文件: addrMag.py 项目: ageller/EBLSST
def getrMagBinary(L1, T1, g1, r1, L2, T2, g2, r2, M_H, dist, AV, extVal):

    SED1 = SED()
    SED1.filters = ['r_']
    SED1.filterFilesRoot = filterFilesRoot
    SED1.T = T1 * units.K
    SED1.R = r1 * units.solRad
    SED1.L = L1 * units.solLum
    SED1.logg = g1
    SED1.M_H = M_H
    SED1.EBV = AV / RV  #could use this to account for reddening in SED

    SED2 = SED()
    SED2.filters = ['r_']
    SED2.filterFilesRoot = filterFilesRoot
    SED2.T = T2 * units.K
    SED2.R = r2 * units.solRad
    SED2.L = L2 * units.solLum
    SED2.logg = g2
    SED2.M_H = M_H
    SED2.EBV = AV / RV  #could use this to account for reddening in SED

    Lconst1 = SED1.getLconst()
    Lconst2 = SED2.getLconst()

    Ared = extVal * AV

    Fv1 = SED1.getFvAB(dist * units.kpc, 'r_', Lconst=Lconst1)
    Fv2 = SED2.getFvAB(dist * units.kpc, 'r_', Lconst=Lconst2)
    Fv = Fv1 + Fv2
    return -2.5 * np.log10(Fv) + Ared  #AB magnitude
文件: addrMag.py 项目: ageller/EBLSST
def getrMagSingle(L1, T1, g1, r1, M_H, dist, AV, extVal):

    SED1 = SED()
    SED1.filters = ['r_']
    SED1.filterFilesRoot = filterFilesRoot
    SED1.T = T1 * units.K
    SED1.R = r1 * units.solRad
    SED1.L = L1 * units.solLum
    SED1.logg = g1
    SED1.M_H = M_H
    SED1.EBV = AV / RV  #could use this to account for reddening in SED

    Lconst1 = SED1.getLconst()

    Ared = extVal * AV
    Fv = SED1.getFvAB(dist * units.kpc, 'r_', Lconst=Lconst1)

    return -2.5 * np.log10(Fv) + Ared  #AB magnitude
class SingleStar(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        self.SED = None
        self.m = None  #*units.solMass
        self.R = None  #*units.solRad
        self.L = None  #*units.solLum
        self.M_H = 0.  #metallicity
        self.AV = None
        self.RA = None
        self.Dec = None
        self.dist = None  #*units.kpc

        #these will be calculated
        self.T = None  #Kelvin
        self.logg = None
        self.Fv = dict()
        self.Ared = dict()
        self.BC = dict()
        self.appMagMean = dict()

        #don't touch these
        self.filters = ['u_', 'g_', 'r_', 'i_', 'z_', 'y_']
        self.filterFilesRoot = '../input/filters/'
        self.RV = 3.1
        #from https://www.lsst.org/scientists/keynumbers
        #in nm
        self.wavelength = {
            'u_': (324. + 395.) / 2.,
            'g_': (405. + 552.) / 2.,
            'r_': (552. + 691.) / 2.,
            'i_': (691. + 818.) / 2.,
            'z_': (818. + 921.) / 2.,
            'y_': (922. + 997.) / 2.

    #also in EclipsingBinary
    def getTeff(self, L, R):
        #use stellar radius and stellar luminosity to get the star's effective temperature
        logTeff = 3.762 + 0.25 * np.log10(L) - 0.5 * np.log10(R)
        return 10.**logTeff

    #Some approximate function for deriving stellar parameters
    def getRad(self, logg, m):
        #g = GM/r**2
        g = 10.**logg * units.cm / units.s**2.
        r = ((constants.G * m * units.Msun / g)**0.5).decompose().to(
        return r

    def getlogg(self, m, L, T):
        #use stellar mass, luminosity, and effective temperature to get log(gravity)
        return np.log10(m) + 4. * np.log10(T) - np.log10(L) - 10.6071

    def initialize(self):
        if (self.R is None): self.R = self.getRad(self.logg, self.m)
        if (self.T is None): self.T = self.getTeff(self.L, self.R)
        if (self.logg is None):
            self.logg = self.getlogg(self.m, self.L, self.T)
        #one option for getting the extinction
        if (self.AV is None):
            count = 0
            while (self.AV is None and count < 100):
                count += 1
                self.AV = extinction.get_AV_infinity(self.RA,
                if (self.AV is None):
                    print("WARNING: No AV found", self.RA, self.Dec, self.AV,

        #initialize the SED
        self.SED = SED()
        self.SED.filters = self.filters
        self.SED.filterFilesRoot = self.filterFilesRoot
        self.SED.T = self.T * units.K
        self.SED.R = self.R * units.solRad
        self.SED.L = self.L * units.solLum
        self.SED.logg = self.logg
        self.SED.M_H = self.M_H
        self.SED.EBV = self.AV / self.RV  #could use this to account for reddening in SED

        #one option for getting the extinction
        ext = F04(Rv=self.RV)
        Lconst = self.SED.getLconst()
        for f in self.filters:
            self.Ared[f] = ext(self.wavelength[f] * units.nm) * self.AV
            self.Fv[f] = self.SED.getFvAB(self.dist * units.kpc,
            self.appMagMean[f] = -2.5 * np.log10(
                self.Fv[f]) + self.Ared[f]  #AB magnitude
class EclipsingBinary(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        self.MbolSun = 4.73  #as "recommended" for Flower's bolometric correction in http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0004-6256/140/5/1158/pdf

        #these is defined by the user
        self.m1 = None  #*units.solMass
        self.m2 = None  #*units.solMass
        self.r1 = None  #*units.solRad
        self.r2 = None  #*units.solRad
        self.L1 = None  #*units.solLum
        self.L2 = None  #*units.solLum
        self.k1 = None  #BSE stellar type
        self.k2 = None  #BSE stellar type
        self.period = None  #*units.day
        self.eccentricity = None
        self.OMEGA = None
        self.omega = None
        self.inclination = None
        self.t_zero = None
        self.dist = None  #*units.kpc
        self.xGx = None  #*units.parsec
        self.yGx = None  #*units.parsec
        self.zGx = None  #*units.parsec
        self.verbose = False
        self.RV = 3.1
        self.M_H = 0.  #metallicity
        self.TRILEGALrmag = -999.  #r magnitude from TRILEGAL

        #for SED
        self.filterFilesRoot = '../input/filters/'
        self.SED1 = None
        self.SED2 = None

        #for Galaxy
        self.Galaxy = None
        self.SEDsingle = None

        #for star cluster crowding model
        self.crowding = None

        #from https://www.lsst.org/scientists/keynumbers
        #in nm
        self.wavelength = {
            'u_': (324. + 395.) / 2.,
            'g_': (405. + 552.) / 2.,
            'r_': (552. + 691.) / 2.,
            'i_': (691. + 818.) / 2.,
            'z_': (818. + 921.) / 2.,
            'y_': (922. + 997.) / 2.

        #these will be calculated after calling self.initialize()
        self.RL1 = None
        self.RL2 = None
        self.T1 = None
        self.T2 = None
        self.T12 = None
        self.L1 = None
        self.L2 = None
        self.g1 = None
        self.g2 = None
        self.a = None
        self.q = None
        self.f_c = None
        self.f_s = None
        self.R_1 = None
        self.R_2 = None
        self.sbratio = None
        self.RA = None
        self.Dec = None
        self.Mbol = None
        self.AV = None
        self.appMagMean = dict()
        self.Fv1 = dict()
        self.Fv2 = dict()
        self.appMagMeanAll = None
        self.Ared = dict()
        self.BC = dict()

        #for light curves
        self.SED = None
        self.OpSim = None
        self.filters = ['u_', 'g_', 'r_', 'i_', 'z_', 'y_']
        self.ld_1 = 'claret'
        self.ld_2 = 'claret'
        self.grid_1 = 'default'
        self.grid_2 = 'default'
        self.shape_1 = 'sphere'
        self.shape_2 = 'sphere'
        self.sigma_sys = 0.005  #systematic photometric error
        self.obsDates = dict()
        self.m_5 = dict()
        self.appMag = dict()
        self.appMagObs = dict()
        self.appMagObsErr = dict()
        self.deltaMag = dict()
        self.eclipseDepthFrac = dict()
        self.maxDeltaMag = 0.
        self.useOpSimDates = True
        self.observable = True
        self.appmag_failed = 0
        self.eclipseDepth_failed = 0
        self.incl_failed = 0
        self.period_failed = 0
        self.radius_failed = 0
        self.OpSimi = 0
        self.years = 10.
        self.totaltime = 365. * self.years
        self.cadence = 3.
        self.Nfilters = 6.
        self.nobs = 0
        self.light_3 = {}
        for f in self.filters:
            self.light_3[f] = 0.

        #this is for the magnitude uncertainties
        self.sigmaDict = {
            'u_': {
                'gamma': 0.037,
                'seeing': 0.77,
                'm_sky': 22.9,
                'C_m': 22.92,
                'k_m': 0.451
            'g_': {
                'gamma': 0.038,
                'seeing': 0.73,
                'm_sky': 22.3,
                'C_m': 24.29,
                'k_m': 0.163
            'r_': {
                'gamma': 0.039,
                'seeing': 0.70,
                'm_sky': 21.2,
                'C_m': 24.33,
                'k_m': 0.087
            'i_': {
                'gamma': 0.039,
                'seeing': 0.67,
                'm_sky': 20.5,
                'C_m': 24.20,
                'k_m': 0.065
            'z_': {
                'gamma': 0.040,
                'seeing': 0.65,
                'm_sky': 19.6,
                'C_m': 24.07,
                'k_m': 0.043
            'y_': {
                #from Ivezic et al 2008 - https://arxiv.org/pdf/0805.2366.pdf - Table 2 (p26)
                'gamma': 0.0039,
                0.65,  #not sure where this is from - not in Ivezic; still the z value
                'm_sky': 18.61,
                'C_m': 23.73,
                'k_m': 0.170

        self.magLims = np.array(
            [15.8, 25.]
        )  #lower and upper limits on the magnitude detection assumed for LSST: 15.8 = rband saturation from Science Book page 57, before Section 3.3; 24.5 is the desired detection limit

        self.eclipseDepthLim = 3.  #depth / error

        #set within the "driver" code, for gatspy
        self.LSS = dict()
        self.LSSmodel = dict()
        self.LSM = -999.
        self.LSMmodel = None

        self.seed = None

    def getFlowerBCV(self, Teff):
        #from http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0004-6256/140/5/1158/pdf
        #which updates/corrects from Flower, P. J. 1996, ApJ, 469, 355
        lt = np.log10(Teff)
        a = 0.
        b = 0.
        c = 0.
        d = 0.
        e = 0.
        f = 0.
        if (lt < 3.7):
            a = -0.190537291496456 * 10.**5.
            b = 0.155144866764412 * 10.**5.
            c = -0.421278819301717 * 10.**4.
            d = 0.381476328422343 * 10.**3.
        if (lt >= 3.7 and lt < 3.9):
            a = -0.370510203809015 * 10.**5.
            b = 0.385672629965804 * 10.**5.
            c = -0.150651486316025 * 10.**5.
            d = 0.261724637119416 * 10.**4.
            e = -0.170623810323864 * 10.**3.
        if (lt >= 3.9):
            a = -0.118115450538963 * 10.**6.
            b = 0.137145973583929 * 10.**6.
            c = -0.636233812100225 * 10.**5.
            d = 0.147412923562646 * 10.**5.
            e = -0.170587278406872 * 10.**4.
            f = 0.788731721804990 * 10.**2.

        BCV = a + b * lt + c * lt**2. + d * lt**3. + e * lt**4 + f * lt**5.

        return BCV

    #Some approximate function for deriving stellar parameters
    def getRad(self, logg, m):
        #g = GM/r**2
        g = 10.**logg * units.cm / units.s**2.
        r = ((constants.G * m * units.Msun / g)**0.5).decompose().to(
        return r

    def getRadOld(self, m):
        #(not needed with Katie's model, but included here in case needed later)
        #use stellar mass to get stellar radius (not necessary, read out by Katie's work)
        if (m > 1):  #*units.solMass
            eta = 0.57
            eta = 0.8
        return (m)**eta  #* units.solRad (units.solMass)

    def getTeff(self, L, R):
        #use stellar radius and stellar luminosity to get the star's effective temperature
        logTeff = 3.762 + 0.25 * np.log10(L) - 0.5 * np.log10(R)
        return 10.**logTeff

    def getlogg(self, m, L, T):
        #use stellar mass, luminosity, and effective temperature to get log(gravity)
        return np.log10(m) + 4. * np.log10(T) - np.log10(L) - 10.6071

    def getLum(self, m):
        #(not needed with Katie's model, but included here in case needed later)
        #use stellar mass to return stellar luminosity (not necessary, read out by Katie's work)
        if (m < 0.43):
            cons = 0.23
            coeff = 2.3
        if (m >= 0.43 and m < 2.0):
            cons = 1
            coeff = 4
        if (m >= 2.0 and m < 55.0):
            cons = 1.4
            coeff = 3.5
        if (m >= 55):
            cons = 32000
            coeff = 1
        return cons * (m**coeff)

    def getafromP(self, m1, m2, P):
        #returns the semimajor axis from the period and stellar masses
        return (((P**2.) * constants.G * (m1 + m2) /
                 (4 * np.pi**2.))**(1. / 3.)).decompose().to(units.AU)

    def Eggleton_RL(self, q, a):
        #Eggleton (1983) Roche Lobe
        #assuming synchronous rotation
        #but taking the separation at pericenter
        return a * 0.49 * q**(2. / 3.) / (0.6 * q**(2. / 3.) +
                                          np.log(1. + q**(1. / 3.)))

    def setLightCurve(self,
        def getSig2Rand(filt, magnitude, m_5=[None]):
            #returns 2 sigma random error based on the pass band (y-values may be wonky - need to check for seeing and
            # against others)
            #X = 1. #function of distance??
            #t_vis = 30. #seconds
            if (m_5[0] is None):
                m_5 = self.sigmaDict[filt]['C_m'] + (
                    0.50 * (self.sigmaDict[filt]['m_sky'] - 21.)
                ) + (2.50 * np.log10(0.7 / self.sigmaDict[filt]['seeing'])) + (
                    1.25 *
                    np.log10(t_vis / 30.)) - (self.sigmaDict[filt]['k_m'] *
                                              (X - 1.))
            return (0.04 - self.sigmaDict[filt]['gamma']) * (10**(
                0.4 * (magnitude - m_5))) + self.sigmaDict[filt]['gamma'] * (
                    (10**(0.4 * (magnitude - m_5)))**2) * (magnitude**2)

        # Function to get y-band LDCs for any Teff, logg, M_H
        # written by Andrew Bowen, Northwestern undergraduate, funded by LSSTC grant (summer 2018)
        def get_y_LDC(Teff, logg, M_H):

            # All filters/wavelength arrays
            SDSSfilters = ['u_', 'g_', 'r_', 'i_', 'z_', "J", 'H',
                           "K"]  #Only 2MASS/SDSS filters (8 in total)
            SDSSwavelength = np.array(
                [354, 464, 621.5, 754.5, 870, 1220, 1630, 2190])
            y_wavelength = np.array(1004)

            # Getting coefficients from ELLC and appending them to specific coeff arrays
            a1_array = np.array([])
            a2_array = np.array([])
            a3_array = np.array([])
            a4_array = np.array([])
            # Gets LDCs for all filters
            for w, f in zip(SDSSwavelength, SDSSfilters):
                ldy_filt = ellc.ldy.LimbGravityDarkeningCoeffs(f)
                a1, a2, a3, a4, y = ldy_filt(Teff, logg, M_H)
                a1_array = np.append(a1_array, a1)
                a2_array = np.append(a2_array, a2)
                a3_array = np.append(a3_array, a3)
                a4_array = np.append(a4_array, a4)

            # Sets up interpolation for y-band for each coeff
            find_y_a1 = np.interp(y_wavelength, SDSSwavelength, a1_array)
            find_y_a2 = np.interp(y_wavelength, SDSSwavelength, a2_array)
            find_y_a3 = np.interp(y_wavelength, SDSSwavelength, a3_array)
            find_y_a4 = np.interp(y_wavelength, SDSSwavelength, a4_array)

            return find_y_a1, find_y_a2, find_y_a3, find_y_a4

        #in case the user did not initialize
        if (self.T1 is None):

        #limb darkenning
        # T1 = np.clip(self.T1, 3500., 50000.)
        # T2 = np.clip(self.T2, 3500., 50000.)
        # g1 = np.clip(self.g1, 0., 5.)
        # g2 = np.clip(self.g2, 0., 5.)
        # MH = np.clip(self.M_H, -2.5, 0.5)
        #there is a complicated exclusion region in the limb darkening.  See testing/limbDarkening/checkClaret.ipynb .
        #I could possibly account for that, but for now I will simply not use limb darkening in those cases.
        T1 = np.clip(self.T1, 3500., 40000.)
        T2 = np.clip(self.T2, 3500., 40000.)
        g1 = np.clip(self.g1, 0., 5.)
        g2 = np.clip(self.g2, 0., 5.)
        MH = np.clip(self.M_H, -5, 1.)
        # print(T1, T2, g1, g2, self.g1, self.g2, self.M_H)
        if (filt == 'y_'):
            a1_1, a2_1, a3_1, a4_1 = get_y_LDC(T1, g1, MH)
            a1_2, a2_2, a3_2, a4_2 = get_y_LDC(T2, g2, MH)
            ldy_filt = ellc.ldy.LimbGravityDarkeningCoeffs(filt)
            a1_1, a2_1, a3_1, a4_1, y = ldy_filt(T1, g1, MH)
            a1_2, a2_2, a3_2, a4_2, y = ldy_filt(T2, g2, MH)
        ldc_1 = [a1_1, a2_1, a3_1, a4_1]
        ldc_2 = [a1_2, a2_2, a3_2, a4_2]
        # print(ldc_1, ldc_2)
        #light curve
        # self.period = 5
        # self.inclination = 90
        # self.R_1 = 0.05
        # self.R_2 = 0.05
        # self.sbratio = 1.
        # self.q = 1.
        # print(self.t_zero, self.period, self.a, self.q,
        # 	self.R_1, self.R_2, self.inclination, self.sbratio)
        #This is in arbitrary units... H ow do we get this into real units??
        # print("calling ellc", filt, self.obsDates[filt], ldc_1, ldc_2, self.t_zero, self.period, self.a, self.q,
        # 		self.f_c, self.f_s, self.ld_1,  self.ld_2, self.R_1, self.R_2, self.inclination, self.sbratio,
        # 		self.shape_1, self.shape_2, self.grid_1,self.grid_2)

        t_zero = self.t_zero
        if (useT0 is not None):
            t_zero = useT0
        dates = self.obsDates[filt]
        if (useDates[0] is not None):
            dates = useDates
        if (light_3 is None):
            light_3 = self.light_3[filt]
        #print('using light_3', filt, light_3)
        if (np.isfinite(ldc_1[0]) and np.isfinite(ldc_2[0])):
            lc = ellc.lc(dates,

                f"WARNING: nan's in ldc filter={filt}, ldc_1={ldc_1}, T1={T1}, logg1={g1}, ldc_2={ldc_2}, T2={T2}, logg2={g2}, [M/H]={MH}"
            lc = ellc.lc(dates,

        lc = lc / np.max(lc)  #maybe there's a better normalization?

        if (min(lc) > 0):
            #this is mathematically the same as below
            # #let's redefine these here, but with the lc accounted for
            # absMag = self.MbolSun - 2.5*np.log10( (self.L1f[filt] + self.L2f[filt])*lc) #This may not be strictly correct?  Should I be using the Sun's magnitude in the given filter? But maybe this is OK because, L1f and L2f are in units of LSun, which is related to the bolometric luminosity?
            # self.appMag[filt] = absMag + 5.*np.log10(self.dist*100.) + self.Ared[filt]  #multiplying by 1000 to get to parsec units

            Fv = self.Fv1[filt] + self.Fv2[filt]
            self.appMag[filt] = -2.5 * np.log10(
                Fv * lc) + self.Ared[filt]  #AB magnitude

            # plt.plot((self.obsDates[filt] % self.period), lc,'.')
            # plt.ylim(min(lc), max(lc))
            # plt.show()
            # plt.plot((self.obsDates[filt] % self.period), self.appMag[filt],'.', color='red')
            # plt.plot((self.obsDates[filt] % self.period), self.appMagMean[filt] - 2.5*np.log10(lc), '.', color='blue')
            # plt.ylim(max(self.appMag[filt]), min(self.appMag[filt]))
            # plt.show()
            # print( (self.appMagMean[filt] - 2.5*np.log10(lc)) - self.appMag[filt])
            # raise

            m_5 = [None]
            if (self.useOpSimDates):
                if (self.m_5):
                    m_5 = self.m_5[filt]
                    m_5 = np.full(len(useDates),

            #Ivezic 2008, https://arxiv.org/pdf/0805.2366.pdf , Table 2
            sigma2_rand = getSig2Rand(filt, self.appMag[filt],
                                      m_5=m_5)  #random photometric error
            self.appMagObsErr[filt] = ((self.sigma_sys**2.) +
                                       (sigma2_rand))**(1. / 2.)

            #now add the uncertainty onto the magnitude
            self.appMagObs[filt] = np.array([
                np.random.normal(loc=x, scale=sig)
                for (x, sig) in zip(self.appMag[filt], self.appMagObsErr[filt])

            #self.deltaMag[filt] = abs(min(self.appMagObs[filt]) - max(self.appMagObs[filt]))
            #self.eclipseDepthFrac[filt] = abs(self.deltaMag[filt]/np.mean(self.appMagObsErr[filt]))
            maxpos = np.argmax(self.appMagObs[filt])
            base = -2.5 * np.log10(Fv) + self.Ared[filt]  #AB magnitude
            self.deltaMag[filt] = abs(self.appMagObs[filt][maxpos] - base)
            self.eclipseDepthFrac[filt] = abs(self.deltaMag[filt] /

    def checkEclipse(self, r1, r2, rp, inclination):
        ratio = (r1 + r2) / rp  #rp = 2a for circular orbits
        if (ratio <= 1):
            theta = np.arcsin(ratio) * 180. / np.pi
            min_incl = 90. - theta
            max_incl = 90. + theta
            if (inclination <= min_incl or inclination >= max_incl):
                return False
        return True

    def preCheckIfObservable(self):

        #check for eclipse (accounting for eccentricity)
        tp = radvel.orbit.timetrans_to_timeperi(np.array([self.t_zero]),
                                                self.period, self.eccentricity,
                                                self.omega * np.pi / 180.)
        ta = radvel.orbit.true_anomaly(np.array([self.t_zero]), tp,
                                       self.period, self.eccentricity)

        rp = self.a * (1. - self.eccentricity * self.eccentricity) / (
            1. + self.eccentricity * np.cos(ta))
        eclipse_pri = self.checkEclipse(self.r1, self.r2, rp, self.inclination)

        tp = radvel.orbit.timetrans_to_timeperi(np.array([self.t_zero]),
                                                self.omega * np.pi / 180.,
        ta = radvel.orbit.true_anomaly(np.array([self.t_zero]), tp,
                                       self.period, self.eccentricity)

        rp = self.a * (1. - self.eccentricity * self.eccentricity) / (
            1. + self.eccentricity * np.cos(ta))
        eclipse_sec = self.checkEclipse(self.r1, self.r2, rp, self.inclination)

        if (not eclipse_pri and not eclipse_sec):
            self.incl_failed = 1

        #check for overlap of radii at peri
        ta = 0.0
        rp1 = self.a * (1. - self.eccentricity * self.eccentricity) / (
            1. + self.eccentricity * np.cos(ta))
        rp2 = self.a * (1. - self.eccentricity * self.eccentricity) / (
            1. + self.eccentricity * np.cos(ta + np.pi))
        rp = rp1 + rp2
        ratio = (self.r1 + self.r2) / rp
        if (ratio > 1 or self.R_1 * (1. - self.eccentricity) <= 0
                or self.R_1 * (1. - self.eccentricity) >= 1
                or self.R_2 * (1. - self.eccentricity) <= 0
                or self.R_2 * (1. - self.eccentricity) >= 1 or self.R_1e >= 1
                or self.R_2e >= 1):
            self.radius_failed = 1

        if (self.useOpSimDates):
            #redefine the totaltime based on the maximum OpSim date range over all filters
            for filt in self.filters:
                #print("check filt, totaltime, obs", filt, self.totaltime, self.OpSim.obsDates[self.OpSimi])
                #print("check obs", filt, self.OpSim.obsDates[self.OpSimi][filt])
                if (self.OpSim.obsDates[self.OpSimi][filt][0] is not None):
                    self.totaltime = max(
                        (max(self.OpSim.obsDates[self.OpSimi][filt]) -

        # if (self.period >= self.totaltime):
        # 	self.period_failed = 1

        if (self.radius_failed or self.period_failed or self.incl_failed):
            self.observable = False

        if (self.verbose):
            print("precheck observable", self.observable, self.radius_failed,
                  self.period_failed, self.incl_failed)

    def magCheckIfObservable(self):

        if (
                self.appMagMean['r_'] <= self.magLims[0]
                or self.appMagMean['r_'] >= self.magLims[1]
        ):  #15.8 = rband saturation from Science Book page 57, before Section 3.3; 24.5 is the desired detection limit
            self.appmag_failed = 1
            self.observable = False

            #print("checking mag", self.appMagMean['r_'], self.observable)

        if (self.verbose):
            print("mag observable", self.observable)

    def initializeSeed(self):
        if (self.seed is None):

    def initialize(self):

        #should I initialize the seed here?
        #No I am initializing it in LSSTEBworker.py

        self.q = self.m2 / self.m1
        self.a = self.getafromP(self.m1 * units.solMass,
                                self.m2 * units.solMass,
                                self.period * units.day).to(units.solRad).value
        self.R_1 = self.r1 / self.a
        self.R_2 = self.r2 / self.a
        self.R_1e = self.r1 / self.Eggleton_RL(
            self.m1 / self.m2, self.a * (1. - self.eccentricity))
        self.R_2e = self.r2 / self.Eggleton_RL(
            self.m2 / self.m1, self.a * (1. - self.eccentricity))
        self.f_c = np.sqrt(self.eccentricity) * np.cos(
            self.omega * np.pi / 180.)
        self.f_s = np.sqrt(self.eccentricity) * np.sin(
            self.omega * np.pi / 180.)

        if (self.RA is None):
            coord = SkyCoord(x=self.xGx,
            self.RA = coord.icrs.ra.to(units.deg).value
            self.Dec = coord.icrs.dec.to(units.deg).value

        for f in self.filters:
            self.appMagMean[f] = -999.
            self.deltaMag[f] = None
            self.LSS[f] = -999.
            self.appMagObs[f] = [None]
            self.appMagObsErr[f] = [None]
            self.deltaMag[f] = 0.
            self.obsDates[f] = [None]
            self.eclipseDepthFrac[f] = 0.
            'r_'] = self.TRILEGALrmag  #for binaries that don't pass the preCheck

        self.maxDeltaMag = 0.

        if (self.observable):
            if (self.T1 is None): self.T1 = self.getTeff(self.L1, self.r1)
            if (self.T2 is None): self.T2 = self.getTeff(self.L2, self.r2)
            if (self.g1 is None):
                self.g1 = self.getlogg(self.m1, self.L1, self.T1)
            if (self.g2 is None):
                self.g2 = self.getlogg(self.m2, self.L2, self.T2)
            self.sbratio = (self.L2 / self.r2**2.) / (self.L1 / self.r1**2.)

            #one option for getting the extinction
            if (self.AV is None):
                count = 0
                while (self.AV is None and count < 100):
                    count += 1
                    self.AV = extinction.get_AV_infinity(self.RA,

                    if (self.AV is None):
                        print("WARNING: No AV found", self.RA, self.Dec,
                              self.AV, count)

            self.SED1 = SED()
            self.SED1.filters = self.filters
            self.SED1.filterFilesRoot = self.filterFilesRoot
            self.SED1.T = self.T1 * units.K
            self.SED1.R = self.r1 * units.solRad
            self.SED1.L = self.L1 * units.solLum
            self.SED1.logg = self.g1
            self.SED1.M_H = self.M_H
            self.SED1.EBV = self.AV / self.RV  #could use this to account for reddening in SED

            self.SED2 = SED()
            self.SED2.filters = self.filters
            self.SED2.filterFilesRoot = self.filterFilesRoot
            self.SED2.T = self.T2 * units.K
            self.SED2.R = self.r2 * units.solRad
            self.SED2.L = self.L2 * units.solLum
            self.SED2.logg = self.g2
            self.SED2.M_H = self.M_H
            self.SED2.EBV = self.AV / self.RV  #could use this to account for reddening in SED

            #estimate a combined Teff value, as I do in the N-body codes (but where does this comes from?)
            logLb = np.log10(self.L1 + self.L2)
            logRb = 0.5 * np.log10(self.r1**2. + self.r2**2.)
            self.T12 = 10.**(3.762 + 0.25 * logLb - 0.5 * logRb)
            #print(self.L1, self.L2, self.T1, self.T2, self.T12)

            #account for reddening and the different filter throughput functions (currently related to a blackbody)
            self.appMagMeanAll = 0.

            #one option for getting the extinction
            #ext = F04(Rv=self.RV)
            ext = F04(Rv=self.RV)
            #a check
            # self.Ltest = self.SED.getL(self.T1*units.K, self.r1*units.solRad)
            #definitely necessary for Kurucz because these models are not normalized
            #for the bb  I'm getting a factor of 2 difference for some reason
            Lconst1 = self.SED1.getLconst()
            Lconst2 = self.SED2.getLconst()
            #print(np.log10(Lconst1), np.log10(Lconst2))
            for f in self.filters:
                #print(extinction.fitzpatrick99(np.array([self.wavelength[f]*10.]), self.AV, self.RV, unit='aa')[0] , ext(self.wavelength[f]*units.nm)*self.AV)
                #self.Ared[f] = extinction.fitzpatrick99(np.array([self.wavelength[f]*10.]), self.AV, self.RV, unit='aa')[0] #or ccm89
                self.Ared[f] = ext(self.wavelength[f] * units.nm) * self.AV

                self.Fv1[f] = self.SED1.getFvAB(self.dist * units.kpc,
                self.Fv2[f] = self.SED2.getFvAB(self.dist * units.kpc,
                Fv = self.Fv1[f] + self.Fv2[f]
                self.appMagMean[f] = -2.5 * np.log10(Fv) + self.Ared[
                    f]  #AB magnitude

                #print(self.wavelength[f], self.appMagMean[f], self.Ared[f], self.T1)

                self.appMagMeanAll += self.appMagMean[f]

            self.appMagMeanAll /= len(self.filters)

            #check if we can observe this based on the magnitude

        #if we're using OpSim, then get the field ID
        #get the field ID number from OpSim where this binary would be observed
        if (self.useOpSimDates and self.observable
                and self.OpSim.fieldID[0] is None):
            self.OpSim.setFieldID(self.RA, self.Dec)

        #this now covers the galaxy and the cluster, if available
        if (self.observable and self.crowding is not None):
            self.crowding.input_rFlux = self.Fv1['r_'] + self.Fv2[
                'r_']  #NOTE; if I don't have a r_ band, this will crash
            for f in self.filters:
                self.light_3[f] = self.crowding.backgroundFlux[f] / (
                    self.Fv1[f] + self.Fv2[f])

    def observe(self, filt, light_3=None):

        #get the observation dates
        if (self.useOpSimDates):
            #print("using OpSimDates...")
            #check if we already have the observing dates
            if (self.OpSim is not None):
                #print("have OpSim", self.OpSim.obsDates)
                if (filt in self.OpSim.obsDates[self.OpSimi]):
                    self.obsDates[filt] = self.OpSim.obsDates[
                    self.m_5[filt] = self.OpSim.m_5[self.OpSimi][filt]

            #otherwise get them
            if (filt not in self.obsDates):
                #print("getting dates")
                self.obsDates[filt], self.m_5[filt] = self.OpSim.getDates(
                    self.OpSim.fieldID[self.OpSimi], filt)
                #print("received dates", filt, self.obsDates[filt])

            if (self.verbose):
                    f'observing with OpSim in filter {filt}, have {len(self.obsDates[filt])} observations'
            #print("not using OpSimDates...")
            nobs = int(round(self.totaltime / (self.cadence * self.Nfilters)))
            self.obsDates[filt] = np.sort(self.totaltime *

        self.nobs += len(self.obsDates[filt])
        #get the light curve, and related information
        if (self.obsDates[filt][0] is not None):
            #print("calling light curve", filt)
            self.setLightCurve(filt, light_3=light_3)

            if (filt == 'r_'):
                if (self.eclipseDepthFrac[filt] < self.eclipseDepthLim):
                    self.eclipseDepth_failed = 1
                    self.observable = False

    def outputLCtoFile(self, fname):
        obs = dict()
        for filt in self.filters:
            obs[filt] = dict()
            obs[filt]['OpSimDates'] = self.obsDates[filt]
            obs[filt]['mag'] = self.appMag[filt]
            obs[filt]['magObs'] = self.appMagObs[filt]
            obs[filt]['e_magObs'] = self.appMagObsErr[filt]

        file = open(fname, 'wb')
        pickle.dump(obs, file)