class RobotControl(object):
    Class used to interface with the rover. Gets sensor measurements through ROS subscribers,
    and transforms them into the 2D plane, and publishes velocity commands.
    def __init__(self, world_map,occupancy_map, pos_init, pos_goal, max_speed, max_omega, x_spacing, y_spacing, t_cam_to_body):
        Initialize the class
        Inputs: (all loaded from the parameter YAML file)
        world_map - a P by 4 numpy array specifying the location, orientation,
            and identification of all the markers/AprilTags in the world. The
            format of each row is (x,y,theta,id) with x,y giving 2D position,
            theta giving orientation, and id being an integer specifying the
            unique identifier of the tag.
        occupancy_map - an N by M numpy array of boolean values (represented as
            integers of either 0 or 1). This represents the parts of the map
            that have obstacles. It is mapped to metric coordinates via
            x_spacing and y_spacing
        pos_init - a 3 by 1 array specifying the initial position of the robot,
            formatted as usual as (x,y,theta)
        pos_goal - a 3 by 1 array specifying the final position of the robot,
            also formatted as (x,y,theta)
        max_speed - a parameter specifying the maximum forward speed the robot
            can go (i.e. maximum control signal for v)
        max_omega - a parameter specifying the maximum angular speed the robot
            can go (i.e. maximum control signal for omega)
        x_spacing - a parameter specifying the spacing between adjacent columns
            of occupancy_map
        y_spacing - a parameter specifying the spacing between adjacent rows
            of occupancy_map
        t_cam_to_body - numpy transformation between the camera and the robot
            (not used in simulation)

        # TODO for student: Comment this when running on the robot 
        self.robot_sim = RobotSim(world_map, occupancy_map, pos_init, pos_goal,
                                  max_speed, max_omega, x_spacing, y_spacing)
        # TODO for student: Use this when transferring code to robot
        # Handles all the ROS related items
        #self.ros_interface = ROSInterface(t_cam_to_body)

        # Uncomment as completed
        self.kalman_filter = KalmanFilter(world_map)
        self.diff_drive_controller = DiffDriveController(max_speed, max_omega)
        plan = dijkstras(occupancy_map, x_spacing, y_spacing, pos_init, pos_goal)
        self.state_tol = 0.1
        self.path = plan.tolist()
        print "Path: ", self.path, type(self.path)
        self.state = pos_init
        self.goal = self.path.pop()
        self.x_offset = x_spacing
        self.vw = (0, 0, False)
        # self.goal[0] += self.x_offset/2
        # self.goal[1] += y_spacing
        print "INIT GOAL: ", self.goal

    #     def dijkstras(occupancy_map, x_spacing, y_spacing, start, goal):

    def process_measurements(self):
        Main loop of the robot - where all measurements, control, and estimation
        are done. This function is called at 60Hz

        meas = self.robot_sim.get_measurements()
        imu_meas = self.robot_sim.get_imu()

        self.vw = self.diff_drive_controller.compute_vel(self.state, self.goal)
        print "VW: ", self.vw
        print "Running Controller."

        if self.vw[2] == False:
            self.robot_sim.command_velocity(self.vw[0], self.vw[1])
            self.robot_sim.command_velocity(0, 0)
        est_x = self.kalman_filter.step_filter(self.vw, imu_meas, meas)
        print "EST X: ", est_x, est_x[2][0]
        if est_x[2][0] > 2.617991667:
            est_x[2][0] = 2.617991667
        if est_x[2][0] < 0.523598333:
            est_x[2][0] = 0.523598333
        self.state = est_x
        print "Get GT Pose: ", self.robot_sim.get_gt_pose()
        print "EKF Pose: ", est_x
        if imu_meas != None:
            self.kalman_filter.prediction(self.vw, imu_meas)

        if meas != None and meas != []:
            print("Measurements: ", meas)
            if imu_meas != None:
                # self.kalman_filter.prediction(self.vw, imu_meas)

        pos_x_check = ((self.goal[0] + self.state_tol) > est_x.item(0)) and \
                      ((self.goal[0] - self.state_tol) < est_x.item(0))

        pos_y_check = ((self.goal[1] + self.state_tol) > est_x.item(1)) and \
                      ((self.goal[1] - self.state_tol) < est_x.item(1))

        if pos_x_check and pos_y_check:
            if self.path != []:
                self.goal = self.path.pop()
                # self.goal[0] += self.x_offset/2
                # self.goal[1] += y_spacing
                self.goal = est_x
class RobotControl(object):
    Class used to interface with the rover. Gets sensor measurements through ROS subscribers,
    and transforms them into the 2D plane, and publishes velocity commands.
    def __init__(self, world_map, occupancy_map, pos_init, pos_goal, max_speed,
                 max_omega, x_spacing, y_spacing, t_cam_to_body):
        Initialize the class
        Inputs: (all loaded from the parameter YAML file)
        world_map - a P by 4 numpy array specifying the location, orientation,
            and identification of all the markers/AprilTags in the world. The
            format of each row is (x,y,theta,id) with x,y giving 2D position,
            theta giving orientation, and id being an integer specifying the
            unique identifier of the tag.
        occupancy_map - an N by M numpy array of boolean values (represented as
            integers of either 0 or 1). This represents the parts of the map
            that have obstacles. It is mapped to metric coordinates via
            x_spacing and y_spacing
        pos_init - a 3 by 1 array specifying the initial position of the robot,
            formatted as usual as (x,y,theta)
        pos_goal - a 3 by 1 array specifying the final position of the robot,
            also formatted as (x,y,theta)
        max_speed - a parameter specifying the maximum forward speed the robot
            can go (i.e. maximum control signal for v)
        max_omega - a parameter specifying the maximum angular speed the robot
            can go (i.e. maximum control signal for omega)
        x_spacing - a parameter specifying the spacing between adjacent columns
            of occupancy_map
        y_spacing - a parameter specifying the spacing between adjacent rows
            of occupancy_map
        t_cam_to_body - numpy transformation between the camera and the robot
            (not used in simulation)

        # TODO for student: Comment this when running on the robot
        self.robot_sim = RobotSim(world_map, occupancy_map, pos_init, pos_goal,
                                  max_speed, max_omega, x_spacing, y_spacing)
        # TODO for student: Use this when transferring code to robot
        # Handles all the ROS related items
        #self.ros_interface = ROSInterface(t_cam_to_body)


        # Uncomment as completed
        #self.kalman_filter = KalmanFilter(world_map)
        self.diff_drive_controller = DiffDriveController(max_speed, max_omega)

    def switch_to_state(self, state):
        self.current_state = state

    def process_measurements(self, pos_goal):
        Main loop of the robot - where all measurements, control, and esimtaiton
        are done. This function is called at 60Hz
        # TODO for student: Comment this when running on the robot

        # (x,y,theta,id,time) with x,y being the 2D
        # position of the marker relative to the robot, theta being the
        # relative orientation of the marker with respect to the robot, id
        # being the identifier from the map, and time being the current time
        # stamp. If no tags are seen, the function returns None.
        meas = self.robot_sim.get_measurements()
        # imu_meas = self.robot_sim.get_imu()

        if True:
            pose_robot_in_world = self.robot_sim.get_gt_pose()
            # print "pose_robot = ", pose_robot_in_world
            v, omega, at_goal = self.diff_drive_controller.compute_vel(
                pose_robot_in_world, pos_goal)

            # print "v = ", v
            # print "omega = ", omega
            # print "at_goal = ", at_goal
        elif meas is not None and meas != []:
            #print meas
            #print type(meas)

            tag_id = int(meas[0][3])  # get the id of the tag seen
            # print "tag_id = ", tag_id

            pose_tag_in_robot = meas[0][0:3]  # get pose of tag in robot frame
            H_RT = util.get_transform_matrix(
            )  # get transform matrix of robot to tag frame
            # print "markers = ", self.robot_sim.markers
            # print "type(markers) = ", type(self.robot_sim.markers)
            # print "markers[tag_id] = ", self.robot_sim.markers[tag_id]
            pose_tag_in_world = self.robot_sim.markers[
                tag_id, 0:3]  # get pose of tag in world frame
            # print "pose_tag_in_world = ", pose_tag_in_world
            H_WT = util.get_transform_matrix(
            )  # get transform matrix of world to tag frame
            H_TR = np.linalg.inv(
                H_RT)  # get transform matrix of tag to robot frame
            H_WR =,
                          H_TR)  # get transform matrix of world to robot frame

            pose_robot_in_world = util.get_pose_from_transform(H_WR)
            # print "pose_robot_in_world = ", pose_robot_in_world
            # print "ground truth pose = ", self.robot_sim.get_gt_pose()

            v, omega, at_goal = self.diff_drive_controller.compute_vel(
                pose_robot_in_world, self.pos_goal)
            #print done

        self.robot_sim.command_velocity(v, omega)

        # TODO for student: Use this when transferring code to robot
        # meas = self.ros_interface.get_measurements()
        # imu_meas = self.ros_interface.get_imu()

        return at_goal