def Stack(can, reverse=False): if can.GetPrimitive('pad_top'): return Stack(can.GetPrimitive('pad_top'), reverse=reverse) from ROOT import TH1, THStack stack = THStack('stack', 'stack') xaxislabel, yaxislabel = '', '' binlabels = [] if reverse: the_primitives = reversed(can.GetListOfPrimitives()) else: the_primitives = can.GetListOfPrimitives() for i in the_primitives: if issubclass(type(i), TH1): stack.Add(i) if not xaxislabel: xaxislabel = i.GetXaxis().GetTitle() if not yaxislabel: yaxislabel = i.GetYaxis().GetTitle() if not binlabels and i.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(1): for j in range(i.GetNbinsX()): binlabels.append(i.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(j + 1)) can.Clear() tobject_collector.append(stack) stack.Draw('hist') stack.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xaxislabel) stack.GetYaxis().SetTitle(yaxislabel) if binlabels: for i in range(stack.GetXaxis().GetNbins()): stack.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i + 1, binlabels[i]) can.Modified() can.Update() can.RedrawAxis() return
def getStack(self, lumi, name, var, nbin, xmin, xmax, cut, options, xlabel): hs = THStack(name, "") for b in self.blocks: AuxName = "auxStack_block_" + name + "_" + haux = b.getTH1F(lumi, AuxName, var, nbin, xmin, xmax, cut, options, xlabel) haux.SetFillColor(b.color) hs.Add(haux) del haux can_aux = TCanvas("can_%s_%s" % (name, hs.Draw() del can_aux if xmax != xmin: hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xlabel) b = int((xmax - xmin) / nbin) ylabel = "Events / " + str(b) + " GeV" else: ylabel = "# events" hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ylabel) return hs
def __draw_stack(self, regions, th1d_dict, output_name): canvas = TCanvas("canvas", 'A basic canvas', 1000, 600) stack = THStack("stack", "stack") leg = Plotting.Create_Legend(0.60, 0.60, 0.95, 0.95) for region in regions: hist = th1d_dict[region] hist.SetLineColor(1) hist.SetLineWidth(1) hist.SetMarkerColor(self.__get_colour(region)) hist.SetMarkerStyle(0) hist.SetFillColor(self.__get_colour(region)) leg.AddEntry(hist, self.__get_label(region), "f") stack.Add(hist) del hist stack.Draw("HIST") stack.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events") stack.GetXaxis().SetTitle("True #it{E_{T}^{miss}} [GeV]") leg.Draw() canvas.Print(output_name)
def plot_calibrations(group_data, voltage, cal_pars_list, stacked=False): group_name = str(group_data[0].run_number) run = group_data[2] name = str(run.run_number) hists_and_lines = [] for cal_pars in cal_pars_list: pars = parameters.gain_pars[cal_pars] run.calibrate_energies(voltage, pars) hist = make_hist(name, run.calibrated_energies, 0, 3500) K_line = TLine(1460.820, 0, 1460.820, 1000000) K_line.SetLineColor(632) Tl_line = TLine(2614.511, 0, 2614.511, 1000000) Tl_line.SetLineColor(632) hists_and_lines.append([hist, K_line, Tl_line]) if stacked: print('Plotting stacked calibrated histograms.') run_canvas = TCanvas() run_canvas.SetLogy() colors = [808, 397, 436, 424, 628, 852, 800, 863, 403, 797] color_index = 0 hs = THStack('hs', 'Group %s Histograms' % group_name) for entry in hists_and_lines: title = str(run.run_number) entry[0].SetLineColor(colors[color_index]) color_index += 1 hs.Add(entry[0]) hs.Draw('nostack') K_line = TLine(1460.820, 0, 1460.820, 1000000) K_line.SetLineColor(632) K_line.Draw() Tl_line = TLine(2614.511, 0, 2614.511, 1000000) Tl_line.SetLineColor(632) Tl_line.Draw() run_canvas.BuildLegend() path = 'output/group_' + str(group_data[0].run_number) + '/' run_canvas.Print((path + str(group_data[0].run_number) + '_stacked_calibrated_histogram.pdf[')) run_canvas.Print((path + str(group_data[0].run_number) + '_stacked_calibrated_histogram.pdf')) run_canvas.Print((path + str(group_data[0].run_number) + '_stacked_calibrated_histogram.pdf]')) else: print('Plotting calibrated energy histogram.') run_canvas = TCanvas("run_canvas", "run canvas") run_canvas.Divide(3, int(len(cal_pars_list) / 2)) canvas_index = 1 for entry in hists_and_lines: pad = pad.SetLogy() entry[0].Draw() entry[1].Draw() entry[2].Draw() pad.Update() canvas_index += 1 path = 'output/group_' + group_name + '/' run_canvas.Print((path + name + '_calibrated_histograms.pdf[')) run_canvas.Print((path + name + '_calibrated_histograms.pdf')) run_canvas.Print((path + name + '_calibrated_histograms.pdf]'))
def plot_hist_diff(histlist1, histlist2, labellist, log, overflow, filename, options): canv = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 600) canv.SetTopMargin(10) canv.SetRightMargin(100) if log: gPad.SetLogy() histstack = THStack("stack", histlist1[0].GetTitle()) legend = TLegend(0.76, 0.88 - 0.08 * len(histlist1), 0.91, 0.88, '', 'NDC') colorlist = [4, 8, 2, 6, 1] if options: options += " NOSTACK" else: options = "NOSTACK" maximum = 0 for i in range(len(histlist1)): entries = histlist1[i].GetEntries() bad_entries = histlist2[i].GetEntries() histlist1[i].SetLineColorAlpha(colorlist[i], 0.65) histlist1[i].SetLineWidth(3) if entries: histlist1[i].Scale(1. / entries) if bad_entries: histlist2[i].Scale(1. / bad_entries) histlist1[i].Add(histlist2[i], -1.) nbins = histlist1[i].GetNbinsX() legend.AddEntry( histlist1[i], "#splitline{" + labellist[i] + "}{#splitline{%d total jets}{%d bad jets}}" % (entries, bad_entries), "l") if overflow: histlist1[i].SetBinContent( nbins, histlist1[i].GetBinContent(nbins) + histlist1[i].GetBinContent(nbins + 1)) #overflow histlist1[i].SetBinContent( 1, histlist1[i].GetBinContent(0) + histlist1[i].GetBinContent(1)) #underflow if histlist1[i].GetMaximum() > maximum: maximum = histlist1[i].GetMaximum() histstack.Add(histlist1[i]) #if i == 0: histlist[i].Draw(options) #else: histlist[i].Draw(same+options) histstack.SetMaximum(maximum * 1.4) histstack.Draw(options) histstack.GetXaxis().SetTitle(histlist1[0].GetXaxis().GetTitle()) histstack.GetYaxis().SetTitle(histlist1[0].GetYaxis().GetTitle()) legend.SetTextSize(0.02) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.Draw("SAME") canv.SaveAs(filename) if log: gPad.Clear() canv.Clear() del canv
def drawAppMVAOutputPlots(region, method, isMC): MCstr = "" if isMC: MCstr = "BsMC12" Region = region[:1].upper() + region[ 1:] #capitalize first letter for retrieving file names HistName = "ApplicationOutput" + MCstr + Region + method CvsName = "canvasMVA_" + MCstr + method + region canvas = TCanvas(CvsName, CvsName) stackBDT = THStack(HistName, HistName) histos = [] appFiles = [] canvas.Draw() # note: TMVApp file name structure: "TMVApp"+Region+method+sample+".root" # "BsMC12TMVApp"+Region+method+sample+".root" appFile = TFile(MCstr + "TMVApp" + Region + method + ".root") histo = appFile.Get("MVA_" + method).Clone(HistName) histo.Scale(1 / histo.GetEntries()) stackBDT.Add(histo) for sample in range(3): appFiles.append( TFile(MCstr + "TMVApp" + Region + method + str(sample) + ".root")) histos.append(appFiles[sample].Get("MVA_" + method).Clone("HistName" + str(sample))) histos[sample].SetLineColor(2 * sample) histos[sample].Scale(1 / histos[sample].GetEntries()) stackBDT.Add(histos[sample]) stackBDT.Draw("nostack") if isMC: applicationBDTLegend = TLegend(0.2, 0.7, 0.5, 0.9, "", "brNDC") #applicationBDTLegend.SetHeader("Bs MC "+region.split("BsMC")[1]) applicationBDTLegend.SetHeader("Bs MC " + Region) else: applicationBDTLegend = TLegend(0.55, 0.7, 0.85, 0.9, "", "brNDC") applicationBDTLegend.SetHeader(Region) applicationBDTLegend.AddEntry(histo, "Full sample", "l") applicationBDTLegend.AddEntry(histos[0], "Trained on 0, tested on 1, applied on 2", "l") applicationBDTLegend.AddEntry(histos[1], "Trained on 1, tested on 2, applied on 0", "l") applicationBDTLegend.AddEntry(histos[2], "Trained on 2, tested on 0, applied on 1", "l") applicationBDTLegend.Draw("same") applicationBDTLegend.SetFillColor(0) applicationBDTLegend.SetLineColor(0) canvas.SaveAs(figuresDir + "Application" + method + "Output_" + MCstr + region + ".pdf")
def DrawStackHistograms(histograms, outname, blind=True, verbose=False): #hists_sorted = sorted(histograms, key=lambda h: h.Integral()) hs = THStack("h_stack", "") h_obs = None l = TLegend(0.77, 0.60, 0.90, 0.87) for hist in histograms: hname = hist.GetName() if "data_obs" in hname: if not blind: h_obs = hist SetHistogramStyle(h_obs, "Observed") l.AddEntry(h_obs, "Observed", "p") else: SetHistogramStyle(hist) label = GetLabelName(hist) hs.Add(hist) l.AddEntry(hist, label, "f") h_est = hs.GetStack().Last().Clone() if verbose: est_err = Double(0.) nbins_est = h_est.GetNbinsX() est_yields = h_est.IntegralAndError(1, nbins_est, est_err) print "predicted yields :", est_yields, "+/-", est_err if not blind: print "observed yields :", h_obs.Integral() # draw # SetCMSStyle() TODO canvas = TCanvas() gPad.SetLogy() #ymax_hs = hs.GetMaximum() #ymax = ymax_hs if h_obs is None else max(ymax_hs, h_obs.GetMaximum()) ymax = 10000 ymin = 0.1 hs.SetMaximum(ymax) hs.SetMinimum(ymin) hs.Draw("HIST") l.Draw("same") if not blind: h_obs.Draw("same") canvas.SaveAs(outname)
class TreeStack(object): def __init__(self, name): '''Name is the name you want for your treestack.''' = name self.trees = dict() self.styles = dict() self.treenames = [] self.hists = [] self.histsum = None self.stack = THStack('_'.join([, 'stack']), 'title') def add(self, name, tree, style=None): '''Add a new tree with name "name". Your tree should have the method Project. You may implement tree weighting in this function. style should behave like in ''' self.trees[name] = tree self.styles[name] = style self.treenames.append(name) def hname(self, name): return '_'.join([, name]) def project(self, var, cut, bins, xmin, xmax): '''Fill the histograms with all trees, using: var : variable to plot cut : cut to use These variables will be passed to the Project method of your trees. bins, xmin, xmax defins the histogram binning. ''' for name in self.treenames: tree = self.trees[name] hname = self.hname(name) hist = TH1F(hname, hname, bins, xmin, xmax) self.hists.append(hist) self.styles[name].formatHisto(hist) tree.Project(hname, var, cut) for hist in self.hists: if self.histsum is None: self.histsum = hist.Clone(self.hname('sum')) else: self.histsum.Add(hist) self.stack.Add(hist) def draw(self): '''Draw the stack. Call project first.''' self.stack.Draw()
def study_cal_eff(): # Import data and MC files: f_data = TFile.Open("../trees_5gev_e/data_nn50.root", 'read') t_data = f_mc = TFile.Open("../trees_5gev_e/lucas.root", 'read') t_mc = f_mc.lumical t_mc.AddFriend("lumical_noise=lumical", "../trees_5gev_e/lucas_geocuts_noise_cal.root") t_mc.AddFriend("lumical_eff=lumical", "../trees_5gev_e/lucas_geocuts_noise_cal_eff.root") c = TCanvas() hs = THStack("hs", "title") t_data.Draw("energy*(layer > 1)>>h_data50(200, 0, 50)", "energy*(layer > 1) > 0") h_data50 = gROOT.FindObject("h_data50") h_data50.SetTitle("Data") h_data50.SetLineWidth(2) h_data50.SetLineColor(1) hs.Add(h_data50, "histo") t_mc.Draw("cal_energy_new/0.0885>>h_mc(200, 0, 50)", "cal_energy_new/0.0885 > 0", "", 100000) h_mc = gROOT.FindObject("h_mc") h_mc.SetTitle("MC smearing and cal eff") h_mc.SetLineWidth(2) h_mc.SetLineColor(3) h_mc.Scale(t_data.GetEntries() / 100000) #t_mc.GetEntries()) hs.Add(h_mc, "histo") t_mc.Draw("cal_energy_smeared7/0.0885>>h_mc7(200, 0, 50)", "cal_energy_smeared7/0.0885 > 0", "", 100000) h_mc7 = gROOT.FindObject("h_mc7") h_mc7.SetTitle("MC smearing=0.7*#sigma") h_mc7.SetLineWidth(2) h_mc7.SetLineColor(2) h_mc7.Scale(t_data.GetEntries() / 100000) #t_mc.GetEntries()) hs.Add(h_mc7, "histo") print(h_mc7.GetEntries()) hs.Draw("nostack") hs.SetTitle( "Deposited energy in the pads of calorimeter;E, [MIP]; N_{hits}") c.SetGridx() c.SetGridy() c.BuildLegend() c.Update() input("wait")
def plotstuff2(cut1,cut2,cutname): events.Draw("eleClT-posClT>>h1(200,-10,10)",cut1,"goff") events.Draw("eleClT-posClT>>h2(200,-10,10)",cut2,"goff") hs = THStack("hs",cutname); hs.Add(gDirectory.Get("h1")) hs.Add(gDirectory.Get("h2")) hs.Draw("nostack") leg = TLegend(0.6,0.75,0.9,0.9) leg.AddEntry(gDirectory.Get("h1"),"after base cuts") leg.AddEntry(gDirectory.Get("h2"),"after vertexing cuts") leg.Draw() gDirectory.Get("h1").SetLineColor(1) gDirectory.Get("h2").SetLineColor(2) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("tEle-tPos [ns]") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("events/(0.1 ns)") c.Print(sys.argv[1]+".pdf")
def histo_creation(lumi2017_param, variable_param, binHist_param, minHist_param, maxHist_param, titleX_param, titleY_param): histo = [] legend = TLegend(0.5, 0.5, 0.9, 0.9) canvas = TCanvas() if (lumi2017_param): legend.SetHeader("41.53 fb-1", "C") canvas.SetName(variable_param + "2017") else: legend.SetHeader("35.9 fb-1", "C") canvas.SetName(variable_param + "2016") for i in range(len(MC_sample)): foo = TH1F("essaie{}".format(i), "essaie{}".format(i), binHist_param, minHist_param, maxHist_param) rootfile[i].Get('events').Project("essaie{}".format(i), variable_param, "weight") histo.append(foo) histo[i].SetFillColor(color[i]) histo[i].Scale(luminosity2017 * 1000 * cross_sec[i] / eventsN0[i]) if (not lumi2017_param): histo[i].Scale(lumiRatio) print(histo[i].GetEntries() * lumiRatio * luminosity2017 * 1000 * cross_sec[i] / eventsN0[i]) histo[i].Draw() legend.AddEntry(histo[i], MC_name[i], "f") stack = THStack(variable_param, "") for i in range(len(MC_sample)): stack.Add(histo[len(MC_sample) - (i + 1)]) stack.Draw("HIST") stack.GetXaxis().SetTitle(titleX_param) stack.GetYaxis().SetTitle(titleY_param) legend.Draw() if (lumi2017_param): canvas.SaveAs(localisation + "/results/MC_" + variable_param + "2017.png") else: canvas.SaveAs(localisation + "/results/MC_" + variable_param + "2016.png") canvas.Write()
def plot_bar(histlist, axislabels, labels, norm, log, filename, options): canv = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 600) canv.SetTopMargin(10) canv.SetRightMargin(100) if log: gPad.SetLogy() histstack = THStack("stack", histlist[0].GetTitle()) if labels: legend = TLegend(0.76, 0.88 - 0.08 * len(histlist), 0.91, 0.88, '', 'NDC') colorlist = [4, 8, 2, 6, 1] if options: options += " NOSTACK" else: options = "NOSTACK" maximum = 0 for i in range(len(histlist)): histlist[i].SetLineColorAlpha(colorlist[i], 0.65) histlist[i].SetLineWidth(3) entries = histlist[i].GetEntries() if entries and norm: histlist[i].Scale(1. / entries) if histlist[i].GetMaximum() > maximum: maximum = histlist[i].GetMaximum() if labels: legend.AddEntry(histlist[i], labels[i], "l") histstack.Add(histlist[i]) histstack.SetMaximum(maximum * 1.4) histstack.Draw(options) histstack.GetXaxis().SetTitle(histlist[0].GetXaxis().GetTitle()) histstack.GetYaxis().SetTitle(histlist[0].GetYaxis().GetTitle()) histstack.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(len(axislabels)) histstack.GetXaxis().CenterLabels(True) for i, label in enumerate(axislabels): histstack.GetXaxis().ChangeLabel(i + 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, str(label)) if labels: legend.SetTextSize(0.02) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.Draw("SAME") canv.SaveAs(filename) if log: gPad.Clear() canv.Clear() del canv
def study_trigger(): # Import data and MC files: f_data = TFile.Open("../trees_5gev_e/.root", 'read') t_data = f_mc = TFile.Open("../trees_5gev_e/lucas.root", 'read') t_mc = f_mc.lumical t_mc.AddFriend("lumical_tr_clusters=lumical", "../trees_5gev_e/.root") c = TCanvas() t_data.Draw("tr1_n_clusters>>h_data(6, 0, 6)") h_data = gROOT.FindObject("h_data") h_data.SetTitle("Data") h_data.SetLineWidth(2) h_data.SetLineColor(1) t_mc.Draw("tr1_n_hits>>h_mc(6, 0, 6)") h_mc = gROOT.FindObject("h_mc") h_mc.SetTitle("MC") h_mc.SetLineWidth(2) h_mc.SetLineColor(2) h_mc.Scale(t_data.GetEntries() / t_mc.GetEntries()) t_mc.Draw("tr1_n_clusters>>h_mc2(6, 0, 6)", "n_triggers == 3") h_mc2 = gROOT.FindObject("h_mc2") h_mc2.SetTitle("MC w/ trigger") h_mc2.SetLineWidth(2) h_mc2.SetLineColor(4) h_mc2.Scale(t_data.GetEntries() / t_mc.GetEntries()) hs = THStack("hs", "title") hs.Add(h_data, "histo") hs.Add(h_mc, "histo") hs.Add(h_mc2, "histo") hs.Draw("nostack") hs.SetTitle( "Number of clusters in the 1st tracker;N_{particles}; N_{events}") c.SetGridx() c.SetGridy() c.BuildLegend() c.Update() input("wait")
def timing(data, leg_entries): """ Plot different timing delays after receiving the trigger. """ stack = THStack('stack', 'Counts per BX') leg = TLegend(.8, .5, 1., .9) for idx, list in enumerate(data): h = TH1F('', '', 100, 0, 220) h.SetFillColor(idx+2) leg.AddEntry(h, leg_entries[idx], 'f') for val in list: h.Fill(val) stack.Add(h) canvas = TCanvas() stack.Draw() stack.GetXaxis().SetTitle('BX') stack.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Counts') leg.Draw() canvas.SaveAs('timing.pdf')
def plotstuff3(cuts,cutname): hs = THStack("hs",cutname); hs.Add(gDirectory.Get("h1")) leg = TLegend(0.6,0.75,0.9,0.9) events.Draw("eleClT-posClT>>h0(200,-10,10)",cuts[0],"goff") leg.AddEntry(gDirectory.Get("h0"),"after base cuts") hs.Add(gDirectory.Get("h0")) gDirectory.Get("h0").SetLineColor(1) #gDirectory.Get("h1").SetTitle(cutname) for i in range(1,len(cuts)): events.Draw("eleClT-posClT>>h{0}(100,-10,10)".format(i),makeCutString(cuts[0:i+1]),"goff") leg.AddEntry(gDirectory.Get("h{0}".format(i)),"after {0} cut".format(cutnames[i])) hs.Add(gDirectory.Get("h{0}".format(i))) gDirectory.Get("h{0}".format(i)).SetLineColor(i+1) hs.Draw("nostack") leg.Draw() hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("tEle-tPos [ns]") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("events/(0.1 ns)") c.Print(sys.argv[1]+".pdf")
class StackedHisto(object): def __init__(self, name, title): self._name = name self._title = title self._hstack = THStack(self._name, self._title) def addHisto(histo): self._hstack.Add(histo.histogram) @property def name(self): return self._name @property def title(self): return self._title def create_canvas(self): self._canvas = TCanvas(self._name, self._name) gStyle.SetCanvasBorderMode(0) gStyle.SetPadBorderMode(0) def draw(self): # create canvas to draw histogram if not getattr(self, '_canvas', None): self.create_canvas() self._hstack.Draw('nostack') def save_as(self, output_directory, format="png"): try: self._canvas.Print( "%s/%s.%s" % (output_directory, self._name, format), format) except AttributeError: print("You have to draw histograms before saving.") pass def set_stats_style(self): pass
def plotstuff(cut1,cut2,cut3,cutname): events.Draw("eleClT-posClT>>h1(200,-10,10)",cut1,"goff") events.Draw("eleClT-posClT>>h2(200,-10,10)",cut2,"goff") events.Draw("eleClT-posClT>>h3(200,-10,10)",cut3,"goff") hs = THStack("hs","Effect of "+cutname+" cut"); hs.Add(gDirectory.Get("h1")) hs.Add(gDirectory.Get("h2")) hs.Add(gDirectory.Get("h3")) hs.Draw("nostack") leg = TLegend(0.6,0.75,0.9,0.9) leg.AddEntry(gDirectory.Get("h1"),"passed all but this cut") leg.AddEntry(gDirectory.Get("h2"),"passed all cuts") leg.AddEntry(gDirectory.Get("h3"),"failed this cut") leg.Draw() gDirectory.Get("h1").SetLineColor(1) gDirectory.Get("h2").SetLineColor(4) gDirectory.Get("h3").SetLineColor(2) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("tEle-tPos [ns]") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("events/(0.1 ns)") c.Print(sys.argv[1]+".pdf")
def plotHistograms(histname, filenames, labels, canvas, legend, normalize=False): assert (len(filenames) == len(labels)) TH1.SetDefaultSumw2() # get histograms from the files histograms = [] for fname in filenames: f = TFile.Open(fname, "READ") h = f.Get(histname) h.SetDirectory(0) histograms.append(h) f.Close() # plot hs = THStack() hs.Draw() norm = 1. for i, (hist, label) in enumerate(zip(histograms, labels)): hist.SetStats(0) hist.SetLineColor(i + 1) hist.SetMarkerColor(i + 1) # normalize to the first histogram if needed if normalize: if i == 0: norm = hist.Integral() else: norm_i = hist.Integral() hist.Scale(norm / norm_i) hs.Add(hist) legend.AddEntry(hist, label) return hs
def Stack(can,reverse=False) : if can.GetPrimitive('pad_top') : return Stack(can.GetPrimitive('pad_top'),reverse=reverse) from ROOT import TH1,THStack stack = THStack('stack','stack') xaxislabel,yaxislabel = '','' binlabels = [] if reverse : the_primitives = reversed(can.GetListOfPrimitives()) else : the_primitives = can.GetListOfPrimitives() for i in the_primitives : if issubclass(type(i),TH1) : stack.Add(i) if not xaxislabel : xaxislabel = i.GetXaxis().GetTitle() if not yaxislabel : yaxislabel = i.GetYaxis().GetTitle() if not binlabels and i.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(1) : for j in range(i.GetNbinsX()) : binlabels.append(i.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(j+1)) # The original objects are cleared from the histogram: can.Clear() tobject_collector.append(stack) # Set draw option of underlying histograms for automatically nice legends for hist in stack.GetHists() : hist.SetOption('f') stack.Draw('hist') stack.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xaxislabel) stack.GetYaxis().SetTitle(yaxislabel) if binlabels : for i in range(stack.GetXaxis().GetNbins()) : stack.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i+1,binlabels[i]) can.RedrawAxis() can.Modified() can.Update() return
hist_met_ = fin.Get('h_summary_' + iprocess) hist_met_.Sumw2() hist_met_.SetDirectory(0) TH1.AddDirectory(0) # gStyle.SetPalette(53) hist_met_.SetFillColor(color[i]) #hist_met_.SetLineColor(color[i]) bkgStack.Add(hist_met_, 'hist') legend.AddEntry(hist_met_, processesLegend[i], "f") i = i + 1 c = TCanvas() c.SetLogy(1) bkgStack.Draw() j = 0 for iregion in region: bkgStack.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(j + 1, iregion) j = j + 1 legend.Draw() latex = TLatex(0.15, 0.85, 'CMS') latex.SetTextSize(0.036) latex.SetTextAlign(12) latex.SetNDC(kTRUE) latex.SetTextFont(61) latex.Draw() latex1 = TLatex(0.13, 0.82, 'Preliminary') latex1.SetTextSize(0.036)
def plot(path, leg_title, ecms, xmax, ymax, runNolow, runNoup, mode): try: f_data = TFile(path[0]) f_incMC1 = TFile(path[1]) f_incMC2 = TFile(path[2]) f_sigMC1 = TFile(path[3]) f_sigMC2 = TFile(path[4]) t_data = f_data.Get('save') t_incMC1 = f_incMC1.Get('save') t_incMC2 = f_incMC2.Get('save') t_sigMC1 = f_sigMC1.Get('save') t_sigMC2 = f_sigMC2.Get('save') entries_data = t_data.GetEntries() entries_incMC1 = t_incMC1.GetEntries() entries_incMC2 = t_incMC2.GetEntries() entries_sigMC1 = t_sigMC1.GetEntries() entries_sigMC2 = t_sigMC2.GetEntries()'data entries :' + str(entries_data))'inclusive MC(open charm) entries :' + str(entries_incMC1))'inclusive MC(qqbar) entries :' + str(entries_incMC2))'signal MC(D1(2420)) entries :' + str(entries_sigMC1))'signal MC(psi(3770)) entries :' + str(entries_sigMC2)) except: logging.error('File paths are invalid!') sys.exit() mbc = TCanvas('mbc', 'mbc', 800, 600) set_canvas_style(mbc) xmin = 0.4 xbins = 80 content = (xmax - xmin) / xbins * 1000 ytitle = 'Events/%.1f MeV' % content xtitle = 'M(#pi^{+}_{0}#pi^{-}_{0})(GeV)' h_data = TH1F('data', 'data', xbins, xmin, float(xmax)) h_incMC1 = TH1F('incMC1', 'inclusive MC: open charm', xbins, xmin, float(xmax)) h_incMC2 = TH1F('incMC2', 'inclusive MC: qqbar', xbins, xmin, float(xmax)) h_sigMC1 = TH1F('sigMC1', 'signal MC: D1(2420)', xbins, xmin, float(xmax)) h_sigMC2 = TH1F('sigMC2', 'signal MC: psi(3770)', xbins, xmin, float(xmax)) set_histo_style(h_data, h_incMC1, h_incMC2, h_sigMC1, h_sigMC2, xtitle, ytitle, ymax) rm_pipi_fill(t_data, t_incMC1, t_incMC2, t_sigMC1, t_sigMC2, h_data, h_incMC1, h_incMC2, h_sigMC1, h_sigMC2, runNolow, runNoup) if not os.path.exists('./figs/'): os.makedirs('./figs/') h_sigMC1.Scale(scale_factor(ecms, 'D1_2420')) h_sigMC2.Scale(scale_factor(ecms, 'psipp')) h_incMC1.Scale(scale_factor(ecms, 'DD')) h_incMC2.Scale(scale_factor(ecms, 'qq')) h_data.Draw('E1') h_incMC1.SetFillColor(ROOT.kBlue) h_incMC2.SetFillColor(ROOT.kYellow) h_sigMC1.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGreen) h_sigMC2.SetFillColor(ROOT.kRed) hs = THStack('hs', 'Stacked') hs.Add(h_sigMC1) hs.Add(h_sigMC2) hs.Add(h_incMC2) hs.Add(h_incMC1) hs.Draw('same') h_data.Draw('sameE1') legend = TLegend(0.55, 0.6, 0.8, 0.75) set_legend(legend, h_data, h_incMC1, h_incMC2, h_sigMC1, h_sigMC2, leg_title) legend.Draw() mbc.SaveAs('./figs/m_pipi_' + str(ecms) + '_' + mode + '.pdf')
def SaveHisto1D(HIST, suffix, output, snorm=1, ratio=0, poisson=True, logy=False, isVal=False): # only data and mc # SUFFIX = 2016_ss_lep1_pt bkgsum = 'BkgSum_%s' % (suffix) HIST[bkgsum] = HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].Clone("BkgSum") if 'DATA_%s' % ( suffix) in HIST else HIST['MC_%s' % (suffix)].Clone("BkgSum") HIST[bkgsum].Reset("MICES") HIST[bkgsum].SetFillStyle(3003) HIST[bkgsum].SetFillColor(1) HIST[bkgsum].SetMarkerStyle(0) HIST[bkgsum].Add(HIST['MC_%s' % (suffix)]) HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].SetMarkerStyle(20) HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].SetMarkerSize(1.25) HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].SetFillColor(418) HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].SetFillStyle(1001) HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].SetLineColor(1) HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].SetLineStyle(1) HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].SetLineWidth(2) HIST['MC_%s' % (suffix)].SetFillColor(418) HIST['MC_%s' % (suffix)].SetFillStyle(1001) HIST['MC_%s' % (suffix)].SetLineColor(418) HIST['MC_%s' % (suffix)].SetLineStyle(1) HIST['MC_%s' % (suffix)].SetLineWidth(2) for i, s in enumerate(HIST): addOverflow(HIST[s], False) # Add overflow #Stack bkg = THStack( 'bkg', ";" + HIST[bkgsum].GetXaxis().GetTitle() + ";" + HIST[bkgsum].GetYaxis().GetTitle()) bkg.Add(HIST['MC_%s' % (suffix)]) # ADD ALL BKG #Legend n = len(HIST) leg = TLegend(0.7, 0.9 - 0.05 * n, 0.95, 0.9) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) #1001 leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetTextSize(0.03) leg.AddEntry(HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)], 'Data [%.1f]' % (HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].Integral()), "pl") leg.AddEntry(HIST['MC_%s' % (suffix)], 'DY [%.1f]' % (HIST['MC_%s' % (suffix)].Integral()), "f") #if isFake: leg.AddEntry(HIST['FAKE_%s' %(suffix)], 'Fake [%.1f]' %(HIST['FAKE_%s' %(suffix)].Integral()), "f") leg.AddEntry(HIST[bkgsum], 'BkgSum [%.1f]' % (HIST[bkgsum].Integral()), "f") c1 = TCanvas("c1", HIST.values()[-1].GetXaxis().GetTitle(), 800, 800 if ratio else 600) #Ratio pad if ratio: c1.Divide(1, 2) setTopPad(c1.GetPad(1), ratio) setBotPad(c1.GetPad(2), ratio) c1.GetPad(bool(ratio)).SetTopMargin(0.06) c1.GetPad(bool(ratio)).SetRightMargin(0.05) c1.GetPad(bool(ratio)).SetTicks(1, 1) if logy: c1.GetPad(bool(ratio)).SetLogy() #Draw bkg.Draw("HIST") # stack HIST[bkgsum].Draw("SAME, E2") # sum of bkg HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].Draw("SAME, PE") # data bkg.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(bkg.GetYaxis().GetTitleOffset() * 1) #1.075 bkg.SetMaximum((6.0 if logy else 1.5) * max( bkg.GetMaximum(), HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].GetBinContent(HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].GetMaximumBin()) + HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].GetBinError(HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].GetMaximumBin()))) bkg.SetMinimum( max( min(HIST[bkgsum].GetBinContent(HIST[bkgsum].GetMinimumBin( )), HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].GetMinimum()), 5.e-1) if logy else 0.) #bkg.SetMinimum(1.0) leg.Draw() setHistStyle(bkg, 1.2 if ratio else 1.1) setHistStyle(HIST[bkgsum], 1.2 if ratio else 1.1) ########################## if ratio: err = HIST[bkgsum].Clone("BkgErr;") err.SetTitle("") err.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data / Bkg") for i in range(1, err.GetNbinsX() + 1): err.SetBinContent(i, 1) if HIST[bkgsum].GetBinContent(i) > 0: err.SetBinError( i, HIST[bkgsum].GetBinError(i) / HIST[bkgsum].GetBinContent(i)) setBotStyle(err) errLine = err.Clone("errLine") errLine.SetLineWidth(1) errLine.SetFillStyle(0) errLine.SetLineColor(1) err.Draw("E2") errLine.Draw("SAME, HIST") if 'DATA_%s' % (suffix) in HIST: res = HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)].Clone("Residues") for i in range(0, res.GetNbinsX() + 1): if HIST[bkgsum].GetBinContent(i) > 0: res.SetBinContent( i, res.GetBinContent(i) / HIST[bkgsum].GetBinContent(i)) res.SetBinError( i, res.GetBinError(i) / HIST[bkgsum].GetBinContent(i)) setBotStyle(res) res.Draw("SAME, PE0") if len(err.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel( 1)) == 0: # Bin labels: not a ordinary plot drawRatio(HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)], HIST[bkgsum]) drawKolmogorov(HIST['DATA_%s' % (suffix)], HIST[bkgsum]) #drawRelativeYield(HIST['DATA_%s' %(suffix)], HIST[bkgsum]) else: res = None if '2016' in output: drawCMS("35.87", "Object Study") elif '2017' in output: drawCMS("41.53", "Object Study") elif '2018' in output: drawCMS("59.74", "Object Study") if 'os' in suffix: drawRegion('Opposite Sign') elif 'ss' in suffix: drawRegion('Same Sign') c1.Update() c1.Print('%s/hstack_%s.png' % (output, suffix))
mc_sum.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(63) mc_sum.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(14) # labels will be 14 pixels data.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(63) data.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(14) # labels will be 14 pixels mc_sum.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(63) mc_sum.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(14) # labels will be 14 pixels if args.ratio: mc_sum.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(999) mc_sum.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) data.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(999) data.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) mc_sum.Draw("e2") hs.Draw("same") mc_sum.Draw("same e2") if not args.no_data: data.SetLineWidth(3) data.Draw("same P") leg.Draw("same") #left_title = TPaveText(0.1, 0.9, 0.4, 0.94, "brNDC") #left_title.AddText("CMS preliminary at 13 TeV") #left_title.SetTextFont(1) left_title = TPaveText(0.15, 0.82, 0.25, 0.88, "brNDC") left_title.AddText("CMS") left_title.SetTextFont(1)
def plotter(plotdir, plot, xTitle, logY, channels=['VV'], includeData=False, scaleSignal=0, UserRange=[None, None, None, None], initPath=''): # channelTex={'WPWP':'W^{+}W^{+}', 'WPWM':'W^{+}W^{-}','WMWM':'W^{-}W^{-}','WPZ':'W^{+}Z','WMZ':'W^{-}Z','ZZ':'ZZ'} channelTex = {'ZZ': 'ZZ'} # plotstyle=[(1,1),(1,2),(2,1),(2,2),(4,1),(4,2)] plotstyle = [(1, 1)] # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Backgrounds=['QCD', 'WJetsToQQ_HT600ToInf', 'ZJetsToQQ_HT600ToInf', 'TT', 'WW', 'WZ', 'ZZ'] # BGColors= [rt.kAzure+7, rt.kRed-4, rt.kOrange-2, rt.kGreen+2, rt.kOrange+7, rt.kBlue+1, rt.kMagenta+2] # BGTeX= ['QCD', 'W+JetsToQQ', 'Z+JetsToQQ', 'TTbar'], 'WW', 'WZ', 'ZZ'] #stackOrder= [4,5,6,2,1,3,0] Backgrounds = [ 'QCD' ] # 'WJetsToQQ_HT600ToInf', 'ZJetsToQQ_HT600ToInf', 'ZZ'] 'TT', 'WW', 'WZ', 'ZZ'] BGColors = [ rt.kAzure + 7 ] #, rt.kOrange-2, rt.kGreen+2], rt.kOrange+7, rt.kBlue+1, rt.kMagenta+2] BGTeX = ['QCD'] # stackOrder = [0] PreSelection = [ 'nocuts', 'common', 'corrections', 'cleaner', 'softdropmassCorr', 'AK4pfidfilter', 'AK8pfidfilter', 'invMAk8sel', 'detaAk8sel', 'AK8N2sel' ] Selection = [ 'preselection', 'softdropAK8sel', 'tau21sel', 'deltaR48', 'VVRegion', 'AK4N2sel', 'OpSignsel', 'detaAk4sel', 'invMAk4sel_1p0', 'Kin_AK8' ] cutnames = [ 'cleaner', 'AK8N2sel', 'invMAk8sel', 'detaAk8sel', 'softdropAK8sel', 'tau21sel', 'AK4cleaner', 'AK4N2sel', 'OpSignsel', 'detaAk4sel', 'invMAk4sel_1p0' ] cuts = { 'cleaner': '#splitline{p_{T-AK8} > 200 GeV, |#eta_{AK8}| < 2.5}{p_{T-AK4} > 30 GeV, |#eta_{AK4}| < 5.0}', 'AK8N2sel': 'N_{AK8} #geq 2', 'invMAk8sel': 'M_{jj-AK8} > 1050 GeV', 'detaAk8sel': '|#Delta#eta_{jj-AK8}|<1.3', 'softdropAK8sel': '65 GeV <M_{SD}< 105 GeV', 'tau21sel': '0 #leq #tau_{2}/#tau_{1}<0.45', # 'AK4cleaner':'p_{T-AK4} > 30 GeV, |#eta_{AK4}| < 5.0', 'AK4cleaner': '', 'AK4N2sel': 'N_{AK4} #geq 2', 'OpSignsel': '#eta_{1-AK4} #eta_{2-AK4} < 0', 'detaAk4sel': '|#Delta#eta_{jj-AK4}| > 3.0', 'invMAk4sel_1p0': 'M_{jj-AK4} > 1.0 TeV' } VV = ('VV' in channels) seperate = (not VV) if VV: #channels=["WPWP","WPWM","WMWM","WPZ","WMZ","ZZ"] channels = ["ZZ"] plottitle = plotdir + '_' + plot lumi = 36.814 xLabelSize = 18. yLabelSize = 18. xTitleSize = 20. yTitleSize = 22. xTitleOffset = 4. yTitleOffset = 1.3 printout = False Portrait = True cutname = False ratio = includeData if ('highbin' in plot): binning = 'dijetbinning' else: binning = 'default' if (Portrait): canvX = 600 canvY = 600 else: canvX = 900 canvY = 675 if (plotdir in PreSelection): region = 'PreSelection' initPath = '' referenceHistPath = 'detaAk8sel/N_pv' if (PreSelection.index(plotdir) < 4 and ('softdrop' in plot)): return 'SofdropMass not filled yet!' else: region = 'SignalRegion' referenceHistPath = 'tau21sel/N_pv' referenceHistPath = plotdir + '/' + plot if (initPath == ''): path = '/nfs/dust/cms/user/loemkerj/bachelor/CMSSW_10_2_16/src/UHH2/aQGCVVjjhadronic/%s' % region else: path = initPath outputPath = path.replace( '/nfs/dust/cms/user/loemkerj/bachelor/CMSSW_10_2_16/src/UHH2/aQGCVVjjhadronic/SignalRegion', 'plots/') if (plotdir in PreSelection): CutNumber = PreSelection.index(plotdir) else: CutNumber = Selection.index(plotdir) outputPath = outputPath + '/%02i_%s' % (CutNumber, plotdir) + '/' if (printout): print('InputPath:', path) print('OutputPath:', outputPath) #check if OutputPath exists - and if not create it! if not os.path.exists(outputPath): os.makedirs(outputPath) # path='/home/albrec/Master/signal/' scaleVV = (scaleSignal != 0) VVScale = scaleSignal if (UserRange[2] == None or UserRange[3] == None): YRangeUser = False Ymin = UserRange[2] Ymax = UserRange[3] else: YRangeUser = True Ymin = UserRange[2] Ymax = UserRange[3] if (UserRange[0] == None or UserRange[1] == None): XRangeUser = False Xmin = UserRange[0] Xmax = UserRange[1] else: XRangeUser = True Xmin = UserRange[0] Xmax = UserRange[1] # YRangeUser=False # Ymin=0.11 # Ymax=9*10**3 # XRangeUser=False # Xmin=0 # Xmax=6000. gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2001;") SFiles = [] for i in range(len(channels)): SFiles.append( TFile( path + "/uhh2.AnalysisModuleRunner.MC.MC_aQGC_%sjj_hadronic_2016v3.root" % channels[i])) #uhh2.AnalysisModuleRunner.MC.MC_aQGC_ZZjj_hadronic_2016v3.root ##Open Files to get BackgroundHist: BFiles = [] for i in range(len(Backgrounds)): BFiles.append( TFile(path + "/uhh2.AnalysisModuleRunner.MC.MC_%s.root" % Backgrounds[i])) #Open File to get DataHist: # DataFile = TFile(path+"/uhh2.AnalysisModuleRunner.Data.DATA.root") #gROOT.ProcessLine( "gErrorIgnoreLevel = 0;") if (includeData == True): #calculate QCDscale with Integrals from the following Histogram: # referenceHistPath = 'tau21sel/N_AK4' # referenceHistPath = 'detaAk8sel/N_pv' # referenceHistPath = 'tau21sel/met_pt_over_sumptAK8_2' QCDscale = float(DataFile.Get(referenceHistPath).Integral()) QCDNorm = 1 for i in range(len(BFiles)): if ('QCD' in BFiles[i].GetName()): QCDNorm = float(BFiles[i].Get(referenceHistPath).Integral()) else: QCDscale -= float(BFiles[i].Get(referenceHistPath).Integral()) QCDscale /= QCDNorm else: QCDscale = 1.0 if (printout): print('using QCDscale:', QCDscale) SHists = [] for i in range(len(channels)): SHists.append(SFiles[i].Get(plotdir + '/' + plot)) BHists = [] for i in range(len(BFiles)): BHists.append(BFiles[i].Get(plotdir + '/' + plot)) if ('QCD' in BFiles[i].GetName()): BHists[-1].Scale(QCDscale) #if(includeData): # DataHist=DataFile.Get(plotdir+'/'+plot) if (binning == 'dijetbinning'): fitbinning = array('d') binwidth = 200 NBins = (14000 / binwidth) - ((1040 / binwidth) + 1) NBins = int(NBins) for i in range(NBins + 1): fitbinning.append(1050 + i * binwidth) for i in range(len(channels)): SHists[i] = SHists[i].Rebin(NBins, "new binning", fitbinning) for i in range(len(Backgrounds)): BHists[i] = BHists[i].Rebin(NBins, "new binning", fitbinning) if (includeData): DataHist = DataHist.Rebin(NBins, "new binning", fitbinning) canv = TCanvas(plottitle, plottitle, canvX, canvY) yplot = 0.7 yratio = 0.3 ymax = 1.0 xmax = 1.0 xmin = 0.0 if (ratio): plotpad = TPad("plotpad", "Plot", xmin, ymax - yplot, xmax, ymax) ratiopad = TPad("ratiopad", "Ratio", xmin, ymax - yplot - yratio, xmax, ymax - yplot) else: plotpad = TPad("plotpad", "Plot", xmin, ymax - yplot - yratio, xmax, ymax) plotpad.SetTopMargin(0.08) plotpad.SetLeftMargin(0.1) plotpad.SetRightMargin(0.05) plotpad.SetTicks() plotpad.Draw() if (ratio): plotpad.SetBottomMargin(0.016) ratiopad.SetTopMargin(0.016) ratiopad.SetBottomMargin(0.35) ratiopad.SetLeftMargin(0.1) ratiopad.SetRightMargin(0.05) ratiopad.SetTicks() ratiopad.Draw() else: plotpad.SetBottomMargin(0.1) if (logY): plotpad.SetLogy() canv.SetLogy() if ('-logX' in xTitle): plotpad.SetLogx() if (ratio): ratiopad.SetLogx() canv.SetLogx() drawOptions = "HE" stack = THStack(plottitle, plottitle) BHist = THStack(plottitle, plottitle) # for i in range(len(Backgrounds)): for i in stackOrder: # BHists[i].SetFillColor(BGColors[i]) BHists[i].SetLineColor(BGColors[i]) BHist.Add(BHists[i], 'Hist') BHist.SetTitle(plottitle) BHistErr = BHists[0].Clone() for i in range(1, len(Backgrounds)): BHistErr.Add(BHists[i]) BHistErr.SetFillStyle(3204) BHistErr.SetFillColor(rt.kGray + 2) BHistErr.SetLineColor(1) BGMax = BHist.GetMaximum() SIGMax = 0 #if(VV): #new # SIGMax=VVsum.GetMaximum() #else: for i in range(len(channels)): tmpmax = SHists[i].GetMaximum() if (tmpmax > SIGMax): SIGMax = tmpmax if (scaleVV): SIGMax = SIGMax * VVScale if (logY): MAX = 0.9 * float(10**(magnitude(max(BGMax, SIGMax)) + 1)) MIN = float(10**(magnitude(max(BGMax, SIGMax)) - 5)) MIN += float(10**(magnitude(MIN))) legendMIN = math.log(max(BGMax, SIGMax)) / math.log(MAX) else: MAX = (1.0 / 0.8) * max(BGMax, SIGMax) legendMIN = 0.7 MIN = 0. legendMIN = (legendMIN * 0.7) + 0.3 - 0.016 legend = TLegend(0.5, 0.75, 0.85, 0.89) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetTextSize(0.02) legend.SetMargin(0.4) legend.SetNColumns(2) legend.SetColumnSeparation(0.3) if (includeData): DataHist.SetMarkerStyle(8) DataHist.SetLineColor(1) DataHist.SetTitle(plottitle) if VV: for i in range(len(channels)): if (i == 0): VVsum = SHists[i].Clone() else: VVsum.Add(SHists[i]) legentry = 'VVjj' if (scaleVV): VVsum.Scale(VVScale) legentry += ' *%0.f' % VVScale VVsum.SetLineColor(1) VVsum.SetLineStyle(plotstyle[0][1]) VVsum.SetLineWidth(2) legend.AddEntry(VVsum, legentry) else: for i in range(len(channels)): SHists[i].SetLineColor(plotstyle[i][0]) SHists[i].SetLineStyle(plotstyle[i][1]) SHists[i].SetLineWidth(2) legentry = "%sjj" % channelTex[channels[i]] if (scaleVV): SHists[i].Scale(VVScale) legentry += ' *%.2E' % VVScale legend.AddEntry(SHists[i], legentry) for i in stackOrder: legend.AddEntry(BHists[i], BGTeX[i], "f") legend.AddEntry(BHistErr, "stat. Uncertainty", "f") if (includeData): legend.AddEntry(DataHist, "Data", "lep") canv.SetTitle(plottitle) BHistErr.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Events') BHistErr.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(MIN, MAX) BHistErr.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(43) BHistErr.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(yTitleSize) BHistErr.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(yTitleOffset) BHistErr.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(43) BHistErr.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(yLabelSize) if (ratio): BHistErr.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.0) BHistErr.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.0) else: BHistErr.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xTitle) BHistErr.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(43) BHistErr.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(xTitleSize) # BHistErr.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(xTitleOffset) BHistErr.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) BHistErr.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(43) BHistErr.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(xLabelSize) # BHistErr.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0.08) # BHistErr.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(506) if (YRangeUser): BHistErr.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(Ymin, Ymax) if (XRangeUser): BHistErr.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(Xmin, Xmax) BHistErr.Draw("E2") BHist.Draw("HistSAME") BHistErr.Draw("E2SAME") if (VV): VVsum.Draw("SAME" + drawOptions) elif ('-noSig' not in xTitle): for i in range(len(channels)): SHists[i].Draw("SAME" + drawOptions) if (includeData): DataHist.Draw("APE1SAME") plotpad.RedrawAxis() if (ratio): if (includeData): ratioHist = DataHist.Clone() else: ratioHist = BHistErr.Clone() ratioHist.SetLineColor(rt.kBlack) # ratioHist.Sumw2() ratioHist.SetStats(0) ratioHist.Divide(BHistErr) ratioHist.SetMarkerStyle(21) ratioHist.SetMarkerSize(0.7) #Yaxis ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.3, 1.7) ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data/BG") ratioHist.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(43) ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(yTitleSize) ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(yTitleOffset) ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(43) ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(yLabelSize) ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(506) #Xaxis ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xTitle) ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(43) ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(xTitleSize) ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(xTitleOffset) ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(43) ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(xLabelSize) ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0.08) ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(506) # if(YRangeUser): # ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(Ymin,Ymax) if (XRangeUser): ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(Xmin, Xmax) ratioXMin = Xmin ratioXMax = Xmax else: ratioXMin = ratioHist.GetXaxis().GetXmin() ratioXMax = ratioHist.GetXaxis().GetXmax() ratioHist.Draw("ep") zeropercent = TLine(ratioXMin, 1, ratioXMax, 1) zeropercent.Draw() plus10percent = TLine(ratioXMin, 1.1, ratioXMax, 1.1) plus10percent.SetLineStyle(rt.kDashed) plus10percent.Draw() minus10percent = TLine(ratioXMin, 0.9, ratioXMax, 0.9) minus10percent.SetLineStyle(rt.kDashed) minus10percent.Draw() gPad.RedrawAxis() legend.Draw() latex = TLatex() latex.SetNDC(kTRUE) latex.SetTextSize(20) latex.DrawLatex(0.69, 0.953, "%.2f fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" % lumi) latex.DrawLatex(0.1, 0.953, "private work") lastcut = 'nocuts' for cut in cutnames: if cut in plotdir: lastcut = cut if (not (lastcut == 'nocuts') and cutname): # latex.SetTextSize(0.03) latex.SetTextSize(15) for l in range(cutnames.index(lastcut) + 1): latex.DrawLatex(0.12, 0.8 - l * 0.04, cuts[cutnames[l]]) canv.Update() canv.Print(outputPath + '/%s_%s.pdf' % (plotdir, plot)) #prevents memory leak in Canvas Creation/Deletion #see: gSystem.ProcessEvents() if (ratio): del ratiopad del plotpad, canv # gc.collect() return 'done!'
def createPlots_(plot, compounddetectorname): """Cumulative material budget from simulation. Internal function that will produce a cumulative profile of the material budget inferred from the simulation starting from the single detectors that compose the tracker. It will iterate over all existing detectors contained in the DETECTORS dictionary. The function will automatically skip non-existent detectors. """ theDirname = "Figures" hist_X0_detectors = OrderedDict() if plot not in plots.keys(): print("Error: chosen plot name not known %s" % plot) return # We need to keep the file content alive for the lifetime of the # full function.... subDetectorFiles = [] hist_X0_elements = OrderedDict() prof_X0_elements = OrderedDict() for subDetector, color in DETECTORS.iteritems(): subDetectorFilename = "matbdg_%s.root" % subDetector if not checkFile_(subDetectorFilename): print("Error opening file: %s" % subDetectorFilename) continue subDetectorFiles.append(TFile(subDetectorFilename)) subDetectorFile = subDetectorFiles[-1] print("Opening file: %s" % subDetectorFilename) prof_X0_XXX = subDetectorFile.Get("%d" % plots[plot].plotNumber) hist_X0_detectors[subDetector] = prof_X0_XXX.ProjectionX() # category profiles for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): prof_X0_elements[label] = subDetectorFile.Get( "%d" % (num + plots[plot].plotNumber)) hist_X0_elements[label] = assignOrAddIfExists_( hist_X0_elements.setdefault(label, None), prof_X0_elements[label]) cumulative_matbdg = TH1D( "CumulativeSimulMatBdg", "CumulativeSimulMatBdg", hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"].GetNbinsX(), hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"].GetXaxis().GetXmin(), hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"].GetXaxis().GetXmax()) cumulative_matbdg.SetDirectory(0) # colors for det, color in DETECTORS.iteritems(): setColorIfExists_(hist_X0_detectors, det, color) for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): hist_X0_elements[label].SetFillColor(color) # First Plot: BeamPipe + Tracker + ECAL + HCal + HGCal + MB + MGNT # stack stackTitle_SubDetectors = "Material Budget;%s;%s" % (plots[plot].abscissa, plots[plot].ordinate) stack_X0_SubDetectors = THStack("stack_X0", stackTitle_SubDetectors) for det, histo in hist_X0_detectors.iteritems(): stack_X0_SubDetectors.Add(histo) cumulative_matbdg.Add(histo, 1) # canvas can_SubDetectors = TCanvas("can_SubDetectors", "can_SubDetectors", 800, 800) #can_SubDetectors.Range(0,0,25,25) can_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(kWhite) # Draw stack_X0_SubDetectors.SetMinimum(plots[plot].ymin) stack_X0_SubDetectors.SetMaximum(plots[plot].ymax) stack_X0_SubDetectors.Draw("HIST") #stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetXaxis().SetLimits(plots[plot].xmin, plots[plot].xmax) # Legenda theLegend_SubDetectors = TLegend(0.130, 0.7, 0.93, 0.90) #(0.180,0.8,0.98,0.90) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetNColumns(2) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(0) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetFillStyle(0) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetBorderSize(0) for det, histo in hist_X0_detectors.iteritems(): theLegend_SubDetectors.AddEntry(histo, det, "f") theLegend_SubDetectors.Draw() # text text_SubDetectors = TPaveText(0.130, 0.627, 0.352, 0.687, "NDC") #(0.180,0.727,0.402,0.787,"NDC") text_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(0) text_SubDetectors.SetBorderSize(0) text_SubDetectors.AddText("CMS Simulation") text_SubDetectors.SetTextAlign(11) text_SubDetectors.Draw() # Store can_SubDetectors.Update() if not checkFile_(theDirname): os.mkdir(theDirname) can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/MaterialBdg_%s_%s.pdf" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/MaterialBdg_%s_%s.png" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/MaterialBdg_%s_%s.root" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) if plot == "x_vs_eta" or plot == "l_vs_eta": canname = "MBCan_1D_%s_%s_total" % (compounddetectorname, plot) can2 = TCanvas(canname, canname, 800, 800) can2.Range(0, 0, 25, 25) can2.SetFillColor(kWhite) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) #title = TPaveLabel(.11,.95,.35,.99,"Total accumulated material budget","brndc") stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().SetMarkerStyle(34) stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 1.0, 3.5) stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().Draw() stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15) can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zplus.pdf" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zplus.png" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( -3.5, -1.0) stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().Draw() stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15) can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zminus.pdf" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zminus.png" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) #Also print them to give them exact numbers etavalues = [] matbudginX0 = [] matbudginIntLen = [] for binx in range( 0, stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().GetNbins()): bincontent = stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetBinContent( binx) if bincontent == 0: continue etavalues.append( stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetBinCenter(binx)) if plot == "x_vs_eta": matbudginX0.append(bincontent) d1 = {'Eta': etavalues, 'MatBudInX0': matbudginX0} df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=d1).round(2) df1.to_csv( r'/afs/', sep=' ', index=False, header=False) #print df1 if plot == "l_vs_eta": matbudginIntLen.append(bincontent) d2 = {'Eta': etavalues, 'MatBudInIntLen': matbudginIntLen} df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=d2).round(2) df2.to_csv( r'/afs/', sep=' ', index=False, header=False) #print df2 return cumulative_matbdg
def createCompoundPlots(detector, plot): """Produce the requested plot for the specified detector. Function that will plot the requested @plot for the specified @detector. The specified detector could either be a real detector or a compound one. The list of available plots are the keys of plots dictionary (imported from plot_utils. """ theDirname = 'Images' if not checkFile_(theDirname): os.mkdir(theDirname) goodToGo, theDetectorFilename = paramsGood_(detector, plot) if not goodToGo: return theDetectorFile = TFile(theDetectorFilename) # # get TProfiles prof_X0_elements = OrderedDict() hist_X0_elements = OrderedDict() for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): #print label, num, color, leg prof_X0_elements[label] = theDetectorFile.Get( "%d" % (num + plots[plot].plotNumber)) hist_X0_elements[label] = prof_X0_elements[label].ProjectionX() hist_X0_elements[label].SetFillColor(color) hist_X0_elements[label].SetLineColor(kBlack) files = [] if detector in COMPOUNDS.keys(): for subDetector in COMPOUNDS[detector][1:]: subDetectorFilename = "matbdg_%s.root" % subDetector # open file if not checkFile_(subDetectorFilename): continue subDetectorFile = TFile(subDetectorFilename) files.append(subDetectorFile) print("*** Open file... %s" % subDetectorFilename) # subdetector profiles for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): prof_X0_elements[label] = subDetectorFile.Get( "%d" % (num + plots[plot].plotNumber)) hist_X0_elements[label].Add( prof_X0_elements[label].ProjectionX( "B_%s" % prof_X0_elements[label].GetName()), +1.000) # stack stackTitle = "Material Budget %s;%s;%s" % (detector, plots[plot].abscissa, plots[plot].ordinate) stack_X0 = THStack("stack_X0", stackTitle) for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): stack_X0.Add(hist_X0_elements[label]) # canvas canname = "MBCan_1D_%s_%s" % (detector, plot) can = TCanvas(canname, canname, 800, 800) can.Range(0, 0, 25, 25) can.SetFillColor(kWhite) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptTitle(1) # Draw stack_X0.Draw("HIST") stack_X0.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15) # Legenda theLegend = TLegend(0.40, 0.65, 0.60, 0.89) if plot == "x_vs_phi" or plot == "l_vs_phi": theLegend = TLegend(0.65, 0.30, 0.89, 0.70) if plot == "x_vs_R" or plot == "l_vs_R": theLegend = TLegend(0.75, 0.60, 0.95, 0.90) for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): theLegend.AddEntry(hist_X0_elements[label], leg, "f") theLegend.Draw() # Store can.Update() can.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s.pdf" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) can.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s.png" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) #Let's also save the total accumulated budget vs eta since muon id relies #on adequate calorimeter thickness if plot == "x_vs_eta" or plot == "l_vs_eta": canname = "MBCan_1D_%s_%s_total" % (detector, plot) can2 = TCanvas(canname, canname, 800, 800) can2.Range(0, 0, 25, 25) can2.SetFillColor(kWhite) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) #title = TPaveLabel(.11,.95,.35,.99,"Total accumulated material budget","brndc") stack_X0.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 3.) stack_X0.GetStack().Last().Draw() stack_X0.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15) can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zplus.pdf" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zplus.png" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) stack_X0.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-3., 0.) stack_X0.GetStack().Last().Draw() stack_X0.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15) can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zminus.pdf" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zminus.png" % (theDirname, detector, plot))
def createPlotsReco_(reco_file, label, debug=False): """Cumulative material budget from reconstruction. Internal function that will produce a cumulative profile of the material budget in the reconstruction starting from the single detectors that compose the tracker. It will iterate over all existing detectors contained in the sDETS dictionary. The function will automatically stop everytime it encounters a non-existent detector, until no more detectors are left to try. For this reason the keys in the sDETS dictionary can be as inclusive as possible. """ cumulative_matbdg = None sPREF = ["Original_RadLen_vs_Eta_", "RadLen_vs_Eta_"] c = TCanvas("c", "c", 1024, 1024) diffs = [] if not checkFile_(reco_file): print("Error: missing file %s" % reco_file) raise RuntimeError file = TFile(reco_file) prefix = "/DQMData/Run 1/Tracking/Run summary/RecoMaterial/" for s in sPREF: hs = THStack("hs", "") histos = [] for det, color in sDETS.iteritems(): layer_number = 0 while True: layer_number += 1 name = "%s%s%s%d" % (prefix, s, det, layer_number) prof = file.Get(name) # If we miss an object, since we are incrementally # searching for consecutive layers, we may safely # assume that there are no additional layers and skip # to the next detector. if not prof: if debug: print("Missing profile %s" % name) break else: histos.append(prof.ProjectionX("_px", "hist")) diffs.append(histos[-1]) histos[-1].SetFillColor(color + layer_number) histos[-1].SetLineColor(color + layer_number + 1) name = "CumulativeRecoMatBdg_%s" % s if s == "RadLen_vs_Eta_": cumulative_matbdg = TH1D(name, name, histos[0].GetNbinsX(), histos[0].GetXaxis().GetXmin(), histos[0].GetXaxis().GetXmax()) cumulative_matbdg.SetDirectory(0) for h in histos: hs.Add(h) if cumulative_matbdg: cumulative_matbdg.Add(h, 1.) hs.Draw() hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("RadLen") c.Update() c.Modified() c.SaveAs("%sstacked_%s.png" % (s, label)) hs = THStack("diff", "") for d in range(0, len(diffs) / 2): diffs[d + len(diffs) / 2].Add(diffs[d], -1.) hs.Add(diffs[d + len(diffs) / 2]) hs.Draw() hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("RadLen") c.Update() c.Modified() c.SaveAs("RadLen_difference_%s.png" % label) return cumulative_matbdg
LepBDTMCDY_list[i].Scale(norm) # MC normalization LepBDTMCDY_list[i].SetFillColor(kMagenta - 6) LepBDTMCDY_list[i].SetLineColor(kBlack) hs.Add(LepBDTMCDY_list[i]) #upper plot pad pad1 = TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0) pad1.Draw() hs.SetMaximum(1.6 * max(hs.GetMaximum(), LepBDTDATA_list[i].GetMaximum())) LepBDTDATA_list[i].SetMaximum( 1.6 * max(hs.GetMaximum(), LepBDTDATA_list[i].GetMaximum())) hs.SetMinimum(10) #EF for ele BDT hs.Draw("histo") LepBDTDATA_list[i].Draw("sameEP") hs.SetTitle("") hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("BDT score") hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0.75, 1) #EF for ele BDT hs.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(43) hs.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(15) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(20) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(43) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.8) hs.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(43) hs.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(15) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events") gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
def show(self, outDir): if len( == 0: print '%s has no MC!' % return htype =[0].ClassName() if htype.find('TH2') >= 0: print 'Skipping TH2' return ROOT.gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(1) canvas = TCanvas('c_' +, 'C', 800, 800) t1 = TPad("t1", "t1", 0.0, 0.20, 1.0, 1.0) t1.SetBottomMargin(0) t1.Draw() self._garbageList.append(t1) frame = None # Decide which backgrounds are visible maxint = max([x.Integral() for x in]) hists_to_add = [h for h in if h.Integral() > 0.005 * maxint] # Make the legend with the correct size leg = TLegend(0.75, 0.74 - 0.04 * max(len(hists_to_add) - 2, 0), .89, 0.89) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetTextFont(43) leg.SetTextSize(20) nlegCols = 0 maxY = 1.0 if is not None: leg.AddEntry(,, 'p') frame = self.dataH.Clone('frame') self._garbageList.append(frame) maxY = self.dataH.GetMaximum() frame.Reset('ICE') elif self.dataH is not None: leg.AddEntry(self.dataH, self.dataH.GetTitle(), 'p') frame = self.dataH.Clone('frame') self._garbageList.append(frame) maxY = self.dataH.GetMaximum() frame.Reset('ICE') # Add the legend entries for the visible backgrounds for h in sorted(hists_to_add, key=lambda x: x.Integral(), reverse=True): leg.AddEntry(h, h.GetTitle(), 'f') nlegCols = nlegCols + 1 # Build the stack to plot from all backgrounds totalMC = None stack = THStack('mc', 'mc') for h in sorted(, key=lambda x: x.Integral()): stack.Add(h, 'hist') if totalMC is None: totalMC = h.Clone('totalmc') self._garbageList.append(totalMC) totalMC.SetDirectory(0) else: totalMC.Add(h) if totalMC is not None: maxY = max(totalMC.GetMaximum(), maxY) if frame is None: frame = totalMC.Clone('frame') frame.Reset('ICE') self._garbageList.append(frame) if is not None or self.dataH is not None: nlegCols = nlegCols + 1 if nlegCols == 0: print '%s is empty' % return frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) frame.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) frame.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.5, 1.2 * maxY) frame.GetYaxis().SetNoExponent() frame.SetDirectory(0) frame.Draw() frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) stack.Draw('hist same') if is not None:'P') elif self.dataH is not None: self.dataH.Draw('e1same') # leg.SetNColumns(nlegCols) leg.Draw() # redrawBorder(t1) ## Draw CMS Preliminary label CMS_lumi(pad=t1, iPeriod=2, iPosX=0, extraText='') #Work in Progress') if self.normalizedToData: txt = TLatex() txt.SetNDC(True) txt.SetTextFont(42) txt.SetTextColor(ROOT.kGray + 1) txt.SetTextSize(0.035) txt.SetTextAngle(90) txt.SetTextAlign(12) txt.DrawLatex(0.05, 0.05, '#it{Normalized to data}') if totalMC is None or ( is None and self.dataH is None): t1.SetPad(0, 0, 1, 1) t1.SetBottomMargin(0.12) else: t2 = TPad("t2", "t2", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.2) self._garbageList.append(t2) t2.SetTopMargin(0) t2.SetBottomMargin(0.4) t2.SetGridy() t2.Draw() ratioframe = self.dataH.Clone('ratioframe') ratioframe.Reset('ICE') ratioframe.Draw() ratioframe.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(self.ratiorange[0], self.ratiorange[1]) ratioframe.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Obs./Exp.') ratioframe.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(5) ratioframe.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.15) ratioframe.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.15) ratioframe.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.18) ratioframe.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.18) ratioframe.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.18) ratioframe.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.4) ratioframe.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.9) gr = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors() gr.SetName("data2bkg") gr.SetMarkerStyle(self.dataH.GetMarkerStyle()) gr.SetMarkerSize(0.7 * self.dataH.GetMarkerSize()) gr.SetMarkerColor(self.dataH.GetMarkerColor()) gr.SetLineColor(self.dataH.GetLineColor()) gr.SetLineWidth(self.dataH.GetLineWidth()) bkgUncGr = ROOT.TGraphErrors() bkgUncGr.SetName('bkgunc') bkgUncGr.SetMarkerColor(920) bkgUncGr.SetMarkerStyle(1) bkgUncGr.SetLineColor(920) bkgUncGr.SetFillColor(920) bkgUncGr.SetFillStyle(3001) for xbin in xrange(1, self.dataH.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1): x = self.dataH.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(xbin) dx = self.dataH.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(xbin) dataCts = self.dataH.GetBinContent(xbin) if data_err_low = xbin - 1) #get errors from the graph data_err_up = - 1) else: data_err_low = self.dataH.GetBinError(xbin) data_err_up = data_err_low bkgCts = totalMC.GetBinContent(xbin) bkgCts_err = totalMC.GetBinError(xbin) if bkgCts == 0: continue errLo = math.sqrt( math.pow(data_err_low * bkgCts, 2) + math.pow(dataCts * bkgCts_err, 2)) / math.pow(bkgCts, 2) errHi = math.sqrt( math.pow(data_err_up * bkgCts, 2) + math.pow(dataCts * bkgCts_err, 2)) / math.pow(bkgCts, 2) np = gr.GetN() gr.SetPoint(np, x, dataCts / bkgCts) gr.SetPointError(np, 0, 0, errLo, errHi) bkgUncGr.SetPoint(np, x, 1) bkgUncGr.SetPointError(np, dx, bkgCts_err / bkgCts) bkgUncGr.Draw('2') gr.Draw('p') # redrawBorder(t2) canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() for ext in self.plotformats: canvas.SaveAs(os.path.join(outDir, + '.' + ext)) if self.savelog: t1.SetLogy() frame.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(70, 2 * maxY) # frame.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1000,10*maxY) for ext in self.plotformats: canvas.SaveAs(os.path.join(outDir, + '_log.' + ext))
tex3.SetLineWidth(2) cc = TCanvas(var, var, 800, 750) # cc.SetLogy() pad1 = TPad("p1", "p1", 0, 0.25, 1, 1, 0, 0) pad1.SetMargin(0.15, 0.03, 0, 0.01) pad2 = TPad("p2", "p2", 0, 0, 1, 0.25, 0, 0) pad2.SetMargin(0.15, 0.03, 0.3, 0.01) pad2.SetGrid() pad1.Draw() pad2.Draw() pad1.SetLogy() hs.SetMinimum(0.1) hs.Draw("HIST") # hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle(TITLE[var]) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.8) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) data_hist.Draw("same" "LPE") sig_hist.Draw("same" "LPE") leg.Draw() tex1.Draw() tex2.Draw() tex3.Draw() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) ratio_hist.SetMarkerColor(4)