myPDG = 999 # 999 = Geantinos, 13 = Muons include("GeneratorUtils/") theApp.EvtMax = 100 import ParticleGun as PG pg = PG.ParticleGun() = 999 = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=10000, eta=[-6., 6.]) topSeq += pg simFlags.RandomSeedOffset = myRandomOffset simFlags.RandomSeedList.addSeed("SINGLE", myRandomSeed1, myRandomSeed2) from RngComps.RngCompsConf import AtRndmGenSvc myAtRndmGenSvc = AtRndmGenSvc() myAtRndmGenSvc.Seeds = [ "SINGLE " + str(myRandomSeed1) + " " + str(myRandomSeed2) ] myAtRndmGenSvc.OutputLevel = VERBOSE myAtRndmGenSvc.EventReseeding = False ServiceMgr += myAtRndmGenSvc ## add the material step recording action SimFlags.OptionalUserActionList.addAction('G4UA::MaterialStepRecorderTool', ['Run', 'Event', 'Step']) ############### The Material hit collection ################## from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream # --- check dictionary
import ParticleGun as PG pg = PG.ParticleGun(randomSvcName=simFlags.RandomSvc.get_Value(), randomStream="SINGLE") = PG.CyclicSeqSampler([-13,13]) = myPDG = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=myMomentum, eta=[myMinEta, myMaxEta]) = PG.PtEtaMPhiSampler(pt=myMomentum, eta=[myMinEta,myMaxEta]) topSeq += pg simFlags.RandomSeedOffset = myRandomOffset simFlags.RandomSeedList.addSeed("SINGLE", myRandomSeed1, myRandomSeed2) from RngComps.RngCompsConf import AtRndmGenSvc myAtRndmGenSvc = AtRndmGenSvc() myAtRndmGenSvc.Seeds = [ "SINGLE " + str(myRandomSeed1) + " " + str(myRandomSeed2) ] #myAtRndmGenSvc.OutputLevel = VERBOSE myAtRndmGenSvc.EventReseeding = False ServiceMgr += myAtRndmGenSvc # suppress the enormous amount of MC output # from TruthExamples.TruthExamplesConf import PrintMC # PrintMC.VerboseOutput = False # ToolSvc setup from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc # Tracking Geometry