文件: Migrate.py 项目: 4pr0n/spambot
# Login to reddit
print '[ ] logging in to reddit'
username = db.get_config('reddit_user')
password = db.get_config('reddit_pw')
if username == None or password == None:
	print '[!] "reddit_user" or "reddit_pw" were not found in "config" table in database'
Reddit.login(username, password)

print '[ ] executing AmArch.py functionality...'
def log(txt): print txt
AmArch.execute(db, log)

# MODERATED SUBS (real-time)
print '[ ] finding modded subs...'
current = Reddit.get_modded_subreddits()
print '[ ] found %d subs modded by /u/%s' % (len(current), username)

# remove subs that should be ignored
to_ignore = db.get_config('ignore_subreddits')
if to_ignore != None:
	for ignore in to_ignore.split(','):
		if ignore in current:
			print '[-] removing ignored subreddit: %s' % ignore
# Remove subs from db that we no longer moderate
existing = []
for (sub, ) in db.select('subreddit', 'subs_mod'):
	if not sub in current:
		print '[-] subs_mod: deleting existing sub (no longer a mod): %s' % sub
		db.delete('subs_mod', 'subreddit = ?', [sub])