def saveDict(self): sd = dict() sd['ID'] = self.ID sd['numSamples'] = self.numSamples sd['origNumSamples'] = self.origNumSamples sd['numSamplesAdded'] = self.numSamplesAdded sd['fromFile'] = self.fromFile sd['sampleMethod'] = SamplingMethods.getPsuadeName(self.sampleMethod) sd['model'] = self.model.saveDict() if isinstance(self.inputData, numpy.ndarray): sd['inputData'] = self.inputData.tolist() else: sd['inputData'] = self.inputData if isinstance(self.outputData, numpy.ndarray): sd['outputData'] = self.outputData.tolist() else: sd['outputData'] = self.outputData sd['runState'] = self.runState.tolist() sd['legendreOrder'] = self.legendreOrder sd['fromFile'] = self.fromFile sd['sampleRSType'] = ResponseSurfaces.getPsuadeName(self.sampleRSType) sd["turbineJobIds"] = self.turbineJobIds sd["turbineSession"] = self.turbineSession sd["turbineResub"] = self.turbineResub sd['analyses'] = [] for analysis in self.analyses: sd['analyses'].append(analysis.saveDict()) return sd
def getAdditionalInfo(self): info = OrderedDict() if not isinstance(self.responseSurface, (tuple, list)): rs = ResponseSurfaces.getEnumValue(self.responseSurface) if rs == ResponseSurfaces.LEGENDRE: if self.rsOptions is not None: if isinstance(self.rsOptions, dict): info['Legendre Polynomial Order'] = self.rsOptions[ 'legendreOrder'] else: info['Legendre Poynomial Order'] = self.rsOptions elif rs in [ResponseSurfaces.MARS, ResponseSurfaces.MARSBAG]: #MARS if self.rsOptions is not None: info['Number of MARS basis functions'] = self.rsOptions[ 'marsBases'] info['MARS degree of interaction'] = self.rsOptions[ 'marsInteractions'] elif rs == ResponseSurfaces.USER: if self.userRegressionFile is not None: info['User Regression File'] = os.path.basename( self.userRegressionFile) # xprior info if self.xprior is not None: info['xprior'] = self.xprior return info
def showResults(self): rsIndex = ResponseSurfaces.getEnumValue(self.responseSurface) userMethod = (rsIndex == ResponseSurfaces.USER) if userMethod: mfile = 'RSTest_hs.m' else: mfile = 'RSFA_CV_err.m' self.restoreFromArchive(mfile) RSAnalyzer.plotValidate(self.ensemble, self.outputs[0], self.responseSurface, userMethod, mfile)
def analyze(self): data = self.ensemble fnameRS = Common.getLocalFileName(RSAnalyzer.dname, data.getModelName().split()[0], '.rsdat') index = ResponseSurfaces.getEnumValue(self.responseSurface) fixedAsVariables = index == ResponseSurfaces.USER data.writeToPsuade(fnameRS, fixedAsVariables=fixedAsVariables) cmd = RSSensitivityAnalysis.psuadeNames[self.subType] mfile = RSAnalyzer.performSA(fnameRS, self.outputs[0], cmd, self.showErrorBars, self.responseSurface, self.rsOptions, self.userRegressionFile, self.xprior) if mfile is not None: self.archiveFile(mfile) return mfile
def analyze(self): fname = Common.getLocalFileName( RSInferencer.dname, self.ensemble.getModelName().split()[0], '.dat') fixedAsVariables = ResponseSurfaces.USER in [ ResponseSurfaces.getEnumValue(rs) for rs in self.responseSurface ] self.ensemble.writeToPsuade(fname, fixedAsVariables=fixedAsVariables) self.inferencer.infer(fname, self.ytable, self.xtable, self.obsTable, genPostSample=self.genPostSample, addDisc=self.addDisc, show=self.showList, endFunction=self.newEndFunction, disableWhilePlotting=self.disableWhilePlotting, userRegressionFile=self.userRegressionFile)
def analyze(self): data = self.ensemble fname = Common.getLocalFileName(RSAnalyzer.dname, data.getModelName().split()[0], '.dat') index = ResponseSurfaces.getEnumValue(self.responseSurface) fixedAsVariables = index == ResponseSurfaces.USER data.writeToPsuade(fname, fixedAsVariables=fixedAsVariables) mfile = RSAnalyzer.validateRS(fname, self.outputs[0], self.responseSurface, self.rsOptions, self.genCodeFile, self.nCV, self.userRegressionFile, self.testFile) if mfile is None: return None mfile = mfile[0] self.archiveFile(mfile) return mfile
def analyze(self): Common.initFolder(Visualizer.dname) data = self.ensemble data = data.getValidSamples( ) # filter out samples that have no output results fname = Common.getLocalFileName(Visualizer.dname, data.getModelName().split()[0], '.dat') index = ResponseSurfaces.getEnumValue(self.responseSurface) fixedAsVariables = index == ResponseSurfaces.USER data.writeToPsuade(fname, fixedAsVariables=fixedAsVariables) rsdim = len(self.inputs) inNames = data.getInputNames() plotInNames = [inNames[i - 1] for i in self.inputs] if self.legendreOrder is not None: mfile = Visualizer.showRS( fname, self.outputs[0], plotInNames, rsdim, self.responseSurface, vmin=self.minVal, vmax=self.maxVal, rsOptions=self.rsOptions, userRegressionFile=self.userRegressionFile) else: mfile = Visualizer.showRS( fname, self.outputs[0], plotInNames, rsdim, self.responseSurface, vmin=self.minVal, vmax=self.maxVal, userRegressionFile=self.userRegressionFile) if mfile is not None: self.archiveFile(mfile) return mfile
def analyze(self): data = self.ensemble fnameRS = Common.getLocalFileName(RSAnalyzer.dname, data.getModelName().split()[0], '.rsdat') index = ResponseSurfaces.getEnumValue(self.responseSurface) fixedAsVariables = index == ResponseSurfaces.USER data.writeToPsuade(fnameRS, fixedAsVariables=fixedAsVariables) if self.subType == RSUncertaintyAnalysis.ALEATORY_ONLY: (sfile, mfile) = RSAnalyzer.performUA(fnameRS, self.outputs[0], self.responseSurface, self.rsOptions, self.userRegressionFile, self.xprior) self.archiveFile(sfile) else: mfile = RSAnalyzer.performAEUA(fnameRS, self.outputs[0], self.responseSurface, self.rsOptions, self.userRegressionFile, self.xprior) if mfile is not None: self.archiveFile(mfile) return mfile
def readSampleFromPsuadeFile(fileName, returnModelOnly = False): f = open(fileName, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() model = Model() path, fname = os.path.split(fileName) # exclude path from file name model.setName(fname) namesIncludeNodes = False hasSampleData = False readData = False readInputs = False readOutputs = False numInputs = None driverName = None optDriverName = None auxDriverName = None sampleType = None legendreOrder = None sampleMethod = None inputData = None outputData = None runState = None inputNames = [] outputNames = [] inputTypes = [] inputMins = [] inputMaxs = [] inputDefaults = [] inputDists = [] inputDistParam1s = [] inputDistParam2s = [] for line in lines: if line[0] == '#' and 'NAMESHAVENODES' in line: namesIncludeNodes = True if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != '#': #Not comment if line.startswith('PSUADE_IO'): readData = not readData hasSampleData = True elif line.startswith('INPUT'): readInputs = True elif line.startswith('OUTPUT'): readOutputs = True elif line.startswith('END'): if readInputs: readInputs = False elif readOutputs: readOutputs = False elif readData: # Read samples if numInputs is None: #Have not read number of inputs nums = line.split() numInputs = int(nums[0]) numOutputs = int(nums[1]) numSamples = int(nums[2]) runState = [False]*numSamples inputData = [0]*numSamples outputData = [0]*numSamples readSampleData = False elif not readSampleData: # Sample number and run state nums = line.split() sampleNum = int(nums[0]) - 1 runState[sampleNum] = bool(int(nums[1])) readSampleData = True numValuesRead = 0 sampleInputs = [0] * numInputs sampleOutputs = [0] * numOutputs else: if numValuesRead < numInputs: #Input value if line.strip() in ['9.9999999999999997e+34', '9.9999999999999997e+034']: line = 'nan' sampleInputs[numValuesRead] = float(line) numValuesRead = numValuesRead + 1 else: #Output value if line.strip() in ['9.9999999999999997e+34', '9.9999999999999997e+034']: line = 'nan' sampleOutputs[numValuesRead - numInputs] = float(line) numValuesRead = numValuesRead + 1 if numValuesRead - numInputs == numOutputs: inputData[sampleNum] = sampleInputs outputData[sampleNum] = sampleOutputs readSampleData = False elif readInputs: # Read inputs stripped = line.strip() values = stripped.split() if values[0] == 'variable': # Variable name min max inputNames = inputNames + [values[2]] inputTypes = inputTypes + [Model.VARIABLE] inputMins = inputMins + [float(values[4])] inputMaxs = inputMaxs + [float(values[5])] inputDefaults = inputDefaults + [(float(values[4]) + float(values[5])) / 2] inputDists = inputDists + ['U'] inputDistParam1s = inputDistParam1s + [None] inputDistParam2s = inputDistParam2s + [None] elif values[0] == 'fixed': # Fixed variable inputNames = inputNames + [values[2]] inputTypes = inputTypes + [Model.FIXED] fixedVal = float(values[4]) inputMins = inputMins + [fixedVal] inputMaxs = inputMaxs + [fixedVal] inputDefaults = inputDefaults + [fixedVal] inputDists = inputDists + ['U'] inputDistParam1s = inputDistParam1s + [None] inputDistParam2s = inputDistParam2s + [None] # Insert input values if hasSampleData: for i in xrange(len(inputData)): inputRow = inputData[i] inputRow.insert(len(inputNames) - 1, fixedVal) inputData[i] = inputRow elif values[0] == 'PDF': # Distribution index = int(values[1]) - 1 inputDists[index] = values[2] if len(values) > 3: if values[2] == Distribution.getPsuadeName(Distribution.SAMPLE): inputDistParam1s[index] = values[3] else: inputDistParam1s[index] = float(values[3]) if len(values) > 4: inputDistParam2s[index] = float(values[4]) elif readOutputs: # Read outputs stripped = line.strip() # Variable name if stripped.startswith('variable'): values = stripped.split() outputNames = outputNames + [values[2]] else: stripped = line.strip() values = stripped.split() if values[0] == 'sampling': #Sampling method sampleMethod = values[2] elif values[0] == 'driver': #Driver if values[2] == 'NONE': values[2] = None driverName = values[2] if values[2] is not None and values[2] != 'PSUADE_LOCAL' and not os.path.exists(driverName): # Check if driver exists in same directory as this file if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, driverName)): driverName = os.path.join(path, driverName) else: # Don't set the name because the file does not exist driverName = None elif values[0] == 'opt_driver': #Optimization driver if values[2] == 'NONE': values[2] = None optDriverName = values[2] if values[2] is not None and values[2] != 'PSUADE_LOCAL' and not os.path.exists(optDriverName): # Check if driver exists in same directory as this file if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, optDriverName)): optDriverName = os.path.join(path, optDriverName) else: # Don't set the name because the file does not exist optDriverName = None elif values[0] == 'aux_opt_driver': #Batch simulation driver if values[2] == 'NONE': values[2] = None auxDriverName = values[2] if values[2] is not None and not os.path.exists(auxDriverName): # Check if driver exists in same directory as this file if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, auxDriverName)): auxDriverName = os.path.join(path, auxDriverName) else: # Don't set the name because the file does not exist auxDriverName = None elif values[0] == 'num_samples': #Number of samples numSamples = int(values[2]) elif values[0] == 'analyzer': # Analysis values if values[1] == 'rstype': sampleType = values[3] sampleType = ResponseSurfaces.getEnumValue(sampleType) elif values[1] == 'rs_legendre_order': legendreOrder = int(values[3]) model.setInputNames(inputNames) model.setOutputNames(outputNames) model.setNamesIncludeNodes(namesIncludeNodes) model.setInputTypes(inputTypes) model.setInputMins(inputMins) model.setInputMaxs(inputMaxs) model.setInputDefaults(inputDefaults) model.setSelectedOutputs(range(len(outputNames))) model.setDriverName(driverName) model.setOptDriverName(optDriverName) model.setAuxDriverName(auxDriverName) model.setRunType(Model.LOCAL) ## print model.getInputNames() ## print model.getOutputNames() ## print model.getInputDistributions() ## print model.getNumSamples() ## print model.getNumInputs() ## print model.getNumOutputs() ## print model.getInputMins() ## print model.getInputMaxs() ## from SamplingMethods import SamplingMethods ## print SamplingMethods.getFullName(model.getSampleMethod()) ## print model.getDriver() if returnModelOnly: return model data = SampleData(model) data.setFromFile(True) data.setNumSamples(numSamples) if sampleMethod is None: data.setSampleMethod(SamplingMethods.MC) else: data.setSampleMethod(sampleMethod) data.setInputDistributions(inputDists, inputDistParam1s, inputDistParam2s) data.setSampleRSType(sampleType) data.setLegendreOrder(legendreOrder) if inputData: data.setInputData(inputData) if outputData: data.setOutputData(outputData) if runState: data.setRunState(runState) return data
def writeToPsuade(self, filename, fixedAsVariables=False): outf = open(filename, 'w') if self.getNamesIncludeNodes(): outf.write('# NAMESHAVENODES\n') outf.write('PSUADE_IO (Note : inputs not true inputs if pdf ~=U)\n') types = self.getInputTypes() if fixedAsVariables: numInputs = self.getNumInputs() else: numInputs = types.count(Model.VARIABLE) outf.write('%d %d %d\n' % (numInputs, self.getNumOutputs(), self.getNumSamples())) #Write out data hasOutputData = False if self.outputData is not None: if isinstance(self.outputData, numpy.ndarray): if self.outputData.size > 0: hasOutputData = True elif self.outputData: if isinstance(self.outputData[0], list) and len( self.outputData[0]) == 0: hasOutputData = False else: hasOutputData = True for i in xrange(self.getNumSamples()): outf.write('%d %d\n' % (i + 1, self.runState[i])) for j in xrange(self.getNumInputs()): if types[j] == Model.VARIABLE or fixedAsVariables: outf.write(' % .16e\n' % self.inputData[i][j]) for j in xrange(self.getNumOutputs()): if hasOutputData and not numpy.isnan(self.outputData[i][j]): outf.write(' % .16e\n' % self.outputData[i][j]) else: outf.write(' 9.9999999999999997e+34\n') outf.write('PSUADE_IO\n') outf.write('PSUADE\n') #Write inputs outf.write('INPUT\n') numFixed = self.getNumInputs() - numInputs if numFixed > 0: outf.write(' num_fixed %d\n' % numFixed) #outf.write(' dimension = %d\n' % self.getNumInputs()) outf.write(' dimension = %d\n' % numInputs) names = self.getInputNames() mins = self.getInputMins() maxs = self.getInputMaxs() defaults = self.getInputDefaults() distributions = self.getInputDistributions() if not distributions or len(distributions) == 0: self.setInputDistributions([Distribution.UNIFORM] * self.getNumInputs()) distributions = self.getInputDistributions() self.setInputDistributions([]) fixedIndex = 1 variableIndex = 1 for name, minimum, maximum, inType, dist, default in map( None, names, mins, maxs, types, distributions, defaults): if not fixedAsVariables and inType == Model.FIXED: outf.write(' fixed %d %s = % .16e\n' % (fixedIndex, name, default)) fixedIndex = fixedIndex + 1 else: outf.write(' variable %d %s = % .16e % .16e\n' % (variableIndex, name, minimum, maximum)) if dist is not None: distType = dist.getDistributionType() distParams = dist.getParameterValues() if distType != Distribution.UNIFORM: outf.write(' PDF %d %c' % (variableIndex, Distribution.getPsuadeName(distType))) if distType == Distribution.SAMPLE: fileString = distParams[0] import platform if platform.system() == 'Windows': import win32api fileString = win32api.GetShortPathName( fileString) outf.write(' %s %d' % (fileString, distParams[1])) else: if distParams[0] is not None: outf.write(' % .16e' % distParams[0]) if distParams[1] is not None: outf.write(' % .16e' % distParams[1]) outf.write('\n') variableIndex = variableIndex + 1 outf.write('END\n') #Write outputs outf.write('OUTPUT\n') outf.write(' dimension = %d\n' % self.getNumOutputs()) names = self.getOutputNames() indices = range(self.getNumOutputs()) for i, name in zip(indices, names): outf.write(' variable %d %s\n' % (i + 1, name)) outf.write('END\n') #Write Method outf.write('METHOD\n') if self.getSampleMethod() != None: outf.write(' sampling = %s\n' % SamplingMethods.getPsuadeName(self.getSampleMethod())) outf.write(' num_samples = %d\n' % self.getNumSamples()) outf.write(' num_replications = 1\n') outf.write(' num_refinements = 0\n') outf.write(' refinement_size = 10000000\n') outf.write(' reference_num_refinements = 0\n') outf.write('END\n') #Write Application outf.write('APPLICATION\n') driverString = self.getDriverName() if driverString is None or not os.path.exists(driverString): driverString = 'NONE' else: import platform if platform.system() == 'Windows': import win32api driverString = win32api.GetShortPathName(driverString) outf.write(' driver = %s\n' % driverString) driverString = self.getOptDriverName() if driverString != 'PSUADE_LOCAL': if driverString is None or not os.path.exists(driverString): driverString = 'NONE' else: import platform if platform.system() == 'Windows': import win32api driverString = win32api.GetShortPathName(driverString) outf.write(' opt_driver = %s\n' % driverString) driverString = self.getEnsembleOptDriverName() if driverString != 'PSUADE_LOCAL': if driverString is None or not os.path.exists(driverString): driverString = 'NONE' else: import platform if platform.system() == 'Windows': import win32api driverString = win32api.GetShortPathName(driverString) outf.write(' ensemble_opt_driver = %s\n' % driverString) driverString = self.getAuxDriverName() if driverString is None or not os.path.exists(driverString): driverString = 'NONE' else: import platform if platform.system() == 'Windows': import win32api driverString = win32api.GetShortPathName(driverString) outf.write(' aux_opt_driver = %s\n' % driverString) outf.write(' max_job_wait_time = 1000000\n') outf.write(' save_frequency = 1\n') outf.write('END\n') #Write Analysis outf.write('ANALYSIS\n') outf.write(' analyzer output_id = 1\n') rs = self.getSampleRSType() if rs == None: rs = 'MARS' else: rs = ResponseSurfaces.getPsuadeName(rs) outf.write(' analyzer rstype = %s\n' % rs) order = self.getLegendreOrder() if order is not None: outf.write(' analyzer rs_legendre_order = %d\n' % self.getLegendreOrder()) outf.write(' analyzer threshold = 1.000000e+00\n') outf.write(' diagnostics 1\n') outf.write('END\n') outf.write('END\n') outf.close()
def setSampleRSType(self, RSType): # print RSType if isinstance(RSType, str): self.sampleRSType = ResponseSurfaces.getEnumValue(RSType) else: self.sampleRSType = RSType
def loadDict(self, sd): self.model = Model() try: self.model.loadDict(sd['model']) except: pass self.setID(sd.get('ID', '')) self.setNumSamples(sd.get('numSamples', 0)) self.origNumSamples = sd.get('origNumSamples', self.getNumSamples()) self.setNumSamplesAdded(sd.get('numSamplesAdded', 0)) self.setFromFile(sd.get('fromFile', False)) self.setSampleMethod(sd.get('sampleMethod', None)) self.setInputData(sd.get('inputData', None)) self.setOutputData(sd.get('outputData', None)) self.setRunState(sd.get('runState', None)) self.legendreOrder = sd.get('legendreOrder', None) self.fromFile = sd.get('fromFile', False) self.sampleRSType = ResponseSurfaces.getEnumValue( sd.get('sampleRSType')) self.turbineJobIds = sd.get("turbineJobIds", []) self.turbineSession = sd.get("turbineSession", None) self.turbineResub = sd.get("turbineResub", []) inputDists = [] if 'inputDists' in sd: for distDict in sd['inputDists']: distr = Distribution(Distribution.UNIFORM) distr.loadDict(distDict) inputDists.append(distr) self.setInputDistributions(inputDists) self.analyses = [] if 'analyses' in sd: for analDict in sd['analyses']: type = UQAnalysis.getTypeEnumValue(analDict['type']) if type == UQAnalysis.PARAM_SCREEN: from ParameterScreening import ParameterScreening anal = ParameterScreening(self, analDict['outputs'], analDict['subType']) elif type == UQAnalysis.UNCERTAINTY: from UncertaintyAnalysis import UncertaintyAnalysis anal = UncertaintyAnalysis(self, analDict['outputs']) elif type == UQAnalysis.CORRELATION: from CorrelationAnalysis import CorrelationAnalysis anal = CorrelationAnalysis(self, analDict['outputs']) elif type == UQAnalysis.SENSITIVITY: from SensitivityAnalysis import SensitivityAnalysis anal = SensitivityAnalysis(self, analDict['outputs'], analDict['subType']) elif type == UQAnalysis.VISUALIZATION: from Visualization import Visualization anal = Visualization(self, analDict['outputs'], analDict['inputs']) else: #RS Analyses userRegressionFile = analDict[ 'userRegressionFile'] if 'userRegressionFile' in analDict else None if type == UQAnalysis.RS_VALIDATION: from RSValidation import RSValidation testFile = analDict[ 'testFile'] if 'testFile' in analDict else None anal = RSValidation(self, analDict['outputs'], analDict['rs'], analDict['rsOptions'], analDict['genCodeFile'], analDict['nCV'], userRegressionFile, testFile) elif type == UQAnalysis.RS_UNCERTAINTY: from RSUncertaintyAnalysis import RSUncertaintyAnalysis anal = RSUncertaintyAnalysis(self, analDict['outputs'], analDict['subType'], analDict['rs'], analDict['rsOptions'], userRegressionFile, analDict['xprior']) elif type == UQAnalysis.RS_SENSITIVITY: from RSSensitivityAnalysis import RSSensitivityAnalysis anal = RSSensitivityAnalysis(self, analDict['outputs'], analDict['subType'], analDict['rs'], analDict['rsOptions'], userRegressionFile, analDict['xprior']) elif type == UQAnalysis.INFERENCE: from RSInference import RSInference anal = RSInference( self, analDict['ytable'], analDict['xtable'], analDict['obsTable'], analDict['genPostSample'], analDict['addDisc'], analDict['showList'], userRegressionFile=userRegressionFile) elif type == UQAnalysis.RS_VISUALIZATION: from RSVisualization import RSVisualization anal = RSVisualization( self, analDict['outputs'], analDict['inputs'], analDict['rs'], analDict['minVal'], analDict['maxVal'], analDict['rsOptions'], userRegressionFile) anal.loadDict(analDict) self.analyses.append(anal)
def showRS(fnameRS, y, x, rsdim, rsMethodName, **kwargs): from ResponseSurfaces import ResponseSurfaces # read data data = LocalExecutionModule.readSampleFromPsuadeFile(fnameRS) # rstype/order written to data nSamples = SampleData.getNumSamples(data) order = SampleData.getLegendreOrder(data) types = data.getInputTypes() inputNames = data.getInputNames() variableIndices = [] variableNames = [] for i in xrange(len(types)): if types[i] == Model.VARIABLE: variableIndices.append(i + 1) variableNames.append(inputNames[i]) rsIndex = ResponseSurfaces.getEnumValue(rsMethodName) # process keyworded arguments vmax = np.inf vmin = -vmax userRegressionFile = None setMARS = False for key in kwargs: k = key.lower() if k == 'rsoptions': rsOptions = kwargs[key] if rsIndex == ResponseSurfaces.LEGENDRE: if rsOptions is None: error = 'Visualizer: In function showRS(), "legendreOrder" is required for LEGENDRE response surface.' Common.showError(error) return None else: if isinstance(rsOptions, dict): legendreOrder = rsOptions['legendreOrder'] else: legendreOrder = rsOptions if type(legendreOrder) == int: order = legendreOrder else: error = 'Visualizer: In function showRS(), "legendreOrder" is required for LEGENDRE response surface.' Common.showError(error) return None elif rsIndex in [ResponseSurfaces.MARS, ResponseSurfaces.MARSBAG]: # check for MARS options if rsOptions is not None: from RSAnalyzer import RSAnalyzer marsOptions = RSAnalyzer.checkMARS(data, rsOptions) if marsOptions is not None: marsBases, marsInteractions, marsNormOutputs = marsOptions setMARS = True elif k == 'vmin': vmin = kwargs[key] elif k == 'vmax': vmax = kwargs[key] elif k == 'userregressionfile': userRegressionFile = kwargs[key] # check user arguments if rsdim < 1 or rsdim > 3: error = 'Visualizer: showRS() supports only rs1, rs2 and rs3.' Common.showError(error) return None nx = len(x) if nx != rsdim: error = 'Visualizer: showRS() expects x to be a list of length %d.' % rsdim Common.showError(error) return None uniqx = list(set(x)) if nx != len(uniqx): error = 'Visualizer: showRS() expects unique elements in x.' Common.showError(error) return None if vmin >= vmax: error = 'Visualizer: showRS() requires vmin to be less than vmax.' Common.showError(error) return None # write script cmd = 'rs%d' % rsdim f = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() if setMARS: f.write('rs_expert\n') if platform.system() == 'Windows': import win32api fnameRS = win32api.GetShortPathName(fnameRS) f.write('load %s\n' % fnameRS) if nSamples > 4000: f.write('rsmax %d\n' % nSamples) f.write('%s\n' % cmd) ngrid = 0 if rsdim == 2: ngrid = 256 # select grid resolution (32-256) f.write('%d\n' % ngrid) elif rsdim == 3: ngrid = 32 # select grid resolution (16-32) f.write('%d\n' % ngrid) f.write('%d\n' % rsIndex) # select response surface if rsIndex == ResponseSurfaces.USER and userRegressionFile is not None: f.write('1\n') # number of basis functions f.write('%s\n' % userRegressionFile) # surrogate file f.write('y\n') # apply auxillary arg (output index) outVarNames = data.getOutputNames() outName = outVarNames[y - 1] outName = Common.getUserRegressionOutputName(outName, userRegressionFile, data) f.write('%s\n' % outName) # output name elif setMARS: if rsIndex == ResponseSurfaces.MARSBAG: f.write('0\n') # mean (0) or median (1) mode f.write('100\n') # number of MARS instantiations [range:10-5000, default=100] ### TO DO: revert back to 100 for deployment f.write('%d\n' % marsBases) f.write('%d\n' % marsInteractions) if rsIndex == ResponseSurfaces.MARS: f.write('%s\n' % marsNormOutputs) nInputs = SampleData.getNumInputs(data) if nInputs > rsdim: for d in xrange(0,rsdim): #f.write('%d\n' % (variableIndices.index(x[d]) + 1)) # select input f.write('%d\n' % (variableNames.index(x[d]) + 1)) # select input f.write('y\n') # set nominal values for other inputs elif nInputs == rsdim: for d in xrange(0,rsdim-1): # psuade can infer last remaining input #f.write('%d\n' % (variableIndices.index(x[d]) + 1)) # select input f.write('%d\n' % (variableNames.index(x[d]) + 1)) # select input elif nInputs < rsdim: error = 'Visualizer: In showRS(), %s cannot be performed on a %d-input system.' % (cmd.upper(), nInputs) Common.showError(error) return None f.write('%d\n' % y) # select output if rsIndex == ResponseSurfaces.LEGENDRE: f.write('%d\n' % order) f.write('n\n') # select no for selecting lower threshold f.write('n\n') # select no for selecting upper threshold f.write('quit\n') # print the psuade script to screen #for line in f: # print line.strip() # invoke psuade out, error = Common.invokePsuade(f) f.close() # process error if error: return None # check output file mfile = 'matlab' + cmd + '.m' if os.path.exists(mfile): mfile_ = Visualizer.dname + os.path.sep + mfile os.rename(mfile, mfile_) mfile = mfile_ else: error = 'Visualizer: %s does not exist.' % mfile Common.showError(error, out) return None Visualizer.showRSPlot(data, y, x, rsdim, ngrid, rsMethodName, vmin, vmax, mfile) return mfile