def create_comment(seatarrname): if request.method == 'POST': error = False if request.form['UserName'].isspace() or request.form['UserName'] == "": error = "Invalid UserName, Please write something for UserName..." elif request.form['CommentText'].isspace() or request.form['CommentText'] == "": error = "Invalid Comment Text, Please write something for Comment Text..." if error != False: return render_template("create_comment.html", seatarrname = seatarrname, new_CommentID = request.form['CommentID'], today = request.form['CommentDatetime'], error = error) new_comment = Comment(seatarrname, request.form['CommentID'], request.form['CommentText'], request.form['CommentDatetime'], request.form['UserName']) execute_sql(new_comment.create_new_record()) UserName, SeatArrName, SeatArrSeq, RowNo, ColumnNo, CommentIDs = execute_sql("SELECT * FROM SavedSeatArr WHERE SeatArrName = '{}'".format(seatarrname))[0] edit_ssr = SavedSeatArr(UserName, SeatArrName, SeatArrSeq, RowNo, ColumnNo, CommentIDs) edit_ssr.set_CommentIDs(request.form['CommentID']) execute_sql(edit_ssr.update_record()) return redirect(url_for("show_seatarr_by_name", seatarrname = seatarrname)) else: # GET CommentID = execute_sql("SELECT Max(CommentID) FROM Comment")[0][0] new_CommentID = "{:0>6}".format(int(CommentID) + 1) today = "{:%Y-%m-%d}".format( return render_template("create_comment.html", seatarrname = seatarrname, new_CommentID = new_CommentID, today = today)
def save_seatarr(): seatarrname = request.form.get('savedname') seatarrseq = request.form.get('SeatingArrangement_lst') RowNo = int(request.form.get('RowNo')) ColumnNo = int(request.form.get('ColumnNo')) if seatarrname != '': currentuser = execute_sql('SELECT * FROM CurrentUser')[0][0] save = SavedSeatArr(currentuser, seatarrname, seatarrseq.replace("'", '"'), RowNo, ColumnNo) execute_sql(save.create_new_record()) return show_current_seating_arrangement(seatarrseq, RowNo, ColumnNo)
def delete_comment(): comment_id = request.form.get('delete') comment = execute_sql("SELECT * FROM Comment WHERE CommentID = '{}'".format(comment_id))[0] #print(comment) SeatArrName, CommentID, CommentText, CommentDatetime, UserName = comment delete_comment = Comment(SeatArrName, CommentID, CommentText, CommentDatetime, UserName) # Update DB execute_sql(delete_comment.delete_record()) UserName, SeatArrName, SeatArrSeq, RowNo, ColumnNo, CommentIDs = execute_sql("SELECT * FROM SavedSeatArr WHERE SeatArrName = '{}'".format(SeatArrName))[0] edit_ssr = SavedSeatArr(UserName, SeatArrName, SeatArrSeq, RowNo, ColumnNo, CommentIDs) edit_ssr.delete_CommentIDs(comment_id) execute_sql(edit_ssr.update_record()) # Return to mainpage return redirect(url_for("show_seatarr_by_name", seatarrname = SeatArrName))
def create_table(): execute_sql(Class.create_table()) execute_sql(Student.create_table()) execute_sql(StudentRecords.create_table()) execute_sql(Subject.create_table()) execute_sql(SeatingArrangement.create_table()) execute_sql(User.create_table()) execute_sql(CurrentUser.create_table()) execute_sql(SavedSeatArr.create_table()) execute_sql(Comment.create_table()) execute_sql(UserInfo.create_table())
def delete_saved_seatingarr(): delete = request.form.get('delete') print('delete', delete) seatarrname = delete username = execute_sql('SELECT * FROM CurrentUser')[0][0] seatarr_details = execute_sql("SELECT * FROM SavedSeatArr WHERE UserName == '{}' AND SeatArrName == '{}'".format(username, seatarrname))[0] UserName, SeatArrName , SeatArrSeq, RowNo, ColumnNo, CommentIDs = seatarr_details seatarr = SavedSeatArr(UserName,SeatArrName, SeatArrSeq, RowNo, ColumnNo, CommentIDs) #Delete SavedSeatArr object execute_sql(seatarr.delete_record()) #Delete Comments linked to the SavedSeatArr if CommentIDs != '': for commentid in CommentIDs.split(','): comment_details = execute_sql('SELECT * FROM Comment WHERE CommentID = "{}"'.format(commentid))[0] SeatArrName, CommentID, CommentText, CommentDatetime, UserName = comment_details comment = Comment(SeatArrName, CommentID, CommentText, CommentDatetime, UserName) execute_sql(comment.delete_record()) return show_saved_seatingarr()
def show_seatarr_by_name(seatarrname): seatarr = execute_sql("SELECT * FROM SavedSeatArr WHERE SeatArrName = '{}'".format(seatarrname))[0] #print(seatarr) UserName, SeatArrName, SeatArrSeq, RowNo, ColumnNo, CommentIDs = seatarr seatarr_oop = SavedSeatArr(UserName, SeatArrName, SeatArrSeq, RowNo, ColumnNo) ClassSize = len(SeatArrSeq.split(",")) comments = execute_sql("SELECT * FROM Comment WHERE SeatArrName = '{}'".format(seatarrname)) # SQL ReadF # print(comments) comments_oop = list(map(lambda t: Comment(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]), comments)) # print(comments_oop) # process to find SeatingArrangement_lst #print(SeatArrSeq) seatarrseq = SeatArrSeq.split(',') SeatingArrangement_lst = [] pair = [] for i in seatarrseq: i = i.replace("'", '"').strip('"[]"') index = 0 for x in i: if x.isalpha(): break else: index += 1 i = i[index:] pair.append(i) if len(pair) == 2: SeatingArrangement_lst.append(pair) pair = [] if len(pair) == 1: SeatingArrangement_lst.append(pair) #print("SeatingArrangement_lst",SeatingArrangement_lst) count = 0 temp, result = [], [] for row in range(RowNo): for column in range(ColumnNo): if count < ClassSize: temp.append(SeatingArrangement_lst[row * ColumnNo + column]) if len(SeatingArrangement_lst[row * ColumnNo + column]) == 2: count += 2 if len(SeatingArrangement_lst[row * ColumnNo + column]) == 1: count += 1 result.append(temp) temp = [] return render_template("show_seatarr_by_name.html", seatarrname=seatarrname, comments=comments_oop, SeatingArrangement_lst = result, RowNoRange = range(RowNo), ColumnNoRange = range(ColumnNo), ColumnNo = ColumnNo, ClassSize = ClassSize)
def edit_saved_seatingarr(): #only can rename newname = request.form.get('newname') replace = True if len(newname.split(',')) == 2: newname, seatarrname = newname.split(',') replace = False else: newname, seatarrname, replace = newname.split(',') replace = True username = execute_sql('SELECT * FROM CurrentUser')[0][0] if replace == True: #will have to delete all the comments and seating arrangement of the one that will be replaced replace_seatarrs = execute_sql("SELECT * FROM SavedSeatArr WHERE UserName == '{}' AND SeatArrName == '{}'".format(username, newname))[0] UserName, SeatArrName, SeatArrSeq, RowNo, ColumnNo, CommentIDs = replace_seatarrs replace_seatarr = SavedSeatArr(UserName, SeatArrName, SeatArrSeq, RowNo, ColumnNo, CommentIDs) #delete SavedSeatArr obj execute_sql(replace_seatarr.delete_record()) #delete_SavedSeatArr_obj for commentid in CommentIDs.split(','): replace_comments = execute_sql("SELECT * FROM Comment WHERE CommentID == '{}'".format(commentid))[0] SeatArrName, CommentID, CommentText, CommentDatetime, UserName = replace_comments replace_comment = Comment(SeatArrName, CommentID, CommentText, CommentDatetime, UserName) execute_sql(replace_comment.delete_record()) seatarr_details = execute_sql("SELECT * FROM SavedSeatArr WHERE UserName == '{}' AND SeatArrName == '{}'".format(username, seatarrname))[0] #print(seatarr_details) UserName, SeatArrName , SeatArrSeq, RowNo, ColumnNo, CommentIDs = seatarr_details seatarr = SavedSeatArr(UserName,SeatArrName, SeatArrSeq, RowNo, ColumnNo, CommentIDs) seatarr.set_SeatArrName(newname) #Update SavedSeatArr execute_sql('''UPDATE SavedSeatArr SET\nUserName = '******', SeatArrName = "{}", SeatArrSeq = '{}', RowNo = '{}', ColumnNo = '{}', CommentIDs = '{}'\nWHERE \nUserName = '******' and SeatArrName = "{}"'''.format(UserName, newname, SeatArrSeq, RowNo, ColumnNo, CommentIDs, UserName, seatarrname)) #Update Comment if CommentIDs != '': for commentid in CommentIDs.split(','): print(execute_sql('SELECT * FROM Comment WHERE CommentID = "{}"'.format(commentid))) comment_details = execute_sql('SELECT * FROM Comment WHERE CommentID = "{}"'.format(commentid))[0] SeatArrName, CommentID, CommentText, CommentDatetime, UserName = comment_details comment = Comment(SeatArrName, CommentID, CommentText, CommentDatetime, UserName) comment.set_SeatArrName(newname) execute_sql(comment.update_record()) return show_saved_seatingarr()
def read_file(file_name): with open(file_name) as f: line = f.readline() line = f.readline() while line: lst = line.split(';') ClassName = lst[0] TotalStudents = lst[1] StudentRegNo = lst[2] StudentName = lst[3] StudentGender = lst[4] StudentSubjectCombi = lst[5] SubjectName = lst[6] Description = lst[7] SubjectGrade = lst[8] SeatArrName = lst[9] CommentIDs = lst[10] CommentID = lst[11] CommentText = lst[12] CommentDatetime = lst[13][:-1] #because of "\n" at the back c1 = Class(ClassName, TotalStudents) st1 = Student(StudentName, StudentRegNo, ClassName, StudentSubjectCombi, StudentGender, AllSubjectGrades='') sr1 = StudentRecords(StudentName, SubjectGrade, SubjectName) sb1 = Subject(SubjectName, Description) sa1 = SeatingArrangement(StudentName, CannotSeatNextTo='', SeatInFront=False, WeakSubjects='', StrongSubjects='', ClassLst='', SeatByGrades='', RowNo=0, ColumnNo=0) user1 = User(UserName='******', Password='') currentuser1 = CurrentUser(UserName='******') comment = Comment(SeatArrName, int(CommentID), CommentText, CommentDatetime, UserName="******") ssr1 = SavedSeatArr(UserName='******', SeatArrName=SeatArrName, SeatArrSeq="", RowNo=0, ColumnNo=0, CommentIDs=CommentIDs) #TODO Username does not have to be class specific as CP will add in student info by themselves, most important is to do a back-end validation to check if username is taken alr or not #TODO set user to an example user first, by right upon creating an account on login, user info will be created and added into User table #TODO set current user to nth by default until someone logins, then current user will become that username, must always reset current user execute_sql(c1.create_new_record()) execute_sql(st1.create_new_record()) execute_sql(sr1.create_new_record()) execute_sql(sb1.create_new_record()) execute_sql(sa1.create_new_record()) execute_sql(user1.create_new_record()) execute_sql(currentuser1.create_new_record()) execute_sql(comment.create_new_record()) execute_sql(ssr1.create_new_record()) line = f.readline() f.close()
def search_filter(): seatarr = execute_sql('SELECT * FROM SavedSeatArr') # SQL Read # print(seatarr) seatarr_oop = list(map(lambda t: SavedSeatArr(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5]), seatarr)) # print(seatarr_oop) return render_template("search_filter.html", seatarr=seatarr_oop)