def test_02_empty_localdirpath(self): driver1 = self.driver1 memory = "60" core = "90" myurl = Myurl(self.driver1) myurl.access_url() #self.driver1.get("") sleep(2) cookies = pickle.load(open("cookies.pkl", "rb")) # print("get cookie vlaues ", cookies) sleep(1) for cookie_dict in cookies: driver1.add_cookie(cookie_dict) # print("this is for loop") #self.driver1.get("") myurl.acces_user() raptui = RaptUi(driver1) raptui.T_Flow() print("Selected Tensorflow") sleep(1) # tensorflow.inception() inception = self.driver1.find_element_by_xpath( "//*[@class='card-body text-center font-weight-normal btnNext']") # inception = self.driver1.find_elements_by_xpath("(//*[@class='card border border-primary'])[0]") sleep(1) raptui.Localfolder() path = "" sleep(1) raptui.set_localpath(path) sleep(1) print("Your given path ", path) raptui.Gpu() sleep(1) raptui.Auto() sleep(1) print("Your selected Auto") raptui.Setupbtn() sleep(5) # -------- Alert start ---------------- # Switch the control to the Alert window obj = driver1.switch_to.alert sleep(2) # Retrieve the message on the Alert window msg = obj.text print("Alert shows following message: " + msg) sleep(2) # use the accept() method to accept the alert obj.accept() sleep(5) # ------------ Alert end ------------- try: pass except Exception as e: print("Exception Occurred :" + str(e))
def test_04_empty_s3_bucket_name(self): driver1 = self.driver1 myurl = Myurl(self.driver1) myurl.access_url() #self.driver1.get("") sleep(2) cookies = pickle.load(open("cookies.pkl", "rb")) # print("get cookie vlaues ", cookies) sleep(1) for cookie_dict in cookies: driver1.add_cookie(cookie_dict) # print("this is for loop") #self.driver1.get("") myurl.acces_user() raptui = RaptUi(driver1) raptui.T_Flow() print("Selected Tensorflow") sleep(1) # tensorflow.inception() inception = self.driver1.find_element_by_xpath( "//*[@class='card-body text-center font-weight-normal btnNext']") # inception = self.driver1.find_elements_by_xpath("(//*[@class='card border border-primary'])[0]") sleep(1) print("Selected Inception") raptui.S3() print("S3 Selected") bktname = "" bktkeys = "AKIAITOV7UZRONOPBIHA:PmlQsH2tg7+7jexDMPzN0VGat/9VPa6BIapcAPYe" raptui.Becket_name(bktname) sleep(1) raptui.Becket_keys(bktkeys) sleep(1) raptui.Gpu() sleep(1) raptui.Auto() sleep(1) print("Your selected Auto") raptui.Setupbtn() sleep(2) #-------- Alert start ---------------- # Switch the control to the Alert window obj = driver1.switch_to.alert sleep(2) # Retrieve the message on the Alert window msg = obj.text print("Alert shows following message: " + msg) sleep(2) # use the accept() method to accept the alert obj.accept() sleep(5) # ------------ Alert end ------------- try: pass except Exception as e: print("Exception Occurred :" + str(e))
def test_13_Invalid_Nfs_Path(self): driver1 = self.driver1 memory = "60" core = "90" myurl = Myurl(self.driver1) myurl.access_url() # self.driver1.get("") sleep(2) cookies = pickle.load(open("cookies.pkl", "rb")) # print("get cookie vlaues ", cookies) sleep(1) for cookie_dict in cookies: driver1.add_cookie(cookie_dict) # print("this is for loop") # self.driver1.get("") myurl.acces_user() raptui = RaptUi(driver1) raptui.T_Flow() print("Selected Tensorflow") sleep(1) # tensorflow.inception() inception = self.driver1.find_element_by_xpath( "//*[@class='card-body text-center font-weight-normal btnNext']") # inception = self.driver1.find_elements_by_xpath("(//*[@class='card border border-primary'])[0]") sleep(1) raptui.Nfs() sysip = "" exppath = "/home/ubuntu/tensorflow-UI" path = "/home/ubuntu/tensorflow" print("Nfs selected") raptui.NfsSysIp(sysip) sleep(1) raptui.NfsPath(path) sleep(1) raptui.Gpu() sleep(1) raptui.Auto() sleep(1) print("Your selected Auto") raptui.Setupbtn() sleep(3) self.assertEqual(exppath, path, "Invalid NFS Path") try: pass except Exception as e: print("Exception Occurred :" + str(e))
def test_07_invalid_s3_bucket_keys(self): driver1 = self.driver1 myurl = Myurl(self.driver1) myurl.access_url() #self.driver1.get("") sleep(2) cookies = pickle.load(open("cookies.pkl", "rb")) # print("get cookie vlaues ", cookies) sleep(1) for cookie_dict in cookies: driver1.add_cookie(cookie_dict) # print("this is for loop") #self.driver1.get("") myurl.acces_user() raptui = RaptUi(driver1) raptui.T_Flow() print("Selected Tensorflow") sleep(1) # tensorflow.inception() inception = self.driver1.find_element_by_xpath( "//*[@class='card-body text-center font-weight-normal btnNext']") # inception = self.driver1.find_elements_by_xpath("(//*[@class='card border border-primary'])[0]") sleep(1) print("Selected Inception") raptui.S3() print("S3 Selected") bktname = "rapt-data-bucket" bktkeys = "23434ljjljfd3343434lkjjkjfdkj43" raptui.Becket_name(bktname) sleep(1) raptui.Becket_keys(bktkeys) sleep(1) raptui.Gpu() sleep(1) raptui.Auto() sleep(1) print("Your selected Auto") raptui.Setupbtn() sleep(3) expbktkeys = "AKIAITOV7UZRONOPBIHA:PmlQsH2tg7+7jexDMPzN0VGat/9VPa6BIapcAPYe" self.assertEqual(expbktkeys, bktkeys, "Invalid bucket keys") try: pass except Exception as e: print("Exception Occurred :" + str(e))
def test_09_Valid_Nfs(self): driver1 = self.driver1 sysip = "" myurl = Myurl(self.driver1) myurl.access_url() #self.driver1.get("") sleep(2) cookies = pickle.load(open("cookies.pkl", "rb")) # print("get cookie vlaues ", cookies) sleep(1) for cookie_dict in cookies: driver1.add_cookie(cookie_dict) # print("this is for loop") #self.driver1.get("") myurl.acces_user() raptui = RaptUi(driver1) raptui.T_Flow() print("Selected Tensorflow") sleep(1) # tensorflow.inception() inception = self.driver1.find_element_by_xpath( "//*[@class='card-body text-center font-weight-normal btnNext']") # inception = self.driver1.find_elements_by_xpath("(//*[@class='card border border-primary'])[0]") sleep(1) raptui.Nfs() path = "/home/ubuntu/tensorflow-UI" print("Nfs selected") raptui.NfsSysIp(sysip) sleep(1) raptui.NfsPath(path) sleep(1) raptui.Gpu() sleep(1) raptui.Auto() sleep(1) print("Your selected Auto") raptui.Setupbtn() sleep(23) traindir = self.driver1.find_element(By.ID, 'traindirectory') trdirectory = Select(traindir) trdirectory.select_by_visible_text("Mnist_classification") sleep(2) trinfile = self.driver1.find_element(By.ID, 'file_name') trfile = Select(trinfile) trfile.select_by_visible_text("") sleep(2) raptui.Train() sleep(2) # textpath = self.driver1.find_element_by_id("textVal") # textpath.clear() # flowerpath = "python /s3mount/tensorflow-UI-less/training/flower_classification/ --model_dir=/s3mount/tensorflow-UI-less/inception --image_dir /s3mount/tensorflow-UI-less/datasets/flower_photos --bottleneck_dir=/s3mount/tensorflow-UI-less/datasets/bottlenecks-new --how_many_training_steps 50" # textpath.send_keys(flowerpath) sleep(2) raptui.TrainButton() sleep(30) gpuTime = driver1.find_elements_by_id("gputime") for GpuUsage in gpuTime: assert isinstance(GpuUsage.text, object) print("Gpu Usage : ", str(GpuUsage.text)) sleep(30) # --------Elapsed Time ------------------- myElem = self.driver1.find_element_by_id("elapsedTime") sleep(2) assert isinstance(myElem.text, object) print("Mnist Auto -", str(myElem.text)) try: pass except Exception as e: print("Exception Occurred :" + str(e))
def test_01_Invalid_localdirpath(self): driver1 = self.driver1 memory = "60" core = "90" myurl = Myurl(self.driver1) myurl.access_url() sleep(2) cookies = pickle.load(open("cookies.pkl", "rb")) # print("get cookie vlaues ", cookies) sleep(1) for cookie_dict in cookies: driver1.add_cookie(cookie_dict) # print("this is for loop") #self.driver1.get("") myurl.acces_user() raptui = RaptUi(driver1) raptui.T_Flow() print("Selected Tensorflow") sleep(1) # tensorflow.inception() inception = self.driver1.find_element_by_xpath( "//*[@class='card-body text-center font-weight-normal btnNext']") # inception = self.driver1.find_elements_by_xpath("(//*[@class='card border border-primary'])[0]") sleep(1) raptui.Localfolder() path = "/mnt/rapt/tensorflow" exppath = "/mnt/rapt/tensorflow-UI" sleep(1) raptui.set_localpath(path) sleep(1) print("Your given path ", path) self.assertEqual(exppath, path, "Invalid local directory path") raptui.Gpu() sleep(1) raptui.Auto() sleep(1) print("Your selected Auto") memoryper = self.driver1.find_element(By.ID, 'gpupercent0') memoryper.send_keys(memory) sleep(2) print("Memory percentage :", memory) coreper = self.driver1.find_element(By.ID, 'gpuvalue0') coreper.send_keys(core) sleep(2) print("Core percentage :", core) raptui.Setupbtn() sleep(5) # -------- Alert start ---------------- # Switch the control to the Alert window obj = driver1.switch_to.alert sleep(2) # Retrieve the message on the Alert window msg = obj.text print("Alert shows following message: " + msg) sleep(2) # use the accept() method to accept the alert obj.accept() sleep(5) # ------------ Alert end ------------- try: pass except Exception as e: print("Exception Occurred :" + str(e))