def main(argv): clock = TStopwatch() argc = len(argv) if (argc != 5): return usage() fileName = argv[1] the_type = argv[2] requireTree = argv[3] verbosity = argv[4] if the_type != "event" and the_type != "basket": return usage() if requireTree != "true" and requireTree != "false": return usage() if verbosity == "on": msg.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif verbosity == "off": msg.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: return usage() rc = checkFile(fileName, the_type, requireTree) msg.debug('Returning %s' % rc) clock.Stop() clock.Print() return rc
def execute(self, ws, debug = 0): print self.legend, 'Profile Likelihood calculation started...' # time the action t = TStopwatch() t.Start() # model config is guaranteed to be here # the action won't configure without it # and this code will never run unless valid model config is found mconf = ws.obj(self._model_config_name) _poi = mconf.GetParametersOfInterest() plcInt = self._plc.GetInterval() # stop watch and print how long it took to get the interval t.Print() # iterate over all parameters of interest and print out the intervals # (could there be more than one?) _iter = _poi.createIterator() while True: _poi_name = _iter().GetTitle() lower_limit = plcInt.LowerLimit( _poi[_poi_name] ) upper_limit = plcInt.UpperLimit( _poi[_poi_name] ) print self.legend, 'Profile Likelihood interval for', _poi_name, 'is ['+ \ str(lower_limit) + ', ' + \ str(upper_limit) + ']' if _iter.Next() == None: break if self._scan_plot: # draw scan plot print self.legend, 'making the likelihood scan plot' _plot_name = _poi_name+'_plc_scan_exost.'+self._plot_format c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 600, 600) plcPlot = RooStats.LikelihoodIntervalPlot(plcInt) gROOT.SetStyle("Plain") plcPlot.Draw() c1.SaveAs(_plot_name) return (lower_limit, upper_limit)
def main(argv): import logging msg = logging.getLogger(__name__) ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) # ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) msg.addHandler(ch) clock = TStopwatch() argc = len(argv) if (argc != 5): return usage() fileName = argv[1] type = argv[2] tree = argv[3] verbosity = argv[4] if type != "event" and type != "basket": return usage() if tree == "true": requireTree = True elif tree == "false": requireTree = False else: return usage() if verbosity == "on": msg.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif verbosity == "off": msg.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: return usage() rc = checkFile(fileName, type, requireTree, msg) msg.debug('Returning %s' % rc) clock.Stop() clock.Print() return rc
def execute(self, ws, debug=0): print self.legend, 'Feldman-Cousins calculation started...' # time the action t = TStopwatch() t.Start() # model config is guaranteed to be here # the action won't configure without it # and this code will never run unless valid model config is found mconf = ws.obj(self._model_config_name) _poi = mconf.GetParametersOfInterest() fcInt = self._fc.GetInterval() # stop watch and print how long it took to get the interval t.Print() # iterate over all parameters of interest and print out the intervals # (could there be more than one?) _iter = _poi.createIterator() while True: _poi_name = _iter().GetTitle() lower_limit = fcInt.LowerLimit(_poi[_poi_name]) upper_limit = fcInt.UpperLimit(_poi[_poi_name]) print self.legend, 'Feldman-Cousins interval for', _poi_name, 'is ['+ \ str(lower_limit) + ', ' + \ str(upper_limit) + ']' if _iter.Next() == None: break return (lower_limit, upper_limit)
default=False, help='turn on extra debugging information') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() import pyroot_logon #import HWW2DConfig config = __import__(opts.modeConfig) import RooWjj2DFitter from ROOT import TCanvas, RooFit, RooLinkedListIter, TMath, RooRandom, TFile, \ RooDataHist, RooMsgService, TStopwatch import pulls timer = TStopwatch() timer.Start() if not opts.debug: RooMsgService.instance().setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit.WARNING) if hasattr(opts, "seed") and (opts.seed >= 0): print "random seed:", opts.seed RooRandom.randomGenerator().SetSeed(opts.seed) pars = config.theConfig(Nj=opts.Nj, mH=opts.mH, isElectron=opts.isElectron, initFile=args, includeSignal=opts.includeSignal) fitter = RooWjj2DFitter.Wjj2DFitter(pars)
def main(): try: # Retrive command line options shortopts = "m:i:t:o:vh?" longopts = [ "methods=", "inputfile=", "inputtrees=", "outputfile=", "verbose", "help", "usage" ] opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortopts, longopts) except getopt.GetoptError: # Print help information and exit: print "ERROR: unknown options in argument %s" % sys.argv[1:] usage() sys.exit(1) infname = DEFAULT_INFNAME treeNameSig = DEFAULT_TREESIG treeNameBkg = DEFAULT_TREEBKG outfname = DEFAULT_OUTFNAME methods = DEFAULT_METHODS verbose = False for o, a in opts: if o in ("-?", "-h", "--help", "--usage"): usage() sys.exit(0) elif o in ("-m", "--methods"): methods = a elif o in ("-i", "--inputfile"): infname = a elif o in ("-o", "--outputfile"): outfname = a elif o in ("-t", "--inputtrees"): a.strip() trees = a.rsplit(' ') trees.sort() trees.reverse() if len(trees) - trees.count('') != 2: print "ERROR: need to give two trees (each one for signal and background)" print trees sys.exit(1) treeNameSig = trees[0] treeNameBkg = trees[1] elif o in ("-v", "--verbose"): verbose = True # Print methods mlist = methods.replace(' ', ',').split(',') print "=== TMVApplication: use method(s)..." for m in mlist: if m.strip() != '': print "=== - <%s>" % m.strip() # Import ROOT classes from ROOT import gSystem, gROOT, gApplication, TFile, TTree, TCut, TH1F, TStopwatch # check ROOT version, give alarm if 5.18 if gROOT.GetVersionCode() >= 332288 and gROOT.GetVersionCode() < 332544: print "*** You are running ROOT version 5.18, which has problems in PyROOT such that TMVA" print "*** does not run properly (function calls with enums in the argument are ignored)." print "*** Solution: either use CINT or a C++ compiled version (see TMVA/macros or TMVA/examples)," print "*** or use another ROOT version (e.g., ROOT 5.19)." sys.exit(1) # Logon not automatically loaded through PyROOT (logon loads TMVA library) load also GUI gROOT.SetMacroPath("../macros/") gROOT.Macro("../macros/TMVAlogon.C") # Import TMVA classes from ROOT from ROOT import TMVA # Create the Reader object reader = TMVA.Reader("!Color") # Create a set of variables and declare them to the reader # - the variable names must corresponds in name and type to # those given in the weight file(s) that you use # what to do ??? var1 = array('f', [0]) var2 = array('f', [0]) var3 = array('f', [0]) var4 = array('f', [0]) reader.AddVariable("var1+var2", var1) reader.AddVariable("var1-var2", var2) reader.AddVariable("var3", var3) reader.AddVariable("var4", var4) # book the MVA methods dir = "weights/" prefix = "TMVAnalysis_" for m in mlist: reader.BookMVA(m + " method", dir + prefix + m + ".weights.txt") ####################################################################### # For an example how to apply your own plugin method, please see # TMVA/macros/TMVApplication.C ####################################################################### # Book output histograms nbin = 80 histList = [] for m in mlist: histList.append(TH1F(m, m, nbin, -3, 3)) # Book example histogram for probability (the other methods would be done similarly) if "Fisher" in mlist: probHistFi = TH1F("PROBA_MVA_Fisher", "PROBA_MVA_Fisher", nbin, 0, 1) rarityHistFi = TH1F("RARITY_MVA_Fisher", "RARITY_MVA_Fisher", nbin, 0, 1) # Prepare input tree (this must be replaced by your data source) # in this example, there is a toy tree with signal and one with background events # we'll later on use only the "signal" events for the test in this example. # fname = "./tmva_example.root" print "--- Accessing data file: %s" % fname input = TFile.Open(fname) if not input: print "ERROR: could not open data file: %s" % fname sys.exit(1) # # Prepare the analysis tree # - here the variable names have to corresponds to your tree # - you can use the same variables as above which is slightly faster, # but of course you can use different ones and copy the values inside the event loop # print "--- Select signal sample" theTree = input.Get("TreeS") userVar1 = array('f', [0]) userVar2 = array('f', [0]) theTree.SetBranchAddress("var1", userVar1) theTree.SetBranchAddress("var2", userVar2) theTree.SetBranchAddress("var3", var3) theTree.SetBranchAddress("var4", var4) # Efficiency calculator for cut method nSelCuts = 0 effS = 0.7 # Process the events print "--- Processing: %i events" % theTree.GetEntries() sw = TStopwatch() sw.Start() for ievt in range(theTree.GetEntries()): if ievt % 1000 == 0: print "--- ... Processing event: %i" % ievt # Fill event in memory theTree.GetEntry(ievt) # Compute MVA input variables var1[0] = userVar1[0] + userVar2[0] var2[0] = userVar1[0] - userVar2[0] # Return the MVAs and fill to histograms if "CutsGA" in mlist: passed = reader.EvaluateMVA("CutsGA method", effS) if passed: nSelCuts = nSelCuts + 1 # Fill histograms with MVA outputs for h in histList: h.Fill(reader.EvaluateMVA(h.GetName() + " method")) # Retrieve probability instead of MVA output if "Fisher" in mlist: probHistFi.Fill(reader.GetProba("Fisher method")) rarityHistFi.Fill(reader.GetRarity("Fisher method")) # Get elapsed time sw.Stop() print "--- End of event loop: %s" % sw.Print() # Return computed efficeincies if "CutsGA" in mlist: eff = float(nSelCuts) / theTree.GetEntries() deff = math.sqrt(eff * (1.0 - eff) / theTree.GetEntries()) print "--- Signal efficiency for Cuts method : %.5g +- %.5g (required was: %.5g)" % ( eff, deff, effS) # Test: retrieve cuts for particular signal efficiency mcuts = reader.FindMVA("CutsGA method") cutsMin = array('d', [0, 0, 0, 0]) cutsMax = array('d', [0, 0, 0, 0]) mcuts.GetCuts(0.7, cutsMin, cutsMax) print "--- -------------------------------------------------------------" print "--- Retrieve cut values for signal efficiency of 0.7 from Reader" for ivar in range(4): print "... Cut: %.5g < %s <= %.5g" % ( cutsMin[ivar], reader.GetVarName(ivar), cutsMax[ivar]) print "--- -------------------------------------------------------------" # # write histograms # target = TFile("TMVApp.root", "RECREATE") for h in histList: h.Write() # Write also probability hists if "Fisher" in mlist: probHistFi.Write() rarityHistFi.Write() target.Close() print "--- Created root file: \"TMVApp.root\" containing the MVA output histograms" print "==> TMVApplication is done!"
def inv1(x, b1): return tan(3*x*b1 + atan(a)) def inv2(x, b2): return rt*(-a*exp(x*b2/d) - a - rt*exp(x*b2/d) + rt)/(-a*exp(x*b2/d) + a - rt*exp(x*b2/d) -rt) print('Inv1: ', inv1(0, b1)) print('Inv2: ', inv2(0, b2)) def fncomposition(a, b, a1, a2, b1, b2): while (True): nr = gRandom.Uniform(0,1) nk = gRandom.Uniform(0,1) if nk < a1: return inv1(nr, b1) else: return inv2(nr, b2) c2 = ROOT.TCanvas("myCanvasName2","The Canvas Title", 1200, 500) h2 = TH1F("h2", "composition method", 50, -1, 1) sw = TStopwatch() sw.Start() for i in range(0, 10000): r = fncomposition(a, b, a1, a2, b1, b2) h2.Fill(r) sw.Stop() sw.Print() h2.Draw() h2.Fit(ff) c2.Draw() print('First moment: ', h2.GetMean()) print('Mean square: ', h2.GetStdDev())
muPhi_H = Handle("std::vector<float>") muPhi_L = ("muons", "muPhi") muEta_H = Handle("std::vector<float>") muEta_L = ("muons", "muEta") muE_H = Handle("std::vector<float>") muE_L = ("muons", "muE") muId_H = Handle("std::vector<unsigned>") muId_L = ("anamumu", "goodMuonsIdxs") muon_H = Handle("std::vector<vlq::Muon>") muon_L = ("anamumu", "goodMuons") #jets: # Keep some timing information nEventsAnalyzed = 0 timer = TStopwatch() timer.Start() # loop over events i = 0 for event in events: i = i + 1 if i % 1000 == 0: print("EVENT ", i) nEventsAnalyzed = nEventsAnalyzed + 1 # Get the objects if runTPrime: event.getByLabel(TTtoHtHt_L, TTtoHtHt_H) TTtoHtHt = TTtoHtHt_H.product()[0] event.getByLabel(TTtoHtZt_L, TTtoHtZt_H)
#_________________________________________________________________________________________ timer_Midpoint = TH1F("timer_Midpoint", "timer_Midpoint", maxnumberofsteps, minnumberofsteps, maxnumberofsteps) timer_Midpoint.SetLineColor(kBlue) timer_Midpoint.SetLineWidth(4) Integ_Midpoint = TH1F("Integ_Midpoint", "Integ_Midpoint", maxnumberofsteps, minnumberofsteps, maxnumberofsteps) Integ_Midpoint.SetLineColor(kBlue) Integ_Midpoint.SetLineWidth(6) Integ_Err_Midpoint = TH1F("Integ_Err_Midpoint", "Integ_Err_Midpoint", maxnumberofsteps, minnumberofsteps, maxnumberofsteps) Integ_Err_Midpoint.SetLineColor(kBlue) Integ_Err_Midpoint.SetLineWidth(3) timer_1 = TStopwatch() timer_Cpu_Midpoint = 0.0 Midpoint_stops_at_n = 0.0 old_integration_value = 0.0 first_time_flag = 0 for x in range(minnumberofsteps, maxnumberofsteps + 1): timer_1.Start() Integ_Midpoint.SetBinContent(x, MidPointIntegral( a, b, x, func)) # Set the value of the integral as a function of the steps x y = old_integration_value - 1.0 * MidPointIntegral( a, b, x, func) # Calculate Delta I y = 1.0 * abs(y) / MidPointIntegral(a, b, x, func) # Calculate Delta I/I Integ_Err_Midpoint.SetBinContent( x, y) # Set the Error histogram equal to Delta I / I
MakeCondorSubmitFile(arguments, dataset) cmd = "condor_submit condor/" + arguments.condorDir + "/" + dataset + "/condorBNTree.sub" os.system(cmd) print "Submitting job: %s " % cmd print "Once condor jobs have finished, merge the composite datasets and then make plots with:" if arguments.splitCondorJobs: print " -q -l " + arguments.localConfig + " -c " + arguments.condorDir else: print " -q -l " + arguments.localConfig + " -c " + arguments.condorDir print " -l " + arguments.localConfig + " -c " + arguments.condorDir return watch = TStopwatch() watch1 = TStopwatch() parser = OptionParser() parser = set_commandline_arguments(parser) ### Only used by (maybe move to another file?) parser.remove_option("-p") parser.add_option( "-D", "--dataset", dest="datasetName", help="Name of dataset (overrides value from local configuration file)") parser.add_option("-C", "--runOnCondor", action="store_true",
help="verbose output") parser.add_option("-T", "--ttree", action="store_true", dest="ttree", default=False, help="apply weights to TTree objects as well as histograms") (arguments, args) = parser.parse_args() if arguments.localConfig: sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) exec("from " + re.sub(r".py$", r"", arguments.localConfig) + " import *") from ROOT import TFile, TH1D, TStopwatch sw = TStopwatch() sw.Start() condor_dir = set_condor_output_dir(arguments) if arguments.singleDataset: # Only run over a single dataset datasets = [arguments.singleDataset] #save a list of composite datasets composite_datasets = get_composite_datasets(datasets, composite_dataset_definitions) #save a list of datasets with composite datasets split up split_datasets = split_composite_datasets(datasets, composite_dataset_definitions)
def submitArrayToBatch(self, scripts, arrayscriptpath, jobid=None): ''' submits given scripts as array to batch system scripts: scripts to be submitted as array arrayscriptpath: path to generated array file jobid: newly created array job waits for the jobs given in jobid (as a list of ids) before executing returns jobid of array as list ''' submitclock = TStopwatch() submitclock.Start() arrayscriptpath = os.path.abspath(arrayscriptpath) logdir = os.path.dirname(arrayscriptpath) + "/logs" print "will save logs in", logdir # if os.path.exists(logdir): # print "emptying directory", logdir # shutil.rmtree(logdir) # os.makedirs(logdir) if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir) # write array script nscripts = len(scripts) tasknumberstring = '1-' + str(nscripts) arrayscriptpath = self.writeArrayCode(scripts=scripts, arrayPath=arrayscriptpath, logdir=logdir) # prepate submit if self.jobmode == "HTC": print 'writing code for condor_submit-script' hold = True if jobid else False submitPath = self.writeSubmitCode(arrayscriptpath, logdir, hold=hold, isArray=True, nscripts=nscripts) print 'submitting', submitPath command = self.subname + " -terse " + submitPath command = command.split() else: print 'submitting', arrayscriptpath command = self.construct_array_submit() if not command: print "could not generate array submit command" return command.append('-t') command.append(tasknumberstring) if jobid: command.append("-hold_jid") command.append(str(jobid)) command.append(arrayscriptpath) # submitting print "command:", command a = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) output = a.communicate()[0] jobidstring = output if len(jobidstring) < 2: sys.exit("something did not work with submitting the array job") # extracting jobid try: jobidint = int(output.split(".")[0]) except: sys.exit( "something went wrong with calling condor_submit command, submission of jobs was not succesfull" ) submittime = submitclock.RealTime() print "submitted job", jobidint, " in ", submittime if hold: self.setupRelease(jobid, jobidint) return [jobidint]