def CreateData(fileList, filename): pathList = fileList #['test1.root', 'test2.root'] signalTreeList = TList() backgroundTreeList = TList() outputFile = TFile(filename, 'recreate') pyfilelist = [] pySignalTreelist = [] pyBackgroundTreelist = [] for path in pathList: print("Path", path) inputFile = TFile(path, 'read') pyfilelist.append(inputFile) # Make this TFile survive the loop! inputSignalTree = inputFile.Get('Signal') inputBackgroundTree = inputFile.Get('Background') pySignalTreelist.append( inputSignalTree) # Make this TTree survive the loop! pyBackgroundTreelist.append( inputBackgroundTree) # Make this TTree survive the loop! outputSignalTree = inputSignalTree.CloneTree( ) #instead of extensive processing outputBackgroundTree = inputBackgroundTree.CloneTree( ) #instead of extensive processing signalTreeList.Add(inputSignalTree) backgroundTreeList.Add(inputBackgroundTree) outputSignalTree = TTree.MergeTrees(signalTreeList) outputBackgroundTree = TTree.MergeTrees(backgroundTreeList) outputFile.Write() outputFile.Close()
def Add(self, other): if self.__outputtype == "TDirectoryFile": othercontent = other.content()"self scaled %s, has content: %s" % (, "Yes" if self.hascontent() else "No"))"other scaled %s, has content: %s" % (, "Yes" if other.hascontent() else "No")) for c in self.__content.GetListOfKeys(): for o in othercontent.GetListOfKeys(): if c.GetName() == o.GetName(): others = TList() others.append(o.ReadObj()) c.ReadObj().Merge(others) else: others = TList() others.append(other.content()) self.__content.Merge(others)
def MakeROOTPrimitive(self, name): result = TList() result.SetName(name) if self.__MCtruth: result.Add(self.__MCtruth) for hist in self.__triggers.itervalues(): result.Add(hist) return result
def MakeROOTPrimitive(self): result = TList() result.SetName(self.triggername) self.__eventcount.SetName("events") self.__projectedSpectrum.SetName("spectrum") result.Add(self.__eventcount) result.Add(self.__projectedSpectrum) return result
def ROOTify(self): """ Create simple primitive ROOT object structure """ outputlist = TList() outputlist.SetName("JetSpectraPt%03d" % (int(self.__jetpt))) for spec in self.__spectra: outputlist.Add(spec) return outputlist
def GetRootPrimitive(self, listname): """ Make root primitives (for root IO) """ result = TList() result.SetName(listname) tracklist = TList() tracklist.SetName("trackContainers") for name, tc in self.__trackContainers.iteritems(): tracklist.Add(tc.GetRootPrimitive("trackcontainer_%s" % (name))) clusterlist = TList() clusterlist.SetName("clusterContainers") for name, cc in self.__clusterContainers.iteritems(): clusterlist.Add(cc.GetRootPrimitive("clustercontainer_%s" % (name))) result.Add(tracklist) result.Add(clusterlist) return result
def dict2rootmap(dict): '''assumes keys are strings, and vals are lists of strings''' map = TMap() for (key, entries) in dict.iteritems(): rootkey = TObjString(key) rootval = TList() for entry in entries: rootval.Add(TObjString(entry)) map.Add(rootkey, rootval) return map
def hadd(input_file_names, result_file_name): """ The top function for merging files. :param str result_file_name: path to the output file :param list[str] source_list: list of paths to the input files """ target = TFile.Open(result_file_name, "RECREATE") file_list = TList() for file_name in input_file_names: file_list.Add(TFile.Open(file_name)) merge_root_file(target, file_list)
def DrawUL(gUL): alist = TList() for i in range(gUL.GetN()): a = TArrow(gUL.GetX()[i], gUL.GetY()[i], gUL.GetX()[i], gUL.GetY()[i] / 3., 0.01, ">") a.SetLineColor(gUL.GetLineColor()) a.Draw() alist.Add(a) return alist
def MakeOutputList(self): result = TList() result.SetName("Results%d" % (self.__limit)) rawspectrum = deepcopy(self.__datamodel.GetRawSpectrum()) rawspectrum.SetName("rawspectrum") fitcurve = deepcopy(self.__datamodel.GetFitCurve()) fitcurve.SetName("parameterisation") ptreach = self.__points.MakeLimitCurve(None, direction="central") ptreach.SetName("ptreach") result.Add(rawspectrum) result.Add(fitcurve) result.Add(ptreach) return result
def GetRootPrimitive(self, name): """ Convert object to a root primitive (so that it can be wirtten to a rootfile) """ result = TList() result.SetName(name) events = self._events.GetROOTHisto() events.SetName("events") result.Add(events) spectrum = self.__spectrum.GetRootPrimitive() spectrum.SetName("spectrum") result.Add(spectrum) return result
def WriteToFile(self, outputname): outputlists = [] for categ in self.__categories.keys(): mylist = TList() mylist.SetName(categ) for entry in self.__categories[categ].itervalues(): mylist.Add(entry) outputlists.append(mylist) outputfile = TFile(outputname, "RECREATE") for myobject in outputlists: myobject.Write(myobject.GetName(), TObject.kSingleKey) outputfile.Close()
def ProcessBin(self, mybin): results = BinContent() bindata = self._inputcol.GetData(mybin) for trigger in [ "MinBias", "EMCJHigh", "EMCJLow", "EMCGHigh", "EMCGLow" ]: print "Doing trigger %s" % (trigger) jetcont = bindata.GetData(trigger).GetJetContainer() outputcont = TList() outputcont.SetName(trigger) for jetpt in jetcont.GetListOfJetPts(): print "Inspecting jet pt %f" % (jetpt) jetdat = JetData(jetpt, trigger) projectedRec = jetcont.MakeProjectionRecKine( jetpt, 0, "projectedPtRec") projectedMC = jetcont.MakeProjectionMCKine( jetpt, 0, "projectedPtMC") jetdat.AddSpectrum(projectedRec, False) jetdat.AddSpectrum(projectedMC, True) outputcont.Add(jetdat.ROOTify()) results.AddTrigger(trigger, outputcont) return results
def MergeHists(listOfHists): ''' Method to merge histos Parameters ---------- - listOfHists: python list of histos Returns ---------- - hMerged: merged histo ''' listMerge = TList() for iHist, hist in enumerate(listOfHists): if iHist == 0: hMerged = hist.Clone() else: listMerge.Add(hist) hMerged.Merge(listMerge) return hMerged
def stackHistograms(t_plots, t_processList, l_histoList, l_legendList, l_textList, l_axisList, saveAs,l_ratioList, saveString, tagText): ''' PURPOSE: Function to create stacked plots and save them to the local disk. This function will: * Create a stacked plot * Create a ratio plot * Allow for Blinding * Save the canvas as requested ''' # Release the variables from the lists h_st, location_suf, name, c_x, c_y, v_rebin, xMin, xMax, doBlinding, b_low, b_high = l_histoList l_st, l_x1, l_y1, l_x2, l_y2, l_textSize = l_legendList t_st, plotText, t_textSize, t_alignment, t_start, t_gap, t_x = l_textList a_st, xLabel, yLabel, xOffset, yOffset, a_labelSize, a_textSize, y_scale = l_axisList r_st, doRatio, r_yLabel, r_xOffset, r_yOffset, r_labelSize, r_textSize = l_ratioList len_plots = len(t_plots) plotText = plotText + tagText l_overlay = [] l_data = [] sh = THStack('sh', '') t_legend = [] listMC = TList() for i in xrange(len_plots): process, location_pre, v_colour, v_scale, ovack, sigrouta, l_marker, sel = t_processList[i] histogram = rebin(t_plots[i][0], v_rebin) histogram.Scale(float(v_scale)) histogram.SetLineWidth(1) histogram.SetLineColor(int(v_colour)) l_legendLine = [t_plots[i][0], process, l_marker] t_legend.append(l_legendLine) if sigrouta == "DATA" and int(doBlinding): histogram = blindingPlots(histogram, b_low, b_high) if ovack == "STACK": if sigrouta == "BACKGROUND": listMC.Add(histogram) histogram.SetFillColor(int(v_colour)) sh.Add(histogram) elif ovack == "OVERLAY" and sigrouta != "DATA": l_overlay.append(histogram) elif ovack == "OVERLAY" and sigrouta == "DATA": histogram.SetMarkerStyle(8) histogram.SetMarkerColor(1) l_data.append(histogram) else: print "\n%s or %s are not a valid options" % (sigrouta, ovack) sys.exit(1) mergeMC = histogram.Clone('mergeMC') mergeMC.Reset() mergeMC.Merge(listMC) gROOT.SetBatch(1) c = TCanvas('c', 'c', int(c_x), int(c_y)) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) if int(doRatio): m_Pad = TPad('m_pad', 'm_pad', 0, 0.30, 1, 1) r_Pad = TPad('r_pad', 'r_pad', 0, 0, 1, 0.30) m_Pad.Draw() r_Pad.Draw() m_Pad.SetTopMargin(0.05) m_Pad.SetBottomMargin(0.01) r_Pad.SetTopMargin(0) r_Pad.SetBottomMargin(0.3) m_Pad.SetTicks(1) m_Pad.Update() else: c.SetTicks(1) c.Update # Draw our plots we defined earlier. First the stacked plot, then any overlaid plots and finally data sh.Draw() if l_overlay: for i in xrange(len(l_overlay)): l_overlay[i].Draw('hist same') h_MCerr = getStatUncert(mergeMC) h_MCerr.SetMarkerSize(0) h_MCerr.SetFillColor(921) h_MCerr.SetFillStyle(3344) h_MCerr.Draw('e2s same') t_legend.append([h_MCerr, 'Stat Uncert.', 'f']) if l_data: h_data = mergeData(l_data, doBlinding, b_low, b_high) h_data.Draw('epsames') ## Next up is to add the styling: ## 1, Axis labels ## 2. Text on the plot ## 3. Legend if not int(doRatio): setupAxes(sh, xLabel, yLabel, xOffset, 0.8, a_textSize, xMin, xMax, y_scale) else: sh.SetMinimum(0.001) setupAxes(sh, "", yLabel, -999, yOffset, a_textSize, xMin, xMax, y_scale) setupLegend(t_legend, l_x1, l_y1, l_x2, l_y2, l_textSize) setupTextOnPlot(plotText, t_textSize, t_alignment, t_x, t_start, t_gap) if int(doRatio): r_Pad.SetTicks(1) r_Pad.Update() l_mc = TList() l_data = TList() for i in xrange(len_plots): l_histogram = rebin(t_plots[i][0], v_rebin) process, location_pre, v_colour, v_scale, ovack, sigrouta, l_marker, tag = t_processList[i] if sigrouta == "SIGNAL": l_mc.Add(l_histogram) elif sigrouta == "BACKGROUND": l_mc.Add(l_histogram) elif sigrouta == "DATA": l_data.Add(l_histogram) elif sigrouta == "OVERLAY": pass else: print "\nOption %s not available" % (sigrouta) mh_MC = l_histogram.Clone('mh_MC') mh_MC.Merge(l_mc) h_statMC = getRelError(mh_MC) h_statMC.SetMarkerSize(0) h_statMC.SetFillColor(921) h_statMC.SetFillStyle(3344) h_statMC.Draw('e2s') setupAxes(h_statMC, xLabel, r_yLabel, r_xOffset, r_yOffset, r_textSize, xMin, xMax, 1) h_statMC.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.38, 0.38) mh_data = l_histogram.Clone('mh_data') mh_data.Merge(l_data) h_dataMC = getRatio(mh_data, mh_MC, doBlinding, b_low, b_high) h_dataMC.Draw('epsames') h_line = TLine(float(xMin), 0, float(xMax), 0) h_line.SetLineWidth(2) h_line.SetLineColor(1) h_line.SetLineStyle(2) h_line.Draw('same') savePlots(c, saveString, saveAs)
ds = genpdf['pdf'].generate(RooArgSet(*genpdf['obs']), 150000, RooFit.Verbose()) #saveEta(ds); # HACK (2/2): restore correct eta range after generation ds.get().find('eta').setRange(0.0, 0.5) ds.Print('v') for o in genpdf['obs']: if not o.InheritsFrom('RooAbsCategory'): continue ds.table(o).Print('v') from ROOT import RooDataSet, RooArgSet from ROOT import TList mistagresultList = TList(); etaAvgList = TList(); print "**** ADDING CATEGORIES ****" ds = ds.reduce("qt!=qt::Untagged"); xRegions = createCategoryHistogram(ds,ds.get().find('eta'),NUMCAT); ds.addColumn(xRegions) ds.table(xRegions).Print("v") keepvars = [ds.get().find(name) for name in ['qt', 'qf', 'tageffRegion', 'time']] for i in xrange(NUMCAT): etaAvgList.AddLast(ds.reduce("tageffRegion == tageffRegion::Cat%u" % (i + 1,)).meanVar(ds.get().find('eta'))); etaAvg = ds.meanVar(ds.get().find('eta')); dspercat = [ ds.reduce(RooArgSet(*keepvars),"tageffRegion == tageffRegion::Cat%u" % (i + 1,)) for i in xrange(NUMCAT) ]
# models better the Higgs boson mass # all Pt, E, M are in GeV # Higgs -> bb, meaning the b1 and b2 in this tree # let's see how we get a variable from the tree # jet 1 for key, value in histoMap.iteritems(): FillHisto(key,entry,value) # done loop over all the entries in the tree hList.Write() #outputfile.Write() outputfile.Close() # done function # execute hList = TList(); histoMap = {} hist_Higgs_Nominal_M=TH1F("Higgs_Nominal_M","Higgs_Nominal_M",40,48.5,168.5) histoMap['Nominal'] = hist_Higgs_Nominal_M hList.Add(hist_Higgs_Nominal_M) hist_Higgs_OneMu_M=TH1F("Higgs_OneMu_M","Higgs_OneMu_M",40,48.5,168.5) histoMap['OneMu'] = hist_Higgs_OneMu_M hList.Add(hist_Higgs_OneMu_M) hist_Higgs_PtRecoBukin_M=TH1F("Higgs_PtRecoBukin_M","Higgs_PtRecoBukin_M",40,48.5,168.5) histoMap['PtRecoBukin'] = hist_Higgs_PtRecoBukin_M hList.Add(hist_Higgs_PtRecoBukin_M) hist_Higgs_PtRecoGauss_M=TH1F("Higgs_PtRecoGauss_M","Higgs_PtRecoGauss_M",40,48.5,168.5) histoMap['PtRecoGauss'] = hist_Higgs_PtRecoGauss_M hList.Add(hist_Higgs_PtRecoGauss_M) hist_Higgs_Regression_M=TH1F("Higgs_Regression_M","Higgs_Regression_M",40,48.5,168.5) histoMap['Regression'] = hist_Higgs_Regression_M
def main(options, args): gROOT.Reset() #load our super special Polarization PDF gROOT.ProcessLine('.L RooPolarizationPdf.cxx+') gROOT.ProcessLine('.L RooPolarizationConstraint.cxx+') #setup integration intConf = ROOT.RooAbsReal.defaultIntegratorConfig() #intConf.Print('v') #intConf.method1D().setLabel('RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D') output = TFile.Open('PolVsPt' + options.fitFrame + '.root', 'recreate') lth_pt_p = TGraphAsymmErrors() lphi_pt_p = TGraphAsymmErrors() lthphi_pt_p = TGraphAsymmErrors() lthtilde_pt_p = TGraphAsymmErrors() f_pt_p = TGraphAsymmErrors() lth_pt_p_list = TList() lphi_pt_p_list = TList() lthphi_pt_p_list = TList() lth_pt_p.SetName('lth_pt_p') lphi_pt_p.SetName('lphi_pt_p') lthphi_pt_p.SetName('lthphi_pt_p') lthtilde_pt_p.SetName('lthtilde_pt_p') f_pt_p.SetName('f_pt_p') lth_pt_np = TGraphAsymmErrors() lphi_pt_np = TGraphAsymmErrors() lthphi_pt_np = TGraphAsymmErrors() lthtilde_pt_np = TGraphAsymmErrors() f_pt_np = TGraphAsymmErrors() lth_pt_np_list = TList() lphi_pt_np_list = TList() lthphi_pt_np_list = TList() lth_pt_np.SetName('lth_pt_np') lphi_pt_np.SetName('lphi_pt_np') lthphi_pt_np.SetName('lthphi_pt_np') lthtilde_pt_np.SetName('lthtilde_pt_np') f_pt_np.SetName('f_pt_np') total_nonzero_points = 0 for f in args: infile = TFile.Open(f) #ws = output.Get(f[:f.find('.root')].split('-')[0]) frame = f[:f.find('.root')].split('-')[1] rapBin = f[:f.find('.root')].split('-')[2].split('_')[0] ptBin = f[:f.find('.root')].split('-')[2].split('_')[1] lth_p = infile.Get('lth_p_rap' + rapBin) for point in range(lth_p.GetN()): x = ROOT.Double(0) y = ROOT.Double(0) exl = float(0) exh = float(0) eyl = float(0) eyh = float(0) lth_p.GetPoint(point, x, y) if x != 0.0 and y != 0.0: infile.Get('lth_p_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lth_pt_p.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('lphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lphi_pt_p.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('lthphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lthphi_pt_p.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('lthtilde_p_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lthtilde_pt_p.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('f_p_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) f_pt_p.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) exh = infile.Get('lth_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lth_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lth_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lth_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lth_pt_p.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('lphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lphi_pt_p.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('lthphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lthphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lthphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lthphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lthphi_pt_p.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('lthtilde_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lthtilde_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lthtilde_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lthtilde_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lthtilde_pt_p.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('f_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('f_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('f_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('f_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) f_pt_p.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) infile.Get('lth_np_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lth_pt_np.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('lphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lphi_pt_np.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('lthphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lthphi_pt_np.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('lthtilde_np_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lthtilde_pt_np.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('f_np_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) f_pt_np.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) exh = infile.Get('lth_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lth_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lth_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lth_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lth_pt_np.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('lphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lphi_pt_np.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('lthphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lthphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lthphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lthphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lthphi_pt_np.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('lthtilde_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lthtilde_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lthtilde_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lthtilde_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lthtilde_pt_np.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('f_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('f_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('f_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('f_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) f_pt_np.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) total_nonzero_points += 1 lth_pt_p.Write() lphi_pt_p.Write() lthphi_pt_p.Write() lthtilde_pt_p.Write() f_pt_p.Write() lth_pt_np.Write() lphi_pt_np.Write() lthphi_pt_np.Write() lthtilde_pt_np.Write() f_pt_np.Write() output.Close()
qtDS = RooDataSet("qtDS", "qtDS", RooArgSet(*varList), RooFit.Import(tree1))# RooFit.WeightVar(weightvar)) ''' for i in range(ds.numEntries()): ds.get(i).setCatIndex('qt', 1) #int(qtDS.get(i).find(varName))) print 'SHIT' for i in range(ds.numEntries()): ds.get(i).find('qt').Print() mistagresultList = TList() etaAvgList = TList() print "**** ADDING CATEGORIES ****" ds = ds.reduce("qt!=qt::Untagged") xRegions = createCategoryHistogram(ds, ds.get().find('eta'), NUMCAT) ds.addColumn(xRegions) ds.table(xRegions).Print("v") keepvars = [ ds.get().find(name) for name in ['qt', 'qf', 'tageffRegion', 'time'] ] for i in xrange(NUMCAT): etaAvgList.AddLast( ds.reduce("tageffRegion == tageffRegion::Cat%u" % (i + 1, )).meanVar(
def test2Lists(self): """Test list/TList behavior and compatibility""" l = TList() l.Add(TObjString('a')) l.Add(TObjString('b')) l.Add(TObjString('c')) l.Add(TObjString('d')) l.Add(TObjString('e')) l.Add(TObjString('f')) l.Add(TObjString('g')) l.Add(TObjString('h')) l.Add(TObjString('i')) l.Add(TObjString('j')) self.assertEqual(len(l), 10) self.assertEqual(l[3], 'd') self.assertEqual(l[-1], 'j') self.assertRaises(IndexError, l.__getitem__, 20) self.assertRaises(IndexError, l.__getitem__, -20) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) l[3] = TObjString('z') self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) del l[2] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'z', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) self.assert_(TObjString('b') in l) self.assert_(not TObjString('x') in l) self.assertEqual(list(l[2:6]), ['z', 'e', 'f', 'g']) self.assertEqual(list(l[2:6:2]), ['z', 'f']) self.assertEqual(list(l[-5:-2]), ['f', 'g', 'h']) self.assertEqual(list(l[7:]), ['i', 'j']) self.assertEqual(list(l[:3]), ['a', 'b', 'z']) del l[2:4] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) l[2:5] = [TObjString('1'), TObjString('2')] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j']) l[6:6] = [TObjString('3')] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3']) l.append(TObjString('4')) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4']) l.extend([TObjString('5'), TObjString('j')]) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j']) self.assertEqual(l.count('b'), 1) self.assertEqual(l.count('j'), 2) self.assertEqual(l.count('x'), 0) self.assertEqual(l.index(TObjString('i')), 4) self.assertRaises(ValueError, l.index, TObjString('x')) l.insert(3, TObjString('6')) l.insert(20, TObjString('7')) l.insert(-1, TObjString('8')) self.assertEqual( list(l), ['8', 'a', 'b', '1', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j', '7']) self.assertEqual(l.pop(), '7') self.assertEqual(l.pop(3), '1') self.assertEqual( list(l), ['8', 'a', 'b', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j']) l.remove(TObjString('j')) l.remove(TObjString('3')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, l.remove, TObjString('x')) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['8', 'a', 'b', '6', '2', 'i', '4', '5', 'j']) l.reverse() self.assertEqual(list(l), ['j', '5', '4', 'i', '2', '6', 'b', 'a', '8']) l.sort() self.assertEqual(list(l), ['2', '4', '5', '6', '8', 'a', 'b', 'i', 'j']) if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: l.sort(key=TObjString.GetName) l.reverse() else: l.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(b.GetName(), a.GetName())) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'a', '8', '6', '5', '4', '2']) l2 = l[:3] self.assertEqual(list(l2 * 3), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b']) self.assertEqual(list(3 * l2), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b']) l2 *= 3 self.assertEqual(list(l2), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b']) l2 = l[:3] l3 = l[6:8] self.assertEqual(list(l2 + l3), ['j', 'i', 'b', '5', '4']) if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: next = '__next__' else: next = 'next' i = iter(l2) self.assertEqual(getattr(i, next)(), 'j') self.assertEqual(getattr(i, next)(), 'i') self.assertEqual(getattr(i, next)(), 'b') self.assertRaises(StopIteration, getattr(i, next))
def splitData(): """ Sometimes this segfaults. No idea why. Just re-run and it's fine. """ f1 = TFile("./data/malbek_data.root") tree0 = f1.Get("malbek_wrt") axPeaks = [1.739, 1.836, 2.307, 2.464] # declare as arrays s/t ROOT branches work. access values with e.g. ene[0] = 1. ene0, wt0, shift = array('d', [0.]), array('d', [0.]), array('d', [0.]) tree0.SetBranchAddress("energy_keV", ene0) tree0.SetBranchAddress("weight", wt0) tList = TList() tVec = [0., 0., 0., 0.] tmp = TFile("./data/malbek_splitData.root", "RECREATE") for i in range(len(axPeaks)): ene, wt = array('d', [0.]), array('d', [0.]) shift = axPeaks[len(axPeaks) - 1] - axPeaks[i] tVec[i] = TTree("t%d" % i, "t%d" % i) tVec[i].Branch("energy_keV", ene, "energy_keV/D") tVec[i].Branch("weight", wt, "weight/D") for j in range(tree0.GetEntries()): tree0.GetEntry(j) ene[0], wt[0] = ene0[0], wt0[0] ene[0] += shift tVec[i].Fill() print "axPeaks: %d tree %d - %d entries shift %.3f keV" % ( len(axPeaks), len(tVec), tVec[i].GetEntries(), shift) tList.Add(tVec[i]) tVec[i].Write() tree1 = ROOT.TTree.MergeTrees(tList) tree1.SetName("mergeTree") tree1.SetTitle("mergeTree") print "Trees merged, with %d entries total." % tree1.GetEntries() tree1.Write() # -- create diagnostic shifted & merged spectrum -- malbekExposure = 89.5 binSize = 0.04 eLo, eHi = 0.8, 5. nBins = int((eHi - eLo) / binSize + 0.5) h0 = H1D(tree0, nBins, eLo, eHi, "energy_keV", "weight") h0.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) h0.SetLineWidth(2) h0.Scale(1. / malbekExposure) h1 = H1D(tVec[0], nBins, eLo, eHi, "energy_keV", "weight") h1.SetLineColorAlpha(ROOT.kBlue, 0.5) h1.Scale(1. / malbekExposure) h2 = H1D(tVec[1], nBins, eLo, eHi, "energy_keV", "weight") h2.SetLineColorAlpha(ROOT.kGreen, 0.5) h2.Scale(1. / malbekExposure) h3 = H1D(tVec[2], nBins, eLo, eHi, "energy_keV", "weight") h3.SetLineColorAlpha(ROOT.kMagenta, 0.5) h3.Scale(1. / malbekExposure) h4 = H1D(tVec[3], nBins, eLo, eHi, "energy_keV", "weight") h4.SetLineColor(ROOT.kCyan) h4.Scale(1. / malbekExposure) hAdd = TH1D("hAdd", "", nBins, eLo, eHi) hAdd.Add(h1) hAdd.Add(h2) hAdd.Add(h3) hAdd.Add(h4) hAdd.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) hAdd.SetLineWidth(2) hAdd.SetMinimum(0) hAdd.SetMaximum(2) ymax = hAdd.GetMaximum() hAdd.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Energy (keV)") hAdd.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Counts / kg-d") c = TCanvas("c", "Bob Ross's Canvas", 1100, 800) hAdd.Draw("hist") h0.Draw("hist same") h1.Draw("hist same") h2.Draw("hist same") h3.Draw("hist same") h4.Draw("hist same") # Draw lines around the gaussian fit ROI, using 2 sigma of the energy resolution fitWin = 3 * getSigma(axPeaks[3]) print "Malbek resolution at %.2f keV is %.2f" % (axPeaks[3], getSigma(axPeaks[3])) print "Set 3-sigma fit region to %.2f - %.2f" % (axPeaks[3] - fitWin, axPeaks[3] + fitWin) l1 = ROOT.TLine(axPeaks[3], 0., axPeaks[3], ymax) l1.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) l1.SetLineWidth(2) l1.Draw("same") l2 = ROOT.TLine(axPeaks[3] + fitWin, 0., axPeaks[3] + fitWin, ymax) l2.SetLineColorAlpha(ROOT.kRed, 0.5) l2.SetLineWidth(2) l2.Draw("same") l3 = ROOT.TLine(axPeaks[3] - fitWin, 0., axPeaks[3] - fitWin, ymax) l3.SetLineColorAlpha(ROOT.kRed, 0.5) l3.SetLineWidth(2) l3.Draw("same") leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.6, 0.85, 0.85) leg.AddEntry(hAdd, "Shifted+Summed", "l") leg.AddEntry(h4, "peak-%.3f (unshifted)" % (axPeaks[3]), "l") leg.AddEntry(h3, "peak-%.3f" % (axPeaks[2]), "l") leg.AddEntry(h2, "peak-%.3f" % (axPeaks[1]), "l") leg.AddEntry(h1, "peak-%.3f" % (axPeaks[0]), "l") leg.AddEntry(l1, "3-sigma fit region", "l") leg.Draw("same") c.Print("./plots/shiftSpec.pdf")
def test2Lists(self): """Test list/TList behavior and compatibility""" l = TList() l.Add(TObjString('a')) l.Add(TObjString('b')) l.Add(TObjString('c')) l.Add(TObjString('d')) l.Add(TObjString('e')) l.Add(TObjString('f')) l.Add(TObjString('g')) l.Add(TObjString('h')) l.Add(TObjString('i')) l.Add(TObjString('j')) self.assertEqual(len(l), 10) self.assertEqual(l[3], 'd') self.assertEqual(l[-1], 'j') self.assertRaises(IndexError, l.__getitem__, 20) self.assertRaises(IndexError, l.__getitem__, -20) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) l[3] = TObjString('z') self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) del l[2] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'z', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) self.assert_(TObjString('b') in l) self.assert_(not TObjString('x') in l) self.assertEqual(list(l[2:6]), ['z', 'e', 'f', 'g']) self.assertEqual(list(l[2:6:2]), ['z', 'f']) self.assertEqual(list(l[-5:-2]), ['f', 'g', 'h']) self.assertEqual(list(l[7:]), ['i', 'j']) self.assertEqual(list(l[:3]), ['a', 'b', 'z']) del l[2:4] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) l[2:5] = [TObjString('1'), TObjString('2')] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j']) l[6:6] = [TObjString('3')] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3']) l.append(TObjString('4')) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4']) l.extend([TObjString('5'), TObjString('j')]) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j']) self.assertEqual(l.count('b'), 1) self.assertEqual(l.count('j'), 2) self.assertEqual(l.count('x'), 0) self.assertEqual(l.index(TObjString('i')), 4) self.assertRaises(ValueError, l.index, TObjString('x')) l.insert(3, TObjString('6')) l.insert(20, TObjString('7')) l.insert(-1, TObjString('8')) if not self.legacy_pyroot: # The pythonisation of TSeqCollection in experimental PyROOT mimics the # behaviour of the Python list, in this case for insert. # The Python list insert always inserts before the specified index, so if # -1 is specified, insert will place the new element right before the last # element of the list. self.assertEqual(list(l), [ 'a', 'b', '1', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j', '8', '7' ]) # Re-synchronize with current PyROOT's list l.insert(0, TObjString('8')) self.assertEqual(list(l), [ '8', 'a', 'b', '1', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j', '8', '7' ]) l.pop(-2) self.assertEqual(list(l), [ '8', 'a', 'b', '1', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j', '7' ]) else: self.assertEqual(list(l), [ '8', 'a', 'b', '1', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j', '7' ]) self.assertEqual(l.pop(), '7') self.assertEqual(l.pop(3), '1') self.assertEqual( list(l), ['8', 'a', 'b', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j']) l.remove(TObjString('j')) l.remove(TObjString('3')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, l.remove, TObjString('x')) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['8', 'a', 'b', '6', '2', 'i', '4', '5', 'j']) l.reverse() self.assertEqual(list(l), ['j', '5', '4', 'i', '2', '6', 'b', 'a', '8']) l.sort() self.assertEqual(list(l), ['2', '4', '5', '6', '8', 'a', 'b', 'i', 'j']) if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: l.sort(key=TObjString.GetName) l.reverse() else: l.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(b.GetName(), a.GetName())) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'a', '8', '6', '5', '4', '2']) l2 = l[:3] self.assertEqual(list(l2 * 3), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b']) self.assertEqual(list(3 * l2), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b']) l2 *= 3 self.assertEqual(list(l2), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b']) l2 = l[:3] l3 = l[6:8] self.assertEqual(list(l2 + l3), ['j', 'i', 'b', '5', '4']) if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: next = '__next__' else: next = 'next' i = iter(l2) self.assertEqual(getattr(i, next)(), 'j') self.assertEqual(getattr(i, next)(), 'i') self.assertEqual(getattr(i, next)(), 'b') self.assertRaises(StopIteration, getattr(i, next))
def recursiveMerge(target, infile, path='', cache={'TOTALLUMI': 0}, cutflow=True): l = infile.GetDirectory(path) keys = l.GetListOfKeys() cycles = {} #print("keys in input file: \n\n{0}\n\n".format( for entry in range(keys.GetEntries()): name = keys.At(entry).GetName() + ";" + str(keys.At(entry).GetCycle()) if path: cachename = path + "/" + name else: cachename = name obj = l.Get(name) if type(obj) == TDirectoryFile: #print("TDirectory obj name: {0}".format(obj.GetName())) targetpath = keys.At(entry).GetName() if not target.Get(targetpath): target.mkdir(targetpath) recursiveMerge(target, infile, path + "/" + obj.GetName(), cache) elif type(obj) == TTree: #print("TTree obj name: {0} - cachename: {1} ".format(obj.GetName(), cachename)) cyclename, cyclenumber = cachename.split(';') if cyclename in cycles: continue #print("cyclename: {0} - cyclenumber: {1}".format(cyclename, cyclenumber)) cycles[cyclename] = cyclenumber if not cyclename in cache: #print("adding cyclename {0} to cache (via TTree::CloneTree())".format(cyclename)) cache[cyclename] = obj.CloneTree() else: objcached = cache[cyclename] col = TObjArray() col.Add(obj) #print("merging TTree obj to cached object") objcached.Merge(col) elif issubclass(obj.__class__, TH1): #print("TH1 obj name: {0}".format(obj.GetName())) if not cutflow and keys.At(entry).GetName() == "CutFlow": continue if not cachename in cache: cache[cachename] = obj.Clone() else: objcached = cache[cachename] col = TObjArray() col.Add(obj) objcached.Merge(col) elif type(obj) == TObjString: #print("TObjString obj name: {0}".format(obj.GetName())) if obj: objnew = TObjString(obj.GetString().Data()) objnew.Write(keys.At(entry).GetName()) cache['TOTALLUMI'] += 1 elif issubclass(obj.__class__, TList): #print("TList obj name: {0}".format(obj.GetName())) if obj: objnew = TList(obj) objnew.Write(keys.At(entry).GetName()) # not working... else: print "UNKNOWN OBJECT", name, "OF TYPE", type(obj)
def GetROOTPrimitive(self): output = TList() output.SetName(self.__name) for rootobject in self.__rootobjects: output.Add(rootobject.GetROOTPrimitive()) return output
def run_analysis(options,args): tm = tree_manager() pu_weight_sum = 0.0 selected_events = [] metaInfoTrees = [] nEvents_total = int(0) pwd = ROOT.gDirectory.GetPath() for kFile,input_file in enumerate(args): print print 'processing input file %i/%i: %s'%(kFile+1, len(args), input_file) in_file = TFile.Open(input_file,'read') leptonType = options.leptonType tree = None nEvents_sample = 0 specific = None treeName = 'Ntuple' if not options.allBranches: if leptonType == 'muon': #specific = muonBranches+commonBranches mmg = in_file.Get('mmg') tree = mmg.Get('final').Get(treeName) metaInfoTrees.append(mmg.Get('metaInfo').CloneTree()) nEvents_sample = mmg.Get('eventCount').GetBinContent(1) nEvents_total += mmg.Get('skimCounter').GetBinContent(1) mmg = None elif leptonType == 'electron': #specific = electronBranches+commonBranches eeg = in_file.Get('eeg') tree = eeg.Get('final').Get(treeName) metaInfoTrees.append(eeg.Get('metaInfo').CloneTree()) nEvents_sample = eeg.Get('eventCount').GetBinContent(1) nEvents_total += eeg.Get('skimCounter').GetBinContent(1) eeg = None else: raise Exception('invalid lepton type: %s'%options.leptonType) total_events = tree.GetEntriesFast() tick_size = total_events/100.0 if tick_size < 1: tick_size = 1.0 #tm.importTree(treeName,tree,specific) #tm.cloneTree(treeName,'%s_zs'%treeName,specific) #tm.cloneTree(treeName,'%s_zgs'%treeName,specific) #tm.cloneTree(treeName,'%s_zgs_nosihih'%treeName,specific) #setup process dependent stuff cuts = setupCuts(options) #lepton_mass = lepton_masses[options.leptonType] #z_info = z_infos[options.leptonType] #lepton_info = lepton_infos[options.leptonType] #setup pu-reweighing #pu_weight = pu_weight_nominal #if options.isSummer11: # pu_weigt = pu_weight_summer11 procWeight = 1.0 if options.datType != 'data': procWeight = (options.crossSection * run_lumi[options.leptonType][options.runYear]\ [options.runType]) # setup the corrector (this links the appropriate four momenta # into a common naming scheme correct = setup_corrections(options.runYear , options.runType, options.leptonType, options.datType, options.leptonCor , options.gamCor, options.vanilla ) ievent = long(0) for event in tree: ievent+=1 #print ievent,total_events,fmod(ievent/total_events,0.01) if( not (ievent+1)%int(tick_size) or ievent+1 == total_events ): sys.stdout.write('\r%3.0f%s complete! (%i/%i)'%(((ievent+1)/ tick_size), '%', ievent+1, total_events)) sys.stdout.flush() # setup the common event momentum # ell1 = lepton1, ell2 = lepton2 # gam = photon, Z = dilepton, Zg = Z+photon correct(event) run_idx = getRunIndex([0],options.runYear, options.runType,options.datType, options.leptonType) setattr(event,'procWeight',procWeight) setattr(event,'puWeight',1.0) if options.datType != 'data': setattr(event,'eventFraction',float(ievent+1)/total_events) event.puWeight = pu_S10_CD_reweight(event.nTruePU[0]) #selected_z = [] #selected_pho_nosihih = [] #selected_pho = [] #bad_leptons = [] if options.datType == 'data': # kill run 170722 # kill the obvious pile up combinatorial event if ([0] == 170722 or ([0] == 166512 and event.lumi[0] == 1678 and event.evt[0] == 1822682238) ): continue bestLLG = None bestZdiff = -1 for i in range(event.N_PATFinalState): cuts.getCutflow('trigger')(event,i) if options.exlProc and not cuts.getCutflow('trigger') : continue cuts.getCutflow('pho')(event,i) cuts.getCutflow('leptons')(event,i) if ( options.exlProc and not cuts.getCutflow('leptons') and not cuts.getCutflow('pho') ): continue cuts.getCutflow('z')(event,i) if options.exlProc and not cuts.getCutflow('z'): continue if ( cuts.getCutflow('trigger') and cuts.getCutflow('leptons') and cuts.getCutflow('pho') and cuts.getCutflow('z') ): thisZdiff = abs(Z_POLE-event.Z[i].M()) if( cuts.getCut('mindr')[0](event.ell1[i], event.ell2[i], event.gam[i]) and (thisZdiff < bestZdiff or bestLLG is None) ): bestZdiff = thisZdiff bestLLG = i #event object selection done if options.exlProc and bestLLG is None: continue bestZ = bestLLG if bestLLG is not None: setattr(event,'ell1SF',1.0) setattr(event,'ell2SF',1.0) #if run_idx != -1: # event.ell1SF = leptonSF_nominal(event.nGoodVtx, # getattr(event,lepton_info['pt'])[idx1], # getattr(event,lepton_info['eta'])[idx1], # run_idx, # options.leptonType) # event.ell2SF = leptonSF_nominal(event.nGoodVtx, # getattr(event,lepton_info['pt'])[idx2], # getattr(event,lepton_info['eta'])[idx2], # run_idx, # options.leptonType) setattr(event,'bestZ',bestLLG) outTrees.bestZTree(event,tm) #tm.fillTree('%s_zs'%treeName,{}) #bestPhoNoSihih = None #bestPhoNoSihihPt = -1 #for idxph in selected_pho_nosihih: # pho.SetPtEtaPhiM(event.phoCorEt[idxph], # event.phoEta[idxph], # event.phoPhi[idxph], # 0.0) # if bestPhoNoSihih is None or pho.Pt() > bestPhoNoSihihPt: # if ( bestZ is not None and # cuts.getCut('mindr')[0](event.bestZLeg1, # event.bestZLeg2, # pho) ): # bestPhoNoSihih = idxph # bestPhoNoSihihPt = pho.Pt() # elif( bestZ is None ): # bestPhoSihih = idxph # bestPhoSihihPt = pho.Pt() bestPho = bestLLG #and bestPhoNoSihih is None: (below) if options.exlProc and bestPho is None: continue if bestPho is not None: setattr(event,'phoSF',1.0) #if run_idx != -1: # event.phoSF = phoSF_nominal(event.nGoodVtx, # event.phoEt[bestPho], # event.phoEta[bestPho], # run_idx) setattr(event,'bestPho',bestPho) #if bestPhoNoSihih is not None: # setattr(event,'phoNoSihihSF',event.phoSF) # setattr(event,'bestPhoNoSihihIdx',bestPho) # setattr(event,'bestPhoNoSihih',pho) #elif bestPhoNoSihih is not None: # pho.SetPtEtaPhiM(event.phoCorEt[bestPhoNoSihih], # event.phoEta[bestPhoNoSihih], # event.phoPhi[bestPhoNoSihih], # 0.0) # setattr(event,'phoNoSihihSF',1.0) # if run_idx != -1: # event.phoNoSihihSF = phoSF_nominal(event.nGoodVtx, # event.phoEt[bestPhoNoSihih], # event.phoEta[bestPhoNoSihih], # run_idx) # setattr(event,'bestPhoNoSihihIdx',bestPhoNoSihih) # setattr(event,'bestPhoNoSihih',pho) if bestLLG is not None: #if bestPhoNoSihih is not None: # thezg = event.bestZ + event.bestPhoNoSihih # setattr(event,'bestZGNoSihih',thezg) # outTrees.bestZGTreeNoSihih(event,tm) # tm.fillTree('EventTree_zgs_nosihih',{}) hzg_r94cat = hzg_4cat_r9based[leptonType](event,bestLLG) setattr(event,'bestZG_r94cat',hzg_r94cat) hzg_r94cat_mod = \ hzg_4cat_r9based_mod[leptonType](event,bestLLG) setattr(event,'bestZG_r94cat_mod',hzg_r94cat_mod) thezg = event.Zg[bestLLG] selected_events.append(([bestLLG], event.lumi[bestLLG], event.evt[bestLLG])) setattr(event,'bestZG',thezg) outTrees.bestZGTree(event,tm) pu_weight_sum += event.puWeight #tm.fillTree('%s_zgs'%treeName,{}) tree = None in_file.Close() del in_file #make a nice file name input_file = args[0] nameparts = input_file[input_file.rfind('/')+1:] nameparts = nameparts.split('.') #output selected event numbers to file if needed print print 'Selected %i (%.2f) events after processing!'%(len(selected_events), pu_weight_sum) try: os.makedirs(options.prefix) print 'Created prefix directory: %s'%options.prefix except os.error: print 'Prefix directory: %s already exists'%options.prefix if options.dumpSelectedEvents: #sort events selected_events.sort(key=lambda event: event[2]) selected_events.sort(key=lambda event: event[1]) selected_events.sort(key=lambda event: event[0]) evf = open(options.prefix + '%s_%s_%s_processed.%s'%('_'.join(nameparts[:-1]), options.runType, options.leptonType, 'txt'), 'w') for ev in selected_events: evf.write('Run, Lumi, Event #:\t%i\t%i\t%i\n'%ev) evf.close() #push all of our output trees to a file outFileName = '' if options.vanilla: outFileName = '%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_processed.%s'\ %('_'.join(nameparts[:-1]), options.runType, options.datType, options.leptonType, 'vanilla', nameparts[-1]) else: outFileName = '%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_processed.%s'\ %('_'.join(nameparts[:-1]), options.runType, options.datType, options.leptonType, options.leptonCor, options.gamCor, nameparts[-1]) hEventCount = TH1I('eventCount','Total Events Processed',1,0,1) hEventCount.SetBinContent(1,nEvents_total) metaTList = TList() for tree in metaInfoTrees: metaTList.Add(tree) metaTree = TTree.MergeTrees(metaTList) outf = TFile.Open(options.prefix + outFileName,'RECREATE') metaTree.Write() hEventCount.Write() tm.write() outf.Close()
def divideEtaTH1Ds(etaHist, numCat, sourceFileName=None, categoryList=None, drawHist=False): # etaHist - the TH1D to split into categories # numCat - number of tagging categories # categoryList - list of tagging category names # drawHist - whether or not to display each category-split histogram # sourceFileName - name of etaHist root file #normalize etaHist etaHist.Scale(1.0 / etaHist.Integral()) #create default category names if none are given if categoryList == None: categoryList = [] for i in range(numCat): categoryList += ["Cat" + str(i)] histSum = etaHist.Integral() #get list of limits limList = [-1] for i in range(1, numCat): start = limList[i - 1] + 1 targetVal = histSum / numCat left = start right = etaHist.GetNbinsX() #print "\n\n\n",etaHist.Integral(start,start+1),"\n\n\n\n"; while abs(left - right) > 1: if etaHist.Integral(start, int((left + right) / 2)) > targetVal: right = (left + right) / 2 else: left = (left + right) / 2 #print start, left, right, etaHist.Integral(start,int((left+right)/2)),targetVal,",", if abs(etaHist.Integral(start, left) - targetVal) > abs(etaHist.Integral(start, right) - targetVal): limList += [right] else: limList += [left] limList[0] = 0 limList += [etaHist.GetNbinsX()] print limList #rangeFit is a 4-element TList containing: # - the sourceFileName as element 0 # - a RooThresholdCategory as element 2, and its RooRealVar as element 1 # - a tList of tFitResult as element 3 rangeFit = TList() rangeFit.AddLast(TObjString(sourceFileName)) rangeFit.AddLast(RooRealVar('x', 'x', 0.0, 1.0)) rangeFit.AddLast( RooThresholdCategory("tageffRegion", "region of tageff", rangeFit.At(1), "Cat" + str(numCat))) rangeFit.AddLast(TList()) #plot each category-split histogram, if necessary if drawHist == True: ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(ROOT.kOcean) #create stack to contain the category TH1Ds etaHistStack = THStack("etaHistStack", "Stack of TH1Ds") #create category-masking function for TH1D clones histCutterFunc = TF1("histCutterFunc", "((x>=[0])?((x<[1])?1.0:0.0):0.0)", 0.0, 1.0) for i in range(len(limList) - 1): etaHistClone = etaHist.Clone() histCutterFunc.SetParameter( 0, etaHist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(limList[i])) histCutterFunc.SetParameter( 1, etaHist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(limList[i + 1])) #histCutterFunc.Draw(); #raw_input("Press Enter to continue to next hisCutterFunc"); etaHistClone.Multiply(histCutterFunc) etaHistClone.SetFillColor(38 + i) etaHistStack.Add(etaHistClone) etaHistClone = etaHist.Clone() etaHistClone.SetFillColor(38 + len(limList)) #etaHistStack.Add(etaHistClone); import time os.chdir(os.environ['B2DXFITTERSROOT'] + '/tutorial') if (not (os.path.isdir('fits'))): os.mkdir('fits') os.chdir('fits') histCanvas = TCanvas() etaHistStack.Draw("hist PFC") #etaHistClone.Draw("hist PFC"); #histCanvas.SaveAs('tagRegionFitList_%f.pdf' % time.time()); #create thresholds and fitting functions (all linear, but with different ranges corresponding to the categories) currentRangeTF1List = TList() for i in range(1, numCat + 1): if (i <= numCat): rangeFit.At(2).addThreshold( etaHist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(limList[i]), categoryList[i - 1]) currentRangeTF1List.AddLast( TF1( "fitFuncEtaset", "[0]+[1]*(x-" + str( etaHist.Integral(limList[i - 1], limList[i]) / (limList[i] - limList[i - 1])) + ")", etaHist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(limList[i - 1]), etaHist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(limList[i]))) #currentRangeTF1 = TF1("fitFuncEtaset","[0]+[1]*x",etaHist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(limList[i-1]),etaHist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(limList[i])); rangeFit.Last().AddLast( etaHist.Fit(currentRangeTF1List.Last(), "R0S").Get().Clone()) if (drawHist == True): currentRangeTF1List.Last().DrawCopy('same') #raw_input('Press Enter to continue to next fit function'); #currentRangeTF1.IsA().Destructor(currentRangeTF1); #print "P0, P1 = ",rangeFit.Last().Last().Parameter(0), rangeFit.Last().Last().Parameter(1); histCanvas.SaveAs('tagRegionFitList_%f.pdf' % time.time()) currentRangeTF1List.Delete() #for i in range(1,numCat+1): #currentRangeTF1List.Last().IsA().Destructor(currentRangeTF1List.Last()); #s = raw_input("Press Enter to continue..."); return rangeFit
currentRangeTF1List.Delete() #for i in range(1,numCat+1): #currentRangeTF1List.Last().IsA().Destructor(currentRangeTF1List.Last()); #s = raw_input("Press Enter to continue..."); return rangeFit import os os.chdir(os.environ['B2DXFITTERSROOT'] + '/tutorial/etaHist') fileList = os.listdir(os.getcwd()) #TList containing relevant data for each eta set in directory mainResultList = TList() #number of tagging categories numTagCat = 5 #parse etaHist directory for .root files for i in fileList[:1]: if (i[-5:] != '.root'): continue print i inFile = TFile(i) inFile.GetListOfKeys().Print() #s = raw_input("Press Enter to continue"); theTH1DHist = TH1F() inFile.GetObject("etaHist", theTH1DHist)
reader.BookMVA( "testmva", "/home/arun/VHbbNtuples_7_6_x/CMSSW_7_6_3_for8X/src/tthAnalysis/HiggsToTauTau/test/training_2lss_1tau_TTV/weights_2lss_1tau_TTV_wCuts_10Var_15Mar2017/mvaTTHvsTTV2lss1tau_BDTG.weights.xml" ) file = TFile( "/home/arun/ttHAnalysis/2016/2017Feb21_fastsim_dR03mvaLoose/histograms/2lss_1tau/forBDTtraining_SS_OS/ntuple_2lss_1tau_SS_OS_all.root" ) if process == "signal": tree = file.Get("2lss_1tau_lepSS_sumOS_Loose/sel/evtntuple/signal/evtTree") elif process == "TTV": tree_ttw = file.Get( "2lss_1tau_lepSS_sumOS_Loose/sel/evtntuple/TTW/evtTree") tree_ttz = file.Get( "2lss_1tau_lepSS_sumOS_Loose/sel/evtntuple/TTZ/evtTree") list = TList() list.Add(tree_ttw) list.Add(tree_ttz) tree = TTree.MergeTrees(list) tree.SetName("bkgTree") c1 = TCanvas() c1.SetFillColor(10) c1.SetBorderSize(2) c1.SetLeftMargin(0.12) c1.SetBottomMargin(0.12) c1.SetRightMargin(0.05) c1.SetLogy() histogram_base = TH1F("histogram_base", "", 100, -1., 1.) histogram_base.SetTitle("")
format(home), "{0}/scratch0/ntuple/background_analysis/PFAnalysis_QCDEM3080_4.root". format(home), "{0}/scratch0/ntuple/background_analysis/PFAnalysis_QCDEM3080_5.root". format(home), "{0}/scratch0/ntuple/background_analysis/PFAnalysis_QCDEM3080_6.root". format(home), "{0}/scratch0/ntuple/background_analysis/PFAnalysis_QCDEM3080_7.root". format(home), "{0}/scratch0/ntuple/background_analysis/PFAnalysis_QCDEM3080_8.root". format(home), "{0}/scratch0/ntuple/background_analysis/PFAnalysis_QCDEM3080_9.root". format(home), ] tree_list = TList() tree_name = "Summary/tree" output_file_name = "~/scratch0/PFAnalysis_QCDEM3080_0.root" files = [ TFile(file_name) for file_name in file_list if os.path.exists(file_name) ] print("{0} files found.".format(len(files))) trees = [file.Get(tree_name) for file in files] for tree in trees: if tree: tree_list.Add(tree) merged_tree = TTree.MergeTrees(tree_list) output_file = TFile(output_file_name, "recreate") merged_tree.Write()
def fhadd(self, prefix="", force=False, verbose=False, slow=True): """ taken from This function will merge objects from a list of root files and write them to a target root file. The target file is newly created and must not exist, or if -f ("force") is given, must not be one of the source files. IMPORTANT: It is required that all files have the same content! Fast but memory hungry alternative to ROOT's hadd. Arguments: target -- name of the target root file sources -- list of source root files classname -- restrict merging to objects inheriting from classname force -- overwrite target file if exists """ target = prefix + self.Name + ".root" sources = [j.Output for j in self.Jobs] TH1.AddDirectory(False) # check if target file exists and exit if it does and not in force mode if not force and os.path.exists(target): raise RuntimeError("target file %s exists" % target) # open the target file print "fhadd Target file:", target outfile = TFile(target, "RECREATE") # open the seed file - contents is looked up from here seedfilename = sources[0] print "fhadd Source file 1", seedfilename seedfile = TFile(seedfilename) # get contents of seed file print "looping over seed file" contents = self.loop(seedfile) print "done %d objects are ready to be merged" % len(contents) if (verbose): for c in contents: print c # open remaining files otherfiles = [] for n, f in enumerate(sources[1:]): print "fhadd Source file %d: %s" % (n + 2, f) otherfiles.append(TFile(f)) # loop over contents and merge objects from other files to seed file objects for n, (path, hname) in enumerate(contents): print "fhadd Target object: %s" % os.path.join(path, hname) obj_path = os.path.join(path, hname) obj_ = seedfile.Get(obj_path[1:])'/') # create target directory structure for d in path.split('/')[1:]: directory = gDirectory.GetDirectory(d) if not directory: gDirectory.mkdir(d).cd() else: obj = None if obj_.InheritsFrom("TTree"): obj = obj_.CloneTree() else: obj = obj_.Clone() # merge objects l = TList() for o in [of.Get(obj_path[1:]) for of in otherfiles]: l.Add(o) obj.Merge(l) # delete objects if in slow mode if slow: print "Deleting %d object(s)", l.GetEntries() l.Delete() # write object to target obj.Write(obj.GetName(), TObject.kOverwrite) print "Writing and closing file" # let ROOT forget about open files - prevents deletion of TKeys for f in [outfile, seedfile] + otherfiles: gROOT.GetListOfFiles().Remove(f) outfile.Write() outfile.Close() for f in [seedfile] + otherfiles: f.Close()