_fy = []
_fz = []
_c = []
_xMap = []
_yMap = []
_zMap = []
#the preceding variables are there for maintaining history and visual representation only

if (param.DEBUG==1):
    ts = time.time()
    print "System started at {}" .format(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))

for i in range(param.GT_START_INDEX,param.GT_END_INDEX):  # !...to replace this loop by something else in an online system...!
    imageName1 = rd.readFrameStatic(i,param.PATH)
    imageName2 = rd.readFrameStatic(i+1,param.PATH)
    IMG1 = param.PATH + imageName1
    IMG2 = param.PATH + imageName2
    OptFlow = OpticalFlow(IMG1,IMG2,0)
    features = OptFlow.computeFlow(param.FEATURE_SIZE)              #Features of IMG1
    prevFeatures= OptFlow.prevFeatures                              #Features of IMG2
    featureSize = len(features)
    prevFeatureSize = len(prevFeatures)
    if(featureSize == prevFeatureSize):
        count = 0