def compile_and_print(source, max_steps=500):
    from RestrictedPython import safe_builtins, safe_globals
    import dis
    code = compile(source=source, filename='<example>', mode='exec')
    print("==== dis ====")

    print("\n==== vm ====")
    l1 = dict()
    g1 = dict()
    vm = VirtualMachine(code, safe_builtins.copy(), l1, g1)
    steps = 0
    while not vm.finish and steps < max_steps:
        op, data = vm.exec()
        steps += 1
        print("{:5} {:20} {:3} stack={} block_stack={}".format(
            steps, opname[op], data, vm.stack, vm.block_stack))

    print("\n==== vm result ====")
    print("finish", vm.finish)
    print("local", l1)
    print("global", g1)
    print("return", vm.return_value)

    l2 = dict()
    g2 = safe_globals.copy()
    r = eval(code, g2, l2)
    del g2['__builtins__']
    print("\n==== eval result ====")
    print("local", l2)
    print("global", g2)
    print("return", r)
def test_iterate_over_dict_items_safe(c_exec):
    glb = safe_globals.copy()
    glb['_getiter_'] = default_guarded_getiter
    glb['_iter_unpack_sequence_'] = guarded_iter_unpack_sequence
    result = c_exec(ITERATE_OVER_DICT_ITEMS)
    assert result.code is not None
    assert result.errors == ()
    exec(result.code, glb, None)
def test_iterate_over_dict_items_safe():
    glb = safe_globals.copy()
    glb['_getiter_'] = default_guarded_getiter
    glb['_iter_unpack_sequence_'] = guarded_iter_unpack_sequence
    result = compile_restricted_exec(ITERATE_OVER_DICT_ITEMS)
    assert result.code is not None
    assert result.errors == ()
    exec(result.code, glb, None)
def _get_migrate_function(code):
    byte_code = compile_restricted(code, filename="<inline code>", mode="exec")
    glob = safe_globals.copy()
        "sa": sqlalchemy,
        "sqlalchemy_jsonfield": sqlalchemy_jsonfield,
        "morpfw": morpfw,
        "sqlalchemy_utils": sqlalchemy_utils,
    loc = {}
    exec(byte_code, glob, loc)
    return loc["migrate"]
def compile_str(s, name="<unknown>"):
    """code and globals for *s*.

    *s* must be acceptable for ``compile_restricted`` (this is (especially) the
    case for an ``str`` or ``ast.Module``).

    *name* is a ``str`` used in error messages.
    code = compile_restricted(s, name, 'exec')
    gs = safe_globals.copy()
    gs["__debug__"] = True  # assert active
    return code, gs
def run(code, output):
    '''Safely compile and run user uploaded code'''
    glb = safe_globals.copy()
    glb['_getiter_'] = default_guarded_getiter
    glb['_getitem_'] = default_guarded_getitem
    glb['_iter_unpack_sequence_'] = guarded_iter_unpack_sequence

        byte_code = compile_restricted_exec(code)
        # pylint: disable=W0122
        exec(byte_code.code, glb, output)
    # pylint: disable=W0703
    except Exception:
            'out'] = 'Something went wrong. Please inspect the code you entered.'
def compile_python_code(request):
    """ Function for compiling Python code """
    # Set global variables to allow safe for loop iteration
    glb = safe_globals.copy()
    glb['_getiter_'] = default_guarded_getiter
    glb['_iter_unpack_sequence_'] = guarded_iter_unpack_sequence
    # Get the submitted untrusted code
    untrustedCode = request.GET.get('untrustedCode')
    untrustedCode = untrustedCode.replace('\t', '    ')
    # Get the function name from untrusted code using regex
    lessonTitle = re.search('def (.*)():', untrustedCode)
    # Isolate the function name
    lessonTitle = lessonTitle.group(1).replace('(', '').replace(')', '')

        # loc used to store functions
        loc = {}
        # byteCode stores the restricted compilation configurations
        byteCode = compile_restricted(untrustedCode, '<inline>', 'exec')
        # Compile the untrusted code using restricted compilation configurations and store the function in loc
        exec(byteCode, glb, loc)

        # Retrieve the return from the user submitted function
        result = loc[lessonTitle]()
        data = {'output': result}
    # If a general SyntaxError is thrown
    except SyntaxError as e:
        data = {
            "Error with the input code. Take another look at your code." +
    # If a general Execption is thrown
    except Exception as e:
        # Check the user is not trying to use in-place operations
        if ("+=" in untrustedCode):
            data = {
                "Error with the input code. In-place operations ('+=') are not currently supported."
            data = {
                "Error with the input code. Take another look at your code. \n"
                + str(e)
    return JsonResponse(data)
    def run_sandbox(self, script_src, function_name, params):
        if _valid_name_re.match(function_name) is None:
            raise RR.InvalidArgumentException("Function name is invalid")
        if params is not None:
            for k in params:
                if _valid_name_re.match(params) is None:
                    raise RR.InvalidArgumentException("Param name is invalid")

        loc = {}

        byte_code = compile_restricted(script_src, '<robotraconteur_sandbox>',
        sandbox_globals = safe_globals.copy()
        print_collector = PrintCollector()
        sandbox_globals["_print_"] = print_collector
        exec(byte_code, sandbox_globals, loc)
        if params is None:
            res = loc[function_name]()
            res = loc[function_name](*params)

        if level != import_default_level:
            raise RestrictedImportError(
                "Using import with a level specification isn't supported: %s" %

        return self.app.get_restricted_module(name)

class Print(PrintCollector):
    def _call_print(self, *objects, **kwargs):
        log.info(" ".join(objects))

safe_builtins = orig_safe_builtins.copy()
safe_globals = orig_safe_globals.copy()
safe_globals["dir"] = dir
safe_globals["_getiter_"] = default_guarded_getiter
safe_globals["_getitem_"] = default_guarded_getitem
safe_globals["_iter_unpack_sequence_"] = guarded_iter_unpack_sequence
safe_globals["_write_"] = full_write_guard
safe_globals["_inplacevar_"] = default_inplacevar
safe_globals["__builtins__"] = safe_builtins
safe_globals["getattr"] = safer_getattr
safe_globals["enumerate"] = enumerate
safe_globals["log"] = log

def get_restricted_function(app, bytecode, name, local_vars=None):
    local_vars = local_vars or {}
    glob = safe_globals.copy()