class ClockOut(tk.Frame):
    This displays the Clock-Out screen for a student trying to rent
    def __init__(self, parent, controller):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.controller = controller
        self.Descriptorinfo = tk.Label(self, text="StudentInfo")
        self.Descriptorinfo.grid(column=0, row=1)
        self.Descriptorclockout = tk.Label(self, text="Clockout")
        self.Descriptorclockout.grid(column=1, row=1)
        self.clockoutinforows = []  # list of clockoutbuttons
        self.mydatabaseinterface = DataBaseInterface()  # updated on updatestudents
        self.mystudentcollection = StudentCollection()  # updated on updatestudents
        self.createinforows(5, 2)  # initiation

    def createinforows(self, rows, startrow):
        Dynamically make 0-5 rows to display information
        :param rows: rows to make
        :param startrow: starting column to set .grid
        for i in range(rows):
            myinfobar = InfoBar(self, self.clockout, i, 23, 0, int(startrow + i))  # create myinfobar

    def updatestudents(self):
        WARNING Heavy Database Usage! Needs optimization!!!
        CREATES self.
        Updates the Current Students clockedin, calls:
            .gathercollection() - to get all students EVER USES DATABASE
            .dailycollection() - returns StudentCollection for just today, USES DATETIME
            .whosclockedin - returns JUST whos clocked in!
        self.controller.sysprint(">DEBUG: UpdatingStudents...")
        todaysdate = str(datetime.now().date())
        self.mystudentcollection = self.mydatabaseinterface.gathercollection()  # gets all entries
        self.mystudentcollection = self.mydatabaseinterface.dailycollection(self.mystudentcollection, todaysdate)
        self.mystudentcollection = self.mydatabaseinterface.whosclockedin(self.mystudentcollection)  # ONLY clocked in
        # now that I have a collection of students ONLY logged in, display data from them.
        i = 0  # for loop
        for student in self.mystudentcollection.listofstudents:  # for student in mystudentcollection
            self.clockoutinforows[i].stringvar.set(student.name + "-" + str(student.studentid))
            i += 1

    def updatescreens(self):
        Updates the Screens on Clockout, with blanks, also updates students
        for bar in range(len(self.clockoutinforows)):

    def clockout(self, buttonnumber):
        Reads the Contents of the choosen info, IE Button1 = info1
        Change the Student Clockout time from None to time right now
        :param buttonnumber: 1-5 number
        self.clockoutinforows[buttonnumber].stringvar.set("-------------------------")  # clears out
        clockouttime = str(datetime.now().time().hour) + ":" + str(datetime.now().time().minute)
            self.mystudentcollection.listofstudents[buttonnumber].clockouttime = clockouttime
            self.controller.sysprint(">DEBUG: ClockoutMethod trying.." +
                                     str(self.mystudentcollection.listofstudents[buttonnumber].name) +
                                     " at " + clockouttime)
            logoutstring = ("Logout of " + str(self.mystudentcollection.listofstudents[buttonnumber].name) + " At " +
            self.controller.updateflag = True  # dangerous is it not?
            mypopup = Popups("Logout Successful", logoutstring, "Ok")
        except:  # meh to broad?
            self.controller.sysprint(">ERROR!: Bad Clockout")

    def changeframe(self, framestring):