas.Draw() # note: TMVApp file name structure: "TMVApp"+Region+method+sample+".root" # "BsMC12TMVApp"+Region+method+sample+".root" appFile = TFile(MCstr + "TMVApp" + Region + method + ".root") histo = appFile.Get("MVA_" + method).Clone(HistName) histo.Scale(1 / histo.GetEntries()) stackBDT.Add(histo) for sample in range(3): appFiles.append( TFile(MCstr + "TMVApp" + Region + method + str(sample) + ".root")) histos.append(appFiles[sample].Get("MVA_" + method).Clone("HistName" + str(sample))) histos[sample].SetLineColor(2 * sample) histos[sample].Scale(1 / histos[sample].GetEntries()) stackBDT.Add(histos[sample]) stackBDT.Draw("nostack") if isMC: applicationBDTLegend = TLegend(0.2, 0.7, 0.5, 0.9, "", "brNDC") #applicationBDTLegend.SetHeader("Bs MC "+region.split("BsMC")[1]) applicationBDTLegend.SetHeader("Bs MC " + Region) else: applicationBDTLegend = TLegend(0.55, 0.7, 0.85, 0.9, "", "brNDC") applicationBDTLegend.SetHeader(Region) applicationBDTLegend.AddEntry(histo, "Full sample", "l") applicationBDTLegend.AddEntry(histos[0], "Trained on 0, tested on 1, applied on 2", "l") applicationBDTLegend.AddEntry(histos[1], "Trained on 1, tested on 2, applied on 0", "l") applicationBDTLegend.AddEntry(histos[2], "Trained on 2, tested on 0, applied on 1", "l") applicationBDTLegend.Draw("same") applicationBDTLegend.SetFillColor(0) applicationBDTLegend.SetLineColor(0) canvas.SaveAs(figuresDir + "Application" + method + "Output_" + MCstr + region + ".pdf")
def plotNSamples(cls, npatterns, etBins, etaBins, outname='nPatterns.pdf'): """Plot number of samples per bin""" logger = Logger.getModuleLogger("PlotNSamples") from ROOT import TCanvas, gROOT, kTRUE, kFALSE, TH2I, TText gROOT.SetBatch(kTRUE) c1 = TCanvas("plot_patterns_signal", "a", 0, 0, 800, 400) c1.Draw() shape = [len(etBins) - 1, len(etaBins) - 1] histo1 = TH2I( "text_stats", "#color[4]{Signal}/#color[2]{Background} available statistics", shape[0], 0, shape[0], shape[1], 0, shape[1]) #histo1 = TH2I("text_stats", "Signal/Background available statistics", shape[0], 0, shape[0], shape[1], 0, shape[1]) histo1.SetStats(kFALSE) histo1.Draw("TEXT") histo1.SetXTitle("E_{T}") histo1.SetYTitle("#eta") histo1.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) histo1.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) histo1.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) histo1.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) histo1.GetXaxis().SetTickSize(0) histo1.GetYaxis().SetTickSize(0) ttest = TText() ttest.SetTextAlign(22) for etBin in range(shape[0]): for etaBin in range(shape[1]): key = 'et%d_eta%d' % (etBin, etaBin) ttest.SetTextColor(4) ttest.DrawText(.5 + etBin, .75 + etaBin, 's: ' + str(npatterns['sgnPattern_' + key])) ttest.SetTextColor(2) ttest.DrawText(.5 + etBin, .25 + etaBin, 'b: ' + str(npatterns['bkgPattern_' + key])) try: histo1.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel( etaBin + 1, '#bf{%d} : %.2f->%.2f' % (etaBin, etaBins[etaBin], etaBins[etaBin + 1])) except Exception: logger.error("Couldn't retrieve eta bin %d bounderies.", etaBin) histo1.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(etaBin + 1, str(etaBin)) try: histo1.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( etBin + 1, '#bf{%d} : %d->%d [GeV]' % (etBin, etBins[etBin], etBins[etBin + 1])) except Exception: logger.error("Couldn't retrieve et bin %d bounderies.", etBin) histo1.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(etBin + 1, str(etaBin)) c1.SetGrid() c1.Update() c1.SaveAs(outname)
def compareGraphs(self, name, gCompare): ''' Create pdf file that compares graphs created from same raw data Plot raw data(points+line) and either points or lines as defined by dict gCompare Two panels are created. Top panel shows full ordinate range. Lower panel concentrates on baseline. ''' graw = self.findGraph(name) title = 'Comparison' + graw.GetTitle() purename = name.replace('raw', '') pdf = self.figDir + 'compare_' + purename + '.pdf' xsize, ysize = 1100, 850 noPopUp = True if noPopUp: gROOT.ProcessLine("gROOT->SetBatch()") canvas = TCanvas(pdf, title, xsize, ysize) canvas.Divide(1, 2) x, y = self.getGraphContent(graw) xmi, xma = min(x), max(x) #print 'compareGraphs:graw.GetName(),x[0],x[1],x[-1],len(x),y[0],y[1],y[-1],len(y)',graw.GetName(),x[0],x[1],x[-1],len(x),y[0],y[1],y[-1],len(y) abit = (xma - xmi) / 40. xmi -= abit xma += abit ymi, yma = 1.e20, -1.e20 options = {1: "ALP", 2: "LP"} for i in [1, 2]: if ymi < yma: abit = (yma - ymi) yma += abit ymi -= abit / 10. #print 'compareGraphs: graw',graw.GetName(),'xmi,xma,ymi,yma',xmi,xma,ymi,yma canvas.DrawFrame(xmi, ymi, xma, yma) graw.Draw(options[i]) for g in gCompare: g.Draw(gCompare[g]) x, y = self.getGraphContent(g) ylo = min(y) yhi = max(y) if ylo < ymi: ymi = ylo if yma < yhi: yma = yhi canvas.Draw() canvas.SetGrid(1) canvas.SetTicks(1) canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() canvas.Print(pdf, 'pdf') return
def displayWeights(self, bins, weights): gWeights = TGraph(len(bins), bins, weights) c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 1000, 750) gWeights.GetXaxis().SetTitle("PileUp") gWeights.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Weight") gWeights.SetLineWidth(2) gWeights.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) gWeights.SetMarkerSize(1.0) gWeights.SetMarkerStyle(22) gWeights.Draw("AP") c1.Draw() raw_input()
def getWeights(self, MCtree, year): fData = TFile('data_pileup_{0:d}.root'.format(year)) hData = fData.Get('pileup') print("hData={0:s}".format(str(hData))) binWidth = hData.GetBinWidth(1) xMin = hData.GetBinLowEdge(1) nBins = hData.GetNbinsX() xMax = xMin + nBins * binWidth bins = np.linspace(xMin + 0.5 * binWidth, xMax - 0.5 * binWidth, nBins) print("nBins={0:d} binWidth={1:f} xMin={2:f} xMax={3:f}".format( nBins, binWidth, xMin, xMax)) hMC = TH1D("hMC", "hMC", nBins, xMin, xMax) nentries = MCtree.GetEntries() print("Number of entries in MCtree={0:d}".format(nentries)) print("Entering pileup loop") import time tStart = time.time() for i, e in enumerate(MCtree): hMC.Fill(e.Pileup_nPU) #if i > 10000 : break print("After pileup loop: time={0:.1f}".format(time.time() - tStart)) nData = hData.GetSumOfWeights() pData = np.array(hData)[1:-1] / nData print("sum of pData={0:f}".format(np.sum(pData))) nMC = hMC.GetSumOfWeights() pMC = np.array(hMC)[1:-1] pMC /= nMC pMC = np.maximum(1.e-5 * np.ones_like(pMC), pMC) print("sum of pMC={0:f}".format(np.sum(pMC))) weights = np.divide(pData, pMC) if False: gData = TGraph(len(bins), bins, pData) gData.GetXaxis().SetTitle("PileUp") gData.SetMarkerColor(kRed) gData.SetMarkerSize(1.0) gData.SetMarkerStyle(21) gMC = TGraph(len(bins), bins, pMC) c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 1000, 750) gData.Draw('AP') gMC.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) gMC.SetMarkerSize(1.0) gMC.SetMarkerStyle(22) gMC.Draw('P') legend = TLegend(0.6, 0.8, 0.80, 0.90) legend.AddEntry(gData, "Data") legend.AddEntry(gMC, "MC") legend.Draw() c1.Draw() raw_input() return bins, weights
def export(info, args, npull=15): from ROOT import TFile, gROOT, gStyle, TPad, TCanvas from math import ceil gROOT.SetStyle("Plain") gStyle.SetOptFit(1) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gROOT.SetBatch(1) # outdir = outdir_base % info.year # outvar = '%s/%s/' % (outdir,info.variable) # if not os.path.isdir(outvar): os.mkdir(outvar) # outsys = '%s/%s' % (outvar,info.sysdir) # if not os.path.isdir(outsys): os.mkdir(outsys) # outname = 'pulls_%s.pdf' % info.variable # output = '%s/%s' % (outsys,outname) output = "pulls.pdf" pulls = TFile.Open(args.g) canvas = pulls.Get("nuisances") objlist = canvas.GetListOfPrimitives() prefit = objlist.At(0).Clone() fit_bg = objlist.At(2).Clone() fit_bs = objlist.At(3).Clone() legend = objlist.At(6).Clone() prefit.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-4, 4) legend.SetX1(0.76) legend.SetX2(0.99) npages = int(ceil(float(prefit.GetNbinsX()) / npull)) for page in range(npages): canvas = TCanvas() canvas.SetBottomMargin(0.15) canvas.SetRightMargin(0.25) canvas.SetGridx() canvas.Draw() xlo = page * npull + 1 xhi = page * npull + npull if xhi > prefit.GetNbinsX(): xhi = prefit.GetNbinsX() prefit.GetXaxis().SetRange(xlo, xhi) prefit.Draw("E2") prefit.Draw("histsame") fit_bg.Draw("EPsame") fit_bs.Draw("EPsame") legend.Draw() if page == 0: canvas.SaveAs(output + "(") elif page + 1 == npages: canvas.SaveAs(output + ")") else: canvas.SaveAs(output)
def buildCanvas(self): can = TCanvas('can_{num}'.format(num=self.__class__.CAN_NUM),, 600, 600) self.__class__.CAN_NUM += 1 can.Draw() sep = 0.35 pad = TPad('pad', '', 0.01, sep, 0.99, 0.99) pad.SetBottomMargin(0.04) padr = TPad('padr', '', 0.01, 0.01, 0.99, sep + 0.02) padr.SetTopMargin(0.04) padr.SetBottomMargin(0.3) padr.SetGridy() return can, pad, padr
def buildCanvas(): global can, pad, padr can = TCanvas('can','',800,800) can.Draw() sep = 0.35 pad = TPad('pad','',0.01,sep,0.99, 0.99) pad.SetBottomMargin(0.04) padr = TPad('padr','',0.01, 0.01, 0.99, sep) padr.SetTopMargin(0.04) padr.SetBottomMargin(0.3) pad.Draw() padr.Draw() return can, pad, padr
def DrawGraphs(self, options=None): for hist in self.graphs: name = hist.GetName() canvas = TCanvas(name, name) canvas.Draw() if hist.GetLogY(): gPad.SetLogy(1) if options: hist.SetOption(options) hist.Draw() for ext in self.GetExtensions(): canvas.SaveAs("%s/%s%s" % (self.GetOutputDir(), canvas.GetTitle(), ext)) canvas.Write() canvas.Clear() canvas.Close() return
def Draw(self, option_=None): name = self.hist.GetName() canvas = TCanvas(name, name) canvas.Draw() if self.hist.GetLogY(): gPad.SetLogy(1) if option_: option = option_ else: option = self.options self.h().Draw(option) self.h().SetTitle("") self.h().GetXaxis().SetTitle(self.GetXaxis()) self.h().GetYaxis().SetTitle(self.GetYaxis()) if self.hist.GetLegend(): self.hist.GetLegend().Draw() for ext in self.hist.GetExtensions(): canvas.SaveAs("%s/%s%s" % (self.hist.GetOutputDir(), canvas.GetTitle(), ext)) canvas.Write() canvas.Clear() canvas.Close()
def plotWidth(dwdictX, fname, nameX, mX, cuts): sorted_dwdictX = SortedDict(dwdictX) n = len(sorted_dwdictX) - 1 x = array('d', sorted_dwdictX.keys()) y = array('d', sorted_dwdictX.values()) gwX = TGraph(n, x, y) gwX.SetName("gwX") gwX.SetTitle("") gwX.GetXaxis().SetTitle("tan#beta") gwX.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#Gamma_{#it{" + nameX + "}}/#it{m}_{#it{" + nameX + "}} [%]") gwX.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) gwX.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack) gwX.SetMarkerStyle(20) gwX.SetMarkerSize(0.5) ptxt = TPaveText(0.62, 0.70, 0.87, 0.87, "NDC") ptxt.SetFillStyle(4000) #will be transparent ptxt.SetFillColor(0) ptxt.SetTextFont(42) ptxt.SetBorderSize(0) ptxt.AddText("sin(#beta-#alpha)=1") ptxt.AddText("#it{m}_{#it{" + nameX + "}}=" + str(mX) + " GeV") c = TCanvas("c", "c", 600, 600) c.SetLogx() c.SetLogy() c.SetGridx() c.SetGridy() c.SetTicks(1, 1) c.Draw() # gwX.Draw("p") gwX.Draw() ptxt.Draw("same") c.Modified() c.Update() c.SaveAs(fname)
def drawGraph(self, g): ''' output graph to file ''' title = g.GetTitle() name = g.GetName() pdf = self.figDir + name + '.pdf' xsize, ysize = 1100, 850 # landscape style noPopUp = True if noPopUp: gROOT.ProcessLine("gROOT->SetBatch()") canvas = TCanvas(pdf, title, xsize, ysize) g.Draw() canvas.Draw() canvas.SetGrid(1) canvas.SetTicks(1) canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() canvas.Print(pdf, 'pdf') return
def comp_two_w_ratio(h1, h2): c = TCanvas() c.Draw() c.Divide(1, 2) h1.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) h1.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue) h2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) h2.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed) h1.Draw("ehist") h2.Draw("ehistsame") lg = TLegend(0.4, 0.5, 0.9, 0.9) lg.AddEntry(h1, h1.GetName(), "lp") lg.AddEntry(h2, h2.GetName(), "lp") lg.Draw() #gPad.SetLogy() h_ratio = h1.Clone("h_ratio") h_ratio.Divide(h2) h_ratio.Draw() h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.5, 1.5) c.Print("tmp.pdf") return
def drawIValues(geometry, is2016): global h, c gROOT.Reset() gStyle.SetOptStat(0) c = TCanvas('c', "Topo encoding", 1400, 950) c.Draw() h = TH2F("h", "Muon Topo encoding %i" % (2016 if is2016 else 2015), 48, -24, 24, 64, 0, 64) h.SetXTitle("#eta_{index}") h.SetYTitle("#phi_{index}") h.Draw() for MioctID in drawOrder: MIOCT = geometry.getMIOCT(MioctID) for tc in MIOCT.Decode.TopoCells: h.Fill(int(tc['ieta']) + 0.5, int(tc['iphi']) + 0.5) h.Draw("colz") c.Update() c.SaveAs("TopoCellCenters%s.pdf" % "2016" if is2016 else "2015")
def dedx(self, c=None, **opts): from ROOT import TCanvas from ROOT import kRed color = opts.get('color', kRed) title = opts.get('title', "TPC dE/dx ") if c is None: c = TCanvas() plot = PlotData(c) track_tdir = self.analysis.Get(f'Tracks') dEdX = track_tdir.Get("pass/dEdX") dEdX_fail = track_tdir.Get("fail/dEdX") plot.p = dEdX plot.f = dEdX_fail # c.SetLogz() # dEdX.Rebin2D(2,2) dEdX_fail.Rebin2D(2, 2) dEdX_fail.SetTitle(title) dEdX.SetStats(0) dEdX_fail.SetStats(0) dEdX_fail.Draw() dEdX.Draw(' same') dEdX.SetMarkerColor(color) c.Draw() return plot
def draw_canvas_histo(nchannels, xmin, xmax, title, cat_names, channelID): c = TCanvas("c", "Canvas", 800, 600) c.Draw() h = TH2F("h", "", 10, xmin, xmax, 3 * nchannels, 0, 3 * nchannels) h.Draw() h.SetStats(0) h.SetXTitle(title) yaxis = h.GetYaxis() yaxis.SetLabelSize(0.05) for ibin in range(0, nchannels): yaxis.SetBinLabel(3 * nchannels - 1 - 3 * ibin, cat_names[ibin]) pub = TLatex() pub.SetNDC() pub.SetTextFont(42) pub.SetTextSize(0.045) pub.SetTextAlign(11) pub.DrawLatex(gStyle.GetPadLeftMargin(), 0.92, "#scale[1.2]{#bf{CMS}} #it{Preliminary}") lumi = TLatex() lumi.SetNDC() lumi.SetTextFont(42) lumi.SetTextSize(0.035) lumi.SetTextAlign(31) if channelID is "DL": lumi.DrawLatex(1 - gStyle.GetPadRightMargin(), 0.92, "11.4 - 12.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)") elif channelID is "SL": lumi.DrawLatex(1 - gStyle.GetPadRightMargin(), 0.92, "12.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)") return c, h
def draw_canvas_histo(xmin, xmax, title): c = TCanvas("c", "Canvas", 600, 600) c.Draw() h = TH2F("h", "", 10, xmin, xmax, nchannels, -1, nchannels - 1 + 0.001) h.Draw() h.SetStats(0) h.SetXTitle(title) yaxis = h.GetYaxis() yaxis.SetLabelSize(1.5 * fontsize) yaxis.SetBinLabel(3, "Dilepton") yaxis.SetBinLabel(2, "Lepton+jets") yaxis.SetBinLabel(1, "Combined") t = TLatex() t.SetNDC() t.SetTextFont(42) t.SetTextSize(fontsize) t.SetTextAlign(11) t.DrawLatex(0.22, 0.91, "CMS preliminary, " + lumi + " fb^{-1}, #sqrt{s} = 13 TeV") return c, h
legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetHeader(myDir[idir], "L") TGaxis.SetMaxDigits(3) c = TCanvas('c', '', W, H) c.SetFillColor(0) c.SetBorderMode(0) c.SetFrameFillStyle(0) c.SetFrameBorderMode(0) c.SetLeftMargin(L / W) c.SetRightMargin(R / W) c.SetTopMargin(T / H) c.SetBottomMargin(B / H) c.SetTickx(0) c.SetTicky(0) c.Draw() pad1 = TPad("zxc_p1", "zxc_p1", 0, padRatio - padOverlap, 1, 1) pad2 = TPad("qwe_p2", "qwe_p2", 0, 0, 1, padRatio + padOverlap) pad1.SetLeftMargin(L / W) pad1.SetRightMargin(R / W) pad1.SetTopMargin(T / H / (1 - padRatio + padOverlap)) pad1.SetBottomMargin( (padOverlap + padGap) / (1 - padRatio + padOverlap)) pad1.SetFillColor(0) pad1.SetBorderMode(0) pad1.SetFrameFillStyle(0) pad1.SetFrameBorderMode(0) pad1.SetTickx(0) pad1.SetTicky(0)
parser.add_argument("--zmax", dest="zmax", type=float, help="zmax", default=None) parser.add_argument("--text", dest="text", help="text", default=None) parser.add_argument("--xlabel", dest="xlabel", help="xlabel", default=None) parser.add_argument("--ylabel", dest="ylabel", help="ylabel", default=None) args = parser.parse_args() if not ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) ca = TCanvas("ca", "ca", 800, 600) ca.Draw() eras = ["A", "B", "C", "D", ""] labels = ["2018A", "2018B", "2018C", "2018D", "2018ABCD"] color = [ROOT.kBlack, ROOT.kRed, ROOT.kGreen, ROOT.kBlue, ROOT.kOrange] eragraph = {} for i, era in enumerate(eras): infile = TFile.Open("plots/" + args.tag + "/outPlot_2018" + era + ".root") h2d = infile.Get( h2d.SetTitle("") if args.add: h2d_add = infile.Get(args.add) h2d.Add(h2d_add) del h2d_add