def hours():
    name = str(request.get_cookie("name"))
    start = str(request.get_cookie("start"))

    # try to open file with user's name and retrieve data
    filePath = hoursDir + "/" + name
    # for each record, create a new Record object and add to list to pass to template
    # list of records as [obj]
    records = Record.parseRecordsFromFile(filePath)

    # DEBUG
    for r in records:

    # if file doesn't exist, nullify cookies and proceed
    if not records:
        name = ""
        start = ""

    return template('hours', records=records, name=name, start=start)
def hours_post():

    # name of user
    name = request.forms.get("name").strip()

    # index for inserting new Record into the list of records
    index = int(request.forms.get("insert").strip())

    filePath = hoursDir + "/" + name

    # parses form data and returns a Record obj
    new_record = Record.getRecordFromHTML(request)


    # reads and parses Records on file
    records = Record.parseRecordsFromFile(filePath)


    # if the cookie is set, the user has pulled any existing files
    # if there are no existing files, the cookie will be null
    records_pulled = request.get_cookie("name")

    if records and not records_pulled:
        # append to the end of unpulled existing records
        # prevents adding to the beginning of an unexpected list
        print("Appending to list")
        print("Inserting in list at index:", index)
        # insert new record at index provided from template form
        records.insert(index, new_record)
        Record.adjustAdjacentRecords(records, index)

    #for i in range(len(records)):
    #	Record.adjustAdjacentRecords(records, i)

    # write back updated list
    Record.writeRecords(filePath, records)

    response.set_cookie("name", name)
    #response.set_cookie("start", end) # end of record becomes start of next record
