def __init__(self): #interaction cross section, mb self.sigma_tot = 0. #instantaneous luminosity, cm^-2 sec^-1 self.lumi_cmsec = 0. #number of bunches self.nbunch = 0. #electron beam energy, GeV self.Ee = 0. #coincidence selection self.emin = 1. # GeV #collider circumference, speed of light, electron mass self.circ = 3834. # m self.cspeed = 299792458. # m sec^-1 = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(11).Mass() # GeV #input self.tree = TChain("DetectorTree") #geometry self.geo = None #output file name self.outfile = "hits_spect.root"
def __init__(self, funcName, minMass, maxMass, numSigmaSideBands=0., peakMass=0., peakSigma=0., secPeakMass=0., secPeakSigma=0.): if funcName not in self.__implFunc: raise ValueError(f'Function \'{funcName}\' not implemented') self.funcName = funcName self.minMass = minMass self.maxMass = maxMass self.peakMass = peakMass self.peakDelta = peakSigma * numSigmaSideBands self.secPeakMass = secPeakMass self.secPeakDelta = secPeakSigma * numSigmaSideBands self.funcSBCallable = None self.funcFullCallable = None self.removePeak = False self.removeSecPeak = False if self.peakMass > 0. and self.peakDelta > 0.: self.removePeak = True if self.secPeakMass > 0. and self.secPeakDelta > 0.: self.removeSecPeak = True self.mPi = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(211).Mass()
def decayTree(self, genparticles): db = TDatabasePDG() theString = "" for part in genparticles: if part.M1==-1 and part.M2==-1: theString += part.printDecay(db, genparticles) return theString
def __init__(self, parse, tree, hepmc_attrib): #minumum and maximum energy, GeV self.emin = parse.getfloat("main", "emin") self.emax = parse.getfloat("main", "emax") print("emin =", self.emin) print("emax =", self.emax) #pdg for generated particle, electron or photon self.pdg = 22 if parse.has_option("main", "pdg"): self.pdg = parse.getint("main", "pdg") print("pdg =", self.pdg) #angular range, electrons for now self.theta_min = 0. self.theta_max = 0. #angles as mlt = -log_10(pi - theta) if parse.has_option("main", "mlt_min"): mlt_min = parse.getfloat("main", "mlt_min") mlt_max = parse.getfloat("main", "mlt_max") print("mlt_min =", mlt_min) print("mlt_max =", mlt_max) self.theta_min = TMath.Pi() - 10.**(-mlt_min) self.theta_max = TMath.Pi() - 10.**(-mlt_max) print("theta_min =", self.theta_min) print("theta_max =", self.theta_max) #generator functions for photons and electrons self.gen_func = {} self.gen_func[22] = self.gen_phot self.gen_func[11] = self.gen_el #test for pdg if self.gen_func.get(self.pdg) is None: print("Fatal: pdg", self.pdg, "is not supported") raise KeyError #uniform generator self.rand = TRandom3() self.rand.SetSeed(5572323) #electron mass = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(11).Mass() #set the output tree if self.pdg == 22: tnam = ["gen_E"] if self.pdg == 11: tnam = ["true_el_pT", "true_el_theta", "true_el_phi", "true_el_E"] self.out = self.make_tree(tree, tnam) #event attributes for hepmc self.hepmc_attrib = hepmc_attrib print("Uniform generator initialized")
def __init__(self, filename, exclude_noise, save_plot, max_spill_count): self.filename = filename self.exclude_noise = exclude_noise self.save_plot = save_plot self.data_dir = os.path.dirname(self.filename) if not self.data_dir: self.data_dir = '.' self.file_basename = os.path.basename(self.filename) self.max_spill_count = max_spill_count self.pdg = TDatabasePDG() self.delta_x = 1.4 # mm self.delta_y = 8.6 # mm self.delta_z = 0. # mm # self.delta_x = 1375.9 # mm # self.delta_y = -67.5 # mm # self.delta_z = -14617.4 # mm self.angle_rotation_y_axis = -0.349 * pi / 180. # rad
def __init__(self, parse): #energy of electron beam, GeV self.Ee = parse.getfloat("main", "Ee") #proton beam, GeV self.Ep = parse.getfloat("main", "Ep") print("Ee =", self.Ee, "GeV") print("Ep =", self.Ep, "GeV") #minimal photon energy, GeV self.emin = parse.getfloat("main", "emin") print("emin =", self.emin) #electron and proton mass = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(11).Mass() = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(2212).Mass() self.mep = * #CMS energy squared, GeV^2 self.s = 2 * self.Ee * self.Ep +**2 +**2 self.s += 2 * TMath.Sqrt(self.Ee**2 -**2) * TMath.Sqrt(self.Ep**2 -**2) print("s =", self.s, "GeV^2") #normalization, 4 alpha r_e^2 self.ar2 = 4 * 7.297 * 2.818 * 2.818 * 1e-2 # m barn #parametrizations for dSigma/dy and dSigma/dtheta gRandom.SetSeed(5572323) self.eq1par = self.eq1(self) self.dSigDy = TF1("dSigDy", self.eq1par, self.emin / self.Ee, 1) tmax = 1.5e-3 #maximal photon angle self.eq3par = self.eq3(self) self.dSigDtheta = TF1("dSigDtheta", self.eq3par, 0, tmax) #uniform generator for azimuthal angles self.rand = TRandom3() self.rand.SetSeed(5572323) print("H1 parametrization initialized") print("Total cross section: " + str(self.dSigDy.Integral(self.emin / self.Ee, 1)) + " mb")
def get_scale(Ni): #scale for event rate in Hz per one simulated interaction #Ni is number of simulated interactions #interaction cross section, mb sigma_tot = 171.29 # 18x275 #sigma_tot = 123.83 # 10x100 #sigma_tot = 79.18 # 5x41 #instantaneous luminosity, cm^-2 sec^-1 lumi_cmsec = 1.54e33 # 18x275 #lumi_cmsec = 4.48e33 # 10x100 #lumi_cmsec = 0.44e33 # 5x41 #number of bunches nbunch = 290 # 18x275 #nbunch = 1160 # 10x100 #nbunch = 1160 # 5x41 #electron beam energy, GeV #Ee = 18. # GeV #Ee = 10. # GeV Ee = 5. # GeV #collider circumference, speed of light, electron mass circ = 3834. # m cspeed = 299792458. # m sec^-1 me = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(11).Mass() # GeV #beam velocity (units of c) beta = np.sqrt(Ee**2 - me**2) / Ee print("Beta:", beta) print("Orbit period (micro sec):", 1e6 * circ / (beta * cspeed)) #bunch spacing, sec Tb = circ / (beta * cspeed * nbunch) print("Bunch spacing (micro sec):", 1e6 * Tb) print("Bunch frequency (MHz):", 1e-6 / Tb) #luminosity per bunch crossing, mb^-1 Lb = lumi_cmsec * 1e-27 * Tb print("Luminosity per bunch crossing, mb^-1:", Lb) print("Mean number of interactions per bunch crossing:", sigma_tot * Lb) print("Probability for at least one interaction in bunch crossing:", (1. - np.e**(-sigma_tot * Lb))) scale = {} scale["lambda"] = sigma_tot * Lb scale["Tb"] = Tb # sec #rate per one simulated interaction, Hz #return (1./Ni)*sigma_tot*1e-27*lumi_cmsec return scale
def __init__(self, parse): #electron beam, GeV self.Ee = parse.getfloat("main", "Ee") #proton beam, GeV self.Ep = parse.getfloat("main", "Ep") print("Ee =", self.Ee, "GeV") print("Ep =", self.Ep, "GeV") #minimal photon energy, GeV self.emin = parse.getfloat("main", "emin") print("emin =", self.emin) #maximal photon angle self.tmax = 1.5e-3 if parse.has_option("main", "tmax"): self.tmax = parse.getfloat("main", "tmax") #electron and proton mass = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(11).Mass() = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(2212).Mass() self.mep = * #normalization, 4 alpha r_e^2 self.ar2 = 4*7.297*2.818*2.818*1e-2 # m barn #parametrizations for dSigma/dE_gamma and dSigma/dtheta gRandom.SetSeed(5572323) self.eq1par = self.eq1(self) self.dSigDe = TF1("dSigDe", self.eq1par, self.emin, self.Ee) self.theta_const = 1e-11 # constant term in theta formula self.eq2par = self.eq2(self) self.dSigDtheta = TF1("dSigDtheta", self.eq2par, 0, self.tmax) #uniform generator for azimuthal angles self.rand = TRandom3() self.rand.SetSeed(5572323) print("ZEUS parametrization initialized") print("Total cross section: "+str(self.dSigDe.Integral(self.emin, self.Ee))+" mb")
def __init__(self, en, pdg, zsign): #energy, pdg, sign of z-momentum particle.__init__(self, pdg) self.pdg = pdg #status code for beam particles self.stat = 201 #set kinematics for beam particle m = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(pdg).Mass() pz = zsign * sqrt(en**2 - m**2) self.vec.SetPxPyPzE(0, 0, pz, en)
def get_s(self, Ee, Ep): #calculate the CMS squared s #proton mass mp = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(2212).Mass() #CMS energy squared s, GeV^2 s = 2.*Ee*Ep +**2 + mp**2 s += 2*TMath.Sqrt(Ee**2 -**2) * TMath.Sqrt(Ep**2 - mp**2) #print "sqrt(s):", TMath.Sqrt(s) return s
def __init__(self, en, theta, phi): particle.__init__(self, 11) #transverse momentum m = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(11).Mass() pt = sqrt(0.5 * (en**2 - m**2) * (1. - cos(2. * theta))) #pseudorapidity, rotate the theta for pz negative theta = pi - theta eta = -log(tan(theta / 2.)) #set the electron Lorentz vector self.vec.SetPtEtaPhiE(pt, eta, phi, en) #status for the final particle self.stat = 1
def q2_calc_vec_from_kine(en, theta, phi): #create Lorentz vector from electron kinematics loaded from the tree #transverse momentum m = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(11).Mass() pt = sqrt(0.5 * (en**2 - m**2) * (1. - cos(2. * theta))) #pseudorapidity eta = -log(tan(theta / 2.)) #set the Lorentz vector vec = TLorentzVector() vec.SetPtEtaPhiE(pt, eta, phi, en) return vec
def __init__(self, parse): #electron beam energy, GeV self.Ee = parse.getfloat("main", "Ee") print("Ee =", self.Ee) #energy spread from input relative energy spread self.espread = None if parse.has_option("main", "espread"): sig_e = self.Ee * parse.getfloat("main", "espread") self.espread = TF1("espread", "gaus", -12 * sig_e, 12 * sig_e) self.espread.SetParameters(1, 0, sig_e) #electron mass = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(11).Mass() print("Electron beam initialized")
def __init__(self, pdg): #particle Lorentz vector self.vec = TLorentzVector() #index in particle list self.idx = 0 #status code self.stat = 0 #pdg code self.pdg = pdg #particle database for pass and codes self.pdgdat = TDatabasePDG.Instance() #mass, GeV self.mass = self.pdgdat.GetParticle(self.pdg).Mass() #parent particle id self.parent_id = 0 #vertex coordinates, mm self.vx = 0. self.vy = 0. self.vz = 0. #precision for momentum and energy self.pxyze_prec = 6
# result_1Bn_ecut_5.root 1E9 with Ecut > 5 GeV # result_0.1Bn_ecut_0.5.root 1E8 with Ecut > 0.5 GeV Yandex = False # False Yandex2 = False # summer 2015 production, 10B, Ecut>10GeV, Mo/W/ target Yandex3 = True # spring 2016 production, 10B, Ecut>10GeV, Mo/W/ target, record start of track afterHadronAbsorber = False JPsi = False # True MoTarget = False Tau = False import ROOT, os from array import array from ROOT import TDatabasePDG, TMath, gDirectory from rootUtils import * pdg = TDatabasePDG() mu = pdg.GetParticle(13) Mmu = mu.Mass() Mmu2 = Mmu * Mmu if Yandex: stats = {5.: [1E9, 1E9], 0.5: [1E8]} files = { 5.: [ '$SHIPSOFT/data/result_1Bn_ecut_5.root', '$SHIPSOFT/data/result_1Bn_ecut_5-v02.root' ], 0.5: ['$SHIPSOFT/data/result_0.1Bn_ecut_0.5.root'] } fnew = 'pythia8_Geant4_total_Yandex.root' if Yandex2:
def main(): #input inp = TFile.Open("pC.root") tree = inp.Get("DetectorTree") #input generated particles gen_pdg = std.vector(int)() gen_en = std.vector(float)() tree.SetBranchAddress("gen_pdg", gen_pdg) tree.SetBranchAddress("gen_en", gen_en) #layer hits lay10_hit_edep = std.vector(float)() lay11_hit_edep = std.vector(float)() lay12_hit_edep = std.vector(float)() lay13_hit_edep = std.vector(float)() lay20_hit_edep = std.vector(float)() lay21_hit_edep = std.vector(float)() lay22_hit_edep = std.vector(float)() lay23_hit_edep = std.vector(float)() tree.SetBranchAddress("lay10_HitEdep", lay10_hit_edep) tree.SetBranchAddress("lay11_HitEdep", lay11_hit_edep) tree.SetBranchAddress("lay12_HitEdep", lay12_hit_edep) tree.SetBranchAddress("lay13_HitEdep", lay13_hit_edep) tree.SetBranchAddress("lay20_HitEdep", lay20_hit_edep) tree.SetBranchAddress("lay21_HitEdep", lay21_hit_edep) tree.SetBranchAddress("lay22_HitEdep", lay22_hit_edep) tree.SetBranchAddress("lay23_HitEdep", lay23_hit_edep) #output out = TFile("events.root", "recreate") otree = TTree("event", "event") ekin = c_float(0) lay10_edep = c_float(0) lay11_edep = c_float(0) lay12_edep = c_float(0) lay13_edep = c_float(0) lay20_edep = c_float(0) lay21_edep = c_float(0) lay22_edep = c_float(0) lay23_edep = c_float(0) otree.Branch("ekin", ekin, "ekin/F") # kinetic energy, MeV otree.Branch("lay10_edep", lay10_edep, "lay10_edep/F") # deposited energy, MeV otree.Branch("lay11_edep", lay11_edep, "lay11_edep/F") otree.Branch("lay12_edep", lay12_edep, "lay12_edep/F") otree.Branch("lay13_edep", lay13_edep, "lay13_edep/F") otree.Branch("lay20_edep", lay20_edep, "lay20_edep/F") otree.Branch("lay21_edep", lay21_edep, "lay21_edep/F") otree.Branch("lay22_edep", lay22_edep, "lay22_edep/F") otree.Branch("lay21_edep", lay23_edep, "lay23_edep/F") #number of events nev = tree.GetEntries() #nev = 100000 #event loop for iev in range(nev): tree.GetEntry(iev) if iev%100000 == 0: print("Event: ", iev) #deposited energy, MeV lay10_edep.value = 0. lay11_edep.value = 0. lay12_edep.value = 0. lay13_edep.value = 0. lay20_edep.value = 0. lay21_edep.value = 0. lay22_edep.value = 0. lay23_edep.value = 0. #hit loops for layers nhit = 0 nhit += get_edep_lay(lay10_hit_edep, lay10_edep) nhit += get_edep_lay(lay11_hit_edep, lay11_edep) nhit += get_edep_lay(lay12_hit_edep, lay12_edep) nhit += get_edep_lay(lay13_hit_edep, lay13_edep) nhit += get_edep_lay(lay20_hit_edep, lay20_edep) nhit += get_edep_lay(lay21_hit_edep, lay21_edep) nhit += get_edep_lay(lay22_hit_edep, lay22_edep) nhit += get_edep_lay(lay23_hit_edep, lay23_edep) #events with hits if nhit <= 0: continue #generated kinetic energy, MeV egen = mass = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle( ekin.value = (egen-mass)*1e3 # MeV #fill the output tree otree.Fill() #finish otree.Write() out.Close()
def comp_fit_pars(do_ratio=False, meson='Ds'): #pylint: disable-msg=too-many-statements,too-many-locals inputdir = '../../AnalysisNonPromptDpp2017/Dplus/outputs/rawyields' input_files = ['RawYieldsDplus_pp5TeV_prompt_central.root', 'RawYieldsDplus_pp5TeV_FD_central_freesigma.root'] input_files_MC = ['RawYieldsDplusMC_pp5TeV_prompt_central.root', 'RawYieldsDplusMC_pp5TeV_FD_central.root'] colors = [kOrange+7, kAzure+2, kRed+1, kAzure+4] markers = [kOpenCircle, kOpenSquare, kFullCircle, kFullSquare] legendnames = ['MC - prompt enhanced', 'MC - FD enhanced', 'data - prompt enhanced', 'data - FD enhanced'] suffix = 'CompMCData' min_pt = 2. max_pt = 16. SetGlobalStyle(padleftmargin=0.18, padtopmargin=0.05, padbottommargin=0.14, titleoffsety=1.6, titlesize=0.045, labelsize=0.04) hMean, hSigma = [], [] input_files = input_files_MC + input_files if meson == 'Ds': massD = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(431).Mass() elif meson == 'Dplus': massD = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(411).Mass() lineMass = TLine(min_pt, massD, max_pt, massD) lineMass.SetLineWidth(2) lineMass.SetLineColor(kBlack) lineMass.SetLineStyle(9) legSigma = TLegend(0.2, 0.78, 0.8, 0.93) legSigma.SetFillStyle(0) legSigma.SetBorderSize(0) legSigma.SetTextSize(0.04) legMean = TLegend(0.4, 0.73, 0.7, 0.93) legMean.SetFillStyle(0) legMean.SetBorderSize(0) legMean.SetTextSize(0.04) legMean.AddEntry(lineMass, "PDG", 'l') for file_path, color, marker, legend_name in zip(input_files, colors, markers, legendnames): input_file = TFile(f'{inputdir}/{file_path}') histo_mean = input_file.Get('hRawYieldsMean') histo_sigma = input_file.Get('hRawYieldsSigma') histo_mean.SetDirectory(0) histo_sigma.SetDirectory(0) SetObjectStyle(histo_mean, linecolor=color, markercolor=color, markerstyle=marker) SetObjectStyle(histo_sigma, linecolor=color, markercolor=color, markerstyle=marker) legMean.AddEntry(histo_mean, legend_name, 'p') legSigma.AddEntry(histo_sigma, legend_name, 'p') hMean.append(histo_mean) hSigma.append(histo_sigma) if do_ratio: mean_num_list = list(hMean) mean_num_list.pop(0) mean_den_hist = hMean[0] mean_ratio_list = [] for histo in mean_num_list: mean_ratio_list.append(ComputeRatioDiffBins(histo, mean_den_hist)) cMeanRatio = TCanvas('cMeanRatio', '', 800, 800) cMeanRatio.DrawFrame(min_pt, 0.99, max_pt, 1.01, ';#it{p}_{T} (GeV/#it{c}); peak mean / peak mean MC') lineRatio = TLine(min_pt, 1., max_pt, 1.) lineRatio.SetLineWidth(2) lineRatio.SetLineColor(kBlack) lineRatio.SetLineStyle(9) legMeanRatio = TLegend(0.4, 0.73, 0.7, 0.93) legMeanRatio.SetFillStyle(0) legMeanRatio.SetBorderSize(0) legMeanRatio.SetTextSize(0.04) for hist, color, marker, legend_name in zip(mean_ratio_list, colors[1:], markers[1:], legendnames[1:]): SetObjectStyle(hist, linecolor=color, markercolor=color, markerstyle=marker) hist.Draw('same') legMeanRatio.AddEntry(hist, legend_name, 'p') lineRatio.Draw() legMeanRatio.Draw() sigma_num_list = list(hSigma) sigma_num_list.pop(0) sigma_den_hist = hSigma[0] sigma_ratio_list = [] for histo in sigma_num_list: sigma_ratio_list.append(ComputeRatioDiffBins(histo, sigma_den_hist)) cSigmaRatio = TCanvas('cSigmaRatio', '', 800, 800) hFrameSigma = cSigmaRatio.DrawFrame(min_pt, 0.6, max_pt, 1.8, ';#it{p}_{T} (GeV/#it{c}); peak width / peak width MC') hFrameSigma.GetYaxis().SetDecimals() legSigmaRatio = TLegend(0.4, 0.73, 0.7, 0.93) legSigmaRatio.SetFillStyle(0) legSigmaRatio.SetBorderSize(0) legSigmaRatio.SetTextSize(0.04) for hist, color, marker, legend_name in zip(sigma_ratio_list, colors[1:], markers[1:], legendnames[1:]): SetObjectStyle(hist, linecolor=color, markercolor=color, markerstyle=marker) hist.Draw('same') legSigmaRatio.AddEntry(hist, legend_name, 'p') lineRatio.Draw() legSigmaRatio.Draw() cMeanRatio.SaveAs(f'{inputdir}/MeanRatio_{suffix}.pdf') cSigmaRatio.SaveAs(f'{inputdir}/SigmaRatio_{suffix}.pdf') cMean = TCanvas('cMean', '', 800, 800) hFrameMean = cMean.DrawFrame(min_pt, massD*0.995, max_pt, massD*1.01, ';#it{p}_{T} (GeV/#it{c}); peak mean (GeV/#it{c}^{2})') hFrameMean.GetYaxis().SetDecimals() lineMass.Draw("same") for histo_mean in hMean: histo_mean.Draw('same') legMean.Draw() cSigma = TCanvas('cSigma', '', 800, 800) cSigma.DrawFrame(min_pt, 0., max_pt, 0.025, ';#it{p}_{T} (GeV/#it{c}); peak width (GeV/#it{c}^{2})') for histo_sigma in hSigma: histo_sigma.Draw('same') legSigma.Draw() cMean.SaveAs(f'{inputdir}/Mean_{suffix}.pdf') cSigma.SaveAs(f'{inputdir}/Sigma_{suffix}.pdf') input('Press enter to exit')
def print_evt(event_filter=">= 0"): pdg_db = TDatabasePDG() ev_df = df.Filter(f"fIndexMcCollisions {event_filter}") npy = ev_df.AsNumpy() print() lastmother = 0 for i, part_index in enumerate(npy["part_index"]): ev = npy["fIndexMcCollisions"][i] count("events", ev) if 0: m0 = npy["fMother0"][i] m1 = npy["fMother1"][i] d0 = npy["fDaughter0"][i] d1 = npy["fDaughter1"][i] else: m_arr = npy["fIndexArray_Mothers"][i] d_arr = npy["fIndexSlice_Daughters"][i] m_size = npy["fIndexArray_Mothers_size"][i] # print(m_size) # print("Mothers", m_arr) # print("Daughters", d_arr) if len(m_arr) == 0: m0 = -1 m1 = -1 else: m0 = m_arr[0] m1 = m_arr[int(m_size) - 1] d0 = d_arr[0] d1 = d_arr[1] # print(d_arr) pdg = npy["fPdgCode"][i] px = npy["fPx"][i] py = npy["fPy"][i] pz = npy["fPz"][i] eta = npy["eta"][i] is_ps = bool(npy["isPhysicalPrimary"][i]) is_pt = bool(npy["isProducedByTransport"][i]) process = npy["fStatusCode"][i] def getpname(pdg_code): p = pdg_db.GetParticle(int(pdg_code)) if p: p = p.GetName() else: p = "Undef" return p part = getpname(pdg) summary_line = f" ({part_index}) ev {ev} m0 {m0} m1 {m1}, d0 {d0} d1 {d1}, pdg {pdg} '{part}', physical primary {is_ps}, in transport {is_pt}, process {process}" if abs(pdg) not in [21, 2101, 2103, 2203, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] and m0 > -1: if lastmother != m0 and count("mothers", m0): raise ValueError("Duplicate mothers for ", summary_line) lastmother = m0 if d1 > -1 and d0 > d1: if not continue_on_inconsistency: raise ValueError("d0 > d1:", summary_line) else: warning_msg("d0 > d1 for", part_index) def get_the_daughters(): idaughters = [] if d0 > -1 and d1 > -1: for j in range(d0, d1 + 1): entry = numpy.where(npy["part_index"] == j)[0] if len(entry) > 1: raise ValueError("Entry size is too high!") if len(entry) == 0: raise ValueError("Entry size is too low!") entry = entry[0] if 0: d_m0 = npy["fMother0"][entry] d_m1 = npy["fMother1"][entry] else: d_m0 = npy["fIndexArray_Mothers"][entry][0] d_m1 = npy["fIndexArray_Mothers"][entry][ int(npy["fIndexArray_Mothers_size"][entry]) - 1] if d_m0 != part_index and d_m1 != part_index: if not continue_on_inconsistency: raise ValueError("Daughter", j, "has a different mother!", "d_m0", d_m0, "d_m1", d_m1, "w.r.t.", part_index) else: warning_msg("Daughter", j, "has a different mother!", "d_m0", d_m0, "d_m1", d_m1, "w.r.t.", part_index) if d_m0 == d_m1 and 0: raise ValueError("Daughter has same mother!", d_m0, d_m1) idaughters.append(entry) if len(idaughters) == 0: warning_msg("Found no daughters") return idaughters # Checking that indices are increasing if sorted(idaughters) != idaughters: raise ValueError("Daughters are not in order!") # Checking that indices have no holes if idaughters != [*range(idaughters[0], idaughters[-1] + 1)]: raise ValueError("Daughters have hole in indices!", idaughters) return idaughters def daughters_pxpypz(daughters): d_px = 0 d_py = 0 d_pz = 0 if len(daughters) == 0: return None for j in daughters: d_px += npy["fPx"][j] d_py += npy["fPy"][j] d_pz += npy["fPz"][j] return d_px, d_py, d_pz def daughters_pdg(daughters): d_pdgs = [] for j in daughters: d_pdgs.append(npy["fPdgCode"][j]) return d_pdgs def check_momentum(daughters): d_p = daughters_pxpypz(daughters) if d_p is None: return m_p = [px, py, pz] m_p_d = {0: "Px", 1: "Py", 2: "Pz"} momentum_format = "(px={:.5f}, py={:.5f}, pz={:.5f})" for j in enumerate(m_p): if abs(j[1] - d_p[j[0]]) > 0.001: e_msg = [ "Non-closure in", m_p_d[j[0]], "=", momentum_format.format(*d_p) ] if not continue_on_inconsistency: raise ValueError(*e_msg) else: warning_msg(*e_msg) warning_msg(" mother =", momentum_format.format(*m_p)) def is_decay_channel(desired_pdg_codes, daughters, fill_counter=True, min_prongs=0, max_prongs=10): d_pdgs = daughters_pdg(daughters) if len(daughters) >= min_prongs and len( daughters) <= max_prongs: print(pdg, part, "decaying in", len(d_pdgs), "particles") for i, j in enumerate(d_pdgs): if 0: this_m0 = npy["fMother0"][daughters[i]] this_m1 = npy["fMother1"][daughters[i]] else: this_m0 = npy["fIndexArray_Mothers"][ daughters[i]][0] this_m1 = npy["fIndexArray_Mothers"][daughters[i]][ int(npy["fIndexArray_Mothers_size"][ daughters[i]]) - 1] print(" >", j, getpname(j), "index", daughters[i], npy["part_index"][daughters[i]], "m0", this_m0, "m1", this_m1, " -> physical primary", npy["isPhysicalPrimary"][daughters[i]]) if desired_pdg_codes is not None: for i in desired_pdg_codes: if i not in d_pdgs: return False if fill_counter: count( f"{bcolors.BOKGREEN} {pdg} {part} {bcolors.ENDC} in {d_pdgs}", part_index) return True extra = [] if m0 < 0 and m1 < 0 and d0 < 1 and d1 < 0: extra.append("Sterile") if d1 < 0 and d1 != d0: extra.append(bcolors.BWARNING + "Problematic" + bcolors.ENDC) if pdg in pdg_of_interest: extra.append(", px={:.3f} py={:.2f} pz={:.2f}".format( px, py, pz)) extra.append(", eta={:.4f}".format(eta)) extra.append(bcolors.BOKGREEN + "PDG of interest" + bcolors.ENDC) extra = " ".join(extra) extra = extra.strip() count(part, part_index) if verbose or pdg in pdg_of_interest: print(summary_line, extra) if pdg in pdg_of_interest: daughters = get_the_daughters() check_momentum(daughters) is_decay_channel(None, daughters=daughters, fill_counter=True)
""" This module contains names for the various PDG particle ID codes. The names are the same as in EventKernel/PdtPdg.h. This module also contains a dictionary pdgid_names mapping ID codes back to printable strings, and a function pdgid_to_name to do this conversion. Similarly, root_names and pdgid_to_root_name translate to strings with root markup. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from ROOT import TDatabasePDG from pkg_resources import resource_filename import os db = TDatabasePDG() db.ReadPDGTable(resource_filename('rootpy', 'etc/pdg_table.txt')) def GetParticle(id): return db.GetParticle(id) # Table to translate from PDG IDs to printable strings. pdgid_names = {} # Table to translate from PDG IDs to strings with root markup. root_names = {} def id_to_name(id):
ptBinsArr)) SetObjectStyle(hRawYieldsSignalDiffSigma[iS], color=kBlack, markerstyle=kFullCircle) SetObjectStyle(hRawYieldsBkgDiffSigma[iS], color=kBlack, markerstyle=kFullCircle) SetObjectStyle(hRawYieldsSoverBDiffSigma[iS], color=kBlack, markerstyle=kFullCircle) SetObjectStyle(hRawYieldsSignifDiffSigma[iS], color=kBlack, markerstyle=kFullCircle) # fit histos massDplus = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(411).Mass() massDs = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(431).Mass() massLc = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(4122).Mass() massDstar = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle( 413).Mass() - TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(421).Mass() massD0 = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(421).Mass() if particleName == 'Dplus': massForFit = massDplus elif particleName == 'Ds': massForFit = massDs elif particleName == 'Dstar': massForFit = massDstar elif particleName == 'D0': massForFit = massD0 else:
class EventGenerator: EVENT_TIME_DURATION = 50.e3 # ns, 50 us per event def __init__(self, filename, exclude_noise, save_plot, max_spill_count): self.filename = filename self.exclude_noise = exclude_noise self.save_plot = save_plot self.data_dir = os.path.dirname(self.filename) if not self.data_dir: self.data_dir = '.' self.file_basename = os.path.basename(self.filename) self.max_spill_count = max_spill_count self.pdg = TDatabasePDG() self.delta_x = 1.4 # mm self.delta_y = 8.6 # mm self.delta_z = 0. # mm # self.delta_x = 1375.9 # mm # self.delta_y = -67.5 # mm # self.delta_z = -14617.4 # mm self.angle_rotation_y_axis = -0.349 * pi / 180. # rad def rotate_y_axis(self, z, x): # angle > 0 if the coordinate system rotates counterclockwise # angle < 0 if the coordinate system rotates clockwise z_prime = cos(self.angle_rotation_y_axis) * z + sin( self.angle_rotation_y_axis) * x x_prime = -sin(self.angle_rotation_y_axis) * z + cos( self.angle_rotation_y_axis) * x return z_prime, x_prime def translate(self, x, y, z): return x + self.delta_x, y + self.delta_y, z + self.delta_z def run(self): particles = [] particle_count = 0 spill_count = 0 f_beam = TFile(self.filename) spills = [key.GetName() for key in gDirectory.GetListOfKeys()] for spill in spills: spill_count += 1 if self.max_spill_count and spill_count > self.max_spill_count: spill_count -= 1 break print('spill = {}'.format(spill)) for track in f_beam.Get(spill): particle_count += 1 pass_all = track.TrackPresenttof_us and \ track.TrackPresentwire_chamber_1_detector and \ track.TrackPresentwire_chamber_2_detector and \ track.TrackPresentwire_chamber_3_detector and \ track.TrackPresentwire_chamber_4_detector and \ track.TrackPresentcherenkov and \ track.TrackPresenttof_ds and \ track.TrackPresentnova is_noise = not pass_all if self.exclude_noise and is_noise is True: continue pdg_id = int(track.PDGidnova) x, y, z = self.translate(track.xnova, track.ynova, track.znova) # mm # z, x = self.rotate_y_axis(z, x) t = track.tnova # s px = track.Pxnova # MeV py = track.Pynova # MeV pz = track.Pznova # MeV # pz, px = self.rotate_y_axis(pz, px) px /= 1000. # GeV py /= 1000. # GeV pz /= 1000. # GeV x /= 10. # cm y /= 10. # cm z /= 10. # cm t *= 1.e9 # ns mass = self.pdg.GetParticle(pdg_id).Mass() energy = (mass**2 + px**2 + py**2 + pz**2)**0.5 particle = [ is_noise, 1, pdg_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, px, py, pz, energy, mass, x, y, z, t ] particles.append(particle) particle_count += 1 if particle_count % 1e6 == 0: print('particle_count = {}'.format(particle_count)) print('spill_count = {}'.format(spill_count)) f_beam.Close() particles = sorted(particles, key=lambda p: p[-1]) events = [] event_end_time = 0. event_start_time = 0. event_particles = [] for particle in particles: is_noise = particle[0] time = particle[-1] # time if time > event_end_time: if event_particles: events.append(event_particles) event_particles = [] if not is_noise: particle[-1] = 0. event_particles = [particle] event_start_time = time event_end_time = time + EventGenerator.EVENT_TIME_DURATION # ns else: particle[-1] -= event_start_time event_particles.append(particle) if event_particles: events.append(event_particles) txt_filename = 'text_gen.{}{}.txt'.format( self.file_basename, '.exclude_noise' if self.exclude_noise else '') with open('{}/{}'.format(self.data_dir, txt_filename), 'w') as f_txt: for event in events: f_txt.write('0 {}\n'.format(len(event))) for particle in event: f_txt.write(' '.join(map(str, particle[1:])) + '\n') if self.save_plot: self.make_plot(events) def make_plot(self, events): f_det = TFile( '{}/text_gen.{}{}.root'.format( self.data_dir, self.file_basename, '.exclude_noise' if self.exclude_noise else ''), 'RECREATE') multiple_particle_event_count = 0 h_count = TH1D('h_count', 'h_count', 100, -0.5, 99.5) h_timing = TH1D('h_timing', 'h_timing', 5000, 0., 50.e3) # ns h_xy = TH2D('h_xy', 'h_xy', 600, -150, 150, 600, -150, 150) # cm h_z = TH1D('h_z', 'h_z', 500, -1, 1) # cm for i, event in enumerate(events): h_count.Fill(len(event)) if len(event) > 1: multiple_particle_event_count += 1 for particle in event: h_timing.Fill(particle[-1]) is_noise = particle[0] if is_noise: continue x = particle[-4] y = particle[-3] z = particle[-2] h_xy.Fill(x, y) h_z.Fill(z) print('len(events) = {}'.format(len(events))) print('multiple_particle_event_count = {}'.format( multiple_particle_event_count)) h_count.Write('h_particle_count_per_event') h_timing.Write('h_timing') h_xy.Write('h_xy') h_z.Write('h_z') f_det.Close()
parser.add_argument('outFileName', metavar='text', default='outFileName.root', help='output root file name') args = parser.parse_args() #config with input file details with open(args.cfgFileName, 'r') as ymlCfgFile: inputCfg = yaml.load(ymlCfgFile, yaml.FullLoader) inFileNames = inputCfg['filename'] if not isinstance(inFileNames, list): inFileNames = [inFileNames] isMC = inputCfg['isMC'] #define mass binning meson = inputCfg['tree']['meson'] if meson == 'Ds': mD = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(431).Mass() elif meson == 'Dplus': mD = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(411).Mass() else: print('Error: only Dplus and Ds mesons supported. Exit!') exit() #selections to be applied with open(args.cutSetFileName, 'r') as ymlCutSetFile: cutSetCfg = yaml.load(ymlCutSetFile, yaml.FullLoader) cutVars = cutSetCfg['cutvars'] selToApply = [] for iPt, _ in enumerate(cutVars['Pt']['min']): selToApply.append('') for iVar, varName in enumerate(cutVars): if varName == 'InvMass':
def print_evt(event_filter=">= 0"): pdg_db = TDatabasePDG() ev_df = df.Filter(f"fMcCollisionsID {event_filter}") npy = ev_df.AsNumpy() print() lastmother = 0 for i, part_index in enumerate(npy["part_index"]): ev = npy["fMcCollisionsID"][i] count("events", ev) m0 = npy["fMother0"][i] m1 = npy["fMother1"][i] d0 = npy["fDaughter0"][i] d1 = npy["fDaughter1"][i] pdg = npy["fPdgCode"][i] px = npy["fPx"][i] py = npy["fPy"][i] pz = npy["fPz"][i] def getpname(pdg_code): p = pdg_db.GetParticle(int(pdg_code)) if p: p = p.GetName() else: p = "Undef" return p part = getpname(pdg) summary_line = f" ({part_index}) ev {ev} m0 {m0} m1 {m1}, d0 {d0} d1 {d1}, pdg {pdg} '{part}'" if abs(pdg) not in [21, 2101, 2103, 2203, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] and m0 > -1: if lastmother != m0 and count("mothers", m0): raise ValueError("Duplicate mothers for ", summary_line) lastmother = m0 if d1 > -1 and d0 > d1: raise ValueError("d0 < d1:", summary_line) def daughters(): idaughters = [] if d0 > -1 and d1 > -1: for j in range(d0, d1 + 1): entry = numpy.where(npy["part_index"] == j)[0] if len(entry) > 1: raise ValueError("Entry size is too high!") if len(entry) == 0: raise ValueError("Entry size is too low!") entry = entry[0] d_m0 = npy["fMother0"][entry] d_m1 = npy["fMother1"][entry] if d_m0 != part_index and d_m1 != part_index: raise ValueError( "Daughter has a different mother!", d_m0, d_m1, "w.r.t.", part_index) if d_m0 == d_m1: raise ValueError("Daughter has same mother!", d_m0, d_m1) idaughters.append(entry) # Checking that indices are increasing if sorted(idaughters) != idaughters: raise ValueError("Daughters are not in order!") # Checking that indices have no holes if idaughters != [*range(idaughters[0], idaughters[-1] + 1)]: raise ValueError("Daughters have hole in indices!", idaughters) return idaughters def daughters_pxpypz(): d_px = 0 d_py = 0 d_pz = 0 d = daughters() for j in d: d_px += npy["fPx"][j] d_py += npy["fPy"][j] d_pz += npy["fPz"][j] return d_px, d_py, d_pz def daughters_pdg(): d = daughters() d_pdgs = [] for j in d: d_pdgs.append(npy["fPdgCode"][j]) return d_pdgs def check_momentum(): d_p = daughters_pxpypz() m_p = [px, py, pz] for j in enumerate(m_p): if (j[1] - d_p[j[0]]) > 0.001: raise ValueError("Wrong P", j, "with", d_p) def is_decay_channel(desired_pdg_codes, fill_counter=True, min_prongs=0, max_prongs=10): d = daughters() d_pdgs = daughters_pdg() if len(d) >= min_prongs and len(d) <= max_prongs: print(pdg, part, "decaying in") for i, j in enumerate(d_pdgs): print(" >", j, getpname(j), "index", d[i], npy["part_index"][d[i]], "m0", npy["fMother0"][d[i]], "m1", npy["fMother1"][d[i]]) if desired_pdg_codes is not None: for i in desired_pdg_codes: if i not in d_pdgs: return False if fill_counter: count( f"{bcolors.BOKGREEN} {pdg} {part} {bcolors.ENDC} in {d_pdgs}", part_index) return True extra = [] if m0 < 0 and m1 < 0 and d0 < 1 and d1 < 0: extra.append("Sterile") if d1 <= d0 and d1 > -1: extra.append(bcolors.BWARNING + "Problematic" + bcolors.ENDC) if pdg in pdg_of_interest: extra.append(bcolors.BOKGREEN + "PDG of interest" + bcolors.ENDC) extra = " ".join(extra) count(part, part_index) if verbose or pdg in pdg_of_interest: print(summary_line, extra) if pdg in pdg_of_interest: check_momentum() is_decay_channel(None, fill_counter=True)
def __init__(self, parse, tree): #electron and proton energy, GeV self.Ee = parse.getfloat("main", "Ee") self.Ep = parse.getfloat("main", "Ep") print("Ee, GeV =", self.Ee) print("Ep, GeV =", self.Ep) #A and Z of the nucleus self.A = 1 self.Z = 1 if parse.has_option("main", "A"): self.A = parse.getint("main", "A") if parse.has_option("main", "Z"): self.Z = parse.getint("main", "Z") print("A:", self.A) print("Z:", self.Z) #minimal photon energy, GeV self.emin = parse.getfloat("main", "emin") print("emin, GeV =", self.emin) #alpha r_e^2 self.ar2 = 7.297 * 2.818 * 2.818 * 1e-2 # m barn #electron and nucleus mass = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(11).Mass() = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(2212).Mass() = self.A * #nucleus beam vector nvec = TLorentzVector() pz_a = TMath.Sqrt(self.Ep**2 -**2) * self.Z en_a = TMath.Sqrt(pz_a**2 +**2) nvec.SetPxPyPzE(0, 0, pz_a, en_a) print("Nucleus beam gamma:", nvec.Gamma()) #boost vector of nucleus beam self.nbvec = nvec.BoostVector() #electron beam vector evec = TLorentzVector() evec.SetPxPyPzE(0, 0, -TMath.Sqrt(self.Ee**2 -**2), self.Ee) print("Electron beam gamma:", evec.Gamma()) #electron beam energy in nucleus beam rest frame evec.Boost(-self.nbvec.x(), -self.nbvec.y(), -self.nbvec.z()) self.Ee_n = evec.E() print("Ee_n, GeV:", self.Ee_n) #minimal photon energy in nucleus rest frame eminv = TLorentzVector() eminv.SetPxPyPzE(0, 0, -self.emin, self.emin) eminv.Boost(-self.nbvec.x(), -self.nbvec.y(), -self.nbvec.z()) emin_n = eminv.E() print("emin_n, GeV:", emin_n) #maximal delta in nucleus frame dmax_n = 100. if parse.has_option("main", "dmax_n"): dmax_n = parse.getfloat("main", "dmax_n") print("dmax_n:", dmax_n) #cross section formula self.eqpar = self.eq(self) self.dSigDwDt = TF2("dSigDwDt", self.eqpar, emin_n, self.Ee_n, 0, dmax_n) self.dSigDwDt.SetNpx(2000) self.dSigDwDt.SetNpy(2000) gRandom.SetSeed(5572323) #total integrated cross section over all delta (to 1e5) dSigInt = TF2("dSigInt", self.eqpar, emin_n, self.Ee_n, 0, 1e5) sigma_tot = dSigInt.Integral(emin_n, self.Ee_n, 0, 1e5) print("Total cross section, mb:", sigma_tot) #uniform generator for azimuthal angles self.rand = TRandom3() self.rand.SetSeed(5572323) #tree output from the generator tlist = ["true_phot_w", "true_phot_delta", "true_phot_theta_n"] tlist += ["true_phot_theta", "true_phot_phi", "true_phot_E"] tlist += ["true_el_theta", "true_el_phi", "true_el_E"] self.tree_out = self.set_tree(tree, tlist) print("Lifshitz_93p16 parametrization initialized")
markerstyle=markersData[cut]) hEffPtIntMC = TH1F('hEffPtIntMC', ';|#Delta#it{M}(KK)| selection; efficiency', 21, 4.5, 25.5) hEffPtIntData = TH1F('hEffPtIntData', ';|#Delta#it{M}(KK)| selection; efficiency', 21, 4.5, 25.5) SetObjectStyle(hEffPtIntMC, color=kRed + 1, fillstyle=0, markerstyle=kFullSquare) SetObjectStyle(hEffPtIntData, color=kAzure + 4, fillstyle=0, markerstyle=kFullCircle) massPhi = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(333).Mass() massK = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(321).Mass() widthPhi = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(333).Width() for iPt in range(nPtBinsMC): if iPt < nPtBinsMC - 1: ptMin = ptLims[iPt] ptMax = ptLims[iPt + 1] else: ptMin = ptLims[0] ptMax = ptLims[-1] # get massKK distributions in signal region massLowLimit = mean[iPt] - args.nSigma * sigma[iPt] massHighLimit = mean[iPt] + args.nSigma * sigma[iPt] binLow = hMassKKvsMassKKpiMC[iPt].GetXaxis().FindBin(massLowLimit * 1.0001)
import enum from ROOT import TDatabasePDG db = TDatabasePDG() db.GetParticle(0) # initialize list all_particles = list(db.ParticleList()) data = {p.GetName(): p.PdgCode() for p in all_particles} ParticleID = enum.IntEnum('ParticleID', data) def main(): for pid in ParticleID: print( f"{pid.__class__.__name__}({pid.value}) == {pid.__class__.__name__}['{}']" ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
def __init__(self, parse, tree, hepmc_attrib): print("Quasi-real configuration:") #electron and proton beam energy, GeV self.Ee = parse.getfloat("main", "Ee") self.Ep = parse.getfloat("main", "Ep") print("Ee =", self.Ee, "GeV") print("Ep =", self.Ep, "GeV") #electron and proton mass = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(11).Mass() mp = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(2212).Mass() #boost vector pbvec of proton beam pbeam = TLorentzVector() pbeam.SetPxPyPzE(0, 0, TMath.Sqrt(self.Ep**2-mp**2), self.Ep) self.pbvec = pbeam.BoostVector() #electron beam energy Ee_p in proton beam rest frame ebeam = TLorentzVector() ebeam.SetPxPyPzE(0, 0, -TMath.Sqrt(self.Ee****2), self.Ee) ebeam.Boost(-self.pbvec.x(), -self.pbvec.y(), -self.pbvec.z()) # transform to proton beam frame self.Ee_p = ebeam.E() #center-of-mass squared s, GeV^2 self.s = self.get_s(self.Ee, self.Ep) print("s =", self.s, "GeV^2") print("sqrt(s) =", TMath.Sqrt(self.s), "GeV") #range in x xmin = parse.getfloat("main", "xmin") xmax = parse.getfloat("main", "xmax") print("xmin =", xmin) print("xmax =", xmax) #range in u = log_10(x) umin = TMath.Log10(xmin) umax = TMath.Log10(xmax) print("umin =", umin) print("umax =", umax) #range in y ymin = parse.getfloat("main", "ymin") ymax = parse.getfloat("main", "ymax") #range in W wmin = -1. wmax = -1. if parse.has_option("main", "Wmin"): wmin = parse.getfloat("main", "Wmin") print("Wmin =", wmin) if parse.has_option("main", "Wmax"): wmax = parse.getfloat("main", "Wmax") print("Wmax =", wmax) #adjust range in y according to W if wmin > 0 and ymin < wmin**2/self.s: ymin = wmin**2/self.s if wmax > 0 and ymax > wmax**2/self.s: ymax = wmax**2/self.s print("ymin =", ymin) print("ymax =", ymax) #range in v = log_10(y) vmin = TMath.Log10(ymin) vmax = TMath.Log10(ymax) print("vmin =", vmin) print("vmax =", vmax) #range in Q2 self.Q2min = parse.getfloat("main", "Q2min") self.Q2max = parse.getfloat("main", "Q2max") print("Q2min =", self.Q2min) print("Q2max =", self.Q2max) #constant term in the cross section self.const = TMath.Log(10)*TMath.Log(10)*(1./137)/(2.*math.pi) #cross section formula for d^2 sigma / dxdy, Eq. II.6 #transformed as x -> u = log_10(x) and y -> v = log_10(y) self.eq_II6_uv_par = self.eq_II6_uv(self) self.eq = TF2("d2SigDuDvII6", self.eq_II6_uv_par, umin, umax, vmin, vmax) self.eq.SetNpx(1000) self.eq.SetNpy(1000) #uniform generator for azimuthal angles self.rand = TRandom3() self.rand.SetSeed(5572323) #generator event variables in output tree tnam = ["gen_u", "gen_v", "true_x", "true_y", "true_Q2", "true_W2"] tnam += ["true_el_Q2"] tnam += ["true_el_pT", "true_el_theta", "true_el_phi", "true_el_E"] #create the tree variables tcmd = "struct gen_out { Double_t " for i in tnam: tcmd += i + ", " tcmd = tcmd[:-2] + ";};" gROOT.ProcessLine( tcmd ) self.out = rt.gen_out() #put zero to all variables for i in tnam: exec("self.out."+i+"=0") #set the variables in the tree if tree is not None: for i in tnam: tree.Branch(i, addressof(self.out, i), i+"/D") #event attributes for hepmc self.hepmc_attrib = hepmc_attrib #counters for all generated and selected events self.nall = 0 self.nsel = 0 #print generator statistics at the end atexit.register(self.show_stat) #total integrated cross section self.sigma_tot = self.eq.Integral(umin, umax, vmin, vmax) print("Total integrated cross section for a given x and y range:", self.sigma_tot, "mb") print("Quasi-real photoproduction initialized")
markerstyle=kFullSquare) SetObjectStyle(hRawYieldsSigmaRatioSecondFirstPeak, color=kRed, markerstyle=kFullSquare) SetObjectStyle(hRawYieldsSoverBSecPeak, color=kRed, markerstyle=kFullSquare) SetObjectStyle(hRawYieldsSignalSecPeak, color=kRed, markerstyle=kFullSquare) SetObjectStyle(hRawYieldsBkgSecPeak, color=kRed, markerstyle=kFullSquare) SetObjectStyle(hRawYieldsTrue, color=kRed, markerstyle=kFullSquare) SetObjectStyle(hRawYieldsSecPeakTrue, color=kRed, markerstyle=kFullSquare) SetObjectStyle(hRelDiffRawYieldsFitTrue, color=kRed, markerstyle=kFullSquare) SetObjectStyle(hRelDiffRawYieldsSecPeakFitTrue, color=kRed, markerstyle=kFullSquare) # fit histos massDplus = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(411).Mass() massDs = TDatabasePDG.Instance().GetParticle(431).Mass() massForFit = massDplus if fitConfig[cent]['Meson'] == 'Dplus' else massDs cMass = TCanvas("cMass", "cMass", 1920, 1080) DivideCanvas(cMass, nPtBins) cResiduals = TCanvas("cResiduals", "cResiduals", 1920, 1080) DivideCanvas(cResiduals, nPtBins) massFitter = [] for iPt, (hM, ptMin, ptMax, reb, sgn, bkg, secPeak, massMin, massMax) in enumerate(zip( hMass, ptMins, ptMaxs, fitConfig[cent]['Rebin'], SgnFunc, BkgFunc, \ inclSecPeak, fitConfig[cent]['MassMin'], fitConfig[cent]['MassMax'])): hMassForFit.append(TH1F()) AliVertexingHFUtils.RebinHisto(hM, reb).Copy(
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ID - type Part ID - - px py pz - - vx vy vz 1=active """ # all the not useful fields will be filled with 99 from ROOT import TGenPhaseSpace, TLorentzVector, TDatabasePDG, TMath, TVector3 import math from random import random as rndm from array import array from random import gauss dbpdg = TDatabasePDG() # chose motherParticle PDGmother = 3122 MotherMass = dbpdg.GetParticle(PDGmother).Mass() # chose daughters PDGs = [2212, -211] DaughterMass = [dbpdg.GetParticle(i).Mass() for i in PDGs] # Settings # ======== NEVENTS = 50000 BeamPolarization = -1 # not useful
from ROOT import TLorentzVector, TDatabasePDG, TH1F, TH2F, TCanvas, TVector3 from math import * import sys with open(sys.argv[-1]) as fin: content = fin.readlines() pdg = TDatabasePDG() h0 = TH1F("m0", "", 200, 0, 3) h1 = TH1F("m", "", 200, 0, 3) h2t = TH2F("theta", "", 180, 0, 180, 90, 0, 180) h2p = TH2F("phi", "", 180, -180, 180, 180, -180, 180) i = 0 while i < len(content): line = content[i].strip().split() if len(line) == 10: g0line = content[i + 1].strip().split() g1line = content[i + 2].strip().split() g2line = content[i + 3].strip().split() g0d = [float(a) for a in g0line[6:9]] g1d = [float(a) for a in g1line[6:9]] g2d = [float(a) for a in g2line[6:9]] m0 = pdg.GetParticle(int(g0line[3])).Mass() m1 = pdg.GetParticle(int(g1line[3])).Mass() m2 = pdg.GetParticle(int(g2line[3])).Mass()